Spring thoughts analysis. Analysis of the poem "Spring Thunderstorm" Tyutchev F

The poem "Spring Thunderstorm" is one of the most popular in Tyutchev's legacy. It belongs to the early period of his work, and this work will help to better understand brief analysis"Spring thunderstorm" according to plan. This analysis can be used in a literature lesson in grade 5 as the main or auxiliary material.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the work was written by Tyutchev in 1828 and on next year already published in Galatea magazine. However, the poet returned to him in 1854, having altered somewhat. Today it is the second version of his writing that is known.

Subject- a thunderstorm as a perpetual motion, as a symbol of change, as a sign of the birth of a new one.

Composition- tripartite. The first part, which is also a stanza, opens the work, the fourth closes it, and the two central ones create the main image, “draw” a thunderstorm.

Genre- landscape lyrics with elements of philosophical reasoning.

Poetic size- iambic tetrameter with pyrrhic and cross-rhyming, feminine and masculine rhymes alternate.

epithets“spring, first thunder”, “blue sky”, “young peals”, “rain pearls”, “bird noise”, “loud-boiling goblet”.

Metaphors – “the sun gilds the threads“, “thunder rumbles”, “dust flies”.

personification“the stream runs”, “thunder frolics and plays”.

History of creation

The poem "Spring Thunderstorm" has a double dating. It was written by the young poet in 1828 while he was in Germany, and the year of its first publication was 1829. The reader first saw him on the pages of the Galatea magazine.

However, many years later, in 1854, Tyutchev unexpectedly returns to this poem and significantly alters it, adding the second stanza and changing the first.


Describing a thunderstorm, the poet makes it the main theme of his work. At the same time, he shows it not just as a natural element, but as a symbol of the desire for change, a sign that they will definitely come.

Showing a natural phenomenon as a sign that speaks of the birth of something new, the poet draws a very subtle parallel between the world of people and the nature around them. He shows that youth is like the storm he describes: they both declare themselves very loudly. Thus the main idea works is that man and nature are one.

The personification of natural phenomena, giving them features characteristic of people, becomes a through idea of ​​this verse. The frolicking clouds are like children, and the cloud has fun, spilling water on the ground.


Compositionally, this work is divided into three parts. The first stanza brings to the stage the main image of the poem - a thunderstorm, thus defining its theme.

The second part consists of two stanzas, in which different pictures are drawn related to this natural phenomenon. The artistic space created by Tyutchev is filled with radiance and light. Here the poet draws an analogy with the behavior of a young man who escaped from parental care and dreams of trying all the pleasures of this world, learning everything about it and going everywhere.

The divine principle, which the poet sees in nature, is shown in the third part - the fourth quatrain, in which the laughing goddess Hebe sheds lightning and thunder on the earth. With the help of the ancient Greek plot, Tyutchev metaphorically shows that hundreds of years before and hundreds of years after the thunderstorm will thunder all the same. Thus, the image of a thunderstorm is paraphrased, the cyclicity of the world is demonstrated. With the help of a magical story, the poet completes the story of natural phenomenon giving it a philosophical character.


This is an excellent example of Tyutchev's early landscape lyrics, in which, however, philosophical moments are also clearly traced, because the poet likens a thunderstorm that thunders and changes the world, youth. That is, while talking about the world of nature, he simultaneously talks about the world of people.

Tyutchev's characteristic meter - iambic tetrameter with pyrrhic - makes the poem light in sound and at the same time very melodic. This effect is complemented by cross-rhyming, in which male and female rhymes alternate.

means of expression

Without the use of tropes, the poet would not have been able to create such vivid images. Artistic media not many, but they all have their place. This:

  • epithets- “spring, first thunder”, “blue sky”, “young peals”, “rain pearls”, “bird noise”, “loud-boiling goblet”.
  • Metaphors- “the sun gilds the thread”, “thunder rumbles”, “dust flies”.
  • personification- “the stream runs”, “thunder frolics and plays”.

To make the picture of a thunderstorm even more realistic, the poet resorts to such a technique as alliteration, playing with the letters r and r.

The abundance of verbs allows, on the one hand, to create a very rich picture of nature with a constantly changing action, on the other hand, to make the entire poem dynamic.

Year after year, at the beginning of May, spring asserts itself with spring thunderstorms. It is spring that inspires many poets to create true masterpieces. This time of the year in Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm" became a real symbol of the renewal of nature and the human soul. You can carefully follow the analysis according to the plan of this creation of the brilliant Russian master of the word.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev sang nature as a living being endowed with human feelings and traits in more than one composition. At all stages of the poet's work, the theme of the unity of man and nature can be traced. He paints the world as many-sided and diverse, constantly moving and changing. Only a person who subtly feels nature, knows its character, was able to find words for the poem "Spring Thunderstorm". An analysis of it will prove the genius of this masterpiece.

The time of the creation of the poem

It is worth starting the analysis of F.I. Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm" from the history of its occurrence. Many factors influenced the formation of Fedor Ivanovich as a poet and writer. As soon as he graduated from Moscow University, he was offered a job abroad. Tyutchev moves to Germany and becomes a non-staff attaché at a mission in Munich. Fedor Ivanovich spent 22 years there. Despite the remoteness from his native land, he continued to love him and treat Russian culture and nature with warmth.

It was by singing the beauty of Russian fields, rivers, mountains that he was able to most clearly express his talent outstanding poet. Before analyzing Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm", it should be noted that it is rightfully considered a classic. There are two dates for writing this masterpiece. The first time it was published in the magazine "Galatea" (1829). After 25 years, already in Russia, the poet amended the first stanza and added another one.

In the analysis of Fyodor Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm" it is worth remembering that it refers to the early stage of the master's work. What was the reason for writing this essay, is it just the impressions of a spring thunderstorm? There is an opinion that falling in love with his wife Eleanor could have influenced this. Tyutchev was then 22 years old, and he had just married. The inspiration of the poet can be judged by the last stanza ("You say ..."). The tone of the poem is very joyful - nature is recovering from winter sleep.

Main theme

It is necessary to continue the analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm" with the definition main theme. The poet colorfully paints a spring thunderstorm for the reader. Thunderstorm acts as a movement leading to change and the birth of something new. Fedor Ivanovich simultaneously compares nature and the world of people. A spring thunderstorm is compared to youth, the initial stage of formation human soul. Coming out of childhood, youth tries to loudly declare its existence.

Tyutchev shows the reader an unusual thunderstorm. This is not a formidable and frightening element, but a beautiful, strong and triumphant phenomenon.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"Spring Thunderstorm"

What idea is the creation of Fedor Ivanovich? The author tries to show that a person is a part of this world. He ascribes human features to the sky, water, sun. Life with a thunderstorm is renewed, its meaning is illuminated from within. When there was peace and silence, the soul did not hear the impulse. Thunderstorm becomes a symbol of desire, the release of the inner forces of the human soul. With a thunderstorm, existence becomes bright and intense.

With the unusualness of a thunderstorm, the author shows the reverse side of all life. He teaches the reader to look at all the vicissitudes and storms of life from the positive side. Life, like a natural phenomenon, is seething, sparkling, radiant. Everything is in dynamics, the thunder "frolics and plays", and all living things rejoice at it - birds, rain, a waterfall. The cloud also laughs as it spills water. The description of the first rain is made in a joyful mood.

Plot Features

In ordinary words, the artist creates a miracle - he paints a thunderstorm in such a beautiful light that the reader just has to enjoy. First, the author reports that a spring thunderstorm is a joy for him. He likes to look at the blue sky, where the first peals of thunder are heard. He calls them young. Then it began to rain, dust flew. The birds began to rejoice in the storm and screamed. Then the poet compares the thunderstorm with a mythical phenomenon. The rain is similar for him to the nectar spilled from the goblet by the goddess of youth Hebe (from ancient Greek mythology).

Composition and genre

An analysis of the poem "Spring Thunderstorm" by Tyutchev will be incomplete without mentioning its construction. This amazing composition is quite small, consists of four stanzas. A stanza is a certain number of lines that are united by a common rhyme. In this case, the author uses a quatrain.

The first stanza defines the theme and introduces the main thing - a thunderstorm. The second and third stanzas are a description of the element itself. In the fourth stanza, the appearance of a thunderstorm is associated with the divine principle. All stanzas flow harmoniously into one another. In the last part, the author tries to anticipate the reader's thoughts about what is happening. Regarding the genre, it is worth noting that this is an ordinary lyric poem.

The image of a thunderstorm

Tyutchev provides the reader with the only image - a thunderstorm. It is perceived as a young being, in which a joyful force rages. The poet clearly recreates many character traits this image. Fedor Ivanovich shows unusual rain. Usually it all starts with swollen clouds, a dark low sky. Such a picture evokes fear and horror. Everything is different with Tyutchev: the elements are described easily and joyfully. There was thunder, but it wasn't scary at all. The poet shows the spring thunderstorm as a light rehearsal before the stormy summer showers. The rain did not go, did not pour, but simply splashed. F. I. Tyutchev has another poem - “How cheerful the roar of summer storms”, in which the poet shows a completely different element.

A very unusual ending to the poem. Tyutchev recalls the "windy Hebe" and Zeus. Why is he doing this? Everyone knows that Zeus was considered the main ancient Greek god, the thunderer, he symbolized the power of the sun, immortality and fire. The myths said that arrows for throwing lightning were in the claws of the eagle of Zeus. In the myth, the goddess of eternal youth Hebe came to give this bird a drink of nectar. What did Tyutchev change in his poem in relation to the myth? Tyutchev decided to show that the laughing Hebe poured a boiling goblet on the ground. By this, the author shows his joyful outlook on the world. He has an unusual image of a thunderstorm, he is fantastic, mythical.

Is it only about the thunderstorm in the poem? The reader subtly traces the soul of the poet, filled with love for a woman. With unusual images and phenomena, the author shows the state of his soul so that others feel his happiness and joy.

Language Features

The figurativeness and semantic coloring of the creation of Fedor Ivanovich are achieved with the help of artistic and expressive means. The author uses stylistically neutral vocabulary. All states and actions in the work are conveyed by personal form verbs or gerunds. With each new verb, the poet introduces a new picture into the masterpiece. First he talks about peals, then about rain, then about dust. Everything changes dynamically.

F. I. Tyutchev is a master of colorful epithets, and he once again proved this in Spring Thunder. He calls the peals "young", the pearls - "rain", the stream - "agile". The poet uses a number of personifications that impart the abilities of living beings to inanimate phenomena (pearl, thunder, stream). The master did not leave his creation without metaphors, inversions.

means of expression

To reveal the poetic image of a thunderstorm, the author uses many sonorous consonants, as well as alliteration with the sounds "r" and "r" ("thunder roars"). In the poem, there is a technique of assonance, when the same vowels are repeated to give it a special language expressiveness. With the help of paths, the poet turns thunder into a nimble and mischievous little boy who frolics and plays. In the sun, the threads of raindrops are golden, which resemble pearls on tree branches.

Reader score

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a real Orpheus, who sings of Russian nature. What do contemporaries see in his poem "Spring Thunderstorm"? Many conclude that people need to experience a thunderstorm at least once a year in order to understand that all gloomy events end in joy, peace of mind and peace.

In our time, when everyone moved away from nature, this work is very relevant. Readers immediately recall the greatness and beauty of the founder of all living things. Everyone wants to return to its origins and express their warmth and gratitude. Readers are delighted with the skill with which Tyutchev focused his attention on a spring natural phenomenon. He not only poeticized the storm, but endowed it with a deep philosophical meaning.

Often, spring in the lyrics acts as the personification of rebirth, awakening, a symbol of the birth of a new life. This time of the year brings with it joy and extraordinary elation, gives hope for a better future.

Fet dedicated many poems to spring. Among them - “The willow is all fluffy”, “Still fragrant bliss of spring”, “I came to you with greetings”, “The first lily of the valley”, “The depth of heaven is clear again”, “It is still spring, as if unearthly”, “ Another May night”, “What an evening! And the stream." Most of them are imbued with the delight associated

With the coming of spring. The lyrical hero, like the nature surrounding him, welcomes the ongoing changes. Perhaps he is not fully aware of why spring gives rise to such emotions in his soul, which does not prevent him from giving himself completely to them.

The poem "Spring Thoughts" begins on a positive note. The hero is inclined to perceive spring as a time of hope and love. The first four lines of the work are devoted to the description of the landscape. The poet tells about birds flying from afar, breaking ice on the shores, the warm sun waiting for the fragrant lily of the valley to bloom. Reflected in the second stanza soul feelings lyrical hero. Scenery,

Which he observes, gives rise to bright feelings and emotions.

His heart flutters, blood rushes to his cheeks. It seems that love, endless as the world, is very close, is about to come and drag it into its whirlpool. The mood of the third quatrain is somewhat different from the mood that prevailed in the first two. From the final stanza, it becomes clear that in winter the lyrical hero had a close relationship with a certain woman. Most likely, there was a discord between them. Now the man is not sure that in the spring, among the tender nature, they will again become close. However, he does not leave hope for the future happiness.

In all three stanzas, Afanasy Afanasievich repeats the word "again." Thanks to this, the reader gets a feeling of the cycle of life, the constant repetition of things and phenomena. Every year spring comes, snow melts and plants reach for the warm sun, every year people fall in love and part. The world exists according to laws that have been in force for hundreds of years. Minor details change, the fundamentals remain unshakable. The lyrical hero is just a grain of sand in the vast universe, a small part of the eternal cycle. However, he also has the right to happiness, to love, to the joy awakened in the spring.

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Often, spring in the lyrics acts as the personification of rebirth, awakening, a symbol of the birth of a new life. This time of the year brings with it joy and extraordinary elation, gives hope for a better future. Fet dedicated many poems to spring. Among them - “The willow is all fluffy ...”, “Still fragrant bliss of spring ...”, “I came to you with greetings ...”, “The first lily of the valley”, “The depth of heaven is clear again ...”, “It is still spring, - as if unearthly…”, “Another May night”, “What an evening!

And the stream…” Most of them are imbued with the delight associated with the arrival of spring. The lyrical hero, like the nature surrounding him, welcomes the ongoing changes. Perhaps he is not fully aware of why spring gives rise to such emotions in his soul, which does not prevent him from giving himself completely to them.

The poem "Spring Thoughts" begins on a positive note. The hero is inclined to perceive spring as a time of hope and love. The first four lines of the work are devoted to the description of the landscape. The poet tells about birds flying from afar, breaking ice on the shores, the warm sun waiting for the fragrant lily of the valley to bloom. In the second

the stanza reflected the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero. The landscape that he observes gives rise to bright feelings and emotions. His heart flutters, blood rushes to his cheeks. It seems that love, endless as the world, is very close, is about to come and drag it into its whirlpool. The mood of the third quatrain is somewhat different from the mood that prevailed in the first two. From the final stanza, it becomes clear that in winter the lyrical hero had a close relationship with a certain woman. Most likely, there was a discord between them. Now the man is not sure that in the spring, among the tender nature, they will again become close. However, he does not leave hope for the future happiness.

In all three stanzas, Afanasy Afanasievich repeats the word "again." Thanks to this, the reader gets a feeling of the cycle of life, the constant repetition of things and phenomena. Every year spring comes, snow melts and plants reach for the warm sun, every year people fall in love and part. The world exists according to laws that have been in force for hundreds of years. Minor details change, the fundamentals remain unshakable. The lyrical hero is just a grain of sand in the vast universe, a small part of the eternal cycle. However, he also has the right to happiness, to love, to the joy awakened in the spring.

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“The theme of nature in the work of A.A. Feta"

(Based on the works “The willow is all fluffy” and “Spring thoughts”)

“The willow is all fluffy”

The willow is all fluffy

Spread around;

Spring is fragrant again

She waved her wings.

The clouds are rushing about,

warmly illuminated,

And again they ask to the soul

Captivating dreams.

Everywhere diverse

The eye is busy with the picture,

Noisy crowd idle

The people are happy about something ...

Some secret longing

"Spring Thoughts"

Again the birds fly from afar

To the shores that break the ice

The warm sun is high

And the fragrant lily of the valley is waiting.

Again in the heart nothing will die

Up the cheeks of the rising blood

And with a bribed soul you believe

That, like the world, love is endless.

But will we come together again so close

In the midst of nature, we are pampered,

As seen walking low

us the cold sun of winter?

The dream is inflamed

And over every soul

Spring is passing by.

The theme of nature in the work of A.A. Feta (based on a comparison of the works "Spring Thoughts" and "The willow is all fluffy")

“Fet is without a doubt one of the most remarkable Russian landscape poets. In his poems, the Russian spring appears before us - with fluffy willows, with the first lily of the valley asking for sunlight, with translucent leaves of blossoming birches, with bees crawling "into every carnation of fragrant lilac", with cranes screaming in the steppe. And the Russian summer with sparkling burning air, with a blue, hazy sky, with golden tints of ripening rye in the wind, with purple sunset smoke, with the aroma of slanted flowers over the fading steppe. And Russian autumn in motley forest slopes, with birds stretching into the distance or fluttering in leafless bushes, with flocks on trampled stubble fields. And Russian winter, like a distant sleigh running on shining snow, with the play of dawn on a snow-covered birch, with patterns of frost on the double window pane.

B. Bukhshtab

Most of the works of A.A. Fet are devoted to the description of nature. It is in nature, in her charming immediacy, that he finds the only solution to all questions. Nature for the poet is an eternal source of beauty, divine beauty, inexhaustible in its diversity and eternal renewal.

In the lyrics of A.A. Feta nature is inseparable from human experiences, the life of nature and the life of the soul are inextricably linked.

In Fet's poems, the Russian spring appears in all its beauty - with flowering trees, the first flowers, birds returning from afar.

The poems selected for analysis are dedicated to spring. This is not yet spring in its full swing, but only the initial signs of the approaching warmth, the coming revival. That is why these works instill in the soul of readers a genuine tenderness for everything that happens in nature in the spring. It seems that you can feel the sun already starting to warm, feel the smells of spring, the smells of the melting earth. In the works of A.A. Feta olfactory images play an important role - the poet focuses on spring smells, thereby allowing readers to feel them.

It is no coincidence that the author uses the words “again, again” in these two works. The use of these words indicates the regularity and inevitability of the arrival of spring, and at the same time, these words express his personal joy because everything in nature is natural, and every time, every year a new spring comes and encourages people, enlivens feelings, desires, dreams.

A significant place in Fet is occupied by images of birds, flowers, trees. Everything flexible, tender, volatile, “trembling” is close to him - nature appears in reflections, shadows, condensations, reflections.

The title of the poem “The willow is all fluffy” is a confirmation of the fact that the poet almost always used images of trees and flowers in his works related to nature; in the poem "Spring Thoughts" a lily of the valley appears, waiting for the heat of the sun.

In the works of A.A. Feta all that he refers to the category of "beautiful" and "sublime" is endowed with wings. In the poem “The willow is all fluffy,” spring is “gifted” with wings: “spring has blown a wing.” This metaphor reveals to us the meaning of spring for the poet, his attitude to this period: spring inspires all those living on earth, it gives new strength, a thirst for life; she seems to cover everything with her veil of warmth, tenderness and, of course, love.

Even in relation to the "clouds" tenderness is shown: these are no longer clouds hanging over the earth, bringing with them bad weather and despondency, no, these are just small clouds that quickly fly across the sky, as if frolicking on it. “Clouds are rushing”, “spring is sweeping by” in the poem “The willow is all fluffy” and “the sun is walking high” in the poem “Spring thoughts” - this movement gives the poem some dynamics, which is also associated with the arrival of spring, that is, the awakening of everything, the expectation something new.

In the poems, the combinations “warmly illuminated”, “soft nature” are used, thanks to which readers immediately have an idea of ​​​​something pure, warm, bright, good. The author has invested so many personal emotions in his works, especially feelings of joy, that it is impossible to read them and remain absolutely indifferent.

In his poems about nature, Fet also used the technique of figurative parallelism: "human" and "natural" in Fet's paintings are merged together, and, of course, with the advent of spring, the mood of the lyrical hero also changes. He, like nature, seems to be waking up from a long winter:

“And captivating dreams again ask for the soul” (“Already the willow is all fluffy”);

“Again in the heart, nothing can be done to the cheeks of the ascending blood” (“Spring Thoughts”);

“You believe that, like the world, love is endless” (“Spring Thoughts”).

“Dreams are asking” is a personification introduced by the author for a specific purpose. Dreams are a source of inspiration for the poet, they are his secret dreams and desires. The arrival of spring contributes to the revival of dreams, desires, worries, excites a person who is in anticipation of something new, bright, joyful.

Spring comes to the streets, decorating them: "Everywhere the eye is occupied with a diverse picture." And everything seems to be as usual, but at the same time it is new, unusual - everything in the world is changing, being updated, the picture of winter, frozen, uninteresting, is washed off the earth: "again, birds fly from afar to the shores that break the ice." And in the spring, the opposite is true: bright, colorful spots appear against the background of the general grayness of winter, which attract the eye and delight the lyrical hero.

In the poem “The willow is all fluffy” there is an interesting detail that was not noted in other works:

"Noisy crowd idle

The people are happy about something ... "- we see the state and feelings of not only the lyrical hero, but here a collective image appears - the people depicted as an idle crowd. And this is quite natural for the poet, because the arrival of spring inspires, invigorates the spirit, and therefore people rejoice in the coming spring, as a holiday that they have been waiting for!

“The soul is inflamed with some secret thirst” - this metaphor very accurately conveys to us the state of the lyrical hero, demonstrates such a violent fantasy, such a “furious” expectation of something wonderful that the reader can imagine that languishing melancholy, that thirst for spring renewal, which overwhelms the hero, practically “burns” him.

“And spring sweeps over every soul” - the author ends the poem “The willow is all fluffy” in this way in order to emphasize once again, highlight that spring cannot bypass anyone, it inspires joy in every person, “embraces” everyone with its warmth and brings a bright hope for happiness to everyone.

The poem "Spring Thoughts" to a greater extent reveals the thoughts, experiences of the lyrical hero:

"But will we come together again so close

In the midst of pampered nature, we ...? - the author conveys the state of mind of the hero, tormenting his question, because spring is the time of love, the time of sweet dreams. Finishing the poem with a question, the author makes it clear that the lyrical hero wants to experience a real feeling of love, wants to live in the spring.

“And with a bribed soul you believe that, like the world, love is endless ...” - the poet once again points out that the arrival of spring promises joy, hope, with its arrival, faith in the inevitability of happiness is instilled in the soul of every person, and when a person lives such a joyful expectation, is in anticipation of him - he lives a full life!

"Omnipotent nature" is undoubtedly the central image of Fet's poetry. These are not landscapes, not pictures of nature, not a "background" against which the hero's lyrical confession arises, not a "visible shell". The life of nature itself and everything that happens in the human soul with its direct participation are Fet's constant motives, his main artistic discovery.

Nature for A.A. Feta is first of all an eternal source of divine beauty, inexhaustible in its diversity and eternal renewal. Contemplation of nature is the highest state of the soul of the lyrical hero, giving meaning to his existence.

The lyrical hero does not feel the "indifference" of nature, on the contrary, he feels a living connection with it. The hero Fet perceives the relationship of man with nature always harmoniously. He knows neither the "chaos" nor the "abyss", so significant for the "natural" works of Tyutchev.

The hero does not know the feeling of abandonment of a person, given by nature to the will of fate. The beauty of nature pours into the soul, despite all the hardships, a feeling of fullness and joy of being.

Reading poems by A.A. Feta, it is safe to say that he is a poet of nature in a broader sense than just a lyric landscape painter. Nature itself in Fet's lyrics is socially conditioned, and not only because the poet fenced himself off from life in its entirety, going into nature. Fet, more than anyone else, expressed in Russian lyrics a free attitude to nature. The poet feels himself an organic part of nature, and therefore, in his works, a sensual, emotional perception of the world is conveyed.