Principles of allocation of reclamation zones. The essence of land reclamation, the main goals, principles and types

Landscape reclamation - a system of measures aimed at improving the conditions for the landscape to fulfill its ecology, and socio-economic.

Basic principles: 1) Regional; 2) Typological; 3) Dynamic; 4) Ecological.

regional principle. The application of this principle makes it possible to take into account the genesis, territorial integrity, originality of the landscape structure and the current landscape and ecological state of the regional NTC. Such information is especially necessary for planning and designing large landscape and reclamation systems. That is, this approach makes it possible to control the development of a large area of ​​the NTC at the level of physical and geographical countries, zonal regions, provinces, districts, and districts. This principle makes it possible to take into account the physical and geographical conditions at the level of the components of the transformed territories.

The typological principle of landscape reclamation is based on taking into account the main properties of typological complexes. First of all, this principle makes it possible to widely apply typical design of landscape systems.

In land reclamation practice, it is necessary to take into account the zonal features of typological complexes, since a number of typological complexes bear the influence of the zonal conditions in which they are located, this certainly leaves an imprint on the properties of typological complexes. The same type of terrain in different zones is different, these differences must be taken into account in land reclamation practice. If this principle is observed, it is important to take into account the features of the altitudinal-geomorphological structure of terrain types.

Accounting for the landscape structure of terrain types is mandatory when analyzing the landscape structure of a reclaimed territory (accounting for natural boundaries). Taking into account the landscape features of the tracts makes it possible to accurately determine the natural boundaries of the reclaimed type of terrain, to identify patterns of distribution and to determine the area it occupies.

The dynamic principle provides for taking into account the dynamic interrelations of the STC when designing ameliorative systems. This principle is based on the main provisions of the concept developed by Milkov on paradynamic and paragenetic complexes. Accounting for the paradynamic relationships of landscape complexes is necessary to create optimal conditions for the interaction of reclamation systems with landscape complexes. Reclaimed landscape complexes are dynamically interconnected with the landscapes of adjacent territories. Even more closely related are their structural elements. These relationships are carried out with the help of flows of matter and energy. Accounting for energy and mass transfer in the reclamation of landscape complexes always plays an important role, because it allows you to create reclamation systems with an optimal margin of safety. Accounting for paragenetic relationships. Paragenetic landscape complexes are a special kind of paradynamic systems. The idea of ​​the existence in nature of integral paragenetic landscape complexes belongs to F. N. Milkov. He was the first to define and substantiate the allocation in the landscape sphere of the Earth of a special category of landscape complexes, the distinctive feature of which is the common origin, the genetic unity of the complexes included in them. As an example of a complex paragenetic landscape complex, one can cite a ravine-gully system consisting of several genetically interconnected types of tracts (drainage ravines, hollows, gullies, ravines, alluvial cones).

geochemical principles. When designing, the geochemical features of the territory within which functioning geosystems are represented are taken into account.

Ecological principle of landscape reclamation. This principle began to be applied relatively recently and provides for taking into account the ecological state of the NTC of the transformed territory. It is used to establish the norms of melioration tolerance.

Agricultural reclamation changes the water, air, microbiological and nutrient regimes of the soil, creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of cultivated plants.

As objects of agricultural melioration are:

lands with unfavorable conditions of the water regime (swamps, wetlands, arid steppes, semi-deserts and deserts);

land with unfavorable physical and chemical properties(saline soils, heavy clay soils, sands, etc.)

lands subject to the harmful mechanical action of water or wind (ravines, easily blown soil cover).

In federal law Russian Federation“On Land Reclamation” adopted by the State Duma on December 8, 1995, the concepts of types and types of land reclamation are defined.

Depending on the nature of reclamation measures, the following types of land reclamation are distinguished:



cultural and technical melioration;

chemical melioration.

As part of certain types of land reclamation, hereby federal law types of land reclamation are established.

Land hydromelioration. Land hydromelioration consists in carrying out a complex of reclamation measures that provide a radical improvement of swampy, excessively moistened, arid, eroded, washed away and other lands. whose condition depends on the influence of water.

Land hydromelioration is aimed at regulating the water, air, thermal and nutrient regimes of soils on reclaimed lands through the implementation of measures to raise, supply, distribute and drain water using reclamation systems, as well as separately located hydraulic structures.

This type of land reclamation includes irrigation, drainage, anti-flood, anti-mudflow, anti-erosion and other types of land reclamation.

Agroforest land reclamation. Agroforestry land reclamation consists in carrying out a complex of reclamation measures that ensure a radical improvement of land through the use of soil-protective, water-regulating and other properties of protective forest plantations.

This type of land reclamation includes the following types of land reclamation:

anti-erosion - protection of land from erosion by creating forest plantations on ravines, gullies, sands, river banks and other territories;

field protection - protection of lands from the impact of adverse phenomena of natural, anthropogenic and technogenic origin by creating protective forest plantations along the boundaries of agricultural land;

pasture protection - prevention of pasture land degradation by creating protective forest plantations.

Cultural and technical land reclamation. Cultural and technical land reclamation consists in carrying out a complex of reclamation measures for the fundamental improvement of land.

This type of land reclamation is subdivided into the following types of land reclamation:

clearing of reclaimed lands from woody and herbaceous vegetation, tussocks, stumps and moss;

clearing of reclaimed lands from stones and other objects;

ameliorative treatment of solonetzes;

loosening, sanding, claying, earthing, planting and primary tillage;

carrying out other cultural and technical works.

Chemical melioration. Chemical land reclamation consists in carrying out a complex of reclamation measures to improve the chemical and physical properties of soils. Chemical land reclamation includes soil liming, soil phosphorization, soil gypsum.

Depending on the balance of moisture and heat, the territory of the Russian Federation is conditionally divided into six zones: tundra, forest, forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert (Table 1).

Table 1 - Main climatic indicators of natural zones of the Russian Federation

In the tundra and forest zone, where more precipitation falls than evaporates, waterlogging and waterlogging of soils is observed. In the forest-steppe zone, evaporation exceeds the amount of precipitation; in the steppe, semi-desert and desert zones, precipitation is 2.5 ... 9 times less than evaporates. The soil cover of a particular zone is also an important component from the reclamation point of view.

The soils of the semi-desert and desert zone are represented by brown steppe varieties of varying degrees of alkalinity, gray soils, in some part chestnut (light), solonetzes, salt marshes and sands.

The soil cover of the steppe zone is diverse. Here, typical (ordinary) chernozems, thick, low-humus (sludge), chestnut soils, solonetsous and solonchak soils, meadow-chestnut, meadow-chernozem soils are common.

In the loess-steppe zone, various subtypes of gray forest soils are concentrated, northern chernozems and vyscheoglennye; in the Asian part - to some extent solonetsous and solonchakous chernozem and meadow soils. This zone is characterized by the distribution of loess and loess-like rocks.

The predominant soils in the forest zone are: podzolic and sod-podzolic, gley-podzolic and peat-podzolic soils.

When highlighting ameliorative zones and districts, and even more so individual irrigation and drainage facilities, it is necessary to take into account not only climatic conditions, but also soil and hydrological conditions:

relief and granulometric composition of the soil (floodplain, ancient terrace, foothills, sands, subsiding lands, etc.);

soil types and their combination (chernozems, soddy-meadow, chestnut, saline soils in combination with solonetzes and solonchaks, etc.);

hydrogeological and reclamation properties of soils and soils, which are characterized by the presence of an aquiclude, proximity to standing and mineralization of groundwater, their outflow, water permeability and water-lifting capacity, total and free saturation capacity of soils and soils, etc.

economic and organizational conditions.

For each zone (with the participation of the above features) it is possible to outline a specific list of reclamation techniques.

In the desert zone, it is required to carry out: irrigation reclamation; fight against secondary salinization; consolidation and development of sands in the form of stripes and clumps of saxaul.

For the semi-desert zone, the role of irrigation increases. The presence in this zone of large continental drainless basins accumulating salts contributes to the widespread development of saline soils, on which it is necessary to carry out leaching irrigation. Due to the lack of moisture, water erosion is less, the damage from wind erosion increases, in addition, it is recommended: firth irrigation, watering of pastures, creation of microestuaries on artesian waters, construction of wells.

In the steppe zone, through the use of high agricultural technology, dry farming methods, forest protection, as well as irrigation and watering measures on chernozem and chestnut soils, the yield progressively increases and becomes stable. Along with this, it is necessary to carry out anti-erosion and anti-deflation measures, field-protective afforestation, and chemical reclamation of solonetz and solonchak soils.

One of the main regime-forming factors that necessitate land reclamation in the steppes is the climate, which determines the supply of a significant amount of heat to the earth's surface with a small amount of precipitation.

The flow of heat through solar radiation in the steppes is from 90 to 120 kcal/cm 2 per year, the annual radiation balance is from 25 to 37 kcal/cm 2. This provides an annual sum of temperatures above 10°С in the range of 1900…2600°. The annual amount of atmospheric precipitation varies from 150 mm in the south to 450 mm at the northern borders of the steppe zone, with 75...85% of precipitation falling in summer. At the same time, evaporation from the open water surface is 800 mm at the southern boundary and decreases to the north to 650 mm. Due to the excess of evaporation over the amount of precipitation, the steppe ecosystems are characterized by a moisture deficit. The moisture coefficient, equal to the ratio of precipitation to evaporation, increases from 0.1 in the south to 0.6 in the north of the steppe zone.

Vegetation cover in the steppe zone significantly depends on climatic features. The most optimal conditions for vegetation cover were created in the middle part of the steppe zone. Phytomass reserves here are the largest - 48 t/ha, decreasing to the north (up to 28 t/ha) and to the south to (9 t/ha). The steppes are characterized by a latitudinal-zonal change of vegetation, in accordance with which subzones of meadow, arid, dry, desert steppes are distinguished.

A feature of steppe soils is a high concentration of humic substances. There are such types and subtypes of soils: powerful (typical), ordinary and southern chernozems, dark and light chestnut and chestnut. Their regular change in steppe ecosystems is due to the interaction of three processes: humus accumulation, carbonatization, and alkalinization.

Humus accumulation in the steppe zone decreases from north to south: humus concentration is from 12...10 to 3...2%, its reserves are from 700 to 100 t+ha, the thickness of the humus horizon is from 130 to 10 cm; the content of humic acids, which form strong, poorly soluble compounds with calcium, decreases, and the concentration of fulvic acids increases.

Below the humus layer is a layer saturated with calcium carbonates. The origin of this layer is due to the fact that the descending currents of water in the humus layer are saturated with carbonates, which in the subhumus horizon - forests and loess-like rocks (due to the intensive evaporation of moisture from these depths by plant roots and physical evaporation) are concentrated and precipitate - crystallize. In the north of the steppe zone, crystalline carbonates occur from a depth of 60–70 cm, and to the south, their depth decreases. In the arid steppes to the south, carbonatization of chernozems, dark and light chestnut soils occurs almost from the surface of the earth.

Solonetzization in the steppe regions is due to the fact that sodium displaces calcium from the exchange complex of the soil, then combines with humus and forms humus salts. The latter relatively easily move deep into the soil profile. In the upper part of the sub-humus carbonate horizon, they are deposited, forming a layer (called the solonetzic horizon) saturated with colloids. Solonetzic formations swell when moistened, become dense and sticky; when dried, they crack and form vertical separations. Salinization intensifies towards the south. In the desert steppe subzone, glossy light chestnut soils occupy 20% of the area. Solonetzic horizons, which are toxic to agricultural crops, play a positive role in the formation of the water and thermal regimes of soils. Thus, a swelling solonetzic horizon shields the humus layer from the ascending (moving from bottom to top) water flow containing toxic Na + . At the same time, the swollen solonetzic horizon reduces the infiltration losses of precipitation and irrigation water, as a result of which the soils are additionally moistened.

The forest-steppe zone is distinguished by the variety of necessary measures, where, along with methods for removing excess, irrigation reclamation can also take place. Of particular importance are anti-erosion and agroforest reclamation (water-regulating and water-protective). Fight against soda salinization of soil and their alkalinity on river terraces and alluvial plains, retention of runoff by construction of ponds, reservoirs, regulation of the flow of local rivers for irrigation.

In the forest zone, it is mainly shown to carry out drainage reclamation and water regulation (during certain dry periods of the growing season). It is also necessary to level the surface of the fields, remove boulders, hummocks, calcareous acid soils. Fight dangerous frosts.

As you can see, each agro-climatic zone has its own set of meliorations, the implementation of which in an unambiguous direction and in certain combinations can give them high efficiency.

Land reclamation gives the expected effect only in the case when not one single event is performed, but the whole complex of reclamation and related other measures necessary for a particular site, ensuring an increase in soil fertility on a reclaimed massif, namely: when irrigation is combined with land drainage , and drainage - with periodic irrigation; when hydromelioration is combined with the correct organization of labor, high level agricultural technology, the introduction of the necessary doses of fertilizers, etc.; fixing steep slopes and ravines - with the installation of drainage channels and shafts, and trays and drops with forest plantings and grassing; arrangement of ponds and reservoirs - with land irrigation and fish farming; drainage of lands with liming of soils and a complex of cultural and technical works; development and washing of saline lands - with reclamation plowing, gypsuming, selection of crops of explorers. In addition, for the proper development of irrigated drained and eroded lands great importance have the correct choice of the type and variety of crops and their alternation in crop rotations for ordinary and special purposes, as well as the economics and organization of agricultural production.

The word "reclamation" comes from the Latin melioratio - improvement. According to the generally accepted definition, reclamation is a system of organizational, economic and technical measures for the fundamental improvement of land resources in order to use them most efficiently. It makes it possible to change the complex of natural conditions (soil, hydrological, etc.) of vast regions in the direction necessary for human economic activity: to create water, air, thermal and food regimes of the soil and regimes of humidity, temperature and air movement favorable for useful flora and fauna. surface layer of the atmosphere; contributes to the improvement of the area and natural environment. Land reclamation is of the greatest importance for agriculture, giving greater stability to this sector of the national economy and ensuring more stable gross agricultural yields. cultures; allows more productive use of the land fund. Land reclamation is an important factor in the intensification of agricultural production (together with mechanization and chemicalization) and scientific and technological progress in agriculture, which opens up wide opportunities for increasing productivity, creating a solid fodder base for animal husbandry, and developing desert and wetlands. The technical level of land reclamation is determined by the nature of production relations, the level of development of the country's productive forces, as well as the zonal conditions of individual territories and economic tasks.

Land reclamation, although a very effective measure, is not the only one in the creation of a cultural landscape. It should be preceded by measures for the rational organization of the landscape, reclamation and protection of land should be preceded by melioration. Land reclamation gives the greatest return on such landscapes. However, not all lands of a particular landscape need reclamation. The boundary between environmental management (reclamation is part of it) and nature management is not clear. Therefore, with some degree of conventionality, we can assume that land reclamation is such devices, structures, works that are not included in the usual technology of nature management used in a given natural zone. For example, the fight against wind or water erosion should be an indispensable component of the technology of agricultural production in erosion-hazardous zones, as well as snow retention in the fields, deep loosening of the soil, narrow-field plowing, etc. These activities are meliorative, and they are often called agro-meliorative, they are effective in combination with "purely" ameliorative ones.

Land reclamation significantly changes some natural processes. For example, the reclamation of agricultural lands greatly changes the process of soil formation; as a result of its application, some elements of soil formation disappear and others appear: gleying, salinization, peat formation. Land reclamation can transform azonal soils (floodplain, marsh, saline) into zonal soils, as well as significantly modify zonal soil formation. Also very often there is a change in the microclimate of reclaimed areas for the worse.

Land reclamation differs from land use in the depth of transformation of geosystem components; as a result of land reclamation, the land acquires a new quality, a new value characteristic of the functional unity of its existing properties, a new internal and external certainty, relative stability, its difference from some participants of the earth and similarity with others.

Land reclamation is not some abstract charitable action, just to make someone feel good. It has a very specific customer, it has a very specific goal, it is a very expensive undertaking that has a strong impact on nature. It is designed to increase, and significantly, the usefulness of a certain territory. Therefore, in practical terms, it is necessary to talk about the reclamation of specific lands, and not about the reclamation of the geosystem. Lands are understood as territories with lands that are in someone's use, possession, ownership. It follows from this that it is necessary to meliorate all lands suitable for any use. These lands have an owner who is interested in getting a steady profit from land reclamation for a long time. The owner can be a farmer, a municipality, an enterprise, or even the state.

When reclamation of lands included in a particular geosystem, it is first of all necessary to establish the requirements of the land user for the properties of the components of the geosystem: what should be the properties of soils when growing certain plants, or soils as foundations for structures, roads, or the properties of water for water supply, etc. At the same time, the main object of melioration or the object of labor of the meliorator becomes clear.

With the improvement of agricultural land, this is the soil, which for the farmer already acts as a means of production, and the most important one. Note that soil, unlike other means of production, has unique property- wear and tear. With the appropriate quantity and quality of labor invested in the soil, it is able to maintain and even increase its use value. This circumstance forms the main goal of agricultural land reclamation - the expanded reproduction of soil fertility. Achieving this goal, and not obtaining the maximum yield at any cost, including the cost of soil depletion, ensures the long-term interests of the land user. This formulation of the goal also ensures the stability of the agricultural system, since fertile soils are more stable, therefore, it is essentially nature-saving.

Man does not increase the fertility of the soil for the sake of fertility itself. Raising it, a person takes care of getting a high yield of certain crops, this should also be the goal of land reclamation. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the requirements of plants and soil do not always coincide, they may conflict. You should be guided by some shortfall in yield compared to the highest possible. This increases the stability of the agricultural system, reduces the need for resources. For example, in irrigated agriculture, this is primarily a decrease in irrigation norms, therefore, a decrease in the load on both the reclaimed and adjacent geosystems.

Technically, land reclamation should be carried out with the economical use of all resources, including energy and labor. This is economically beneficial and important for nature conservation.

Reclamation can lead to negative environmental impact. Therefore, an indispensable component of land reclamation is the prevention of damage to natural systems and other land users or compensation for this damage.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the goal of agricultural land reclamation: expanding the reproduction of soil fertility, obtaining the optimal yield of certain crops with the economical use of all resources, preventing or compensating for damage to natural systems and other users.

During land reclamation for other purposes, the goals may change, but the restrictions on its implementation remain. Land reclamation goals can only be achieved if a certain holistic set of requirements is met. These requirements are commonly referred to as the reclamation regime. The choice of regime indicators is a complex task that requires a deep generalization of the results of many years of research in various natural zones. The general criteria for choosing an reclamation regime are as follows:

· the use of techniques available with the existing technology of melioration;

study of the impact of indicators on soil fertility, plant growth and environment in this natural area;

the possibility of quantitative forecasting of changes in the situation for certain values ​​of indicators;

· changing the set of indicators as science develops, means of collecting and processing information, technologies for improving land.

The set of these indicators may be different, depending on the type of melioration. For example, the permissible limits for regulating the moisture content of the root layer of the soil and the depths of groundwater, the permissible content of toxic salts in the soil solution, the pH of the soil solution.

The values ​​of this or that indicator are established on the basis of existing experience, as well as as a result of considering a number of options, taking into account the possible unequal impact on the plant, soil, and environment. The best version of the reclamation regime is evaluated not only by the volume and quality of the crop, but also by soil fertility, the cost of compensating for negative consequences, the cost of resources and other costs.

Therefore, indicators various options the reclamation regime is evaluated by the average long-term increase in the yield of agricultural crops grown on an irrigated area, compared to rainfed land; on compensatory measures that do not allow a decrease in soil fertility; drainage costs, protection against flooding of neighboring lands, fines for pollution of underground and surface water or the cost of treating drainage water; irrigation standards; costs for the construction and operation of the reclamation system.

A. G. Isachenko in 1977 came to the conclusion that the object of reclamation is the geosystem as a whole, and the essence of reclamation is the expedient restructuring of the functioning of the geosystem by influencing such links as moisture circulation, biogenic component and gravitational processes. The undesirable consequences of land reclamation, according to the author, are the result of the fact that not the natural complex as a whole, but individual components are considered as its object.

From the moment of its appearance and up to the 19th - 20th centuries, land reclamation was the fruit of the practical activities of people, their experience, passed down from generation to generation, and not the achievement of scientific thought.

In the 19th - 20th centuries, a new scientific direction arose - land reclamation geography. Its methodological principles were developed by geographers, soil scientists, hydraulic engineers of more than one generation: V. V. Dokuchaev, A. I. Voeikov, V. R. Williams, A. N. Kostikov, D. L. Armand, V. A. Kovda, A. M. Shulgin, I. P. Aidarov, B. S. Maslov, Yu. N. Nikolsky, V. V. Shabanov and others. They relied on the concepts of geotechnical system, programmed crops and agrolandscape. The most important general geographical principle, on which all applied areas of modern land reclamation geography are based, is the principle of complexity. Its essence, at least, manifests itself in three ways: it is the application of a set of methods and methods of land reclamation, taking into account the landscape organization of the natural environment and consideration of a complex of cause-and-effect relationships, from hydrological to social and psychological aspects.

The principle of economic efficiency is generally recognized in applied geography.

The regional principle is based on the fact that meliorative-geographical systems have a regional dimension, are characterized by genetic unity, territorial integrity and individual structure.

The ecological principle of meliorative geography is based on the works of L. S. Berg, V. N. Sukachev, V. B. Sochava and L. G. Ramensky, who proved the applicability of Dokuchaev's approaches to the study, improvement and use of natural conditions and resources.

The historical-genetic principle follows from the close relationship between geography and history. So, physical geography is connected with the history of the development of nature, socio-economic - with the history of society, etc. Ameliorative geography, being a part of applied geography, developed under the influence of relations between geography, technical sciences and design business, which has a historical aspect.

Years of experience geographical research for the purposes of land reclamation showed that their methods should have their own specifics and among them it is necessary to highlight the group of meliorative assessments, which will include all types of assessments designed for use in work to improve the natural environment.

Two complementary approaches to the reclamation characteristics of the territory have been developed: complex (landscape) and component.

The most important method of ameliorative geography is the assessment of the impact of melioration on landscapes (EIA). This is an obligatory element of design and survey work in any type of economic activity. Before giving an assessment, they collect data from geomorphological, hydrogeological, hydrographic, agro-climatic studies, develop physical-geographical and landscape forecasts of the impact of land reclamation on the NTC of the reclaimed and adjacent territories.

The method of land reclamation-geographical monitoring as a part of geoecological monitoring of the natural environment is used for timely operational prevention, first of all, of undesirable consequences of land reclamation.

Land reclamation-geographical forecasting is a system of measures for the formation of a scientifically based judgment about changes in natural complexes in the zone of influence of land reclamation structures for a given period of time.

In relation to the sectors of the national economy and the tasks performed, the following melioration is distinguished:

b Agricultural

l Forestry

b Water

b For energy

ь For the needs of recreation

b For construction

b For transport

b Multipurpose

According to the direct impact on the leading components of natural complexes, the types of land reclamation are distinguished. Each type, according to the nature of the selective impact on the leading properties of natural complexes, is divided into subtypes, each subtype, according to the specific impact on the processes and properties of individual components or natural complexes, is divided into types:

a) Drying

· Drainage of swamps

Drainage of swampy and waterlogged lands

b) Flood control

Flooding and flood control

fight against flooding

elimination of surface stagnation of atmospheric precipitation

c) Irrigation

moisturizing irrigation

fertilizer irrigation

heating irrigation

soil cleaning irrigation

Disinfectant irrigation

d) Dehumidifying and humidifying

regulation of the water-air regime of soils

irrigation of drained lands polder drainage

e) Irrigation

flooding of waterless territories

flooding of low-water areas

2) Lithotropic (earth)

a) Soil protection

fight against planar erosion

ravine erosion control

combating soil deflation

combating soil suffusion

b) Soil reconstruction

Creation of soil cover

optimization of fundamental properties and composition of soils (sanding, claying, peating)

increase in the capacity of the humus horizon

c) cultural and technical

surface layout

· Earth cleaning

Land management

d) Ground reconstruction (engineering geological)

· Antifreeze

· Anti-karst


e) Reclamation

Recultivation of quarries

Reclamation of rock dumps

Reclamation of ash dumps

Reclamation of the destruction of natural disasters (floods, hurricanes)

3) Phytotropic (plant)

a) Phytoconstructive

Creation of forest belts

・Complete afforestation

Phytoncidal (resort) plantings

b) Landscape protection

· Water protection

Wind regulation

Snow regulation

Coastal protection

Fight against landslides and landslides

4) Climate

a) Thermal

Frost fighting



・Fight with dampness

· Frost-fighting

b) Moisture distribution

Artificial induction of precipitation

snowmelt control

Moisture accumulation

c) Windbreaks

Anti-hurricane measures

Local wind-reducing measures

5) Snowy

a) Temperature control

Snow retention

· Snow compaction

b) Moisture regulating

Snow accumulation

snowmelt control

6) Chemical

a) Salt enrichment


Regulation of nutrient consumption

b) Acid regulating

Soil liming

Soil acidification

Soil gypsum

c) Soil strengthening

Soil structuring

Anti-deflation fixation of soils with polymers

Silicization of soils

d) Sanitary disinfection

The use of arbicides

Application of pesticides

A hydrographic network is a set of low relief areas that contribute to the formation of permanent or temporary watercourses. The structure of a hydrographic network: 1) Hollow- weakly expressed relief elements with gentle slopes, up to 5 meters deep and a catchment area of ​​up to 5 hectares. Plowing of this area is possible.2) dell- this is a pronounced lowering of the relief area up to 5 - 10 meters with a catchment area of ​​​​up to 500 hectares. From the top to the mouth, they expand and deepen. Mastering is difficult, but possible.3) Beam- a strongly pronounced deep depression up to 10 - 20 meters, a width on top of 200 - 300 meters, a catchment area of ​​​​up to 3000 hectares. The use of beams and slopes is possible.

4) river valley– the cross section of small rivers is in a dynamic state, while large rivers are more stable.

5) ravines- according to territorial characteristics, they distinguish: primary (slope and coastal) and secondary (top or bottom).

In order to correctly draw up a plan for the use of land use area and develop effective system anti-erosion measures, it is necessary to carry out anti-erosion organization of the territory.

The composition of the anti-erosion agroforestry complex depends on a variety of agro-climatic factors. One of them is the relief, which is characterized by a slope. Depending on the slope, three erosion-hazardous zones are distinguished on the slope areas: 1) Driveline(slope up to 2 o); 2) Network(slope from 2 o to 8 o); 3) Hydrographic network zone(slope more than 8 o);

In order to carry out a complex of anti-erosion measures throughout the entire territory of the economy, we, taking into account scientific standards and recommendations, three erosion-hazardous zones were identified and depicted on the plan, while the AB profile was used. The zones have a pronounced character due to the complex relief. The watershed and network zones are present on the profile. The slopes in the first zone vary from 0.6 o to 1.8 o and average 1.13 o. The slope values ​​in the second zone range from 2.4° to 4.8° and average 3.6°. The third zone was not included in the AB alignment, but it is also clearly expressed on the territory of the farm. Method of zoning: on the plan, the relief is depicted by contour lines, the height of the relief section is 2.5 meters. The values ​​of the distance between contour lines are calculated for slopes of 2 o and 8 o. Further, measuring the distance between the contour lines, we draw a line separating the zones in those places where the distance is less than the calculated one.

Integrated reclamation in the watershed erosion-landscape zone, design principles.

The territory of the watershed zone is located at the highest geodetic elevations, but at the same time it has small terrain slopes (up to 2 o), therefore there are no prerequisites for the development of water erosion, but in the conditions of this zone, the main harmful factor is the wind. This gives rise to the possibility of developing wind erosion, i.e. deflation.

Signs of the watershed zone:

1) Calm topography (the surface is flat, and the slopes are small);

2) The processes of water erosion are weakly expressed, the soil is not washed away;

3) The soil cover is the most developed and is represented by fertile soils that have retained nutrients for plants;

4) The territory of this zone is suitable for intensive cultivation of agricultural crops and placement of the main crop rotations;

5) In order to improve the ecological conditions of agrophytocinosis and efficient agricultural production in a given territory, it is possible to use various types of reclamation;

The anti-erosion complex (PC) includes four main types of activities:

1) Organizational and economic;

2) Rational agrotechnical measures;

3) Agroforestry;

4) Hydrotechnical melioration.

Organizational and economic measures in the conditions of the watershed zone imply rational on-farm land management: establishing the optimal size of fields, working areas, their configuration (preferably a rectangle with sides 1:2..1:3), planned placement of their constituent elements in order to anticipate potential prerequisites for development water and wind erosion, in this regard, the length of the fields should be oriented along horizontal lines, across the slope and perpendicular to the direction of harmful winds.