Why is it difficult for a child to learn? Causes of school failure. consultation (grade 1) on the topic

I am 15 years old, I study poorly, a lot of 3, in mathematics 2, I don’t know it at all. The teacher says that such people have no future, it’s very bad for me. I thought about suicide many times. there were a lot of humiliations, at least I’m glad that I’m not one of the girls studying poorly in class. I don’t know what to do, how to be ... And thoughts of killing myself visit me more and more often. I won’t pass the GIA, I don’t know where I have to go ... and what to do next. Constantly depressed. I have no close friends and no friends either. I am a loser, that's why I think that there is no need to live in this world anymore.
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Guest, age: 15/02/01/2013


The teacher is wrong to say so! Everyone
talented and capable and YOU in this number! And if
you are not given what is given to the majority - this is not
means that you are a loser! I also don’t have a school
there were exact sciences and teachers inspired that I was stupid!
yes, it was very unpleasant (((I chose
humanitarian profession, completely unrelated to
exact sciences ... but about the GIA, in fact
last resort, you can retake .... but from myself I
I wish you to pass the GIA successfully!

buday, age: 24/02/02/2013

Hello! Do You really think that Your THOUGHT about failures in the upcoming exams are so true that because of them you can go to another world? What do you think is the probability successful delivery exams? I am sure that it is equal to 100% You will be surprised: "Yes, it can not be!" I will answer: everything is in Your hands. To achieve success, you must learn to focus on what is really important to you. Is the teacher's behavior really important to you? DOES SUCCESSFUL EXAMS DEPEND ONLY ON HIM??? If you are not satisfied with the behavior of the teacher - ignore him. In other words, abstract from the negative and strive to achieve your goals. I understand that the absence of friends is not good. But think: no friends - more time to study for exams, attend electives, take classes with a tutor. Try to find the positive in every situation. Of course, maintain relationships with your peers, do not withdraw into yourself, strive to find loyal, true and REAL friends!!! Do not be shy to ask for help from parents and relatives, communicate with them more often. Know: they have what both You and me lack, LIFE EXPERIENCE. Advice from elders can really help in difficult times. To not only get out of depression, but also prevent its subsequent occurrence, find your hobby. This can help direct your energy towards creativity, creation and self-development. Do not be afraid of difficulties!!! If fate is against you, it's worse for her!!! Temper your willpower and achieve everything that you want, that you deserve!!! Appreciate Life, for it is our main wealth. Here are my tips for the near future, I hope I could help You! Good luck!!!

Michael, age: 18 / 02/02/2013

My dear, education in itself does not bring happiness. If only
like to study. Nobody knows the future. Teacher presents
the future of man only in the university? - That's his right. There are plenty in the world
specialties that do not require education, but require
special skills. They can bring both income and joy. Yes,
not prestigious, but I really wanted to work as a cashier. My
a friend drove trams and tried a lot more. Eventually
became a chef. It's hard work, but she loves it. Managers and
economists with accountants and lawyers, in my opinion, already salt
Or maybe you like dog training? Or something else? Is
this is bad? Why do you need mathematics with literature?
Yes, everyone does not know where to go, not only you!!! Parents advised -
this does not count, then few people work in their specialty). Still a hundred
times will change.
All my classmates, both excellent students and losers, all settled down in
life, no one is missing. And you won't get lost. Yesterday's excellent student
graduated from MAI, sells curtains. "Troechnitsa" created an ensemble
folk song. Do points assess your personality and your

Elena Ordinary, age: 37 / 02/02/2013

What do your parents say about this? They can't get you tutors?

Agnia Lvovna, age: 72 / 02/02/2013

But what difference does it make how you study, have you really never heard that all successful people are former C grade students, and all hardened losers are former excellent students. Think at least about your teachers - they have always studied a lot and well, they still study and get pennies. You know why, but because the school and institutes provide knowledge that is completely unnecessary for life.
Believe me, I’m 2 times older than you, quite a successful lady, I know what I’m saying. What do you need for life from the school curriculum ... It’s elementary to be able to count, well, you know the multiplication table, you know how to read, and you seem to write without errors. ( by the way, a rarity among young people).
What should you do... Develop and improve yourself. Do what is interesting, look for new hobbies, read articles about Personality improvement, learn to love and respect yourself. Believe in yourself.
In a few years you will become a kind of business lady - beautiful, independent successful ...
Do not pay attention to them - teachers, classmates and others who want to kill the Personality in you. They now see you as weak, on which you can mock. let them break!!!

Autumn slush, age: 30/02/02/2013

Hello! Drive these thoughts away from you further! Not
listen to your teacher, don't pay attention to
external negative. Listen only to constructive
It doesn't matter if you study poorly. do well
what you get. Maybe in some
one area. Practice shows that
excellent students then become performers on
enterprises, and C students - leaders! This
trend. Moreover, different professions -
Trinity students are more adapted to practice
life, they do not have such complexes of an excellent student,
does not have such a fanatical attitude to learning as
excellent students, and they worry less about it
about. And anxiety only brings
mental and mental problems. Why is this
need to? And don't worry about it either.
but do what you can do. finish school
anyway, anyway. Important
adapt to practice. Most of
what a person learns in school and in the educational
institution, he will not need it at work.
Do something interesting, take a break from these
depressive thoughts. Walk outside more often.
Go in for physical education, it builds character,
willpower. Do not mix your problems together, but
solve them separately. And for every day
a certain number of tasks. So much
easier. Don't forget to rest.
You will find your friends, you have to look for them. Maybe
perhaps you will find them among your
like-minded people, for example, on some business,
hobby. It happens often.

Anthony, age: 24/02/02/2013

The girl is waiting, do you know how many adults
people who studied for deuces, triples are happy in
life. Millions. Moreover, many of them are successful.
Smile! Good luck!

Alexey, age: Wow, 39 / 02/02/2013

Expensive...! As a teacher, I can assure you that you will pass Gia. Everyone will pass, because the teachers are not their own enemies, and they still have to work in this school. And the grade is not an indicator of knowledge. If you have problems in mathematics, write - we'll figure it out.

Matilda, age: 02/31/2013

Hello! I'll tell you about my experience. What do you think happened in my life when I graduated from high school with straight A's? Absolutely nothing. Yes, I entered where I wanted to, and yes, the school base helped me easily survive the first year of university studies. So what is next? Then you only care about studying at the university and it doesn’t matter how you studied at school. I didn’t even have time to show off my school red certificate.

In general, school, university, work, pension - these are the ordinary standards of the majority. And they don't have to follow. If you want to succeed in them, then it is worth trying. If that doesn't interest you, be sure to find something that you want to excel at.

And in general, a genius in the head is better than some grades in diaries, gradebooks. Please don't limit yourself to these ratings ;)

Master student of one of the prestigious universities, age: 21 / 07.10.2013

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Good afternoon
My 17 year old daughter has Endogenous Personality Disorder. At the age of 16, her daughter had her first episode of psychosis. At the same time, she still managed to pass the GIA and go to college. But she didn’t go to study - they took academic leave. The acute form was removed in a day hospital. Now (for 7 months) she has been taking a neuroleptic (rispolept 3.5 mg/day). Today, her condition cannot be called bad (compared to what it was!). The problems are: intrusive thoughts, increased fatigue and lethargy (I believe that because of the drugs, because with increasing dose this lethargy always increased).
So, among other things, I am very worried about the questions: should my daughter go to the college she entered, or maybe go to study in another place easier, or sit at home for another year? Let me explain what causes these questions.
The fact is that even before the psychosis, school was for my daughter. hard work! In fact, the whole family studied. She herself could hardly do her homework. It was difficult for her to understand the task, comprehend what she read, generalize, draw logical conclusions, highlight the main thing - additional explanations, “chewing” the meaning were always required. Due to the fact that the daughter was "tight" in thinking, it took almost all the time to complete the lessons (at least in the minimum volume): she sat at school every day until late, on weekends. I went to school as if I was being tortured, I was terribly afraid that they would be called to the blackboard. As we approached the exams, the GIA, the tension grew, especially against the backdrop of outright intimidation on the part of teachers. It seems to me that the culmination of all this was psychosis. So, I am torn by painful doubts about the "golden mean". On the one hand, I understand that daughters should not stay at home, this does not contribute to recovery and socialization. On the other hand, I'm afraid of re-psychosis, which can again provoke an exorbitant study load! Here, another significant point is that, in addition to her own lethargy, there was also a significant lethargy from the use of the medicine! And drink it for a long time. In this regard, I have no idea how you can study in such a state! I was advised an evening school, they say, there the requirements are low because of the corresponding level of students. But it's also scary! Due to her nature and illness (I don’t understand where one ends and another begins!) my daughter is a very vulnerable creature, always polite, does not accept rudeness and rudeness. At the same time, she does not have friends who are so necessary for social adaptation! So can I really push her into such an “intelligent” circle of friends! My mother worked as a teacher in an evening school for several years, so I know everything firsthand! I can not imagine my daughter among such a contingent! It definitely won't do her any good. So what to do? How to do the right thing? How not to bend the stick in one direction or another? I understand that I am asking difficult questions. But suddenly an experienced specialist to some extent will clarify this situation for me, help with advice. Our psychiatrist is still silent. Thanks in advance for any advice. Natalia

Today, it is not uncommon for a well-prepared, active and promising child to preschool age impresses parents with their success, but does not live up to expectations for good school performance. So why is it difficult for a child to learn?

Problems with learning in children

  1. misunderstanding of the material. Each of us must have heard at least once that good teacher are worth their weight in gold these days. It is the teacher and his method of presenting the material that largely determines the extent to which information is assimilated in the minds of children.
  2. distracting factors. The most common ailment of today's youth is the inability to concentrate their attention on one subject for a long time.
  3. The system of moral guidelines. If you notice that your child does not want to learn because it is "unpopular" or "stupid", then consider whether he has fallen into the trap of falsely imposed ideals.

Warning signs that your child is having a hard time learning

  1. The child does not want to discuss school matters. He does not tell how the classes went, what he is studying and what news he has.
  2. Attitudes towards school and learning have changed. The child began to treat the school with anger and detachment, does not want to go there. Perhaps he is bored sitting in the lessons, because he already knows the material that other children go through.
  3. The kid sits for lessons for a very long time. The time spent on homework has increased. The son or daughter did not have time for rest and hobbies.
  4. Bad behavior at school. This situation may be related to attracting attention. Children and adolescents are not always able to coherently and clearly explain their problems. Then they begin to take action, which, in their opinion, explains everything. As the child grows, he learns social skills.
  5. Teacher complaints about son or daughter. It often happens that teachers are more aware of the school problems of children than parents. In this case, you need to talk to the teacher or class teacher. If he expresses concern, then you should look after your child.
  6. Sleep deprivation and loss of appetite. Problems with sleep and eating are often associated in a child with the stress that he receives at school. Children want to please mom and dad with good grades, and when they fail, they get upset and cannot calm down. Teenagers, on the other hand, are already realizing that their academic performance can affect how they pass exams and get into college. good university. Because of this, they are also worried.
  7. Poor performance. If a child gets low grades more often, it is not surprising that he does not want to go to school. It's hard for him to deal with school curriculum so he doesn't want to go to school.

Which kids have a hard time at school?

  1. Shy. It is difficult for them to make friends, they feel uncomfortable among strangers and crowds of people. They feel more comfortable in their own quiet world.
  2. prone to aggression. Such children try to gain leadership positions in the classroom through verbal and physical abuse. But due to specific means, this does not work out for them, they do not become popular, which provokes their difficulties at school.
  3. With poor health. Physically weak children do not learn the school curriculum well, they need more time to master the material. They often miss school due to illness.
  4. WITH high level anxiety. Such children can study well and even make friends, but it will be difficult for them psychologically. They constantly think that something will interfere with them, that nothing will work out for them.

What is the reason for learning difficulties?

If a child is struggling to learn, you need to understand the reasons for poor performance in children. Understanding the problem is half the job of solving it. A first-grader, entering school, meets with new tasks, of which there are really many. Except learning objectives emotional difficulties appear - a new team, other requirements for discipline, orders and rules. The methods of presenting the material and the school curriculum itself are not ideal and do not take into account the peculiarities of the development of a small person in different ages. Before school, the child learns in the game, and the first grader should already learn the information, sitting motionless at the desk long time. This requires the student to be able to focus on one type of activity for a long time, that is, to have a developed concentrated attention.

It often happens that from the very first days of schooling, a child should do not what he is interested in and like, but what the school curriculum and the teacher require from him, and it is difficult for children to start this. The learning process is impossible without the development of skills, without voluntary attention. Sometimes parents believe that the child is attentive, and learning difficulties arise for other reasons. We advise you to take into account the following features: almost all children have well-developed involuntary attention, and voluntary attention develops up to 7-10 years of age, that is, much later than the first grade.

Successful learning depends on how the child is able to concentrate. The development of voluntary attention will help the child find the necessary information in memory, separate the main from the secondary, choose the right decisions, work consciously in class, and concentrate on the task at hand.

The eidetics course helps both adults and children develop attention and receive great results from the learning process.


Good afternoon I can’t do physics at all, I live in Belarus and we have a 10 point system here and in physics I have almost only two out of 10 points, I don’t know what to do, can I finally put an end to my studies? Nothing comes out not only in physics but also in many other subjects ...

Answers the question: Archpriest Dimitri Shushpanov

Priest's response:

Dear Nikita! It's too early to put an end to your studies, you need to try to change something.

First, if you are a believer, turn to God with a prayer: ask Him to help you. But you need to pray not once or twice, but take it upon yourself to pray before each lesson at school (you can not publicly, to yourself), and sitting down to do homework at home, reading at first: "O Heavenly King", and at the end: "It is worthy to eat." You can ask God in your own words.

Secondly, the cause of failure is weakness of the will, because study requires regular exertion of intellectual and physical strength. And therefore, you need to force yourself to do this: do not miss classes at school, study at home. Again, accompanying all these efforts with a prayer to God for the reinforcement of your mental and bodily strength. In addition to prayer, you need to resort to the shrine and the Sacraments of the Church: drink holy water on an empty stomach every morning and eat a particle of prosphora, as well as regularly (at least once a month) confess and take communion in the temple. Through all this, the Lord will send you His grace, sanctification and help.

And thirdly, you need to try to take additional classes in those subjects where your lag is most obvious. I think that this is quite feasible. Help you Lord!

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If the child is having difficulty learning, the parents should be the first to help him. They know their son or daughter best of all. Therefore, it is easier for them to find the reason for the poor performance of the offspring.

The child is not to blame

It is possible that the child is not coping with the school curriculum because he has health problems. For example, speech therapy. A child with speech impairment has difficulty writing and reading. It is not easy for him to answer at the blackboard. Therefore, even with good knowledge he can get triples.

Temperament also affects school success. If the child is slow by nature, the rhythm of work in the classroom seems to him too fast. He does not have time, he feels “not at ease”, he quickly gets tired.

Do not demand the impossible from your child. Understand that not everyone can be an excellent student.

Not laziness, but fatigue

Fatigue - main reason bad grades. Parents should pay attention to extracurricular activities of the child. Doctors believe that a student can study normally if he attends only one intellectual circle and a sports section. An excess of additional loads takes energy and distracts from the lessons.

It is important to follow the daily routine. The child should fall asleep and wake up at the same time. This rule also applies to preparing homework, eating, walking. The right routine has a beneficial effect on well-being.

Computer - friend or foe?

Limit the time the student spends in front of the TV or computer to 1.5 hours. Psychologists have been sounding the alarm for a long time: a child immersed in screen pictures turns off the part of the brain responsible for creativity.

He has a poor grasp of subjects related to abstract thinking. Doesn't understand physics. He can't write essays or even draw.

However, do not impose a taboo on the computer. Computer science is now beginning to be studied in kindergarten. There are many developing computer games quality educational films.

Business to your liking

Difficult relationships with peers can be the cause of school problems. The child is acutely experiencing his failures in school, afraid of ridicule classmates.

Together, find an activity in which he can reveal his talents and compete for the championship. Achievements boost self-esteem. Self-confidence will also come in handy in your studies.

To school with the whole family

Check your homework regularly. The child must understand that the lesson he has learned will be asked by his mother or father. Praise even for small successes (quickly solved the problem, made fewer mistakes in the exercise).

Show sincere interest in the school affairs of your son or daughter. Ask how the excursion to the museum went, how the class is preparing for the holiday. The child must trust his parents and seek help at the right time.