Evening of military poetry “I heard so much about the war! Literary Evening for Victory Day “Poems Scorched by War” The poem “Wait for me” by K. Simonov sounds.

Sections: Extracurricular work

Classes: 10 , 11


  • to promote the deepening of students' knowledge of the history of the Great Patriotic War;
  • contribute to fostering a sense of gratitude to veterans for the Victory in the Great Patriotic War;
  • to cultivate courage, patriotic feelings among students.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, use of ICT.

The course of the literary and musical evening

(A. Vivaldi 1 part "Concerto for violin and orchestra "Winter")

Presenter 1:

War - there is no crueler word.
War - there is no sadder word.
War - there is no holier word
In the anguish and glory of these years.
And on our lips is different
It can't be and isn't.
A. Tvardovsky


Presenter 1: Time has its own memory - history. And that is why the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including the cruel wars that claimed millions of lives, threw back civilizations, and destroyed the great values ​​created by man.

Presenter 2: More than half a century has passed since the Great Patriotic War, but its echo still does not subside in human souls. Yes, time has its own memory.

Host 1: We have no right to forget the horrors of this war so that they do not happen again. We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we can live now. We must remember everything...

Host 2:

Soldiers die twice:
From a bayonet or an enemy bullet
And many years later, in the future
From the forgetfulness of the living.
A. Romanov. "Anxiety"

Presenter 1: Konstantin Simonov wrote: “Everything needs to be known about the past war. It is necessary to know what it was, with what immeasurable spiritual heaviness the days of retreats and defeats were connected for us, and what immeasurable happiness the Victory was for us. We need to know about the sacrifices the war cost us, what destruction it brought, leaving wounds both in the souls of people and on the body of the earth.

We should pay tribute to the memory of those who did not return from the war, who gave their lives for our descendants.

We were tall, fair-haired.
You will read in books like a myth,
About the people who left without loving,
Without finishing the last cigarette.
N. Mayorov. "We". 1940

Presenter 2: Let's turn over some pages of the Great Patriotic War and remember how it all happened ...


(“School ship” music by G. Struve)

Presenter 1:

How it was! How coincident-
War, trouble, dream and youth!
And it all sunk into me
And only then I woke up!
forties, fatal,
Lead, gunpowder…
War walks in Russia,
And we are so young!
D. Samoilov

Host 2:

It seemed that the flowers were cold,
And they faded a little from the dew.
The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,
They searched with German binoculars.
A flower, all covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,
And the border guard held out his hands to them.
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment
They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.
Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left!
S. Schipachev

("Sounds" of war: the sound of flying planes, exploding shells)

Presenter 1: In the early morning of Sunday, June 22, 1941, the peaceful silence of cities and villages was torn apart by explosions of bombs and shells. A war, hitherto unknown in its scope and fierceness, began, which went down in history as the Great Patriotic War.

Host 2:

(Song " Holy war» music by A. Alexandrov )

Presenter 1: And a huge country stood up for a mortal battle, boys and girls matured for the time being. Many of them went to the front from school, passed the exam for a matriculation certificate on the front line of battle ...

Yu. Drunina's poem "I left my childhood ..." ( Annex 1).

Host 2: People born in the early 1920s are now called veterans. And when they participated in the battles in 1941-1945, many of them were boys and girls of 16-17 years old - your peers. The whole country, all as one, stood up to defend their homeland.

Text of the song by B. Okudzhava "Goodbye, boys ..." ( Annex 2).

Presenter 1: The war tested for loyalty and dedication, honesty and nobility, courage and fearlessness ...

An excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's poem "Requiem" ( Appendix 3).


Presenter 2: As a result of the rapid advance of the Nazis in the fall of 1941, a mortal threat loomed over Moscow. All its inhabitants stood up to defend the capital.

Presenter 1: The multi-thousandth was created civil uprising. Muscovites, mostly women and children, dug anti-tank ditches, trenches, trenches, and built barriers. In the cold, in hunger, often hundreds of kilometers of anti-tank ditches were dug under enemy fire.

M. Kulchitsky's poem "Capital"

Presenter 2: Despite the difficult situation in Moscow, on November 7, 1941, it was decided to hold a parade on Red Square. The parade inspired the soldiers and the entire Soviet people.

Presenter 1: It was a colossal blow to the prestige of the Nazis. If Moscow solemnly celebrates a holiday when enemy troops are standing a few tens of kilometers away, it means that the country is unshakable, the defense of the capital is strong.

Presenter 2: Right from Red Square, the soldiers went to the front line, they fought to the death, but did not let the enemy through to the heart of the Motherland.

P. Zheleznov's poem "On the approaches to Moscow"

Presenter 1: The strongest, more than a million strong group of selected German units crashed against iron stamina, courage and heroism Soviet troops, behind which were the people, the capital, the Motherland.

Presenter 2: The defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow was the first major defeat of Germany in World War II, the beginning of its turning point.

(M. Fradkin's song "Near the village of Kryukovo")


Presenter 1: A guerrilla war unfolded with unprecedented force in history. Already in the first days after the start of the Nazi offensive, the main bases were prepared for fighting behind enemy lines.

Presenter 2: The partisans, by their actions, caused irreparable damage to the enemy troops: they disabled trains, vehicles, blew up bridges, and cut off communication lines.

Presenter 1: In December 1941, the news of the heroic death of an eighteen-year-old Muscovite, partisan intelligence officer Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who was executed by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo near Moscow, spread throughout the country.

Girl in earflaps: M. Aliger's poem "Zoya"

Presenter 2: In 1942, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. Posthumously…

Presenter 1: Partisans - there were many heroes during the war - hundreds and thousands ... Partisan movement made an invaluable contribution to the victory of our people over the fascist invaders.

(Z the melody of N. Bogoslovsky’s song “Dark Night” is taught)

Presenter 2: Woman and war ... Both of these words are feminine, but how incompatible they are.

Poem by L.Patrakova "A woman comes into the world."

Presenter 1: The women of the formidable 1940s had a chance to save the world. They, defending their homeland, went into battle with weapons in their hands, bandaged the wounded, stood at the bench, dug trenches, plowed and sowed.

Host 2: Each of them had their own way to the front. But the goal is the same - to protect the Motherland.

Presenter 1: 800 thousand girls and women fought valiantly in battle. And at what cost to evaluate the feat of doctors, nurses, nurses?

I. Utkin's poem "Sister"

Presenter 2: Yulia Drunina ... In 1941 she turned 17 years old. Nurse, one for the entire infantry battalion.

Presenter 1:

I've only seen melee once.
Once - in reality and hundreds of times in a dream.
Who says that war is not scary,
He knows nothing about the war.

Host 2: These are not just words. Their price is life. After a serious wound - a fragment almost broke the carotid artery, passed 2 millimeters from it - again went to the front, as a volunteer. Under fire, in the cold, in the mud. Not for a second did she doubt: “Is it necessary to return to hell again, under bullets?” She knew her place was there, on the front line.

Presenter 1:

No, this is not merit, but luck -
Become a girl soldier in the war
If my life were different,
How ashamed I would be on Victory Day!

Presenter 2: It's hard for everyone in the war. The fighters themselves covered the fiery buckshot on the front line. Their mothers, sisters and brothers worked in the rear, falling from fatigue and malnutrition. But what did the girls who went to the front have to experience? What did they feel? Could they go into battle with masculine firmness, could they weep with bitterness and pain, like women in the rear?

Yu. Drunina's poem "Zinka"


Presenter 1: Patriotic war is not only blood, suffering and death, but also the highest ups of the human spirit. The highest measure of courage, nobility, fidelity ... The images of distant loved ones helped our soldiers in their difficult front-line everyday life, in difficult battles; gave them strength and courage.

S. Shchipachev's poem "The war broke out menacingly ..."

Presenter 2: The generation of the forties went through a terrible war: suffering and death. But people didn't stop being people. Of course, they learned to hate, but they did not forget how to love. Love and loyalty were so necessary for a soldier. The poem by Konstantin Simonov “Wait for me, and I will return ...” became a symbol of faith, hope, love.

Poem by Konstantin Simonov "Wait for me and I will return ..."

Answer word: poem by E.M. Shirman "Return" ( Appendix 4).

(Song by K. Listyev to Surkov's verses "In the dugout".)


(Background song from the film "Officers" music by R. Hozak)

Presenter 2: In those terrible war times, the fate of Leningrad became the subject of constant anxiety throughout the country. A lot turned out to be connected with this city: memories of youth, images of powerful beauty embodied in granite, marble and bronze, favorite lines of Pushkin and Blok, monuments of Russian military glory… And next to this greatness and beauty stood Leningraders – workers, students, famous and not yet known scientists, artists, artists, poets…

Presenter 1:

Oh what a treat
What great pride
Know what you will say to everyone in the future:
– I lived in Leningrad
December forty first year,
took with him
News of the first victories.
From "Letters to Kama"

Presenter 2: Olga Bergolts was not just a poet: she became the voice of besieged Leningrad, a spiritual symbol of the Victory, living in the depths of the souls of Leningraders, exhausted by hunger and bombing. And time chose her to speak with the whole world according to the “right of shared suffering”.

Presenter 1:

I'm talking to you under the whistle of shells,
Illuminated by a gloomy glow.
I'm talking to you from Leningrad
My country is a sad country.

Presenter 2: From the compressed and hard-won lines, the image of a Woman arises - Mother, Wife, Sister. The wind beats in her face, the "evil, indomitable wind" of the tragic days.

Presenter 1:

Over Leningrad - a mortal threat ...
Sleepless nights, every day is hard.
But we forgot what tears are
What was called fear and prayer.
I say: we, the citizens of Leningrad,
The roar of cannonades will not shake,
And if tomorrow there will be barricades, -
We will not leave our barricades.

Presenter 2: Olga Bergolts! She became a living legend, a symbol of perseverance, and for Leningraders her voice was an air of courage and confidence, a bridge thrown over the dead zone of the environment - it helped to connect spaces and souls. The experience of the general tragedy forced them to find unmistakably precise words - words equal in their necessity to the ration of besieged bread. They did not satisfy hunger, but they were salvation.

Presenter 1:

I've never been a hero
She didn't want fame or reward.
Breathing in one breath with Leningrad,
I didn't act like a hero, I lived.


Presenter 2: In the middle of the summer of 1942, a historical Battle of Stalingrad which lasted for over half a year.

Presenter 1: A huge army of fascists was drawn to Stalingrad, about a million bombs were dropped. The wounded, charred city continued to fight.

Presenter 2: From the memoirs of a member of the Military Council of the Stalingrad Front, Chuyanov: “The wounded were brought from the right bank. One of them turned to the fighters with a request to smoke. He was handed several pouches of shag. Someone asked: “What is going on in the city?” “Yes, the devil himself will not understand. See? - the wounded man frowningly showed his hand towards the Volga. - The whole city is on fire. The German climbed onto Mamayev Kurgan, ours is having a hard time. Everything is on fire: factories, earth, metal melts ... "-" And the people? - "People? Stand!..»

Presenter 1: In street battles and in the sky of Stalingrad, Soviet soldiers showed soldier's prowess and self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland. The city was turned into a heap of ruins, hundreds of thousands of people died, but the enemy was stopped. And in November 1942, the counteroffensive of our troops began, as a result of which 22 Nazi divisions were destroyed by February 1943.

A. Tvardovsky's poem "Retribution"

Presenter 2: The victory on the Volga turned the tide of the war. Our army began to advance.

Host 1: Eternal glory!

(The first two verses of A. Pakhmutova's song to the verses of M. Lvov "Hot Snow" sound.)


Presenter 2: After heavy fighting, soldiers need rest, at least a short one, otherwise it is impossible to withstand the monstrous stress.

Presenter 1: The soldiers knew that death awaited many - maybe tomorrow. They knew that war is not a holiday. But still, jokes were heard in the war, laughter was heard, cheerful songs were sung.

(Sounds like MEDIA from the songs of the war years)

An excerpt from A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" ( Appendix 5).


Presenter 1: On the night of May 1, 1945, the Red Banner of Victory was over the Reichstag and proudly fluttered over the defeated Berlin.

Poem by K. Simonov "Not the one from fairy tales ..."

Presenter 2: What they have been waiting for so long, what they have adamantly walked on the hard soldier's road of war, has happened!

A. Akhmatova's poem “Five years have passed - and the wounds have healed ...” ( Appendix 6).

Host 1: Yes, we won, we brought freedom to our people and to many peoples of Europe. We have established peace on Earth… But at what a high price! How many heroes did not live to see the bright Victory Day!

A. Tvardovsky's poem "I know, no fault of mine"

Presenter 2: They are not forgotten, they are always in our hearts - people of the same heroic fate.

S. Shchipachev's poem "To the Fallen"

Presenter 1: Peacetime has come, but the scars of the war remain in every city, in every village. Memorial complexes have been created, the places of battles are marked with obelisks, monuments with red stars keep the names of the fallen heroes. They have fallen, they are gone, but they live in us. And their thoughts and feelings should find a voice.

Human memory! Time has no power over her! And no matter how many years and decades pass, the people of the Earth will again and again return to our Victory, which marked the triumph of life over death, reason over madness, humanity over barbarism.

Host 2:

Through the centuries, through the years,
For those who will never come...
An excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's poem "Requiem". 1959-1962 ( Annex 7).

Presenter 1: Our Motherland lost twenty-seven million in this battle ... Let each of you palpably feel the stern eyes of the fallen on yourself, feel the responsibility to the memory of these people, and let this question worry us: are we worthy of the memory of the fallen? Let us bow our heads before the greatness of their feat. We will honor the memory of those who did not return from the war with a minute of silence.

(A minute of silence. The metronome sounds)

Background song "Cranes" music. Ya. Frenkel

Presenter 2: Yu. Voronov's poem “Maybe we should forget about them?” ( Annex 8).

Presenter 1:

Do not forget
bloody sunsets,
When the native land was in ruins,
And how the soldiers fell to the ground
Live, don't forget!
M. Mikhailov

(“Song of a Soldier” to lyrics by M. Agashin, music by V. Miguli)

Municipal educational institution

MOU "Ulkanskaya comprehensive school No. 2"

Collection of poems about the war


    Poems of poets of Siberia ………………………………4str

    Poems about the war set to music…….....5str

    Poems by unknown authors…………………….6str

    Poems famous poets………………………...7page

About war

Can't find a man on earth
Who has not heard about this war.
It was a terrible time
These years have gone up in flames.
Those bloody, forties
We will always remember and honor
How the young fighters fought
How did they want to protect
Your homeland, faith and truth
From the capture of a fascist country.
This is an honor for a simple soldier:
"To die, but to save Russia!"

And they, who knew no fear,
Everyone who could fight went to the front,
They understood: “So it is necessary,
we need to rise up for Russia!”.
Those efforts were not in vain
Victory lit up the country,
Hoisted our flag on the Reichstag,
We will never forget that spring.
Years have flown by, seven dozen have passed,
But do you remember those years of trouble,
Bow to the veterans, say thank you
For a free life without war.

Pokusina Lyubov, 8a grade

soldier's widow

She does not sleep, the widow of a soldier

Does not sleep at night - waiting for her husband,

He died in the war,

She hopes she will.

Here the gate quietly creaked

And my heart froze in my chest

Perhaps his death was a mistake?

And he believes that he must come.

The boy is young, beardless,

The fascists left to boldly beat,

Blue-eyed, glorious, fair-haired,

Always asked to keep love.

The widow does not sleep even on a dark night

Goodbye hours remembers

A widow's love is huge

She does not forget him.

Don't forget at work

When in a row, for 10 days

Potatoes were harvested together

Over the years, only love is stronger.

Well, at least, what news,

Or, at worst, a dream,

Why is this my destiny?

He was quite young, after all!

We didn't even have time for the kids

With my beloved give birth,

I sit and wait, as if in a cage,

My destiny is to love and wait.

Forgive me, my love, that you died

Whispering before death: "You live!"

Why is this fate for me

Burn at night with love?

And wait, and believe, and longing

Fill all your nights

Where in my thoughts only you and I

The fate of the widow is to wait for the soldier.

Wait for a soldier and know not to believe

Of course it won't come

So many years since the Victory

The widow of a soldier - waiting for her husband


Veterans do not grow old in soul,

Until now, they keep in their hearts,

Pain and bloody wounds in the heart

Those soldiers who did not come from the war.

That Russia was defended by itself,

Granite will keep their names,

Know, we remember you by name,

That none of you are forgotten here.

And today on this monument

We, as before, are going,

And bowed their heads low,

We pay tribute to you.

Every year you are less and less

We keep the memory of you in our hearts,

For those who died in Russia and Poland

We remember and adore you.

For your great and glorious feat,

We will light the eternal fire again

We honor your memory today

Again we go to this monument

Potapova Albina, social pedagogue

Poems of poets of Siberia


Deciding fate with a swift attack,
the sergeant went into a frenzy of fire...
And suffocated, blackening the earth,
with his saliva a fascist dog.
Years will pass, a line in the name of good
open - no time to blame,
and dull the dull pain in the heart,
to strengthen courage and courage in a soldier.

A formidable song called for a feat,
in battle spreading mighty wings,
flew like a bird into the sun!

And soon he, knowing the mortal risk,
came home to his native Novosibirsk,
took off his helmet, froze, a fair-faced warrior. Here the hemorrhage is a tiny flower
mastered the wind polonaise.
It's light in the corners: thinned out.
But the world can be changed
in an unequal but desperate formation.
Your spirit is beautiful with freedom:
where life is in full swing, where the sky is prasin,

Boris Bogatkov

Hardened Siberian harsh climate
not only us - and tanks, stones, cereal.
Sometimes the forest is so washed by the rains,
that the wounds are easier, the step is more fun.

Let the sunset need us
let behind the fire of war and evil,
we got a lot of bitter smoke,
and youth as ashes entered the essays.

Is it in a dream? - the guns hit hard,
like piles of tomorrow,
and sparrows explode over the garden,
and the river will stir up to the bottom ...

Maybe we'll get used to the silence
but - "memory will not doze off!" - not to war.

Leonid Reshetnikov


When the green lights are on
In the snows of native Vasyugan,
When it sparkles blue
Frost tightly bound days.

When eyes stick together from books,
Read by the dawning early,
when on the snowy battlefield
one walks death, and do not fall asleep!

He, a warrior, is there, in Trigorskoye,

Near the Mountains, against the brown plague,
saves the glory of the Russian firmament!

He is there - bowed down, where the incorruptible dust, -
forgetting for a moment yourself, war and fear,
your private, Russia, is Smerdov.

Alexander Smerdov


A scorched platoon dug into the ground.
And silence. Anticipation of an attack.
And the clouds pressed down like tracks,
lying soldiers - soon forward?

"Hearts on the rise". Let the enemy rush
signs shot by death during the day!
Now the knives will flash in the terrible darkness!
And dryness in the throat ... And the smoke tears it ...

The rocket exploded at night, and behind it -
hiding in the raging fire
unstoppable wave of fighters running…

A tornado will rise and bleed out ...
The living will look back: the dawn is coming,
and the good age stands indestructible.

Georgy Suvorov

War poems set to music

In the dugout

The fire is beating in the cramped stove,
Resin on logs, like a tear,
And the accordion sings to me in the dugout
About your smile and eyes.

The bushes whispered about you
In snow-white fields near Moscow.
I want you to hear
How longing is my living voice.

You are far away now.
Between us snow and snow.
It's not easy for me to reach you
And there are four steps to death.

Sing, harmonica, blizzard out of spite,
Call the entangled happiness.
I'm warm in a cold dugout
From your unquenchable love.

Alexey Surkov

He didn't come back and fight

Why is everything wrong? Everything seems to be the same as always:
The same sky is blue again
The same forest, the same air and the same water,
Only he did not return from the battle.
Now I don't understand which one of us was right
In our disputes without sleep and rest.
I just missed him now
When he didn't come back from the fight.
He was silent at random and sang out of time,
He always talked about something else
He did not let me sleep, he got up with the sunrise,
And yesterday he did not return from the battle.
What is empty now is not a conversation about that.
Suddenly I noticed - there were two of us.
For me it was like the wind blew out the fire,
When he didn't come back from the fight.
Today, spring has escaped, as if from captivity.
By mistake, I called out to him: "Friend, stop smoking." And in response - silence: yesterday he did not return from the battle.
Our dead will not leave us in trouble,
Our fallen as sentries.
The sky is reflected in the forest, as in water,
and the trees are blue.
We had enough space in the dugout,
We and time flowed - for both.

All are now alone. It just seems to me:

I didn't come back from the fight.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Goodbye boys

Oh, war, what have you done, vile:
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads -
They have matured so far
On the threshold barely loomed
And they left, after the soldier - the soldier ...
Goodbye boys!
Try to go back.
No, don't hide, be tall
Spare neither bullets nor grenades
And do not spare yourself, and yet
Try to go back.

Oh, war, what have you done, vile one:
Instead of weddings - separation and smoke,
Our girls dresses are white
They gave away to their sisters.
Boots - well, where can you get away from them?
Yes, green wings of shoulder straps ...
You spit on the gossips, girls.
We'll settle accounts with them later.
Let them talk that you have nothing to believe in,
What are you going to war at random ...
Goodbye girls! Girls,
Try to go back.

Poems by unknown authors


In a harsh year, we ourselves became stricter,

All lost and found again.

Remembering the mandate of the dear Motherland.

And we promised them: we will defend!
Yes, we will defend our native birches,

No matter how the soul wants to rest,

Severe, masculine our business
We will bring - and with honor - to the end!


Black clouds roll in
Lightning in the sky scurry.
In a cloud of flying dust
The trumpets sound the alarm.
Fight a gang of fascists
The Motherland calls the brave.
A bold bullet is afraid
Does not take a bold bayonet.
The planes took off,
The tank formation moved.
With a song infantry companies
We went out to fight for our country.
Song - a winged bird -
Calls the brave to march.
A bold bullet is afraid
Does not take a bold bayonet.
We will cover with immortal glory
In battles, their names.
Only brave heroes
The joy of victory is given.
The brave strives for victory,
Bold road ahead.
A bold bullet is afraid
Does not take a bold bayonet.


Veteran passed away
But from insults, not from wounds,
Where is the country in which he lived,
What did he protect, what did he love?
He lived hard during the life of that
He now: "Who are you?",
"Medals can be bought after all!",
How could he forgive this?
The country goes the other way
He doesn't need a handout
Lived without money to gray hair,
And he did without cars.
And old wounds hurt
He remembers the faces of those guys
Who went to war
Not seeing the first spring.
And then the old people go
Sometimes from pain and longing,
Although there are grandchildren and family,
They are your story!


The price of victory. Do you know what the price of victory is?!
How many lives have been taken by the war?

Our grandparents fought for us.
And what's the reward? Pain and orders...
The price of victory is souls on crucifixes,
And the faces of wives, washed in tears.
Lost fathers and brothers.
All who returned in zinc coffins...

The price of victory is proud Russia.
The price of victory is the invalids of the Second World War.
In concentration camps brutal violence.
Now the veterans instead of dreams.
Do you know what the price of victory is?!
And how many souls did the war claim?!
The war that brought everyone only troubles,
For many, everything that was taken away.

The price of victory is orders and wounds.
Missing lives of relatives.
And how do we pay our veterans?!
Once a year we only remember them...
Each of them is a cripple of the first group -
In the burns of the soul, in the scars of all dreams.
When they carried corpses on their backs,
They were bombarded from above.

And all that they have in this world -
Medals and a mean handful of coins.
Now, I swear, and God is my witness,
They don't have money for bread.
Those veterans, those gray-haired grandfathers,
You take care of them with your heart and soul.
Now you know that price of victory -
This is our world, our dream and our rest.


Like a dark forest hushed by the rain
And, oddly enough, it seems younger
All lost and found again.
Among gray-eyed, strong-shouldered, dexterous,
With a soul like the Volga in the flood hour,
We made friends with the voice of the rifle
Remembering the mandate of the dear Motherland.
The girls did not accompany us with a song,
And with a long look, dry from melancholy,
Our wives pressed us tightly to their hearts,
And we promised them: we will defend!
Yes, we will defend our native birches,
Gardens and songs of the grandfather's country,
So that this snow, which has absorbed blood and tears,
Burned down in the rays of an unprecedented spring.
No matter how the soul wants to rest,
No matter how thirsty hearts are,
Severe, masculine our business
We will bring - and with honor - to the end!

Poems of famous poets

Touching the three great oceans,
She lies, spreading the cities,
Covered with a network of meridians,

Invincible, wide, proud.

But at the hour when the last grenade
Already in your hand
And in a short moment it is necessary to remember at once
All that we have left in the distance,

You remember not a big country,
What did you travel and find out
Do you remember your homeland - such,
How did you see her as a child?

A piece of land, crouched against three birches,
A long road behind the woods
A river with a creaky ferry,
Sandy shore with low willows.

This is where we were lucky to be born
Where for life, until death, we found
That handful of earth that is good,
To see in it signs of the whole earth.

Yes, you can survive in the heat, in a thunderstorm, in frost,
Yes, you can be hungry and cold
Go to death ... But these three birches
You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.

The major brought the boy on a gun carriage

The major brought the boy on a carriage.
Mother died. The son did not say goodbye to her.
For ten years in this and that world
These ten days will be credited to him.
He was taken from the fortress, from Brest.
The carriage was scratched by bullets.
It seemed to the father that the place was safer
From now on, there is no child in the world.
The father was wounded and the cannon was broken.
Tied to a shield so as not to fall,
Clutching a sleeping toy to your chest,
The gray-haired boy was sleeping on the gun carriage.
We went to meet him from Russia.
Waking up, he waved his hand to the troops ...
You say there are others
That I was there and it's time for me to go home ...
You know this grief by hearsay
And it broke our hearts.
Who has seen this boy?
He won't be able to come home.
I must see with the same eyes
With which I cried there, in the dust,
How will that boy come back with us
And kiss a handful of his land.
For everything that we cherished with you,
Called us to fight the military law.
Now my home is not where it used to be
And where he is taken from the boy.

Wait for me and I will come back

Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait a lot.
Wait for sadness
Yellow rain.
Wait, wait when it snows

Wait when it's hot.
Wait when others are not expected

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

Letters will not come

Wait until you get bored
With those who wait together.
Wait for me and I will come back,

I'm out of spite for everyone now
Who did not wait for me, let him
Say "Lucky!"

Do not understand those who did not wait,
Like a rush of fire
With your anticipation, you saved me!
How I survived, we will know

Only we are with you.
You just knew how to wait

Like no one else!

Konstantin Simonov


We lay down by the broken spruce,

Waiting for the light to start.

Warmer under the overcoat

On cold, damp ground.

You know, Julia, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

Somewhere in the apple outback

Mom, my mom lives.

Do you have friends, love?

I only have one.

Spring is brewing outside.

It seems old: every bush

Waiting for a restless daughter.

You know, Julia, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count...

We barely warmed up

Suddenly an unexpected order: "Forward!"

Again next to me in a damp overcoat

The light-haired soldier is coming.

Every day it got worse

They marched without rallies and banners.

Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us on the attack,

We made our way through the black rye,

Through funnels and gullies,

Through the frontiers of death.

We did not expect posthumous glory,

We wanted to live with glory.

Why in bloody bandages

The light-haired soldier lies?

Her body with her overcoat

I hid, clenching my teeth,

Belarusian winds sang

About Ryazan deaf gardens.

You know, Zinka, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

Somewhere in the apple outback

Mom, your mom lives.

I have friends, my love

She had you alone.

It smells of kneading and smoke in the hut,

Spring is brewing outside.

And an old woman in a flowery dress

I lit a candle at the icon.

I don't know how to write to her

So that she does not wait for you ...


turned pale,

Gritting your teeth to a crunch,

From native trench


You have to break away

And parapet

Slip under fire


You must.

Even though you're unlikely to come back

Though "Don't you dare!"

Repeats kombat.

Even tanks

(They're made of steel!)

Three steps from the trench

They are burning.

You must.

'Cause you can't pretend

In front of,

What you don't hear in the night

How almost hopeless


Someone out there

Under fire, screaming...

Julia Drunina

« Let the people keep the memory
The stories of those people who were in that War,
And if from poetry suddenly "heart aches"
And the memory of the past will return at that time -
Then do not be in the fire of your native country!

Music teacher MOU secondary school No. 37 p. Balakirevo -

Scenario of the literary and musical evening dedicated to

Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

(There should be two hosts of the evening. They conduct a dialogue with each other on the topic of the Great Patriotic War. Each one reads poems in turn one stanza. At the very beginning, the presenters in ordinary clothes sit at a school desk with a history textbook, reading a paragraph about the Great Patriotic War.)

- WAR is such a short and such a terrible word.

- It contains blood, tears and suffering, and even life! Over 20 million human lives!

What do we know about the war?

I never heard a shot

And I did not have to see the explosions ...

According to books, yes, according to films, according to stories -

I know very little about the war.

I can hear the sound of crutches.

I see a woman standing stooping

The monument to the fallen is covered in snow.

And behind the wall the old woman often cries,

And my father groans in a disturbing dream...

I understand what it all means

I know very little about the war.

- Our evening is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. This war will never leave the memory of generations, and we must remember the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

- A feat is a great, disinterested impulse of the soul, in which a person gives himself to people, sacrificing everything, even his own life.

- There is a feat of one person, hundreds, thousands. And there is a feat of the People. When the People rises to defend the Fatherland, its honor, dignity and freedom.

- Such a feat was accomplished by the Soviet People during the Great Patriotic War. With all its great state, with the destinies of everyone and everyone, the Russian People stood up to fight against the treacherous enemy, the blackest power XX century - fascism.

Not burned by the forties,

Hearts rooted in silence

Of course, we look through different eyes

To your sick war.

We know from confused, difficult stories

About the bitter victorious path,

Therefore, at least our mind must

Expensive suffering to pass.

And we have to figure it out ourselves

In the pain that the world has endured.

Of course, we look with different eyes

The same, full of tears.

- Today we will try to go a part of the path that our people went through during that terrible war.

(Leaders leave and change into military uniform during the Great Patriotic War, at the end of Levitan's words, they come out and are already standing until the end of the evening, occasionally moving from one end of the stage to the other.)

(Levitan's message about the beginning of the war sounds)

- The border guards were the first to defend the Motherland.

- They, like people, keep the memory of everything that was on this earth.

“They remember the bloody dawn of the first morning of the war.

-June 22, 1941 at dawn, the Nazi invaders unleashed a flurry of gunfire on the fortress. They were sure that the suddenness of the attack would allow them to take the fortress on the move.

- But the enemy miscalculated! Faithful to duty and oath, the garrison did not flinch... Until the twentieth of July, the last defenders of the fortress fought in the deep rear of the enemy.


We are from there, from Brest!

Where the earth has turned into a semi-liquid mess!

We are from there, from Brest!

Where the war is burning! Where shells have no place

Only bodies and bodies...

We are from there, from Brest! The war took us all!

(Sounds of the song Holy War))

- With this song at the stations of Moscow, relatives and friends escorted the soldiers to a mortal battle with fascism. The soulful words and majestic melody of the song sounded almost like a military oath.

- A voice is heard in the song "Holy War" popular anger and that rightness, before which the cruel enemy is powerless.

This song has become like a national anthem. Words calling for battle were repeated both at the front and in the rear.

- Yes, and now, the "Holy War" is known to everyone and is a symbol of our Victory.

- War and song: what can be common?

- It would seem that the hardships and sufferings of wartime leave no room for songs ...

- And, nevertheless, the song always accompanied the soldier on a campaign and at a halt, and sometimes in battle.

The song was heartbreaking:

She led to a mortal battle,

To smash the enemy to this song,

Defending the Motherland.

(The song “Birds don’t sing here!”)

- B. Okudzhava wrote this song after the war for the film "Belarusian Station", but it conveys the spirit of that time very well.

- Another heroic milestone of the war - Leningrad ...

- A hero-city, whose people were subjected to continuous bombardments for 900 days and nights, froze, starved, died ...

-Together with residents of suburban areas, 2 million 887 thousand people, including about 400 thousand children, found themselves in the blockade ring.

Oh yes - they couldn't

neither those fighters, nor those drivers,

when the trucks were driving

across the lake to the hungry city.

The cold steady light of the moon

the snows are shining brightly

and from the glass height

clearly visible to the enemy

columns below.

And the sky howls, howls,

and the air whistles, and gnashes,

breaking under bombs, ice,

and the lake splashes into funnels.

But enemy bombing is worse

even more painful and angrier -

forty degree cold,

dominating the earth.

It seemed that the sun would not rise.

Forever night in frozen stars

forever lunar snow and ice,

and blue whistling air.

It seemed like the end of the earth...

But through the cooled planet

cars went to Leningrad:

he is still alive. He's around somewhere.

To Leningrad, to Leningrad!

There's bread left for two days,

there mothers under dark skies

crowd at the bakery stand,

and tremble, and are silent, and wait,

listen anxiously:

- By dawn, they said they would bring ...

- Citizens, you can hold on ... -

And it was like this: all the way

rear car settled.

The driver jumped up, the driver on the ice.

- Well, it is - the motor is stuck.

Repair for five minutes, a trifle.

This breakdown is not a threat,

yes, do not unbend your hands in any way:

they were frozen on the steering wheel.

Slightly razognesh - again reduce.

Stand? What about bread? Wait for others?

And bread - two tons? He will save

sixteen thousand Leningraders.-

And now - in the gasoline of his hand

moistened, set fire to them from the motor,

and the repair went fast.

in the burning hands of the driver.

Forward! How the blisters ache

frozen to the mittens of the palm.

But he will deliver the bread, bring

sixteen thousand mothers

rations will be received at dawn -

one hundred twenty five blockade grams

with fire and blood in half.

... Oh, we knew in December -

not for nothing called the "sacred gift"

ordinary bread, and grave sin -

at least throw a crumb to the ground:

with such human suffering,

so much brotherly love

sanctified for us from now on,

our daily bread, Leningrad.

- In besieged Leningrad, near Moscow and Stalingrad, and on the Kursk Bulge, the battle song did not stop, because it strengthened army cohesion and front-line friendship.

(The song "Let's smoke" is performed)

- The Battle of Moscow is the first victorious battle of the Great Patriotic War.

- It was at the walls of Moscow that the Germans lost their "blitzkrieg", and Soviet army, having survived in the most difficult battles, began its offensive against such a distant Berlin.

- Here in the harsh snows of the Moscow region on the 20th kilometer of the Minsk highway in November 1941, the song "In the dugout" was born. Its author, Alexander Surkov, did not write songs on purpose, he simply wrote a letter, told his wife where he was.

(The song "In the dugout" is performed)

- The dugout was a home for a fighter. Our soldiers never succumbed to despondency. And in the intervals between battles, on halts, in dugouts, songs and jokes sounded.

A light smokes in a tin,

Smoke shag pillar ...

Five fighters are sitting in a dugout

And who dream about what.

In silence and at rest

Dreaming is not a sin.

Here is one fighter with longing,

Squinting his eyes, he said: "Eh!"

And fell silent, the second swung,

Suppressed a long sigh

Tasty smoke dragged on

And with a smile he said: "Oh!"

"Yes," replied the third, taking

For mending a shoe

And the fourth, dreaming,

Bassed in response: "Aha!"

"I can't sleep, no urine! -

The fifth said the soldier. -

Well, what are you, brothers, by the night

Talking about the girls!"

(Eduard Asadov)

- The song “Spark”, written by Mikhail Blanter to the verses of Mikhail Isakovsky in 1943, became truly folk, filled with the nagging sadness of a fighter.

- The poetic image of the "light" on the window has turned into a huge and inspirational symbol - our light has not gone out, it will never go out.

(The song "Spark" is performed)

- Battle of Kursk occupies a special place in the Great Patriotic War. It lasted 50 days and nights, from July 5 to August 23, 1943.

- In its bitterness and perseverance, this battle is unparalleled.

- More than 4 million people, 69 thousand guns and mortars, more than 13 thousand tanks, about 12 thousand combat aircraft participated in it from both sides.

- The crushing defeat of the Nazi troops on the Kursk Bulge and the subsequent withdrawal of Soviet troops to the Dnieper completed a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War.

- People knew that war is an abyss, it is death ...

- But mothers, wives, sisters were waiting for their veterans.

- They waited, even if the "funeral" came.

- Waited, hoped and wrote letters.

(Here a girl enters the stage, sits down at a desk and begins to write a letter on a piece of paper, and one of the presenters reads the poem below. When the poem is read, the girl gets up, folds the letter with an airplane and releases it into the hall to the audience. At this time, the presenters can move across the stage to another location.)

This little white leaf

I send to the dugout to you,

So that these lines could

Often think about me in battle,

Showing no mercy to the enemy

So that, sometimes being in a dugout,

I knew: I save your love,

I remember you every hour.

I know that you despise death

For the sake of our love with you,

And I want to take a look

To your dear features.

But, darling, the war is roaring,

The enemy prowls through the expanses of his native,

And our love, our destiny

Tested in the smoke of war...

Do not grieve, dear hero!

This is what I want to say:

You are far away, but in my heart with you,

I see dear eyes...

The wind will blow my song

To help you in battle.

Remember: the girl believes and waits

And love, and your victory!

- Poems are simple, naive, but how much hope and love they contain!

- Such letters were necessary for the soldier.

- It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song by Matvey Blanter to the verses of Mikhail Isakovsky became a symbol of loyalty and hope.

(The song "Katyusha" is performed)

- This song was written in the late 30s, when no one thought about the war.

- Spring, flowering gardens, love and fidelity ...

- "Katyusha" personified all the best in life - all that the merciless fascist was trying to destroy.

- Because this song during the war became so popular, and not only in our country. Melody "Katyusha" became the anthem of the Italian partisans!

- With a song about Katyusha, a Russian soldier stood up from the trench with a rifle in his hands - and immediately fell down, struck down by an enemy bullet.

- But the soldier's friends picked up the song and carried it to the attack. It was near Ponyri, on the Kursk Bulge.

- The soldier, who did not finish singing the song, remained lying, covered with earth from the explosion, and lay in the trench for 54 years.

- In the summer of 1997, his remains were found and solemnly buried in a mass grave near an artillery cannon in the village of Teploye.

The soldier got up, but the soldier did not step:

Old mother in a village hut

For a long time it will be bitter tears to shed,

In heavy grief, tear gray whiskey,

Wait and walk around the neighborhood ...

The dead stayed young

No matter how long we live.

- Let's not forget that in the days of the war, the fighters called the Guards multi-barreled mortar "Katyusha" - a formidable weapon that the enemies were afraid of in panic!

- No less popular among the front-line soldiers was Nikita Bogoslovsky's song to the verses of V. Agatov "Dark Night". It usually sounded during rest hours: someone was dozing, someone was quietly starting a song ...

(The song "Dark Night" is performed)

- Frontline songs sounded not only at the front line, but also in the rear, uniting the country into a united front. The song, as it were, stretched a thread between the front and rear, between the front line and home.

- The text of the song "In the forest near the front" belongs to Mikhail Isakovsky, and the music was written by Matvey Blanter.

(The song "In the forest near the front" is performed)

- And when the war ended, the Victory was celebrated with song, and dance, and with what else they could! ..

- Peacetime - what happiness, what joy!

(The song "Victory Day" is performed)

- But Victory is not only joy, but also sorrow.

- How many mothers cried for their sons, how many wives did not wait for their husbands who fell for the freedom and honor of their native land.

- We know at what cost the Victory was won, and we will always remember those who gave their lives for their Motherland.

Not a stone of sorrow, not a stone of glory

not replace a dead soldier.

May the memory of the heroes be eternal.


Through the centuries, through the years, -


About those,

who will never come,


Meet the vibrant spring

people of the earth.

Kill the war

curse the war

people of the earth!

Carry the dream through the years

and fill it with life!

But about those

who will never come,

I conjure -


(The metronome counts down a minute of silence.)

(The song "Cranes" is performed)

Literary drawing room dedicated to the work of Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The voice of Robert Rozhdestvensky was heard immediately, as soon as the magazine "October" published in 1955 his youthful poem "My Love". The young poet clearly and simply spoke about things close to many. The trusting, open intonation of this voice bribed ...

The poem began in the chest

Threatening to break the chest.

Now her

How not to twist

Do not write

It is forbidden.

I raved about her at night

Take care of her like life.

I rocked her in my arms

And he repeated:



I demanded

But me

Answered a bunch of lines:


Have you been on fire?

Whether kneaded

Road dust?

Have you met death in attack?

Are you used to holding on?

And do you know life

To dare

Tell others about her?

What was behind the "heap of lines" of this first, still largely imperfect, but very sincere poem?

Siberian military childhood, trains slow as lines for bread... A music school, pioneer concerts in an Omsk hospital, when seriously wounded soldiers and commanders listen to you, a stuttering twelve-year-old cadet...

Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky was born in the Altai village of Kosikha in 1932, in the family of an OGPU-NKVD worker, Stanislav Nikodimovich Petkevich. Surname and patronymic of Rozhdestvensky - after his stepfather. Rozhdestvensky himself remembers little about his father: his father scolded his work, then he drank heavily. In 1937, the parents separated. After the divorce, the poet's father managed to leave the authorities, in 1939 he participated in the Soviet-Finnish war, in 1941 he volunteered for the front and soon died there.

Mother worked in Kosikha as a school principal. Just before the start of the war, she graduated from the Omsk Medical Institute. And when the war broke out, which caught Rozhdestvensky in Omsk, the parents of the future poet went to the front. The boy was brought up during the war, first by his grandmother, and then by his aunt. The milestones of education were the Danilovsky Orphanage (in Moscow) and the Third Moscow Military Music School for pupils of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. “And I,” he recalls, “shocked by everything that happened, wrote a poem, and our school teacher took this poem to the newspaper. It was published there... The first publication of Rozhdestvensky's poems appeared in July 1941 in the Omskaya Pravda newspaper.

Many years later, Rozhdestvensky wrote:

I was born in the village of Kosikha.

Rainy summer.

In Altai.

And outside the village

blue field

And it smelled

overripe downpour...


I was born much later.


In June.

At forty-one.


Was my lullaby.


The war took over.

I am her son.

I am full of it...

In 1950, the poet entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Karelian-Finnish (now Petrozavodsk) University, from where a year later he moved to the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky, who graduated in 1956. At the Literary Institute, he met Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who studied a year earlier, Rasul Gamzatov, Grigory Pozhenyan, Grigory Baklanov, Chingiz Aitmatov, entered literature together with Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Voznesensky, Vladimir Tsybin.

The lyrics of Rozhdestvensky quickly gained public resonance. Reflecting on the nature of this success, Konstantin Simonov wrote: “I especially appreciate in Robert Rozhdestvensky the enviable ability to raise difficult questions and reflect on them in front of the reader, to seek and find answers to them, although not obligatory for any of us, but invariably causing respect purity, honesty, the conviction of the search. Of course, poetry is not only alive with problems, but poetry without problems is dead…” See how much philosophy, reflections on the hours of life in his poem "Hours".

Hours go by...

Do you think -


Correct, so...

Has gained -


I'm not talking about that!

Look outside:

On the morning earth

The clock is coming!

Inaudibly, the minutes are rushing,

the clock is running

They knock on my window.

The hours go by

And get past them

Don't meet them

Living is not given ...

Hours of a short life of a person,

See -

I will outsmart you!

I will run into the house.

I will close the door firmly.

Now knock -

I won't open!

Bury yourself

close up

You won't let me in

You will spoil your gift watch,

Forget the time

And forget your friends

And shut up

And you won't remember anything.

Proud of the cozy silence of the apartment

And with my own cunning



Barricade the doors!

But the hour

Will come!

The inevitable hour.

It will come at any time of the year

On the thought

For lazy dreams.

The hour will come

On the heart and throat...

And, in fear for myself,

You wake up!..

And break the window

Wet wind.

And the leaves are falling

In drops of dew...


The clock strikes!

And after that





Since the childhood of Rozhdestvensky fell on the military hard times. I had to go through a lot, so the theme of the Great Patriotic War is far from the last place in the poet's work.

Forty hard years.

Omsk hospital ...

The corridors are dry and easily soiled.

The old nanny whispers:


What are the artists


We walk in long wards.

We almost melt into them

with balalaikas,

With mandolins

And big stacks of books...

The program includes reading

A couple of songs

Military, correct ...

We are in the ward for the seriously wounded

We enter with trepidation and reverence ...

Two are here.

Major of artillery

With an amputated leg

in a crazy fight

Under Yelnya

Taking on the fire.

He looks at the aliens cheerfully ...

And another -

Bandaged up to the eyebrows, -


Rammed "Messer"

Three weeks ago

Near Rostov...

We entered.

We stand in silence...

All of a sudden

Breaking falsetto

Abrikosov Grishka desperately

Announces the beginning of the concert.

And behind him

Not quite perfect

But listening with might and main,

About the folk sings

Oh sacred


How do we understand it...

In it, Chapaev fights again,

Red Star tanks are racing.


in the attack,

And the Nazis are dropping dead.

In it, someone else's iron melts,

In it, even death must recede.

To be honest,



Such a war...

We sing…

Is distributed.

And in it - a reproach:


Hold on guys...




The balalaika burst out mournfully.


Like crazy...

That's all

About the concert in the hospital

In that year.

(A song sounds to the words of R. Rozhdestvensky “For that guy ...”)

And the most famous was the poem "Requiem", dedicated to the memory of the fallen on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. In its ten chapters, ten verse melodies sound - spells, songs and laments, where the voice of the poet comes into contact with the voice of a mother who did not wait for her son, with the voices of dead soldiers.

Oh why are you

The sun is red

You're all leaving

Don't say goodbye?

Oh why

From the joyless war


Are you not coming back?

I will save you from trouble

I'll fly

Eagle fast.

Respond, my blood!


The only one…

A large place in the work of Robert Rozhdestvensky is occupied by love lyrics. His hero is whole here, as in other manifestations of his character. This does not mean at all that, entering the zone of feelings, he does not experience dramatic contradictions and conflicts. On the contrary, all Rozhdestvensky's poems about love are filled with disturbing heart movement. The path to the beloved for the poet is always a difficult path; it is, in essence, the search for the meaning of life, the one and only happiness, the path to oneself.

“Everything begins with love” is the poet’s program poem. This is the name of one of the best collections released in 1977.

Everything starts with love...

They say:

"At first



And I proclaim again:

Everything starts

With love!..

Everything starts with love:

And illumination

And work

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child

Everything starts with love.

Everything starts with love.

With love!

I know it for sure.


Even hatred -


And eternal

Sister of love.

Everything starts with love:

Dream and fear

Wine and gunpowder.



And the feat

Everything starts with love...

Spring whispers to you:


And you shake from a whisper.

And straighten up.

And you will begin.

Everything starts with love!

And further…

Please be




And then I will give you



And then I'll fly out -

I'll grow up

I'll be special.

I'll take it out of the burning house



I'll venture into all the unknown

For everything reckless,

I'll throw myself into the sea


ominous -

And I will save you!

It will be

My heart told me

Commanded by the heart...

But you are

Stronger than me


and more confident!

Are you ready to save others?

From heavy despondency.

You yourself are not afraid

Not the whistle of a blizzard

no crackling fire.

Don't get lost

Don't drown

you won't accumulate evil.

You won't cry

And you won't groan

if you want.

Become smooth

And become windy

if you want.

Me with you -

so sure-



Even on purpose

At least for a moment -

I ask,

Robey -

Help me believe in myself



(A song sounds on the verses of R. Rozhdestvensky “Echo of Love”)

Robert Rozhdestvensky published more than thirty books in a quarter of a century of poetic work, many of which have been translated into different languages peace. Songs based on his poems are sung in our country by millions. The words of his poems fall on the music naturally, as if they did not exist without it. Here are some of them: “For that guy”, “Comrade Song”, “Great sky”, “Moments”, “Song of a distant homeland”, “Call me, call”.

(The song "Call me, call" sounds)

Nadezhda Krainova
Musical and poetic evening "Roads of War", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory

Musical and poetic evening« Roads of war» , dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Ignatenko Natalya Vladimirovna

Purpose of the event: getting to know musical and poetic works on a military theme.

Event objectives:

1. To cultivate a sense of patriotism, respect for the past of their people, love for the Fatherland.

2. Expand children's ideas about the events of the Great Patriotic War wars and the fate of the people of wartime.

3. Contribute to the development of the emotional-sensual sphere of preschoolers and their parents.

4. Develop Creative skills older preschoolers.

Event progress

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, Dear friends!

One of the biggest, exciting holidays of our country is approaching - the Day of victories. Today we are holding musical and poetry evening, dedicated 70th Anniversary victories. In honor of the heroes war people compose poems erect monuments, sing songs. Today we will also remember poems and songs about war.

(to the song "Sacred war» words by V. Lebedev - Kumach, music A. Aleksandrova, children enter the group)

Presenter 2. Seventy-four years ago, mortal danger hung over our Motherland. In the early morning, when everyone was still sleeping sweetly, the German troops treacherously, without announcing wars attacked our country. The Nazis wanted to finish war with a clear victory. German troops bombed our cities and villages from aircraft, shot with tanks and cannons. They destroyed everything in their path. All: both old and young stood up to defend their country. War this one was terrible and cruel, which lasted four years. It is too long! The men went to fight and women continued to work day and night in factories and factories: they sewed overcoats, knitted warm mittens, socks, raised and baked bread.

Presenter 1. The lines from the song that was now sounding became the anthem of the Soviet people. This is the very first war song that helped everyone to believe in victory united everyone, gave them courage and strength.

Presenter 2. The whole country is preparing for the Day victories, to the 70th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic wars over Nazi Germany. Every year on May 9, the whole country celebrates this great holiday - victory in WWII. It was on this day that WWII ended. This everyone was waiting for victory.

The guys are just - just starting to learn about this Great holiday, but they can already firmly and confidently answer the question "What is a day victories so, for example, as Nastya will do it now.

1. Verse "What is a day victories

2. Poem about the day Victory will be read by Kira

Presenter 1. There is not a single family in our country that would be bypassed war. Great happiness was the return home of fathers, sons, brothers, husbands. Listen to Agnia Barto's poem "Returned..." which Elisha will read to us.

3. A poem by Agnia Barto "Returned..."

Host 2. Poetry and wartime music is, of course same, poetry and about love. It was this high feeling, faith in a loved one, expectation of news from him, hope for a meeting that helped the Russian soldier to endure, not lose heart and, finally, survive. And a perfect example of this is our favorite song "Katyusha". Also, this name was given to the formidable secret weapon of our country, which terrified the German invaders.

Power "Katyusha" led the soldiers forward

Listen to the battle song

What people have said about her.

4. Song "Katyusha" performed by children and parents.

Presenter 1. We gratefully remember our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. They did not spare themselves, stood to the death, fought to the last strength for every city, for every village, for every street. Our soldiers fought fearlessly, enduring the exhausting summer heat, winter frosts, autumn slush and drizzling rain. Forward, only forward! After all, the soldiers defended their home, their family, their homeland, so that we now live under a peaceful sky.

5. Poem "Let the children not know wars» Varya will tell.

Poem "I play with soldiers" Tatyana Shapiro will be told by Misha.

Presenter 2. Many works about the Second World War tell about the heroism of children wars, about the boys who helped our soldiers, went to reconnaissance.

6. Poems by A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale" read by the teacher.

Presenter 1. For four long years we walked along the roads of war soldiers. They saw destroyed cities and burned villages. But retribution inexorably overtook the enemy. Our soldiers went to victory, inch by inch, freeing their native land. The enemy was defeated. May 9, 1945 - a document was signed in Berlin on victory Soviet people over Nazi Germany. The Great Patriotic War war, which the Soviet people waged against the German invaders, ended with the Great victory.

Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans, people who survived war. Now we will watch a video report of a WWII veteran, Misha's great-grandfather.

Video report.

Poem, dedicated to veterans read by Matthew.

7. Poems about the Day Victory was prepared by Nikita, Artem and Sasha.

Presenter 2. The Great Patriotic War goes further into history war. But there are new songs about war, written by poets and composers who did not lie in the trenches, did not freeze in dugouts, did not go on the attack. One of these songs is the song written by composer David Tukhmanov and poet Vladimir Kharitonov “Day victories". This song immediately became one of the most famous, most popular songs about war. And now, for almost the fourth decade, it has been sounding and, probably, it will always sound for many years, especially on the day about which it is sung.

8. The song sounds "Day victories» performed by all participants evenings.

Lead 1. For a big holiday "Day victories» cities Russian Federation decorated with ornate symbols. During the holiday, you can see people with St. George's ribbon. Sometimes, ribbons can be seen on cars, bags, instead of ribbons in the hair. Does anyone know what it means?

Lead 2. « George Ribbon» - public action for the distribution of symbolic ribbons, dedicating day celebration victories in the Great Patriotic war. According to the organizers, the main goal of the action “was the desire at all costs not to let the new generations forget who and at what cost won victory in terrible war last century whose heirs we remain, what and whom we should be proud of, who to remember. The action is held under the slogan: “Tie it. If you remember!, "I remember! I'm proud!".

Presenter 1. There are many important words in the world - Mom, Motherland, happiness. And there is one more important word - WORLD! WORLD is the Earth, the world is people, the world is children. The world is a calm and joyful life. No wars, no grief and tears. Everyone needs the world! Peace will be when all people on our planet will be friends. Our people endured all the horrors of this wars for so that there is Peace on Earth, so that people live in harmony with each other. Unfortunately, even now in some corners of the earth there is a cruel war, but, we think, people will never come to terms with this, they will fight for Peace.

9. Poems about the world and the peaceful sky will be read by Alina, Emilia, Yaroslav.

Presenter 2. Centuries will pass, and the unfading glory of the valiant defenders of the Motherland will forever live in the memory of the peoples of the world as an example of courage and heroism. So rejoice in the sun, love life and do good!

10. The song sounds "Let there always be sunshine" performed by children.

Lead 1. The war changed everything,turned everything upside down: plans, destinies, people's lives collapsed. At this time, a person begins to understand his significance, to feel an extraordinary spiritual uplift, he tries to do everything that only he can do, even if it costs his life.

11. Poems about the Great Day Victory will read Vic, Dima.

Lead 2. Many soldiers did not return home with that wars. They died defending their homeland. We will never forget the heroes: no matter how many years pass, the descendants will always carefully keep the memory of their grandfathers and fathers and thank them for defending the world in the name of our bright life! In order for people to remember the Great feat of their people, monuments and obelisks stand in all cities and villages, the Eternal Flame is lit.

12. The song sounds "Over the grave in a quiet park" performed by children.

Presenter 1. 70 years have passed since the Great Day victories. But even now people remember war, dedicate poems and songs to that difficult time, to those heroes who gave their lives for our future.

13. The song sounds "The cinema is on, the platoon is fighting" performed by children against the background of a video presentation.

Our creative the evening comes to an end, we propose to continue with tea under wartime music.

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