Literary visiting card of Mayakovsky. Biography of Mayakovsky

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born July 7 (19), 1893 in with. Baghdadi (now the village of Mayakovsky) near the city of Kutaisi, Georgia. Father - forester, Vladimir Konstantinovich Mayakovsky ( 1857-1906 ), mother - Alexandra Alekseevna, nee Pavlenko ( 1867-1954 ).

In 1902-1906. Mayakovsky studies at the Kutaisi gymnasium. In 1905 participates in demonstrations, in a gymnasium strike. In July 1906, after the sudden death of his father, the family moves to Moscow. Mayakovsky enters the 4th grade of the 5th classical gymnasium. Meets Bolshevik students; is fond of Marxist literature; entrusts the first party assignments. In 1908 joins the Bolshevik Party. Was arrested three times in 1908 and twice in 1909; the last arrest in connection with the escape of political convicts from the Novinsky prison. Conclusion in Butyrskaya prison. A notebook of poems written in prison ( 1909 ), selected by the guards and not yet found, Mayakovsky considered the beginning of literary work. Released on minority from prison ( 1910 ), he decides to devote himself to art and continue his studies. In 1911 Mayakovsky was admitted to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Autumn 1911 he gets acquainted with D. Burliuk, the organizer of a group of Russian futurists, draws closer to him in a general sense of dissatisfaction with the academic routine. At the end December 1912- Mayakovsky's poetic debut: the poems "Night" and "Morning" in the anthology "Slap in the face public taste” (where Mayakovsky signed the cubo-futurist collective manifesto of the same name).

Mayakovsky goes on the attack on the aesthetics and poetics of symbolism and acmeism, but in his quest he critically masters the artistic world of such masters as A. Bely, “breaks out” from the “charming lines” of A. Blok, whose work for Mayakovsky is “a whole poetic era».

Mayakovsky entered the environment of Cubo-Futurists with a tragic and protesting theme rapidly growing in him, in fact, going back to the humanistic tradition of Russian classics, contrary to the nihilistic declarations of the Futurists. From urban sketches to catastrophic insights, the poet’s thought about the madness of the possessive world grows (“From street to street”, 1912 ; "Hell of the city", "Nate!", 1913 ). "I!" - the name of Mayakovsky's first book ( 1913 ) - was synonymous with pain and indignation of the poet. For participation in public performances Mayakovsky in 1914 was expelled from the School.

First World War met Mayakovsky contradictory. The poet cannot help feeling disgust for the war (“War is declared”, “Mother and the evening killed by the Germans”, 1914 ), but for some time he had the illusion of renewing humanity, art through war. Soon Mayakovsky comes to the realization of war as an element of senseless destruction.

In 1914 Mayakovsky first met M. Gorky. In 1915-1919. lives in Petrograd. In 1915 Mayakovsky meets L.Yu. and O.M. Brikami. Many of Mayakovsky's works are dedicated to Lilia Brik. With renewed vigor, he writes about love, which, the larger, the more incompatible with the horror of wars, violence and petty feelings (the poem "Flute-Spine", 1915 and etc.).

Gorky invites Mayakovsky to collaborate in the Chronicle magazine and the newspaper New life»; helps the poet in the publication of the second collection of his poems "Simple as a lowing", published by the publishing house "Sail" ( 1916 ). The dream of a harmonious person in a world without wars and oppression found a peculiar expression in Mayakovsky's poem "War and Peace" (written in 1915-1916 ; separate edition - 1917 ). The writer creates a gigantic anti-war panorama; in his imagination, a utopian extravaganza of universal human happiness unfolds.

In 1915-1917. Mayakovsky departs military service at the Petrograd driving school. Takes part in February Revolution 1917 of the year. In August, he leaves the New Life.

The October Revolution opened up new horizons for V. Mayakovsky. She became the second birth of the poet. On the occasion of the first anniversary of October, it was staged at the Musical Drama Theater, conceived back in August 1917 the play "Mystery Buff" (staged by V. Meyerhold, with whom Mayakovsky was associated until the end of his life with the creative search for a theater in tune with the revolution).

Mayakovsky connects his innovative ideas with "leftist art"; he seeks to rally the futurists in the name of the democratization of art (speeches in the Futurist Newspaper, Order on the Army of Art, 1918 ; is a member of the group of communist futurists (“komfuts”), who published the newspaper “The Art of the Commune”).

March 1919 Mayakovsky moved to Moscow, where in October his collaboration with ROSTA began. Mayakovsky's inherent need for mass propaganda activities found satisfaction in the artistic and poetic work on the posters of "Windows of ROSTA".

In 1922-1924. Mayakovsky makes his first trips abroad (Riga, Berlin, Paris, etc.). The cycle of his essays on Paris is “Paris. (Notes of Ludogus)”, “Seven-day review of French painting”, etc. ( 1922-1923 ), depicting the artistic sympathies of Mayakovsky (in particular, he notes the world significance of P. Picasso), and poems (“How does a democratic republic work?”, 1922 ; "Germany", 1922-1923 ; "Paris. (Conversations with the Eiffel Tower)", 1923 ) were Mayakovsky's approach to a foreign topic.

The transition to peaceful life is comprehended by Mayakovsky as an internally significant event that makes one think about the spiritual values ​​of the future person (the unfinished utopia "The Fifth International", 1922 ). The poem "About this" becomes a poetic catharsis ( December 1922 - February 1923) with her cleansing theme lyrical hero who, through the phantasmagoria of the philistine, carries the indestructible ideal of the human and breaks into the future. The poem was first published in the first issue of the LEF magazine ( 1923-1925 ), whose editor-in-chief is Mayakovsky, who headed the literary group LEF ( 1922-1928 ) and decided to rally the “leftist forces” around the magazine (the articles “What is Lef fighting for?”, “Who does Lef bite into?”, “Who does Lef warn?”, 1923 ).

In November 1924 Mayakovsky leaves for Paris (later he visited Paris 1925, 1927, 1928 and 1929). He visited Latvia, Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, America, Poland. Discovering new countries, he enriched his own poetic "continent". In the lyrical cycle "Paris" ( 1924-1925 ) Lef's irony of Mayakovsky is defeated by the beauty of Paris. The contrast of beauty with emptiness, humiliation, ruthless exploitation - the naked nerve of poems about Paris ("Beauties", "Parisian", 1929 , and etc.). The image of Paris bears a glimpse of Mayakovsky’s “mass-love” (“Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, 1928 ). In the foreign theme of Mayakovsky, the American cycle of poems and essays is central ( 1925-1926 ), written during and shortly after a trip to America (Mexico, Cuba, USA, 2nd half 1925 ).

In verse 1926-1927. and later (up to the poem "In the Top Voice"), Mayakovsky's position in art was revealed at a new stage. Ridiculing Rappov's vulgarizers with their claims to a literary monopoly, Mayakovsky urges proletarian writers to unite in poetic work for the sake of the future ("Message to the Proletarian Poets", 1926; earlier article "Lef and MAPP", 1923 ). The news of the suicide of S. Yesenin ( December 27, 1925) exacerbates thoughts about the fate and calling of true poetry, causes grief over the death of a “voiced” talent, anger against rotten decadence and cheerful dogmatism (“To Sergei Yesenin”, 1926 ).

Late 1920s Mayakovsky again turns to dramaturgy. His plays "The Bedbug" ( 1928 , 1st post. - 1929 ) and "Bath" ( 1929 , 1st post. - 1930 ) were written for the Meyerhold Theater. They combine a satirical depiction of reality 1920s with the development of Mayakovsky's favorite motive - resurrection and travel to the future. Meyerhold highly appreciated the satirical talent of Mayakovsky the playwright, comparing him with the power of irony with Molière. However, the critics of the play, especially "Bath", were perceived extremely unfriendly. And, if in the "Bedbug" they saw, as a rule, artistic shortcomings, artificiality, then they made claims of an ideological nature to the "Banya" - they talked about the exaggeration of the danger of bureaucracy, the problem of which does not exist in the USSR, etc. Sharp articles against Mayakovsky appeared in the newspapers, even under the heading "Down with Mayakovism!" In February 1930, having left the Ref (Revolutionary Front [of the Arts], a group formed from the remnants of the Lef), Mayakovsky joins the RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers), where he is immediately attacked for "fellowship". March 1930 Mayakovsky organized a retrospective exhibition "20 Years of Work", which presented all areas of his activity. (The term of 20 years was counted, apparently, from the writing of the first poems in prison.) The exhibition was ignored by both the party leadership and former colleagues from Lef / Ref. One of the many circumstances: the failure of the exhibition "20 Years of Work"; the failure of the performance based on the play "Banya" at the Meyerhold Theater, prepared by devastating articles in the press; friction with other RAPP members; the danger of losing one's voice, which would make public speaking impossible; failures in personal life (the love boat crashed into everyday life - "Unfinished", 1930 ), or their confluence, was the reason that April 14, 1930 of the year Mayakovsky committed suicide. In many works (“Flute-spine”, “Man”, “About this”) Mayakovsky touches on the theme of the suicide of a lyrical hero or his double; after his death, these themes were reinterpreted accordingly by readers. Soon after Mayakovsky's death, with the active participation of members of the RAPP, his work was under an unspoken ban, his works were practically not published. The situation has changed in 1936 when Stalin, in a resolution to L. Brik's letter with a request for assistance in preserving the memory of Mayakovsky, publishing the poet's works, organizing his museum, called Mayakovsky "the best talented poet of our Soviet era". Mayakovsky was practically the only representative of the artistic avant-garde of the early 20th century whose works remained available to a wide audience throughout the Soviet period.

Mayakovsky's biography contains many dubious moments that make us wonder who the poet really was - a servant of communism or a romantic? short biography Vladimir Mayakovsky will allow you to get general idea about the life of the poet.

The writer was born in Georgia, in the village. Baghdadi, Kutaisi province, July 7, 1893. Little Vova studied well and diligently, showed interest in painting. Soon the Mayakovsky family is experiencing a tragedy - the father dies. Working as a forester, the father of the future poet was the only earner. Therefore, a family that has experienced the loss of a loved one finds itself in a difficult financial situation. Further, the biography of Mayakovsky leads us to Moscow. Vladimir is forced to help his mother earn money. He does not have time for classes, so he cannot boast of academic success. During this period, Mayakovsky disagrees with the teacher. As a result of the conflict, the rebellious nature of the poet first manifests itself, and he loses interest in his studies. The school decides to expel the future genius from school due to poor academic performance.

Biography of Mayakovsky: youthful years

After school, Vladimir joins the Social Democratic Party. During this period, the poet is subjected to several arrests. Vladimir wrote his first poem at this time. After his release, Mayakovsky continues literary creativity. While studying at the gymnasium, the writer meets David Burliuk, who was the founder of a new literary movement - Russian futurism. Soon they become friends, and this leaves an imprint on the theme of Vladimir's work. He supports the futurists, joins their ranks and writes poetry in this genre. The first works of the poet are dated 1912. Soon the well-known tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" will be written. In 1915, work was completed on the most outstanding poem "A Cloud in Trousers".

Biography of Mayakovsky: love experiences

His literary work was not limited to propaganda pamphlets and satirical fables. The theme of love is present in the life and work of the poet. A person lives as long as he experiences a state of love, Mayakovsky believed so. The biography and work of the poet testify to his love experiences. The muse of the writer - Lilya Brik, the closest person to him, was ambiguous in her feelings for the writer. Another great love of Vladimir - Tatyana Yakovleva - never married him.

The tragic death of Mayakovsky

To this day, there are conflicting rumors about the mysterious death of the poet. On April 14, 1930, the writer shot himself in his rented apartment in Moscow under unclear circumstances. Vladimir at that time was 37 years old. Whether it was suicide, or whether Mayakovsky was helped to go to the next world, one can only guess. A brief biography of Mayakovsky contains evidence that confirms any of the versions. One thing is indisputable: the country in one day lost a brilliant poet and a great man.

Many Russian poets - Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and others - paid great attention to the theme of the poet and poetry in their work. Vladimir Mayakovsky was no exception. But this topic was comprehended by the poet at a different time, against the background of the literary development of the 20s of the XX century. Therefore, in Mayakovsky we find a new understanding of this problem. But much of his understanding of the role of the poet and poetry comes precisely from the literary tradition of the 19th century.
Vladimir Mayakovsky was a poet of the revolution, he received it enthusiastically and sang about it. The events that took place in the young Soviet Russia, put forward the task of creating a new art for literature. Mayakovsky tried with all his creativity to answer the demands of modernity. In the poem “Order No. 2 for the Army of the Arts,” he appeals to the workers of the pen with an appeal: “Comrades! Give me a new art, one that will drag the republic out of the mud.” He defined his task as “to shine always, to shine everywhere”. Mayakovsky believed that time demanded from the poet such an effort and such dedication that he would become the luminary of a new life. This expressed the civil position of Mayakovsky. And, despite all the ambiguity of the political events of that time, we can say that this poet served his country. And it is in
In this we see in the work of Mayakovsky a continuation of the literary tradition of the 19th century.
Let's remember what they said about the role of the classical poet. Pushkin called "to burn the hearts of people with the verb" and "called for mercy for the fallen." Lermontov likened poetry military weapons, asserting the effectiveness of the poetic word in the transformation of society. Nekrasov believed that a poet should be, first of all, a citizen. Just such a citizen of his socialist republic and there was Mayakovsky. Speaking about the continuity of his views with the views of writers of the previous century, it should be mentioned that the poet was repeatedly reproached for his supposedly disrespectful attitude towards the classics. Most likely, these reproaches were based on the lines of his poem "Jubilee", in which Mayakovsky mentally refers to Pushkin. In it, the poet says to the great classic: "Now you would have to throw a burry iambic." According to Mayakovsky, the turbulent time in which he lived required a different weapon (“bayonet and fork teeth”). The poet claims that "the battles of revolutions are more serious than Poltava, and love is more grandiose than Onegin's love." These lines indicate that Mayakovsky believed that the new time required new poetry. But this does not mean that he does not recognize the merits of the greatest Russian poet. In the same poem by Mayakovsky we find the following lines:

Alexander Sergeevich,
don't listen to them!
really sorry
what today
you are not alive...
I love you,
but alive
not a mummy.
textbook gloss.
You, in my opinion,
in life
- I think - they also raged,

Poetry in the understanding of Mayakovsky is work. And in the summer the sun looks at such a poet-worker at the dacha. This interesting plot is invented by the poet in the poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”. The allegorical form of this poem helps the poet vividly and figuratively express his understanding of the role of poetry. The purpose of the sun is to shine for people, to support life on earth. The same worker should be a poet. And his mission is just as significant:

Always shine
shine everywhere, until the days of the last bottom,
shine -
and no nails!
Here is my slogan - and the sun!

Vladimir Mayakovsky paid great attention to the professionalism of the poet. The poem “A Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry” is devoted to the problem of poetic mastery. Mayakovsky believed that a real poet, working on a poem, must expend great effort. Only in this case will his word be worthy of being heard (“These words set in motion thousands of years millions of hearts”). “My labor is related to any labor,” Mayakovsky said. He also wrote such well-known lines:

Poetry -
the same extraction of radium, in grams of extraction,
labor per year. harassing
for one word
Thousand tons
verbal ore.

Vladimir Mayakovsky believed that a poet should be the builder of a new life.
In the unfinished poem “Out loud,” the poet sums up his 20-year activity. In form, this work is a conversation between the poet of that time and his descendants. Mayakovsky speaks to those who will live after him, "as living with the living." The poem "Out loud" in its subject matter echoes Pushkin's "Monument" - in it Mayakovsky, just like Pushkin in his famous poem, evaluates his work, its social significance. Mayakovsky, a poet of his time, believes that only he is worthy of remaining in the memory of the people who has devoted himself to building a new, better life.

And all
over the teeth armed troops that twenty years in victories
flew up to
I give you the last sheet
proletarian planet.

Mayakovsky's poem and Pushkin's poem "Monument" were written in different historical eras, but both poets expect that their poetry will be needed by people even after their death. So, Mayakovsky writes:

drowning out
flows of poetry, I will step
through lyrical volumes, as if alive
speaking with the living.

It can be said about Mayakovsky that he really selflessly served people, even despised personal glory:

I do not care
on bronze many-way,
I do not care
on marble slime...
let us
a common memorial
in battles

The political poignancy of these lines has been muted today. But we can say with confidence that Vladimir Mayakovsky really remained in our memory not only as a bright outstanding poet of his time, but also as the creator of an original and unusual poetic style. Many of his poems are topical today. For example, his satire on bureaucrats and opportunists. His lyrics are also interesting, opening up new facets of human feelings to us. It can be said about Mayakovsky that this man was sincere, he believed in what he wrote, and therefore, I think, it was not in vain that he hoped that his “verse would break through the vastness of years with labor.”

Poets have always thought about the purpose of poetic creativity, about the place of the poet in the life of the country, the people. What and for whom a poet should write - these questions arose in ancient times at the same time as poetry itself. Poet or citizen? Poet and citizen? Is the poet a citizen? Is it necessary for a poet - God's chosen one - to also be a citizen?
The great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the poem "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ..." wrote:
And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy on the fallen.
Tragic was the fate of the great Russian poet M. Yu. Lermontov, who did not find a place in life among countless "masks". Loneliness weighed heavily on his poems. About his appointment as a poet, about his poems, he said:
And the recall of noble thoughts
Sounded like a bell on a veche tower
In the days of celebrations and troubles of the people,
The democrat poet N. A. Nekrasov dedicated his best poems to the people, he carried all the burden of work and responsibility of the poet to the end on his shoulders, so that at the end of his life he could proudly say: “I dedicated the lyre to my people.”
The work of Vladimir Mayakovsky represents a new stage in the development of Russian poetry. He became one of the best poets of the early 20th century, a century of profound social change. It was not only breaking time political system but also ethical and aesthetic standards. In his lyrics, the features of the new human personality are most clearly, perhaps even defiantly captured. The hero of Mayakovsky's poetry is both the poet himself and a generalized image of a Russian.
The place of his poetry in the life of his contemporary society, the poet did not immediately and soon. Thinking about the apparent uselessness of the poet among the everyday everyday worries of people, he asks the question:
After all, if the stars are lit, it means -
does anyone need it?
The poet is the same star, and its light serves as a moral guide for people. Inwardly convinced of the need for a poetic word for human soul, Mayakovsky sees the poet's mission in absorbing all the pain of millions of suffering and lonely people and telling the world about it. Addressing those around him, to future generations, the poet declares:
Here I am, all
pain and injury. I bequeath to you an orchard
My great soul!
After the October Revolution, the poet appeals to all artists of the word with an appeal to direct their skills to the education of people: "Comrades, to the barricades - the barricades of hearts and souls." Mayakovsky no longer doubts that the people need his art, that the country needs it. As the captain, who is the soul and heart of the ship, so the poet, in the understanding of Mayakovsky, performs a big and responsible job: he controls the hearts and minds of people on one big ship called the country. Hearts are the same motors. The soul is the same cunning engine.
According to Mayakovsky, people need poetry like the sun. And here it is no coincidence that real poetry is compared with the luminary, which has long been considered a symbol of life on earth, without which there would be neither heat nor light. Poems warm the soul of every person, filling it with the eternal fire of life, making them realize themselves as an integral part of the vast world.
And the sun too:
“You and I, us, comrade, two!
I will pour my sun, and you yours,
In the poem "An Extraordinary Adventure ...", the theme of two suns arises: the sun of light and the sun of poetry. This theme develops further in the work, finding a very accurate and well-aimed embodiment in the poetic image of the "double-barrelled sun", from one trunk of which bursts of light, and from the other - the light of poetry. Before the power of this weapon, "a wall of shadows, a prison of nights" falls prostrate. The poet and the Sun act together, replacing each other. The poet declares that when the Sun "gets tired" and wants to "lie down", he "begins to be able at full speed - and the day rings again."
V. Mayakovsky continues his reflections on poetic work in the poem "A Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry". This work of his is one of the key to understanding what deep meaning the author put into the word "poet". The poem is a playful but passionate monologue - a dispute where Mayakovsky defends his point of view.
First of all, he speaks of the poet as a worker, a man who eats bread for good reason, but is a useful member of society: "My labor is equal to any labor." With these words, the author of the lines wants to say that poetry is not easy, painstaking work, requiring the highest skill and qualification, which needs to be polished every poem like a precious stone so that it "sparkles with all its facets":
Poetry -
the same extraction of radium. In a gram booty,
labor per year.
Issuing a single word for the sake of a thousand tons
verbal ore.
The work of a master poet is justified by the deep impact of a well-aimed word on the minds and hearts of people. Like Pushkin, who saw the poet's task as "burning people's hearts with the verb," ​​so Mayakovsky writes about "the scorching words of this burning."
What if I
people driver
and at the same time -
public servant?
An important feature of the poetry of V. Mayakovsky was that the range of life phenomena reflected in his works was not limited in any way. The poet believed that he was obliged to write about everything that he sees around him, about everything that excites and torments him, because any topic is the knowledge of something new, each poem is a first discovery, and poetry in general is “riding in - "known".
It is possible that Mayakovsky accepted the revolution from a thirst for something new, hitherto unknown, from a desire to keep up with the times, to participate in the creation of a new life, new ideals, and not at all because he deeply believed in the ideas of communism. The revolution "devours" its children. The poet, "stepping on the throat of his own song," turned into a producer of stamps for the singer Mosselprom:
But I myself
humbled, becoming
on the throat
own song.
As well as possible, these lines show Mayakovsky's spiritual struggle, "his painful thoughts. In 1930, shortly before his tragic death, the poet writes the poem "Out loud"", which is, as it were, his poetic testament. It is in this work that we see the true face and real feelings of the poet, who, through the heads of his contemporaries, addresses future generations, to his descendants, promising to tell "about time and about himself." Starting this story, the author is in no hurry to call himself a poet.
: I'm a vacuum cleaner
and water carrier, revolution
mobilized and called
The poet struggles with the dirt and "scum" of life. Why is he a water carrier? Because poetry, like water, is necessary for people, without them no person can develop harmoniously. "Vodovoz" is contrasted with those who "scribble romances", who "mandolin from under the walls", creating literary trinkets to please base bourgeois tastes.
And now, already loudly and clearly calling himself a poet, V. Mayakovsky sharply dissociates himself from all those who consider poetry a purely personal matter. Mayakovsky, fully aware of his significance, claims that his poems will be known to posterity:
my verse
with labor the mass of years will break through and appear
heavy, rough
As in our days
plumbing entered,
made by the slaves of Rome.
The poet turned out to be right: his poems, having passed through time, did not depreciate, and his "sonorous power of a poet" reminds people of the place that the work of the poet and citizen Vladimir Mayakovsky occupies in our literary heritage.

Sections: Literature

Subject. V.Mayakovsky. Life, work, personality of the poet. Pre-October creativity. Mayakovsky in Armavir.

Lesson Objectives:

  • get acquainted with unknown pages biographies, personality and early work of V. Mayakovsky, the innovation of his lyrics, recall previously learned about the poet;
  • develop speech, Creative skills students, the ability to analyze poems;
  • educate interest in the literature and history of their native country, hometown, love for the native word.

Lesson form: lesson - role-playing game using multimedia.

Equipment for the lesson:

the lesson is held in a computer class, slides of photographs of V. Mayakovsky, his family, friends, texts of his poems, a recording of reading poems by the author himself and famous artists, pages of the poet's stay in Armavir are displayed on the screen.



I myself will tell about the time and about myself ...
And I feel - "I" is not enough for me.
Some of me break out stubbornly.
V. Mayakovsky

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Mayakovsky's work has always been the subject of heated debate. These disputes are not only of a narrow literary nature - we are talking about the relationship between art and reality, about the place of the poet in life. Mayakovsky lived a difficult life, never ran away from life, from his youth he created and remade this life. Mayakovsky is one of the brightest names in the literature of the 20th century.

A lot has been written about Mayakovsky. Opinions about him are often polar. Before you are leaflets with three statements about Mayakovsky. Let's get to know them.

Reading statements about Mayakovsky. (Annex 1)

Do not rush to agree with any opinion, first listen to the lesson material, and then draw a conclusion.

And now let's remember who wrote these lines.

baby son
came to his father
and asked the little one:
- What's happened
and what is

Everyone knows these lines from childhood. This is V. Mayakovsky. It turns out that his work is familiar to us from early childhood. Today we will learn new pages of life and creativity, the personality of the poet, we will remember what was previously studied, we will read his early works, we will learn about Mayakovsky's stay in our city.

The epigraph to the lesson will be the words of V. Mayakovsky "I myself will tell about the time and about myself ...". And one more line: “And I feel that “I” is not enough for me. Someone from me breaks stubbornly. During the lesson you will hear lines from the biography of the poet, written by Mayakovsky himself, which is called “I myself”. This rushing out "I" is impossible not to notice in his autobiography.

Today's lesson - role play we will hold in the form of a round table. The creative group received the task in advance to study the life, work and personality of V. Mayakovsky. And now they will present us the result of their work. A literary critic, critic, correspondents, relatives and friends of V. Mayakovsky will be seated at the round table. The main guest is the poet himself.

All students during the lesson keep the necessary notes in order to present a report on the work of the round table at the end of the lesson. On the table, everyone has a form with questions that must be filled out by the end of the lesson. Anyone can ask additional questions to our guest.

So let's start our roundtable. Your questions.

2. Round table meeting.

Correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper. It is known that you were born on July 7, 1893 in the village of Baghdadi, Kutaisi province, Georgia. Your father is Vladimir Konstantinovich, a forester. Mother - Alexandra Alekseevna. Two sisters - Olga and Luda. Tell us about your family, about your childhood.

Mayakovsky. The family belonged to the nobility, but she lived in a very modest income. The free spirit of the Caucasus, friendship and entertainment with Georgian children, trips to the forestry with his father contributed to early maturation and independence.

To study at the gymnasium, the family had to move to Kutaisi. Studied well, made new friends.

But the time has come for 1905. Unrest erupted almost throughout Russia, including in Kutaisi. Together with high school students, I took part in demonstrations and performances.

But soon an event occurred in our family that dramatically changed our lives: on February 19, 1906, my father died of blood poisoning. And in the summer the family moved to Moscow. They lived on their father's pension, rented an apartment and rented out rooms.

In the rooms that the family rented out, student revolutionaries turned out to be tenants. They gathered friends and had conversations and disputes on political topics. I listened to them, then asked them to read “something revolutionary”. They began to take me for one of their own and even entrusted me with something in terms of illegality.

Things didn't go well at the high school. I became more and more involved in communication with the revolutionary youth. And at the beginning of 1908 I left the gymnasium.

Correspondent of the newspaper "Trud". When did you first try to write?

Mayakovsky. In high school, I tried to write. Others write, but I can't?! Began to creak. It turned out incredibly revolutionary and equally ugly. I don't remember a single line. Wrote the second. It came out lyrically. Not considering such a state of the heart compatible with my "socialist dignity", I quit altogether.

Correspondent of the newspaper "Trud". It is known that you have been repeatedly arrested in these years. Why and how did it influence the formation of your worldview?

Mayakovsky. 1908, I am 14 years old - I joined the RSDLP party. Then illegal activities in the printing house, for which he was arrested. When arrested, he ate a notebook with addresses and bound.

Surveillance, communication with professional revolutionaries, reading Marxist literature, more arrests.

For 11 Butyrsky months I reread everything new. Symbolists - Bely, Balmont. Themes, images are not my life.

Came out excited. But how easy it is to write better than them. You just need art experience. Where to get? I am ignorant. I have to go through serious school.

I went to the then party comrade - Medvedev. I want to make socialist art. He laughed for a long time: the gut is thin.

I still think he underestimated my guts. I interrupted party work. I sat down to study.

Correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper. But you began to study painting, which you were fond of from the first years of the gymnasium. How did you get into literature?

D. Burliuk. Allow me to explain. Let me introduce myself: David Burliuk, artist and poet. We met Vladimir at the School of Painting. At first they were bullying - they soon became friends. It was to me that he read his first poems, passing them off as "someone's". I immediately understood whose poems these were, I saw in him a “wild nugget” and the next day I introduced Mayakovsky to my friends as a “genius poet”. This confused him. “Now write. And then you put me in a stupid position, ”I told him. But the word was said about what lived in him as a hidden dream: a poet. It is not at all excluded that he was waiting for this word, and it turned out to be enough to overcome doubts.

Mayakovsky. I always think of David with love. A wonderful friend. My actual teacher. Burliuk made me a poet. He read French and German to me. Shoved books. Walked and talked endlessly. He didn't let go a single step. He gave out 50 kopecks daily. To write without starving.

Literary critic. Yes, nineteen-year-old Mayakovsky abruptly changed his life, as A. Akhmatova said, scandalously breaking into the “stuffy hall” of Russian poetry. And at the end of 1912, Mayakovsky, Burliuk, Khlebnikov and Kruchenykh published an almanac and a manifesto “A Slap in the Face to Public Taste”. The autobiography says: "Russian futurism was born."

Mayakovsky. I want to hear from you how you understand what futurism is.

Student responses. Checking homework.

D. Burliuk: In order to "introduce" the new art into the consciousness of the reading public, we undertook a trip to the cities of Russia. Our speeches were accompanied by noisy scandals, police bans, an unprecedented activity and mostly abusive press, thereby creating a wide popularity for us. M.'s yellow blouse and top hat, his witty retorts beating backhand - answers to "tricky" questions from the audience, and finally, poems that stood out with powerful poetic energy and bright, unexpected metaphors, made him the most prominent figure in our group.

Correspondent of the newspaper "Trud". Read us some of the early lyrics.

Sounds like a recording of Mayakovsky reading a poem “Could you?”

Then the artist V. Woolstyany read a poem.

Dictionary work: nocturne - a small musical work of a lyrical nature.

Teacher. Analysis of the poem "Could you?". Answers on questions.

What images do you find in this poem? (He painted gray everyday life with paint, the oblique cheekbones of a human face resemble sea waves when moving, drainpipes with transverse “ribs” look like a flute, a clarinet - they sound in the wind, rain, become part of the “music of the big city”.)

Which lines are screeching? What is the name of this technique? What sounds are repeated? (Alliteration)

On the scales of a tin fish

I read the calls of new lips.

Pay attention to vocabulary. What did you notice? (Clashing in the semantic series of words of different styles: calls, nocturne, flute and ... glass, jelly, drainpipes.)

Literary critic. This poem is very close in mood to the already well-known poem “ Listen!”, whom we met in the 9th grade. Let's remember him. (Reading the verse by heart. “Listen!”)

Critic: Let me comment on this poem.

A.S. Subbotin believes that the poem “Listen!” - this is a “direct appeal to the listener”: “The poet still has a poor idea of ​​​​his allies, does not distinguish the faces of interested listeners, but he passionately wants them to appear soon, share joy and love, despair and hope with him. In the prayers and assurances of the “anxious, but outwardly calm” character of the poem, who cannot bear the “starless torment”, there are many hidden hopes and desires of the author.

A.A.Mikhailov states: “The world does not reveal its secrets to the poet, and he asks in bewilderment: “Listen!..”. Imperfection, a sharp discrepancy between dreams and reality gave rise to these perplexed questions.

The poet B. Pasternak writes: “I really love the early lyrics of Mayakovsky. Against the backdrop of the then clowning her seriousness, heavy, formidable, complaining, was so unusual. The poet uses here the eternal poetic image - the stars, replacing it with his own - "spitting".

Literary critic S. Bavin writes: “The traditional for Mayakovsky dismissively defiant tone could not hide the cry of pain for the suffering soul of modern man, which was intelligible to a sensitive listener.”

Literary critic. In complete discord with this world, a poem appeared “Nate!”- with its defiant title, it found its addressee in a decent bourgeois public when Mayakovsky read it at the opening of the Pink Lantern cabaret on October 19, 1913.

Reading by heart the poem "Nate!".

Literary critic or teacher. After analyzing these poems, one can name lyrics features Mayakovsky:

Unusual images, form, graphics of the verse, stunning poetic novelty;

He sees the world in colors, in substance, in flesh, connects the incompatible;

He sees more than those around him, his world is bright, sharp, exotic;

Deep lyrics are hidden behind sharpness;

The idea of ​​sacrifice, service to people, art sounds in the verses.

Correspondent of the newspaper "Trud". How did you react to the war of 1914? Did you participate in it?

Mayakovsky. Disgust and hatred for war. War is disgusting. Went to volunteer. They didn't allow it. There is no trustworthiness. Later he did not want to go to war. But they shaved it. Pretend to be a draftsman.

Correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper. And how did you accept the revolution?

Mayakovsky. To accept or not to accept? There was no such question for me (and for other Muscovites-futurists). My revolution.

In the 19th year I go with my things and comrades in factories. Joyful welcome. I went to the ROST campaign.

Correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper. I heard a lot about this side of your activity, I was interested. Here's what I found out. (Student's message from the textbook about GROWTH windows).

Correspondent of the newspaper "Trud". Allow me one personal question. Has there been true love in your life?

Lila Brik. I can answer this question. Let me introduce myself:

Lila Brik.

We met Mayakovsky in 1915. “July 1915. The happiest date. Getting acquainted with L.Yu. and O.M. Brikami,” Mayakovsky wrote many years later in his autobiography. Our house soon became his home, our family his family. Mayakovsky immediately fell in love with me.

Mayakovsky courted me violently, recklessly. He also liked the fact that there was a lady in front of him, a woman of a different circle - elegant, intelligent, educated, completely unknowable, with excellent manners, interesting acquaintances and devoid of any prejudices. We met every day and became inseparable, but his feelings dominated. I was calmer and knew how to keep him at a distance, from which he went crazy. I loved him, but not without memory.

The three of us lived in all apartments in Moscow, in a dacha in Pushkin. At one time they rented a house in Sokolniki and lived there in the winter, because Moscow was cramped. In those years, wedding rings for me were a sign of the bourgeoisie. So we exchanged signet rings. On my ring he engraved the initials LU B. In a circle they were read as LOVE - LOVE. The poet will put these three letters as dedications, the artists will write them into the ornaments on his books.

Our love was not simple, it reached crisis levels more than once. In the years when the revolution broke and revised everything in the world, it seemed that human relations should also find new form, new relationships. In the autumn of 1922, our relations withstood the crisis: we decided to live two months apart. On February 28, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Mayakovsky's "term of imprisonment" expired. At eight o'clock in the evening we met at the station to go together for a few days to Petrograd. Entering the compartment, Mayakovsky read to me the poem “About This,” which he had just finished, and wept…

Mayakovsky saw us for the last time on February 18, 1930, when we were going abroad. We sent the last postcard to Mayakovsky from Amsterdam on April 14, the day of his suicide...

Our love was very difficult. Much in our relationship remains incomprehensible.

Mayakovsky. Let's organize "Lef" (Left Front) - a new literary group. We put forward three new principles of art:

The principle of social order;

The principle of fact literature;

The principle of art-life-building.

In my work I consciously translate myself into newspapermen. I write for Izvestiya, Trud, Rabochaya Moskva. The second work - I continue the interrupted tradition of troubadours and minstrels. I travel around the city and read. Novocherkassk, Kharkov, Paris, Rostov, Berlin, Kazan, etc., etc. For 4 years I gave lectures and poems in 52 cities Soviet Union. I consider personal communication with the readership to be a joyful and exhausting job. Was in the south. By the way, I was also in your provincial town.

P.I. Lavut. Allow me to introduce myself: P.I. Lavutu - the organizer of the poet's performances. I accompanied Mayakovsky everywhere.

Mayakovsky arrived in Armavir on November 30, 1927. He stayed at the "1st Soviet Hotel", located on the site of the current department store.

Sick and overworked, the poet warned not to be disturbed and not to let anyone in, although usually the doors of Vladimir Vladimirovich were wide open for everyone. However, the public, having learned about Mayakovsky's arrival, did not want to recognize any prohibition, other persistent visitors knocked for a long time and demandingly on the locked door of the room, so that I, the organizer of the poet's performances, had to explain myself.

In the evening, the cinema “Mars”, filled mainly with young people, buzzed excitedly. Finally, the lights in the auditorium went out. And then Mayakovsky appeared before the audience - tall, young, energetic. Everyone looked at the poet with curiosity. Literature teacher S.V. Kiranov, who was present at this evening, recalled in 1951: “Mayakovsky began to read in a slightly breaking voice, apparently very worried (and the illness, of course, made itself felt), but after a minute another his voice grew stronger, words and lines uttered them, have acquired crushing power.” After each poem, the audience applauded warmly. The Armavir audience was greatly impressed by such poems as “Letter to Gorky”, “Letter to Yesenin”, “Left March”. Then Mayakovsky began to read an excerpt from the poem "Good!".

The performance of the poet found a wide response from the public. 222 tickets were sold for Mayakovsky's evening. At the end of the evening, which dragged on until late at night, something like a dispute took place. 38 notes submitted to Vladimir Vladimirovich at the evening are now stored in State Museum V.V. Mayakovsky in Moscow. Here are some of them: “Why is your group called the “left front”?”, “What is left in Lef?”, “Comrade. Mayakovsky, are you a party member or not? And if not, why not?"

In the verbal tournament, Mayakovsky was invincible. Possessing phenomenal resourcefulness and wit, he mercilessly smashed opponents. The speeches of the participants in the dispute reflected conflicting assessments of the poet's work. Some said that Mayakovsky's poetry was incomprehensible and difficult for the broad masses, that Mayakovsky needed to "simplify himself." Others argued that the poet is quite understandable to the masses.

Joyful Mayakovsky returned to the hotel. The poet was satisfied with the meeting with the readers. On December 4, 1927, the district newspaper “Trudovoy Put” wrote about Mayakovsky’s speech: “Unfortunately, the Armavir audience did not have to fully get acquainted with the entire poem“ Good! ”, since Mayakovsky, due to illness, read only certain places ...”. And then the newspaper continues: “His speech in Armavir, undoubtedly, represents an event that cannot be passed by. The Armavir public, to a certain extent having a chaotic idea of ​​Mayakovsky, had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with his work and poetry. And it is only necessary to regret that the poet's speech, on the occasion of his illness, in Armavir was not complete and short.

About stay in Armavir V.V. Mayakovsky, his speech to a wide readership is reminiscent of a marble plaque installed on the cinema building at 129 Komsomolskaya Street. The inscription reads: “In this building on November 30, 1927 V.V. One of the streets of Armavir bears the name of a talented Soviet poet.

Mayakovsky. On this, let me say goodbye, I have urgent business ahead of me. Goodbye, comrades.

Correspondent of the newspaper "Working Moscow". Korney Chukovsky rightly remarked: "It is very difficult to be Mayakovsky." The last segment of the poet's life is painted in gloomy colors. Living together with Osip and Lilya Brik began to weigh on the poet. He did not betray revolutionary ideals, but faith in them was increasingly undermined by the emerging totalitarian system of power. There was a sharp struggle in literature. In the play "Bedbug" official criticism smelled "anti-Soviet odor", and in "Bath" found "A mocking attitude towards our reality ...". The exhibition “20 Years of Work” was boycotted by the press and writers. Mayakovsky fell ill, the doctors forbade him to speak. All these events were pulled together in a tight knot. Sick, torn, with difficulty overcoming nervous tension, the poet seeks solace in meetings with the Moscow Art Theater actress Veronika Polonskaya, a sweet, charming young woman in love with him. He wants to start his own normal family. But even here, being in an excited state, rushing things, he cannot bring his relationship with her to harmony.

On April 4, 1930, at the age of 36, Mayakovsky committed suicide with a shot from a revolver. In his suicide letter, he wrote ... (A note is read out. Appendix 2)

But no one will ever know what was the last motive for this act.

3. The final word of the teacher.

Thanks to all participants of the round table. You have done a great job. Special thanks to our Mayakovsky. In his words you heard lines from the poet's autobiography “I myself”.

Mayakovsky... Who else combined so many irreconcilable contradictions! He torn away the culture of the past, and he was torn away from culture. He was erected on a pedestal, he was admired, he was idolized and glorified - he was slandered and mocked. He was loved and hated.

Both in strength and in weaknesses, he appeared as a man of ultimate self-giving. He did not give half of himself to any idea, to any cause, he gave himself all or nothing. He came into the world for life, for struggle, he is oversaturated with the energy of action: “And I feel that “I” is not enough for me. Someone from me breaks stubbornly.

And now you draw a conclusion and choose one of the statements about Mayakovsky with which you can agree. Fill out the form with questions, hand it in. (Annex 3)

All participants of the round table receive marks.

Homework: talk about Mayakovsky, read the poem "A Cloud in Pants", the plays "Bug" and "Bath".


1. N.V. Egorova. Lesson developments in Russian literature. Grade 11. Moscow, Wako, 2005

2. V.V. Mayakovsky. Autobiography "I myself". Works: In 2 volumes. Moscow, 1987. Vol. 1.

Vladimir Mayakovsky is the flame of the 20th century. His poetry is inseparable from his life. However, behind the peppy Soviet slogans of Mayakovsky the revolutionary, one can discern another Mayakovsky - a romantic knight, a theurgist, a crazy genius in love.

Below is a brief biography of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.


In 1893, the future great futurist Vladimir Mayakovsky was born in the village of Baghdati in Georgia. They said about him: a genius. They shouted about him: a charlatan. But no one could deny that he had an incredible influence on Russian poetry. He created a new style that was inseparable from the spirit of the Soviet era, from the hopes of that era, from people living, loving and suffering in the USSR.

This was a man of contradiction. They will say about him:

This is a complete mockery of beauty, tenderness and God.

They will say about him:

Mayakovsky has always been and remains the best and most talented poet of our Soviet era.

By the way, this beautiful photo is a fake. Mayakovsky, unfortunately, never met Frida Kahlo, but the idea of ​​their meeting is wonderful - they are both like rebellion and fire.

One thing is for sure: a genius or a charlatan - Mayakovsky will forever remain in the hearts of Russian people. Some like him for the briskness and impudence of his lines, others for the tenderness and desperate love that hides in the depths of his style. His broken, torn from the shackles of writing, crazy style, which is so similar to real life.

Life is a struggle

Mayakovsky's life was a struggle from beginning to end: in politics, in art and in love. His first poem is the result of a struggle, a consequence of suffering: it was written in prison (1909), where he ended up for his social democratic convictions. He started his creative way, admiring the ideals of the revolution, and finished it, mortally disappointed in everything: everything in it is a web of contradictions, a struggle.

He passed like a red thread through history and art and left his mark on subsequent works. It is impossible to write a modernist poem without referring to Mayakovsky.

The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky is, in his own words:

But there is something else behind this rough, warlike façade.

short biography

When he was only 15 years old, he joined the RSDLP (b), enthusiastically engaged in propaganda.

From 1911 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Major poems (1915): "A Cloud in Trousers", "Flute-Spine" and "War and Peace". These works are full of delight before the coming, and then the ensuing revolution. The poet is full of optimism.

1918-1919 - revolution, he is actively involved. Issues posters "Windows of satire ROSTA".

In 1923 he became the founder of the creative association LEF (Left Front of the Arts).

Mayakovsky's later works Bedbug (1928) and Bathhouse (1929) are a sharp satire on Soviet reality. Mayakovsky is disappointed. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for his tragic suicide.

In 1930, Mayakovsky committed suicide: he shot himself, leaving a suicide note in which he asked not to blame anyone. He is buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.


Irina Odoevtseva wrote about Mayakovsky:

Huge, with a round, short-cropped head, he looked more like a strong hooker than a poet. He read poetry in a completely different way than was customary with us. More like an actor, although - which the actors never did - not only observing, but also emphasizing the rhythm. His voice—the voice of a meeting tribune—at one time thundered so that the glass rang, then cooed like a pigeon and murmured like a forest stream. Stretching out his huge hands in a theatrical gesture towards the stunned listeners, he passionately offered them:

Do you want me to be mad from meat

And like the sky, changing in tones,

Do you want me to become unspeakably gentle, -

Not a man, but a cloud in his pants? ..

Mayakovsky's character is visible in these lines: he is first of all a citizen, not a poet. First of all, he is a tribune, an activist of rallies. He is an actor. His early poetry is, accordingly, not a description, but a call to action, not a statement, but a performative. Not so much art as real life. This applies, at least, to his public poems. They are expressive and metaphorical. Mayakovsky himself admitted that he was impressed by the poems of Andrei Bely "He launched a pineapple into the sky":

low bass.

launched a pineapple.

And, having described the arc,

illuminating the neighborhood

the pineapple fell

beaming into the unknown.

But there is also a second Mayakovsky, who wrote without being impressed by either Bely or the revolution - he wrote from the inside, desperately in love, unhappy, tired - not a warrior Mayakovsky, but a gentle knight Mayakovsky, an admirer of Lilichka Brik. And the poetry of this second Mayakovsky is strikingly different from the first. Poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky are full of piercing desperate tenderness, not healthy optimism. They are sharp and sad, in contrast to the positive cheerfulness of his Soviet poetic appeals.

Mayakovsky the warrior proclaimed:

Read! Envy! I am a citizen! Soviet Union!

Mayakovsky the knight clanged his shackles and sword, vaguely reminiscent of the theurgist Blok, drowning in his purple worlds:

The fence of the mind is broken by confusion,

I am roaring despair, burning feverishly...

How did two of these get along? different person in one Mayakovsky? It's hard to imagine and impossible not to imagine. Without this internal struggle in him, there would not be such a genius.


These two Mayakovskys got along, probably because they were both driven by passion: one had a passion for Justice, and the other for a femme fatale.

Perhaps it is worth dividing the life of Vladimir Mayakovsky into two main periods: before and after Lilichka Brik. It happened in 1915.

She looked like a monster to me.

So wrote about her famous poet Andrei Voznesensky.

But Mayakovsky loved this one. With a whip...

He loved her - fatal, strong, "with a whip", and she said about him that when she made love with Osya, she locked Volodya in the kitchen, and he "rushed, wanted to us, scratched at the door and cried ..."

Only such madness, incredible, even perverted suffering could give rise to poetic lines of such power:

Don't do this, dear, good, let's say goodbye now!

So the three of them lived, and eternal suffering spurred the poet on new brilliant lines. In addition, there were other things, of course. There were trips to Europe (1922-24) and America (1925), as a result of which the poet had a daughter, but Lilichka always remained the same, the only one, until April 14, 1930, when, having written "Lily, love me", the poet shot himself, leaving a ring engraved with LOVE - Lilia Yuryevna Brik. If you twirl the ring, it turned out the eternal "I love love love." He shot himself in defiance of his own lines, his eternal declaration of love, which made him immortal:

And I won’t throw myself into the span, and I won’t drink poison, and I won’t be able to pull the trigger over my temple ...

creative heritage

The work of Vladimir Mayakovsky is not limited to his dual poetic heritage. He left behind slogans, posters, plays, performances and film scripts. He actually stood at the origins of advertising - Mayakovsky made it what it is now. Mayakovsky came up with a new meter - the ladder - although some argue that this meter was generated by the desire for money: the editors paid for the poems line by line. One way or another, it was an innovative step in art. Vladimir Mayakovsky was also an actor. He himself directed the film "The Young Lady and the Hooligan" and played a major role there.

However, in last years failure pursued him. His plays Bedbug and Bathhouse failed, and he slowly sank into depression. An adept of cheerfulness, fortitude, struggle, he scandalized, quarreled and indulged in despair. And in early April 1930, the magazine "Press and Revolution" removed the greeting to the "Great Proletarian Poet" from the press, and rumors spread: he wrote himself. This was one of the last blows. Mayakovsky took the failure hard.


Many streets in Russia, as well as metro stations, are named after Mayakovsky. There are metro stations "Mayakovskaya" in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. In addition, theaters and cinemas are named after him. One of the largest libraries in St. Petersburg also bears his name. Also discovered in 1969, a minor planet was named after him.

The biography of Vladimir Mayakovsky did not end after his death.