Andersen fairy tales list of the most popular. Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen, was a poor shoemaker, mother Anna, was a laundress from a poor family, she had to beg in her childhood, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor. In Denmark, there is a legend about Andersen's royal origin, because in an early biography, Andersen wrote that as a child he played with Prince Frits, later King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys - only a prince. Andersen's friendship with Prince Frits, according to Andersen's fantasy, continued into adulthood, until the latter's death. After the death of Frits, with the exception of relatives, only Andersen was admitted to the coffin of the deceased. The reason for this fantasy was the stories of the boy's father that he was a relative of the king. From childhood, the future writer showed a penchant for dreaming and writing, often staged impromptu home performances that caused laughter and mockery of children. In 1816, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first to a weaver, then to a tailor. Andersen then worked in a cigarette factory. In early childhood, Hans Christian was an introverted child with big blue eyes who sat in the corner and played his favorite game, puppetry. Andersen was fond of puppet theater later.

He grew up as a very subtly nervous child, emotional and receptive. At that time, physical punishment of children in schools was common, so the boy was afraid to go to school, and his mother sent him to a Jewish school, where physical punishment of children was prohibited. Hence Andersen's forever preserved connection with the Jewish people and knowledge of its traditions and culture.

In 1829, Andersen's published fantasy story "Hiking from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager" brought fame to the writer. Little was written before 1833, when Andersen received a cash allowance from the king, which allowed him to make his first trip abroad. From this time on, Andersen writes a large number of literary works, including in 1835 - "Tales" that glorified him. In the 1840s, Andersen tried to return to the stage, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent by publishing the collection "A Picture Book without Pictures".
The fame of his Tales grew; The 2nd issue of "Tales" was started in 1838, and the 3rd - in 1845. By this time he was already a famous writer, widely known in Europe. In June 1847 he first came to England and was honored with a triumphant welcome.
In the second half of the 1840s and next years Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to become famous as a playwright and novelist. At the same time, he despised his fairy tales, which brought him the fame he deserved. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more fairy tales. The last tale was written by Andersen on Christmas Day 1872.
In 1872, Andersen fell out of bed, badly hurt himself and never recovered from his injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on 4 August 1875 and is buried in the Assistance Cemetery in Copenhagen.

For almost two hundred years, the works of the famous Dane have spread all over the world and are loved by adults and children. In many families, it has long been a good tradition to read Andersen's fairy tales to children in a close circle, enjoying the unique style, eternal relevance, and incredible plot twists. A genius in his genre, Hans Andersen wrote fairy tales not only for a children's audience, but also for adults, which he constantly reminded of when his new creation was released.

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All the most famous Andersen's fairy tales that attract kids so much can be found in our section. There was a place here for magical stories, wonderful adventures, incredible journeys. "Princess on the Pea", " The Snow Queen” and “The King’s New Dress” will be of interest to all the kids and will bring a lot of fun.

The Ugly Duckling, which has long been considered the hallmark of the storyteller, will not be left without children's attention. The wonderful story of the transformation of a nondescript, ugly duckling into a handsome swan fascinates with its simplicity and kindness, where cruelty and malevolence go side by side. As with every Andersen creation, there's a great ending here, and kids will love how the tear-jerking sad story ends.

The fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" by Andersen partially realized the dream of the storyteller. For many years he tried to break into the stage and become an actor, although all his attempts ended in failure. Now one of his best fairy tales has become the basis for films and cartoons, theatrical performances and even operas. Kids have the opportunity to learn about the new adventures of the Little Mermaid, who is so fond of the cartoon, because the original source is always much more interesting, especially if her beloved mother reads it.

Little admirers of the famous storyteller are often interested in details about Andersen's life. There is nothing remarkable here, because he was born in a poor family and could not even imagine that he would achieve fame only with the help of fairy tales. Be that as it may, one can only marvel at the skill with which the legendary Dane created his masterpieces, which will always remain favorite creations for children and their parents.

On the pages of the heading will once again come to life fairy-tale heroes Andersen, which will allow you to plunge into the magical world. Adults, reading for their beloved child, will be able to remember the wonderful time of childhood, which passed hand in hand with their favorite stories, and kids for the first time will hear fascinating fairy tales that will accompany them throughout their lives.

H. K. Andersen (years of life - 1805-1875) was born in the city of Odense, located on the island of Fionia in Denmark. From childhood, the future writer loved to compose and dream, often organizing home performances. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and the child had to work for food. Hans Andersen went to Copenhagen at the age of 14. Here he was an actor at the Royal Theater, and then, under the patronage of Frederick VI, the Danish king, he entered a school in Slagels, from where he was then transferred to another, located in Elsinore.

Andersen's work

In 1829, his first fantasy story was published, which brought fame to the writer. And six years later, Andersen's "Tales" appeared, a list of the best of which is presented in this article. They glorified their creator. The second issue of fairy tales was made in 1838, and in 1845 the third one appeared. The storyteller Andersen was already known in Europe by that time. In later years, he also published plays and novels, making unsuccessful attempts to become famous as a novelist and playwright, but continued to create fairy tales in parallel. In 1872, on Christmas Day, the last one was written.

Introducing Andersen's fairy tales. The list was compiled by us from the most famous of his works, but, of course, this is not all.

"The Snow Queen"

Hans Christian began to write this fairy tale when he traveled around Europe - in the city of Maxen, located in Germany, not far from Dresden, and finished the work already at home, in Denmark. He dedicated it to Jenny Lind, a Swedish singer, his beloved, who never reciprocated the writer, and this tale was first published in a collection that appeared in 1844, on Christmas Eve.

This work has a deep meaning, which is revealed gradually, as each of the seven chapters is read. It tells about evil and good, the struggle of the devil and God, life and death, but the main theme is true love, which is not afraid of any trials and barriers.


We continue to describe Andersen's fairy tales. The list will be supplemented by the following work. This tale was first published in 1837, along with another tale, The King's New Clothes, in Andersen's collection. The author initially wrote a short preface to it, and then said that this work touched him even at the time of creation, it deserves to be written again.

The tale has a deep meaning, it touches upon the themes of self-sacrifice, love, gaining the immortality of the soul. Hans Christian, as a deeply religious person, considered it necessary to note in the commentary to the work that the fate of the soul after death depends only on each of us, our actions.

"Ugly duck"

We continue to describe the most famous fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Our list will be supplemented by "The Ugly Duckling", one of the most beloved not only among children, but also among adults. This is no coincidence, because the work contains a sacred meaning, the idea of ​​becoming through suffering and obstacles: the birth of a beautiful swan, causing universal delight, from a humiliated, downtrodden ugly duckling.

The plot of the tale reveals the deep layers of social life. A duckling, having got into a well-fed, philistine poultry yard, becomes here the object of humiliation and bullying by all its inhabitants. The Spanish fat duck passes judgment, which even has a special aristocratic sign - a scarlet silk patch tied around its leg, which it found in the garbage. The little duckling becomes an outcast in this company. He leaves in despair to a distant lake, where he lives and grows up all alone. The tale leaves after its reading notes of triumph over anger, arrogance and pride. With the help of bird-heroes, human relationships are shown.

"Princess on the Pea"

Our story continues about what fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen exist. Their list includes The Princess and the Pea. This product is aimed more at teenagers and older children. This tale is very short compared to other works of H. H. Andersen. Its meaning is the search for a "second half" by a person, shown through a romantic story about how a young prince is looking for her. In this work, a mild emphasis is placed on the fact that no social prejudices can prevent a person from finding happiness.


Psychologists believe that all existing fairy tales can be divided into two types: for boys and for girls. There is some truth in this, although the works of this genre often contain a deep meaning and are subconsciously intended for adults. However, "Thumbelina" can undoubtedly be attributed to the girlish ones. Fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen, the list of which consists of the most famous, certainly include this work. The story of a little girl is full of difficult ups and downs, many of which are described in the work. But main character he overcomes them with wonderful ease and patience, therefore he receives a great reward in the finale - happiness and mutual love. The sacred meaning of the tale lies in the fact that chance very often is the providence of God, leading a person along the path of his destiny.


In addition to a fascinating plot, Andersen's fairy tales always contain a deep meaning of being and human essence. "The Swineherd", which continues our list of Andersen's fairy tales for children, in addition to the story of a kind, poor, proud prince who wished to marry the emperor's frivolous and eccentric daughter, also tells that people sometimes cannot immediately recognize real human values ​​and therefore are sometimes "with a broken trough."

"Ole Lukoye"

G. H. Andersen, the great storyteller, never thought of becoming a writer, let alone creating fairy tales. He wanted to become an actor, recite prose and poetry from the stage, play roles, dance and sing songs. But when he realized that these dreams were not destined to come true, he began to write fairy tales that made him famous all over the world. One of them, "Ole Lukoye", is among the most famous works of this author. It has two main characters: Ole Lukoye, the lord of dreams, a magician, and Hjalmar, a boy. As Andersen writes in the prologue to his work, every evening Ole Lukoye sneaks unnoticed into the bedrooms of the children in order to tell them fairy tales. First, he sprinkles them with warm sweet milk on their eyelids and, inducing sleep, blows on the back of the head. After all, this is a good wizard. He always has two umbrellas with him: with amazing pictures, bright, and faceless and boring, gray. Obedient, kind children who study well, he shows beautiful dreams, and bad ones do not see a single one all night.

The tale is divided into seven chapters, according to the number of days of the week. Ole Lukoye comes every evening from Monday to Sunday to Hjalmar and takes him to the world amazing adventures and sweet dreams. On Sunday, the last day, he shows the boy his brother - another Ole Lukoye. He rides on his horse in his cloak fluttering in the wind and gathers adults and children. The wizard places the good ones in front and the bad ones in the back. These two brothers symbolize life and death in Andersen - two interconnected things.


The fairy tales of G. Andersen, the list of which we are compiling, also include "The Flint". This tale is perhaps one of the most "adult" by this author, although children also love it thanks to its bright characters. The moral and meaning of the work is that you need to pay for everything in this life, but at the same time, dignity and honor always remain the foundation of human existence. In this tale, folk wisdom is also sung. brave soldier, main character, buying into the benefits provided by the witch, thanks to her cunning and wisdom, she emerges from all the ups and downs as a winner and receives the kingdom and love of the princess in addition.

Andersen's famous fairy tales, the list of which we have compiled, include other works. We have listed only the main ones. Each of them is interesting in its own way.

H. K. Andersen (years of life - 1805-1875) was born in the city of Odense, located on the island of Fionia in Denmark. From childhood, the future writer loved to compose and dream, often organizing home performances. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and the child had to work for food. Hans Andersen went to Copenhagen at the age of 14. Here he was an actor at the Royal Theater, and then, under the patronage of Frederick VI, the Danish king, he entered a school in Slagels, from where he was then transferred to another, located in Elsinore.

Andersen's work

In 1829, his first fantasy story was published, which brought fame to the writer. And six years later, Andersen's "Tales" appeared, a list of the best of which is presented in this article. They glorified their creator. The second issue of fairy tales was made in 1838, and in 1845 the third one appeared. The storyteller Andersen was already known in Europe by that time. In later years, he also published plays and novels, making unsuccessful attempts to become famous as a novelist and playwright, but continued to create fairy tales in parallel. In 1872, on Christmas Day, the last one was written.

Introducing Andersen's fairy tales. The list was compiled by us from the most famous of his works, but, of course, this is not all.

"The Snow Queen"

Hans Christian began to write this fairy tale when he traveled around Europe - in the city of Maxen, located in Germany, not far from Dresden, and finished the work already at home, in Denmark. He dedicated it to Jenny Lind, a Swedish singer, his beloved, who never reciprocated the writer, and this tale was first published in a collection that appeared in 1844, on Christmas Eve.

This work has a deep meaning, which is revealed gradually, as each of the seven chapters is read. It tells about evil and good, the struggle of the devil and God, life and death, but the main theme is true love, which is not afraid of any trials and barriers.


We continue to describe Andersen's fairy tales. The list will be supplemented by the following work. This tale was first published in 1837, along with another tale, The King's New Clothes, in Andersen's collection. The author initially wrote a short preface to it, and then said that this work touched him even at the time of creation, it deserves to be written again.

The tale has a deep meaning, it touches upon the themes of self-sacrifice, love, gaining the immortality of the soul. Hans Christian, as a deeply religious person, considered it necessary to note in the commentary to the work that the fate of the soul after death depends only on each of us, our actions.

"Ugly duck"

We continue to describe the most famous fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Our list will be supplemented by "The Ugly Duckling", one of the most beloved not only among children, but also among adults. This is no coincidence, because the work contains a sacred meaning, the idea of ​​becoming through suffering and obstacles: the birth of a beautiful swan, causing universal delight, from a humiliated, downtrodden ugly duckling.

The plot of the tale reveals the deep layers of social life. A duckling, having got into a well-fed, philistine poultry yard, becomes here the object of humiliation and bullying by all its inhabitants. The Spanish fat duck passes judgment, which even has a special aristocratic sign - a scarlet silk patch tied around its leg, which it found in the garbage. The little duckling becomes an outcast in this company. He leaves in despair to a distant lake, where he lives and grows up all alone. The tale leaves after its reading notes of triumph over anger, arrogance and pride. With the help of bird-heroes, human relationships are shown.

"Princess on the Pea"

Our story continues about what fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen exist. Their list includes The Princess and the Pea. This product is aimed more at teenagers and older children. This tale is very short compared to other works of H. H. Andersen. Its meaning is the search for a "second half" by a person, shown through a romantic story about how a young prince is looking for her. In this work, a mild emphasis is placed on the fact that no social prejudices can prevent a person from finding happiness.


Psychologists believe that all existing fairy tales can be divided into two types: for boys and for girls. There is some truth in this, although the works of this genre often contain a deep meaning and are subconsciously intended for adults. However, "Thumbelina" can undoubtedly be attributed to the girlish ones. Fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen, the list of which consists of the most famous, certainly include this work. The story of a little girl is full of difficult ups and downs, many of which are described in the work. But the main character overcomes them with wonderful ease and patience, therefore she receives a great reward in the final - happiness and mutual love. The sacred meaning of the tale lies in the fact that chance very often is the providence of God, leading a person along the path of his destiny.


In addition to a fascinating plot, Andersen's fairy tales always contain a deep meaning of being and human essence. "The Swineherd", which continues our list of Andersen's fairy tales for children, in addition to the story of a kind, poor, proud prince who wished to marry the emperor's frivolous and eccentric daughter, also tells that people sometimes cannot immediately recognize real human values ​​and therefore are sometimes "with a broken trough."

"Ole Lukoye"

G. H. Andersen, the great storyteller, never thought of becoming a writer, let alone creating fairy tales. He wanted to become an actor, recite prose and poetry from the stage, play roles, dance and sing songs. But when he realized that these dreams were not destined to come true, he began to write fairy tales that made him famous all over the world. One of them, "Ole Lukoye", is among the most famous works of this author. It has two main characters: Ole Lukoye, the lord of dreams, a magician, and Hjalmar, a boy. As Andersen writes in the prologue to his work, every evening Ole Lukoye sneaks unnoticed into the bedrooms of the children in order to tell them fairy tales. First, he sprinkles them with warm sweet milk on their eyelids and, inducing sleep, blows on the back of the head. After all, this is a good wizard. He always has two umbrellas with him: with amazing pictures, bright, and faceless and boring, gray. Obedient, kind children who study well, he shows beautiful dreams, and bad ones do not see a single one all night.

The tale is divided into seven chapters, according to the number of days of the week. Ole Lukoye comes every evening from Monday to Sunday to Hjalmar and takes him to the world of amazing adventures and sweet dreams. On Sunday, the last day, he shows the boy his brother - another Ole Lukoye. He rides on his horse in his cloak fluttering in the wind and gathers adults and children. The wizard places the good ones in front and the bad ones in the back. These two brothers symbolize life and death in Andersen - two interconnected things.


The fairy tales of G. Andersen, the list of which we are compiling, also include "The Flint". This tale is perhaps one of the most "adult" by this author, although children also love it thanks to its bright characters. The moral and meaning of the work is that you need to pay for everything in this life, but at the same time, dignity and honor always remain the foundation of human existence. In this tale, folk wisdom is also sung. A brave soldier, the main character, buying into the benefits provided by the witch, thanks to his cunning and wisdom, emerges victorious from all the vicissitudes and receives in addition the kingdom and the love of the princess.

Andersen's famous fairy tales, the list of which we have compiled, include other works. We have listed only the main ones. Each of them is interesting in its own way.

Hans Christian Andersen- is one of the most famous storytellers of our planet, who for over one hundred and fifty years inspires, fascinates and captivates us with fairy tales that not only children, but also adults love to read. And this is not surprising, because the famous Dane wrote his fairy tales not only for children, but also for adults, on which he emphasized more than once during his lifetime. The whole life of this extraordinary person is akin to the adventures of his heroes: Hans Christian Andersen was born into a poor family to a shoemaker’s father and a washerwoman’s mother, and, it would seem, what fate is in store for him, but his father instilled in him a love of books and theater from an early age, and this love he carried through his whole life. His path was difficult and thorny, in an effort to give his life to the theater, he never became a famous actor, but, nevertheless, having received a later education, he managed to develop his talent as a playwright and writer.

Name of the fairy tale Source Rating
Snowman Andersen H.K. 148640
Mermaid Andersen H.K. 515420
Thumbelina Andersen H.K. 231661
The Snow Queen Andersen H.K. 274774
Walkers Andersen H.K. 33550
Princess on the Pea Andersen H.K. 124349
ugly duck Andersen H.K. 143571
Wild Swans Andersen H.K. 64457
Flint Andersen H.K. 81269
Ole Lukoye Andersen H.K. 140598
The Steadfast Tin Soldier Andersen H.K. 52259

The whole life of this extraordinary person is akin to the adventures of his heroes: Hans Christian Andersen was born into a poor family to a shoemaker’s father and a washerwoman’s mother, and, it would seem, what fate is in store for him, but his father instilled in him a love of books and theater from an early age, and this love he carried through his whole life.

His path was difficult and thorny, in an effort to give his life to the theater, he never became a famous actor, but, nevertheless, having received a later education, he managed to develop his talent as a playwright and writer. Read the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen you can on this page online.

The talent of Hans Christian Andersen:

We know Andersen as a storyteller, but first of all he was a writer, and before writing his famous fairy tales, he published several novels, wrote plays, poems and stories. But it was fairy tales that not only brought him fame, but also confirmed his talent as a writer. During his life, and the writer lived for seventy years, more than one hundred and fifty fairy tales came out from under his pen. They were published in different years and changed, like the author himself.

The world of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen is a delightful combination of fairy tale, fiction and real life the way she really is. Although he received no little criticism, the great storyteller has many very entertaining tales, and they are a counterweight to deep philosophical, and sometimes too close to cruel reality. Andersen's fairy tales have a very deep feature, if you have ever read, seen or heard at least one of them, you will carry the memory of them through your whole life. For example, well, who among us does not remember the content of fairy tales when he hears "The King's New Dress", "The Little Mermaid" or "The Snow Queen". Opening the world of these fairy tales to your kid, you can be sure that, as an adult, he will remember the lessons that he learned from them.

The variety of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen makes it possible to pick up fairy tales for any age, from the smallest to those who have retained a love of fairy tales in their hearts. Do not limit yourself, plunge into popular ones, into this boundless world and, perhaps, looking for stories for your children, you will rediscover a world for yourself, the door to which has remained closed to you. Welcome to a reality that not only teaches, entertains, but also shows the versatility of not only the world that surrounds us, but also the people we live next to!