Presentation of diplomas. Certificate of Honor for conscientious work - sample text

Graduation Ceremony 2017

The song sounds

"Where does childhood go?"

Presenters enter the stage (read into the microphone).


Good afternoon,Dear friends, guests, colleagues, guys! WeWe are glad to welcome you in our hall!At the most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday for students of all generations.


We have gathered in this hall on the occasion of the solemn - both joyful and sad at the same time - the presentation of diplomas on the completion of secondary special education. Joyful, because 5 groups of our graduates are starting an independent life. And it's sad because they're saying goodbye to college today.


Today is another significant day in the history of our educational institution- Another generation of young professionals is leaving the walls of their native college. For teachers, this is a part of their life that they lived with you, giving their knowledge, experience, love.


For parents, this is a nervous shock, the realization that their children are already adults, independent people.For you, dear graduates, this is a farewell to a carefree youth, to an amazing student life.

Group performance _____________________________

Today you are a little worried,A little bit happy todayAnd you can understand, of course, -After all, you have a new path ahead of you!He waits, calls, scares a little,Great things beckonBut let the track be rememberedWhat brought you all to the school.


Dear our graduates! Leaving behind notes, exams, tests, sleepless nights, time spent in the library and the Internet. And today the long-awaited moment has come when you can accept congratulations on your graduation!


And also today we will award our most active, most hardworking, most persistent and persistent graduates!


Word of congratulations andawarding students with honorary diplomas andgraduation ceremonyinvitedAnd about. head of the department Savchenkova Natalya Evgenievna.

(Music, presentation of diplomas)

Diplomas of graduation from GBPOU OKG "Stolitsa" are awarded to graduates of the Ch4A-1 group in the specialty "Architecture".

(Music, graduation ceremony)


Suzmina Maria Nikolaevna worked on her pupils for 4 years, creating such a graduate who will not only be successful and competitive in the labor market, but will also become a good person.

Ch4A-1, Suzmina Maria Nikolaevna.

Performance of the Ch4A-1 group


Diplomas of graduation from GBPOU OKG "Stolitsa" are awarded to graduates of the Ch4TS-1 group in the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures."

(Music, graduation ceremony)

The word is given to the curator of the groupCh4TS-1, Zaborodko Elena Aleksandrovna.

band performance Ch4TS-1

Group performance ____________________________

It would seem the same
What day, what year

But again, as in youth it worries

Solemn day arrival.

And do not hold back the excitement in the morning,
As if in these weekdays you

Waiting for discoveries, and revelations,

And the fulfillment of dreams.

Any lesson, any meeting,
All treasures on earth are more valuable,

After all, every moment of knowledge is marked

Its uniqueness.


Diplomas of graduation from GBPOU OKG "Stolitsa" are awarded to graduates of the Ch4GS-1u group in the specialty "Hotel Service".

(Music, graduation ceremony)

The word is given to the curator of the groupCh4GS-1u, Dombrovskaya Alla Ivanovna.

band performance Ch4GS-1u


Diplomas of graduation from GBPOU OKG "Stolitsa" are awarded to graduates of the Ch4T-1u group in the specialty "Tourism".

(Music, graduation ceremony)

The word is given to the curator of the groupCh4T-1u, Lyubov Alekseevna Kolomiets.

band performance Ch4T-1u


Diplomas of graduation from GBPOU OKG "Stolitsa" are awarded to graduates of the Ch4PE-1u group in the specialty "Applied Aesthetics".

(Music, graduation ceremony)

The word is given to the curator of the groupCh4PE-1u, Hugaeva Yulia Anatolyevna.

band performance Ch4PE-1u


Mom... It was her gentle hands that rocked you in the cradle, her joyful and happy look followed your first steps. It is she who is always ready to come to your aid, support, encourage. It was she who went with you on a difficult, sometimes thorny, student road. The floor is given to parents of graduates.

Parents' word.

The floor is given to Anastasia Sevanko, representative of Synergy University

The floor is given by ____________________________________ representative International University in Moscow


You received the first parting words from your closest and dearest mentors, but parting words and kind words addressed to you do not end there today. Representatives of the 1st course will now tell you their parting word.


Today, on this stage, we, freshmen, advise you, graduates, not to forget that the best day is today.

Behind the year of your studies...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...

And tonight we wanted to

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, as a group, still nearby...

And ahead is a long, difficult path.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness - for something!

May this evening be with you again,

The moments of the first meeting are passing by,

And the first friend, and the first love -

Everything was remembered on this farewell evening.

We wish you strength, inspiration,

Fewer failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams, and dreams!

So that you find a job to your liking!

To meet true love!

Forward, graduates, step boldly,

We wish you happiness and success again!

How we envy you, because you are already graduates. And we just have to go all this way. Good luck graduates!


Dear, infinitely beloved teachers! Thanks to you, we have become independent adults and would like to thank our beloved teachers for 4 years of joint work. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful diplomas in our hands. Over the years we have studied you very well. You are wonderful people, but each of you has special character traits that we liked best in you and which we sought to emulate.

Graduate: Congratulations to I. o. department head .

A ship flies on the ocean of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully -

You are the entire crew of the ship!

You have an answer for all questions.

Your wisdom amazes us

Always give us the advice we need,

Who solves all our problems!

Congratulations for Savchenkova N.E.

Graduate: Russian language and literature.

The muse has visited you many times.

Now she has visited us,

But, admiring your skill,

She forgot to leave rhymes to us.

Congratulations for Proskuryakova S.A.

Graduate: Librarian.

From time immemorial, everyone knows centuries,Everyone needs a library.Who are you without a book? None!Just a clean spot.

Congratulations for Makarova I.N.

Graduate: Physics.

You have been working in college for a long time and fruitfully,

And physics is your main work.

And you forced us to work in physics.

This knowledge will only benefit us!

Congratulations for Nosyreva O.N.

Graduate: Foreign language.

What a mess, though.

Cram unfamiliar sounds!

You doomed us cruelly

To these terrible torments.

But if we go to Morocco,

To Paris, Amsterdam or Denmark,

Only your lessons will help

And your difficult tasks!

Congratulations for Suzmina M.N., Khugaeva Yu.A., Malyavkina A.L.

Graduate: life safety fundamentals .

Security in our life
Everyone always needs
And classes, lessons
They talk about it in full
OBJ teacher cute,
congratulations now,
You told us a lot
You are just a class teacher!

Congratulations for Meredov B.M.

Graduate: Physical Culture.

Be healthy, strong, smartTraining will help usRunning, warm-up, exercise,Basketball playground,Barbell, ball, racket, courtAnd further……. comrade SPORT!

Congratulations to Sergey Mikhailovich Morkovin and

Tsapalin Yuri Yurievich.

Graduate: Informatics Mathematics.

You taught us how to solve problems.
Though life will puzzle us more than once,
We won't forget your lessons
And we will solve all the problems correctly.
We want to wish order on a holiday,
So that everything in life is decided, as in a notebook,
Everything went well, on time.
Thank you teacher for the lessons!

Buttons and signs

everything is clear to us now.

Let to computer

we are not at all dangerous.

Congratulations for Yu.S. Abramenko, N.A. Zontova

Graduate: Geography, Social studies.

For the whole animal world in the answer

Both life and death in one subject.

And we hope soon

By the only selection

Your kind and tired eye

You stop at us!

Congratulations for Kolomiets L.A.

Graduate: Specialist teachers. disciplines .

Soul beautiful and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find the way to the children,

May you have success along the way!


You are responsible for our success,

You always worry about all the guys.

And you had to work hard with us,

But now you managed to release us!


How much work you put into us!

No one will ever replace your wisdom for us.

We appreciate your care

My love for you never

We will not change in life.

Congratulations to all special teachers. disciplines:

Kravtseva O.V. Bachkova A.F. Zhuravchenko V.S.

Kharlashina A.A. Nechepurenko A.V. Kulikova E.E.

Bashin O.E. Dombrovskaya I.I. Chumaeva A.A.

Podryadova T.V. Kotovich L.L. Rudneva L.V.

Bagdasarova L.I., Zhurkina N.S.

Andreeva L.N. Medvedeva E.G.

Dyachkova M.N. Maksimova M.N.

Group performance _____________________________________


Being a student is hard work that requires colossal energy costs, but you achieved this with perseverance, an irrepressible craving for knowledge, high efficiency and you deservedly received a diploma!


Congratulations to all students on their graduation!


Here the story of youth comes to a denouement,

Chapters have been written, dreams have been examined.


No longer relying on someone's clues,
You must solve all problems yourself


Not every line will be smooth,
Not all trials will be easy


And life lies in front of you like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.


I really want to believe that yesterday everything possible was done to ensure that tomorrow was cloudless, and today has firmly taken its place in the series of the warmest memories of the irrevocably gone.

Anastasia Khrustaleva speaking


Everyone was awarded diplomas, the moment of farewell has come

And in the book of life each one has written a chapter.

What will tomorrow be like?


We hope happy...

We wish this with all our hearts, friends!


At this solemn presentation of diplomas is over, we invite all graduates and teachers to take memorable photos.

Presenting his credentials, the foreign ambassador enters into the first official contact with the head of state, and this meeting is naturally of great political importance. They are also important in a purely human sense, since it is during it that a climate of personal trust, mutual sympathy (or vice versa) is laid to a large extent, which can largely determine the future success or failure of the ambassador's mission, the ability to maintain contacts with the leadership on a regular basis. host country.

In all countries credential ceremony elaborated with great care and detail. Any, at first glance insignificant, deviation from the diplomatic protocol can be regarded as disrespect for the ambassador and head of state of which he represents. Unlike other norms, the procedure for presenting credentials in most countries is perhaps the most conservative and has remained unchanged for many years.

The presentation of credentials and recalls takes place in each country in accordance with its own ceremonial. But it is possible to single out a number of key elements that are inherent in the whole world practice: the head of state accepts letters in his official residence; the ceremony is attended by high-ranking representatives of the state and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the ambassador is accompanied by several senior officials from the diplomatic staff of the embassy; when handing over, an exchange of speeches takes place (not everywhere); after the presentation, the head of state gives the ambassador an audience (talks with him); to follow the ceremony, the ambassador is allocated a car from the garage of the head of state; the dress code at the ceremony is front dress with orders. In some countries, the ambassador is given additional honors - the car in which the ambassador follows is accompanied by a military (police) escort; at the residence of the head of state, a guard of honor is lined up in honor of the ambassador; national anthems are played. It is customary, at least briefly, to report on the presentation of credentials in the press.

In our country the newly arrived head of the diplomatic mission pays a visit to the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, where he is introduced to the procedure for presenting credentials. At the end of the conversation, ambassadors usually ask for assistance in organizing a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The embassy is informed about the day and hour of the corresponding visit by phone. During a conversation with the minister (one of his deputies), the ambassador hands over copies of his credentials and letters of recall. Credentials are presented to the President of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin in a solemn ceremony. The ambassador is accompanied by his staff, as well as Russian officials - directors of the relevant territorial subdivision and the Protocol Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The ceremony ends with a photo session.

After the presentation of credentials, it is customary to arrange a "glass of champagne" reception at the embassy, which is attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country - participants in the presentation ceremony, as well as the diplomatic staff of the embassy. On the same day, the ambassador sends personal notes to the heads of other foreign embassies announcing that he has presented his credentials and has taken up his duties.

The ceremony of presenting credentials in many countries obliges its participants to wear special clothing. Ambassadors of England, Sweden, a number of other monarchical countries, as well as accompanying leaders diplomats wear tailcoats for the ceremony. Representatives of African countries dress in colorful national attire on this occasion.

The development of the procedure for presenting credentials is determined by the social system, national traditions and historical past of a country, as well as generally accepted norms of international protocol. In the attributes of the ceremonial, not without reason, the desire to emphasize the sovereignty and dignity of the state, its originality is seen. As before, the ceremony of presenting credentials in countries with a monarchical form of government remains more magnificent and complex.

In Belgium, for example, on the appointed day and hour, the chief aide-de-camp of the king (queen) arrives at the ambassador's residence and invites them to follow the presentation of credentials in a car from the garage of the royal palace. The ambassador is not accompanied by all the diplomatic staff of the embassy, ​​but only by the envoy-counselor and the military attaché. Dress code - full dress (uniform or tailcoat with orders). At the royal palace, the car is met and escorted by a military cavalry unit. In the palace, the ambassador and those accompanying him are met by responsible officials - the chief marshal of the royal court, the head of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.

Then the ambassador, the persons accompanying him and the representatives present from the Belgian side enter the hall where the king is already. The ambassador greets the king and presents him with the credentials and letters of recall of his predecessor. Words are not spoken. The ambassador introduces the persons accompanying him to the king. After that, the king invites the ambassador (one) to a conversation that lasts 10–12 minutes. At the end of the conversation, the king says goodbye to the ambassador and to those accompanying him. This concludes the credentialing ceremony. The ambassador, accompanied by the king's chief aide-de-camp, returns to the embassy.

In Sweden, a horse-drawn carriage is served to an ambassador on his way to the royal palace; a guard of honor is lined up in the palace; a military band is playing in the anteroom. In a number of countries, the ambassador is given the opportunity to receive a guard of honor parade, the anthem of his country is played, etc. In Morocco, the ambassador bows three times (at the entrance to the hall, in the middle of the hall and when approaching the king), In Nepal, at the end of the ceremony, the king sprinkles a white handkerchief ambassador with special spirits, which should symbolize the monarch's trust in the ambassador, wishes for success in his activities. It is characteristic that ceremonial features that could be perceived in the modern world as not quite convenient, and even humiliating and offensive for ambassadors representing sovereign states and their leaders abroad, are leaving the practice of delivery.

From the moment of presentation of credentials, the ambassador is considered to have taken up his duties. Vigorous activity in the country begins with visits to officials, political and public figures of the host country, as well as colleagues - heads of diplomatic missions. Such visits are considered protocol visits (courtesy visits), since they are not intended to discuss or solve any problem, but to express attention to the person concerned, to establish personal acquaintance with him.

List of officials who are to be visited and their order is communicated to the embassy by local protocol. However, in the interests of expanding contacts, the list can be supplemented, provided that this does not contradict the rules established by local authorities. Great care is advised in this regard.

Making visits and maintaining regular relations with the host country is the professional duty of a diplomat, who is called upon to develop and strengthen bilateral friendly relations. Fruitful study of the country, genuine knowledge of the political, economic and cultural life it is impossible without maintaining close contacts with representatives of various circles, carried out through visits and meetings. On the other hand, clarification of foreign and domestic policy issues of their government is also the most important purpose of visits.

According to the protocol, the ambassador, after presenting his credentials, is the first to pay visits only to ambassadors. As for envoys, permanent and temporary chargé d'affaires, after receiving the letter from the ambassador on the presentation of his credentials, they should be the first to pay a visit to the ambassador as a senior in rank. The ambassador pays them return visits.

Protocol visits to officials and heads of diplomatic missions are made simultaneously, alternately (1-3 visits per day). The sequence of visits by officials is usually prescribed by local protocol and is strictly observed; the sequence of visits to foreign ambassadors is also subject to local protocol norms and established traditions in the diplomatic corps. However, the ambassador, depending on the state of relations with a particular country, can make adjustments to the order of visits: delay some, speed up others.

Protocol visits are made by the ambassador's wife, the wives of other diplomats. Different countries have their own specifics of such visits, however, in any case, they are not in a hurry, based on the need to give the wives of diplomatic employees time to improve their daily lives and housekeeping. In some countries, the spouses of ambassadors pay visits to the spouses of the minister of foreign affairs. heads of government and state. Visits can be made to the wives of heads of other diplomatic missions, as well as to women who occupy a prominent place in the public life of the host country. Active representative work of the ambassador's wife, wives of diplomatic staff helps the successful implementation of the tasks facing the diplomatic mission. Naturally, this work requires the necessary training - general education and language.

"Getting on Your Feet" new country, the ambassador himself will begin to receive notes from his newly arrived colleagues in the diplomatic corps about the presentation of their credentials. Protocol requires replies to such notes and drawing return courtesy visits. Delays in sending notes and return visits are highly undesirable, since practical work often there is a need to establish a business contact with a particular diplomat. Delays in the preparation of response notes and the organization of return visits are a violation of protocol and may become an obstacle to organizing a meeting that is sometimes so necessary.

Thus, the appointment of the head of a diplomatic mission goes through four stages: a) an agrement request; b) appointment to a position; c) arrival in the country; d) presentation of credentials and official entry into office.

Graduation Ceremony Scenario

1st host:

Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd leader:


We begin the solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to students of the specialty " Musical education" 2013

(music sounds)

2nd leader:

It's great that the graduation ceremony begins with kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate and greet our graduates.

1st host:

It is said that each person has his own “Star hour”. That most magnificent moment in life when fate says: “I give you a chance. Prove what you're capable of."

2nd leader:

We think that such a "finest hour" for our graduates was studying at the Klintsy Social and Pedagogical College.

(music sounds, graduates enter the stage)

1st host:

So congratulations to our graduates!

2nd leader:

Dear graduates! We wish everyone good luck and every victories in their future lives. Well, you have already won the most important victory at this stage, you have received a profession that you can be proud of. May fortune smile on you and continue on your life path! Please go to the hall. (they go to the music, and the presenter continues:)

And you, dear guests, do not spare your hands.

Let the applause in the hall thunder.

We greet with applause

these wonderful, funny guys!


1st host:

The right to open the solemn graduation ceremony is granted to the director of the college Morozov Sergey Vladimirovich.

(director speaking)

2nd leader:

The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Director for Educational and Educational and scientific and methodological work Panasyugo Elena Vasilievna.

1st host:

More recently, you, dear graduates, came to college to get the profession of "Music teacher" and now, five years later, you look so mature, so independent and self-sufficient. Let's remember how it all began.

1st host:

It takes 5 years to get a diploma

And this, by the way, is not accidental.

Everyone knows our Klintsovsky music teacher,

It is extremely difficult to study there.

You conduct and dance

And draw notes on the board,

Diplomas of musicians and artists are waiting,

And now you will be called to the stage!

2nd leader:

And so, let's start, sound the fanfare!
The main action is waiting in this room,
Looking forward to the award ceremony
The highest award for years of teaching

Nomination "Leader by vocation"

Participates in promotions and seminars,

Reads poetry, draws, sings.

Organize and inspire

Leads a healthy lifestyle.

The diploma is awarded to the course leader:

    Sidorenko Tatyana Alexandrovna

Nomination "Our Stars"

1st host:

Diplomas are awarded to the winners in the nomination "Our Stars"

2nd leader:

After all, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it. So someone wants them to be... And they are in the college. These are our talented girls. For five years of study, they managed not to earn a single triple in their diploma, and this is worthy of praise. The diploma is awarded: (graduations)

    Bakina Alena Evgenievna

    Moiseeka Irina Leonidovna

    Fitz Olga Viktorovna

Nomination "Cool girl"

1st host:

This nomination is dedicated to those who not only studied and gained knowledge, but also managed to live the life of a college, participated in all events not only at the city, but also at the regional level.

2nd leader:

In college life you are activists -

Today you draw, tomorrow you are artists.

In any case, they did not stand aside,

Because you are Cool Girls.

1st host:

Diplomas are awarded:

1.Volchek Irina Vitalievna

2. Another Kristina Amanovna

3. Kulago Marina Leonidovna

4. Olga Petrovna Gutor

2nd leader:

Nomination "Modesty itself"

This nomination rightfully went to this girl, because she is really very modest, but at the same time very kind.

And so, the winner in the nomination "Modesty itself" became:

1 Khryapko Anna Mikhailovna

1st host:

Nomination "Miss Perseverance"

This nomination went to wonderful girls.

You have achieved a lot with your perseverance.

And this quality is very useful to you.

You have worked hard for five years.

diploma in your hands

there is no better reward.

So, diplomas in the nomination "Miss Perseverance» are awarded:

1. Gerasimova Maria Sergeevna

Zakharchenko Yulia Georgievna

2nd leader:

Nomination "Mr. Positive"

They know how to radiate goodness,

They warm a part of the World with their warmth.

Alas, not all of us are given this,

But under their warmth, our souls melt.

In the nomination "Mr Positive" diplomas are awarded:

    Tsyvin Vladislav Vladimirovich

    Koshulyan Viktor Yurievich

1st host:

And now you have the floor, graduates!

(word to graduates)

After the words of the graduates (video presentation)

2nd leader:

You are entering into a great life today!

With all my heart - good luck, graduate,

And so that everything that you dream about comes true,

Go bolder towards the goal straight!

1st host:

We wish you a lot of happiness and accomplishments,

You can find good friends

And let you on all roads of fate

Success awaits! Have a good trip!

FIRST! Remember you are being filmed! And often this photo is more important to the person you are rewarding than to yourself, so you and the person being awarded should be clearly visible in the picture. And therefore do not stand facing the hall: in this case, the recipient will stand with his back to the audience. This is both indecent and those filming from the audience (and not just the official photographer) do not see the moment of the award. Often for the recipient, this is the only or rather rare occasion in the life of meeting such an important person who is YOU, and he will be very pleased to show a photo where YOU shake his hand and present the award.

SECOND! Do not hurry say goodbye to the recipient. Ordinary people are embarrassed to be the center of attention and rush to leave. Shake his hand, look into his eyes, say something nice. Let the person linger for 3-5 seconds, look into your eyes, smile back and thank you. Believe me, this is not so much for you and quite enough for the photographer to take a few shots, one of which will surely decorate the recipient's album. Make sure that the person being awarded is visible from the hall, turn him around delicately, without releasing the hand that you are shaking, ask him to look into the hall and smile, showing his award. Take Western traditions as an example, where they shake hands with the recipient for a long time, look into the hall together and smile. It costs so little and is so highly valued - the ability to present awards!

THIRD! Observe placement rule on the stage. YOU are standing on the left (when viewed from the auditorium) turned to the center of the stage and with your right side towards the auditorium. In your left hand, hold the diploma, which in this case will be turned with the front side towards the audience and the photographer. With your right hand, YOU shake the hand of the person being awarded and present him with a diploma, so that the whole action can be seen by the audience! You are on stage! You are a bit of an artist! Play by the rules when giving the award. Otherwise, why go on stage? You could do it in your office...

FOURTH! You always have an assistant who gives you rewards. It should be on the back left! And not between you and not in front of you with the recipient! Let your assistant "does not fit into the frame"!

FIFTH! If it is not possible to stand with the right side to the audience, then while the awarded person is walking towards you on the stage, show the diploma to the audience, and then present, still turning the diploma to face the auditorium. And after handing over, ask the recipient to demonstrate the award to the public.

SIXTH! Don't run across the stage towards the recipient. Even if this is an elderly person, it will come. After all, he reached the stage, he will reach you along the stage. Then the photographer will not have to run after you around the stage, amusing the audience.

SEVENTH! Get out from behind the microphone! Take a step back, don't let the mic block your face or get between you . Have the microphone behind you.

Simple seven rules on how to properly present diplomas and awards. Remember and follow them and people will respect you.