The main features of the nature of the earth message. The main features of the nature of the Earth. Control work

Geography Grade 7

Lesson topic: The main features of the nature of the Earth

The date of the…………….


Repeat, consolidate, summarize and systematize the knowledge gained in the section "The main features of the nature of the Earth."

Continue to develop skills: apply the acquired knowledge in practice; use various sources of geographical knowledge and information in the process of finding a solution; identify causal relationships; express your thoughts; defend your point of view; listen to the interlocutor; justify and justify your position.

Develop memory, spatial thinking and logic.

Cultivate a geographical culture and a culture of communication.

Equipment: map "Physical map of the world", atlases for grade 7

Lesson form: travel lesson.

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and control of students.

During the classes

1. Organizing moment

Teacher: Guys, many of you love to travel. Therefore, after studying the main features of the nature of the Earth, let's take a little trip. And your knowledge gained during the study of the section "the main features of the nature of the Earth" will help us overcome all obstacles in our path. I will be the captain of the ship, and you will be the cabin boys. So, go! But I want to warn you that the cabin boy who completes the tasks most successfully will be awarded a sailor's medal. The one who earns the most medals will receive an order. So, who will be the best sailor on our ship "Nature of the Earth".

2. Generalization, systematization, correction and control of knowledge

Task 1. "Auction of terms"

Teacher: To get out of our harbor and sail on, you must complete the first task. You need to define the following terms. The cost of one term is 1 medal.

Water masses;
natural complex;
Latitudinal zonality;

Task 2. "Explainers"

Teacher: The weather helps us to reason a little in order to pass all the tests and sail on. So, Explanations. The correct answer is 1 medal.

1. Why is the Earth's relief very diverse?

2. Why is precipitation unevenly distributed on Earth?

3. How do you understand the statement: “The sun is what moves the waters of the ocean”?

4. What is called a geographic shell? Why is it called litho-, atmo-, hydro-, bio-?

5. Why is the Earth called a unique planet?

Task 3. "Find superfluous word»

Teacher: Guys, remember, in the middle Atlantic Ocean stretched out a gigantic ridge. Our ship has run aground. For our salvation, we will have to work hard, we must cope with one more task. Each line has an extra word, you need to find it and explain why it is superfluous.

1. Monsoons, breezes, trade winds, tsunamis, westerlies.

2. Chinese, Japanese, Mongols, granites, Turkmens.

3. River, sea, bay, strait, ocean.

4. Washington, Moscow, Sydney, London, Paris.

5. Caucasus, Altai, Cordillera, Himalayas, Sahara, Andes.

Task 4. "Conclusion". "Test"

Teacher: In order to maneuver correctly, I must be confident in your knowledge and skills. I offer you the following task. I need 4 of the most daring yoongis. Think over these notes and draw your conclusion. Time to complete - 6 minutes. The rest must pass the qualification test of the young sailor. Time - 6 min., Handout at the school desks. ( Application)

Qualification test for a young sailor of the 7th class.

Surname, name ______________________________

Choose the correct answer from the options below and circle them.

1. earth surface shown correctly in:

a) a globe b) physical map; c) political map.

2. Later than all the continents were discovered:

a) Africa and Australia; b) Australia and Antarctica; c) America and Antarctica.

3. Winds blow from the high pressure belts towards the equator:

a) monsoons b) trade winds; c) breezes.

4. At the base of the East European Plain lies:

a) platform b) folded belts.

5. The boundary areas between the lithospheric plates are called:

a) platforms b) seismic belts; c) tiles.

a) equatorial; b) arctic; c) tropical.

7. The largest number precipitation falls:

a) at the equator b) at the poles; c) the tropics.

8. When moving from the poles to the equator, the temperature surface water oceans:

a) goes down b) does not change; c) rises.

The teacher posts a table with the correct answers, students perform self-examination.

Teacher: Raise your hands, those who have no mistakes.

Task 5. "The very best"

Teacher: Traveling, we visited different parts of our planet. . And now let's see what "the most" we met on the way? It is necessary not only to name, but also to show on the map.

1. Earth's largest ocean? (Quiet)

2. The highest mountains in the world? (Himalayas)

4. The largest peninsula in the world? (peninsula of Arabia)

5. Earth's tallest waterfall? (angel)

6. The deepest lake in the world? (Baikal)

7. The most salty sea in the world? (Red)

8. The smallest ocean on Earth? (Arctic)

9. The largest island on Earth? (Greenland)

10. What is the largest continent by area? (Eurasia)

Task 6. "Device"

Teacher: While traveling through Pacific Ocean we were caught on the way by a storm, instruments fell from the shelves and got mixed up. Help bring everything in line, set the correspondence of instruments and elements of the weather. Who is the bravest, help me quickly.

Board writing:

A) Barometer 1. Temperature.
B) Rain gauge2. Wind speed.
C) Thermometer 3. Precipitation.
D) Weather vane 4. Wind direction.
E) Hygrometer 5. Atmosphere pressure.
6. Air humidity.

Time to complete - 3 minutes.

3. Summing up

Teacher: So, our ship "Nature of the Earth" approached the end point of our journey. Let's sum up our voyage. Hands up whoever has the most medals? Who receives the honorary order of a sailor?


1. Korinskaya V.A. etc. Geography of continents and oceans: Textbook for grade VII educational institutions. - M .: "Drofa". 2002.

2. Pyatunin V.B. "Control and verification work by geography". M.: "Drofa", 2000.

3. Pyatunin V.B. “Checking and Evaluating Learning Outcomes in Geography: A Method. Benefit. - M .: LLC "AST Publishing House", 2003.

4. I am going to a geography lesson: physical geography of continents and oceans. (under the editorship of K.S. Lazarevich. - M .: Publishing house "first of September", 2000. - 272 p.


  • Repeat, consolidate, summarize and systematize the knowledge gained in the section "The main features of the nature of the Earth."
  • Continue to develop skills: apply the acquired knowledge in practice; use various sources of geographical knowledge and information in the process of finding a solution; identify causal relationships; express your thoughts; defend your point of view; listen to the interlocutor; justify and justify your position.
  • Develop memory, spatial thinking and logic.
  • Cultivate a geographical culture and a culture of communication.

Equipment: map "Physical map of the world", atlases for grade 7, didactic materials made by the teacher.

Lesson form: travel lesson.

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and control of students.


1. Organizing moment

Teacher: Guys, many of you love to travel. Therefore, after studying the main features of the nature of the Earth, let's take a little trip. And your knowledge gained during the study of the section "the main features of the nature of the Earth" will help us overcome all obstacles in our path. I will be the captain of the ship, and you will be the cabin boys. So, go! But I want to warn you that the cabin boy who completes the tasks most successfully will be awarded a sailor's medal. The one who earns the most medals will receive an order. So, who will be the best sailor on our ship "Nature of the Earth".

2. Generalization, systematization, correction and control of knowledge

Task 1. "Auction of terms"

Teacher: To get out of our harbor and sail on, you must complete the first task. You need to define the following terms. The cost of one term is 1 medal.

– Platform;
– Climate;
– Isotherms;
– Water masses;
– Natural complex;
– Latitudinal zonality;
- Ethnos.

Task 2. "Explainers"

Teacher: The weather helps us to reason a little in order to pass all the tests and sail on. So, Explanations. The correct answer is 1 medal.

  1. Why is the Earth's relief so diverse?
  2. Why is precipitation unevenly distributed on Earth?
  3. How do you understand the statement: “The sun is what moves the waters of the ocean”?
  4. What is a geographic envelope? Why is it called litho-, atmo-, hydro-, bio-?
  5. Why is the Earth called a unique planet?

Task 3. "Find an extra word"

Teacher: Guys, remember, there is a giant ridge stretching in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Our ship has run aground. For our salvation, we will have to work hard, we must cope with one more task. Each line has an extra word, you need to find it and explain why it is superfluous.

  1. Monsoons, breezes, trade winds, tsunamis, westerlies.
  2. Chinese, Japanese, Mongols, granites, Turkmens.
  3. River, sea, bay, strait, ocean.
  4. Washington, Moscow, Sydney, London, Paris.
  5. Caucasus, Altai, Cordillera, Himalayas, Sahara, Andes.

Task 4. "Conclusion". "Test"

Teacher: In order to maneuver correctly, I must be confident in your knowledge and skills. I offer you the following task. I need 4 of the bravest cabin boys. Think about these notes and make your own conclusion. Time to complete - 6 minutes. The rest need to pass the junior sailor qualification test. Time - 6 minutes, handouts on the desks of students.(Application )

Qualification test for a young sailor of the 7th class.

Surname, name ______________________________

Choose the correct answer from the options below and circle them.

1. The earth's surface is correctly depicted on:

a) a globe b) a physical map; c) political map.

2. Later than all the continents were discovered:

a) Africa and Australia; b) Australia and Antarctica; c) America and Antarctica.

3. Winds blow from the high pressure belts towards the equator:

a) monsoons b) trade winds; c) breezes.

4. At the base of the East European Plain lies:

a) platform b) folded belts.

5. The boundary areas between the lithospheric plates are called:

a) platforms b) seismic belts; c) tiles.

a) equatorial; b) arctic; c) tropical.

7. The greatest amount of precipitation falls:

a) at the equator b) at the poles; c) the tropics.

8. When moving from the poles to the equator, the temperature of the surface waters of the oceans:

a) goes down b) does not change; c) rises.

The teacher posts a table with the correct answers, students perform self-examination.

Teacher: Raise your hands, those who have no mistakes.

Task 5. "The very best"

Teacher: Traveling, we visited different parts of our planet. . And now let's see what "the most" we met on the way? It is necessary not only to name, but also to show on the map.

  1. Earth's largest ocean? (Quiet)
  2. The highest mountains in the world? (Himalayas)
  3. The longest river in the world? (Nile)
  4. The largest peninsula in the world? (peninsula of Arabia)
  5. World's tallest waterfall? (angel)
  6. The deepest lake in the world? (Baikal)
  7. The saltiest sea in the world? (Red)
  8. The smallest ocean on Earth? (Arctic)
  9. The largest island on earth? (Greenland)
  10. What is the largest continent by area? (Eurasia)

Task 6. "Device"

Teacher: While traveling in the Pacific Ocean, we were caught on the way by a storm, instruments fell from the shelves and got mixed up. Help bring everything in line, set the correspondence of instruments and elements of the weather. Who is the bravest, help me quickly.

Board writing:

A) Barometer 1. Temperature.
B) Rain gauge 2. Wind speed.
C) Thermometer 3. Precipitation.
D) Weather vane 4. Wind direction.
E) Hygrometer 5. Atmospheric pressure.
6. Air humidity.

Time to complete - 3 minutes.

3. Summing up

Teacher: So, our ship "Nature of the Earth" approached the end point of our journey. Let's sum up our trip. Hands up whoever has the most medals? Who receives the honorary order of a sailor?


  1. Korinskaya V.A. and others. Geography of Continents and Oceans: A Textbook for Grade VII of General Educational Institutions. - M .: "Bustbust". 2002.
  2. Pyatunin V.B."Control and verification work in geography." M.: "Drofa", 2000.
  3. Pyatunin V.B.“Checking and Evaluating Learning Outcomes in Geography: A Method. Benefit. - M .: LLC "Publishing House AST", 2003.
  4. I'm going to a geography lesson: physical geography of continents and oceans. (under the editorship of K.S. Lazarevich. - M .: Publishing house "first of September", 2000. - 272 p.

1. Which statements about the earth's crust are true:

A) the Earth's crust has the same structure under the continents and oceans

B) oceanic crust thicker than mainland

C) Lithospheric plates move slowly over the surface of the mantle

D) Seismic zones are located at the boundaries of lithospheric plates

2. The lithosphere is ...

a) The hard shell of the earth, consisting of earth's crust and top of the mantle

b) The hard shell of the earth, consisting of the earth's crust

c) The upper part of the mantle.

3. The external forces that form the Earth's relief include:

A) Subsidence of the Earth's crust B) Uplift of the Earth's crust

B) Weathering D) Wind work

4. Match:

A) Platform A) Low and medium mountains

B) Ancient folding area B) Plains

C) Seismic belt C) High mountains

D) Area of ​​new folding D) Boundaries of lithospheric plates

5. The layer of the atmosphere that plays the most important role for life on Earth:

A) Stratosphere B) Mesosphere

B) Troposphere D) Ionosphere

6. What data does the climate map contain?

A) About temperatures B) About precipitation

B) About the direction of the winds D) All answers are correct

7. The trade winds are:

A) Constant winds blowing from 30 latitudes to the equator

B) Winds blowing from the ocean to land in summer

C) Winds that change direction twice a year

8. The main climate-forming factor is:

A) The amount of solar heat B) The amount of precipitation

9. The southernmost climatic zone of the Earth:

A) Arctic B) Equatorial

B) Antarctic D) Tropical

10. To the main climatic zones relate:

A) Subequatorial B) Tropical

B) Equatorial D) Subtropical

A) The ocean has a strong influence on the Earth's climate

B) Currents in the oceans arise due to the topography of the bottom

C) In the world's oceans, living organisms are distributed unevenly

D) The temperature of the water in the oceans increases from the equator to the poles

12. The change of natural zones from the foot of the mountain to the top is called:

A) Natural complex B) Glaciation

B) Altitudinal zonality D) Biological cycle

13. In conditions of low temperatures, a natural zone is formed:

A) Taiga B) Mixed forests

B) Savannah and light forests D) Equatorial moist forests

14. Match:

A) Mainland country A) Vatican City

B) Most big number inhabitants B) the homeland of mankind

C) "dwarf country" C) Australia

D) Southeast Africa D) China

A) Africa, Australia

B) Türkiye, France

B) America, Russia

Test on the section "The main features of the nature of the Earth"

  1. option

1. Which statement about the lithosphere is true:

A) Earthquakes most often occur on platforms

B) The continental crust is more powerful than the oceanic

C) Mountains rise along the boundaries of the lithospheric plates

D) Most volcanoes are located on the boundaries of lithospheric plates

2. What forces form the relief:

A) internal forces

B) External forces

C) Internal and external forces at the same time

3. The main cause of earthquakes is:

A) Influence vigorous activity of people

B) The impact of cosmic forces

B) Movement of the Earth's crust

4. Set the correspondence "climatic zone - its characteristics":

A) Equatorial A) Little precipitation, high temperatures

B) Moderate B) Hot, dry and wet seasons alternate

C) Tropical C) All seasons of the year are expressed

D) Subequatorial D) Humid and hot climate

5. A line connecting points on the map with the same temperatures:

A) isotherm B) isobath

B) Isobar D) Isogypsum

6. The air temperature decreases from the equator to the poles, as it changes:

A) The angle of incidence of the sun's rays B) The thickness of the troposphere

B) Composition of air D) Direction of constant winds

7. How many climatic zones stand out on the surface of the Earth:

A) 7 B) 13

B) 10 D) 15

8. main reason, on which the amount of heat and light entering the Earth depends:

A) Geographic latitude B) Wind direction

B) Terrain D) Terrain altitude

9. The northernmost climatic zone of the Earth:

A) Arctic B) Subarctic

B) Antarctic D) Moderate

10. Transitional climatic zones include:

A) Subantarctic B) Tropical

B) Moderate D) Subequatorial

11. Choose the correct statements:

A) The ocean stores and releases heat to the atmosphere

B) Ice forms on the entire surface of the oceans

C) The study of the oceans is not important for mankind, since it is located on land

D) There are no living organisms at very great depths in the oceans.

12. Natural zones replace each other on the surface of the Earth due to:

A) Human activities B) Movement of air masses

B) Different amounts of heat and moisture D) Relief

A) Forest-steppes and steppes B) Mixed forests

B) Moist equatorial forests D) Taiga

14. Match:

A) Buddhism A) Ethnos

B) People B) High population density

C) South Asia C) Comprehensive map

D) Human activities D) Religion

15. Select pairs that are states (countries):

A) Europe, China B) North America, Australia B) UK, Canada

Choose the correct statements:

A) Air masses carry heat, cold, moisture from one latitude to another

B) The distribution of precipitation depends on the distribution of pressure

C) hot and dry weather prevails at the equator

D) Cold air contains a lot of water vapor.

How would you explain why the earth's crust under the oceans consists of two layers, and under the continents of three? 1. Perhaps one of the three layers is water soluble and it just dissolved in sea water over time.

2. Perhaps granite is lighter than the mantle substance, and basalt is heavier. Therefore, the blocks of the earth's crust, which have a granite layer, are always elevated, as they float in the mantle and are not flooded by the water of the oceans.

3. A three-layer bark will always be thicker than a two-layer bark. Therefore, blocks of the earth's crust, consisting of 3 layers, always rise above two-layer blocks and are not flooded with water from the oceans.

4. As you know, basalt is formed when the mantle substance solidifies, and it contains water. When the substance of the mantle solidifies, water is released from it. It also covers basalt blocks, forming the World Ocean.

What should be written in this scheme instead of the question mark?

Folded belt - volcanism and magmatism - mountains - ...? ... - igneous minerals.

2. What should be written in this diagram instead of a question mark?



1 option

№ 1 The correct answer is 2

№ 2 Sedimentary rocks

№ 3 The correct answer is 3

№ 4 Low pressure

№ 5 The correct answer is 4

The main features of the nature of the Earth.

Continuously rotating around its axis and around the Sun, together with other planets, our Earth moves in the vastness of the Universe. The Universe is boundless, and the Earth is only a small particle of it, on which a thin shell of life has formed over billions of years. In the process of the evolution of life on Earth, a person has been formed who is trying to comprehend, to understand the world around him, to preserve it for future generations.

The nature of the Earth and humanity form a single whole and at the same time represent a great diversity.

To understand the reasons for the extraordinary diversity of the nature of the Earth, we will continue to study the main features of the device and the interaction of its shells, natural complexes, as well as the history of human settlement on the continents.

Lithosphere and relief of the Earth

Here you will get acquainted with the structure of the lithosphere, with the scientific assumptions of its development, with the peculiarities of the location on the Earth of large mountain ranges, plains, seismic belts; learn about the reasons for the diversity of the Earth's relief, get acquainted with the map of the structure of the earth's crust.

Remember from the 6th grade geography course:

  1. What is internal structure Earth?
  2. What is called the lithosphere? What movements take place in it?
  3. What groups are rocks divided by origin? Give examples.