History of the St. George Ribbon presentation. Presentation "George's Ribbon"

St. George Ribbon - two-color ribbon to the Order of St. George, "For the victory over Germany" or as it is also called the "Guards Ribbon".


It got its name from the Order of St. George. This order was established in Russia in 1769. It is named after St. George, the patron saint of the Russian army.

  • He was tortured and killed by the enemies of Christianity - pagans. For courage and for the spiritual victory over the tormentors who could not force him to renounce Christianity, as well as for miraculous help to people in danger, St. George is also called the Victorious.

  • In Russia, the Holy Great Martyr George was greatly loved and revered. Therefore, they gave his name to the most honorary military order. This order was awarded only to officers and generals for personal military merit.

  • Those who "personally leading the army, will win over the enemy, who is in considerable strength, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be his complete destruction."
  • "personally leading the army, he will take the fortress"
  • For the capture of the enemy banner, the capture of the commander-in-chief of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.

1st degree.

The order of awarding the order

  • George Cross (I degree)
  • St. George's Cross I degree from silver with gilding. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "1st step." It is worn on a pentagonal block, covered with a silk, moire ribbon with a bow of flowers of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.

  • George Cross (II degree)
  • Silver cross with gilding. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "2nd step." It is worn on a pentagonal block covered with a silk, moire ribbon in the colors of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.

  • George Cross (III degree)
  • Silver cross. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "3rd step." It is worn on a pentagonal block, covered with a silk, moire ribbon with a bow of flowers of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.

  • George Cross (VI degree)
  • Silver cross. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "4th step." It is worn on a pentagonal block covered with a silk, moire ribbon in the colors of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.
  • When wearing ribbons without crosses, a bar 8 mm high is used, the width of the ribbon is 24 mm.

  • The St. George Ribbon campaign was conceived and is being implemented by RIA Novosti and the Student Community with the support of the Moscow City Government.
  • The purpose of this event, according to the initiators this project, is to create an atmosphere of universal celebration, an expression of respect and pride for our veterans. This is not only a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, but also gratitude to the people who went through the WAR

History of the St. George Ribbon. The St. George's Ribbon is a two-color ribbon replica of the famous bicolor ribbon for the Order of St. George, which, with minor changes, entered the Soviet award system under the name "Guards Ribbon" as a special insignia. The ribbon colors black and orange mean "smoke and fire" and are a sign of the soldier's personal prowess on the battlefield.

St. George's Ribbons occupy the most honorable place among numerous collective awards (distinctions) of parts Russian army. The Order of George was established in 1769. By status, he was given only for specific feats in wartime. In the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated March 2, 1994, it says: "In the system state awards the military order of St. George and the Insignia - "St. George's Cross" are preserved.

St. George's Ribbon public action dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic war running since 2005. Since then, the action has become traditional and is held annually from April 24 to May 12. In 2008, St. George ribbons were distributed in more than 30 countries. During the four years of the campaign, more than 45 million ribbons have been distributed worldwide. Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 2005 April 24 May 12, 2008 45 million

I hold a ribbon of silk in my hands; There are many different ribbons in the world, This ribbon stretches around the world, Winds for two hundred and thirty-eight years, This one is like a banner on the battlefield, Like a scarf hiding from grief, Only this one is washed with bitter tears by the mothers of soldiers, Only this one is covered with blood On the shoulders of those who took mortal combat, Only this one is called the “Banner” - the Banner of the Winners in the World; This tape is the memory of the hard times, Sprinkled with the blood of those soldiers, In the forty-first - the fallen, in the forty-third - Proudly defending Stalingrad. And every child in the world knows This black-and-red stave On which the Requiem for non-survivors bleeds with blood. Smelling of gunpowder and ashes, - Silk, trampling down the yoke of steel shackles, - A ribbon that does not accept fear, A noose ribbon for enemies, A great military shrine Let it fly over my heart - A ribbon of the color of flame and smoke, A ribbon of the color of smoke and fire.

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9th May

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    St. George Ribbon - a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, "For the Victory over Germany" or as it is also called the "Guards Ribbon".

    The St. George Ribbon got its name from the Order of St. George. This order was established in Russia in 1769. It is named after St. George, the patron saint of the Russian army.

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    Saint George - Great Martyr

    • He was tortured and killed by the enemies of Christianity - pagans. For courage and for the spiritual victory over the tormentors who could not force him to renounce Christianity, as well as for miraculous help to people in danger, St. George is also called the Victorious.
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    • On icons, Saint George is depicted sitting on a white horse and striking a serpent with a spear. This image is based on tradition and refers to the posthumous miracles of the Holy Great Martyr George.
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    Order of Saint George

    • In Russia, the Holy Great Martyr George was greatly loved and revered. Therefore, they gave his name to the most honorary military order. This order was awarded only to officers and generals for personal military merit.
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    The Order was awarded to:

    • Those who "personally leading the army, will win over the enemy, who is in considerable strength, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be his complete destruction."
    • "personally leading the army, he will take the fortress"
    • For the capture of the enemy banner, the capture of the commander-in-chief of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.
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    The order of awarding the order

    • The first time the lowest, 4th degree was issued, the next time the higher 3rd, then the 2nd and, finally, the one who accomplished the fourth outstanding feat could be presented for awarding the Order of St. George 1st degree.
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    • About how honorable it was to receive the Order of St. George of the 1st degree, says, for example, the following fact. Outstanding Award Russian Empire- the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - received more than a thousand people. And the Order of St. George of the 1st degree is only 25 people. Among them are the great commanders Suvorov and Kutuzov.
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    Insignia - George Cross

    • George Cross (I degree).
    • St. George's Cross I degree from silver with gilding. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "1st step." It is worn on a pentagonal block, covered with a silk, moire ribbon with a bow of flowers of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.
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    • George Cross (II degree).
    • Silver cross with gilding. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "2nd step." It is worn on a pentagonal block covered with a silk, moire ribbon in the colors of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.
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    George Cross (III degree).

    Silver cross. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "3rd step." It is worn on a pentagonal block, covered with a silk, moire ribbon with a bow of flowers of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.

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    • George Cross (VI degree).
    • Silver cross. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "4th step." It is worn on a pentagonal block covered with a silk, moire ribbon in the colors of the Order of St. George. Tape width - 24 mm.
    • When wearing ribbons without crosses, a bar 8 mm high is used, the width of the ribbon is 24 mm.
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    Order of the Patriotic War

    • In the midst of the battle with the Nazis in 1942, the Order of the Patriotic War was established. It also has the St. George Ribbon as a symbol of connection with the Russian martial tradition.
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    • The soldiers of Alexander Nevsky, the combatants of Dmitry Donskoy, the soldiers of Suvorov and millions of Soviet soldiers went into battle for their Motherland, for the honor and freedom of their land. And they WON!
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    • The St. George Ribbon campaign was conceived and is being implemented by RIA Novosti and the Student Community with the support of the Moscow City Government.
    • The purpose of this event, according to the initiators of this project, is to create an atmosphere of general celebration, an expression of respect and pride for our veterans. This is not only a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, but also gratitude to the people who went through the WAR.
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    St. George's ribbons have semantic symbolism. Their colors are black and Orange color- means "smoke and flame", characteristic of wartime. St. George's ribbons personify the feat of a Russian warrior on the battlefields, in the rear and on the front line.

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    • This, still relatively young, rather new symbolism awakens in people, first of all, patriotic feelings, filling them with a sense of pride in their victorious country. In addition to all of the above, bright ribbons evoke cheerful, festive emotions, give a feeling of inviolability and unity.
    • The St. George Ribbon-2009 campaign will run from April 24 to May 9.
    • The event is dedicated to the 64th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This year the campaign will be held for the fifth year in a row.
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    St. George Ribbon - a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, For the victory over Germany, or as it is also called the Guards Ribbon. Symbolism St. George's Ribbon got its name from the Order of St. George. This order was established in Russia in 1769. It is named after St. George, the patron saint of the Russian army.

    Saint George is a great martyr. He was tortured and killed by the enemies of Christianity - pagans. For courage and for the spiritual victory over the tormentors who could not force him to renounce Christianity, as well as for miraculous help to people in danger, St. George is also called the Victorious.

    The order was awarded to: Those who "personally leading the army, will win over the enemy, who is in significant forces, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be his complete destruction." “personally leading the army, he will take the fortress” For capturing the enemy banner, capturing the commander-in-chief of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.

    About how honorable it was to receive the Order of St. George of the 1st degree, says, for example, the following fact. The outstanding award of the Russian Empire - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - was received by more than a thousand people. And the Order of St. George of the 1st degree is only 25 people. Among them are the great commanders Suvorov and Kutuzov.

    Insignia St. George's Cross St. George's Cross (I degree) St. George's Cross, I degree, made of silver with gilding. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "1st step." It is worn on a pentagonal block, covered with a silk, moire ribbon with a bow of flowers of the Order of St. George. Tape width 24 mm.

    St. George's Cross (VI degree) Silver cross. On the lower end of the reverse side of the cross is the inscription: "4th step." It is worn on a pentagonal block covered with a silk, moire ribbon in the colors of the Order of St. George. Tape width 24 mm. When wearing ribbons without crosses, a bar 8 mm high is used, the width of the ribbon is 24 mm.

    The St. George Ribbon campaign was conceived and is being implemented by RIA Novosti and the Student Community with the support of the Moscow City Government. The purpose of this event, according to the initiators of this project, is to create an atmosphere of general celebration, an expression of respect and pride for our veterans. This is not only a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, but also gratitude to the people who went through the WAR

    This, still relatively young, rather new symbolism awakens in people, first of all, patriotic feelings, filling them with a sense of pride in their victorious country. In addition to all of the above, bright ribbons evoke cheerful, festive emotions, give a feeling of inviolability and unity. The St. George Ribbon-2009 campaign will run from April 24 to May 9. The event is dedicated to the 64th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This year the campaign will be held for the fifth year in a row.