Russian Czech translator. Russian-Czech online translator and dictionary

Translation from Czech into Russian from 420 rubles.

Since 1999 Norma-TM translation agency has been professionally translating from Czech into Russian and from Russian into Czech. Our team of certified Slavic translators translates personal documents with notarization, technical translation from Czech, we translate scientific, medical, legal, financial and commercial texts and documents from this wonderful language. We invite you to translate a contract, charter, certificate, power of attorney, certificate from Czech into Russian or vice versa.

From 420 rubles/1800 characters

Our country has always had a special relationship with the Czech Republic (and earlier with Czechoslovakia). They were not always equally warm, but they were always close. And in the last two decades, the mutual interest of Russians and Czechs in each other has been especially actively embodied in business and tourist contacts.

The Czech Republic is one of the most popular countries for Russian tourists. And business ties between Czech and Russian businessmen that sometimes arise political problems and disagreements between the two states practically do not interfere. And of course, active contacts require good mutual understanding.


Although the Czech language and Russian are related, they are separated from each other almost further than any other Slavic languages.

On the one hand, for Russian speakers, West Slavic languages ​​are generally more difficult to understand than, for example, South Slavic languages. Simple Bulgarian or Serbo-Croatian written text can be read without translation. But with Polish and Czech, this is usually impossible without special training. That's why translation from Czech into Russian usually necessary both in oral communication and when working with written texts.

In addition, the literary Czech language can generally be considered the most difficult of all Slavic languages.

In most languages, the literary norm is created on the basis of a single dialect. But with the Czech language it turned out differently.

When the rise of national consciousness began in the Czech Republic after several centuries of domination of German culture, Czech townspeople almost without exception spoke German. The Slavic language survived only in rural areas and was fragmented into many dialects and dialects.

The literary Czech language was created by scientists and writers, and they tried to bring into it the features of all dialects. Which resulted in the increased complexity of Czech grammar.

Another difficulty of Czech is the lack of vowels, which makes many words look like abbreviations. Often a word may not have a single vowel at all. Curious phrases in the Czech language are also known, which do not contain a single vowel at all. For example, the saying: Strč prst skrz krk (lit. translation: “put a finger through the neck” - the meaning, I think, is clear).

Despite all the difficulties, translation from Czech into Russian is a highly demanded service today. Therefore, demand creates supply. Many translation agencies - at least in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large Russian cities - offer translation from Czech on a par with interpretation and translation from world languages.

We guarantee:

  • the translation is fully equivalent to the original;
  • complete confidentiality and the preservation of any of your personal or commercial secrets.

585 rubles*/ 1 page**

* base rate for translation paired with Russian (prices for other areas, please check with our managers)

** 1 page = 1800 characters with spaces

We know how to find mutual language with a client! Request a translation into Czech from our specialists by sending a request for a quote or by contacting us directly.

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    Having made the calculation, our manager will contact you to agree on the terms of the translation, inform you of the cost and methods of payment. You make an advance payment.

    We prepare the translation and send it to your email address.

Language Features

Czech- belongs to a group Slavic languages, or rather, to its West Slavic branch. There are more than 12 million native speakers of the Czech language in the world. There are about 9.5 million ethnic Czechs in the Czech Republic itself, as well as those for whom Czech is a second language - this group includes Germans, Jews, Hungarians and Gypsies.

The Czech alphabet was created on the basis of the Latin alphabet with the addition a large number diacritics and one digraph, that is, two letters that are considered one. Czech has 10 vowel sounds: in many words, a neutral phoneme predominates, similar to the Russian sound [ы] in the word "theater". In Czech, there are many examples of words consisting entirely of consonants: prst - finger, vlk - wolf and the like.

The Czech language is very close to Slovak, and is related to Polish and Russian. To a Western European or an American, Czech speech seems more than strange and specific, but it is a full-fledged language of an EU member state.

If you are familiar with Latin, Czech grammar will not seem something egregious to you: with particular pleasure you will remember the sections on the declension of nouns by gender, number and case (of course, Czech, like other Slavic languages, is similar to Russian), seeming overwhelming difficult beginners learning the great Czech language.

It is difficult to say exactly how many centuries its history has, however, it is known that Slavic tribes settled in this part of Europe around the 6th century AD, and the first monument Slavic writing was a Bible in Old Church Slavonic, created in the 9th century by Cyril and Methodius. Over time, Czech took shape in independent language, and by the 14th century its cultural heyday came. In those days, the lands inhabited by ethnic Czechs were under the rule of Charles IV. Simultaneously with the flourishing of Czech culture, the hard times of the Hussite wars came. With the establishment of the Habsburg dynasty, Czech becomes the language of the common people, while the elite begin to speak and read German. The trace of Germanic influence is still felt at many levels of the language, along with more modern intrusions of Anglicisms.

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Russian-Czech will help you instantly translate a couple of words from Czech into Russian online translator.

One of the West Slavic languages ​​included in the list of common languages ​​of the EU is Czech. This factor, as well as the number of the population that speaks it, exceeding 10.6 million people, indicates the need for an online translator from Czech to Russian at hand. Distinguished by specific morphology and grammar, Czech is quite difficult to self-translate, so an increasing number of people prefer an online translator. The Czech-Russian direction in translation allows you to transform a set of characters that are incomprehensible at first glance into an understandable Russian text.

An online Czech translator from "website" simplifies the translation process as much as possible. Incredibly quickly, accurately, and most importantly for free, the source text will acquire meaning and clarity. When performing machine translation, an online Czech translator may have a certain amount of error. But given the presence of a number of other advantages, small adjustments will not become an obstacle to solving the language problem. Easily, simply and fascinatingly, misunderstandings between interlocutors from different countries, tourist and local residents or business partners.

4.32/5 (total:191)

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The free online translator Transёr® will correctly translate words, phrases, sentences and small texts from any of the 54 foreign languages ​​of the world presented on the site. The software implementation of the service is based on the most popular translation technology Microsoft Translator, so there are restrictions on text input up to 3000 characters. Transёr will help overcome the language barrier in communication between people and in communications between companies.

Benefits of the Transёr translator

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator development team works tirelessly to improve the quality of translated texts, optimize translation technologies: dictionaries are updated, new ones are added foreign languages. Thanks to this, our Transёr Online Translator is getting better day by day, it copes with its functions more efficiently, and the translation becomes better!

Online translator or professional translation services?

The main advantages of an online translator are ease of use, speed of automatic translation and, of course, free of charge!) It is incomparable to quickly get a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds. However, not everything is so rosy. Please note that no automatic translation system, no online translator will be able to translate the text as well as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future, therefore, in order to carry out a high-quality and natural translation - which has a positive reputation in the market and has an experienced team of professional translators and linguists.

Among the Slavic languages, it is impossible not to pay attention to Czech, in many of its features it is similar to Russian, but at the same time it also has its own unique features. Being state language Czech Republic, it is native to 11 million inhabitants of the country. As well as over 2 million people outside of it. The closest language to Czech is Slovak. Czech words are written in Latin, which is complemented by various diacritical marks.

When using the Czech-Russian electronic dictionary, it is important to know the specific properties of the Czech language. Among all Slavic languages, Czech is the most ambiguous and complex in terms of grammatical norms. The literary aspect of this language was formed from a number of dialects. The grammatical norms in it can be called redundant, and in some cases they are simply contradictory. As a consequence, an electronic transfer usually has a number of inaccuracies, but they are relatively easy to notice and correct. The reasons for the ease of definition and making adjustments lie in the coincidence of the sentence structures of the Czech and Russian languages. This allows you to translate even the most complex grammatical categories, while maintaining their meaning.

This language has thirty noun declensions and a similar number of verb conjugations. In our language, there are only three declensions, and two conjugations. Slovak has three declensions and three conjugations. Thus, in Czech grammar, one verb is conjugated in three conjugations at once. Thus, online translation comes out close to an outdated, colloquial or standard language.

The vast majority of Czechs use the colloquial version of the language. In it, the grammar is simplified and unified. IN online translator it is provided. Therefore, the texts come out the most clear and grammatically correct. It is the spoken language that is used in the Czech Republic in cinema, television, radio, etc. The most complex in terms of grammar is literary language Czech Republic. But it is also possible to translate it using the program for free. Set expressions and phraseological units are entered into the database of the electronic translator in order to maximize the efficiency of translation and the convenience of users.

Our translator can be used to work with whole texts, individual sentences or words. However, we do not recommend relying only on your own intuition while working with this language if you do not know the exact translation. Many Czech words are similar in sound to Russian, but their meaning is sometimes completely opposite. For example: "cerstvy" is read as "stale", but its meaning is "fresh". To avoid confusion during translation, you need to use only a high-quality online translator.