Objects and types of land reclamation and the nature of their implementation in the agro-climatic zones of the country. The complexity of land reclamation

Landscape reclamation - a system of measures aimed at improving the conditions for the landscape to fulfill its ecology, and socio-economic.

Basic principles: 1) Regional; 2) Typological; 3) Dynamic; 4) Ecological.

regional principle. The application of this principle makes it possible to take into account the genesis, territorial integrity, originality of the landscape structure and the current landscape and ecological state of the regional NTC. Such information is especially necessary for planning and designing large landscape and reclamation systems. That is, this approach makes it possible to control the development of a large area of ​​the NTC at the level of physical and geographical countries, zonal regions, provinces, districts, and districts. This principle makes it possible to take into account the physical and geographical conditions at the level of the components of the transformed territories.

The typological principle of landscape reclamation is based on taking into account the main properties of typological complexes. First of all, this principle makes it possible to widely apply typical design of landscape systems.

In land reclamation practice, it is necessary to take into account the zonal features of typological complexes, since a number of typological complexes bear the influence of the zonal conditions in which they are located, which certainly leaves an imprint on the properties of typological complexes. The same type of terrain in different zones is different, these differences must be taken into account in land reclamation practice. If this principle is observed, it is important to take into account the features of the altitudinal-geomorphological structure of terrain types.

Accounting for the landscape structure of terrain types is mandatory when analyzing the landscape structure of a reclaimed territory (accounting for natural boundaries). Taking into account the landscape features of the tracts makes it possible to accurately determine the natural boundaries of the reclaimed type of terrain, to identify patterns of distribution and to determine the area it occupies.

The dynamic principle provides for taking into account the dynamic relationships of the PTC when designing reclamation systems. This principle is based on the main provisions of the concept developed by Milkov on paradynamic and paragenetic complexes. Accounting for the paradynamic relationships of landscape complexes is necessary to create optimal conditions for the interaction of reclamation systems with landscape complexes. Reclaimed landscape complexes are dynamically interconnected with the landscapes of adjacent territories. Even more closely related are their structural elements. These relationships are carried out with the help of flows of matter and energy. Accounting for energy and mass transfer in the reclamation of landscape complexes always plays an important role, because it allows you to create reclamation systems with an optimal margin of safety. Accounting for paragenetic relationships. Paragenetic landscape complexes are a special kind of paradynamic systems. The idea of ​​the existence in nature of integral paragenetic landscape complexes belongs to F. N. Milkov. He was the first to define and substantiate the allocation in the landscape sphere of the Earth of a special category of landscape complexes, the distinctive feature of which is the common origin, the genetic unity of the complexes included in them. As an example of a complex paragenetic landscape complex, one can cite a ravine-gully system consisting of several genetically interconnected types of tracts (drainage ravines, hollows, gullies, ravines, alluvial cones).

geochemical principles. When designing, the geochemical features of the territory within which functioning geosystems are represented are taken into account.

Ecological principle of landscape reclamation. This principle began to be applied relatively recently and provides for taking into account the ecological state of the NTC of the transformed territory. It is used to establish the norms of melioration tolerance.

A hydrographic network is a set of low relief areas that contribute to the formation of permanent or temporary watercourses. The structure of a hydrographic network: 1) Hollow- weakly expressed relief elements with gentle slopes, up to 5 meters deep and a catchment area of ​​up to 5 hectares. Plowing of this area is possible.2) dell- this is a pronounced lowering of the relief area up to 5 - 10 meters with a catchment area of ​​​​up to 500 hectares. From the top to the mouth, they expand and deepen. Mastering is difficult, but possible.3) Beam- a strongly pronounced deep depression up to 10 - 20 meters, a width on top of 200 - 300 meters, a catchment area of ​​​​up to 3000 hectares. The use of beams and slopes is possible.

4) river valley– the cross section of small rivers is in a dynamic state, while large rivers are more stable.

5) ravines- according to territorial characteristics, they distinguish: primary (slope and coastal) and secondary (top or bottom).

In order to correctly draw up a plan for the use of land use area and develop effective system anti-erosion measures, it is necessary to carry out anti-erosion organization of the territory.

The composition of the anti-erosion agroforestry complex depends on a variety of agro-climatic factors. One of them is the relief, which is characterized by a slope. Depending on the slope, three erosion-hazardous zones are distinguished on the slope areas: 1) Driveline(slope up to 2 o); 2) Network(slope from 2 o to 8 o); 3) Hydrographic network zone(slope more than 8 o);

In order to carry out a set of anti-erosion measures throughout the entire territory of the economy, we, taking into account scientific standards and recommendations, identified and depicted on the plan three erosion-hazardous zones, while profile AB was used. The zones have a pronounced character due to the complex relief. The watershed and network zones are present on the profile. The slopes in the first zone vary from 0.6 o to 1.8 o and average 1.13 o. The slope values ​​in the second zone range from 2.4° to 4.8° and average 3.6°. The third zone was not included in the AB alignment, but it is also clearly expressed on the territory of the farm. Method of zoning: on the plan, the relief is depicted by contour lines, the height of the relief section is 2.5 meters. The values ​​of the distance between contour lines are calculated for slopes of 2 o and 8 o. Further, measuring the distance between the contour lines, we draw a line separating the zones in those places where the distance is less than the calculated one.

Integrated reclamation in the watershed erosion-landscape zone, design principles.

The territory of the watershed zone is located at the highest geodetic elevations, but at the same time it has small terrain slopes (up to 2 o), therefore there are no prerequisites for the development of water erosion, but in the conditions of this zone, the main harmful factor is the wind. This gives rise to the possibility of developing wind erosion, i.e. deflation.

Signs of the watershed zone:

1) Calm topography (the surface is flat, and the slopes are small);

2) The processes of water erosion are weakly expressed, the soil is not washed away;

3) The soil cover is the most developed and is represented by fertile soils that have retained nutrients for plants;

4) The territory of this zone is suitable for intensive cultivation of agricultural crops and placement of the main crop rotations;

5) In order to improve the ecological conditions of agrophytocinosis and efficient agricultural production in a given territory, it is possible to use various types of reclamation;

The anti-erosion complex (PC) includes four main types of activities:

1) Organizational and economic;

2) Rational agrotechnical measures;

3) Agroforestry;

4) Hydrotechnical melioration.

Organizational and economic measures in the conditions of the watershed zone imply rational on-farm land management: establishing the optimal size of fields, working areas, their configuration (preferably a rectangle with sides 1:2..1:3), planned placement of their constituent elements in order to anticipate potential prerequisites for development water and wind erosion, in this regard, the length of the fields should be oriented along horizontal lines, across the slope and perpendicular to the direction of harmful winds.

EXAMPLE PROGRAM Name of the discipline - RECLAIM Recommended for the direction of training 110100 "Agrochemistry and agrosoil science" Qualification (degree) of the graduate - bachelor 1. Aims and objectives of the discipline Purpose - the formation of ideas about the theoretical foundations of the regulation of water and related air, food, thermal and salt soil regimes in combination with appropriate agricultural practices to ensure optimal conditions for the growth and development of crops; on the methods of creating and maintaining optimal conditions in the soil-plant-atmosphere system for the successful cultivation of agricultural crops without reducing the environmental sustainability of agro-ameliorative landscapes. The tasks of the discipline are the study of the main types of land reclamation, its distribution throughout the world and in Russia; types of agro-reclamation landscapes; impact of land reclamation on the environment; requirements of agricultural crops to the water and related air, food and thermal regimes of the soil; methods for determining soil moisture and its regulation; devices, purpose and principle of operation of drainage and irrigation systems; measures to preserve the environmental sustainability of agro-ameliorative landscapes. 2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the BEP The course is included in the basic part of the professional cycle of disciplines according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. The requirements for the input knowledge, skills and competencies of the student necessary for studying the discipline are determined by the previous courses on which the discipline "Melioration" is directly based: mathematics, physics, computer science, geodesy, soil science, plant physiology, agriculture and profile disciplines - hydrogeology, land management. 3. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of the following competencies: - the ability to apply the laws of heat and moisture exchange in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, draw up assignments for the design of irrigation and drainage systems, take systems into operation, draw up economic plans for water use and plans water regime regulation; organize the work of reclamation systems, effectively use irrigation equipment; determine the economic efficiency of land reclamation measures;  ability to analyze design information and make the right decision; - the ability to acquire new knowledge, using modern information Technology based on the information received;  ability to develop technological projects for the reproduction of soil fertility in drained and irrigated agrolandscapes in order to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of crops 2  determination of the economic efficiency of the use of melioration in the cultivation of crops.  willingness to study and analyze the modern experience of domestic and foreign researchers, to conduct full-scale and model experiments. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must: know: the theoretical foundations of the regulation of water and related air, food, thermal and salt regimes of soils in combination with appropriate agricultural technology to ensure optimal conditions for the growth and development of crops; methods for creating and maintaining optimal conditions in the soil-plant-atmosphere system for the successful cultivation of agricultural crops without reducing the environmental sustainability of agro-ameliorative landscapes; be able to: use effective reclamation equipment; apply the acquired skills in solving practical problems; describe the characteristics of agro-reclamation landscapes; draw up assignments for the design of irrigation and drainage systems, economic plans for water use and plans for regulating the water regime; carry out calculations of the parameters of reclamation systems; substantiate the effectiveness of the functioning of ameliorative systems to possess: skills independent work with literature to search for information about individual definitions, concepts and terms, explain their application in practical situations; solving theoretical and practical typical and systemic problems related to professional activities; logical creative and systemic thinking. 4. The volume of discipline and types of study work Type of study work Classroom activities (total) Including: Lectures Practical exercises (PT) Independent work (total) Including: Course project (work) Completion of assignments Preparation for current control Preparation for intermediate control Type of intermediate certification Total labor intensity hours credit units Total hours 72 28 44 72 35 12 10 15 144 4 Semesters 7 8 38 34 16 22 34 15 6 5 8 credit 76 2 12 20 38 20 6 5 7 exam 68 2 3 5. Content of the discipline 5.1 Contents of discipline sections 1. Essence and content of land reclamation. General concepts of melioration. The main types of melioration. Interaction and combination of different types of melioration. Brief information about the development of melioration. Influence of melioration on changes in natural conditions. The main types of agro-reclamation landscapes and the requirements they must meet. Creation of agro-reclamation landscapes. Selection principles ameliorative zones . Economic efficiency of hydrotechnical melioration. Maintaining the ecological balance of the object of melioration. The role of an agronomist in the development and use of reclaimed lands. Water-physical properties of the soil and elements of soil hydrology and hydrogeology. Water-physical properties of mineral and peat soils. Types of water in the soil. Movement of water and salts in the soil. Soil moisture constants: total and minimum water capacity, water loss, stable wilting moisture. Availability of water for plants. The concept of surface and underground runoff. The amount of runoff and methods for its determination. The process by which water is absorbed into the soil. Absorption rates and filtration. Determination of water availability of settlement periods by precipitation, air temperature and other parameters. Changes in hydrogeological conditions and identification of negative phenomena (secondary swamping, flooding and salinization of lands) under the influence of reclamation, methods for forecasting the water-salt regime of soils. Water balance of the active soil layer and determination of its elements. The concept of water balance. Water balance equation. Method for determining surface and subsoil runoff, groundwater recharge of the root layer of the soil, evaporation from the surface of the soil and plants. Methods for determining the total evaporation. The coefficient of water consumption of crops depending on the size of the crop, the humidity of the year and the level of agricultural technology. 2. Irrigation. Basic information about irrigation. The concept of irrigation. The current state and prospects for the development of irrigation. Need for irrigation of agricultural crops in different zones of the country. Types and methods of irrigation. Influence of irrigation on soil, microclimate, plants and groundwater regime. Irrigation water quality. Irrigation as the most important factor in the intensification of agricultural production. Experience of crop irrigation in advanced farms. Irrigation regime for agricultural crops. Methods for regulating the water regime of soils. Irrigation times and rates. Irrigation rate. Irrigation and inter-irrigation periods. The dependence of the irrigation rate on the soil, plants, method and technique of irrigation. 4 Modes of irrigation of crops. Irrigation of crops in crop rotation. Irrigation schedule and its completion. Hydromodule. Design and operational modes of irrigation and their calculations. Influence of irrigation on the biological parameters of growth and development of plants, the magnitude and stability of crop yields. The optimal ratio of water and air regimes in the active soil layer for various crops and fruit plantations. Regulation of the temperature regime of the soil during irrigation. Frost fighting. Water consumption rates and rice irrigation regime. Types of irrigation of agricultural crops. The value of pre-sowing, moisture-charging, vegetative and refreshing irrigations. Combination of irrigation with tillage. Combination of water-charging irrigations with vegetative ones. Methodology for calculating water-charging and pre-sowing irrigation. Drawing up a water use plan. Irrigation system and its elements. Requirements for agricultural production to irrigation systems. Irrigation system definition. Elements of the irrigation system: irrigation sources, water intake facilities, conductive and control networks, collector-drainage network, roads, forest belts, hydraulic structures on the irrigation, drainage and road networks, operational devices and equipment on the system. Impact of irrigation systems on the environment. Types of irrigation systems. Resource-saving and environmentally sustainable irrigation systems. Types of irrigation systems. Features of the organization of the irrigated area and the arrangement of the on-farm network in the light of the requirements of specialization, concentration and mechanization of agricultural production. The layout of the irrigated area. Classification of canals of irrigation and spillway network. Longitudinal and transverse layouts of the temporary irrigation and waste network. Hydraulic calculation of channels, pipelines and trays. Permissible speeds of water movement in channels and pipelines. Control of water losses from irrigation water. Channel clothing. Conjugation of channels in vertical and horizontal planes. Drawing up a longitudinal and transverse profile of channels and closed pipelines. Types of hydraulic structures in the irrigation network: regulating levels and flow rates, matching, retaining, taking into account and controlling water levels and flow rates. System efficiency. Sources of water for irrigation of agricultural crops. Types of irrigation sources. Environmental requirements for irrigation sources. Water quality assessment. Irrigation capacity of the irrigation source. Gravity and mechanical water intake from the irrigation source. Types of water intakes. Irrigation on local runoff. Ponds and reservoirs. Stationary, mobile and floating pumping stations. Methods and technique of irrigation of agricultural crops. Ecological and environmental requirements for the methods and techniques of irrigation of agricultural crops. The main methods of irrigation: gravity surface, sprinkling, subsoil, aerosol sprinkling, etc. Requirements for irrigation methods, irrigation water distribution technique, organization and implementation of irrigation. Technical and economic assessment of irrigation methods. Surface irrigation methods. Furrow irrigation. Types of irrigation furrows and their sizes. Permissible slopes of the terrain when irrigating in strips. Contours and depth of soil wetting. Changes in costs and length of irrigation furrows depending on the water permeability of the soil, topography and slope of the terrain. Uniformity of soil moisture along the length of the furrow. Irrigation machines and features of the organization of their work during furrow irrigation. Irrigation from portable and closed pipelines. The use of siphons, tubes and other fittings on a temporary irrigation network. Labor productivity during furrow irrigation. Conditions for the organization of night watering. Irrigation by overlap on the strips. Conditions for the use of strip irrigation. Types of irrigation strips and their sizes. Machines and tools for filling rollers. Specific water consumption per strip. Calculation of elements of irrigation technique by stripes and furrows. Irrigation automation by strip flow. Irrigation by flooding. Irrigation methods by flooding rice. Rice irrigation systems and their varieties. Types of rice irrigation systems. Engineering rice irrigation systems. Schemes of engineering rice system. Ecological requirements for the arrangement of all parts of the rice system. Rice card. The layout of maps relative to the main slope of the terrain. Types of rice maps (Krasnodar, Kuban and wide flood front maps). Hydraulic structures on the irrigation and waste network: flat shield water regulator, sector shield water regulator, stop-type water regulator, operational structures on the systems, rice irrigation technique, operation of rice systems, operational planning, security natural environment from toxicants. Technology of cultivation of low-water-demanding rice crop and its advantages. Sizes and configuration of checks. Types and sizes of longitudinal and transverse rollers. Mechanization of the check network device. Permissible depth and duration of flooding of rice and other crops. Calculation of irrigation norms for irrigation by flooding. Features of watering gardens. Schemes and designs of irrigation and drainage-discharge network. Calculation of network elements and structures. Sprinkler irrigation of agricultural crops. Types of sprinkling machines and units (long-jet, medium-jet, short-jet). Technical specifications sprinkler machines and installations. Agrotechnical requirements for the structure and quality of rain. Determination of the estimated water consumption, diameters of irrigation pipelines and the required number of sprinklers. Determining the duration of watering at one position and the number of passes. Arrangement of an irrigation network for the main types of machines. Calculation of the main elements 6 of the irrigation network. Schemes of operation of sprinkling units during irrigation: field, vegetable, fodder, fruit and berry and medicinal plants. Irrigation rates when sprinkling with machines with different rain intensity, taking into account soil conditions and irrigated crops. Features of sprinkling in nurseries, greenhouses and greenhouses. The use of sprinklers for the application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Pulse irrigation. The principle of the device of sprinkling devices of impulse action. Schemes of systems, features of their work. Aerosol irrigation. Basic concepts. conditions for its use. Subsoil irrigation. Basic principles and types of subsoil irrigation (pressure, non-pressure, vacuum). Soil requirements for subsoil irrigation. Types of humidifiers, the distance between them and the depth of the bookmark. Irrigation channels, pipelines and humidifiers layouts. Automation of subsoil irrigation. Drip irrigation. Application conditions. The design of the network and droppers. Water consumption in drip irrigation and its definition. Possibility of simultaneous introduction of water and fertilizers into the soil. Firth irrigation. Definition of firth irrigation systems. Development and efficiency of firth irrigation. Types of estuaries according to the depth of flooding, planned location and filling conditions. Selection of sites for firth irrigation. Estimated norms and depth of flooding of estuaries. Determination of the area of ​​estuary irrigation. The sizes of estuaries and the level of their location. Calculation of the irrigation network for estuary irrigation. Construction of earthen ramparts. Typical schemes for laying out estuaries. Permissible terms of flooding crops. Advantages and disadvantages of estuary irrigation. Labor costs in firth irrigation. Irrigation with sewage. Waste water and its use for fertilizing and moistening the soil. The volume of wastewater from cities and industrial centers. Effluent from livestock complexes and their use. Sanitary requirements for the use of wastewater. Chemical composition of waste and industrial waters. Purification and neutralization of sewage. Scheme of the arrangement of filtration fields and fertilizer irrigation fields. Year-round irrigation is the most rational way to use wastewater. Selection of crops for irrigation with wastewater. Ways of watering meadow grasses, orchards, orchards and other plantations with sewage. Determination of irrigation and irrigation norms. Irrigation times and rates. Economic efficiency of wastewater use. Fight against salinization of irrigated lands. The main causes of salinization of irrigated lands. Measures to prevent secondary salinization of irrigated lands. Areas and nature of solonchak and solonetz lands. Salt tolerance of agricultural crops. Critical depth of saline groundwater. Ways to lower the level of saline groundwater. Principles of operation of drainage. Calculation of distances between drains depending on soil and geological conditions. Environmental requirements 7 for the collector-discharge and drainage network. Water-salt balance of an irrigated plot or array. Washing of saline soils. Methods for determining flushing rates. Timing and technique of flushing. Utilization of collector-drainage waters. Flushing of saline soils with simultaneous cultivation of rice. The combination of flushing with the introduction of chemical ameliorants, organic and green manure fertilizers. Features of the irrigation regime on washed drained lands. Operation of irrigation and irrigation-water systems. Organization of operation service on irrigation systems and farms. The structure and staff of the operational service on farms and on the system, drawing up and implementing plans for on-farm water use. Irrigation organization. Combination of irrigation with agricultural tillage. Accounting for water consumption in irrigation systems. The fight against water filtration from canals built in an earthen channel. Maintenance of ameliorative systems. Network and facilities repair plan. Capital and current repairs of channels, structures and pipelines. Works on the care of the network and facilities. Standard contracts for the maintenance of ameliorative systems. Automation of water distribution control on the irrigation system. Control over the ameliorative state of irrigated lands. 3. Dehumidification General information about dehumidification. Status and prospects for the development of drainage in the country. Types and tasks of drainage melioration. Classification of swamps, excessively moistened mineral and wetlands. The main causes of waterlogging and waterlogging of mineral lands and the formation of swamps. swamp types. Types of water supply. Methods and methods of drying. Drying standards. Influence of drainage on soil and plants. The main factors determining the water regime of waterlogged lands. The value of drainage reclamation and their development. Causes of excessive moisture and types of land requiring drainage. Modern classification waterlogged lands. Requirements of agricultural crops to the water regime of soils. Drying rate. Types of water supply, methods and methods of drainage. Changes in the water-air, food, microbiological regimes of waterlogged lands and swamps under the influence of drainage. The main areas and objects of drainage of agricultural land. Special types of dehumidification. Economic efficiency of drainage melioration. Drainage system and its elements. Definition of a drainage system. Environmental and environmental requirements for drainage systems. Characteristics of the elements of the drainage system: water intake, drainage drainage network, fencing network, control network, hydraulic structures on the drainage network, road network in the area being drained and structures on it, operational devices and equipment. Calculation of system elements and their arrangement in vertical and 8 horizontal planes. Types and types of drainage systems, conditions for their use. Classification of drainage systems according to the method of removing excess water from the drained area. Classification of the system according to the following indicators: methods of removing excess water (gravity, mechanical, mixed); control network designs (horizontal, vertical, and combined drainage); ways to regulate the water regime in the drained soil layer. Dehumidifying system of unilateral action. Drainage by deep sparse channels in combination with a complex of agro-reclamation measures, a frequent network of open channels of dryers, closed drainage. The principle of operation of the main types of single-acting drainage systems. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of system. Drainage systems of bilateral action. Drainage-irrigation, drainage-humidifying, systems of combined (bilateral) moistening of the root layer of the soil. Planned and vertical arrangement of elements of the drainage and irrigation network. The principle of their work. Agricultural use of land on arrays of various technical levels of systems and possibilities for regulating soil moisture. Methods and techniques for regulating the water regime on drained massifs. Hydrotechnical and agro-ameliorative measures that ensure the accelerated removal of surface and subsoil waters. Permissible duration of surface (spring and summer-autumn) flooding for various crop rotations. Moisturizing the drained soil layer; preventive and humidifying sluice and possibilities of its application. Soil moistening when water is supplied to the drainage under a pressure equal to the depth of the drains, irrigation by sprinkling. Regulation of river water receivers and special methods of dehumidification. Operation of drainage systems. Tasks of the operation service. Organization of the maintenance service. The structure and staff of the operation service in the farms and on the system. Drawing up economic and system plans for regulating the water regime. Organization of work on the implementation of the water regime regulation plan. Operational hydrometry. Observations of the groundwater regime in the drained area. Assessment of the state and efficiency of the network and facilities. Operating costs. Acceptance of reclamation systems for operation. 4. Cultural technical melioration Cultural technical measures. The system of cultural and technical measures on swampy and normally moistened agricultural lands. The volume of cultural work. Determination of the composition and volume of cultural and technical work: the degree of overgrowth of the surface of the object with shrubs, forests, the stubble of the area, the contamination of the area with stumps, stones, buried wood. Measures aimed 9 at eliminating mechanical obstacles to tillage: removal of stones, large tussocks, moss tow; backfilling of pits and old canals, removal of tree and shrub vegetation and its remains, primary tillage. Agricultural development. Agricultural development of drained lands. Features of the development of unproductive meadow lands. Planning and leveling of the surface of drained lands. A complex of primary works on drained lands. Liming and fertilization. Seeding of pre-cultures. Types and performance of machines and tools for the primary processing of drained lands. 5. Soil protection from water erosion environment . The concept of soil erosion. Types of soil erosion. The main factors causing water erosion of the soil. Landslide events. Mudflows. damage to agriculture. Areas and areas of eroded lands in the Russian Federation and other CIS countries. A complex of agrotechnical, forest reclamation and hydro-reclamation measures to combat water and irrigation soil erosion. Hydrotechnical anti-erosion measures Fixing peaks, ravine beds. Landslide control. Measures to combat mudflows. Slope terracing. Measures to combat erosion on irrigated and drained lands. A set of measures for the protection of nature and the environment. Economic efficiency of anti-erosion measures. 6. Basic information on irrigation and agricultural water supply Problems of irrigation and agricultural water supply. Prospects for irrigation works. Types of irrigation systems. Components of irrigation systems in the southern regions of the country. Combination of watering with irrigation. Agricultural water supply. Basic systems of agricultural water supply. Requirements for the source of water supply. Qualitative and quantitative norms of water consumption. Household schedule of water consumption. The main types of water intake and treatment facilities for water supply. Scheme of the rural water supply system. Water supply from artesian and other wells. Well types. Capture of keys and springs. Water-lifting installations and machines for the purposes of water supply. Types of pumps and motors used in water supply. Water supply schemes for livestock farms and near-farm plots of land. Water supply for pastures, field camps, brigade plots and farms. Arrangement and equipment of drinking points. Sanitary supervision. Fire water supply. Operation of facilities for irrigation and agricultural water supply. 10 7. Economic efficiency of land reclamation Requirements for the economy of production of land reclamation and water management works. Planning and organization of land reclamation works. Annual and long-term plans for land reclamation measures in the economy. Capital costs for the production of land reclamation works. Financing of land reclamation measures. Costs for the operation of reclamation systems. The main elements of operating costs. The structure of these costs. Depreciation of reclamation structures. Costs for the current repair of the drainage and irrigation network, irrigation, organization of surface runoff of snow water. Economic assessment of the effectiveness of the development of irrigated and drained lands. The cost of agricultural products. net income. Influence of melioration on labor productivity and profitability of agricultural production. Return on capital investment. 5.2 Sections of the discipline and interdisciplinary links with the provided (subsequent) disciplines No. Name provided No. No. of sections of the given discipline, necessary disciplines required for studying the provided (subsequent) disciplines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 + 2 Higher Mathematics, Physics, Informatics Geodesy 3 Hydrogeology 4 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Plant physiology + + + 5 Agriculture + + + 6 Land management + + + 7 Soil science + + + + + + + + 5.3. Sections of the discipline and types of classes, hour No. Name of the section of the discipline Lek-Prak p / p 1. Essence and content of melioration. General concepts of land reclamation. Water-physical properties of the soil, elements of soil hydrology and hydrogeology. Water balance of the active layer of the soil and determination of the CDS 8 Total 14 11 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. division of its elements. Irrigation. Basic information about irrigation. Irrigation regime for agricultural crops. Irrigation system and its elements. Types of irrigation systems. Sources of water for irrigation of agricultural crops. Methods and technique of irrigation of agricultural crops. Surface irrigation methods. Sprinkler irrigation. Subsoil irrigation. Firth irrigation. Irrigation with sewage. Fight against salinization of irrigated lands. Operation of irrigation and irrigation systems. Dehumidification. General information about dehumidification. Drainage system and its elements. Classification of drainage systems according to the method of removing excess water from the drained area. Methods and techniques for regulating the water regime on drained massifs. Operation of drainage systems. Cultural melioration. cultural events. Agricultural development of drained lands. Soil protection from water erosion. Soil water erosion control, environmental protection. Hydrotechnical anti-erosion measures. Basic information on irrigation and agricultural water supply Economic efficiency of land reclamation. Total by discipline 6 10 12 30 6 10 16 32 8 12 18 32 2 2 6 10 2 2 6 10 - - 8 8 2 4 2 8 28 44 72 144 12 1 2. 4 3. 3 4. 3 5. 3 6. 3 7. 1 8. 3 9. 2 10. 2 11. 2 12. 2 13. 2 14. 7 15. 5 practical exercises Number of hours Determining the data of the calculation year necessary for calculating the parameters of the drainage and irrigation network Placement of the drainage and irrigation network on the plan, taking into account the fields being designed. Drying mode calculation. Drainage module. Depth and distance between drains. Calculation of drain capacity and selection of collector diameters Depth and vertical connection of drainage network elements. Construction of a longitudinal profile Regulation of the water regime in the drained soil layer. Statement of the water regime Dynamics of moisture in the calculated soil layer. Water balance equation Calculation and compilation of a statement of terms, norms of moisture and excess water discharges Operational plan for regulating the water regime and its adjustment. Drawing up a calendar plan-schedule Irrigation by sprinkling. Organization of irrigation with modern sprinklers. Arrangement of an irrigation network for sprinkling irrigation Calculation of sprinkling irrigation. Determination of the intensity of rain, the time spent by the sprinkler at one position at a given irrigation rate, seasonal and daily productivity and the number of machines. Hydraulic calculation of pressure pipelines of the irrigation network. Determination of the total pressure. Selection of pump-and-force equipment for a pressurized irrigation network The cost of construction of a drainage and irrigation system. Economic efficiency of melioration Irrigation on a local runoff. Construction of a reservoir 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 13 16. 2 17. 2 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2 and its hydrological calculation» -analytical method Determination of the average irrigation rate and the possible area of ​​irrigation from the reservoir. Arrangement of the irrigation network Drawing up and completing the irrigation schedule in the crop rotation Calculation of the elements of furrow irrigation technique 2 2 2 2 2 7. Approximate topics of course projects (works) 1. Designing a drainage and irrigation system. 2. Irrigation on local runoff. 3. Reclamation of agricultural land. 8. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline: a) basic literature: 1. Kolpakov V.V., Sukharev I.P. Agricultural melioration. M.: Kolos, 1989. 2. Timofeev A.F. Reclamation of agricultural lands. M.: Kolos, 1982. 3. Dubenok N.N., Shumakova K.B. Workshop on hydrotechnical agricultural melioration. M.: Kolos, 2008. 4. Dubenok N.N., Shumakova K.B. System of bilateral regulation of the water regime. M.: publishing house RGAU-MSHA, 2010 5. Dubenok N.N., Shumakova K.B. Furrow irrigation. M.: МСХА, 2003 6. Organization of irrigation of agricultural crops by sprinkling. M.: MSHA, 2003. 7. Dubenok N.N., Teltsov A.P. Ameliorative arrangement of agricultural lands. M.: MSHA, 2005. b) additional literature: 1. Agricultural hydraulic reclamation / Pod. ed. E.S. Markova. M.: Kolos, 1981. 2. Workshop on agricultural reclamation / Under. ed. E.S. Markova. M.: Kolos, 1988. 3. Land reclamation and water management: a Handbook. Volume "Irrigation" / Pod. ed. B.B. Shumakova. M.: Agropromizdat, 1999. 4. Land reclamation and water management: a Handbook. Volume "Drainage" / Pod. ed. B.S. Maslova. Moscow: Association Ecost, 2001. 5. Land reclamation and water management: a Handbook. Volume “Constructions. Construction” / Ed. A.V. Kolganova, P.A. Polad-Zade. M.: "Association Ecost", 2002. 14 6. "Melioration and water management", 1996 - 2005, Bi-monthly theoretical and scientific-practical journal d) databases, information and reference and search systems Methodological materials for practical occupations: "Drainage-irrigation system" "Organization of irrigation of agricultural crops by sprinkling" "Irrigation by furrows" "Irrigation on local runoff" "Design of agricultural ponds" "Cultural technical work on drained lands" Databases: Agricola abstract database. Search engines: Rambler, Yandex, Google. 9. Logistics of the discipline For conducting practical classes in the discipline of melioration, there should be a laboratory equipped with: a hydraulic flume, a flume with sand, a Darcy device, a hydrometric turntable, a water meter-weir, a psychrometer, a thermograph, sprinkler nozzles, various models of irrigation and drainage systems , drains, collectors made of various materials, fragments of asbestos-cement irrigation pipelines, protective filter materials, a centrifugal pump, equipment for drip irrigation, incl. droppers of various designs, as well as auditoriums equipped with stands and mock-ups; educational and popular science films. ten. Guidelines on the organization of the study of the discipline The implementation of the competency-based approach should provide for the widespread use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role playing, analysis of specific situations) in combination with extracurricular work in order to form and develop the professional skills of students. Developers: RGAU-MSHA them. K.A. Timiryazev RGAU-MSHA them. K.A. Timiryazev RGAU-MSHA them. K.A. Timiryazeva Department of Land Reclamation and Geodesy, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Land Reclamation and Geodesy Associate Professor of the Department of Land Reclamation and Geodesy Experts: Moscow State Unitary Enterprise VNIIGiM Professor Ch. scientific employee N.N. Dubenok K.B. Shumakova A.V. Evgrafov V.V. Pcholkin M.Yu.Khrabrov 15 16

Types and meanings of melioration. Areas of distribution of reclaimed lands in the world and Russia.

Reclamation- a system of organizational and technical measures for the radical improvement of unfavorable nature (hydrological, soil, agro-climatic) conditions for the most efficient use of resources.

Types, methods and volumes of land reclamation work are determined by the complex of economic and natural resources of the district.

1. Hydrotechnical - regulation of water and air regimes of soils with excess moisture (drainage), with insufficient water content in the root layer of the soil (irrigation), with washout and erosion of soils (anti-erosion).

2. Agrotechnical (agromelioration) - agrotechnical methods of regulating the water and air regimes of the soil and the top runoff. (deep loosening, deep plowing, powerful A groin, mole (aeration), furrowing, narrow-plow plowing along the slope, profiling the surface, ridge, or the installation of a shallow temporary drainage network.

3. Biological - to improve soil fertility, preventing erosion with the help of vegetation. The activities include: forest reclamation - improvement of climatic, soil and hydrological conditions by planting forest plantations; sowing crops of ameliorants (halophytes - plants that live on saline lands, have the ability to desaline the soil); biological drainage.

4. Chemicals improve the chemical properties of the soil (liming of acidic soils, gypsum of solonchaks and solonetzes, ud).

5. Cultural and technical improve the surface and configuration of fields, primary development. Cutting of tussocks, uprooting of stumps and bushes, milling of soils, lime is introduced (t-disk harrow, handicraft-bog plow, milling cutters).

6. Water management to improve the condition of water bodies and water quality. Clearing of reservoirs, creation of water protection zones, control of overgrowth and siltation of reservoirs, creation of recreation zones.

The need for agricultural land reclamation due to the presence of large S with an unfavorable water regime. In total, 220 million hectares are irrigated in the world, 170 million hectares are drained.

China – 11 irrigated/53 drained, India 0.5/44, USA 57/27, RF 4/5 mln ha. 16% of arable land is irrigated.

9% of arable land in the Russian Federation gives > 20% of production.

The principle of allocation of reclamation zones and regions, the main types of reclamation used in each zone.

On the territory of the country there is an uneven distribution of light, heat, water, food supply. The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 5 natural - climatic zones.1. tundra (cold zone, excess moisture, permafrost - only hydrotechnical measures are carried out) area - 14.8%2. forest zone, humid zone (excess moisture, low temperatures), where P>E is 1.5-2 times (P= 0-250 mm; E - 1000-1500, mm). Lots of wetlands and swamps. There is a large heat capacity U-v t, weakly mineral. It is necessary: ​​drainage M, chemical, agrotechnical, cultural and technical, 2-way regulation. - 54.8% 3. Forest-steppe zone (insufficient high temperature air intake, erosion processes) P=E=450-650mm. The most favorable for agriculture, black soil. Builds. Protection of structures against erosion and building systems of the irrigation network.4. Steppe zone (the presence of a large amount of heat and light, lack of water) P (350-500 mm)<Е(400-800) в 1,5-2 раза. Аэробные м.о., повыш минерализация, засоление. Ростовская обл., Саратовская, Краснодар. Необходимы- строятся обводнительн. Системы и выборочное орошение. – 17,1 %.5. Пустыни и полупустуни- (хар-ся большим кол-м тепла и света, дефицит влаги.- сплошное орошение.осадки- 170 мм в год,испарение=1500. Сплошное орошение-площадь 13,2%

3. Elements of agricultural hydrology (precipitation, evaporation, runoff).

Hydrolonia is a science that studies the hydrosphere, its properties and the processes and phenomena occurring in it in interaction with the atmosphere and the biosphere. surface water inflow; G-drain/inflow HW Precipitation. For reclamation work, you need to know the amount of precipitation per year / month / growing season. In the NCHZ 600-750 mm, in the steppe 250-450, in the desert regions of the Middle. Asia - 100-200 mm. Har-na is a sharp variability in the fallout of wasps for individual periods and years. All this leads to uneven soil moisture, not only in different zones, but also in the same area in different years and periods of the year. I establish the estimated number of precipitation (annual or seasonal) with different probability. The nature of precipitation is important: showers, small, large torrential, tropical hurricanes. Wasps affect swampiness. The amount of precipitation is influenced by the forest. Evaporation - percent-with the transition of moisture from the liquid or TV phase to the gaseous. and the transfer of steam over distances as a result of solar radiation and due to transpiration of plants (total evaporation). P originates from the surface of water, soil and plants .. Variable in territory and time, depending on t ° and humidity of air, soil, wind speed, type of k-r and ur-ti. According to the ratio of precipitation and evapotranspiration, moisture indicators are determined, which can serve as guidelines for the allocation of zones according to the degree of moisture and the total need for drainage and irrigation. More often, total costs are taken into account, i.e. water consumption E (m 3 / ha), defined by the formula: E \u003d K [v] * U. K [v] - coe-t of total water consumption (m 3 / t), U - ur-t to-r. Stock.- movement of water along the turn. Earth, as well as in the thickness of soils and rocks in the course of its circulation in nature. Surface and ground (underground). The surface is uneven throughout the year. Of the total flow, 79% is surface, 21% is underground. The most suitable underground (soil). It does not require regulation and har-zuet resources of annually renewable groundwater. But the main mass is the surface drain, but use the current after regulation, because. the natural runoff regime does not coincide with the consumption regime. slope; channel and river. - through the channels of the drainage network. The runoff depends on the composition and composition of the rocks, the size and shape of the catchment area, the climate factor, swampy catchment areas, vegetation. where Q is the water flow, F is the size of the water storage area.), the runoff layer is (Hst \u003d Wc 1000 / F).