Hostages of the high road. Severomuysky bypass

The residents of the village of Tonnelny in the north of Buryatia call themselves HOSTAGES. About six hundred people live here in prefabricated temporary shelters, which are more than twenty years old. The settlement was built for the employees of the trust "Bamtonnelstroy" when construction began Baikal-Amur Mainline. It was necessary to break through a 15-kilometer railway tunnel through the thickness of the Severomuysky ridge, located in one of the most seismically active zones of the Earth.

Today the tunnel is almost completed. Just over 100 meters left. It is expected that in three years "Bamtonnelstroy", which has become a joint-stock company, will hand over the unique facility for permanent operation to customers - the Ministry of Railways of Russia and the East Siberian Railway, which now manages this section of the BAM.

In this regard, the management of JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" announced the cessation of work of all production units located in Tonnelny. At the same time, some of them, necessary for putting the tunnel into operation, should be relocated to other settlements of tunnel workers - Severomuisk and Razliv - together with workers and their families. It is planned to carry out the redeployment before September 1, 2000. The rest of the inhabitants of Tonnelnoye, in which JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" no longer needs, will be laid off. In addition, by August 1, it is planned to dismantle the boiler house, which provides the village with heat.

The management of JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" motivates its intentions by the need to reduce the cost of maintaining temporary settlements of tunnel workers. For Tunnelny, these costs amount to about 32-33 million rubles. in year.

The residents of Tonnelny themselves categorically disagree with the decision to relocate. They sent an appeal to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the President of Buryatia Leonid Potapov. The most resolutely inclined even promise to block the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

First, they say, there are only 57 vacant apartments in the villages of Severomuisk and Razliv, while about 200 families live in Tonnelny.

Secondly, it is quite obvious that the Razliv in the near future will face the same fate as the Tunnel. After all, it consists entirely of temporary buildings that have long since become obsolete. And it is completely "tied" to the Severomuysky tunnel. This means that people resettled here from Tonnelnoye will inevitably face a new resettlement in a year or two. And in Severomuisk itself, after the commissioning of the tunnel, most likely only railway workers will remain, for whom capital housing is now being built. The rest will have to wander again.

Thirdly, Razliv is not an independent administrative-territorial unit. Officially, it doesn't seem to exist. Residents of Tonnelnoye are afraid that by moving there, they will finally lose all guarantees for the future, and above all subsidies for the purchase of housing on the "mainland". They just stop noticing.

Fourthly, the very term "relocation" provokes protests from the inhabitants of Tunnelny. They believe that it is necessary to talk about the liquidation of the village, because after the dismantling of the boiler house it will become simply impossible to live here. At the same time, in contrast to the relocation, the liquidation locality provides for a set of social guarantees for all its inhabitants.

Residents of Tonnelny are wondering: if JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" spends 33 million a year for the maintenance of the village, is it not better to give this money to people so that they go to " big land"? The answer of the representative of the trust is very revealing: "If everyone leaves, who will work to finish building the tunnel?"

In addition, the management of JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" notes that many of the residents of not only Tunnelny, but also other temporary settlements in the area of ​​the Severomuysky tunnel already have apartments on the "mainland" or have received subsidies for their purchase. However, it must be taken into account that the subsidies received before the August 1998 crisis no longer make it possible to purchase normal housing. Those who did not have time to buy apartments at pre-crisis prices are now in an ambiguous position. They are entitled to new subsidies on the condition that they return the money previously received to the state. But people are in no hurry to return, fearing that there will be no new payments or they will have to wait too long. Therefore, according to all documents, they continue to be listed as having received subsidies, but they are still not able to actually purchase apartments.

The management of JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" would like to transfer the housing stock of Tonnelny to the balance of the municipality of the Muisky district of Buryatia. However, the head of the district, Alexander Kardash, took a tough stance: “This is not housing, but inventory, moreover, it has long since fallen into disrepair. The municipality will not be able to maintain it, much less solve the problems of resettlement and employment of people alone after the departure of JSC Bamtonnelstroy.” Alexander Kardash By the way, a BAM resident himself with twenty years of experience is convinced that the problem of resettlement of temporary settlements must be solved in a complex, meaning not only Tunnel, but also Razliv, and Severomuisk temporary housing. the customer is the Ministry of Railways of Russia and the East Siberian Railway, the government of Buryatia and the administration of the Muisky district.

The same position was taken by the President of Buryatia, Leonid Potapov. He sent a telegram to the management of JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" in which he demanded to stop any work on dismantling the life support systems of the village until the issue was considered by the government of the republic with the participation of all interested parties.

For their part, the authorities of Buryatia and the district guarantee that all social facilities (school, club, outpatient clinic) will work as long as at least one family remains in Tunnelny.

But the authorities cannot prevent the withdrawal of the production units of JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" from Tunnelny. Therefore, the residents of the village have well-founded fears that the trust will use the "squeezing tactics" towards them: there will be no work in the village, and only those who agree to move on the conditions dictated by JSC "Bamtonnelstroy" will be able to get it elsewhere.

It should be noted that the problem faced by the inhabitants It should be noted that the problem faced by the inhabitants of Tonnelny is typical for the territories located in the zone of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Now only on the Buryat section of the BAM is over 387 thousand square meters. meters of emergency housing - former makeshift houses, in which more than 22 thousand people live. Several decades ago, these people came to the "construction site of the century" at the call of their hearts, fulfilling their duty to the country. They had the right to expect that the country would fulfill its duty to them. But today they are simply redundant. Financing from the federal budget for the replacement of dilapidated housing and the resettlement of BAM residents has been reduced to a minimum. In 1996, a limit of 14.6 million denominated rubles was allocated for the Buryat section of the BAM. In reality, only 435.5 thousand rubles were received by the republic. In 1997, appropriations were not provided at all. In 1999, 6.5 million rubles were allocated.

It is difficult to imagine how the fate of the inhabitants of Tunnelny will be decided under these conditions. And there is less and less time left to search for a solution - in September, cold weather sets in in the north of Buryatia. And the situation from a conflict threatens to develop into an emergency.

I'll tell you today not about fresh trips, such as Odessa-Vienna-Samara, but something from the old one - which I promised a month ago for the river.
In June 2001, together with mikka made a 17-day expedition along the Baikal-Amur Mainline, driving from Taishet to Komsomolsk-on-Amur, with the aim of inspecting and photographing the most interesting sites and places in the daytime. So we visited Lena, Vikhorevka, Bratsk, Severobaikalsk, Chara, Kunerma, Kuanda, Tynda, Khani, Dipkun, walked along the Davan bypass, etc. One of the most memorable moments of that expedition was a trip through the Severomuysky detour on the VL85 electric locomotive (the mega-tunnel had not yet been completed to the end).
Here I will tell you about this segment of the expedition. The story is big enough for a leisurely read.

BAM, Taksimo settlement. Monument to the Conquerors and Pioneers of the North

Since these places are remote from civilization and deaf, it will first be correct to show where this pass is located.
Look, on this map: the Trans-Siberian Railway runs along the south; BAM runs parallel to the north. To the east of Baikal, BAM climbs into the mountains and overcomes a number of mountain ranges. One of these sections is from Novy Uoyan to Taksimo, between which the Severomuysky Range lies, which is very complex in terms of geological conditions. The red dots are the start and end points of the segment (of this post). Smaller blue dots - movement along the Severomuysky bypass, to which the lion's share of the photographs presented in the report is devoted.

When the Baikal-Amur Mainline was designed, it was assumed that the ridge would be traversed by a 15-kilometer tunnel. However, its construction began relatively late before the collapse of the USSR (of course, no one knew about this in advance), and in addition, it was accompanied by many emergency situations that complicated and delayed its commissioning. Therefore, by 1989, a 1-track electrified bypass was put into operation, which was adapted for the movement of heavy trains (in one of the sections - with pusher electric locomotives). Bypassing a very complex profile, with many serpentines and two shorter (up to 1 km) tunnels.
The presented scheme from af1461 shows both the route of the BAM main passage (through the tunnel) and (in gray) the electrified bypass, along which we moved in June 2001. The Severomuysky tunnel was opened to traffic only in December 2003, already in the post-Yeltsin era.

You can also see the kilometer bypass layout, on this page of the Transsib Directory.

The pictures were taken on two film soap dishes, mine and Mikhail's. The times were different then in terms of photo availability, and there was much less money for such delights, so - as they say - than they are rich. The quality is also lame in many ways - we are not photography professionals, but simply travelers. Three days after this shooting, my fairly simple Canon camera, bought for the expedition, disappeared without a trace in Yakutia, somewhere at Khani station; it’s good that this and the films following it have already migrated to the backpack and have been preserved. Therefore, later we shot only on a colleague's soap box, using him and my stock of films in it. Pictures marked with (MK Photo) are taken mikka the rest are mine.

Well. Let's hit the road? :-)

1. Around noon on one of the days of mid-June (14-16th) we ended up at Novy Uoyan station. This station is the terminus for suburban "cigarette butts" from Severobaikalsk ("cigarette butts", "remnants" are called there short 1-2-car suburban ones under the locomotive), and then it was necessary to wait for a working train through a bypass, which left Uoyan long after lunch.

Station New Wuoyang. Almost all stations at BAM were built according to individual projects - it was believed that each Big City The USSR and the union republic are making their common contribution to this cause, perpetuating the national architecture as well.
New Uoyan was built by the Lithuanian SSR.

2. Under the canopy of the Christmas trees, we had a bite to eat with supplies purchased in Severobaikalsk. As is usually the case in remote places, where everyone new person in plain sight, a cop approached us and checked the documents, then went home. However, we were the only passengers at the station who were not attached to the "case", so everyone stared at us and looked around.

3. It was somehow not good to sit in Wuoyang for another 5-6 hours, so I went to the station and asked the duty officer if anything would go east along the bypass, and if so, when. The attendant turned out to be a kind woman and "leaked" the two nearest trucks to me, which I could presumably fit into. However, she warned:
- Negotiate with the drivers yourself! They take responsibility!
- Okay, thanks for that!

"Niva" is the most popular car at BAM. The most popular color is white.

4. The first train slowed down for a short time, I didn't even have time to really react. But the second, heavy one, under VL85, got under the red one and I ran with the driver to try to negotiate, leaving Misha with both backpacks.
- Take to Taksimo, huh!? I really need it!
- What are you, what Taximo? It is forbidden to take passengers!
- So nothing goes until the evening, but you have to go! We will pay!
I don't know, not my problem. Why do I need your grandmothers? Fly out of work, not you, but me. We are strict here.
In the end, however, I did manage to arouse some interest in the driver to our persons and show him a certificate from the Far Eastern Railway Museum, which I was provided with in Khabarovsk. He turned and looked:
- I will think...
- There is a seal of the Far Eastern Railway! Everything is legal!
- Yes, I see, I see ... - giving me back ksiva - I'll think about it.
There was an agonizing wait. Two minutes, three, five, seven. I'm waiting.
Suddenly, the train radio announced readiness for departure. I lost heart and mentally cursed, deciding that everything. In vain persuaded. And the next truck, as the attendant said, is in two and a half hours.
The driver looked out.
- Hey, take your carifan and run to the aft cabin! Let's trample on the pass!
He doesn't say anything about money. Okay, we'll find out later. I ran after Mikhail and we ran back to the electric locomotive, then squeezed into the non-working cab.
Gave green. Go!

Here is the driver, thanks to whom this trip took place. Unfortunately, I could not find his last name, having searched superficially in the archives of my Trans-Siberian expeditions. But I will certainly find it, and I will add it. And his name was Vladimir, like (as a keepsake). I wrote it down then. He's probably retired...

5. We squeezed through long sections with rumbling hot thyristor groups and drives, with backpacks and settled in a non-working cabin.
An assistant came, a young guy:
- You sit carefully here, do not touch the devices. And don't look too hard. And they can tell.
- Fine.
We look with curiosity at the devices around us.
The brake valves are painted red, and in the foreground a speedometer clicks. Now it shows 64.

6. A snapshot in the cockpit of the VL85. And then when else will it happen, and even at BAM?
[At the beginning of 2004, after the launch of the Severomuysky tunnel, heavy-duty cargo VL85 were removed from the BAM and transferred to the Trans-Siberian. So never again]

7. Electric locomotive "steering wheel" (with which the driver sets the power positions).

8. At full speed, about 75 km / h, we skip the Kuchelbekerskaya station, also a beautiful individual project.

9. The assistant comes running again:
- Vladimir invites you to the front cabin! Come on!
Well, I think, pay, galleries. Let's go to.
We squeezed again through the long hot sections along the narrow passage forward.
The driver smiles.
- Well, guys, how do you like our barmaley? :-)
- Like. Powerful car!
- It's true. Beast machine! Lineups are huge. Only here it is sharp on pushes.

View forward through the front windows. Let's cross the bridge now.

10. Station Angarakan. Here we are slowed down in order to pick up the pusher in the middle. We are already green.
To the left is a valley of a small river, ahead are mountains. That's where we'll go upstairs.

The assistant left to disengage, I ask the driver:
- So what, with grandmothers? How will we leave?
- Yes, what ... what am I going to take from you travelers ... go with God. See our distant lands, few people climb here. I'm not carrying, the barmaley is carrying.
- OK thanks. Or maybe take it?
- No, it's okay. No need. I even enjoy talking. Ride.

11. A crucial moment, a fork: we leave on the rise to the left, and to the right - a shorter path, to the Severomuysky tunnel (then it was not ready yet).

12. Below us is the western entrance to the Severomuysky tunnel. We're going up the ledge.

13. Serpentines have begun, the height is growing before our eyes, the electric locomotive deviates either to the right or to the left. The speed is good, the barmaley pulls powerfully, the lateral accelerations are decent. Here is our previous path below, the first loop.

14. Since the First Loop Tunnel and the Devil's Bridge were soon to be, I go back again, shoot, and Misha remains in the front cabin.
I arrived on time: the speed slows down to about 30 km/h and our huge kilometer-long train carefully passes the curved Devil's Bridge.

15. Intersection with dismantled temporary detour, gallery, pick up speed again.

16. Having passed the first loop tunnel in the belly of the hill, we emerge again into the light of God, and further on the rise.
The view is absolutely enchanting, I stick out almost half a body to shoot.

17. A picturesque curve with a bridge, and a view of a 2-kilometer mountain. In the distance in the middle of the train (on the left of the frame) you can see an electric pusher locomotive, which was attached to us on Angarakan.

18. One more loop - and the Devil's Bridge is visible far below! (see frame 14).

Misha runs into the aft cabin:
- Listen, why are you firing the brigade? The driver there swears, you stick out too much, the guards of the tunnels can ring out. Let's go back, he says, shoot from the front, under control, so he will at least tell you where you can and where you can't, or carefully.
- Okay, let's go...

19. We level out, we pass a saddle with a blue lake.

20. And rise again. Now we are already walking at the level of the tops of the mountains of the ridge parallel to us. The spectacle is absolutely cosmic, it simply takes your breath away: firstly, we got amazing weather with clouds, and secondly, a gorgeous viewpoint (from an electric locomotive). Alas, the films we shot in imperfect, simple cameras do not convey even a tenth of the beauty that opens in front and on the side.

21. The track is leveling out and we are now walking steadily, along the edge of the mountain slope. The vegetation is oppressed: they have risen high, and some snow tongues now reach almost to the road line. This is the cross section. In the photo, our composition, 88 wagons.

22. We pass a siding with the eloquent name Pass, then the path again collapses to a single track. However, as you can see, the embankment is designed for two paths.

23. Railway serpentines are visible from the side, where we will soon go down.
The driver is not up to us yet, he monitors the road and periodically communicates with the driver of the pusher.

24. Now let's go to the curve, to the right. The descent begins.

25. Below is a line where we will go down in a few minutes. Far below - Severomuisk.

26. Razezd Hot Key.

27. We are descending slowly, carefully, about 50 km/h. Below you can see some tunnel structures, workshops.

28. Serpentine: on the opposite slope you can see the previous train in front of us.

29. I again went into the rear cab, promising the driver to shoot carefully.
The descent began, so sharp along the slope that it was even visible from the electric locomotive. Locomotives slow down, descending with a heavy train. The speed is about 35-40 km/h. The hole of the Second Loop Tunnel is visible on the right.

30. Ice on the rivers, despite the middle of June. It's cold here, the climate is really harsh.

31. We pass the main passage of the BAM (below), leaving the Severomuysky tunnel, which was unfinished at that time. The second loop tunnel did not begin to shoot, mindful of the driver's concern in this regard.

32. Departure Severomuisk. Here we slow down again, for 15-20 minutes: they will disengage the train, the pusher leaves us. The mountain range is over. The driver allows you to go down, take a breath and take a little walk nearby.

33. This is our Barmaley, on which we overcame the mountainous area. Power - 10020 kW, weight - 288 tons.
At that time, VL85 was still considered the most powerful serial electric locomotive in the world (the USSR held the palm here), but life does not stand still - in 2002, the Norwegians launched the IORE electric locomotive on the Narvik-Kiruna line - even more powerful. I told you too, in the story of the "Polar Dawn".

34. Our VL85 in front. We'll go soon.

Finally, they gave the green light, we drove off as usual.
The tension subsided, we all gathered again in the front cabin and the driver began to tell us about the surroundings, commenting:
- And here is a good river! Lenok, took taimen.
- Somehow I shot a goat on that hill.
- And here we pull a chic grayling.
- Look, these are lingonberry places.
In general, he turned out to be a good conversationalist, an avid fisherman and hunter, who knows those places perfectly.
As for the fact that he didn’t take us at first, it also became clear: it turns out that not so long ago he was lowered in the class, for some kind of fault, and he went with the second class. Naturally, he was reinsured just in case.
- Fuck my problems, right? But I decided to take a chance with you, okay! I see you guys are interesting.

35. We pass the river Muyakan. Everything, the mountains are behind.

Closer to Taksimo, we began to think over an overnight stay, with which it was not clear. We decided to contact the depot by radio to try to fit into the brigade house (in Taksimo depot) - this would be an ideal way out, with a guaranteed high-quality round-the-clock canteen. However, the head of the depot was drinking somewhere, and no one wanted to take responsibility for us, outsiders, to enter. The driver swore at the depot slobs for a long time, scolded the boss (apparently he had a grudge against him), and finally said:
- All right, guys, don't worry. Come on, we'll think of something. I'll try to negotiate.

36. About seven in the evening we arrived in Taksimo. This is a junction station, and here the BAM electrification ends: only diesel locomotives continue. The station here is huge for such a small point, which is typical for BAM. And of course, an individual project. Taksimo was built by the Latvian SSR, the Riga project.

37. Taximo. On the second track there is a suburban one-car "cigarette butt", next to the car - mikka and our driver.

38. Not far from the station - a very beautiful and memorable monument with a model of a seaplane, one might say, a symbol of these places.

39. It didn’t work out to check into the depot hotel, our driver drove the electric locomotive to the depot and soon drove up for us on the Niva:
- Sit down, let's go to me! I will write you in. He, bitch, is thumping somewhere ( it's about the boss)
- Thank you. We will not constrain you there much?
- Nothing, okay. Night is not a problem. Let's go load your backpacks!

We had a great evening, although we got tired after a very long day - after all, we started it at 6 in the morning in Severobaikalsk. The driver's wife cooked dinner, game broth, and elk cutlets, kneaded potatoes with butter, and the owner of the house pulled out from below, from the cellar, a liter bubble of home-made cedar tincture.
- Gotta drink, guys. The path is so long and well travelled. How?
We didn't give up :)

Then we sat and talked for a long time, the owner pulled out photographs of the 1970s and 80s and showed us.
- After all, I came here back in 1976, at the beginning. Then life was in full swing here, there was a prospect, a lot of benefits. Now we are gradually dying and dying. But hopefully BAM survives. Does the country really need BAM to die? Do they (he raised his finger pointedly) does it matter now? What about guys? What do you think?
I could not answer this question, which I honestly admitted.
The pictures were really very interesting, and he gave me 10-12 cards from the early 1980s, with him, I promised to scan them and use them somewhere.

* * *
Early in the morning we said goodbye to the owner and departed further east - to Chara.
But that is another story:)

The Severomuysky tunnel is the legendary construction of the BAM, which lasted 26 years. Preparatory work on laying the tunnel began in 1975, mining - on May 28, 1977. The main part of mining work was carried out in the period from 1977 to 1991 - 13,057 linear meters, in 1991-2001 - 2216 linear meters.

The construction was carried out by Bamtonnelstroy JSC (underground part) and Nizhneangarsktransstroy JSC (ground facilities) from two sides - from the western and eastern portals, as well as on both sides of vertical shafts with a diameter of 8.5 m, punched from the top of the Severomuysky ridge (depth 302, 334 and 162 m). Work on the construction of the tunnel was carried out in extremely difficult geological and hydrological conditions; four tectonic faults with a width of 5 to 900 meters were identified along the tunnel route. The inflow of water from these faults reached several hundred cubic meters per hour at a hydrostatic pressure of up to 34 atmospheres. In addition, water often elevated temperature. Cracks-faults were discovered, in which granite was ground into sand and saturated with water: quicksands in granites turned out. In addition, there was an overstressed state of the rocks. According to experts, a set of conditions of such complexity had never been seen anywhere in the world before the construction of this tunnel.

In general, this is a copy-paste from the wiki. Hundreds of kilobytes of text have been written about this tunnel, films have been made and a lot of information in general. At the end of the post I will provide a list of links for self-study.

And in the post I will tell about my personal impressions. Well, I'll use a little different sources for quotes.

I wanted to get into the tunnel for a very long time. As life shows, one must really want something and believe in it. Then it will come true. That's why I went to BAM. From the initial idea to remove only the Severomuysky tunnel, it turned out to be a big trip along a small section of the BAM. You will see all this in the near future: the construction of the second Baikal tunnel, Cape tunnels and simply beautiful views. And I will start my report from the Severomuysky tunnel.

Moreover, there are a lot of photos of portals on the net. From the tunnel itself, I found a couple of muddy photos. So watch the complete exclusive. There are wallpapers in the post. Just in case, let me remind you that you can download wallpapers completely free of charge, put them on any computer. You can even print them out and hang them up at home or in the office. But any commercial use is prohibited. My lawyers are already working with some cunning businessmen who put a photo on a T-shirt.

Many thanks for organizing the shooting to all the employees of the East Siberian Railway, its press service and personally to Arkady Petshik and Roman Rinchinov.

1. A memorial sign on the descent from the pass of the Severo-Muisky mountain range. The sign is made of reinforced concrete tubing taken from the construction of an exploratory transport and drainage adit. The builders of the tunnel lived in two villages - Tonnelny (located at the western portal, evicted after construction was completed) and Severomuisk, which remained.

2. Eastern portal of the Severomuysky tunnel. Here, in May 1977, the tunneling began. First, the drainage adit, and then the main tunnel. A year later, the tunneling began from the side of the western portal. At the same time, work was underway to lay three shafts.

3. Eastern portal and one of the many bridges with an 18,000 bypass. What is the 18 thousandth bypass you will learn in the corresponding post :)

4. Initially, exploratory wells were designed along the tunnel route, which were to be located every 500 meters. To reduce the cost of the project, the wells were completed after 1 kilometer and they did not find any geological problems along the way of the tunnel. The builders briskly began to give out the breed, not knowing what hell was waiting for in the literal sense. The first serious accident occurred on the western section in 1979. When overcoming a granite massif, the drifters hit a high-pressure Angarakan quicksand. The pressure of the water with sand broke the granite lintel and the water with sand poured into the tunnel, dragging the stone fragments with it. The strength of the flow was such that a rock loader weighing more than 20 tons was moved a distance of about 300 meters. The consequences of the accident were eliminated in 1981. To eliminate it, a fourth mine shaft was built with a depth of 242 m between the western portal and shaft No. 1.

5. To maintain the microclimate in the tunnel, special gates are installed on both of its portals, which are opened only for the passage of the train. Moreover, the gates are made of lightweight material, so that if they are not opened, the locomotive can safely knock them out without consequences for itself and the train.

6. As I have already said, there is a transport-drainage adit next to the tunnel. Narrow-gauge tracks are laid in it and workers, materials, equipment, etc. are delivered to the place where the tunnel is serviced. Accordingly, there is also a depot where mini-trains are serviced.

7. It's time for the tunnel. According to the program, we go to the third trunk, get out there and return back on foot. The lens immediately fogged up and for some time I had to shoot in the fog.

8. The train consists of several human trailers. Before departure, the driver goes around everyone and asks where to get off. The address is simple - I have to go out near the breakdown number such and such.

9. Stop "thirty some kind of failure." I don't remember the number. We quickly land from the car and the mini-train leaves into the darkness.

10. The regular light in the adit rotted almost immediately after the completion of the work. Now it is not needed there and the adit is not illuminated in any way. Only crashes.

11. With a tunnel length of 15,343 meters, the total length of the workings is more than 45 kilometers!

12. Exploration transport and drainage adit runs parallel to the main tunnel at a distance of 15-30 meters. Its slaughter was ahead of the main one by 300-400 meters. And all the delights of unexpected tectonic faults fell just on its sinking.

13. In addition to the traditional drilling and blasting method, the adit was passed by mechanized tunneling complexes with diameters of 4.5 and 5.6 m from Robbins (USA) and Wirth (Germany). One shield was so jammed during the penetration that it was necessary to build a bypass adit and make our way to the rotor from the side in order to free it. Wirth, having worked at BAM, went to Yekaterinburg.

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14. All four trunks are used as ventilation. Moreover, only the second barrel is in constant operation. The other three are on standby in case emergency. The photo shows the tunnel fans of the third shaft (or in other words - the lower ventilation unit of the third shaft).

15. To the right goes the approach to the drainage adit. The ascent to the left is the approach to the main tunnel. In order not to intersect with the drainage adit, it passes over it (crossing in mining terminology).

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16. The third trunk is 162 meters deep and 8.5 in diameter. Everything has been dismantled from it. They didn't even leave a ladder. All evacuation is supposed only through the transport adit.

17. And this is his cap.

18. Trunk and rudyard.

19. The same, but with a fish eye. I should have put the tripod a little closer, but alas.

20. Ruddvor. At the end, the overtaking adit begins. In order to speed up all operations, the rock from the loaded trolley is tipped over into the skip hoist and given out to the top. And the empty trolley is issued in the direction of the overtaking adit, freeing up space for the next one. Thus, the flow of goods is directed only in one direction, and the rock in the trunk will go "to the mountain" or upward.

21. Approach adit to the tunnel route.

22. To the left - rudyard. To the right - overtaking adit. As I was told, not a single journalist or photographer has been here for the last eight years.

23. Switchboard.

24. Once again I take off the fans and it's time to go into the tunnel.

25. Finally, the tunnel. Compared to the metro, it is simply huge!

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26. The tunnel was built as a single-track, gable (slope from the middle to both portals). The slope is 6‰ in one direction and 7.5‰ in the other. The construction of the second tunnel is not expected, and when laying the second track, the bypass will be activated again. Most likely, in the very distant future, the construction of the second tunnel will return, but it will not be very soon.

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27. Along the entire tunnel there are niches for sheltering personnel during the passage of the train. A special alarm system has been installed, which warns about the approach of the train and shows where it is coming from.

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28. Initially, a traditional contact suspension was proposed in the tunnel, and after two kilometers (due to the length of the contact wire in the bay) it needs tension chambers with loads. Then the project was redone for a diamond-shaped suspension, but the cameras remained.

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29. The North Muya tunnel was built in a seismically active, so-called rift zone: in 1959, an earthquake of 10 points was recorded here. Ancient mountains "breathe". Although 10 points is a kind of conditional figure, since no one knows how many there were in 1959. Maybe 10, maybe 12 or 15... There was no one to measure. The Severo-Muisky ridge in an instant moved along the sole by one and a half meters. There were no casualties, so this is not a disaster as such. And there were no victims, because this area was not inhabited at all, there were no people here. Well, the ridge moved, and God bless him. Now people are living here...

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30. Waited for the train. Impressive!

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31. What is a fault? Here is one block earth's crust, here is another one, between them 60-70 meters. What is this space filled with? Ground to gruss rocks, clay - with the presence of fissure-vein pressure water under such pressure that when a well was drilled from the surface to lower the water, they poured themselves out like an oil fountain. Moreover, they are also thermal, up to 70 degrees. How to overcome it? Freeze? Tried in separate areas, on small faults. But this is thermal water. Where there was cold water, horizontal nitrogen freezing was used for the first time. And what about hot water? That's when they switched to the chemical fixation of soils. And also at random: whoever was invited ... And the first compositions, the first components were introduced with the participation of the Kyiv Institute of Macromolecular Compounds.

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32. A lot of imported equipment worked on the tunnel. I already wrote about mechanized shields. There were also high-performance drilling rigs with a cross section of up to 56 m² from Furukawa (Japan), Tamrock (Finland). They were used just in the main tunnel. And for the construction of reinforced concrete lining, mechanized formwork from Saga Kogio (Japan) was used.

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33. When driving, work had to be carried out in the widest range of rock hardness: from 0.6-2 to 14-18 (according to Protodyakonov). This is from almost water to the strongest rock.

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34. 1.5 million cubic meters of excavated soil, 700 thousand cubic meters of monolithic concrete, 55,345 mounted cast-iron tubings, 70 thousand tons of rolled metal.

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35. Over 850 pieces of equipment were used to support the main production processes.

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36. On the left is a working for an air-thermal curtain. It was built, but due to a change in the project, it is not used for its intended purpose.

The Severomuysky tunnel is located in the Republic of Buryatia. Commissioning took place in 2003. It is the longest railway track laid through the rocks in Russia. The length is 15,343 meters. The tunnel got its name from the name of the ridge through which the highway passes. According to the degree of difficulty of construction and tunneling works, it is considered the most difficult in the world. The construction was carried out for twenty-six years, the beginning was laid at a time when the whole region was a lifeless rocky space. Climatic conditions were tough, the average temperature in the area of ​​the North Muya Range varies around -50 degrees Celsius. It was necessary to import not only equipment, it was necessary to build residential settlements and infrastructure to ensure the normal life of the staff.

Difficult site

The Severomuysky tunnel became the last point that connected the Baikal-Amur Mainline into a single whole. The idea of ​​building a railway along the Amur River arose in tsarist Russia, but the amount of funds and work required for the implementation of the project, even with rough estimates, turned out to be exorbitant at that time. The idea hung in the air, it received real outlines only in 1938, when the laying of the railway began. The first workers were prisoners. The construction was carried out intermittently, the grand scale and the movement of the masses of the people to the BAM began in the 70s of the last century. Volunteers from all over the Soviet Union went to build the railway.

The most difficult section of the path was the North Muya Range. In Transbaikalia, this is one of the most beautiful, but harsh places. The mountain formation consists of granite-slate rocks, glaciers are located on its slopes, the highest point of the ridge reaches 2561 meters. There is practically no vegetation on the rocks, after the earthquakes they were not explored to the end, and seismic activity was unpredictable. Tunneling has become a challenge for engineers and builders.

There were many projects that offered solutions for the passage of the site. From the most insane: to blow up the ridge and thereby clear the way, to the most decadent - to abandon and not build, because it is impossible. After hesitation and deliberations, it was decided to go through the ridge. Preparations for the passage began in 1975, the main work took place in the 90s, and only in the next century was the Severomuysky tunnel put into operation. The date of construction, or rather, the completion of construction, is March 30, 2001, and the first trains began moving on December 5, 2003.

Project development

JSC "Lenmetrogiprotrans" was the general developer of the project. According to the project, the construction was carried out from two points: western and eastern, two brigades of drifters went towards each other. The work was carried out by two organizations. JSC Bamtonnelstroy was engaged in the construction of underground facilities, JSC Nizhneangarsktransstroy erected ground structures. At the time the project was approved, no one knew what difficulties and surprises they would have to face. In the process of work, changes were made to the original plan, work was stopped twice due to collapses and landslides.

The passage of the tunnel turned into human casualties, according to various sources, from 30 to 57 people died during the construction and elimination of accidents. A monument was erected in their honor near the entrance to the tunnel. During the entire construction period, several dozen machines from all over the world were tested, a unique technology for fixing the soil in the zones of tectonic faults by chemical means was developed and implemented. This completely new invention has helped tunnelers successfully tunnel through the most difficult and unpredictable conditions of granite rock breaks.

To ensure non-stop work for the builders, two workers' camps were built: at the western entrance, Tunnelny, and at the eastern, Severomuysky. To date, the settlement of Severomuysky has remained active, where Russian Railways employees who provide maintenance of the tunnel live.


At the time of the start of work, the geological state of the ridge was unknown, so exploration work took place simultaneously with construction. To reduce the risks, the construction of a reconnaissance adit was started in parallel with the main branch. Its development was several hundred meters ahead of the main tunnel, and this provided information about the state of the rock. The branch line was developed at a distance of 30 meters from the main construction; in terms of size, it is sufficient for the passage of a subway train. From the reconnaissance tunnel, passages broke through into the main channel, which facilitated work and ventilation.

The construction of the structure took place in a seismically active zone, where earthquakes reach 9-10 points, but the geological conditions of the passage showed four tectonic faults. Simply put, these are rock breaks filled with stones, sand and water, their width ranged from 5 to 900 meters. Water constantly flowed through the gaps in the amount of hundreds of cubic meters per hour. Part of the tunnel passed through permafrost zones, and hot water was used to build these sections. The surprise was the presence of radioactive rhodonium gas, which escaped from the bowels during the construction of the tunnel, its concentration was three times higher than the permissible norms, which led to the exposure of workers. For this they paid a decent allowance, which the tunnellers dubbed "coffin money."

The Severomuysky tunnel in Buryatia, according to the project, involved the drilling of exploratory wells every 0.5 kilometers, but, having decided to reduce the cost of work, they were drilled in increments of 1 kilometer. This way of saving turned into several disasters that resulted in human lives, stoppage of work due to collapses, floods and other things.


The Severomuysky railway tunnel survived two long construction stops. The first occurred in 1979 when a mine sinker hit a quicksand in a granite monolith. Miners have not encountered such a phenomenon either before or after. Water under high pressure broke through the rock and, carrying stones, sand, mud streams, swept away everything in its path: several workers died, washed away a twenty-three-ton loading machine. Restoration work and conservation of the rock fracture site were required.

To eliminate the cause of the collapse, concrete was poured into the fault, drying lasted two years. During this time, thirteen thousand tons of collapsed rock were extracted, additional reconnaissance work was carried out. As a result of reconnaissance, an underwater lake was discovered in the area where the tunnel passed. To solve the problem of excess water streams an innovative solution was required, and no one has yet encountered a similar phenomenon in world practice.

Resumption of work

Strengthening of the faults was carried out with the help of chemical anchoring soil, the inner lining of the tunnel was carried out with cast-iron tubing, metal structures. An additional layer of concrete was poured on top of this lining, which improved the waterproofing and gave enhanced support to the tunnel vault. Thus, the critical areas of the structure received several layers of "pipes" built and moving independently of each other. In a seismically active zone, this increases the level of safety and stability of the building.

The tunneling started again in 1981, for this it was necessary to break through a concrete plug. In the process of further passage, all discovered faults were filled with concrete through drilled vertical shafts. Foreign specialists with a worldwide reputation were invited to work on the project - no one agreed. During the construction, the most advanced technology of that time from Japan, the USA, and Germany was used. Professionals of foreign companies, getting acquainted with the situation, gave only one piece of advice - quit and start somewhere else. To provide permanent job the delivery of equipment, the dump and removal of the rock was required, a siding was needed, since it became clear that the construction would be delayed for an indefinite period.

bypass highway

Before the construction of the Severomuysky tunnel began, there was already a road that went around the ridge. Practice has shown that it is not very suitable for operation in the harsh conditions of the work that has begun, so in 1984 it was decided to build a new bypass. Today it is no less unique structure than the tunnel itself. Many tourists flock to the ridge in search of an opportunity to drive along the road. They are attracted by picturesque views and breathtaking heights, bridges over which they have to go.

The highway winds serpentines, passes through man-made viaducts and bridges. One of them, called the "Devil's Bridge", laid across the Itykit River, has a sharp turn and, according to eyewitnesses, sways a little when a loaded train passes. The length of the road is 64 kilometers, on its way the passenger gets into two loop-shaped tunnels laid inside the rocks. The highway is used in parallel with the operation of the tunnel, allowing the movement of some freight trains. More active passage of trains is planned in the event of an increase in railway traffic along the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

The maximum speed does not exceed 20 km / h, the slope in some places is 40%, an additional locomotive is used to advance on steep sections. At the moment, the bypass road is used for maintenance and repair work trains. Construction was completed in 1989, the road was used for passenger and construction traffic until the Severomuysky tunnel was built. Photos of the bridge and landscapes, taken from the windows of the cars following the bypass road, fascinate with their beauty and give an understanding of the extremity of the building.

golden buckle

The entire BAM was expecting the launch of the railway communication in full. The Severomuysky tunnel was almost completed by 1999. Only 160 meters remained between the brigades walking towards each other in the tunneling. Unexpectedly, a collapse of the rock occurred, and the construction work on the site had to be practically started anew, which took several more months.

The meeting of tunneling teams, the so-called golden break, took place on March 30, 2001. The sinking was carried out by two teams of tunnel builders under the leadership of V. Gatsenko and V. Kazeev, the symbolic keys to the tunnel were handed over to the Minister of Railways. The connections of the two parts of the tunnel took place at a depth of 300 meters, the deviation of the axes of the two sleeves was only 69 mm in the horizontal plane, and the vertical error of the joint was 36 mm. It was the best day for everyone who built BAM. The Severomuysky tunnel was put into operation only in 2003, it was called the "golden buckle" of BAM, which completed the grandiose construction.

Twenty-three years of construction turned into victories, discoveries, new technologies. Sometimes it seemed that the project would never come true, but despite all the difficulties, the Baikal-Amur Mainline brings economic and political benefits to the whole country, the unique Severomuysky tunnel became the final connection point. The photo of the building surprises with its power, grandeur and causes a feeling of pride.

Building facts:

  • The total length of the Severomuysky tunnel is more than 15 kilometers; together with the internal working, the length is 45 kilometers.
  • During construction, more than two million tons of soil were processed.
  • More than 700 thousand cubic meters of concrete were used.
  • More than 70 thousand tons of metal structures have been assembled.
  • More than 55,000 cast-iron tubings have been installed in the tunnel lining.
  • At different times, 6 teams with a total of 8,000 personnel worked on the construction of the tunnel.
  • The construction of the tunnel cost the treasury about 9 billion rubles.
  • The Severomuysky tunnel at BAM has a total area of ​​67 square meters.
  • More than 850 units of equipment were used in the production processes.
  • The lining of the tunnel consists of two, and in the places of faults of three, independent structures, which guarantees safety in a seismically active zone.
  • The guaranteed service life is 100 years, experts are convinced that the first major overhaul will be required no earlier than 50 years after launch.
  • The APCS of the Severomuysky Tunnel allows real-time monitoring of the microclimate inside the structure, the level of radiation, the movement of trains and other factors of activity.

For many areas of engineering, chemistry, mining and construction, the Severomuysky tunnel has become a springboard for inventions. All methods of sinking known at that time were tried, and completely new approaches were invented, which became the cutting edge innovation. Russian science. The main problem in the operation of the tunnel is the formation of ice, this process takes place almost all year round and it is necessary to knock down the formed ice manually.


The launch of non-stop traffic along the Baikal-Amur Mainline was provided by the Severomuysky tunnel. The history of construction has twenty-six years and two eras in the life of the state. The opening of the tunnel reduced the time for trains to pass by six times. Now it takes only 25 minutes, and the trains traveled 2.5 hours along the detour. The operation of a straight and safe route made it possible to abandon the double locomotive traction, which had to be used on a high-altitude route. The level of security has increased significantly: the bypass road meandered between the hills, where the danger of avalanches was constantly present.

Freight traffic along the Baikal-Amur Mainline increased by 35%, the growth rate is planned to be increased over the next years by an average of 30% per year. Managed to unload choking from the flow of traffic. In addition to economic benefits, Russia received a second access to Pacific Ocean, the railway infrastructure has expanded with reliable and cost-effective traffic directions. To date, the tunnel passes 14-16 freight trains per day.

Control systems

The process control system for the Severomuysky tunnel is a new word in monitoring and controlling the microclimate inside the building. It consists of two levels of control, each of which performs the specified functions, consisting in control, tracking, storage of information about all the technical devices of the structure. It also ensures the operation of the tunnel communications.

The state of the air is monitored in real time, groundwater drainage is monitored, and the state of all building systems is monitored. Paired with automatic tracking systems, portal gates stand guard over the microclimate. They open only for the passage of the train, firmly keep the atmosphere inside the tunnel from hypothermia, but in case of unforeseen circumstances, the locomotive can knock them out without the threat of damage to the entire train.

The construction of the Severomuysky tunnel helped to make several scientific discoveries, develop and implement unique technologies that have no analogues in the world. The experience gained while driving is invaluable. The structure is designed for the construction of another similar tunnel is considered in the very distant future.

Bypassing the Severomuysky tunnel is considered, perhaps, the most beautiful section of the entire BAM. In order not to exceed the maximum allowable slope when climbing the Angarakan pass, the railway line winds in knots along the slopes of the mountains, rising in a serpentine to the pass saddle. Where there are only 22 km on the day surface, the train overcomes almost 57, ascending and descending almost half a kilometer.

On the detour, you can see several unique engineering objects. The most famous, of course, is the "Devil's Bridge" - a high flyover on two-tier supports above the Itykit bed, curved and located in the rise. They say that when heavy trains passed, this bridge even swayed a little.
There are loop tunnels on both sides of the pass - the terrain did not allow making a serpentine bend on the slope, and this turn was made inside the mountain. The western (1st) tunnel is especially interesting - the train enters the portal, and after a while it appears from another portal above or below the first one, having made a 180-degree turn. When freight trains passed by, the empty trains could be quite long. In this case, the locomotive emerged from the tunnel quite soon after the last car was hidden in it.

Unfortunately, passengers of fast and passenger trains almost do not see this beauty - they pass through the tunnel, and late at night. Only the working trains Taksimo - New Uoyan, transporting mainly railway workers, follow the detour twice a day in each direction, meeting at the Pereval junction.

When designing the Buryat section of the BAM, it became clear that the Severomuysky tunnel could not be built quickly. Therefore, in order to pass construction cargo in the shortest possible time, from August 1982 to March 1983, a temporary bypass was built - the Angarakan - Kazankan line with a length of 24.6 km. His project was drawn up according to very light standards (slope up to 40 meters per kilometer of distance), as a result of which the average length of a freight train was only a few wagons - no diesel locomotive could lift more weight along such a steepness.
The construction of the Severomuysky tunnel, carried out in the most difficult geological conditions, was greatly delayed. In November 1985, the construction of a modern bypass began - a length of 54.3 km, a slope of up to 18 m / km, completed by 1989. At the same time, the old bypass was dismantled, and now only an embankment and concrete bridges indicate its route.
Today, despite the successful completion of the quarter-century construction of the Severomuysky tunnel, the high-mountain bypass has been left in operation for the time being - the high seismicity of the area can still bring an unexpected surprise.

Despite the beauty of the surrounding area and artificial structures, very few tourists come to this area. In order to fully explore the Severomuysky detour from the train, you need to spend the night in New Uoyan (there are no hotels and tourist centers, only the station), and then go to Taksimo on the morning working train. The reverse option does not include spending the night at the station, but is less preferable because of the small parking lots at the sidings.
But it is best to come here in the summer with a tent, land at the Pereval junction, and slowly walk along the line on foot in one direction or another - to Kazankan or Angarakan, where long-distance trains stop. This will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the mountain peaks and marvel at the human genius that laid railway in the most difficult conditions of the mountain valleys ...

At the Osypnaya junction.

Working train No. 5610 New Uoyan - Taksimo at the Pereval junction.

Crossing Pass.

Angarakan junction - this is where the detour begins.

View of the Angarakan pass from the west.

Way booth.

The bypass line branches away from the main passage for 4 km. from Angarakan, and begins to climb, crossing the main passage before it disappears into the tunnel.

Valley of Angarakan.

Osypnaya crossing.

The rivers have not yet frozen over.

The structure of working trains necessarily includes a platform. As needed, railroad workers and signalmen load their inventory and materials onto it for delivery to the line.

Loop tunnel No. 1 (western). The picture shows both of its portals.

BAM line in the Angarakan valley.

General view of the detour on the western side of the pass. The line goes up the Angarakan (Osypnoy junction there), returns back, passes the "Devil's Bridge" (on the right behind the frame) and rises to the loop tunnel (portal on the left behind the frame). The picture was taken immediately after leaving the loop tunnel.

"Devil's Bridge" - a viaduct in a curve with a rise.

Landing workers near the pass.

The pass is located on the saddle, not far from the highest point of the pass.

Station building.

Working train No. 5610 at the Pereval siding.

Stone placers near the highest point of the line.

At such altitudes, the landscape becomes subalpine.

Passage Hot Key. How strikingly it differs from the station of the same name in the Krasnodar-Tuapse section!

The village of Severomuisk and the Muyakan valley.

Overpass of the old bypass.

Here the lines from the tunnel and the pass converge.

Overpass near the village.

Overpass over the eastern portal of the tunnel.

The Kazankan junction is the end point of the bypass.