How many points do you need to score in the Russian language. Transfer of USE scores: Detailed description of the assessment system

The transfer of USE scores is made after the primary result is calculated, based on the approved scale, it is converted into test scores.

They play an important role when entering a university and are recorded in the certificate of passing the exam.

Those who finish the 11th grade and are preparing to enter a university are especially interested in learning how the USE score is translated.

Hundreds of thousands of students undergo this procedure every year. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to pass only two subjects - mathematics and Russian.

The rest of the subjects - and a total of 14 of them - are taken on a voluntary basis, depending on the chosen university.

In order for the results to be displayed in the certificate, the graduate needs to score more than the established minimum points.

How are the results of the exam evaluated

The results of the exam are evaluated by the commission and translated into a 100-point system.

There is an algorithm for converting these amounts into more familiar estimates. Officially, this method has not been used since 2009.

But if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with the scale for transferring USE marks.

The evaluation of the results is carried out in two stages:

  • by the number of completed tasks, the student is given a primary score. It consists of the sum for all tasks performed correctly;
  • then the primary USE scores are translated into test scores. This figure is fixed in the USE certificate and plays an important role for admission to the university. Below is a translation table for the math exam.

Important: the scale is designed taking into account the complexity of the tasks.

Up-to-date information on the exam can always be obtained on the portal

What is the minimum score

To receive a USE certificate, a student needs to score more than the established minimum limit in Russian and mathematics.

It is determined annually for each individual subject. In fact, the minimum score is the equivalent of a three.

This result reflects that the student has satisfactorily mastered the curriculum.

Minimum score:

  1. Determines the issuance of a certificate of passing the exam.
  2. It is set for each subject annually after passing the exam and before the results are published.

At the end of 2016, in order to obtain a certificate, it was necessary to obtain at least 36 test points in the Russian language.

In mathematics, this limit is 3, and in the profile level - 27.

The difference between primary scores and test scores

When evaluating the results of passing the exam, the primary amount is first set. Then these USE 2017 scores are transferred to test scores.

They are determined on a 100-point scale. This score will be in the USE certificate if it is above the minimum.

When calculating points, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. For each correctly completed task, one or more points are awarded.
  2. At the end, the sum for the entire work is calculated.
  3. The primary USE scores are being translated.

Regarding test scores, they are calculated on a 100-point system. But the amount of primary may differ for different items.

For example, in mathematics, you can get 30 primary points, and for foreign languages ​​this limit is 80.

The assessment of the task depends on its complexity. For the tasks of part B, one primary point is awarded for the correct answer.

For part C, there are several options: for tasks 1 and 2, 2 primary points are awarded, the correct answer to question 3 and 4 immediately gives 3, and tasks 5 and 6 will add 4 points to the student's result.

USE scores and grades

Although there is an approximate scale for converting USE scores into grades familiar to all students, since 2009 this system has not been applied.

The refusal to transfer to grades is due to the fact that the amount of points does not affect the indicator in the certificate. It is fixed in a separate certificate.

In the event that a student scored less than the minimum result in one of the compulsory subjects, neither a certificate nor a high school diploma will be issued to him.

If this is a subject from those that are surrendered on a voluntary basis, the result simply will not be counted anywhere.

If an unsatisfactory grade was obtained according to the results of the exam, what should I do? It all depends on what subject.

  1. If the number of points scored is below the minimum in mathematics or in the Russian language, you can retake the exam in the same year on one of the reserve days.
  2. When an unsatisfactory grade is obtained immediately in both subjects, retake is possible only for the next year.
  3. If you did not manage to score enough points in an optional subject, you can retake the exam only next year. An unsatisfactory result will not be reflected in any document. In fact, everything will look as if the graduate did not pass this exam at all.

Depending on the subject, a retake is possible either in the same year on reserve days, or in the next.

Thus, if a student has not passed mathematics at the basic level, he can use the reserve days.

And if a low score was obtained based on the results of the profile level, retake will be possible only after a year.

What to do if the graduate does not agree with the assessment

If the graduate is sure that his work deserves a higher rating, he has the right to file an appeal.

In such a situation, the work will be re-considered by the conflict commission.

There are two possible outcomes. When a score seems low, the student can either be given points or points taken down.

Important: according to the results of the Unified State Examination in 2010, of all the appeals filed, the third part was satisfied.

The first two parts of the exam are tested without human intervention. The possibility of errors cannot be ruled out.

The reason for this may be illegible handwriting and similar circumstances.

If it appears that the grade is low, students file an appeal.

What is the exam

The general text of the task consists of three parts.

  1. Part A is in the form of a test. Of the four proposed answers, the graduate must choose one correct one.
  2. In part B, the following types of tasks are possible: writing a one-word answer, choosing several correct options, or establishing correspondence.
  3. In part C, the student is asked to give a detailed answer to the question.

Depending on the type of task, the verification process is different. The first two parts are checked automatically. Responses are scanned by the system and scored.

This process takes place without human intervention. Upon completion of the test, the results are sent to the testing center located in Moscow.

Part C is evaluated by two independent experts. If the results match, this total is set.

If a slight discrepancy is found after evaluation, the average result is displayed.

With a noticeable inconsistency, a third specialist is appointed.

After the verification is completed, all data is sent to a single testing center. There they are processed and fixed in the database.

From there they are sent to the schools where the exam was taken.

How do USE scores affect college admissions?

In order to apply for admission to a university, graduates need to take the exam.

In total, you can apply to 5 universities, in each of them no more than three specialties.

The application is prepared in writing and handed over personally or sent by mail.

If the second option is selected, you will need to issue a registered letter with a description of the attachment, as well as a notification of receipt.

To find out if the application was approved, you need to go to the official website of the university.

When the acceptance of documents is completed, a list of those who apply for enrollment is laid out there. Their results are also shown there. passing the exam.

Enrollment takes place in two waves.

  1. When the first list is published, a few days are allotted for applicants to provide the originals of their documents (in most cases they send copies).
  2. If the deadline for submitting documents has expired, but there are still vacancies, a second list is prepared.

To enter the university, you will need the following package of documents:

  • an application for admission;
  • certified copies of the certificate and identity document;
  • a form with a list of points scored according to the results of the exam;
  • photographs (their size and number are established by the rules of the university).

Other documents may be requested from the applicant. For more information, please contact the university of interest.

The transfer of USE scores in 2017 is carried out according to the same system as in previous years.

To pass the exam, you need to score at least the minimum number of points that is set for each subject annually.

To get a certificate and a certificate with the results of the Unified State Examination, you need to exceed this limit in compulsory subjects.

How to translate primary scores into test USE 2015 in Russian

Many graduates ask how many points they need to score on the exam in a particular subject. The Russian language, like mathematics, is usually of the greatest interest.

Minimum score

It should be noted that the Russian language is a compulsory subject for the USE. Successfully overcoming the minimum level allows you to get a certificate of secondary general education. The mark "2" is given for the result from 0 to 35 points. In this case, the exam is considered failed. A test in a compulsory subject can be retaken on special reserve days (but it can only be Russian or mathematics - re-passing the test in both subjects in one year is not allowed). If the additional exam was also failed, the student has the right to retake only the next year. Thus, in order to pass the exam in the Russian language the first time, you need to score at least 36 points.

How many points do triples, good students and excellent students need?

If in the Russian language there is a five in the certificate, you should not worry about the fact that the grade can be lowered by the USE. The results of the exam have not had an impact on the final school grades for a long time. Nevertheless, there is a scale for translating test results into the usual five-point system:

0–35 - two;
36–57 - three;
58–71 - four;
72 and above - five.

Thus, if your result is equal to at least 72 points, then consider that it corresponds to an excellent certificate. If you score, for example, 65 points, that is, get a four, this will not be reflected in the grade in the certificate. The result will be indicated only in a special certificate of passing the exam.

How many points do you need to get into college?

For the majority of USE graduates, not only the main exam that allows you to get a certificate of secondary education, but also entrance test to a higher educational institution. It is difficult to say how many points in the Russian language you need to score to enter the university. It all depends on the number of budget places, the prestige of the educational institution, the competition, etc. In addition, today, when entering universities, the sum of points for all entrance tests is taken into account. Thus, their exact number is important for any direction where the Russian language is needed for admission.

Whether such a system is good or not is difficult to determine. On the one hand, it obliges to prepare equally intensively in all subjects, on the other hand, it gives a chance even if the scores in the main discipline are not equal to 100. exam (Russian and foreign language and, Literature and an optional creative entrance test), each of which was evaluated on a 100-point scale. The end result, on the basis of which the enrollment took place, was the sum of the points scored in each subject.

Graduation from school and admission to a university is accompanied by the passing of a unified state exam. When passing it, graduates wonder how the primary score is converted into a hundred percent scale.

The conversion of USE scores into grades is aimed at determining what indicator a future student can count on.

USE calculator by subject

Scale for converting USE scores into grades

In the process of studying at school, children receive grades on a five-point scale, and in fact even on a four-point scale, since one is rarely given.

When passing exams in the ninth and eleventh grades, students are faced with such concepts as primary scores for assignments, as well as a hundred-point scale.

The basic verification procedure is based on computer analysis and peer review. The test part is subjected to automated calculation, it is problematic to challenge the data. But the part that experts check can be subjected to additional analysis.

All scores are also converted into grades. Despite the fact that this indicator does not have a significant impact, many students are interested in what marks certain primary items give.


Over the past few years, two types of exams have been held in mathematics:

  • basic, which is needed to obtain a certificate;
  • profile level- Required for admission to technical universities.

In the first case, the maximum possible primary score is twenty, a five requires seventeen points, a four requires twelve, and a three requires a total of seven points.

As for the profile, an excellent mark is given to those who scored from thirteen to thirty points. A four is for those who have received points ranging from ten to twelve points, and a three is placed from six primary points.

Russian language

The maximum primary score in Russian is thirty-nine, to get a five it is permissible to lose five points. The four starts from twenty-five points, and the three from fifteen. With a set of less than fourteen - the exam is considered not passed.

Foreign languages

The highest primary score of all exams - for foreign languages ​​- seventy.

To get an excellent grade, you need to score at least fifty-nine points.

As for the four, forty-six points are quite enough, and for the three - twenty-nine.

If the graduate scored less than twenty-eight, then the exam will not be counted.


To be an excellent student in geography, you should solve tasks for twenty-seven points, the maximum bar is thirty-two. Four - from twenty to twenty-six, and for a three, only twelve points are enough.


Forty-six points can be accumulated for the biology exam, moreover, the lower bar for the five is thirty-seven points.

A three starts at thirteen, and a four starts at twenty-six.

A test that scores less than twelve points is considered to be failed.


With the successful delivery of literature within the framework of the Unified State Examination, you can get up to thirty-three points, while the five counts from twenty-seven. For a four, twenty points are enough, and for a three, twelve.


For chemistry, it is allowed to score thirty-four points, of which twenty-seven will be enough for an excellent mark. The four starts with nineteen, and for the three, nine points are enough.


Forty-four points are accumulated for the history exam.

A lack of even nine points will give the graduate an excellent mark.

A good student in history will be the one who solves the test for twenty-four points. A satisfactory score starts with thirteen points.


The lowest primary score for the computer science exam is twenty-two. However, in order to get a mark of five, let's say the shortfall is only four points. A three of a kind starts with five points, and a three of a kind starts with twelve.

Social science

To get an A in social studies, you need to score from thirty-four to thirty-five points. Twenty-five will be enough for good students, and fifteen will be enough for those who are satisfied with a satisfactory mark.

Preparation for the exam

The GDZ online service, which presents solutions from various authors, including mathematics grade 6 Vilenkin, has many advantages over using paper-based solutions:

  1. the service is free;
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  3. the service is available at any time of the day, any day of the week;
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Important advantages of the GDZ online service are the ability to access from any computer device, regardless of the operating system installed on the device.

A wide selection of solution books presented on the site allows you to find the answer to almost any question of interest to the student. So now it's easier to learn.

What does the primary score in the exam mean

Basic concepts:

  1. Primary - the amount of points that can be scored with solved tasks; Depending on the complexity, tasks are assigned a certain number of points.
  2. Test - points transferred to the system of one hundred points for solved tasks.

This system was invented to simplify the calculation of results, since admission to a university is based on the sum of points for several exams, and the maximum primary indicator for subjects is different.

The fact is that each task in the topics is evaluated separately and there is a special counter for distributing points.

How to convert primary points to secondary

In order to transfer primary points to secondary ones, you need to use a special scale, which is presented on the official FIPI websites, as well as a number of third-party sources.

It is problematic to make a calculation on your own, for this you need to know exactly the principle of enumeration.

The article presents a calculator for the translation of information. The criteria that are considered are based on the performance of the exam passed.

Minimum scores for the exam

The minimum points are approved each year as the basis required to graduate from the school and be eligible to apply.

In accordance with the current legislation, in order to graduate from school with an official document of education, it is necessary to pass two subjects:

  • Russian - twenty-four;
  • mathematics - twenty-seven.

All other subjects are taken for admission to the university. This means that the student has the right not to choose anything, with the exception of the Russian language and mathematics, and to take at least all the subjects from the table.

As for the entrance points for admission, the higher education institution independently determines the threshold for each subject, but this parameter cannot be lower than that set at the state level.

The indicators look like this:

  1. Russian language, chemistry, biology and physics - thirty-six.
  2. Mathematics - twenty-seven.
  3. Computer science - forty.
  4. History and literature - thirty-two.
  5. Foreign languages ​​- twenty-two.
  6. Social studies - forty-two.
  7. Geography - thirty-seven.

This list contains secondary points, that is, the points have already been converted to a hundred-point system. It is important to take into account the fact that a particular university has the right to set excessive requirements for balling, this is not prohibited by law.

The maximum score on the exam

The maximum score in the unified state exam for each of the subjects is one hundred in the secondary system.

In order to determine the maximum number of points allowed per discipline, one should refer either to the conversion table from primary to secondary points, or to the codifier for the subjects presented in each average test trial.

How to score 100 points on the exam

For set maximum number USE scores require not only a good understanding of the subject, but also the ability to competently solve standard test tasks.

When preparing, you should be guided by the following:

  1. For several years, daily study the material in the subjects that are planned to be taken after graduation.
  2. Solve a lot of test-type tasks, this will help you to fill your hand and repeat all the topics more than once.
  3. When solving the tasks of the written part, it is worth contacting experts who will help in the analysis and suggest the rules for registration.
  4. At the exam itself, behave calmly, if the graduate is well versed in the topic, then there will be no problems with solutions.

The conversion of USE scores into grades is a formality that allows you to evaluate the results in a more familiar way. But the calculation from primary to secondary is an important stage. higher educational establishments set bars and passing standards based on a hundred-point scale.

On the budget in 2018 - another test. There is a lot of information on the Internet on this issue, it is on the websites of universities and other official sources. To help you understand, we have collected all the data in one article. in front of you step-by-step instruction, which will help assess your chances of free education.

In Russia, the state pays for about 50% of places in universities

Step 1. Studying how many free places there are

Each state university is obliged to allocate places on a budgetary basis. The number of places in the free department depends on the popularity of the faculty and specialty. And you can get a budgetary higher education not only in Moscow universities. In some places, the number of free places reaches 1.5-2 thousand. For example, in Belgorod, Voronezh, Volgograd, Kirov, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities.

Step 2. Understanding the terms

Consider the concepts without which it is difficult to assess your chances of admission:

  • the minimum threshold for USE scores;
  • the minimum number of points for admission;
  • passing score in universities.

What is a threshold score?

To get a certificate, you need to score a certain number of points in each subject. Here's how it was in 2017:

  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • mathematics - 27 points;
  • social science - 42 points;
  • computer science - 40 points;
  • foreign language - 22 points.

For example, you have chosen a foreign language for passing the exam, then you need to score 36 points in Russian, 27 in mathematics and 22 in a foreign language - a total of 85 points. In theory, this is enough to apply to the university. But in practice, this is very little to enroll in a free department.

What is the minimum score?

Each university sets its own minimum number of USE scores for admission. Many technical schools are not ready to accept those who scored less than 50 points in mathematics. Humanitarian - put forward increased requirements for languages.

What is a passing score

The passing score depends on the results of the USE with which applicants were enrolled last year. Especially important is the result of the last lucky person who entered the budget with a minimum number of points.

Example. 200 people wanted to enter, and there were 50 state-funded places. A student’s score with lowest score. For example, with 150 points, while the rest had a higher score.

The average USE score in 2017 is 68.2

Step 3. Choose a university by passing score

If you can figure out what score you will get on the USE, then it's time to choose the right university. By the way, trial exams help to assess your chances well.

All universities with free places, they are also called budget institutions higher education, for convenience we will divide into three categories:

  • the most popular, or top;
  • medium;
  • unpopular.

Typically, top universities put forward increased requirements, while the rest lower the bar to attract applicants. Let's look at the passing scores of universities in all three categories in 2017.

If your GPA is above 85: passing scores in popular universities

Conclusion. To enter top universities, the average USE score must be above 80-85. It’s hard to get into the number of such excellent students, do you agree? If you are not sure about good results, consider schools with less stringent requirements.

If your GPA is between 65 and 80 points: passing scores in secondary universities

Conclusion. With an average USE score of 65-80 in 2017, it was possible to enter budgetary and leading regional universities.

If your GPA is 55-65 points: passing scores in unpopular universities

Conclusion.If you score below 65 points, don't panic. Passing scores in many regional universities are below this bar. And today you can get a good higher education not only in the capitals.

Step 4. Evaluate your chances by the number of points

280-300 points- the best universities in the country, any specialty.

200-250 points- popular universities, specialties: linguistics, foreign language, law, economics, management, health care, mathematics, physics.

200 points- secondary universities, specialties: computer science and computer technology, pedagogy, chemistry and biotechnology, automation and control, electrical engineering, energy. Or leading regional universities, any specialty.

150-200 points- secondary universities, specialties: geology, ecology, vehicles, agriculture and fisheries. Or unpopular universities, any specialty.

Less than 150 points- unpopular universities, some specialties.

Sometimes, even with a high score, you can not get into the cherished twenty, and with a low one, by a lucky chance, you can enter the desired university. The main thing is to use all the chances and do not forget about fallback options.

When passing the Unified State Examination (USE), a special place is occupied by the minimum score of the USE. This is the minimum threshold of knowledge in USE scores, upon overcoming which a USE certificate is issued in compulsory subjects. Or in other words, this is the USE score corresponding to a satisfactory mark. In case of receiving a score less than the minimum in subjects of choice, nothing is entered into the certificate. The minimum USE score in all subjects is set annually after passing the USE and before the announcement of the results.

Table of minimum USE scores 2018 in all subjects

Thing Minimum USE score
Russian language 36
Mathematics (P) 27
Mathematics (B) 27
Social science 42
Physics 36
Story 32
Biology 36
Chemistry 36
English language 22
Informatics 40
Literature 32
Geography 37
German 22
French 22
Spanish language 22

However, each university has the right to set the minimum USE score higher than recommended by Rosobrnadzor. The difference can reach 20-40 points and even more. For example, in order to enter the St. Petersburg National Research Academic University in 2018, you will need to score at least 65 points on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and at least 75 points on the Unified State Examination in mathematics and physics. At the same time, in universities subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the minimum USE scores in one subject may differ depending on the specialty and location of the university (region): the minimum threshold for universities located in Moscow, the Moscow Region and St. higher.

Scale for transferring USE scores 2018 in all subjects

In order to convert primary scores into test scores, a special table is required developed by Rosobrnadzor (Appendix No. 2 to the order Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science dated April 26, 2017 No. 920-10). It is called “Conformity between primary scores and test scores for all academic subjects on a 100-point grading system.

Meanwhile, in any rule there is an exception, it was found here too. This is the exam in mathematics at the basic level. The results of this exam are given in primary scores and translated into a five-point scoring system.

We translate the USE test scores into a school grade

Officially, the scale for converting scores in USE subjects into a five-point grade has not been used for a long time (namely, since 2008). However, many still want to interpret their result in a more familiar "school" system. To do this, you can use the table below or online calculators.

Thing "2" (failed) "3" (satisfactory) "4" (good) "5" (excellent)
Russian language from 72 57-71 36-56 0-35
Mathematics from 68 50-67 27-49 0-26
Social science from 70 58-69 42-57 0-41
Chemistry from 73 56-72 36-55 0-35
Geography from 67 51-66 37-50 0-36
Biology from 72 55-71 36-54 0-35
Foreign languages from 84 59-83 22-58 0-21
Literature from 67 52-66 32-54 0-31
Story from 68 50-67 32-49 0-31
Physics from 68 53-67 36-52 0-35
Informatics from 73 57-72 40-56 0-39

Is it possible to retake the exam in compulsory subjects in 2018

Yes, 2018 graduates can retake the USE in a compulsory subject. Examinations in Russian language and mathematics are obligatory. But the procedure for conducting the state final certification in Russia does not allow retaking the exam to improve the result for everyone who wishes it.

The order is strict, and it looks like this:

  • you can retake the exam in only one of the two compulsory subjects,
  • The exam can be retaken only if the grade is unsatisfactory.

Thus, if a graduate failed both compulsory exam: both Russian and mathematics, retake on reserve dates at the end of June will not be possible for him. If unsatisfactory grades are obtained in both compulsory subjects, the student will be able to go for a retake only in September, when the autumn wave of retaking the mandatory USE takes place.