Literary quizzes on the work of Tatar poets and writers. M




(1886 – 1913)

2. In which village was he born? (In the village of Kushlavuch).

3. What village did the poet consider his small homeland? (Kyrlay village).

4. Who raised Gabdulla when his mother got married and left? (Old woman Sharif).

5. In what year does Gabdulla come to Uralsk? (In 1895).

6. What was the name of his aunt who lived in Uralsk? (Gaziza).

7. Who was the first to teach Gabdulla the rules of versification? (Motygulla hazret, teacher of the madrasah in Uralsk).

8. When does Tukay return to “radiant Kazan”? (In 1907).

9. With which of the figures of Tatar literature did Tukay make friends and work in Kazan? (With G. Kamal, F. Amirkhan, S. Ramiev, G. Kariev and others).

10. In what year were the first poems of the poet published? (In 1905).

12. What Russian poets influenced Tukay's work? (A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.A. Nekrasov).

13. What verses of the poet are set to music? (“ Native language”, “Pair of horses”, “Elluks”, “Today is a holiday”, etc.)


(1878 – 1954)

1. When and where was Gayaz Iskhaki born? (February 10 (22), 1878 in the village of Yaushirma, Kazan province, in the family of a mullah).

2. Which of the future writers was G. Iskhaki's classmate in the Tatar teacher's school? (Gafur Kullakhmetov).

3. On April 21, 1906, a Tatar performance based on the play by G. Iskhaki was staged for the first time in Ufa. What was the name of this play? (“Life with three wives”).

4. What drama by G. Iskhaki describes the sad pages of the history of the Tatar people? (In the drama "Zuleikha").

5. In what work of the writer, included in school curriculum, Tatar folk customs and traditions are described? (In the story “Syunnetche babai”).

6. What works of G. Iskhaki are devoted to the problems of morality? (“Son of Bai”, “Girl sewing skullcaps”).

7. Which of the Russian writers was an example for G. Iskhaki? (L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev).

8. Which of the literary critics is studying the life and work of G. Iskhaki? (Ibrahim Nurullin, Azat Akhmadullin, Foat Galimullin).

9. How is the name of the writer connected with the city of Orenburg? (In 1902, Gayaz Iskhaki taught at the Khusainia madrasah).

10. In which country did G. Iskhaki die? (In Turkey).


(1879 – 1933)

2. What was the name of the bookstore where the future playwright worked? (“Magarif” - “Enlightenment”).

3. Name the date of birth of the Tatar professional theater. (December 22, 1906, the first Tatar performance was staged in Kazan).

4. Name the first work of G. Kamal. (Drama "Unfortunate young man").

5. What satirical magazine was published in 1908 by G. Kamal and G. Tukay? (“Yashen” - “Lightning”).

6. In what year was the Tatar theater named after G. Kamal? (In 1939).

7. Who wrote the article “To the 10th anniversary of Galiaskar Kamal? (Gabdulla Tukay).

8. How is the work of G. Kamal assessed in this article? (Tukay calls him “Tatar Ostrovsky”).

9. With which play by M. Gorky can the drama “The Unfortunate Young Man” be compared? (With the play "At the bottom").

10. What is the name of the main character in the comedy "Bankrupt"? (Sirazetdin).

11. The play of which Russian playwright inspired the writing of the comedy “Bankrupt”? (The play by A.N. Ostrovsky “Own people - let's settle”).

12. In what year was Galiaskar Kamal awarded the title of “People's Playwright of Tatarstan”? (In 1926).

13. How many plays did G.Kamal write? (Over thirty pieces).


(1887 – 1938)

  1. When and where was G. Ibragimov born? (March 13, 1887 in the village of Sultanmuratovo, Avyrgazinsky district of Bashkortostan).

  2. What was the title of his first published work? (“The Expulsion of Shakird Zaki from the Madrasah”, published in 1907).

  3. How is the name of the writer connected with the city of Orenburg? (In 1899-1906 he studied in Orenburg at the Vali Mullah madrasah).

  4. In what major cities visited and lived writer? (In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kazan, Ufa, Orenburg, Sukhumi, Odessa, Sevastopol, Yalta, Feodosia, Kerch).

  5. In what years did G. Ibragimov study and teach at the Ufa madrasah “Galia”? (In 1906-1909 he studied, in 1915-1917 he taught the Tatar language and literature).

  6. What was the name of the writer's first novel? (“Young Hearts”).

  7. Who was the prototype of Salih, an eleven-year-old shakird, in the story “The Beginning of Spring”? (G. Ibragimov himself).

  8. What play was staged at the Tatar State Theater in 1920? (“Young Hearts”).

  9. What are the main characters in the story "Red Flowers"? (Sultan, Shahbaz, Gilazhi, Gali, Fazyl).

  10. Which of the Russian writers did Ibragimov meet in 1935 in Yalta? (With F. Gladkov and V. Bakhmetiev).

  11. What languages ​​have the writer's works been translated into? (Into Russian, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Kazakh, Uzbek, Uighur, Tajik, Turkmen, Chuvash languages).

  12. Which Russian writers called G. Ibragimov “the titan of Tatar literature”? (A. Fadeev, F. Gladkov, L. Sobolev).

  13. When was the novel "Deep Roots" first published in Moscow in Russian? (In 1931).

  14. Who painted the painting “G. Tukay and G. Ibragimov”? (Bashkir artist Mukhammed Usmanov).

  15. What magazines published in the Tatar language in Kazan were created and edited by G. Ibragimov? (“Beznen il” - “Our Motherland” and “Magarif” - “Enlightenment”).

  16. Who translated the works of G. Ibragimov into Russian? (Gulsum Mukhammedova).

  17. What works about G. Ibragimov were written by his wife, candidate of biological sciences, doctor, writer Gulsum Mukhammedova? (“Big Life”, “The Boy from Avyrgazy”, “Days of Youth”, “Bumpy Straight Road”).

  18. What is the name of the main character in the story "The Shepherds"? (Wahit).

  19. Which of the Tatar writers said: “If Tukay opened poetry to the Tatar people, then Ibragimov opened prose to them”? (Gumer Bashirov).

  20. Under what pseudonyms did G. Ibragimov publish? (“Gabdi”, “Son of Girfan”, “Girfan-zade”, “G.I.”).

  21. What novels of the writer do you know? (“Young Hearts”, “Our Days”, “Deep Roots”, “Daughter of the Steppe”).

  22. Which of the Tatar artists who illustrated the works of the writer do you know? (T. Khaziakhmetov, I. Akhmadiev).


(1906 – 1944)

1. Where and when was Musa Jalil born? (In the village of Mustafino, Sharlyksky district, Orenburg region, February 15, 1906).

2. What was the name of Musa's first poem and when was it published? (“Happiness” in 1919).

3. Under what pseudonym was the first poem published? (“Little Jalil”).

4. What year did Musa study at military school Orenburg? (In 1921).

5. In what year does he come to Kazan? (In 1922).

6. In what years did he study at the Tatar workers' faculty at the Kazan Eastern Pedagogical Institute? (From August 1923 to 1925).

7. In what year did Musa receive his certificate as a correspondent for the newspapers Krasnaya Molodyozh and Molodoy Leninets?

8. In what year was the first book of the poet "Let's go" published? (In 1925).

9. When was the first collection of poems "Friend" published? (In 1928).

10. In what year was Musa Jalil elected chairman of the Union of Writers of Tatarstan? (In 1939).

11. The poet translated an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin's poem "Gypsies". Which composer wrote the music for these poems? (Latif Hamidi).

12. In what year was the poem "The Letter Bearer" written? (In 1938).

13. Which of the composers wrote the operas “Altinchech” (“Golden-Haired”) and “Ildar” to the libretto of M. Jalil? (Nazip Zhiganov).

14. When was the poet's collection “The Artilleryman's Oath” published? (In 1942)

15. When Musa Jalil was captured? (In June 1942).

16. What are the names of 10 friends of M. Jalil, who were executed with him on the same day. (Gainan Kurmash, Foat Saifulmulyukov, Abdulla Alish, Fuat Bulatov, Garif Shabaev, Akhmet Simaev, Abdulla Battalov, Zinnat Khasanov, Akhat Atnashev, Salim Bokharov).

18. Who said about Jalil: “Peace and world literature many poets are known who immortalized their names with unfading glory, but there are not so many such as the poet-hero Musa Jalil, who immortalized his name with both immortal creations and death, which itself is a feat. Here they are: the great Byron, the glorious national poet of Hungary Petofi, the hero Julius Fucik and, finally, Musa Jalil”? (Azerbaijani poet Samed Vurgun).

19. What poem by M. Jalil are these lines from?

“I'm waiting for a cold winter - and I.

She's coming to me right now.

My life will not be restored.

Let my song rise like a flower.” (“Tomb of a flower”).

20. What poems are these lines from?

“I don’t care about your happiness and death,

I will meet her with a smile.”

(“To my daughter Chulpan”).

“If they bring you news about me,

They will say: “He died, Musa is already dead ...”

("Do not believe!)

“Run, children! Here and there

Cups of flowers are opened for you.”


“Barakov chains and loose sand

They are surrounded by thorns.”


“Forgive me, your private,

The smallest part of you...”

(“Sorry, Motherland!”)

"It's lonely on the road

The oak tree grows for a thousand years.”

22. How many poems are in Musa Jalil's Moabit Notebooks? (93 poems).

23. Who handed over the first notebook of the Moabit cycle to the Union of Writers of Tatarstan? (Former prisoner of war N. Teregulov brought a notebook in 1946).

24. Who handed over the second notebook and when? (Belgian Andre Timmermans, Jalil's neighbor in a prison cell, handed over the notebook in 1946).


(1909 – 2000)

1.When and where was Amirkhan Eniki born? (March 2, 1909 in the village of Kargaly, Blagovarsky district of Bashkortostan).

2. Where did his children and school years? (In the village of Davlekan).

3. When did A. Eniki come to Kazan? (In 1925).

4. What genre did the writer work in at the beginning creative activity? (In the genre of the story).

5. Did Amirkhan Eniki participate in the war? (Yes, I did).

6. Where did the future writer have to work? (A courier in a bookstore, a teacher in the Donbass, at the Kazan fur factory).

7. In what year did A. Eniki become a professional writer? (In 1953).

8. What natural gift did Amirkhan Eniki possess? (He was able to see the future of the historical process).

9. What is the genre of the work “The Unspoken Testament”? (The author called it a story, and critics evaluate it as a story).

10. In what work did A. Eniki describe the youthful years of the famous Tatar composer Salih Saydashev? (In the story "Gulyandam").

11. What works of the writer attract readers with their “natural” titles? (“Swamp Flower”, “Haze”, “Poppy Flower”, “Native Land”, “Night Drops”).

12. What work did A. Eniki write for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the sculptor Baki Urmanche? (“Personality”).

13. What Russian writers did Amirkhan Eniki like to read? (Works by A. Chekhov, I. Bunin).

14. What languages ​​have the writer's works been translated into? (Into Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Bashkir, Chuvash, Arabic, etc.).

15. In what years were memoirs, biographical works written? (In the 80s).

16. In what genre is the work written? The last book"? (Autobiographical story).

17. What work of the writer reflects his views on life and helps us to present him as a person? (“Knots of memory”).

18. What awards did the writer receive for many years of work? (A. Eniki is a laureate of the G. Tukay State Prize of Tatarstan, a national writer of Tatarstan, a laureate of the G. Iskhaki Prize).

Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky municipal area

MBOU "Makulovskaya secondary comprehensive school"

teacher Tatar language and literature

Mannapova Zulfira Ildusovna

Quiz dedicated to the life and work of Musa Jalil

Musa Jalil in our hearts

Dying, the hero will not die -

Courage will last forever.

He glorified his name with struggle,

So that it is not silent on the lips

Musa Jalil is one of the great poets of the Tatar people. In addition to his poetic creativity, he left an example of courage and heroism. Not only his poetry, but his life and tragic fate are examples of resilience.

Musa Jalil and his fate do not remain a narrow topic for Tatar literature and the Tatar people. His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, and works far beyond the borders of Tatarstan and Russia are devoted to his fate.

The fate of every nation, as well as in human history, has "eternal themes" to which it is simply necessary to return constantly so as not to lose the thread of history.

This year, on August 25, 2014, it will be 70 years since the death of the poet and his associates. We dedicate our quiz to the hero-poet of the Tatar people Musa Jalil.

Let's start our game.

1 round. Childhood . In the vastness of the Orenburg steppes, a small Tatar village was lost. In winter, it is covered almost to the roofs of houses with snowdrifts. In summer, the sun beats down mercilessly. In the very center, on a hill, there is a bust of Musa Jalil. At the foot of the bust are fresh flowers. Not far away, at the descent to the river, is a neatly whitewashed house under slate

Questions: 1. What is the name of the village where Musa Jalil was born? (Mustafino)

2. In what year was he born? (1906)

3. What kind of child was in the family? (6)

4. At what age did you go to school? (6 years)

Round 2 Family . Rahima was demanding of children, did not indulge and did not indulge their weaknesses. Every now and then the mother repeated: “A real person is only one who first of all thinks about others, and not about himself.” She was gifted and talented in her own way, although she remained illiterate all her life. As a girl, she was the first singer in the village, she knew many folk songs.

Question: 1. What was the name of the poet's mother? (Rahima)

2. To whom wasAndThese lines are addressed to: (Daughters of Chulpan)

3. What was the name of M.D's wifeandalila. (Amina)

4. The real name of Musa? (Zalilov)

3 round. Creation . Impressive, vividly reacting to the events of life, well-read for years, Musa began to write poetry early. Musa's cousin and friend of his childhood games, Maryam Sayfetdinova, told how, under great secrecy, Musa confessed to her that he dreams of becoming a poet, like Tukay. He pulled out from his bosom a sheet of notebook paper, covered with beautiful, clear handwriting, and, taking her word of honor that she would not tell anyone, read two poems. One of them described the nature of his native village. Another was dedicated to the spring sun. These were the very first poetic experiments of M. Jalil.

Question: 1. In what edition were the first poems of the poet published? (A red star)

2. What works of M. Jalil do you know? ("Rooster", "Clock", "Sleep in Jail"

"Red Daisy", "Barbarians")

3. What magazines did he work for? (Little Comrades, October Boy)

Round 4 War years. In captivity. Military commissar Jalil worked in the newspaper a lot and with enthusiasm. Often visited the front line, collecting the necessary material. I walked 20-25 kilometers a day. “Only on the front line can you see the right heroes, draw material, follow the combat facts, without which it is impossible to make a newspaper operational and combat,” Jalil wrote from the front. - My life now passes in a combat situation and in painstaking work and campaign.

Questions: 1. What was the name of the newspaper where he worked as a correspondent? (Courage)

2. How did Jalil get captured? (in battle, the division was surrounded)

3. Who do you think these lines were addressed to, what made him


If they bring you news about me,

They will say: “He is a traitor! betrayed the motherland,

Don't believe me dear! The word is

Friends will not tell if they love me.

Who do you think these lines were addressed to, what made him

write? (To his wife Amina, he learned that in his homeland he is considered a traitor)

5. What are the names of those who were executed with him? (Jalilovtsy)

Round 5 Moabite notebooks. - With deep emotion we read the dying lines of Musa Jalil: “... This was written by the famous poet Musa Jalil to the Tatar people. Having experienced all the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp, not submitting to the fear of forty deaths, he was brought to Berlin. He will be sentenced to death. He will die... But he will have 115 verses written in captivity. He worries about them. If this notebook falls into your hands... save it and report it to Kazan after the war... This is my testament. Musa Jalil.

This will was left by the poet before his death. Not all the poems of Musa Jalil returned to their homeland and have come down to us. In the conditions of a fascist prison, he could not record all of his songs. They died with the poet. But many of them remained in the memory of the poet's friends. Musa's poems went among the captives: the prisoners of the camp memorized them, knew them by heart.

Questions: 1. Why are notebooks called "Moabite"? (Moabit Prison)

2. Who saved and handed over to our embassy one of the poet's notebooks?

(André Timmermans).

3. For what and in what year was the title of hero awarded Soviet Union

poet M. Jalil. (For work in a secret organization, in 1956.)

4. What are the sights of the city dedicated to Musa Jalil?

(In Kazan there is a house-museum of Mussa Jalil. In Kazan there is a monument to Musa

Jalil, which is located near the Kremlin. There is a street in Kazan called

in his honor)

"...I'm not afraid of death. This is not an empty phrase. When we say that we despise death, we really do. When the thought of death comes, you think like this: there is still life after death. Not the “life in the next world” that the priests and mullahs preached. We know it doesn't. And there is life in the minds, in the memory of the people. If during my life I did something important, immortal, then I deserved this other life - “life after death”. Because they will talk about me, write about me, put portraits, what good. If I deserve it, then why be afraid of death? The purpose of life is this: to live in such a way that even after death you do not die.

Our quiz is over. Thank you for your active participation.

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Musa Jalil is one of the great poets of the Tatar people. In addition to his poetic creativity, he left an example of courage and heroism. Not only his poetry, but his life and tragic fate are examples of resilience.

We invite you to answer the questions and tasks of the quiz-competition.

1. A small Tatar village is lost in the vastness of the Orenburg steppes. In winter, it is covered almost to the roofs of houses with snowdrifts. In summer, the sun beats down mercilessly. In the very center, on a hill, there is a bust of Musa Jalil. At the foot of the bust are fresh flowers. Not far away, at the descent to the river, is a neatly whitewashed house under slate. Once upon a time there was another house in this place, in which Jalil was born on February 15, 1906.

Question: What is the name of the village where Musa Jalil was born?

Answer: Mostafa

2. Musa was the sixth child in the family of a peasant, and later the owner of a small grocery store. Like all peasant children, he ran barefoot on the dewy grass, herded geese, walked at night, and swam in the shallow and winding river Net, which flowed not far from the village. He listened to the drawn-out Tatar songs that his mother sang.

Question: What were the names of Musa's parents.

Answer:әtise - Mostafa, әnise - Rakhim apa

3. Mustafa Abzy dreamed of happiness all his life, and all his life he was pursued by failures. Often for months he sat without work, and the family - without a piece of bread. And yet, Mustafa Abzy did everything to give his children an education. They managed to arrange in the madrasah.

Question: In which madrasah did Musa study?

Answer:“Khөsәnia” madrәsәse

4. Reading was perhaps Musa's strongest and most constant hobby. There was a library not far from the madrasah. Here, on a quiet street with an old cobblestone pavement and a sidewalk of worn stone slabs, Musa was drawn like a wasp to honey. The library was located in a small 2-storey building.

Question: From the first days of studying at the madrasah, Musa fell in love with another subject. Name the item. This passion helped the poet to develop powers of observation.

Answer: Drawing

5. Impressive, responsive to the events of life, well-read for years, Musa began to write poetry early. Musa's cousin and friend of his childhood games, Maryam Sayfetdinova, told how, under great secrecy, Musa confessed to her that he dreams of becoming a poet, like Tukay. He pulled out from his bosom a sheet of notebook paper, covered with beautiful, clear handwriting, and, taking her word of honor that she would not tell anyone, read two poems. One of them described the nature of his native village. Another was dedicated to the spring sun. These were the very first poetic experiments of M. Jalil.

Question: At what age did M. Jalil write his first poems?

Answer: 6-7

6. In August 1919, the Tatar newspaper Kyzyl Yulduz (Red Star) began to appear in Orenburg. It was there that Jalil's first published poem "Happiness" was published.

Question: What name was it signed with?

Answer: Little Jalil

7. In 1927, Jalil was elected a member of the Tatar-Bashkir section of the Komsomol Central Committee. He moves to Moscow. Soon the Central Committee of the Komsomol appoints Musa the executive editor of the Tatar children's magazine. There were few writers writing for children, there was always a shortage of material. Musa writes poetry, ballads and poems for children, attracts well-known writers, artists, composers to work in the magazine, and creates a wide network of young correspondents.

Question: What was the name of the Tatar children's magazine, whose editor was Musa Jalil?

Answer:"October balasy"

8. Wherever he works, he everywhere shows young enthusiasm, inexhaustible energy. But the creative plans of the poet were not destined to come true. The Great Patriotic War.

Question: On what fronts did Musa fight?

Answer: on the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts

9. When Musa was in captivity, he often had a dream. And he shared this with his interlocutor Anvar Galim: “Do you know how I left the camp, a day later I dream of my wife, it worries me. I had such a dream: as if she was sitting on the stairs of an unfamiliar house and, shouting: “Criminal, criminal!”, Runs away from me. And in another dream I saw my wife come to Berlin and look for me. It turned out that she was sent to kill, to poison her traitor husband. I had many such nightmares. In each of them my wife torments me, in each she curses me. I think something bad happened to my family. Probably, having learned that I was in Berlin, they ruined my family.

Apparently he had a presentiment and composed a poem addressed to his wife.

Question: name this poem

Answer: If they bring you news about me,

They will say: “He is a traitor! Betrayed the motherland! -

Don't believe me dear! The word is

Friends will not tell if they love me.

I took a machine gun and went to fight,

In battle for you and for the Motherland.

Would you like to change? And my Fatherland?

What will remain in my life?

10. In one of his letters to his friend G. Kashshaf from the Volkhov front, Jalil mentions his "Ballad of the Last Cartridge". We do not know the content of this work, but, apparently, it was about the last cartridge that political instructor Jalil kept for himself as a last resort. But everything turned out differently. Seriously wounded, stunned by the blast wave, he fell into the hands of the enemy.

Question: Under what surname did Jalil pretend to be in captivity?

Answer: Gumerov

11. In May 1945, one of the units Soviet troops, who stormed Berlin, broke into the courtyard of the Nazi prison Moabit. There was no one there - no guards, no prisoners. The wind carried scraps of papers and rubbish across the empty yard. One of the fighters drew attention to a piece of paper with familiar Russian letters. He picked it up, smoothed it out (it turned out to be a page torn from some German book) and read the following lines: “I, the famous Tatar writer Musa Jalil, have been imprisoned in the Moabit prison as a prisoner who has been charged with political charges, and I probably will soon shot. If any of the Russians get this recording, let them say hello from me to my fellow writers in Moscow. Then came the enumeration of the names of the writers to whom the poet sent his last greetings, and the address of the family.

Thus, the first news about the deed of the Tatar patriot poet came to his homeland. Shortly after the end of the war through France and Belgium, the poet's songs also returned - two small homemade notebooks containing about a hundred poems. These poems are now world famous.

Question: What are these poems called?

Answer: " Moabite Notebook"

12. A cycle of poems written in captivity, namely a notebook that played a major role in the "discovery" of the poetic feat of Musa Jalil and his comrades, was preserved by a member of the anti-fascist resistance, who was in the same cell with Jalil in the Moabit prison. On their last meeting, Musa said that he and a group of his Tatar comrades would soon be executed, and gave the notebook to him, asking him to take it to his homeland.

Question: To whom was the notebook given?

Answer: Belgian Andre Timmermans

13. On August 25, 1944, by the verdict of the Second Imperial Court of the Third Reich, members of the Tatar underground group of the Idel-Ural legion, who went down in history as the Jalilovites, were executed by guillotine in the Berlin Pletzensee prison.

Question: How many were there? Name at least one of them

14. For exceptional stamina and courage shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, senior political officer Musa Jalil was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

Question: In what year was Jalil awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union?

Answer: 1956

15. In 1957, for the cycle of poems "Moabit Notebook" he - the first among poets - was awarded what prize?

Answer: Lenin Prize.

A quiz dedicated to the life and work of Musa Jalil
1. In what year was Musa Jalil born? (February 15, 1906.)
How old would he be this year? (110 years.)
2. What was the name of Musa Jalil's father? (Mustafa.)
3. How old was Musa Jalil when he wrote his first poem?
(67 years old)
4. When was his poem first published? (At age 13.)
5. From which work is this passage?
minem bar ber maemay
Kara Boryn Akbaem
Kүp yogerә, kүp өrә,
Kүp ishetә, kүp kүrә.
The child reads the poem "Akbay"
minem bar ber maemay
Kara Boryn Akbaem
Kүp yogerә, kүp өrә,
Kүp ishetә, kүp kүrә.

Khazer ana min sugysh
Һөnәrlәren өyrәtәm.
Chaptyram yes sikertam,
Kon dә shulai yөdәtәm

St. dug trench
Khat tashyrga өirәnsen!
Commanderin doshmanynnan
Yaklashyrga oirensen!

Yaralyga su iltsen,
Һәrnәrsаgә өlgersen.
Nәrsә genә sizsә dә,
Commander Beldersen.

Mena shunyn barsyn yes
Min өyrәtәm Akbaiga.
Akbay Azer һәrvakyt
Tugan ilen saklarga!

What piece is this passage from?
Under the mountain near the swamp
Not silent for a moment
Day and night murmur something
Talkative parent.
The child reads the poem "Spring"
Like a spring flowing through a valley,
On the road, I sang songs every now and then.
And everything seemed to the heart that from them
The earth around bloomed and rejuvenated.

The heat did not dry me out in the heat,
The blizzard weather did not freeze,
And in the songs the pure voice of silver
He flew to friends, mastering the years.

How a traveler catches a wet stream
Lips parched with thirst
So my soulful song
Friends caught the heart more than once.

The spring reflects the light at night, -
So I shone for you, I lived next to you
And sang to friends about the joy of victory,
He sang about love that burns with his eyes.

Like a nightingale on the shore of a spring
Comes to drink the welcome water,
So you come to me, beautiful and light,
My nightingale, you come at dawn.

I will not hide that you are in my destiny
Always occupied a large place.
And the most tender to you
I gave songs and gave a lot,

When will pass, like a song, my life,
When I shut up, leaving loved ones,
Do not think that I have died, friends, -
I will always live in the hearts of millions.

You can't bury a spring in the ground,
It will become a particle of the sea element.
I will smile at you friends
And I will sing to you, dear people!
6. What other poems by Musa Jalil do you know?
"Karak Pesi", "Song of the Brave Horseman", "Kurshelęr", "Chulpan". Children
read poetry.
"Karak Pesi"
Cholandagy ak maiga
Iyalashkәn kүselәr,
Ming cholanny saklarga
Kushtym ala pesige:

Meow, meow, we sand!
Barchy zinhar, cholanga,
Maina sakla kusedan,
Oyasynnan chygarma!

Pesi kүrgәch, kүselәr
Koyryklaryn kystylar.
Yörmädelär chabyshyp,
Yaryklarga postylar.

Meow, meow, we sand!
Kolak saldyn suzema!
Karavyldan bushagach,
Sөt birermen үzenңә!

Irta belan maiga dip,
Kersam, kuzem aqaydy:
Yavyz pesi beruze
Yalt ittergan ak lanes!

Miyau, miyau, sand,
Hyyanätche ikänsen.
Sakly thorgan of the mayny
Uzen ashap betkansen!
"Song of the brave horseman" "Batyr eget turynda җyr"
Batyr jaeger kite akbuz atta
Tuzdyryrga doshman saflaryn.
Akbuz ata kaitty yalgyz gyna,

Batyr eget үze kaytmady.

Doshman uty anyn gomren kiskan,
Al kan belan yugan yanagyn.
Songy suze itep ulgan chakta
Tapshyrdy street bezgә bayragyn.

Kyzyl bayrak anyn cabren bizi
Җinep chykkan hezmat ilendә.
Batyr eget! Danly ismen blue
Mange kalyr beznen kүңelda.
Kurshe belan borynnan
Bulmady hich tatolyk.
Kon saen ber usallyk,
Kon saen ber katylyk.

Min kibargә ker elsәm,
Ul chygaryp kөl tүgә.
Min koimaga kar өysem,
Taratyp betera st.

Byel Abzar Artyma
Chәchtem kyzyl kabestә.
Kurshem inde, bilgele,
Kirta mina һәr eshtә

Minem kyzyl kabestam,
Kyyaklangach, өlgergəch,
Byel balesh ashym dip,
Echka җyly yogergəch,

Kurshem berkön bazardan
Alyp kitty ber kaҗә.
Onyta almyym bu mutlygyn
Anyn shushi kөngәchә.

Kaһәr suksyn, җir yotsyn
Bu өmetsez kәҗәne,
Nindi katy kyynap ta,
Җitmade bit әҗәle.

Һәr kөn kilә kunak

Mut basyp toyaklaryn,
Kyep, kyryp beterde
Kabestam kyyaklaryn.

Bete bakcham, kyraldy,
Һich chara yuk kaһәrә.
Okhshap kaldy tүtаllаr
Bombalangan shәһәrge.

Khazer inde achudan
Kabestamne tashladym.
Һәm kүrshegә үch itep
Bure asry bashladym.
"Chulpan". Җyr "Sәgat" (M.Җәlil suz. F.аkhmatov mus.)
Say suga: "Dandan!..
"Khabar bira tannan:
Bakchaga baryrga
Unbish minutes galangal.

Seakerep Tordy Marat,
Kүrә eshlәr kharap.
Tagyn songa kalgan
Shul yokiga karap.

Sҙgat yоri: “Celt kelt!..”
Tiz bakchaga whale, whale! ..
Marat ana dasha:
Tukta, mine kot, kot!..

Sҙgat җyrly: “Dingin!..”
Ming bit fat Belmim.
Monnan ary "Zinzin!"
Mina karap yör sin!..
7. What magazines in the Tatar language dedicated to children do you know?
(“Salavat Kupere”, “Sabyga”.)
8. June 22, 1941 Fascist Germany attacked our country. By whom
Musa Jalil went to war? (War correspondent.)
9. How did our poet end up in captivity?

On February 28, the 5th anniversary festival of Tatar art "Angara tannary" was held in Irkutsk, at this festival in the nomination of the conversational genre a competition of readers was held. Contestants from different cities of the Irkutsk region read the poems of Musa Jalil and 15 people became laureates of this competition in different age categories.

Let us remind you that February 15, 2016 marked the 110th anniversary of the birth of the poet, Hero of the Soviet Union, laureate of the Lenin Prize Musa Mustafovich Jalil. The Tatar intellectual club of the Irkutsk region holds annual events dedicated to the life and work of Musa Jalil.

February 15 at school number 7 in Irkutsk was also held literary evening and a quiz and reading competition based on the works of Musa Jalil.

The event was organized by the Irkutsk intellectual club "Jalil", Tenchikova Fagil Khasanova.

How hard it is to part, knowing
That you will never meet a friend again.
And you only have wealth -
Only this friendship and love!
When soul and soul are so merged,
That strip them and they die
When earthly existence
Separated from a friend - backbreaking work -
Suddenly a friend takes away from you forever
Fate's relentless storm.
For the last time, lips pressed to the lips,
And the last tear burns the face ...
How much did I ever have
Comrades loved ones and friends!
Now I'm lonely... But all their tears
Do not dry on my cheek.
What storms await me - I do not know
Let the years dry my skin
But the caustic trace of the last friend's tears
On it I will always feel.
I learned a lot of grief in the world,
I've been crying out my eyes for a long time
But I would have found a tear for a friend, -
Goodbye happy tear.
Not days, not months, but years of grief
Lying on my chest...
Fate, I ask you so little:
Reward me with the happiness of meeting!
October 1942

All right, my dear, stop it.
Do not muddy pure feelings with trifles.
Do they sharpen a knife on a fellow traveler?
But you and I go and go!

If I am devoted to you with all my heart,
I will be faithful to last day.
I am both bitter and annoyed that you
You look at me incredulously.

Since I do not know the guilt behind myself,
The bench is offensive to the accused.
Your accusations are nonsense
You are my dear judge!


My dear, the joy of my life,
For the Fatherland goes on a campaign.
My dear, the sun of my life,
Take your friend's heart with you.

I will part with my beloved,
It's not easy to go to war.
Let the fights he pass unscathed
And he will come to his native side.

The news that I expect and love,
I will send a horseman to my own.
The news that I wait and love
All gifts are dearer to him.
June 1942

Airylganda mina yöräk dustym
Bulak itte efak yaulygyn;
Min yarama yaptym yaulykny street
Basar ochen agyshyn kanymnyn.

Kan tabynnan kue kyzyl toste
Yaulyk minem yorak turynda,
Soyli mina anyn җyly nazy
һәm yalkynly soyue turynda.

Min chikmadem, duskay, ber karysh ta,
Batyrlarcha alga atladym.
Yaulyk shahit: blue һәm ilemne
Yöräk kanym belän sakladym.


Җinңәr, ahry, mine yulәr үlem,
Min suyktan, bettan, achlyktan
Ularmender shulai, mich bashynda
Tunyp ulgan tosle karchyklar.

Hyallandym kernel davylynda
Batyrlarcha sugyshyp ulәrge,
Yuk, bulmady, sukyr lamp tosle,
Kaldym inde pysyp sunarge.

Yukka chykty bik kүp telәklәrge,
Kүp eshlәrgә bulgan өmitlәr,
Yucca yazdym: “Kölep ulärmen!” - dip,
Yuk, үlәse kilmi, egetlәr!

Kupmeni son al esh kyirattym,
Kүpmeni soң әle yashәdem ?!
Khazergedan bik kup fydalyrak
Bulyr tosle alda yashvem.

Tatymadym elek min hichkaychan
Mondy kochle, mondy arneshle
Yөrәktәge dәrtne һәm nәfrәtne,
Mәkhәbәtne, үchne, sagishny!

Ale sizdem keshe yörägenen
Shundy kochle Yana Alganyn.
Aһ, үkenech, lakin bu yalkynny
Min ilemә birә almadym.

Ylemmeni bezgә үkenechle,
Halkyn öchen bulsa ulemen?
Kүtаrәlmim, duslar, min khurlygyn
Achtan shulai egylyp ulunen.

Min yashәrgә telim birer өchen
Ilga songy yöräk tibeshen.
Үlgәndә dә әytә alsam ide,
Uldem, diep, tugan il ochen!

They were shot at dawn
When there was darkness all around.
There were women and children
And this girl was.

First they told everyone to undress,
Then turn your back to the moat,
But suddenly a child's voice was heard.
Naive, quiet and lively:

“Can I take off my stockings too, uncle?” -
Not blaming, not threatening
Looked as if looking into the soul
A three year old girl's eyes.

"Stockings too!"
But for a moment the SS man is seized with confusion.
Hand by itself in an instant
Suddenly the machine lowers.

He seems to be bound by blue eyes,
I woke up in horror.
No! He can't shoot her
But he gave his turn in a hurry.

A girl in stockings fell.
I couldn't take it off, I couldn't.
Soldier, soldier! What if daughter
Is yours right here?

And this little heart
Pierced by your bullet!
You are a Man, not just a German!
But you're a beast among people!

... Chagall SS man sullenly
To the dawn without looking up.
For the first time, this thought
It lit up in the poisoned brain.

And everywhere the look shone blue,
And everywhere was heard again
And will not be forgotten until now:
“Stockings, uncle, also take off?”