Alien civilizations (races) of the Marvel universe. Races of aliens (5 photos) What are aliens similar to people called

Galaxy Civilization


This is a non-physical (spiritual) race of very terrifying Ancient Angels living in the Andromeda Galaxy (Andromeda Constellation). They are the Spiritual Force of the Ashtar team and the leaders behind the Pleiadians, as well as an offshoot of the human race in the process of evolution. They are also the leading force of one of the completely opposite branches of evolution - the Denebian race - peaceful amphibians that came from the Planets of the Deneb Star System (Constellation Cygnus). The goal of the Andromeda Galaxy is to help develop the beings of our Milky Way Galaxy, as a macrocosmic example of how the Pleiadian civilization helps our earth civilization grow.

On the basis of the DNA of the pra-Semites, humanoids of the "gray" and civilizers from Sirius, the Sumerian people were created in Mesopotamia. Blue-skinned humanoids from the constellation Centaurus mixed their DNA with the peoples of southern India and the Mediterranean. In areas of Norway, Central America and in northern India gardeners from the constellation Orion have done a clean job. Indian gods - heroes are high civilizers from the planet Ariya (Constellation Orion). In the Pamirs, genetic experiments were carried out by humanoids with Ursa Major. There, a beautiful concept of Zoroastrianism was developed for earthlings. At that time, representatives of the Pleiades were experimenting with the genes of the Turanian subrace in the area that became the bottom of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Unrestrained peoples and clockwork nations were created, civilizations flourished wildly, far ahead of ours in technical and spiritual terms. But people, like their imperfect creators, indefatigably and passionately mixed with each other and fought. If you mix the pure sounds of different melodies, you get a cacophony. If you randomly mix pure materials, you get such dirt ... Because of this, the Earth was in an interesting position. And distinguished guests from the future arrived on the inflating planet. It landed transparent representatives of the humanoid race from the Andromeda Galaxy. They gathered all the star gardeners to the Planetary Council and said that all of their genetic experiments were surely doomed to failure. In the future, earthly humanity will destroy itself because the star gods instill too many differences in human nations. Alas, our creators still needed guides themselves and were not ideal. They often argued and constantly fought among themselves, and transferred their aggressiveness to the multi-colored nations and fiery peoples. The Andromedans explained to the aliens that in order for humanity to survive, at least the sharp differences between individuals must be erased. And then - what happens: twelve-meter giants carefully exterminate three-meter dwarfs, and horned people restlessly cut dog-heads. It is desirable to invent another prototype of an earthling, similar to other nations, in which a high sense of unity with all mankind would be developed. Over time, the international race would have mixed with other peoples and swallowed them up, forever uniting in itself all the differences of multi-colored peoples. This race became the Asiatic race. With the diligent creation of this subrace, the Pleiadians turned for visual help to their good teachers- Andromeda humanoids. Those, in turn, contacted their fiery teachers who live outside of time, form and space.

The Andromedans appeared in the Arromeda Constellation, a system that is a separate galaxy and neighbors the Milky Way Galaxy. They are tall, slender creatures with white skin, somewhat reminiscent of Zeta Reticuli. The main difference between them is their high growth, reaching 1.8-2.1 meters. Their eyes are shaped like a small diamond. Their heads are elongated and narrow, and resemble an inverted pear. They are very similar to Essasani - one of the hybrid races of people and Zeta Reti.

The Andromedans are explorers who spotted this Planet as a result of testing atomic weapons. Their desire is to help humanity prevent a nuclear holocaust. They have the manners of a messiah and are known for interfering with people's free will in an attempt to save them from themselves. This race has long stepped over the conventions of the astral-causal worlds. Andromedans reside in more subtle spiritual forms and never again manifest themselves on the physical, etheric and astral planes. Their only “binding” with the subtle plans of our Universe is spiritual help on all questions that the Teachers of Sirius and the Pleiades find it difficult to answer. Andromedans are Spiritual Teachers for the civilizations of Lyra, and for Sirius, and for the Pleiades.

No connection is yet known between the Andromedans and the governments of Earth, although they seem to be very interested in certain minerals and rare elements of the Earth. Because they are fourth density beings, it takes them a long time to travel the distance between Earth and their home Planet. Their home planet is over 1 million light years away in third dimensional terms, so they pose no threat to humanity. Their ship is cylindrical or cigar shaped and uses speed distortion systems like the Enterprise in Star Trek.

Civilization Constellation Andromeda:

- Andromedans

Being in the Galactic Federation - approximately 3.5 million years

Location - approximately 150 to 4,000 Light years.

physical characteristics - Humanoids similar to the inhabitants of the Earth. The oldest race in our galaxy. Mostly lives on the Planets of the Star System Worlds (Andromeda Constellation). They have blue skin, but as they age, the skin becomes whiter. The average age of the Andromedans is 2000 years.

Growth: Males are usually from 1.7 to 2.12 m and above.

Women are between 1.63 and 1.93 m tall. Andromedan women are aware of their magical energies and their pretty figures. The eyes are slightly larger than human, the lips are thin, light pink, the ears are slightly smaller than human and are located lower. Hands and feet with long fingers. Their ears are set slightly lower on their heads, and are slightly smaller in size..

The Andromedan language ranges from a dialect similar to Italiano-Spanish to a more tonal guttural sound. Known throughout the galaxy as masters of all forms of science. They only sleep about 2 hours a day. The traditional shape of the ships is sombrero-like - reconnaissance ships of size 15 - 20 meters . Lenticular command ships up to 800 meters . The Andromedans include 2 types of humanoid beings: The first is the "Caucasian", which ranges from the so-called "Nordic" type (blonds, blue eyes, light skin) to the "Mediterranean" type (hair: blond to brown, eyes: gray to brown, tanned skin). The second type is typically "Oriental", with dark hair, dark Asian eyes, and pale to dark brown skin.


This is a type of Nordic Blonds that came from Alpha Centauri (Constellation of Centaurus). They, like the Pleiadians, seek to help us in Spiritual Growth, but do not play such an active role as other races, despite the fact that they have contacts with some people on Earth. They are divided into two types: Humanoid and Reptilian species. The time of membership in the GF is 1 million years. They live in the Centaurus constellation: Alpha Centauri and Proxima Centauri. Distance from 4.5 to 1000 light years from Earth.

humanoide Centurians

They remind people. Men are muscular and well built 1.8 - 2.4m, women are also well built 1.60m - 2.10m. The eyes are brown, black, blue, green or earthy, sometimes rounded. The skin is slightly tanned white to dark brown. The hair is blond, brown, black or red. The language of communication is slightly guttural, reminiscent of German, but the tonal sounds are reminiscent of Chinese. Excellent strategists, are often GF Liaison Consuls. They are distinguished by the ability to bring groups of different beings to agreement, all this is achieved in a peaceful and harmonious way. Sleep 2-4 hours a day. In Alpha - Centauri there is also a civilization that is approximately at the level of development of the medieval earth. Aliens perceive something like demons.

Reptilian Centurians: women up to 2.4m, men a little lower. The eyes are round, bulging with a vertical pupil like a Reptilian, light red or golden in color. 6 fingers that end in a sharp curved claw. On the feet there are 5 long toes with a curved claw. The skin is scaly, mottled, green and blue, or green and red. The language used is very guttural. They are also excellent strategists, often being GF Liaison Consuls. There are 2 types of ships seen above the Earth: A multi-purpose reconnaissance ship, it looks like a bell with a large lenticular round wing attached to one of the sides. Diameter 14m, height 9.20m. Another ship has the appearance of a cigar with a bulge in the middle. Length approximately 60m.

Purple Centurians: differ from humans only in purple skin and taller stature. Even the Atlanteans considered them their relatives. Violets have a great sense of humor and a penchant for sexual contact with earthlings. Moreover, long-distance sex is not a problem for Centaurians. The unbridled passions of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses are based on the adventures of the angelic Tsekntureans on Earth.


Civilization living on Venus - is the most developed in our solar system and is at the level of the fourth dimension. The energy of Sound, practically not studied and not mastered by earthlings, is one of the main types of energy used in the Hathor Civilization. They worked with the Egyptians for a long time. One of the spacecraft NASA in 1985, he discovered on Venus a complex of structures exactly repeating the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx.

Life on the Planet Venus exists on the Etheric Plane - magical cities, emerald parks, silver rivers and lilac seas, huge buildings in the form of cylinders, balls, cones and tori are interconnected by bridges and tubes, like a network of cobwebs. Some elliptical houses float in the air above the city like giant balloons. High-speed elevators with people and food slide to them through transparent tubes. The tops of some five-sided pyramids are crowned with onion domes. As for transport, the Hathors use air cars to transport from one to forty inhabitants. The city glows, shimmers with all 144 colors of the rainbow. Ships and ships on Venus exist in the most fantastic shapes and configurations, or rather, these are not ships, but floating houses of the inhabitants of Venus.

Description of Venusians: Eight intelligent civilizations flourish on Venus, several races. The most advanced of them is the Hathors. Outwardly, the ethereal inhabitants of Venus from the Hathor race are similar to earthlings, only much taller: their height is 5-6 meters for men, women are slightly lower, 4-5 meters tall. Hathors are amazingly beautiful in Soul and body, there are no deformities among them, they all have the bodies of gods and goddesses, they have angelic beauty, radiating virtue and love, communication is carried out through telepathy.

Hathors are especially distinguished by their large blue eyes, which are much larger and more expressive than those of earthlings. In addition, there is another significant difference - these are the ears. The ears of the Hathors are a much more delicate and important organ than ours. Outwardly, the ears are large and vaguely resemble the straightened fins of fish. The fact is that in the world of the Hathors, sound plays an important role, hence their developed ears, which pick up a much wider range of sound vibrations. They also have a highly developed sound-producing system of the larynx. By sound (mantra) they build houses, endure heavy loads, treat illnesses, drive vehicles (especially aircraft). Hathors can continuously chant a mantra for 1.5-2 hours. At the same time, they do not need to take breaks to inhale, because the Hathors inhale at the same time as making sounds.

Music is widely developed on Venus. On Venus, music is one of the techniques for developing the soul. The population of Hathors is replenished at the expense of the Souls who completed the course of study on our Planet Earth.

Venus is densely populated, as the life expectancy of an average Hathor is 25,000 years. Venusians never show signs of aging and illness, they do not turn gray, wrinkle or get tired. In addition, they can easily change their appearance. As such, the concept of death does not exist among the Hathors. When Hathor reaches the age of 25 thousand years, he simply takes his body with him and goes with him to the fifth dimension, flies with him to any astral plane. P planet of choice, but most often to the Sirius system. Of course, among the Venusians there are those who do not have time to complete all the lessons P planets for the allotted 25 thousand years. Such people of Venus "heal" in one body for more than this period. They look at the "old men" with sympathy and compassion, much like they look on Earth at the sick or mentally disabled. However, no one forcibly pushes or “pulls up” the “old men” - freedom of choice is valued here above all. But more often the Hathors "leave" Venus earlier or choose an interesting and difficult mission - for example, incarnation among the Kumaras on Earth.

The most valuable thing for the Hathors are children. They are born in much the same way as on Earth, only much more attention and care is paid to their upbringing. Every child stays in a public school from the age of 5 to 25, receiving basic spiritual knowledge, which, having matured, they begin to put into practice.

The Council of the Light of Venus governs the country of the Hathors. It includes 13 prominent priests - 6 men and 6 women. The thirteenth, permanent member of the Council is the High Priest. In case of equality of votes, He makes the final decision. According to the Law, there is a regular rotation of personnel in the Council. New candidates for the Council are selected according to their level of spiritual progress, inner qualities, wisdom and knowledge. The final decision rests with the High Priest. In fact, the democratic system of policies of Ancient Greece is a pale copy of the electoral system of Venus, and it was brought to Earth by the Kumaras.

By the way, Venus is a kind of cosmic portal, a reception room, a "purgatory" of the Solar System, and everyone who comes here from other civilizations, worlds and dimensions must pass through this Planet. So it is necessary according to the laws of the Cosmos and our Universe.

They are also called Venusians. Almost 0.5% of the current population of the Earth are the descendants of those who "entered" from Venus. Although these beings come from the solar system, many of them are space travelers who only occasionally incarnate on Venus or Earth. Venus is the planet of a special initiation instituted by the Confederacy to prepare souls for higher spiritual truths when they are between earth incarnations. Many Souls often travel to Venus between incarnations. Venus is a sixth density world of incredible beauty and artistic achievement. Because of its high vibration, it is invisible to the eye of third and fourth density. Venus is considered the planet of love, named after the goddess of great beauty. Imagine the most beautiful sunset. Imagine life in a world where the sky always shines with bliss. The eye is blinded by yellow, gold, orange, pink and red colors. Majestic temples spiral into the sky. Huge gardens abound with exotic plant life. Radiant streams of liquid light flow everywhere, nourishing all life forms. Sparkling crystal palaces and golden temples await initiates who come to learn the secrets of the universe. Few remember these images, on Earth they can be seen only on the canvases of artists - seers. And everywhere there is music coming from a place above time and space, a place long forgotten by the Earthbound Souls, a place where love reigns. It permeates everything, eliminating division forever.

Venus is the training center for gods and goddesses and the apotheosis of life in this solar system.

Venus is a transit base for beings from all over the galaxy. Here they are initiated into spiritual teachings; and many earthly Souls have chosen Venus as their first life after Ascension. Until you evolve into fifth density, you will not be able to see this paradise directly. For third density, Venus is a hot, poisonous, depleted earth, and this is discouraging for those who would attempt the shortcut to Heaven.

The key to Venus is love. And it is love that will take you there. Many Venusians (in earth bodies) look for a long time at the brightest Star in the evening or morning sky and wonder where these strange feelings come from. Perhaps you still have a long-lost love on Venus.

As you may have guessed, Venusians are tall, slender, feminine and god-like creatures. They have shining golden hair and a slender build. They have learned to materialize in third density using holographic projection and have done so many times. Often they incarnate or "enter". Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate, though ships can appear in different colors of the rainbow. They are able to travel in time, and many of them came here from the future.

Many times the Venusians appeared during the trials atomic bomb in the 1940s and 50s, communicating with George Adamsky, George Van Tessel and others. Although these people (now deceased) were heavily discredited by the whistleblowers, they left a lot of documentation, photographs and technical descriptions available if you know where to look.


Perhaps they could be our distant ancestors, who moved to another Planet long ago. The Nords are in conflict with the Grays - they oppose the Grays, as they interfere with the development of mankind. Sometimes they are called "blonds" or "tall". The people supposedly contacted say that they are here to observe the evolution of mankind, to preserve our culture and not interfere with our development. They are from the Pleiades (star cluster in the constellation Taurus). Weight 55 - 110 kg . Human eyes. Blond hair. Bright skin. Same-sex (male / female). Communication is telepathic. Nords are very beautiful. In addition to telepathy, they also have a number of supernatural abilities. General physical characteristics are similar to those of a human. Growth is slightly larger than the average human height, more muscle tissue than the average person.


They are said to have translucent skin, large almond eyes and small stature. The main idea of ​​their teaching is to "follow your feelings", to follow your own path, your own means, not to be influenced by anyone. Information about the Blues came from Robert Morninski. According to Morninski, the first contact with extraterrestrials occurred in 1947-1948 between the Grays and the US government and led to a treaty between them. Another race of aliens has landed, called the Blues. The Blues suggested that the government not make a deal with the Grays, saying that it would lead to disaster. They told the US to follow its own path. They said they could teach Peace and Harmony if the people would disarm and listen. The military refused. So they left, but some decided to stay and settled in the north of Mexico and in Arizona (USA) and continued contact with humanity through the tribes of the Hopi Indians. These aliens are known to the Hopi as the Star Wars. The Grays began to watch the Blues. The Blues left the reservation and went into hiding, a few elders left with them. According to Hopi legend, there were two races here, the children of the feather who came from the sky and the children of the Reptiles who came from the earth. The Reptilian children drove the Hopi Indians from Earth, these underground creatures are also called "two-hearted"

Race of the Ancients

They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids. They treat people extremely coldly, and sometimes with great hostility. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. The tales of those who were kidnapped by the Old Ones are notable for their gruesome details of barbaric medical experiments. The Ancients often accompany the Grays, as if they were leaders or overseers. Growth 1.5m to 2m. Cold black almond eyes. Yellow-green skin. They are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers.


This is a Nordic type race that came from the DAL Universe. They are the descendants of the Lyrans and are very advanced technically and spiritually, about 300 to 1.000 years ahead of the Pleiadians. They help the Pleiadians in much the same way that the Pleiadians help us. Often, when we are people of the Earth, we are trying to achieve personal transformation, we “set our eyes” towards the Pleiades. When the Pleiadians seek knowledge, they turn to their teachers, the Andromedans and the DAL group, for advice. Representatives of this race are quite attractive and have Caucasian features. They are so similar to the inhabitants of the north - European countries that in ordinary clothes on our streets it would not cost them anything to mingle with the crowd. The bulk of DAL aliens can directly breathe our air, which means they don't need space suits or helmets when disembarking from a ship.


In the planetary system Capella (Constellation Auriga) inhabited by intelligent Beings, who are called "People of Dolphins", who live in the aquatic environment and intelligent Beings - Lizards. These types of intelligent Beings also visited the Earth thousands of years ago. Their evolutionary genotype is very far from ours and they might seem very unusual and scary to the people of the Earth.

Dragon Race

Lizard ships from the Capella region were the first to arrive on our planet before the Lyrans.

This kind and highly developed race of Dragons populated the Earth with primitive plants, then with amphibians and simple lizards. According to the Higher Plan, animal lizards had to have time to evolve to the level of their mentors - parents and quietly fly away to other, higher planets by the end of the development of the third race of people.

However, after they gave the earthly dinosaurs the necessary DNA for self-improvement, a space virus entered the planet from Sirius-B. As a result of a rapid epidemic on our planet, irreversible genetic mutations have occurred among reptiles. It was they who prevented the dinosaurs from developing sufficiently to instill highly developed Souls from the Auriga into their worn-out bodies.

As a result, sick animals suddenly degenerated into unreasonable and unpredictable giant lizards that hinder the development of earthly humanity. To correct the current situation, new beam ships from the Capella region arrived on Earth. Alien Space Marines performed a genetic experiment to breed a new type of animal - based on a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The experiment was a success. This kind of animal lizards was supposed to eventually become the bearer of highly developed Souls.

All this did not please the representatives of the humanoid civilizations of the Earth. The peoples of Mayataya were the first to enter the sticky war with the aliens. Then other human states joined them. It seemed that the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion: the science and technology of the lizards were several orders of magnitude higher than the human one. At first, the Dragons only defended their biological laboratories - they were fierce opponents of the war. But over time, when the lizards got a "taste", the land-based cities and countries of the earthlings were slowly burned by the ray UFOs of the Dragons. At the end of the conflict in world war the underground empire of Agartha entered.

Agartha's aircraft were heavily armed and outnumbered by the elastic ships of the Dragons. Flaming disks of alien UFOs fell to Earth like a meteor shower, set on fire by the "death rays" of the titans. A huge military fleet of the underground inhabitants of Agarta drove the Dragon ships out of the Solar System. Then, so that there would be no more reason for the Auriga lizards to send their military expedition to Earth, it was decided at the planetary council of humanoid races to quickly exterminate all wild dinosaurs. The flying discs of the Lumans, Agarts, and descendants of the Lyrans with the help of beam cannons destroyed almost all types of beast lizards. Only those dinosaurs remained who meekly worked in the fields and farms of the Mayataya as pets.


Name of a member of the Galactic Federation - Bellatrix Star Nation. Former member of the League of Orion, and this sector of command of the former alliance.

Joining the Galactic Federation - 3 years ago.

Location:One of the brightest stars in the Orion constellation, the brightest star found in Orion's Belt.

Distance from Earth : Approximately 112.5 light years.

Life Form:The main type is a dino-reptoid hybrid that migrated from the Sagittarius constellation about 25 million years ago.

Physical data: Very scaly and bony. From above, the head is surrounded by a large bony crest. They have large red or dull yellow eyes (these are similar to Earth reptiles), always directed upward, have a very small nose. They have a mouth with thin lips that run from one side of their head to the other. They have no ears, only their sign is a very smooth 7.62 cm circle on the side of the head or just behind the eyes. The skin is scaly, like that of a crocodile, and has colors: green, yellow, brown or red. A small bony comb moves from the middle of the back and connects to a large comb located on top of the head.
On the hands they have 6 long, clawed fingers. On the feet they have 5 fingers, at the ends of which there is a small and very sharp claw. They have a very small tail. Men are smaller than women. Men have a height of 2.44 m to 3 m, women have a height of 2.6 m to 3.12 m.

Special abilities and talents: Known as good diplomats and leaders. In the past, as part of the Alliance, they ruled this sector of the Galaxy for 6 million years. Milky Way.

Average need for sleep: 5-8 hours a day.

Language:Very rough guttural, full of growling and hissing noises.

Mother ships and other flying vehicles: The reconnaissance ship looks like dewdrops and like a beetle, varies in size from 30.5 m to 122 m. Motherships range in size from 1.6 km to 640 km. long and look like long tadpoles


Name of a member of the Galactic Federation - Confederation of Fomalhot

Joining the Galactic Federation - a neutral star nation that became a member of the Galactic Federation 3 years ago.

Location - A bright star in the Constellation of Pisces (southern Pisces).

Distance to Earth- Approximately 23 light years.

Life Form- They have 2 types. The first is humanoid. These are the rebels from the Pleiades who first colonized Fomalhot 250,000 years ago and are found on the 3rd and 4th planets of Fomalhot.
The second type is a small dino-reptoid group from Bellatrix in Orion who colonized the 2nd planet of this solar system about 200,000 years ago.
These 2 parts created the Confederation after a series of very destructive wars that ended 20,000 years ago.

Physical Data- The first variety of Fomalhotonen people closely resemble what are called "Nordic aliens", they are usually blond with very blue, earthen or steel-gray eyes. The males are muscular and around 1.85m. The females are very pretty, and range in height from 1.65m to 1.83m.
The second type is dark-skinned and looks completely tanned, with dark and brown hair, gray or black eyes. Has a similar height and other data as the "Nordic" type.

The Dino-Reptoid Confederation is originally a hybrid from the star Bellatrix in Orion.

Special talents and abilities- Known for their courage and scientific ability. They are now part of the bulk of the staff of the first major Science and Exploration team sent to Andromeda (2 million light years of our Galaxy).

Average need for sleep- from 2 to 6 hours a day.

Language- The language of people is lyrical, but a little guttural. Dino - a reptoid language - is much more guttural.

Mother ships and other aircraft- Human reconnaissance ships are egg-shaped, reminiscent of a drop of water falling from a tap. Their size is from 18.3 to 26 meters.
Motherships are multi-layered cigars, from 3.2 km to 1.920 km. around.

Dino-reptoid scout ships look like huge beetles, approximately 30.5 meters in diameter. Motherships look like amoeba and range in size from 13 to 14,400 km around.


The level of development corresponds approximately to the level of terrestrial Neanderthals: they use the simplest tools, have speech. In addition to this, they have a huge learning rate and change very quickly. For example, they evolved from Pithecanthropus not in hundreds of thousands of years, like earthlings, but in thousands of years - a hundred times faster, moreover, without outside interference.


An extremely developed Civilization, for example, can transform one type of matter into another, which is equivalent to virtually unlimited resources, and has the most extensive knowledge about the Universe. It comes into contact extremely rarely, for some reason of its own, which it is not possible to understand.


They live in our Universe, in the Aldebaran Star System. They are a very high development, humanoid Yeti variety. Usually blond hair and very white skin. They avoid sunlight because it harms their skin and eyes. Previously, they were intelligent and peaceful, but over time they became less friendly.


A hostile civilization that tries to fight almost everyone with whom it has no trade relations. It is also difficult to conduct trade relations with her, because by hook or by crook he tries to lure out the greatest benefit for himself. The planet orbits its Sun in a system about 20 light-years away from a star Earth astronomers call Epsilon Eridani. These aliens are large, 2m - 2.50m tall. Their bodies are covered with wrinkled skin, and their long arms end in three thick fingers. The abundance of folds and keratinization on the skin makes it look like a crocodile. Their faces are very unusual, with a large mouth and huge ears. These creatures have highly advanced technological knowledge.


Their planet is located at a distance of almost 10 light years from Earth. This Planet with an atmosphere, the aliens call Iarga. The mass and diameter of the Iarga is greater than that of the Earth, and the acceleration of free fall there, respectively, is also greater, and proportionally smaller bodies than ours. The atmosphere is denser than ours. Aliens reported that an earthly person, if he got caught in the rain on Iarga, would be “shot” to death with drops. The period of revolution around its own axis for this Planet is longer than the earthly one, so, accordingly, the days and nights there last longer than ours, however, some of their nights are “white”. Due to the denser atmosphere, which differs in composition from the earth's, Iarga does not know the bright sunlight, and its inhabitants never see either stars or moons. In the thickness of the atmosphere, the green gamut predominates. The creatures there are somewhat smaller than a man and differ from him in their structure, but they look stronger, stockier. The alien spacecraft, its equipment and furnishings speak of high level their technological development.

To be continued.....

The Marvel Universe is very developed and developed, and there are many described alien races and civilizations in it. One of the most famous alien races is the Kree people. (Kgee) .


The Kree are an ancient race of blue-skinned, robust humanoids. The average Kree is stronger and more resilient than the average human. The Kree have long been at enmity with the Skrulls - once upon a time, when the Skrulls were a peaceful race, and a second people, the Cotati, lived on the Kree's home planet, the Skrulls offered to arrange a competition to determine which people had the right to take the entire planet for themselves. The Skrulls took the Kree and the Cotati to the moon, fenced off a small area there, and challenged both peoples to do something cool. Cotati won, making a chic garden. The Kree, who built a cool city, got angry, destroyed all the Cotati and started a war with the Skrulls.

Since then, on the far side of the moon there is the so-called "frost region" - a small area where you can breathe. There are the ruins of a Kree city, among which stands an estate owned by Watcher Uat.

To help create the Cosmic Cube, the Kree created a supercomputer, the Supreme Intelligence. (Supreme Intelligence) , but the Mind, being a smart machine, refused to serve the Kree and instead subjugated the people to itself. In various comics, the Kree people either obey him or rebel against him, obeying Ronan the Accuser (Ronan the Accuser), one of the strongest Kree warriors. And the Kree people are famous for the fact that their geneticists created the Inhumans (Inhumans). The fact is that the evolution of the Kree was stopped. Stuck in a dead end. This happened due to the fact that in ancient times a certain representative of the race tried to use the crystal he found, filled with energy, to become a god, and the crystal, as punishment for the attempt, led the evolution of the Kree to a dead end.

The Kree didn't just fight the Skrulls. They also had a war with the Shiar Empire. However, this war was not so long, and ended with the explosion of the Nega Bomb - a terrible weapon that destroyed most of the Kree empire. The remnants of the empire came under the rule of the Shiar, but over time, the appointed ruler of the territory simply scored on her obligations, and the Kree empire began to recover.



Skrulls (Skrulls)- an ancient race of reptilians with epic chins. In ancient times, when this race was just emerging, the Skrull planet was visited by the Celestials, beings of great cosmic power. As with the Earthlings, the Kree, and many other races, they conducted an experiment dividing the Skrulls into three peoples - ordinary Skrulls, immortal Skrulls (Eternal (Eternals)) and able to change the appearance of the Skrulls (Deviants (deviant)). The Skrulls fought among themselves, and only the deviants survived. Since then, it’s been that way: the Skrulls can change their appearance. They can become physically stronger, more massive - or smaller, more inconspicuous. Grow wings, claws - or simply take on the appearance of an interlocutor.

A trademark of the Skrulls is the ribbed chin. If a Skrull assumes a hybrid, half-human form, the chin is retained, and it is the chin that appears first when the masquerading Skrull takes on his true appearance.

The Skrulls were a peaceful people until the dastardly Kree started a war by squeezing a bunch of Skrull technology. With the development of new technologies and the use of shapeshifting abilities, the Skrulls have become one of the most warlike races in the universe. After the main planet of the Skrulls was absorbed by Galactus, a period of fragmentation began among the people - separate groups of Skrulls began to declare themselves independent and fight with each other. Also, the Skrulls have repeatedly attacked the Earth officially and unofficially. The remnants of their empire were further shattered by Annihilus, the tyrant of the Negative Zone, and the rest came under the control of the radical Queen Veranke.



These cutest Alien/Zerg hybrids - Brood (Blood). Creatures of an insectoid kind, really evil, every single one. Brood members reproduce by laying eggs in the bodies of members of other races. When the time of "birth" comes, the egg does not hatch, but instead the body of the host turns into the body of a Brood representative. That is, with the appearance of a small Alien, there will be no blood from the stomach, but fangs will begin to grow, the shape of the skull will change, and over time, the human personality will completely die, making room for the personality of the Brood. One day, Professor X almost became the Queen of the Brood. An egg was planted in it, and it almost developed. If not for Kitty, everything could have ended very badly. All representatives of the Brood obey the Queen implicitly, there have never been riots. And the Brood loves when its bearers suffer and suffer, losing themselves and turning into a Brood. So it goes. The Brood are the worst enemies of the Shi'ar Empire. Speaking of Shear...



Shiar (Shi'Ar)- a humanoid race descended from birds, most of the representatives of the race have feathers instead of hair on their heads, and they carefully protect these feathers in battle, wearing helmets in the shape of their hair. The average Shiar can lift up to a ton in weight and is very hardy. The Shiar first came into contact with humans when their Majestor (their version of the title of emperor), Dken Neramani, desired to become a god by taking control of the Mkraan Crystal, which contained the power of the Phoenix. Dken's relative, Lilandra, became the new ruler of the Shiar, and Professor X's wife. The Shi'ar Empire was dealt a severe blow when Professor X's evil sister took control of Lilandra's mind and started a civil war in the empire.

Lilandra's sister, Deathbird (deathbird), repeatedly caused trouble for the X-Men in particular and the Earth in general, and seized the throne of the Shiar. The Deathbird is unique among the Shi'ar, her body lagging behind the rest of the race - she still possesses feathers almost all over her body. And she's also a maniac. She led the Shi'ar for a long time, but in later comics, Callark, a former "head of guard" and personal bodyguard, who bore the nickname "Gladiator", became the ruler of the empire.


Phalanx and Technarchy

Phalanx (Phalanx) and Technarchy (technical)- two sister races, very similar, but at the same time warring. All representatives of the Phalanx are cyborgs, moreover, quite evil. Their main feature is the ability to absorb organic matter in order to enhance their own technique. The Phalanx repeatedly attempted to destroy the Shi'ar empire, but were rebuffed by the X-Men. As a result, Ultron became the new ruler of the Phalanx. And the Technarchy is a peaceful race that does not have a true form. All members of the race are constantly changing, and consist entirely of technology, which is constantly absorbed. They can take on human form, but prefer to look like creepy, albeit non-evil, techno-quirks. One of the representatives of the Technarchy, the Wizard (Warlock), was a member of the Young Mutants.



Chitauri (Chitauri) were first mentioned in 2002 in the comics of the Marvel Ultimate universe (Earth-1610), where they were analogues of the Skrulls from the original universe - the same aggressive invaders seeking power over the universe. The Chitauri aided the Nazis during World War II, and clashed with the Avengers on numerous occasions. In the mainstream Marvel Universe (Earth-616), the Chitauri are separate from the Skrulls, and are enemies of the Nova Corps. (Nova Corps). In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999), the Chitauri were subordinate to Thanos, and one of their squads temporarily borrowed Loki.



Moloids (Moloids) were created by Deviants from Earth as a race of slaves. It was a very long time ago, and over time they degenerated. By interbreeding with each other, they lost almost all of their intelligence and most of their physical strength. Moloids lived in caves deep underground, and when an explorer who later called himself the Mole Man infiltrated (Mole Man) The Moloids immediately became his servants. The Moloids have repeatedly aided the Mole Man in his crimes. Some Moloids have been made intelligent again in one way or another, such as after being experimented on by the High Evolutionary.



There are in the Marvel universe and angels, and demons, and just peoples similar to them. For example, Neyafim (Neyaphem). A race of mutants with a demonic appearance, one of the brightest representatives of which is Azazel, the father of Nightcrawler, the blue-skinned jumper from the X-Men. In biblical times, another group of mutants, the Cheyaraphim, drove them into a parallel dimension - the Dimension of Sulfur (Brimstone Dimension). In addition to Azazel, the well-known representatives of Neyafim are his servants - the telepathic Ginnie, who can change her appearance, the winged warrior Gillian, the ambal Idrazil, and the pyromaniac executioner Ophis.



Representatives of some races may seem like real monsters, for example, Makluan dragons from the planet Kakarantara (aka Maklu IV). The Makluans are a peaceful race of dragons with the ability to shape-shift. As often happens, their least pleasant representatives, for example, the conqueror Fin Phan Fum, were most "famous" (Fin Fang Foom). All Makluans can fly, survive in space without spacesuits, breathe fire and acid vapor, are superhumanly strong and durable, and can live very, very long lives.



Builders (Builders)- the oldest race in the universe, fond of creating the world. They created numerous assistants for themselves - the race of Alephs (mechanical "cleaners"), Gardeners, Caretakers, and others. Builders are neither evil nor good, they are neutral. At one time they tried to destroy the Earth, and after that they opposed the Otherworldly, guests from outside the Multiverse, who wanted to slam this same Multiverse with one blow. All Builders were destroyed in the battle with the Beyonders.



Badoon (badoon)- a rather old race (older than the Kree and Skrulls), which is always torn apart by gender conflicts. Females hate males, males despise females. Once they had a serious sexual war. The victory (and females) went to males. The males developed a bunch of new technologies and became conquerors, the females remained to guard the hearths, becoming pacifists. The Badun worshiped a number of different Badun gods, one of which was Wurd Bloodeye, who died at the hands of Gorr, the Slayer of the Gods.



People calling themselves simply "Neo" are the subject of controversy between fans. Presumably, Neo are representatives of the species Homo Sapiens Superior. In other words, ordinary mutants. Yes, only they consider themselves "new and improved" mutants, "mutants 2.0". They lived in a close community with no contact with humans or other mutants, until suddenly their abilities were temporarily cut off (the High Evolutionary did his best). Who did Neo blame for their troubles? That's right, the X-Men. Since then, the X-Men and Neo have been at war from time to time. The situation was somewhat defused only by M-Day, after which most of the Neos lost their powers.


Plant Colossi

Plant Colossi live on planet X in a distant corner of the universe. (Floral colossus)- tree giants, the most famous representative of which is Groot. All representatives of this people can voice only one phrase - "I am Groot" - but they are not fools. On the contrary, all tree colossi are real geniuses. They undergo intensive training and absorb the knowledge and experience of many generations of Groot through photosynthesis. Groot has already appeared in many comics and it is hinted that it was not the same Groot. After all, if all representatives of the people are Groot, how to prove that readers see the same tree colossus in different comics?


Also a very notable people are the Kronans. (Kronans)- "stone people from Saturn." Even 3000 years ago, they located an outpost on one of the moons of Saturn. Once they invaded Earth, intimidating the unfortunate lame doctor Don Blake so that he ran into a cave. In the cave, Don found Thor's hammer and gained the ability to take on the guise (and powers) of the god of thunder. Thor single-handedly drove the stone lumps from the Earth. The most famous of the Kronan is Korg, a gladiator who became an ally of the Hulk during the "Planet Hulk" and "World War Hulk" storylines.

Venus is the training center for gods and goddesses and the apotheosis of life in this solar system.

Venus is a transit base for beings from all over the galaxy. Here they are initiated into spiritual teachings; and many earthly Souls have chosen Venus as their first life after Ascension. Until you evolve into fifth density, you will not be able to see this paradise directly. For third density, Venus is a hot, poisonous, depleted earth, and this is discouraging for those who would attempt the shortcut to Heaven.

The key to Venus is love. And it is love that will take you there. Many Venusians (in earth bodies) look for a long time at the brightest Star in the evening or morning sky and wonder where these strange feelings come from. Perhaps you still have a long-lost love on Venus.

As you may have guessed, Venusians are tall, slender, feminine and god-like creatures. They have shining golden hair and a slender build. They have learned to materialize in third density using holographic projection and have done so many times. Often they incarnate or "enter". Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate, though ships can appear in different colors of the rainbow. They are able to travel in time, and many of them came here from the future.

Many times the Venusians appeared during the atomic bomb tests in the 1940s and 50s, interacting with George Adamsky, George Van Tessel and others. Although these people (now deceased) were heavily discredited by the whistleblowers, they left a lot of documentation, photographs and technical descriptions available if you know where to look.


Perhaps they could be our distant ancestors, who moved to another Planet long ago. The Nords are in conflict with the Grays - they oppose the Grays, as they interfere with the development of mankind. Sometimes they are called "blonds" or "tall". The people supposedly contacted say that they are here to observe the evolution of mankind, to preserve our culture and not interfere with our development. They are from the Pleiades (star cluster in the constellation Taurus). Weight 55 - 110 kg. Human eyes. Blond hair. Bright skin. Same-sex (male / female). Communication is telepathic. Nords are very beautiful. In addition to telepathy, they also have a number of supernatural abilities. General physical characteristics are similar to those of a human. Growth is slightly larger than the average human height, more muscle tissue than the average person.


They are said to have translucent skin, large almond eyes and small stature. The main idea of ​​their teaching is to "follow your feelings", to follow your own path, your own means, not to be influenced by anyone. Information about the Blues came from Robert Morninski. According to Morninski, the first contact with extraterrestrials occurred in 1947-1948 between the Grays and the US government and led to a treaty between them. Another race of aliens has landed, called the Blues. The Blues suggested that the government not make a deal with the Grays, saying that it would lead to disaster. They told the US to follow its own path. They said they could teach Peace and Harmony if the people would disarm and listen. The military refused. So they left, but some decided to stay and settled in the north of Mexico and in Arizona (USA) and continued contact with humanity through the tribes of the Hopi Indians. These aliens are known to the Hopi as the Star Wars. The Grays began to watch the Blues. The Blues left the reservation and went into hiding, a few elders left with them. According to Hopi legend, there were two races here, the children of the feather who came from the sky and the children of the Reptiles who came from the earth. The Reptilian children drove the Hopi Indians from Earth, these underground creatures are also called "two-hearted"

Race of the Ancients

They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids. They treat people extremely coldly, and sometimes with great hostility. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. The tales of those who were kidnapped by the Old Ones are notable for their gruesome details of barbaric medical experiments. The Ancients often accompany the Grays, as if they were leaders or overseers. Growth 1.5m to 2m. Cold black almond eyes. Yellow-green skin. They are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers.


This is a Nordic type race that came from the DAL Universe. They are the descendants of the Lyrans and are very advanced technically and spiritually, about 300 to 1.000 years ahead of the Pleiadians. They help the Pleiadians in much the same way that the Pleiadians help us. Often, when we are people of the Earth, we are trying to achieve personal transformation, we “set our eyes” towards the Pleiades. When the Pleiadians seek knowledge, they turn to their teachers, the Andromedans and the DAL group, for advice. Representatives of this race are quite attractive and have Caucasian features. They are so similar to the inhabitants of northern European countries that in ordinary clothes on our streets it would not cost them anything to mingle with the crowd. The bulk of DAL aliens can directly breathe our air, which means they don't need space suits or helmets when disembarking from a ship.


In the planetary system Capella (Constellation Auriga) inhabited by intelligent Beings, who are called "People of Dolphins", who live in the aquatic environment and intelligent Beings - Lizards. These types of intelligent Beings also visited the Earth thousands of years ago. Their evolutionary genotype is very far from ours and they might seem very unusual and scary to the people of the Earth.

Dragon Race

Lizard ships from the Capella region were the first to arrive on our planet before the Lyrans.

This kind and highly developed race of Dragons populated the Earth with primitive plants, then with amphibians and simple lizards. According to the Higher Plan, animal lizards had to have time to evolve to the level of their mentors - parents and quietly fly away to other, higher planets by the end of the development of the third race of people.

However, after they gave the earthly dinosaurs the necessary DNA for self-improvement, a space virus entered the planet from Sirius-B. As a result of a rapid epidemic on our planet, irreversible genetic mutations have occurred among reptiles. It was they who prevented the dinosaurs from developing sufficiently to instill highly developed Souls from the Auriga into their worn-out bodies.

As a result, sick animals suddenly degenerated into unreasonable and unpredictable giant lizards that hinder the development of earthly humanity. To correct the current situation, new beam ships from the Capella region arrived on Earth. Alien Space Marines performed a genetic experiment to breed a new type of animal - based on a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The experiment was a success. This kind of animal lizards was supposed to eventually become the bearer of highly developed Souls.

All this did not please the representatives of the humanoid civilizations of the Earth. The peoples of Mayataya were the first to enter the sticky war with the aliens. Then other human states joined them. It seemed that the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion: the science and technology of the lizards were several orders of magnitude higher than the human one. At first, the Dragons only defended their biological laboratories - they were fierce opponents of the war. But over time, when the lizards got a "taste", the land-based cities and countries of the earthlings were slowly burned by the ray UFOs of the Dragons. At the final stage of the conflict, the underground empire of Agartha entered the world war.

Agartha's aircraft were heavily armed and outnumbered by the elastic ships of the Dragons. Flaming disks of alien UFOs fell to Earth like a meteor shower, set on fire by the "death rays" of the titans. A huge military fleet of the underground inhabitants of Agarta drove the Dragon ships out of the Solar System. Then, so that there would be no more reason for the Auriga lizards to send their military expedition to Earth, it was decided at the planetary council of humanoid races to quickly exterminate all wild dinosaurs. The flying discs of the Lumans, Agarts, and descendants of the Lyrans with the help of beam cannons destroyed almost all types of beast lizards. Only those dinosaurs remained who meekly worked in the fields and farms of the Mayataya as pets.


The name of a member of the Galactic Federation is Bellatrix Star Nation. Former member of the League of Orion, and this sector of command of the former alliance. Entry into the Galactic Federation - 3 years ago.

Location: One of the brightest stars in the Orion constellation, the brightest star found in Orion's Belt.

Distance from Earth: Approximately 112.5 light years.

Life Form: The main type is a dino-reptoid hybrid that migrated from the constellation of Sagittarius about 25 million years ago.

Physical Data: Very scaly and bony. From above, the head is surrounded by a large bony crest. They have large red or dull yellow eyes (these are similar to Earth reptiles), always directed upward, have a very small nose. They have a mouth with thin lips that run from one side of their head to the other. They have no ears, only their sign is a very smooth 7.62 cm circle on the side of the head or just behind the eyes. The skin is scaly, like that of a crocodile, and has colors: green, yellow, brown or red. A small bony comb moves from the middle of the back and connects to a large comb located on top of the head.

On the hands they have 6 long, clawed fingers. On the feet they have 5 fingers, at the ends of which there is a small and very sharp claw. They have a very small tail. Men are smaller than women. Men have a height of 2.44 m to 3 m, women have a height of 2.6 m to 3.12 m.

Special Abilities and Talents: Known to be good diplomats and leaders. In the past, as part of the Alliance, they ruled this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy for 6 million years.

Average need for sleep: 5-8 hours per day.

Tongue: Very coarsely guttural, full of growling and hissing noises.

Motherships and Other Flying Vehicles: The reconnaissance craft looks like dewdrops and is like a beetle, ranging in size from 30.5m to 122m. Motherships range in size from 1.6km to 640km. long and look like long tadpoles


Galactic Federation Member Name - Fomalhot Confederation

Time of entry into the Galactic Federation - a neutral star nation that became a member of the Galactic Federation 3 years ago.

Location - A bright star in the Constellation of Pisces (southern Pisces).

Distance to Earth - Approximately 23 light years.

Life Form - They have 2 types. The first is humanoid. These are the rebels from the Pleiades who first colonized Fomalhot 250,000 years ago and are found on the 3rd and 4th planets of Fomalhot.

The second type is a small dino-reptoid group from Bellatrix in Orion who colonized the 2nd planet of this solar system about 200,000 years ago.

These 2 parts created the Confederation after a series of very destructive wars that ended 20,000 years ago.

Physical Characteristics - The first variety of Fomalhotonen people closely resemble what are called "Nordic aliens", they are usually blond with very blue, earthy or steel gray eyes. The males are muscular and around 1.85m. The females are very pretty, and range in height from 1.65m to 1.83m.

The second type is dark-skinned and looks completely tanned, with dark and brown hair, gray or black eyes. Has a similar height and other data as the "Nordic" type.

The Dino-Reptoid Confederation is originally a hybrid from the star Bellatrix in Orion.

Special Talents and Abilities - Known for their courage and scientific ability. They are now part of the bulk of the staff of the first major Science and Exploration team sent to Andromeda (2 million light years of our Galaxy).

The average need for sleep is 2 to 6 hours per day.

Language - The language of the people is lyrical, but a little guttural. Dino - a reptoid language - is much more guttural.

Motherships and other flying vehicles - Human reconnaissance ships are egg-shaped, resembling a drop of water falling from a tap. Their size is from 18.3 to 26 meters.

Motherships are multi-layered cigars, from 3.2 km to 1.920 km. around.

Dino - reptoid scout ships look like huge beetles, approximately 30.5 meters in diameter. Motherships look like amoeba and range in size from 13 to 14,400 km around.


The level of development corresponds approximately to the level of terrestrial Neanderthals: they use the simplest tools, have speech. In addition to this, they have a huge learning rate and change very quickly. For example, they evolved from Pithecanthropus not in hundreds of thousands of years, like earthlings, but in thousands of years - a hundred times faster, moreover, without outside interference.


An extremely developed Civilization, for example, can transform one type of matter into another, which is equivalent to virtually unlimited resources, and has the most extensive knowledge about the Universe. It comes into contact extremely rarely, for some reason of its own, which it is not possible to understand.


They live in our Universe, in the Aldebaran Star System. They are a very high development, humanoid Yeti variety. Usually blond hair and very white skin. They avoid sunlight because it harms their skin and eyes. Previously, they were intelligent and peaceful, but over time they became less friendly.


A hostile civilization that tries to fight almost everyone with whom it has no trade relations. It is also difficult to conduct trade relations with her, because by hook or by crook he tries to lure out the greatest benefit for himself. The planet orbits its Sun in a system about 20 light-years away from a star Earth astronomers call Epsilon Eridani. These aliens are large, 2m - 2.50m tall. Their bodies are covered with wrinkled skin, and their long arms end in three thick fingers. The abundance of folds and keratinization on the skin makes it look like a crocodile. Their faces are very unusual, with a large mouth and huge ears. These creatures have highly advanced technological knowledge.


Their planet is located at a distance of almost 10 light years from Earth. This Planet with an atmosphere, the aliens call Iarga. The mass and diameter of the Iarga is greater than that of the Earth, and the acceleration of free fall there, respectively, is also greater, and proportionally smaller bodies than ours. The atmosphere is denser than ours. Aliens reported that an earthly person, if he got caught in the rain on Iarga, would be “shot” to death with drops. The period of revolution around its own axis for this Planet is longer than the earthly one, so, accordingly, the days and nights there last longer than ours, however, some of their nights are “white”. Due to the denser atmosphere, which differs in composition from the earth's, Iarga does not know the bright sunlight, and its inhabitants never see either stars or moons. In the thickness of the atmosphere, the green gamut predominates. The creatures there are somewhat smaller than a man and differ from him in their structure, but they look stronger, stockier. The alien spacecraft, its equipment and the environment inside speak of a high level of their technological development.


Constellation Big Dog- this is a system of worlds, numbering 24 inhabited Planets in a vibrational dimension similar to us. Humanoids related to earthlings live only on four. The remaining civilizations are lizard-like, insect-like and vegetable. The center of this System is the huge Planet Cron Alaba. On its three moons, each of which is the size of the Earth, are the automatic stations of the Big Constellation Control Brain. The inhabitants of Kron Alaba are broad-shouldered, like weightlifters, short-legged and dog-headed. The stocky aliens are physically very strong. The Egyptian god of the dead, Anubis, was written from these aliens. Anubis often visited the Earth on the occasion of the holidays of Atlantis of the mysteries of the Sun and Sirius and were famous for their unsurpassed intelligence.

A very long time ago, the Southern Empire of Egypt flourished on Earth, founded by one of the Civilizations of the Constellation Canis Major. The dog-headed representatives of Kron Alaba landed their spacecraft in the area of ​​Lake Chad about 400,000 years ago. Shouldered Anubis founded a gigantic kingdom, which then occupied the territory of modern Sudan, Ethiopia, Chad and the Central African Republic.

The Atlantean colonization of Central Africa began a very long time ago. But before them, the aforementioned Anubis had already settled there.

The Dogheads first landed near what is now Lake Chad. Locals who saw the fossil wonder of the landing of spaceships passed on prominent legends about it to their descendants. Then the inhabitants of Kron Alaba more than once flew to Egypt for religious holidays dedicated to Sirius and the Sun.

Pharaoh of Egypt Teti II in his chant dedicated to the arrival of aliens from the Adara Star System - Canis Major (namely, from there the dog-headed Anubis arrived) describes this flaming event as follows: “Thoth comes out, being as the leader of the ship of the Sun ...” The hieroglyphic text holiday anthem has survived to this day without damage. The natives, seeing the landing rockets, fell to the ground, throwing their bows and spears. Then they knelt, noticing that the curly flame around spaceship went out. They named Thoth "The Extinguisher of the Flame" and carried a team of civilizers back to their capital. 9 aliens flew in rockets. They settled in the capital of what was then Egypt, the city of Hamuna, located in the middle of the Nile Valley. This nine Anubis subsequently divided for a long time: six humanoids remained in the wild and treacherous Egypt, and three departed for the no less dangerous jungle of Mesopotamia. There they created an insanely beautiful civilization equal to that of Egypt. The humanoids of Kron Alaba who remained in Egypt belonged to the same family. What the “gods” who arrived in Egypt did, built, raised and brought up, remained in the memory of Africans as the “Golden Age”. The progenitor of the Anubis family was the “goddess” Knight, but she remained on her huge planet. Ra's father brought three of his sons to Earth: Osiris with his wife Isis, Thoth with his wife Maat, and the youngest son Seth.

Under the magical reign of Osiris, the civilization of the land of Africa began. Patient and sensitive aliens did not enslave the local population, but managed to subdue and direct their work in the right direction with their kind attitude. He diligently gave away everything free time the creation of the technical improvements necessary for the country and the training of the restless natives in crafts. His father, Ra, also actively participated in this. Brother Seth also stubbornly helped Thoth. Osiris, on the other hand, taught the warlike Africans to peacefully cultivate the earth and eat its fruits. Isis and Maat taught scandalous women about housekeeping, raising children and animals. Details have been preserved of the curious method by which Maat (the goddess of order) taught their women.

Civilizers tenderly took care of planting good morals and Love among the toothy natives. It took more than one thousand years to create a beautiful state with a strong economy and good moral values. The ageless Osiris had a son, Horus. However, after solid successes in Egypt, Osiris went to enlighten other peoples of the Earth. He entrusted the duties of a gentle ruler to Thoth. But the clockwork brother Thoth was very busy with general technical problems, and decided to push the administrative functions either to his brother Seth, or to the son of Osiris - Horus. Fortunately, the quiet and unassuming Seth possessed neither the organizational gift of Osiris nor the technical genius of Thoth. In addition, he was unmarried, which gave rise in the time of the earthly pharaohs to compose a dirty fable that Set, out of envy of Osiris, killed him. In fact, according to the ancient texts of the Memphian papyri, the following story happened: in order to avoid any friction between Set and Horus, they decided to ask the mother goddess Night for advice. Thoughtfully, Knight announced through a video computer that Gor was the ruler, and the tense Thoth relieved himself of administrative duties and began building high underground cities. Delighted, Thoth trained thousands of engineers and workers in schools for the local population. The construction of huge buildings and heavenly temples was carried out with the help of levitation, under the vibrations of mantras and the singing of flutes. He not only taught the natives creative work and literacy, but also gave them some technical knowledge. According to the dusty testimonies of the priests of Heliopolis, Thoth built a house of statues, which served to measure the Nile. On the sloping Mount Sari, he founded a terribly beautiful city with a half-kilometer lighthouse and mirror pyramids. In the same place, he erected a huge Temple of the Sun from precious and crystalline stones, self-luminous at night from the inside.

He gave the Egyptians enviable technologies for producing cobalt, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum and other materials that are still unknown to us. In Egypt, astronomy and public health were cleverly developed. It is no coincidence that the admiring Egyptians called Thoth the "God of Longevity" and the "Lord of Life." The Memphite priest states in his papyrus that the Egyptians of that time "lived without knowing sickness and old age." However, even the Anubis were not in control of Time. “After growing old, Ra retired to heaven, giving the kingdom in turn to the gods descended from him.” Thoth the First was replaced by That Second, later it was his ancient Greeks who called Hermias Trismegistus or Hermes Thrice the Greatest. He helped build both the Egyptians and the Atlanteans the first Great Pyramids in Northern Egypt. The successor of the affairs of Thoth II was his son Tat, but there are no details about him in the papyrus.

The civilizers of the Great Dog foresaw the rise and fall of the Egyptian state, for everything that exists is subject to the law of rhythm. A few thousand years later, a system of unlimited power of the pharaohs arose in southern Egypt. The long-headed sons of Set and other descendants of the aliens no longer interfered in the affairs of the state. They formed a closed caste of highly professional priests. The main goal of their invisible activity was the creation of hidden priestly schools for earthlings and the discovery of the secrets of cosmic knowledge. They built two underground cities under the pyramids of Nubia and Memphis, equipped with fantastic alien technology. In the cryogenic chambers of the dungeons, the priests of the underground cities have always kept hundreds of soulless bodies of earthlings. At the ritual requests of the priests, the Souls of the Crystalline People of Sirius-B, bird-headed humanoids of the fifth planet of Sirius-A entered these bodies, dog-headed civilizers and Reptiles of other Star Systems of the Constellation Canis Major were also infused. They went out to the beautifully surprised disciples of the priests and taught them in human form, answered annoying questions. We see echoes of this exciting custom in the mummification of the bodies of the dead. Some representatives of the Pleiades also "rented" the frozen bodies of earthlings and, having answered all the questions of the priests, returned them to the general storage.

A little later, the Egyptian Civilization was successfully controlled by some representatives of the Grays until the Spiritual Hierarchy forced them to leave the Earth.

Andromedans (Andromedans)
A non-physical race of rather intimidating ancient angelic beings from the Andromeda Galaxy. They are ultimately the spiritual power of command Ashtar (Ashtar) and leaders Pleiadians (Pleiadians) and our entire offshoot of Human evolution! But not only that. They are the leaders of at least one completely different branch of the race from us. Signusian (Cygnusian) - quiet, slimy, amphibious, like creatures arriving from planets in the constellation Signus (Cygnus). The way in which the Andromeda beings help the beings in our own Milky Way galaxy evolve can be seen in a macrocosmic example of how a civilization Pleiadian (Pleiadians) helps to develop civilizations on our Earth.


"UFO - Contact from the Pleiades" by Wendelle Stevens

Aryans (Aryans), Blondes (Blondes)
Blond Scandinavian Humanoids who work with gray. They are said to have been captured Reptoids and also have implants (introductions). They are said to have a tendency to fluctuate in loyalty between Reptoids (Reptoids) and the Confederation of Men.

Source: Cosmic Channel of Understanding from The Opening of Understanding, Issue #37

arcturians (Arcturus)
Members of the Human Confederation. arcturians are a very spiritual race that lives in the universe or in the reality of pure love. It seems that there are some gates on our planet through which higher energies are transmitted to the Universe of our dimension.

Source: Cosmic Channel of Understanding from: Opening of Understanding, Issue #371.

Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

Vegans (Vegans)
Members of the Human Confederation. Another known species of human-type aliens of a "higher spiritually developed" nature, who seem to be aware of the situation on Earth and take some possible actions. They are from Arcturus and from Vega.


hybrids (Hybrids)
Almost all types of aliens have a great interest in human biology. Very often eyewitnesses or victims of abductions describe medical experiments on the reproductive organs of people. Some report being forced into interspecies sexual relations. Others were shown embryos or newborns resulting from such contacts between humans and aliens. hybrids more than other aliens are similar to people, although they retain the shape of the eyes and skull typical of aliens. In some situations hybrids display the ability to telepathy.

Blue (Blues), "Star Warriors"
Blues are said to have translucent skin, large almond-shaped eyes, and small stature. main topic their teachings are "FOLLOW YOUR PASSION", follow your own path, mind your own business, don't be forced to be anything other than who/what you are.

Information about blues comes from Robert Morningsky ( Hopi/Apache dancer). According to him, the first contact began around 1947-1948, when gray made contact with the US Government to conclude an agreement. But another ship arrived with aliens called blue.

Blue advised the government not to deal with gray warning that it would only lead to disaster. They told the US to follow their own path. They said that they would teach peace and harmony if the people would disarm and listen. The soldiers didn't say anything. So they left, but a few of them decided to stay and stayed in Northern Mexico and Arizona and made an agreement with the Hopi Indians.

These aliens are known to the Hopi as Star Wars. gray started tracking blue so that the latter were forced to flee the reservation and go underground, several Hopi elders left with them.

According to Hopi legend there were two races: " pen children"who came from heaven, and" reptile kids"arrived from underground." reptile kids"expelled the Hopi Indians from their land, the Hopi also called them" two-hearted".

Source: [email protected](Don Allen)

"CASE: Star Wars", sent by "contactee" Sandy van der Straeten - for Cathy Emerson, August 23, 1992, 7:29 pm

See also: Native American Magic by Brad Steiger

Daliana (DALs)
This is a race of Scandinavian types, coming from what is called "D.A.L. Universe". They are a branch Lyrian (Lyrians) and are very advanced technically and spiritually; about 300-1000 years ahead Pleiadian (Pleiadians). They help them a lot, just like Pleiadians help us.

Source: Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

"UFO Contact from the Pleiades" by Wendelle Stevens

ancient (Ancient)
They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids with cold, black, almond-shaped eyes and yellow-green skin. They are quite tall, from 1.5 to 2 meters. Like most space races, ancient very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers. Unlike other aliens ancient extremely cold, and sometimes with great hostility, they treat people. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. Stories of those who were kidnapped ancient, differ in terrible details about barbaric medical experiments. ancient often accompany gray, as if playing the role of leaders or overseers. From this fact grew the hypothesis that all races of aliens coexist in some kind of galactic civilization and that some types are derived from others through genetic experiments.

Human Confederation (Intergalactic Confederation)
She is often referred to as "Intergalactic Confederation" led by the command Ashtar (Ashtar). Consists of an organization of groups of aliens born in positive energy who help the human race and wish to protect it. Includes: Vegan (Vega), Arcturian (Arcturus), Sirian(Sirius) Pleiadian (Pleiades), Lyrian (Lyrians), Dalian (DALs) and Centauri (Centaurians).

Source: The Cosmic Channel of Understanding from The Opening of Understanding, Issue #371

[email protected](Arbaline)

Lyrans (Lyrians)
This is the most ancient parent race, from which our entire branch of human or humanoid races, including all Scandinavian types, is descended. Orions (Orions), and even gray (Grays). A very warlike civilization in its infancy, they gradually changed for the better and now technically and spiritually they are approximately at the level Pleiadian (Pleiadians).

Source: Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

"UFO Contact from the Pleiades" by Wendelle Stevens

Type B people .
genetically similar to us type A people?), as well as people who serve Gray. They are from the Pleiades, they also look blonde with fair skin. This type is a product of pure evolution, spiritual, friendly, blood related to humans and the only aliens that can be trusted at the moment. They once offered their help to the earth leaders in dealing with the alien situation, but they were refused and have not interfered since. These aliens are believed to be the ancestors of the human race. Basically, they are not present on Earth at the present time due to serious problems in their home territory.

Type C people .
Very little is known about them. Presumably they are very highly evolved, spiritual type, very friendly to earthly people.

Source: The Cosmic Channel of Understanding from The Opening of Understanding, issue #371.

Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

Orions (Orions)
Consist of two opposite races. "Council of Light" was originally based in the Betelgeuse star system, the equally powerful Orionic negative ("evil") forces were replaced in the Rigel star system. Orions occupied a large number of planets in the less spiritual times of our galaxy, but they have always been balanced by the Intergalactic Confederation. Invading part Orion Empire was defeated 200,000 years ago by the Intergalactic Confederation and they haven't been a threat to Earth since. They are now preparing to "transform into the 4th dimension" just like we do on Earth. In fact, some people on earth are reincarnated Orions (Orions) which must here integrate their negative principle and allow both of our worlds to rise.

Source: Information given [email protected](Arbaline) EL*AN*RA: Healing Orion by Solara Antara Amaa-Ra

Bashar: Project Change. Message from Our Future by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing

Pleiadians (Pleiadians)
This is a collective of aliens from the Pleiades star system. There are also Pleiadians from various time periods in the future, ranging from 500 years from now to millions of years from now. The Pleiadian culture is very ancient and was "grown" from another universe of Love long before the Earth was created. They have formed a huge community that works with love, with ideas and ideals that we are still not familiar with.

Pleiadians started their project of getting in touch with and inspiring earth people to regain their strength and create a better reality for themselves. They are here as ambassadors from another universe to assist the Earth in her Shift from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and to assist each of us in our personal efforts of Awakening, Remembrance and Knowledge. As this project became more and more successful, more aliens joined the original group, some coming from other systems. The group later changed its name from "Pleiadians" on the "Pleiadians Plus" .

They say their reasons for contacting us are that there is a possibility of tyranny in the future and they are returning to our times to inspire us as much as possible to take responsibility for creating our own reality and change the future.

They preach a very strengthening form of personal and social metaphysics, with love and clarity. Pleiadians act as a single collective and among them no individuals are singled out. They do not appear in physical form, although they say they can. They say it's safer to get through the canal and doesn't attract much attention.

About Billie Meier's contact with the Pleiades

Billy Meyer was contacted more than 130 times between 1976 and 1982. It was a woman named Samyiz ( Samjese), who said she was from the Pleiades star system. She was the first to make telepathic contact with Meyer and told him where to go for the first physical contact. Meyer had in-depth conversations with Samyez.

The contact notes were published in the following four books:

one)." UFO... Contact from the Pleiades Volumes 1 and 2. Photo Journal».

2).“ UFO... Contact from the Pleiades. Preliminary Study Report».

3).“ UFO... Contact from the Pleiades. Additional Research Report».

four)." Message from the Pleiades. volumes 1 and 2. Light Years».

There are 4 videos on the Pleiades case.

Video can be found: Genesis III Publishing, P.O. Drawer JJ, Munds Park, AZ 86017

There is also a book version: Bearers of the Dawn. Training from the Players". Author: Barbara Marciniac.

They also have 2 or 3 hundred tapes of tapes.

Source: information from [email protected]

Link Magazine, Player Articles, channeled by Barbara Marciniac

reptiles (Reptilian).
A very rare type of alien. In terms of physical parameters, they are also thin and lanky, like many other types, but at the same time they have pronounced signs of reptiles: scaly skin, like in some lizards, large snake eyes, clawed limbs. Nothing is known about their intentions and sphere of interests on Earth.

Reptoids (Reptoids), lizards (Lizards), HORN (GORN)
Race of lizards Draco (Draco), conquerors. They are believed to be in control Serykh-A through implants, just like gray introduce implants to people. They are also considered to be the masterminds of abduction (abduction) plans. The main goal is an infiltration using newly created implanted "half-breeds", "hybrids" to destroy Confederation of People. They are carnivorous towards humans, using them as food.

genetically similar to reptiles, this is a very advanced race, but they are extremely negative, hostile and dangerous towards people, considering them an inferior race. They perceive us roughly as we perceive a herd of cattle. There is a supposedly controlled planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizards that entered our solar system in the mid 90s of our calendar.

They view Earth as their own ancient outpost and seek complete control of the planet upon their return. Their own planet is no longer fit for life and they need another one to live on.

These are the aliens they serve Gray-A.

gray (Grays)
This is the most commonly identified alien race. There are many different views, stories and theories regarding them.

Grey, as they appear to the scientific community:

gray The race most often described by abduction victims. In doing so, they are seen as a race with unknown motives and intentions. They seem to abduct, study, test, and use people in various ways for still unclear purposes.

Gray in terms new age :

In this movement gray often associated with an evil race or a race with bad energy. They are often associated with many other races, such as Reptoid (Reptoids), their motives are known.

Grays in terms of various conspiracy theories:

Various conspiracy theories - often a mixture of scientific data and ideas new age. The standard conspiracy theory framework states that Grays crashed (one or more of their spaceships and they themselves were found in the US by the government). The government is trying to make a secret deal with them, allowing them to kidnap people in exchange for their technology.

Conspiracy theories often end up Grays not fulfilling their part of the deal.

There are descriptions of several types of Grays:

1. Most Seen Grey: 2 to 4 feet tall, very slender and thin in appearance, small creatures of light weight, extremely penetrating black slanting eyes without pupils, almost rudimentary mouth and nose, very large head with a pronounced chin. Skin color varies from dark gray to light gray, from brown to brown-gray, from white to pale white. They don't have any body hair.

2. Another commonly seen Grey similar to above, except they are usually six inches taller and appear to be giving orders. Variation of the individual described here: the same height, but the eyes look like large black buttons and are rounded.

3. Other type gray- a small robotic creature, stocky and small, with a smooth, rounded hat on his head, with dark deep-set eyes, a round O-shaped mouth, a square chest with concentric circles on it. Their smell is reminiscent of the smell of burnt match heads, porous gray skin. These Grays are often said to act as guards when in contact.

Other variations are described like reptilian (Reptilians) with claws like a praying mantis. There have also been many reports of mixed types ( hybrids), which are not quite People and not quite Grey.

gray– Type A

This type is generally understood as "Greys". Also known as Zeta Reticulans from the star system Reticulum. Apparently a militaristic race with a well-defined social structure that keeps science and "conquest of the worlds" as primary goals. They are usually 4.5 feet tall with large heads and black eyes. They have limited facial features, a slit mouth, and no nose. They have evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and reproduce by cloning.

Their genetics is partly based on insects. Their science is very broadly studying other forms of life and genetic engineering. They are supposedly involved in changing the genetic makeup of humans over thousands of years. Apparently, they are trying to genetically interbreed with humans in order to create a "mixed race" hybrids, which will be more perfect than the main ones.

There appear to be two main social classes. Some of them are sharper, rougher, more assertive. Others are more peaceful, more prone to business and diplomacy to control people.

They do not have emotions (by human standards) and appear cruel to the human race. They are capable of taking human lives for no apparent reason. They can presumably use human bodies (substances) for nourishment and are therefore carnivorous towards humans.

It is known that these gray actually serving a superior race Reptoid and attempt to prepare the Earth for their arrival by taking control of the planet in various ways. They enjoy the freedom they have on Earth, away from their masters, and would like to help humans in their confrontation with the lizards.

These gray have well-known bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries around the world.

gray– Type B

High gray from Orion. Usually about 7-8 feet tall with similar features to Type A except for the presence of a large nose. These gray also have technology that allows them to do something that looks like a "miracle". These gray less hostile to people than Type A, but still remain so. They seek to exert influence through political control, the conclusion of agreements with government officials. Their main bases appear to be in the Aleutian Islands.

gray– Type C

These are the smallest of gray- about 3.5 feet tall. Facial features are similar to gray With Zeta Reticuli. Just as hostile to humans as Zetas. They're from the star system from the outskirts Orion entitled Bellatrex (Bellatrax).

The Cosmic Channel of Understanding from The Opening of Understanding, Issue #371

"Bashar: Project Change. Message from Our Future by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing

Sirians (Sirians)
Members Confederate People. They are an aquatic, dreamy race, to some extent an evolved version of the dolphins and whales. They are believed to live in Consciousness of Christ and are in solar system, very closely related to our own in a psychic sense. They also play a role in helping the Earth, but they do so in a more subtle way, through the representatives of the cetaceans in our seas.

Source: The Cosmic Channel of Understanding from "The Opening of Understanding". Issue #371

Centauri (Centaurian)
They are a type of blond Scandinavians, come with Alpha Centauri. They sympathize Pleiadians, seek to help us grow spiritually, but they do not take an active part, unlike other races, although they had and still have contacts with selected people on Earth.

Source: information from [email protected](Arbaline)

"UFO Contact from the Pleiades" by Wendelle Stevens

Do you believe in extraterrestrial intelligence? And what do you say to the fact that alien races, perhaps, not only exist, but also maintain contact with earthlings right now? Many things indicate that this assumption is plausible. And if you have ever read something about it, then it is unlikely that it will seem strange and short-sighted to you. This article will give you the details of this theory and introduce you to those alien species that you can make contact with right now - the universe is waiting.



Yahel are gorgeous and graceful hybrid creatures. They are reported to radiate pure solar energy and are the closest relatives of humans in the universe. Most likely, they will be the first race to contact humanity in the near future. They are about the same height as humans, have a good physique, and also have an appearance similar to an anime character, many of them look quite multinational. They are beautiful, gentle, intelligent, sympathetic and considerate. They have superbly advanced technology and are believed to be around to help humanity progress and develop. This civilization also appeared in ancient times, and it is also much more advanced in terms of technology. There is an assumption that ideas social networks were transmitted to humanity through their stream of consciousness.

Sirius hybrids

This type of "hyper sapiens" is incredibly developed, there is information that it has been in incredible contact with people throughout history. It is believed that this is the parent race of humanity, it was she who created people from a genetic point of view. After all, many ancient prophecies and spiritual texts contain references to the fact that extraterrestrial intelligence took part in the creation of people. Beings from Sirius exist about 300-500 years further into the future and have overtaken humanity in technological progress by tens of thousands of years. They specialize in technology, architecture, sustainable energy and sacred geometry. In addition, it is worth noting that the creatures depicted in the movie "Avatar" are very similar to Sirius hybrids. They are slender, slightly taller than the average human, and also have well-developed musculature. They have a light blue skin tone, warm oval eyes, and long incredibly dexterous fingers.


The Pleiadians are tall, round-faced, wide-eyed creatures with soft, but fairly distinct features. These are beautiful creatures that, if they have hair, are usually blond, and their eyes are always blue. Many people think that before birth people spend long time on the Pleiades, undergoing special training - and that is where they return after death. The bodies of the Pleiadians work like elegant instruments that can receive psychic signals from all over the universe. So if you focus on getting in touch with the Pleiadians, you will have a high chance of success as they are one of the most responsive and most likely closely spaced alien beings in the universe. The Pleiadians also have high performance diplomacy - they are part of the Interstellar Alliance, support the creation and development of new races on other planets, and also provide evolution and progress for all existing civilizations. This race is gentle and loving, so you will not have problems getting in touch with its representatives, they are always available and ready to communicate, at any time they can receive a signal from you and answer you.


The most ancient race of the entire Milky Way galaxy is the Arcturians, they are incredibly developed, they know a lot, have a lot of experience and are constantly involved in various innovations. It is known that it was the Arcturians who became the first race to develop in the Milky Way galaxy, which led to the emergence of other daughter races, among which there is a human one. Arcturians can take on a wide variety of forms, as their advanced consciousness has allowed them to pass through the singularity and begin to exist in a new, high frequency reality inaccessible to others. Their height ranges from 120 to 150 centimeters, which is significantly lower than the average height of people. But at the same time, their heads are much larger, as they contain a huge brain. But at the same time, their bodies are quite large and muscular. However, the Arcturians continue to evolve and become less and less physical. These creatures have incredible intelligence, which is so high that such indicators are beyond human understanding. These are one of the ancestors of mankind, the connection with which people should always remember.

How to get in touch with aliens?

In order to increase the chances of establishing contact with an alien intelligence, it is recommended to set aside a little time for meditation every day, and do this at about the same time of day. Clear the space around you, get comfortable, take a few deep breaths. Mentally send an invitation to space for aliens, then calm down, start meditation, keep silence - and listen. It may be worth asking a question and listening to what aliens will give answers to it.