System: concept, essence, structural elements. System classification


System: Definition and classification

The concept of a system is one of the fundamental ones and is used in various scientific disciplines and areas human activity. The well-known phrases "information system", "man-machine system", "economic system", "biological system" and many others illustrate the prevalence of this term in various subject areas.

There are many definitions in the literature of what a “system” is. Despite the differences in wording, they all rely to some extent on the original translation of the Greek word systema - a whole made up of parts, connected. We will use the following rather general definition.

System- a set of objects united by links so that they exist (function) as a single whole, acquiring new properties that these objects do not have separately.

A note about the new properties of the system in this definition is a very important feature of the system, which distinguishes it from a simple collection of unrelated elements. The presence of new properties in a system that are not the sum of the properties of its elements is called emergence (for example, the performance of the "collective" system is not reduced to the sum of the performance of its elements - members of this team).

Objects in systems can be both material and abstract. In the first case, one speaks of material (empirical) systems; in the second - about abstract systems. Abstract systems include theories, formal languages, mathematical models, algorithms, etc.

Systems. Principles of consistency

To identify systems in the surrounding world, you can use the following principles of consistency.

The principle of external integrity - isolation systems from the environment. The system interacts with the environment as a whole, its behavior is determined by the state of the environment and the state of the entire system, and not by some separate part of it.

System isolation in the environment has its purpose, i.e. the system is characterized by purpose. Other characteristics of the system in the surrounding world are its input, output and internal state.

The input of an abstract system, such as some mathematical theory, is the statement of the problem; the output is the result of solving this problem, and the destination will be the class of problems solved within the framework of this theory.

The principle of internal integrity is the stability of links between parts of the system. The state of systems depends not only on the state of its parts - elements, but also on the state of the connections between them. That is why the properties of the system are not reduced to a simple sum of the properties of its elements; those properties appear in the system that are absent from the elements separately.

The presence of stable links between the elements of the system determines its functionality. Violation of these links can lead to the fact that the system will not be able to perform its assigned functions.

The principle of hierarchy - in the system, subsystems can be distinguished, defining for each of them its own input, output, purpose. In turn, the system itself can be seen as part of a larger systems.

Further division of subsystems into parts will lead to the level at which these subsystems are called elements of the original system. Theoretically, the system can be divided into small parts, apparently indefinitely. However, in practice this will lead to the appearance of elements whose connection with the original system, with its functions, will be difficult to grasp. Therefore, an element of the system is considered to be such smaller parts of it that have some qualities inherent in the system itself.

Important in the study, design and development of systems is the concept of its structure. System Structure- the totality of its elements and stable links between them. To display the structure of the system, graphic notations (languages), block diagrams are most often used. In this case, as a rule, the representation of the system structure is performed at several levels of detail: first, the system's connections with the external environment are described; then a diagram is drawn with the selection of the largest subsystems, then their own diagrams are built for the subsystems, etc.

This level of detail is the result of consistent structural analysis systems. Method structural system analysis is a subset of system analysis methods in general and is used, in particular, in programming engineering, in the development and implementation of complex information systems. The main idea of ​​structural system analysis is a step-by-step detailing of the studied (simulated) system or process, which begins with a general overview of the object of study, and then involves its consistent refinement.

AT systems approach to the solution of research, design, production and other theoretical and practical tasks the analysis stage together with the synthesis stage form the methodological concept of the solution. In the study (design, development) of systems, at the stage of analysis, the initial (developed) system is divided into parts in order to simplify it and solve the problem sequentially. At the stage of synthesis, the results obtained, individual subsystems are connected together by establishing links between the inputs and outputs of the subsystems.

It is important to note that the split systems into parts will give different results depending on who and for what purpose performs this partitioning. Here we are talking only about such partitions, the synthesis after which allows us to obtain the original or conceived system. These do not include, for example, the "analysis" of the "computer" system with a hammer and chisel. So, for a specialist implementing an automated information system at an enterprise, information links between enterprise departments will be important; for a specialist in the supply department - links that display the movement of material resources in the enterprise. As a result, you can get various options structural diagrams of the system, which will contain various connections between its elements, reflecting a particular point of view and the purpose of the study.

Performance systems, in which the main thing is the display and study of its relations with the external environment, with external systems, is called macro-level representation. The representation of the internal structure of the system is a representation at the micro level.

System classification

Classification systems involves the division of the entire set of systems into different groups - classes that have common features. The classification of systems can be based on various features.

In the most general case, two large classes of systems can be distinguished: abstract (symbolic) and material (empirical).

According to the origin of the system, they are divided on natural systems(created by nature), artificial, as well as systems of mixed origin, in which there are both natural elements and elements made by man. Systems, which are artificial or mixed, are created by man to achieve his goals and needs.

Let's give brief characteristics some general types of systems.

Technical system is an interconnected, interdependent complex of material elements that provide a solution to a certain problem. Such systems include a car, a building, a computer, a radio communication system, etc. A person is not an element of such a system, and the technical system itself belongs to the class of artificial ones.

Technological system- a system of rules, norms that determine the sequence of operations in the production process.

Organizational system in general view is a set of people (collectives) interconnected by certain relationships in the process of some activity, created and managed by people. Known combinations of "organizational-technical, organizational-technological system" expand the understanding of the organizational system by means and methods of professional activity of members of organizations.

Other name - organizational and economic the system is used to designate systems (organizations, enterprises) participating in the economic processes of creating, distributing, exchanging material goods.

economic system- a system of productive forces and production relations that develop in the process of production, consumption, distribution of material goods. A more general socio-economic system additionally reflects social ties and elements, including relations between people and collectives, conditions labor activity, rest, etc. Organizational and economic systems operate in the field of production of goods and / or services, i.e. within an economic system. These systems represent the greatest interest as objects of implementation economic information systems(EIS), which are computerized systems for collecting, storing, processing and disseminating economic information. A private interpretation of the EIS are systems designed to automate the tasks of managing enterprises (organizations).

According to the degree of complexity, simple, complex and very complex (large) systems are distinguished. Simple Systems are characterized by a small number of internal connections and the relative ease of mathematical description. Characteristic for them is the presence of only two possible states of operability: in case of failure of the elements, the system either completely loses its operability (the ability to fulfill its purpose), or continues to perform the specified functions in full.

Complex systems have a branched structure big variety elements and links and a set of health states (more than two). These systems lend themselves to mathematical description, as a rule, with the help of complex mathematical relationships (deterministic or probabilistic). Complex systems include almost all modern technical systems (TV, machine, spaceship etc.).

Modern organizational and economic systems (large enterprises, holdings, manufacturing, transport, energy companies) are among the very complex (large) systems. The following features are typical for such systems:

the complexity of the appointment and the variety of functions performed;

large system sizes in terms of the number of elements, their interconnections, inputs and outputs;

a complex hierarchical structure of the system, which makes it possible to single out several levels in it with rather independent elements at each of the levels, with their own goals of the elements and features of functioning;

the presence of a common goal of the system and, as a result, centralized control, subordination between elements different levels with their relative autonomy;

the presence in the system of active elements - people and their teams with their own goals (which, generally speaking, may not coincide with the goals of the system itself) and behavior;

the variety of types of relationships between the elements of the system (material, informational, energy connections) and the system with the external environment.

Due to the complexity of the purpose and functioning processes, the construction of adequate mathematical models that characterize the dependences of the output, input and internal parameters for large systems is impossible.

According to the degree of interaction with the external environment, there are open systems and closed systems. A system is called a closed system, any element of which has connections only with the elements of the system itself, i.e. a closed system does not interact with the external environment. Open systems interact with the external environment, exchanging matter, energy, information. All real systems are closely or weakly connected with the external environment and are open.

By the nature of the behavior of the system is divided into deterministic and non-deterministic. Deterministic systems are those systems in which the components interact with each other in a precisely defined way. The behavior and state of such a system can be unambiguously predicted. When non-deterministic systems such an unambiguous prediction cannot be made.

If the behavior of the system obeys probabilistic laws, then it is called probabilistic. In this case, the prediction of the system behavior is performed using probabilistic mathematical models. We can say that probabilistic models are a certain idealization that allows you to describe the behavior of non-deterministic systems. In practice, the classification of a system as deterministic or non-deterministic often depends on the objectives of the study and the details of the consideration of the system.

The concept of a system element

By definition, an element is a constituent part of a complex whole. In our concept, a complex whole is a system that is an integral complex of interrelated elements.

An element is an indivisible part of a system. An element is a part of a system that is independent in relation to the entire system and is indivisible with this method of separating parts. The indivisibility of an element is perceived as the inexpediency of taking into account its internal structure within the model of a given system.

The element itself is characterized only by its external manifestations in the form of connections and relationships with other elements and the external environment.

The set A of system elements can be described as:

BUT = {a i}, i = 1, ..., n, (1.1)

where a ii-th element of the system;

n is the number of elements in the system.

Each a i the element is characterized m specific properties Z i 1 , ..., Zim(weight, temperature, etc.), which uniquely determine it in a given system.

The totality of all m properties of element a i will be called the state of the element Z i:

Z i = (Z i 1 , Z i 2 , Z i 3 , ..., Z i k , ..., Zim) (1.2)

The state of an element, based on various factors (time, space, environment, etc.), may change.

Successive changes in the state of an element will be called element movement.

Communication concept

Connection is a set of dependencies of the properties of one element on the properties of other elements of the system. To establish a relationship between two elements means to identify the presence of dependencies of their properties.

Lots of Q links between elements a i and a j can be represented as:

Q = {q ij}, i, j = 1 ... n. (1.3)

The dependence of the properties of elements can be one-sided and two-sided.

Relationships is a set of bilateral dependences of the properties of one element on the properties of other elements of the system.

Interaction— a set of interrelations and relationships between the properties of elements when they acquire the character cooperation each other.

The concept of system structure

System Structure is a set of elements of the system and links between them in the form of a set .

D = {A, Q}. (1.4)

The structure is a static model of the system and characterizes only the structure of the system and does not take into account the set of properties (states) of its elements.

The concept of the external environment

The system exists among other material objects that are not included in the system and which are united by the concept of ʼʼenvironmentʼʼ - objects of the external environment.

The input characterizes the impact of the environment on the system, the output characterizes the impact of the system on the environment.

In fact, the delineation or identification of a system is the division of a certain area of ​​the material world into two parts, one of which is perceived as a system - an object of analysis (synthesis), and the other - as an external environment.

The external environment is a combination of natural and artificial systems for which this system is not a functional subsystem.

The lecture was developed by:

Professor V.I. Mukhin

The concept of an element of the system - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The concept of an element of the system" 2017, 2018.

The functional environment of the system is a set of laws, algorithms and parameters characteristic of the system, according to which the interaction (exchange) between the elements of the system and the functioning (development) of the system as a whole is carried out.

An element of the system is a conditionally indivisible, independently functioning part of the system.

However, the answer to the question of what is such a part can be ambiguous. For example, as elements of the table, one can name “legs, boxes, a lid, etc.,” or “atoms, molecules,” depending on what task the researcher faces.

Therefore, we will accept the following definition: an element is the limit of the division of the system from the point of view of the aspect of consideration, the solution of a specific problem, the goal set.

Components and subsystems.

The concept of a subsystem implies that a relatively independent part of the system is singled out, which has the properties of the system, and in particular, has a subgoal, the achievement of which the subsystem is oriented to, as well as other properties - integrity, communication, etc., determined by the laws of systems.

If parts of the system do not have such properties, but are simply collections of homogeneous elements, then such parts are usually called components.

Connection. The concept of connection is included in any definition of a system and ensures the emergence and preservation of its integral properties. This concept simultaneously characterizes both the structure (statics) and the functioning (dynamics) of the system.

Communication is defined as a limitation of the degree of freedom of elements. Indeed, the elements, entering into interaction (connection) with each other, lose some of their properties, which they potentially possessed in a free state.

Connections can be characterized by direction, strength, character (or type).

On the basis of the first feature, the connections are divided into directed and non-directed.

On the second - on strong and weak.

According to the nature (kind), there are connections of subordination, generation (or genetic), equal (or indifferent), management.

System Structure- a set of links that provide energy, mass and information exchange between the elements of the system, which determines the functioning of the system as a whole and the ways of its interaction with the external environment.

Often the structure of the system is drawn up in the form of a graph. In this case, the elements are the vertices of the graph, and the edges denote connections.

If the directions of connections are distinguished, then the graph is oriented. Otherwise, the graph is undirected.

Target- a preconceived result of conscious human activity.

Symbolically, this definition of the system is represented as follows:

S ≡< A, R, Z >,

where A are elements;

R is the relationship between


Concepts characterizing the functioning and development of the system

The processes occurring in complex systems, as a rule, cannot be immediately represented in the form of mathematical relationships or even algorithms.

Therefore, in order to somehow characterize a stable situation or its changes, they use special terms borrowed by systems theory from automatic control theory, biology, and philosophy.

State. The concept of "state" usually characterizes an instant photo, a "slice" of a system, a stop in its development.

It is determined either through input actions and output signals (results), or through macro parameters, macro properties of the system (pressure, speed, acceleration).

Behavior. If a system is capable of transitioning from one state to another, then it is said to have behavior.

This concept is used when the patterns (rules) of the transition from one state to another are unknown. Then they say that the system has some kind of behavior and find out its nature, the algorithm.

Equilibrium. The concept of equilibrium is defined as the ability of a system in the absence of external disturbances (or under constant influences) to maintain its state for an arbitrarily long time.

Sustainability. Stability is understood as the ability of a system to return to a state of equilibrium after it has been brought out of this state under the influence of external (or in systems with active elements - internal) perturbing influences.

The state of equilibrium to which the system is able to return is called sustainable a state of balance.

The return to this state may be accompanied by an oscillatory process. Accordingly, unstable equilibrium states are possible in complex systems.

System classification

sign Types of systems
1. Nature of the object Natural Artificial - Real - Abstract
2. The nature of the relationship with the environment Open (continuous exchange) Closed (weak connection)
3. Causation Deterministic Probabilistic
4. The nature of the elements economic, social, technical, political, biological
5. Degree of organization Well organized Poorly organized Self-organized
6. Relative to time Static Dynamic
7. By degree of difficulty Small and Large Simple and Complex
8. By the uniformity of the elements Homogeneous Heterogeneous

Large and complex systems

Large systems are those whose modeling is difficult due to their dimension, and complex systems are those for which there is not enough information to model.

Sometimes they allocate Very complex systems”, for the modeling of which humanity does not have the necessary information. This is the brain, the universe, society.

When modeling large systems, the decomposition method is used, in which the dimensionality is reduced by splitting into subsystems.

When modeling complex systems, special methods for reducing uncertainty are used.

To basic system-wide properties include integrity, hierarchy, emergence, and functionality.

Integrity- this is a system-wide property, which consists in the fact that a change in any component of the system affects all other components and a change in the system as a whole, and vice versa, any change in the system is reflected in all its components.

Hierarchy system consists in the fact that it can be considered as an element of a system of a higher order, and each of its elements, in turn, can be a system of a lower level.

emergence determines that the sum of the properties of the elements is not equal to the properties of the system, i.e. irreducibility of the properties of the system to the properties of its constituent elements.

Functionality predetermines that all elements of the system act and interact within the framework of their functional purpose.

Synergistic effect (S) in contrast to emergence is associated with the cooperative interaction of the elements included in the system. In other words, S is the result of the production of open systems during the interaction of components (S=2 + 2 = 5, 6, ..., P).

The necessary conditions for systemic education are:

  • the presence of at least two elements;
  • the presence of a connection between the elements;
  • the presence of a function;
  • the presence of a goal;
  • the presence of a tectological boundary.

Element is an integral part of the system. Further division of elements leads to the destruction of their functional connections with other elements and obtaining the properties of a selected set, inadequate to the properties of the element as a whole.

Connection- this is what connects the elements and properties of the system into a single whole. Relationships between elements and subsystems of the same level are called horizontal, and the connections of the system with all subsystems of subordinate hierarchical levels - vertical.

Subsystem- a purposeful subset of interconnected elements of any nature, selected according to certain rules and characteristics.

Each subsystem can be divided into smaller subsystems. The system differs from the subsystem only by the rule and features of combining elements. For the system, the rule is general, and for subsystems, it is more individual. Based on this, the system can also be represented as something whole, consisting of subsystems, each of which can be considered relatively independently. Subsystems identified on the same horizon are subsystems one level. The division of subsystems into subsystems of a lower level is called a hierarchy and means the subordination of a lower level of the system to a higher one.

Tectological boundaries as an area of ​​contact, the interaction of several systems (elements of systems) are the contours of the system.

Purpose of the system is the "desired" state of its outputs, i.e. some value or subset of system function values. The goal can be set from outside or set by the system to itself, in which case the goal will reflect the internal needs of the system.

Function system is set from the outside and shows what role this system performs in relation to more common system in which it is included integral part, along with other systems that act as an external environment for it. Any change in the function produced by the environment causes a change in the mechanism of the system's functioning, and this leads to a change in the structure of the system and connections. The system exists as long as it functions.

Structure The system is a set of stable connections and relations of elements, specified in size, direction and purpose.

Many systems that exist in the world around us can be classified depending on a number of features.

The most commonly used classification approaches are:

  • on interaction with the environment;
  • degree of difficulty;
  • the possibility of the system in time;
  • purpose of the object;
  • formal properties of a formal system.

By interaction with the environment systems are divided into closed and open.

By degree of difficulty differentiate between simple and complex. Simple systems are characterized by a small number of internal and external links.

If possible, the system's actions in time systems are divided into static and dynamic. Static systems are characterized by immutability, i.e. their parameters do not depend on time. Dynamic systems, unlike static ones, are changeable, i.e. their parameters are related to time.

By purpose of the object systems are divided into organizational, energy, technical, managerial, etc.

According to the formal properties of the formal(e.g. math) systems: linear, non-linear, continuous, discrete, etc.

From the position systems approach management is considered as a multidimensional system and involves the allocation in the system:

  • managed system, which is the object of management;
  • the control system, the subject of control, which is part of the system;
  • control that makes an impact.

Interaction and interconnection of system elements (subsystems,

subject, object) is called managerial relations. Management relations are a kind of social relations. The means of implementing managerial relations is managerial decision.

The implementation of any management decision occurs through managerial impact, reflecting various forms of influence of the control system on the controlled system in order to change the ways of its functioning.

The system (in its most general form) can be characterized as something whole, consisting of interrelated and interdependent parts, the interaction of which generates new integrative qualities that are not inherent in individual components.

Any system has two main content characteristics.

First, integrity: the system is a set of concrete, with their inherent properties and the nature of the relationship of parts.

Secondly, divisibility: the system consists of subsystems that also have system properties, that is, they can be represented as systems of a lower level.

A management (management) system is a system in which management (management) functions are implemented.

The control system can be represented as an interaction of three elements. The first element is the subject of control. As the second element of control (management) or the control part of the system that has a managerial impact, the third element of the system is the control object.

Control subsystem is a set of management bodies of the enterprise, managed - a set of shops, sections, teams and jobs. The control and managed subsystems are interconnected by command flows and reverse information flows, reflecting the reaction of the managed subsystem to incoming commands.

The control subsystem includes a number of elements, the simultaneous operation of which allows you to effectively manage the enterprise.

These include:

Organization management (management functions and management structures);

Management methods (economic, administrative-legal, organizational, socio-psychological);

Control technology;

Control technique.

The object of management is an employee, a group of persons, a labor collective. The objects of management can also be: resources, processes, results, all types of human activity.

Organizations in the course of their activities use material, labor, financial, information, technological and other resources. Accordingly, as objects of control - resources can be:
- commodity stocks;

Financial resources;

Information array;

Organization staff.

In any organization, there are many processes, from the management process to the production process. The most important parts of the production process are the supply, production and marketing of products. In accordance with this, the following can act as objects of control - processes:

Manufacturing process;

Trade and technological process;

Marketing activity of the enterprise;

Logistics of the enterprise, etc.

The results (outputs of the system) include: profit, profitability, volumes of production and sales of products, costs, product quality, etc. Accordingly, the following can serve as objects of management - results:
- the quality of goods produced or services rendered;

Results of management or production activities;

labor productivity;

Production or management costs, etc.

An enterprise as an open system can be represented as follows:

Control system modern organization(enterprise) must meet the following basic requirements:

Have high flexibility;

Be adequate to a complex production technology that requires appropriate forms of control, organization and division of labor;

Promptly respond to changes in the factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, market conditions;

Take into account competition in the relevant market of goods (services);

Take into account the requirements for the quality of customer service and the fulfillment of contracts;

Ensure high efficiency of enterprise management;

Contribute to the development of the organization;

Ensure the implementation of scientific achievements and best practices;

Have the ability to self-regulate so that any deviations from the norm (in terms of cost, quality, timing, etc.) are quickly fixed (ideally automatically) and countermeasures are immediately developed and taken to return the control system to its previous normal state.

Communication is an indispensable element of any control system. Communication can be defined as an important for the purposes of management, interaction, the channel of exchange between the subjects of matter, energy, information. The single act of communication is the impact.

Links can be direct, reverse, vertical, horizontal, etc.

Direct connection is the impact of the subject of management on the object in the form of management commands, decisions, recommendations, etc.

Feedback is information coming from the control object to the control subject. The existence of feedback means that the result of the functioning of the control object in a certain way affects the impacts that come to it. As a rule, feedback acts as an important regulator in the control system.

The reduced lines and feedback referred to as vertical. In addition to them, there are also horizontal connections that make it possible to implement informal relations that contribute to the transfer of knowledge and skills, ensuring the coordination of actions of subjects of the same level to achieve the goals set by the management system.

Thus, management is a management system that ensures the effective functioning and development of an organization in a competitive environment.

5. Organization: concept, features, classification

Company - it is an independent economic entity created by an entrepreneur or an association of entrepreneurs to produce products, perform work and provide services in order to meet public needs and make a profit.

Enterprises specializing in the production of homogeneous products form the corresponding branches of material production: industry, agriculture, transport, construction, etc. They make up the structure of the industry, determine their profile and scope. In addition, enterprises and organizations form the territorial specialization of cities and regions in which they are located. Thus, enterprises and their teams are the main elements from which branch and territorial complexes are formed at the same time. Therefore, enterprises act as the main links of the national economic complex.

Currently, in domestic practice, the concept of "firm" is becoming more widespread. The latter is often used as a synonym for the enterprise, which contradicts its semantic purpose. So, if an enterprise plays the role of a direct commodity producer, then the firm is called upon to play the role of an entrepreneur creating or transforming an enterprise that provides financing for their activities. The very name of the company, its trademark, used when concluding business contracts for goods, their packaging, allows you to individualize a particular enterprise and the activity of the company, unlike other manufacturers of homogeneous products.

The economic role of the enterprise is to meet the needs of consumers and provide income to its employees, owner and suppliers.

Operating in a certain territory (city, district, region, republic), enterprises ensure its well-being, on which they themselves depend. The enterprise must organize its activities, focus on the person, that is, it also plays social role.

Consider economic and social functions enterprises in three aspects:

The role of the company in relation to its customers,

The role of the company in relation to its employees,

The role of the enterprise in relation to the owner of the property of the enterprise.

Most of the company's products are intended for sale on the market to meet the needs of their clients. For this, it makes a profit, so the company needs a stable clientele. For its part, the consumer needs goods of a certain quality at affordable prices. Strong relationships are created between them, which can only exist and intensify if both parties are satisfied with their ties. Only by serving customers, an enterprise can actually satisfy its needs and thereby realize profits. Thus, the role of the enterprise in relation to its customers is to serve them.

Enterprises, ultimately, ensure the harmonious development of the economy, focused on meeting the needs that are recognized as the most useful for the individual and society.

In relation to to their employees the company must provide them:

1)necessary technical means allowing staff to achieve the highest productivity,

2) the best working conditions, an environment in which employees work with pleasure,

3) appropriate wages,

4) employment protection.

The role of the enterprise in relation to the owner of the property comes down to making a profit necessary to:

1) to ensure the stability necessary for the enterprise itself and its staff,

2) not cause damage to its employees, as well as creditors, society in the event of a violation of the normal functioning of the enterprise,

3) ensure self-financing of the enterprise.

Enterprise goal:

1) satisfaction of social needs,

2) making a profit.

The following can be distinguished signs of the enterprise.

1. An enterprise is, first of all, organization- those. harmonious combination of material elements of production and labor force.

For the functioning of such an organization, a complex is needed, including land plot, buildings, structures, equipment. In addition to the means of labor for production economic activity labor force is also needed.

2. Any enterprise manufactures products or provides services. This product is used as:

consumable item,

Means of production in new production cycles.

The enterprise is obliged to produce high-quality products at optimal costs in order to better meet social needs and increase the well-being of the enterprise team.

3. The enterprise is legal entity, owning, managing or managing separate property and liable for its obligations with this property.

4. The enterprise carries out any types of activities that are provided for by its charter and not prohibited by the current legislation.

5. Enterprise:

Independently organizes production in accordance with its goals,

Independently chooses business partners,

Independently disposes of finished products,

Independently sells finished products through the most profitable channels and at affordable prices,

Independently manages their income.

6. Each enterprise, as an independent economic entity with the rights of a legal entity, finds all the means for its activities on market(money, goods, labor, information). In the market, the company sells its products. An enterprise can function stably only under the condition of normal uninterrupted interaction with the market environment. Market functions: informational, pricing.

7. The indispensable features of a modern enterprise should be dynamism, aspiration to the future. It must develop, produce and market new products, introduce new methods of production and its organization, distribution, find new markets for its products, develop new sources of raw materials and energy. The successful operation of an enterprise in the era of scientific and technological progress largely depends on the accuracy of forecasts - both short-term and long-term. The activities of the enterprise, its concerns should be turned to the future. The enterprise must know the future needs for its products and prepare in a timely manner to meet them. This increases the importance of research, scientific market research, the use of forecasting methods, the implementation of training programs, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

Classification of enterprises. Organizational and legal forms of enterprises

Enterprises can be classified according to:

Sector of the economy;

Object of activity;

Organizational and legal form;

The goals of the activity;


Type of production processes;

Degrees of specialization.

By sector of the economy distinguish enterprises in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

Primary sector enterprises- directly operated Natural resources(for example, oil extraction) and provide raw materials for the manufacturing industry (for example, fish production).

Secondary sector enterprises- enterprises that convert raw materials into means of production and consumer goods (for example, NP and NCP).

Tertiary sector enterprises (service sector)– provide various services (e.g. transport, education, banks, medical facilities).

By object of activity distinguish enterprises: agriculture, transport, construction, trade, enterprises providing services, industrial.

According to the goals of the activity distinguish:

Enterprises pursuing, in addition to satisfying the needs of members of society, making a profit - commercial;

Enterprises that satisfy the personal or collective needs of members of society and do not set goals in making a profit - non-commercial.

By size distinguish: small, medium, large and extra large enterprises.

By type of production processes distinguish between enterprises mass, serial and single production.

By degree of specialization distinguish: specialized, diversified and combined.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following enterprises are created and carry out their production and economic activities, depending on the form of ownership: organizational and legal forms enterprises:




Business partnerships;

Business companies;

consumer cooperatives;


Public and religious organizations (associations);

Joint-stock companies (CJSC, OJSC);

Enterprises created on the basis of rent, etc.

According to Russian law company - an independent economic entity (legal entity), created to conduct economic activities, which is carried out in order to make a profit and meet public needs.

The enterprise acts as a legal entity, which is determined by a combination of features:

1. Isolation of their property;

2. Responsible for obligations with this property;

3. Availability of a bank account;

4. Acts on his own behalf.

The isolation of property is expressed by the presence of an independent balance sheet, which lists the property of the enterprise.

Let us consider in more detail the classification of enterprises according to the organizational and legal form.