Historical evidence of the campaign of Prince Igor. Electronic publications Laurentian chronicle about the campaign of Prince Igor

Tale of the campaign of Prince Igor against the Polovtsy.

    Compare two stories about the campaign of Prince Igor. How do these stories differ in fact, in terms of attitude to the heroes of the story, stylistically and ideologically?

    What do the chroniclers say about the reasons for Igor's defeat?

    Pay attention to the nominative (factual and descriptive) and communicative (commenting) elements of the texts.

    What do we learn from chronicle stories about the personality of Prince Igor and the worldview of the chronicler?

    Compare the chronicle narration and the plot of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". What differences and similarities do you notice?

FROM THE Kyiv CHRONICLE (Ipatiev Chronicle)

Annalistic story about the campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians in 1185

Meanwhile, Igor Svyatoslavich, the grandson of the Olegs, left Novgorod on the twenty-third day of April, on Tuesday, calling with him his brother Vsevolod from Trubchevsk, and Svyatoslav Olgovich, his nephew, from Rylsk, and Vladimir, his son, from Putivl. And he asked Yaroslav to help Olstin Oleksich, Prokhorov's grandson, with Chernigov forgings. And so they moved slowly, on well-fed horses, gathering their army. When they approached the Donets River in the evening, Igor, looking at the sky, saw that the sun was standing like a month. And he said to his boyars and his retinue: “You see? What does this sign mean? They all looked, and saw, and lowered their heads, and the men said: “Our prince! This sign does not bode well for us!” Igor answered: “Brothers and squad! No one knows the secrets of the divine, and God creates a sign, like his whole world. And what God will give us - for the benefit of this or for the sorrow to us - we will see.

And, having said this, he crossed the Donets, and went up to Oskol, and waited there for two days for his brother Vsevolod: he was walking the other way from Kursk. And from there they moved to Salnitsa. Here scouts came to them, who were sent to catch the “language”, and those who arrived said: “They saw enemies, your enemies drive in all weapons, so either go without delay, or we will return home: now is not the right time for us.” Igor turned to his brethren: “If we have to return without accepting a fight, then shame on us will be worse than death; Let it be as God will give us.” And having decided so, they rode all night,

The next morning, on Friday, at lunchtime, they met with the Polovtsian regiments; the Polovtsians had time to prepare: they sent their veils back, and themselves, having gathered from young to old, stood on the opposite bank of the Syuurliy River. And ours lined up in six regiments: Igor's regiment in the middle, and on the right hand - the regiment of his brother Vsevolod, on the left - Svyatoslav, his nephew, in front of these regiments, the regiment of his son Vladimir and another regiment, Yaroslavov, - kovui with Olstin, and the third regiment in front - arrows collected from all the princes. And so they built their regiments. And Igor turned to his brethren: “Brothers! This is what we were looking for, so let’s dare!” And they moved on the Polovtsians, placing their hopes on God. And when they approached the Syuurliyu River, the arrows left the Polovtsian regiments and, firing an arrow in the direction of the Russians, galloped away. The Russians had not yet managed to cross the Syuurliy River, when those Polovtsian regiments that were standing at a distance beyond the river turned to flight.

Svyatoslav Olgovich, and Vladimir Igorevich, and Olstin with fore-shooters rushed to pursue them, while Igor and Vsevolod moved slowly, keeping the order of their regiments. The forward detachments of the Russians beat the Polovtsy and seized prisoners. The Polovtsians ran through their vezha, and the Russians, having galloped to the vezha, captured a large full there. Some with captured prisoners only returned to their regiments at night. And when all the regiments gathered, Igor turned to his brethren and to his husbands: “Here is God, by his power, doomed our enemies to defeat, and gave us honor and glory. But we see countless Polovtsian regiments - almost all Polovtsians have gathered here. So let’s go now, at night, and whoever starts chasing the pass in the morning, will everyone be able to: only the best of the Polovtsian horsemen will cross, and only to ourselves - as God wills. But Svyatoslav Olgovich said to his uncles: “I chased the Polovtsy far away, and my horses were exhausted; If I go now, I will fall behind on the way.” Vsevolod agreed with him and offered to spend the night here. And Igor said: “It will not be surprising, my wise brothers, to die here.” And lay down here.

When the dawn of the Sabbath day dawned, the Polovtsian regiments began to approach, like a forest. And the Russian princes did not know which of them to go against whom - there were so many Polovtsians. And Igor said: “I think that we have collected all the Polovtsian land for ourselves - Konchak, and Koza Burnovich, and Toksobich, Kolobich, and Etebich, and Tertrobich.” And then, having consulted, everyone dismounted, deciding, fighting, to reach the Donets River, for they said: “If we ride, we will be saved ourselves, and we will leave ordinary people, and this will be a sin before God: betraying them, we will leave. But we will either die, or we will all stay alive together.” And having said this, they left the mines and advanced in battle. Then, by God's will, Igor was wounded in the arm, and his left arm became dead. And everyone in his regiment was saddened: they had a governor and they wounded him before the others. And so they fought fiercely all day until evening, and many were wounded and killed in the Russian regiments.

And when the Sabbath night came, they still went on fighting. At dawn on Sunday, the Kovui broke out of obedience and turned to flight. Igor, at that time, was on horseback, as he was wounded, and hurried to them, trying to return them to the rest of the regiments. But, noticing that he was too far away from his own, he took off his helmet and galloped back to his regiment, for they had already recognized the prince and had to return. But no one returned, only Mikhalko Yuryevich, recognizing the prince, returned. And none of the boyars fled with the kovuis. only a few simple warriors and some of the boyar warriors, and all the boyars fought on foot, and among them Vsevolod, who showed a lot of courage. When Igor had already approached his regiments, the Polovtsians, rushing to cross him, captured him at a distance of one shooting from his soldiers. And, already captured, Igor saw his brother. Vsevolod, who fought fiercely, and he prayed to the god of death for himself, so as not to see the death of his brother. Vsevolod fought so furiously that he did not have enough weapons. And they fought, going around the lake.

And so on the day of holy Sunday, the Lord brought down his anger on us, instead of joy, doomed us to weeping and instead of fun - on a mountain on the Kayala River. Then Igor, they say, exclaimed: “I remembered my sins before my Lord God, that I committed many murders and bloodshed on Christian land: how I did not spare the Christians, but plundered the city of Glebov near Pereyaslavl. Then innocent Christians experienced a lot of suffering: fathers were separated from their children, brother from brother, from each other, wives from their husbands, daughters from their mothers, girlfriend from her girlfriend. And everyone was in turmoil: then they were full of sorrow, alive dead envied, but the dead rejoiced. that they, like holy martyrs, were cleansed in the fire from the filth of this life. The elders were kicked, the young suffered from cruel and merciless beatings, husbands were killed and dissected, women were defiled. And I did all this, - Igor exclaimed, - and I am not worthy to stay alive!

And now I see vengeance from the Lord my God: where is now my beloved brother? Where is my brother's son now? Where is the child I have born? Where are the boyars, my advisers? Where are the warrior men? Where is the formation of regiments? Where are the horses and priceless weapons? Haven't I now lost all of this, and, bound, God delivered me into the hands of the wrongdoers. All this the Lord rewarded me for my iniquities and for my cruelty, and the sins I committed fell upon my head. The Lord is incorruptible, and his judgment is always just. And I must not share the fate of the living. But now I see that others are gaining the crown of martyrdom, so why didn't I - the only guilty one - suffer for all this? But, Lord, my God, do not reject me forever, but whatever your will, Lord, such is mercy to us, your servants.

And then the battle ended, and the captives were separated, and the Polovtsians each went to their own towers. Igor was taken prisoner by a husband named Chilbuk from Targolovtsy, and Vsevolod, his brother, was captured by Roman Kzich, and Svyatoslav Olgovich was captured by Yeldechuk from Voburtsevichi, and Vladimir was captured by Kopti from Ulashevichi. Then, on the battlefield, Konchak vouched for his matchmaker Igor, for he was wounded. And out of so many people, few were able to escape by a lucky chance, it was impossible for the fugitives to escape - as if the Polovtsian regiments were surrounded by strong walls. But about fifteen of our Russian husbands ran away, and even fewer kovuevs, and the rest drowned in the sea.

At that time Grand Duke Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich went to Karachev and collected upper lands warriors, intending to go all summer against the Polovtsians to the Don. When Svyatoslav was already on his way back near Novgorod-Seversky, he heard about his brothers that they went secretly from him to the Polovtsy, and he was very annoyed by this. Svyatoslav at that time sailed in the boats; when he arrived in Chernigov, Belovod Prosovich ran there and told Svyatoslav about what had happened in the Polovtsian land. Svyatoslav, having learned about everything, sighed heavily and said, wiping his tears: “Oh, my dear brethren, and sons, and men of the Russian land! God gave me victory over the filthy, and you, unable to restrain the ardor of youth, opened the gates to the Russian land. And as I just got annoyed with Igor, so now I mourn him, my brother.

After that, Svyatoslav sent his son Oleg and Vladimir to the Family. Upon learning of what had happened, the Posemsky cities were thrown into confusion, and great sorrow and sadness seized them, such as had never happened in the entire Family, and in Novgorod-Seversky, and in the whole land of Chernigov: the princes were captured and the squad was captured or killed. And people rushed about in confusion, troubles began in the cities, and then their loved ones were not sweet to anyone, but many forgot about their souls, grieving about their princes. Then Svyatoslav sent to Davyd in Smolensk, with the words: “We agreed to go to the Polovtsy and spend the summer on the banks of the Don, and now the Polovtsy defeated Igor, and his brother, and son; so come, brother, to guard the Russian land.” Davyd sailed along the Dnieper, others came to the rescue and stood at Trepol, and Yaroslav with his regiments stood in Chernigov.

The filthy Polovtsians, having defeated Igor and his brethren, became quite proud and gathered all their people to go to the Russian land. And they began to argue. Konchak said: "Let's go to Kyiv, where our brethren and our Grand Duke Bonyak were killed." And Gza said: "Let's go to the Sejm, where their wives and children are left: there a ready-made full is assembled for us, we will seize cities without fear of anyone." And so they split in two: Konchak went to Pereyaslavl, and surrounded the city, and fought there all day. Vladimir Glebovich, Prince of Pereyaslavl, was brave and strong in battle. He left the city and attacked the enemies, and only a few of the squad decided to follow him. He fought fiercely and was surrounded by many Polovtsians. Then the rest of the Pereyaslavtsy, seeing how courageously their prince was fighting, jumped out of the city and rescued their prince, who was wounded by three spears. And this glorious warrior, Vladimir, seriously wounded, entered his city, wiped his courageous sweat for his homeland. And Vladimir sent to Svyatoslav and Davyd with a request: “I have the Polovtsy, so help me.” Svyatoslav sent to Davyd, and Davyd stood at Trepol with the Smolensk people. The Smolensk people began to confer and said this: “We came to Kyiv, if there was a battle there, we would fight, but why should we look for another battle, we can’t - we’re already tired.” And Svyatoslav with Rurik and with others who came to the rescue went along the Dnieper against the Polovtsy; Davyd returned back with his Smolensk people. The Polovtsians, having heard about this, retreated from Pereyaslavl. And, passing by Rimov, they laid siege to him. The Rimoviches shut themselves up in the city and filled all the fences, and, by the will of God, two city dwellers with people collapsed on the side of the besiegers. The rest of the townspeople were attacked by fear. Who of them ran out of the city and fought in the swamps near Rimova, they escaped captivity, and who remained in the city, they were all captured. Vladimir sent to Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich and Rurik Rostislavich, calling them to his aid. But Svyatoslav was delayed, waiting for Davyd with the Smolensk people. And how late the Russian princes were and did not catch up with the Polovtsy. The Polovtsy, having taken the city of Rimov, set off home in full, and the princes returned to their homes, grieving about their son Vladimir Glebovich, who received severe mortal wounds, and about the Christians taken into the full filthy.

This is how God executes us for our sins, brought the filthy against us not to please them, but by punishing us and calling us to repentance so that we renounce our bad deeds. And he punishes us with raids of filthy ones, so that, having humbled ourselves, we come to our senses and leave our pernicious path.

And other Polovtsy moved on the other side<Сулы>to Putivl. Gza with a large army ravaged his neighborhood and burned the village. They burned the Polovtsy and the prison near Putivl and returned home.

Igor Svyatoslavich at that time was with the Polovtsy, and he constantly said: “I deserved to be defeated by my deeds, and by your will, my lord, my Lord, and not the valor of the filthy, broke the strength of your servants. I am not worth pity, for for my atrocities I doomed myself to misfortunes, which I experienced. The Polovtsy, as if ashamed of his valor, did him no harm, but assigned to him fifteen guards from among their fellow tribesmen and five sons of eminent people, and there were twenty in all, but they did not limit his freedom: wherever he wanted, he went there with a hawk hunted, and five or six of his servants also went with him. Those guards obeyed and revered him, and if he sent someone, they unquestioningly fulfilled his desires. And he brought the priest from Russia to his clergy, not yet knowing divine providence, but hoping that he would stay there for a long time. However, the Lord delivered him through the prayers of the Christians, for many grieved over him and shed tears.

When he was with the Polovtsy, a certain husband was found there, a native of the Polovtsy, named Lavr. And a good thought came to him, and he said to Igor: “I will go with you to Russia.” Igor, at first, did not believe him, besides, he cherished a bold hope, as is typical of youth, plotting to flee to Russia with his husbands, and said: “I, fearing dishonor, did not abandon my squad then and now I cannot run in an inglorious way ". With Igor were the son of a thousand and his equestrian, and they persuaded the prince, saying: “Run, prince, to the Russian land, if it will be God's will- you will be saved. But still there was no convenient time, which he was waiting for. However, as we said before, the Polovtsy returned from near Pereyaslavl, and his advisers told Igor: “Your daring plan is not pleasing to God: you are looking for an opportunity to run away with your husbands, but why don’t you think about it: the Polovtsy will come from the campaign , and, as we heard, they are going to kill you, prince, and your husbands, and all Russians. And there will be no glory for you, no life itself.” Sunk to Prince Igor in the heart of their advice; Frightened by the return of the Polovtsians, he decided to flee.

But it was impossible for him to run either day or night, because the guards were guarding him, but he considered the most suitable time at sunset. And Igor sent his equerry to Lavr, leading him to convey: “Move to the other side of the Torah with a leash horse,” for he decided to flee with Lavr to Russia. The Polovtsians at that time got drunk on koumiss. When it began to get dark, the groom came and told his prince Igor that Laurus was waiting for him. Igor stood up in fear and confusion, bowed to the image of God and the honest cross, saying: “Lord, who reads in the hearts! Oh, if you would save me, lord, unworthy!” And, taking with him a cross and an icon, he raised the wall of the tent and climbed out of it, while the guards, meanwhile, amused themselves and had fun, thinking that the prince was sleeping. He, having approached the river, crossed to the other side, sat on the pit, and so they rode with Laurus through the vezha.

The Lord brought deliverance to him on Friday evening. And Igor walked on foot to the city of Donets for eleven days, and from there to his Novgorod, and everyone rejoiced at him. From Novgorod he went to his brother Yaroslav in Chernigov, asking him to help him in the defense of the Family. Yaroslav was delighted with Igor and promised help. From there Igor went to Kyiv, to the Grand Duke Svyatoslav, and Svyatoslav was glad to Igor, as well as Rurik, his matchmaker.

Translation by O. V. Tvorogov



That summer, God put a thought into the hearts of Russian princes - all Russian princes went to the Polovtsy: Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, Rurik Rostislavich, Vladimir Glebovich, Gleb Svyatoslavich, Gleb Yuryevich Turovsky, Mstislav Romanovich, Izyaslav Davidovich, Vsevolod Mstislavich and help from Galich, Vladimir and Luchsk . And they all went together to the Polovtsians; and crossed the river Angle, and searched for them for five days. Vladimir Glebovich, the grandson of Yuri, rode ahead in the sentry regiment with the Pereyaslavites, and there were two thousand one hundred Berendeys with him.

The Polovtsians, having heard that the Russians had come to them, rejoiced, hoping for their strength, and said: “Behold, God has given the Russian princes and their regiments into our hands.” They rushed into the battle, not knowing what they say: "Courage and intent are in vain if God resists." They went against Vladimir, with cliques. like they wanted to eat it. And Vladimir, with the help of God and the holy Mother of God and we strengthen with the prayer of his grandfather and his father, went to meet them. He begged Svyatoslav, saying: "My volost is devastated by the Polovtsy, let me go, my father Svyatoslav, with an advanced guard regiment." And the Russian princes did not keep up with Vladimir. The Polovtsy, seeing the regiment of Vladimir, bravely marching on them, ran, driven by the wrath of God and the Holy Mother of God.

Ours drove them, and cut them down, and took seven thousand in full, there were four hundred and seventeen Polovtsian princes alone, and they seized Kobyak, Osoluk, Barak, Targ, Danila, Bashkort, Tarsuk, Iza, Gleb Tirievich, Eksna, Alak and Tolgyi, father-in-law Davydov, with his son, Tetiya with his son, Kobyakov's father-in-law Turundai. And God and the Holy Mother of God helped Vladimir in the month of July on the thirty-first day, on Monday, on the day of memory of St. Evdokim the New.

The Lord granted a great victory to our princes and their soldiers over our enemies, the foreigners of the Cumans, or Polovtsy, were defeated. And Vladimir said: “On this day, given to us by the Lord, let us rejoice and rejoice, for the Lord delivered us from our enemies and threw our enemies under our feet, and crushed the heads of the serpent.” And there was great joy: the squad was enriched with captives, and the convicts were taken, they got weapons and horses, and returned home, glorifying God and the Holy Mother of God, an ambulance to help the Christian family.

In the year 6 6 9 4 (1186). On the first day of the month of May, on the feast day of the holy prophet Jeremiah, on Wednesday, in the evening, there was a sign in the sun, and it got so dark that people could see the stars, and everything turned green in their eyes, and the sun turned into a month, and his horns are like burning coals. It was terrible to see the sign of God to people.

In the same year, of the same month, on the eighteenth day, on the day of memory of the holy martyr Potapius, on Saturday, a son was born to the Grand Duke Vsevolod, and they called his name in holy baptism Konstantin.

In the same year, Olgova’s grandchildren decided to go against the Polovtsians, since they didn’t go with all the princes last year, but they went on their own, saying: “Well, aren’t we princes? We will get the same glory for ourselves! And Igor met at Pereyaslavl with his two sons from Novgorod-Seversky, his brother Vsevolod from Trubchevsk, Svyatoslav Olgovich from Rylsk and those who came to their aid from Chernigov. And they entered the land of the Polovtsians. The same, having heard, went towards, saying: "Our brethren are killed and our fathers, and others are in captivity, and now they are coming at us." They sent a message throughout all their land, but they themselves went to meet and waited for their troops, and ours go to them, to their gates. The Polovtsy met them, not letting them near the vezhs, and, without waiting for the rest of the troops, converged in battle. And the Polovtsians were defeated, and they drove them to the vezh, and the Russians took full - wives and children, and stood for three days in their vezhs, having fun and saying: “Our brethren went with Svyatoslav, the Grand Duke, and fought with the Polovtsy in full view of Pereyaslavl , they themselves came to them, but did not dare to follow them to the Polovtsian land. And we are in their land, and we ourselves have been killed, and their wives are captive, and their children are with us. And now let's follow them behind the Don and kill them all without a trace. If we win here too, then we will follow them to the Lukomorye, where our grandfathers did not go, and we will take all our glory and honor to the end. But they didn't know about God's plan.

And the remnants of the defeated Polovtsians fled to their army, where they had previously sent the message, and told them about their defeat. The same, having heard, came to their aid and sent for others. And the archers met with the Russians, and the archers fought for three days, but in a spear battle they did not converge, waiting for their squad, but they did not allow them to approach the water.

And the whole army came up to them, an innumerable multitude. Ours, seeing them, were horrified and forgot about their boasting, for they did not know what the prophet said: “Wisdom, and courage, and plan are in vain for a man, if God resists.” Exhausted from lack of water, the horses themselves, in heat and torment, finally made their way to the water, otherwise they did not let them near the water for three days. Seeing this, the enemies rushed at them, and pressed them to the water, and fiercely fought with them, and the battle was fierce. The Polovtsy changed their horses, but our horses were exhausted, and ours were defeated by the wrath of God. They took all the princes prisoner, and from the boyars and nobles and the entire squad, who was killed, others were taken prisoner or wounded. And they returned with the victory of the great Polovtsy, but it is not known who brought the news about ours, but all for our sins.

Where is our joy - now sighs and weeping are everywhere! Isaiah the prophet says: “Lord, in sorrow I remembered you,” and so on.

The merchant was walking on his way, and the Polovtsy ordered him to convey: "Follow your brothers, or we follow our brothers to you." The princes, having heard about such a misfortune with their brethren and with the boyars, groaned everything, and everywhere there was weeping and sobbing: some brothers died or were captured, others had fathers or relatives. And Prince Svyatoslav sent for his sons and for all the princes. And they gathered to him in Kyiv, and came out to Kanev. The Polovtsians, having heard that the whole Russian land was going against them, fled for the Don. Svyatoslav, having learned that they had fled, returned with all the princes to Kyiv, and they all dispersed to their lands.

And the Polovtsians, having heard that they had retreated, suddenly attacked Pereyaslavl, and took all the cities along the Sula, and they fought at Pereyaslavl all day. Vladimir Glebovich, seeing that they were about to capture the prison, left the city with a small retinue, and attacked them, and boldly fought with them, they, unfortunately, surrounded the prince. But the townspeople, seeing that their own were exhausted in battle, jumped out of the city and in battle barely took the prince, wounded by three spears. And many of his squad died. And they hurried to the city, and shut themselves up in it. And the Polovtsy returned with a large crowd in the towers.

Soon Igor fled from the Polovtsy - for the Lord will not leave the righteous in the hands of sinners: the Lord looks at those who fear him, and listens to their prayers! They chased after him and did not catch up; just as Saul pursued David, but God delivered him, so God delivered Igor from the hands of the filthy Polovtsians ... And the rest were kept strictly and guarded, threatening with chains and torment.

All this happened because of our sins, because our sins and transgressions have multiplied. After all, God executes his slaves with various misfortunes, and fire, and water, and war, and various other misfortunes; Christians who have endured much will be destined to enter the kingdom of heaven. They sinned and were executed, as they did, for which they received it, but our Lord punishes us justly, and let no one dare to say that God hates us - this will not happen! He loves us as much as he loved us when he accepted us for the sake of torment, in order to save us from the devil.

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Encouraged by the successes of the previous campaign, he sets himself an insanely bold task: with a few of his own forces to “search” for the old Chernigov Tmutorokan, to reach the shores of the Black Sea, which was closed to Russia for more than a hundred years by the Polovtsians. A high sense of military honor, repentance for his former policy, devotion to the new - all-Russian, hatred of his former allies - witnesses of his shame, the torment of suffering pride - all this moved him in the campaign. In this complex background - features of the special tragedy of the unfortunate campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich - the tragedy that riveted the attention of both the author of the Lay and the chroniclers who compiled their stories about him in different parts of the Russian land - the most extensive and, perhaps, the most vivid of all stories about the steppe campaigns of Russian princes.

Two chronicle stories about the campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185 have been preserved: one, more extensive - in the Ipatiev Chronicle, the other, more concise - in the Lavrentiev Chronicle. But both of them are not original: in both there are some common parts that go back to the annals of the Russian Pereyaslavl bordering on the steppe that have not come down to us. Here is how, on their basis, one can imagine Igor's campaign.

On Tuesday, April 23, 1185, Igor Svyatoslavich of Novgorod-Seversky, his son Vladimir Putivl, nephew Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich of Rylsky, together with the Kovuy squads sent from Yaroslav Vsevolodovich of Chernigov, led by Olstin Oleksich, set out on a distant steppe campaign against the Polovtsians without collusion with the Kyiv Prince Svyatoslav The horses, fattened for the winter, walked quietly. Igor rode, gathering his squad. On a campaign off the banks of the Donets on May 1, when the day was drawing to a close, they were overtaken solar eclipse, which was considered in Russia an omen of misfortune, but Igor did not turn his horses. He said to his boyars and his retinue: “Do you see that there is a sign of this?”. They all looked, lowered their heads and said: “Prince! This is not a good sign. Igor said to this: “Brothers and retinue! No one knows the secrets of God, but God created a sign and all his world. And what should God do for us, - either for good, or for our evil, - and we see the same. Having said this, Igor crossed the Donets. At Oskol, Igor waited for two days for his brother Vsevolod, who was walking a different path from Kursk. From Oskol we went further to the Salnitsa River.

It was not possible to take the Polovtsy by surprise, as Igor had hoped: unexpectedly, the Russian watchmen, who were sent to catch the "tongue", reported that the Polovtsy were armed and ready for battle. The watchmen advised either to go faster, or to return, - “as if it is not our time”, that is, not the time for a hike. But Igor said: “If we don’t fight back, then we will be rubbish more than death, but what God will give us.” Having agreed to this, the Russians did not stay for the night, but drove all night. The next day at lunchtime, the Russians met the Polovtsian regiments. The Polovtsy sent back their vezhy (nomadic dwellings on carts), and they themselves, gathered “from young to old”, lined up on the other side of the Syuurliya River. Igor's troops lined up in six regiments. According to the custom of that time, Igor Svyatoslavich said a short encouraging word to the princes: “Brothers, we were looking for this, but pull it.” Igor's regiment stood in the middle, on the right hand of him - Vsevolod's buoy-tour, on the left - the regiment of Igor's nephew Svyatoslav Rylsky. Ahead was the regiment of Igor's son - Vladimir and the regiment of Chernigov kovuy. Selected riflemen, withdrawn from all regiments, stepped forward. The Polovtsy lined up their archers. Having fired a volley of bows (“letting go of an arrow”), the Polovtsy fled. Those Polovtsian regiments that stood far from the river also fled. The advanced regiments of the Chernigov kovuy and Vladimir Igorevich chased the Polovtsy. Igor and Vsevolod walked slowly, maintaining the order of battle of their regiments. The Polovtsy ran through their gates. The Russians took possession of their towers and captured full (prisoners). Part of the army chased the Polovtsy further and returned at night with a new full.

When everyone gathered, Igor began to speak in order to go into the night, but Svyatoslav Rylsky said to his uncles: “I drove farther along the polovtsep, but my horses could not. Even if we are going to go now, then only we will be left on the road. We decided to spend the night there.

The Laurentian Chronicle, which is not sympathetic to the Olgovichi, says that the troops of the Olgovichi stood on the Polovtsian towers for three days “having fun”, and conveys the boast allegedly uttered by them: “Our brothers went with Svyatoslav the Grand Duke, and fought with them in vain at Pereyaslavl (i.e., not far from Pereyaslavl), but they (the Polovtsians) came to them themselves, but they did not dare to go to their land (Polovtsian). And we are Esma in their land, and we beat them, and their wives were captive, and we have children, but we won’t go after them beyond the Don and beat them to the end. Ozhen we will be that victory, we go along them and the bow of the sea (to the Azov Lukomorye), where our grandfathers did not go. Let us take our glory and honor to the end.”

The Ipatiev Chronicle tells the events that happened after the first victory in a different way. On the very next day after the first victory over the Polovtsians, at dawn, the Polovtsian regiments "ak borov" (like a forest) suddenly began to attack the Russians. small Russian army saw that it had gathered "the whole Polovtsian land" against itself. But in this case, the brave Igor did not turn the regiments. His speech before the battle is reminiscent of Monomakh's speech with his concern for the "black people": Let's go, but either die or live in the same place. In order to make their way to the Donets, not ahead of or behind each other, Igor ordered the horsemen to dismount and fight all together.

For three days, day and night, Igor slowly made his way to the Donets with his army. In the battle, Igor was wounded in the right hand, and there was great sadness in his regiment. The warriors cut off from the water were thirsty. The horses were the first to be exhausted from thirst. There were many wounded and dead in the Russian regiments. They fought hard until evening, fought the second night; at dawn on Sunday morning, the Chernihiv kovui faltered. Igor galloped to the forges to stop them. He took off his helmet to be recognized by them, but could not stop them. On the way back, within an arrow's flight distance from his regiment, he was captured by the Polovtsians. Captured, he saw how fiercely his brother Vsevolod fought at the head of his army, and asked God for death so as not to see his death. As the chronicler says, Igor later said that he then remembered his sins before God: bloodshed in the Russian land, when he took the city of Glebov by storm, fathers separated from their children, brothers, daughters from mothers, girlfriends, wounded men and defiled women. “Where is my beloved brother (Vsevolod) now? Igor said. Where is my brother's son now? Where is the child of my birth? Where are the boyars thinking, where are the men of the slaving, where are the rows of regiments? Where are the horses and weapons of great value? Isn’t that why they stripped naked, and the Lord bound me into the hands of the lawless darkness? The captive princes were taken apart by the Polovtsian khans. Igor's matchmaker Konchak vouched for him. Of the entire Russian army, only 15 people survived, and even fewer kovuevs. Others drowned.

At that time, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich of Kyiv went to Korachev and gathered soldiers in the upper lands, intending to go against the Polovtsy to the Don for the whole summer. On the way back near Novgorod Seversky, Svyatoslav heard that his cousins ​​went, hiding from him, to the Polovtsians: and this did not please him. When Svyatoslav was already approaching Chernigov in the boats, Belovolod Prosovich ran up and told him about Igor's defeat. Svyatoslav, hearing this, took a deep breath, wiped away his tears and said: “O my brothers and sons and men of the Russian land! God gave me to wear down the filthy, but not refraining from youth (youth), opening the gates to the Russian land. Let the will of the Lord be about everything: Yes, how sorry I am for Igor (as I was annoyed with him before), now I regret more (so now I regret even more) for Igor, my brother.

Old Russian literature in the 9th grade Dovydova A.V., teacher of the Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 1234, Moscow

A work of art, although close to chronicle; Topic: unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians of the Seversky prince Igor in late April - early May 1185; Time of writing: shortly after the campaign; Other sources telling about this campaign: Laurentian Chronicle, Ipatiev Chronicle. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavovich; his brother Vsevolod Svyatoslavovich from Trubchevsk; his son Vladimir Igorevich from Putivl; his nephew Svyatoslav Olgovich from Rylsk. Tour participants:

The history of the “Word…” Discovered at the end of the 18th century by Musin-Pushkin First published in 1800 in Moscow

The historical basis of the "Word ..." In 1185, Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich of Novgorod-Seversky, without warning the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav and other princes, went on a campaign against the Polovtsy in the Polovtsian steppes.

Ipatiev Chronicle Igor's marching out Solar eclipse Vsevolod's drill-tour joining the army The first successful clash with the Polovtsy The failures of the second battle Wounding and capturing Igor Polovtsy's raids on Russia Igor's escape from captivity … … … … … … … … … … … Composition of Prince Igor's campaign "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Finish the table; How does the narrative of the "Words ..." differ from the chronicle? What are the most striking compositional parts, not related to the plot, that are peculiar only to the “Word…”? What is the purpose of including them in the narrative by the author of the Lay...? Homework:

Entry Training camp, solar eclipse First battle Dream Second battle History of battles with the Polovtsy Defeat of Igor's troops Lyrical digression about civil strife Dream of Svyatoslav, Svyatoslav's "Golden Word" Address of the Author to the Russian princes Lament of Yaroslavna Return of Igor from captivity Igor's welcome meeting Composition "Words ..."

Omen A bad omen for Igor's reckless courage Igor goes on a campaign AGAINST fate.

The author is trying to understand why the brave, courageous prince and his experienced squad were defeated. He recalls the times of Igor's grandfather Oleg (11th century). Part I chapters 12-13

Svyatoslav's dream is "vague"; Svyatoslav is given to know about Igor's campaign, his defeat and the invasion of Russia by enemies. This emphasizes the role of Kyiv prince as head of the Russian princes and all Russian land; Hood. the function of Svyatoslav's Dream is to justify the latter's right to the "golden word", in which he acts as a unifier of Russian princes in the fight against enemies; Dream images are symbolic. Part II chapter 1 A look at the campaign of Igor Svyatoslav:

he is “dressed” with a black papoloma, that is, with a funeral veil, as if he were dead; Seeing a bed in a dream is also a bad omen from dream books: to illness or death; yew was considered in antiquity the most valuable breed for a coffin and in this regard was a symbol of death; drinking wine in a dream, and especially cloudy wine, is a “bad omen”, “a sign of sadness and unfortunate news”; Scattered pearls are a symbol of tears in dreams. Dream of Svyatoslav

The meaning of Svyatoslav's Dream: Svyatoslav, sitting "in Kyiv on the mountains", formidable and great, in a dream sees himself not in Kyiv - the capital Kievan Rus, its center, and on the very outskirts, near a small border town in the south-west of Russia - Plesnsk. Instead of the "golden table" of Kyiv (a symbol of power, strength, power), he finds himself in a dream in a funeral sleigh (a symbol of non-life, non-power, non-existence), in which they carry him to the sea - the symbol of the "other world" and at the same time - the place of residence of the Polovtsians, captured by them. In a dream, what happens to Svyatoslav is what happened in reality to Igor and other princes participating in the campaign. Dream of Svyatoslav

a look at Igor's campaign from t.z. fate of the whole Russian land. Direct condemnation of Igor and Vsevolod; He accuses them of an ambitious desire to appropriate the past glory for themselves, and to divide the future among themselves; Does not doubt their personal courage, does not humiliate their dignity; Svyatoslav = Author. "The Golden Word" of Svyatoslav, mixed with tears, - Part II chapter 5

The "golden word" of Svyatoslav turns into an appeal to the Russian princes; Reminds the princes of how in the past strife weakened the Russian land and led to the death of its princes; Reminds each of the princes of his strength, mind, power; He calls on the princes to be filled with the spirit of war, to unite their forces and return Russia to its former glory and power. Svyatoslav = Author Part II of chapter 6-13 Appeal to the Russian princes

On the city wall in Putivl, the wife of Igor Yaroslavna is crying; She does not think, does not condemn, but simply mourns, grieves; Turns to the forces of nature, asks for help to her husband; Yaroslavna mourns for all Russian soldiers, not only for her husband; This is a collective image - the voices of all Russian women, their sadness and tenderness, the suffering from wars and civil strife of all Russian women. Part III chapter 1 Lament of Yaroslavna

The forces of nature (at the request of Yaroslavna) help Igor; Fairy-tale motifs: Igor's conversation with the Donets River; transformation of Igor into different animals and birds. Part III chapter 2-7 Polovtsian steppe. Escape Igor.

Solemn and festive ending The whole Russian land rejoices at the return of Igor: “The villages are glad, the cities are cheerful”, “But the sun rises in the sky - Igor the Prince appeared in Russia” Conclusion. Part III chapter 8

Who does Igor go on a hike with? When was "The Word..." written? What does the Author admire in Igor? How are the events described (manner of presentation) in the “Word…”? Describe the Author of the "Words ...". What is the purpose of a solar eclipse? Why does the Author refer to the times of Oleg? Independent work

The main idea of ​​"Words ..."? Explain the symbolism of Svyatoslav's dream. Who is Svyatoslav Igor? How does Svyatoslav feel about Igor's campaign? The purpose of the appeal to the Russian princes? Features of crying Yaroslavna? How does the Word... end? Independent work

Cities: Kyiv Korsun Tmutorokan Polotsk Chernigov Kursk Novgorod Putivl, etc. Don Volga Dnieper Donets Danube Western Dvina Ros etc. The image of the Russian land in the "Word ..." is the central image, the main character of the River: "The Word ..." draws the vast geographical expanses of Russia

Differs in grandiosity; Dan in motion: “Black clouds are coming from the sea…” “The earth is buzzing, rivers are flowing muddy, dust is rushing over the fields…” Wind, sun, clouds, clouds are the background against which the action of the “Word…” unfolds, and at the same time - characters. (reception?) Landscape "Words ..."

This is the history of the country The Russian land takes an active part in the joys and sorrows of the country. Russian land

The image of the Motherland, full of cities, rivers and numerous inhabitants, is opposed to the image of the deserted Polovtsian steppe - the "unknown country", its ravines (yarugas), hills, swamps and "muddy" places. Features of the description of the Russian land

This is primarily the Russian people; The author speaks of the peaceful labor of the Russian "rataev" (plowmen), disturbed by the strife of the princes; about the wives of Russian soldiers mourning their husbands; about the grief of the entire Russian people after the defeat of Igor and about the joy of all the inhabitants of cities and villages at his return. The army of Igor Novgorod-Seversky is, first of all, “Rusichs”, and, crossing the border of Russia, they say goodbye not to the Novgorod-Seversky principality, but to the Russian land as a whole. Russian land for the Author of "Words ..."

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" A work of art, although
close to chronicle;
Subject: unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians
Seversky prince Igor at the end of April
- early May 1185;
Time of writing: shortly after the campaign;
Other sources about
this campaign: Laurentian Chronicle,
Ipatiev Chronicle.

Tour participants:

Seversky Prince Igor
his brother Vsevolod
Svyatoslavovich from Trubchevsk;
his son Vladimir Igorevich
his nephew Svyatoslav
Olgovich from Rylsk.

History of the Word...

Opened at the end of the 18th century
First published
in 1800 in Moscow

"old speech", but "not
chasing the thought
"The words…"
Tell about the "time of troubles"
from the time of Vladimir to
Praise Igor.
The harm of civil strife and
call for unity
Russian lands;
Reflections on ambition and
human pride.

The historical basis of the "Words ..."

In 1185 Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor
Svyatoslavovich, without warning Kievsky
Prince Svyatoslav and other princes,
goes on a campaign against the Polovtsians in the Polovtsian

Composition of the campaign of Prince Igor

1. Camping performance
Solar eclipse
Joining the army
drilling tour of Vsevolod
First successful
clash with the Polovtsy
Failures of the second battle
Injury and capture of Igor
Polovtsian raids on Russia
Igor's escape from captivity
"The Word of the Shelf

2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
6. …
7. …
8. …
9. …
10. …
11. …


1. Finish the table;
2. Than the narrative of the "Words ..."
different from chronicle?
3. What are the brightest
composite parts,
related to the plot, characteristic
only "Word ..."? For what purpose
includes them in the narrative
"The words…"?

10. Composition "Words ..."

Hiking, solar eclipse
First fight
Second fight
History of battles with the Polovtsy
Defeat of Igor's troops
Lyrical digression about civil strife
Dream of Svyatoslav, Svyatoslav's "Golden Word"
Appeal of the Author to the Russian princes
Crying Yaroslavna
Igor's return from captivity
Igor's welcome meeting

11. Features of the composition

At first, the narration is conducted on behalf of the Author.
The author is a person who knows military affairs well,
well-read, knowing the events of the past.

12. Omen

bad omen
Igor's courage
Igor goes on a campaign AGAINST fate.

13. Part I chapters 12-13

The author is trying to understand why the brave,
courageous prince and his experienced squad
were defeated
recalls the times of grandfather Igor - Oleg (11th century)
The reason for the plight of the Russian land in
past and present, cause of defeat
Igor - in the disagreement of the Russian princes, in their

14. A look at the campaign of Igor Svyatoslav:

Dream of Svyatoslav
Svyatoslav is given to know about the campaign of Igor, his
defeat and invasion of Russia by enemies. Tem
most emphasizes the role of led. Kyiv prince
as head of the Russian princes and all Russian land;
Hood. the function of Svyatoslav's Dream is to substantiate the right
the latter to the "gold word", in which he
acts as a unifier of Russian princes in
fight against enemies;
Dream images are symbolic.
Part II chapter 1

15. Dream of Svyatoslav

he is “dressed” with a black papoloma, i.e.
as a funeral veil
Seeing a bed in a dream is also bad.
sign from dream books: to illness or
of death;
yew was considered in antiquity itself
valuable breed for the coffin and in connection with
this was a symbol of death;
drink wine in a dream, and especially cloudy,
- "a bad omen", "a sign of sadness and
unfortunate news";
Scattered pearls - a symbol of tears
in dreams.

16. Dream of Svyatoslav

The meaning of Svyatoslav's Dream: Svyatoslav, sitting "in Kyiv
on the mountains, "terrible and great, in a dream he sees himself not in
Kyiv - the capital of Kievan Rus, its center, and on
the very outskirts, near a small border town
in the southwest of Russia - Plesnsk.
Instead of the "golden table" of Kyiv (a symbol of power,
strength, power) he finds himself in a dream in
funeral sleigh (a symbol of non-life, incapacity, non-existence), in which they carry him to the sea
- the symbol of the "other world" and at the same time - the place
stay of the Polovtsy, to them captured.
In a dream with Svyatoslav, what happened is happening
in reality with Igor and other princes-participants

17. The "golden word" of Svyatoslav, mixed with tears, -

a look at Igor's campaign from t.z. fate
throughout the Russian land.
Direct condemnation of Igor and
Accuses them of being ambitious
seeking past glory for myself
appropriate, and share the future
between themselves;
Does not doubt their personal
courage, does not humiliate them
Svyatoslav = Author.
Part II chapter 5

18. Appeal to the Russian princes

The "golden word" of Svyatoslav turns into
appeal to the Russian princes;
Reminds princes of how in the past
strife weakened the Russian land and
led to the death of her princes;
Reminds each of the princes of his strength,
mind, power;
Calls on the princes to be filled with military
spirit, join forces and return Russia
her former glory and power.
Svyatoslav = Author
Part II chapters 6-13

19. Lament of Yaroslavna

Igor's wife is crying on the city wall in Putivl
She doesn't think, she doesn't judge
but simply sad, grieving;
Appeals to the forces of nature
asks for help to her husband;
Yaroslavna mourns for all Russians
warriors, not only about the husband;
This is a collective image - voices
all Russian women, their sadness and
tenderness, suffering from wars and civil strife of all
Russian women.
Part III chapter 1

20. Polovtsian steppe. Escape Igor.

Forces of nature (at the request of Yaroslavna)
help Igor;
Fairy tale motifs:
Igor's conversation with the Donets River;
transformation of Igor in different
animals and birds.
Part III chapter 2-7

21. Conclusion. Part III chapter 8

Solemn and festive ending
All Russian land rejoices at the return
Villages are happy, cities are cheerful,
"But the sun rises in the sky -
Prince Igor appeared in Russia"

22. Independent work

1. Who does Igor go on a hike with?
2. When was the “Word…” written?
3. What does the Author admire in Igor?
4. How events are presented (manner
exposition) in the “Word…”?
5. Describe the Author of the "Words ...".
6. What is the purpose of describing the solar
7. Why the Author refers to times

23. Independent work

1. The main idea of ​​the “Word…”?
2. Explain the symbolism of the dream
Who is Svyatoslav Igor?
How Svyatoslav relates to the campaign
The purpose of the appeal to the Russian princes?
Features of crying Yaroslavna?
How does the Word... end?

24. The image of the Russian land in the "Word ..." - the central image, the main character

"Word ..." draws vast geographic
space of Russia
Putivl, etc.
Western Dvina
Ros, etc.

25. Landscape "Words ..."

Differs in grandiosity;
Dan in motion:
"Black clouds are coming from the sea..."
"The earth is buzzing, the rivers are muddy
flow, dust over the fields
Wind, sun, clouds, clouds -
background on which
action unfolds
"Words ...", and at the same time -
characters. (reception?)

26. Russian land

This is history
Russian land
participation in
joys and
the sorrows of the country.

27. Features of the description of the Russian land

The image of the Motherland, full of cities, rivers and
numerous inhabitants, opposed
the image of the deserted Polovtsian steppe - "country
unknown", its ravines (yarugas), hills, swamps and
"dirty" places.

28. Russian land for the Author of "Words ..."

- this is primarily the Russian people;
The author talks about the peaceful work of the Russian "rataev"
(plowmen), disturbed by the strife of the princes;
about the wives of Russian soldiers, mourning their
about the grief of the entire Russian people after the defeat
Igor and about the joy of all residents of cities and villages at
his return.
The army of Igor Novgorod-Seversky is before
only "Russians", and, crossing the border of Russia, they
say goodbye not to Novgorod-Seversky
principality, but with the Russian land as a whole.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" A work of art, although
close to chronicle;
Subject: unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians
Seversky prince Igor at the end of April
- early May 1185;
Time of writing: shortly after the campaign;
Other sources about
this campaign: Laurentian Chronicle,
Ipatiev Chronicle.

Tour participants:

Seversky Prince Igor
his brother Vsevolod
Svyatoslavovich from Trubchevsk;
his son Vladimir Igorevich
his nephew Svyatoslav
Olgovich from Rylsk.

History of the Word...

Opened at the end of the 18th century
First published
in 1800 in Moscow

"old speech", but "not
chasing the thought
"The words…"
Tell about the "time of troubles"
from the time of Vladimir to
Praise Igor.
The harm of civil strife and
call for unity
Russian lands;
Reflections on ambition and
human pride.

The historical basis of the "Words ..."

In 1185 Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor
Svyatoslavovich, without warning Kievsky
Prince Svyatoslav and other princes,
goes on a campaign against the Polovtsians in the Polovtsian

Composition of the campaign of Prince Igor

1. Camping performance
Solar eclipse
Joining the army
drilling tour of Vsevolod
First successful
clash with the Polovtsy
Failures of the second battle
Injury and capture of Igor
Polovtsian raids on Russia
Igor's escape from captivity
"The Word of the Shelf

2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
6. …
7. …
8. …
9. …
10. …
11. …


1. Finish the table;
2. Than the narrative of the "Words ..."
different from chronicle?
3. What are the brightest
composite parts,
related to the plot, characteristic
only "Word ..."? For what purpose
includes them in the narrative
"The words…"?

Composition "Words ..."

Hiking, solar eclipse
First fight
Second fight
History of battles with the Polovtsy
Defeat of Igor's troops
Lyrical digression about civil strife
Dream of Svyatoslav, Svyatoslav's "Golden Word"
Appeal of the Author to the Russian princes
Crying Yaroslavna
Igor's return from captivity
Igor's welcome meeting

Composition features

At first, the narration is conducted on behalf of the Author.
The author is a person who knows military affairs well,
well-read, knowing the events of the past.


bad omen
Igor's courage
Igor goes on a campaign AGAINST fate.

Part I chapters 12-13

The author is trying to understand why the brave,
courageous prince and his experienced squad
were defeated
recalls the times of grandfather Igor - Oleg (11th century)
The reason for the plight of the Russian land in
past and present, cause of defeat
Igor - in the disagreement of the Russian princes, in their

A look at the campaign of Igor Svyatoslav:

Dream of Svyatoslav
Svyatoslav is given to know about the campaign of Igor, his
defeat and invasion of Russia by enemies. Tem
most emphasizes the role of led. Kyiv prince
as head of the Russian princes and all Russian land;
Hood. the function of Svyatoslav's Dream is to substantiate the right
the latter to the "gold word", in which he
acts as a unifier of Russian princes in
fight against enemies;
Dream images are symbolic.
Part II chapter 1

Dream of Svyatoslav

he is “dressed” with a black papoloma, i.e.
as a funeral veil
Seeing a bed in a dream is also bad.
sign from dream books: to illness or
of death;
yew was considered in antiquity itself
valuable breed for the coffin and in connection with
this was a symbol of death;
drink wine in a dream, and especially cloudy,
- "a bad omen", "a sign of sadness and
unfortunate news";
Scattered pearls - a symbol of tears
in dreams.

Dream of Svyatoslav

The meaning of Svyatoslav's Dream: Svyatoslav, sitting "in Kyiv
on the mountains, "terrible and great, in a dream he sees himself not in
Kyiv - the capital of Kievan Rus, its center, and on
the very outskirts, near a small border town
in the southwest of Russia - Plesnsk.
Instead of the "golden table" of Kyiv (a symbol of power,
strength, power) he finds himself in a dream in
funeral sleigh (a symbol of non-life, incapacity, non-existence), in which they carry him to the sea
- the symbol of the "other world" and at the same time - the place
stay of the Polovtsy, to them captured.
In a dream with Svyatoslav, what happened is happening
in reality with Igor and other princes-participants

The "golden word" of Svyatoslav, mixed with tears, -

a look at Igor's campaign from t.z. fate
throughout the Russian land.
Direct condemnation of Igor and
Accuses them of being ambitious
seeking past glory for myself
appropriate, and share the future
between themselves;
Does not doubt their personal
courage, does not humiliate them
Svyatoslav = Author.
Part II chapter 5

Appeal to the Russian princes

The "golden word" of Svyatoslav turns into
appeal to the Russian princes;
Reminds princes of how in the past
strife weakened the Russian land and
led to the death of her princes;
Reminds each of the princes of his strength,
mind, power;
Calls on the princes to be filled with military
spirit, join forces and return Russia
her former glory and power.
Svyatoslav = Author
Part II chapters 6-13

Crying Yaroslavna

Igor's wife is crying on the city wall in Putivl
She doesn't think, she doesn't judge
but simply sad, grieving;
Appeals to the forces of nature
asks for help to her husband;
Yaroslavna mourns for all Russians
warriors, not only about the husband;
This is a collective image - voices
all Russian women, their sadness and
tenderness, suffering from wars and civil strife of all
Russian women.
Part III chapter 1

Polovtsian steppe. Escape Igor.

Forces of nature (at the request of Yaroslavna)
help Igor;
Fairy tale motifs:
Igor's conversation with the Donets River;
transformation of Igor in different
animals and birds.
Part III chapter 2-7

Conclusion. Part III chapter 8

Solemn and festive ending
All Russian land rejoices at the return
Villages are happy, cities are cheerful,
"But the sun rises in the sky -
Prince Igor appeared in Russia"

Independent work

1. Who does Igor go on a hike with?
2. When was the “Word…” written?
3. What does the Author admire in Igor?
4. How events are presented (manner
exposition) in the “Word…”?
5. Describe the Author of the "Words ...".
6. What is the purpose of describing the solar
7. Why the Author refers to times

Independent work

1. The main idea of ​​the “Word…”?
2. Explain the symbolism of the dream
Who is Svyatoslav Igor?
How Svyatoslav relates to the campaign
The purpose of the appeal to the Russian princes?
Features of crying Yaroslavna?
How does the Word... end?

The image of the Russian land in the "Word ..." - the central image, the main character

"Word ..." draws vast geographic
space of Russia
Putivl, etc.
Western Dvina
Ros, etc.

Landscape "Words ..."

Differs in grandiosity;
Dan in motion:
"Black clouds are coming from the sea..."
"The earth is buzzing, the rivers are muddy
flow, dust over the fields
Wind, sun, clouds, clouds -
background on which
action unfolds
"Words ...", and at the same time -
characters. (reception?)

Russian land

This is history
Russian land
participation in
joys and
the sorrows of the country.

Features of the description of the Russian land

The image of the Motherland, full of cities, rivers and
numerous inhabitants, opposed
the image of the deserted Polovtsian steppe - "country
unknown", its ravines (yarugas), hills, swamps and
"dirty" places.

Russian land for the Author of "Words ..."

- this is primarily the Russian people;
The author talks about the peaceful work of the Russian "rataev"
(plowmen), disturbed by the strife of the princes;
about the wives of Russian soldiers, mourning their
about the grief of the entire Russian people after the defeat
Igor and about the joy of all residents of cities and villages at
his return.
The army of Igor Novgorod-Seversky is before
only "Russians", and, crossing the border of Russia, they
say goodbye not to Novgorod-Seversky
principality, but with the Russian land as a whole.