The first rally of pioneers in 1929. Briefly about the All-Union Pioneer Meetings

Coats of arms, emblems and awards of the modern Pioneer of Moscow


Adopted by the Decision of the Constituent and Restorative Meeting of the Moscow City Pioneer Organization on March 13-14, 1992.

Symbolism of the emblem: The symbol of Moscow - the tower of the Moscow Kremlin is entwined with the Pioneer tie - the main personal symbol of the pioneer of the Moscow State Pedagogical Education. That is: "We are Muscovites, we are pioneers!"

IYPO sign

Established in 1994. This edition was adopted in 2006. Author - Art. Instructor MGPE Peeler V.R.

Symbolism of the sign: The emblem of the IGPO is located in the center of a ten-pointed multi-beam golden star - a symbol of Glory and victory. On the scarlet ribbon at the bottom of the star - in gold letters the inscription "For active work."

IYPO sign

Established in 1994. In this edition, it is proposed for consideration by the IGSE in 2010. Author - Art. Instructor MGPE Peeler V.R.

Symbolism of the sign: In the center of the golden pentagonal shield is the red Red Army Star. In the center of the Star is the gold emblem of the Moscow City Pioneer Organization. On the scarlet ribbon at the bottom of the star is the inscription "Memory of the Heart" in gold letters. This award is given for the active patriotic work of the pioneers in the Moscow State Pedagogical Education.

IYPO sign

Established in 1994. In this edition, it is proposed for consideration by the IGSE in 2010. Authors - Art. Instructor MGPE Peeler V.R. and Art. pioneer S. Ogurtsov.

Symbolism of the sign: On the five-pointed blue shield is the emblem of the military sports game Zarnitsa. In the upper right side of the shield is the emblem of the IYPO in color. Awarded to the activists of the game "Zarnitsa".

Chevron patch
Moscow City Pioneer Organization

The personal symbol of an IGPO pioneer is sewn onto the left breast pocket of an IGPO pioneer's uniform shirt. It has two options: red background - adopted in the children's part of the International State Pedagogical Education, blue - in the instructor's section. Established in 1993 This edition was adopted in 1997. Author - Art. instructor MGPE Sofronova E.O.

Chevron symbols: The MGPO emblem is located in the center of the circle, on the outer side of which is the inscription "Moscow City Pioneer Organization" in gold letters.

Chevron patch for the Guard of Honor and a detachment of buglers and drummers of the Moscow State Pedagogical Educational Pedagogical Education

The personal symbol of a pioneer - a member of the Guard of Honor or a detachment of buglers and drummers of the MGPO, is sewn on the left sleeve of the uniform jacket (tunic) of a pioneer of the MGPO member of the Guard of Honor or a detachment of buglers and drummers. Author - Art. Instructor MGPE Peeler V.R.

Chevron symbols: The emblem of the IYPO is located on a laurel crown - a symbol of valor. The shape of the blue shield is protection, hope.

Medal of Moscow State Pedagogical Education "For Distinction"
Patriotic and Local Lore Expedition of Pioneers and Schoolchildren "Moscow. Frontiers of Glory"

Adopted by the decision of the Moscow City Council of the Pioneer Organization in early 2009. The author of the sketch is Art. MGPE instructor V.R. Peeler.

IYPO sign

Established in 1994 This edition was adopted in 2012. Author - Art. Instructor MGPE Peeler V.R.

Symbolism of the sign: The emblem of the IYPO is located in the center of the five-pointed Red Star - a symbol of Glory and victory. Above the star are three flames of a pioneer bonfire. Overall - A five-pointed red star and three flames - a traditional pioneer badge. Below the badge is a golden laurel half wreath.

Award anniversary badges of the International State Pedagogical Education

Badges RPO "Ramenki"

Sign "Full member of RPO "Ramenki"

Adopted and approved by the General Assembly of the RPO as the coat of arms of the RPO "Ramenki" at the suggestion of K. Novikov (detachment "MPSR") in 1999. Made in 2003. The author of the sketch is Art. Instructor MGPE Peeler V.R.

Symbolism of the sign includes the main elements of the Pioneer Organization's historical badges. The Red Banner is a symbol of victory, a symbol of hope, a symbol of continuity with the badge of 1922. The Red Army star is a symbol of service to the Motherland and friendship of children from 5 continents of the Earth - the shape of the star repeats the badge of the 1967 sample. The fire - a symbol of the unity of three generations - repeats the fire on the badge of 1945. The inscription on the ribbon "Be ready!" - symbolizes historical ties with the scouting movement and aims the pioneers to serve the Motherland, Goodness, justice!

Pioneer Summer Badge

Once a souvenir badge of VPO them. Lenin, appeared in the RPO "Ramenki" in 2001 as a gift from the pioneer of the MPSR detachment Ruslan Krasnikov. By the decision of the General Meeting of the RPO in 2001, he became an award for active work in the summer: in camps, hikes, trips. Assigned by the Decision of the General Assembly.

Symbolism of the sign: A tie as a symbol of Pioneer, the Sun as a symbol of kindness, joy, warmth. The inscription "Pioneer summer" speaks of the nature of the pioneer's activity: in the summer and in a pioneer way.

Historical signs and emblems of Pioneer

Adopted by the decision of the MGK RKSM in 1922.
It operated in this unpainted form until 1923.

Symbolism of the sign:

Established in 1922. This edition was adopted in 1923.
The main difference from the first is that the background of the badge - the Red Banner - is covered with scarlet varnish.

Symbolism of the sign: Against the background of the Red Banner of the victorious revolution, the symbols of the new, Soviet, state are the Hammer and Sickle: "Labor will be the ruler of the world!" The Pioneer bonfire of five logs and three flames is a symbol of the indestructible friendship of proletarian children all over the world (five logs - five continents).

January 21, 1924 died V.I. Lenin. The sorrow of the country, and indeed of the world, was immeasurable. The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks appealed to the people to join the ranks of the party. "Let's continue the Leninist cause!". Komsomol and Pioneer did not stand aside. The hallmarks of the pioneers of the Leninist call were such badges and "mourning" ties - red ties trimmed with a black border.

Badge "Lenin's call" was printed in a very small edition in 1924. Two new symbols appeared on the badge: Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and the saluting pioneer, and the former pioneer symbols remained. This badge is a memorial badge and a pioneer's statement of his commitment to building a just society.

Adopted by the Decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in the early 1930s. He acted in the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin until 1942.

Symbolism of the sign: On a gray background, the symbols of the Soviet state - the Hammer and Sickle. The Pioneer bonfire of five logs and three flames is a symbol of the indestructible friendship of proletarian children all over the world (five logs - five continents).

Went out of "use" for two reasons:
1. In connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the country needed all the metal for military needs.
2. In 1939, in "Artek" - the All-Union Pioneer Camp of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the delegates of the Leningrad Pioneer refused to wear a clip and a tie, because, according to one of them, "the letters" T "and" Z "were clearly visible in the fire flame and in the silhouettes of logs "- Trotsky and Zinoviev, and in the design of the fabric of the pioneer tie, the silhouette of the fascist swastika was guessed." We can now laugh at the political involvement of children and youth of those years, we can attribute to them a mental disorder on the basis of the "Witch Hunt", but then, at the end of the 30s, the proceedings were very serious at the level of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the NKVD.

In the late 20s - early 30s, along with the clip, a number of regions also issued their own badges. According to their authors, these badges better reflected the political and national affiliation of the organization of young pioneers. The letters "UP" on the badge mean "Young Pioneers", and the form that copies the badge "KIM" (Communist Youth International) - the continuity of generations.

Established in 1942.
This badge was made by the guys themselves according to a sketch published in the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper from fabric, cardboard, scraps of tin cans, and, most often, was sewn to a dress shirt.

Symbolism of the sign: The Red Army star is a symbol of unity with the Red Army and at the same time - the star of Timur - the main character of A.P. Gaidar "Timur and his team" - a symbol of the desire for all possible assistance to all those in need. The rest of the symbolism on the badge remained the same.

Sometimes homemade badges were replaced by the guys with Red Army stars. It was considered "special chic". But, as it turned out, pioneer badges of the war years were also produced in factories and factories in small editions. Here are some examples for you.
This badge lasted until 1945.

Established in 1944. In Pioneer introduced in 1945.
The main difference from all the previous ones is the new arrangement of symbols. The Red Army - Timurov star took over, in addition to the main ones, the symbolism of the five logs of the pioneer fire, which were gone on the badge, the three flames received a more slender, assertive outline, and the symbol of the USSR - the hammer and sickle became the same as it was on the State Flag of the USSR .

In the autumn of 1918, the children's organization of young communists (YUK) was created, but a year later it was disbanded. In November 1921, a decision was made to create an all-Russian children's organization. Children's groups operated in Moscow for several months, during the experiment pioneer symbols and attributes were developed, the name of the new organization was adopted - detachments of young pioneers named after Spartak. On May 7, 1922, the first pioneer bonfire was held in the Sokolnichesky forest in Moscow.

In the Soviet Union, the Day of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin, or, to put it more simply, Pioneer Day, was officially celebrated on May 19. It was on this day in 1922 that the 2nd All-Russian Conference of the Komsomol decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere. The social hierarchy: Octobrist - Pioneer - Komsomol member, was aimed at creating an internal ideological core in Soviet children and adolescents, the desire to grow and improve. The pioneer organization taught children how to live in a socialist society, how to coexist with their peers. Now many citizens see shortcomings in this approach to educating young people, they say, ideological clouding of the brain, which made puppets out of people. Even so, at that time the level of drug addiction and crime among young people was ultra-low, compared to our time. After the collapse of the USSR, Pioneer Day ceased to be an official holiday. Today Pioneer Day is unofficially celebrated by some children's organizations and companies involved in the organization of children's leisure. And there will always be people who remember the young pioneer years with pleasure.

Which of the Soviet pioneers does not remember the excitement with which he was preparing to join the ranks of a mass socio-political organization? How were scarlet ties tied to the sound of horns and drums? How, for the first time in our lives, did we solemnly swear allegiance to the cause of Lenin and the Communist Party? The Soviet country spared nothing for the young. Beautiful Palaces of Pioneers and children's camps were built. The very activity of children's communist organizations in the USSR and in other socialist countries had such a serious scale that it even surpassed in significance its "bourgeois" prototype and analogue - the scout movement. The Pioneer movement differed from it in essential aspects: the system was of an all-encompassing state character and set as its goal the ideological education of children as citizens completely devoted to the Communist Party and the state. At the same time, it should be noted that, as the movement evolved, the role of the heritage of scouting in it fell (which can be clearly seen in the evolution of the pioneer camp from the type of sports and tourist tent camp to the type of a sanatorium complex). Among particular differences, one can point out the absence of separate organizations for boys and girls. Until 1924, the pioneer organization bore the name of Spartak, and after the death of Lenin received his name.

"Be ready!"

"Always ready!"

Pioneer Oath
I, I.F., joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, in the face of my comrades, solemnly swear: to love my Motherland passionately; to live, study and fight as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches; always follow the laws of the pioneers Soviet Union
"Be ready!"
"Always ready!" Note. Until 1986, it was: "... passionately love your Motherland, live, study and fight, as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches, always follow the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union."

Revision 1922
With my word of honour, I promise that I will be faithful to the working class, that I will help my fellow workers every day, that I know the laws of the pioneers and that I will obey them.

Revision 1923
I, a young pioneer of the USSR, solemnly promise in the face of my comrades that

1) I will stand firmly for the cause of the working class in its struggle for the liberation of the workers and peasants of the whole world.
2) I will honestly and steadily carry out the laws and customs of the young pioneers.

Revision 1924
I, a young pioneer of the USSR, solemnly promise before the face of my comrades that I will firmly stand for the cause of the working class in its struggle for the liberation of the workers and peasants of the whole world. I will honestly and unswervingly fulfill the precepts of Ilyich, the laws and customs of the young pioneers.

Revision 1928
I, a young pioneer of the USSR, solemnly promise before my comrades that: 1) I will firmly stand for the cause of the working class in its struggle for the liberation of the working people of the whole world. 2) I will honestly and steadily fulfill the precepts of Ilyich - Laws of the UP Laws of young pioneers - a set of basic rules for the life and work of a member of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. V. I. Lenin. The goals and tasks of the children's communist organization, the basic principles of communist morality, and the moral and ethical norms of behavior of young pioneers are set out in a figurative and understandable form for children.

For the first time, the Laws of Young Pioneers, developed by the commission of the Central Committee of the RKSM with the participation of N. K. Krupskaya, were approved by the 5th Congress of the RKSM in October 1922. In the Laws of Young Pioneers, it was singled out as one of the main laws - "I will strive always, wherever possible, to obtain knowledge in order to use it for the benefit of the working people."

The changes in the conditions of activity of the pioneer organization that took place during the years of socialist construction, the deepening of the content and the improvement of the forms and methods of its work, were reflected in the new text of the Laws of Young Pioneers, approved in 1957 by the 8th Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.

The laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union

The pioneer is devoted to the motherland, the party, communism.
Pioneer is preparing to become a member of the Komsomol.
The pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor.
Pioneer honors the memory of the dead fighters and is preparing to become a defender of the Fatherland.
Pioneer is the best in studies, work and sports.
The pioneer is disciplined.
The Pioneer is an honest and faithful comrade, always boldly standing up for the truth.
Pioneer - comrade and counselor of the October.
Pioneer is a friend to pioneers and children of working people of all countries.
Pioneer is honest and truthful. His word is like granite.

Pioneer habits.

Pioneer does not lie in bed in the morning, but rises immediately, like a roly-poly.
Pioneers make beds with their own hands, not with the hands of others.
Pioneers wash themselves thoroughly, not forgetting to wash their necks and ears, brush their teeth and remember that teeth are the friends of the stomach.
Pioneers are accurate and accurate.
Pioneers stand and sit straight, not hunched over.
Pioneers are not afraid to offer their services to people. Pioneers do not smoke; a smoking pioneer is no longer a pioneer.
Pioneers don't keep their hands in their pockets; one who keeps his hands in his pockets is not always ready.
Pioneers protect useful animals.
Pioneers always remember their customs and laws.

Pioneer anthem

Music: S. Deshkin Lyrics: A. Zharov

We, the pioneers, are the children of the workers.

Chorus (after each verse):
The time is coming /aut:era/
bright years,
The call of the pioneer
"Always be ready!"

With a joyful step, with a cheerful song,
We stand for the Komsomol.

We raise the red / aut: scarlet / banner,
Children of workers, boldly follow us!

We will thunder together the song of the daring
For the pioneers of the world family

Fire up, blue nights!
We, the pioneers, are the children of the workers.

Signals and marches of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. V. I. Lenin (Parts 1, 2)

Genre: signals and marches
Disc year: 1983
Disc manufacturer: USSR
Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps
Duration: 00:16:11

I Signals

1. Entry - 00:00:35
2. Attention! Listen everyone! - 00:00:37
3. Rise! - 00:00:28
4. For lunch - 00:00:23
5. To class - 00:00:27
6. Gathering of pioneer leaders - 00:00:14
7. Go to bed - 00:00:47

II squad line

8. Signal "Gathering" - 00:00:40
9. March "Ceremonial removal of the banner" - 00:00:23
10. Ascent and descent State flag USSR - 00:00:29
11. Fly fires, blue nights!
12. Grand opening - 00:00:21
13. Minute of silence - 00:00:51

III Accompanying Marches
pioneer system

14. Solemn greeting - 00:00:36
15. Pioneer touch - 00:00:17
16. Pioneer march - 00:00:53
17. Counter march - 00:00:28
18. Ringing march - 00:00:32
19. March on guards - 00:00:22
20. Pioneer march - 00:00:43

IV Signals pioneer
military sports game "Zarnitsa"

21. Signal "Dawn" - 00:01:04
22. Signal "Alarm" - 00:00:30
23. Signal "Air Raid" - 00:00:13
24. Signal "Alarm end" - 00:00:21

Symbols of the pioneer organization

Regulations on the symbols, attributes and rituals of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. IN AND. Lenin provides for the use in educational work state symbols established by the Constitution of the USSR. The Pioneer Organization instills in children and adolescents a deep respect for the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem of the USSR, as well as for the Coat of Arms, the Flag, and the Anthem of the Union Republic. These state symbols personify the heroic history, power and greatness of the socialist Fatherland.

The educational purpose of the symbolism of the pioneer organization, the importance of using state symbols in its work lies primarily in explaining to them in a specific bright, imaginative, emotional and understandable form for children:

The idea of ​​revolutionary succession of generations of communists - Komsomol - pioneers, loyalty of the young generation to the revolutionary, fighting and labor traditions of the Soviet people, readiness to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
the socio-political meaning of the activities of the communist organization of children and adolescents;
the significance of the pioneer organization as a replacement and reserve for the Lenin Komsomol;
the need to strengthen the unity of the members of the pioneer organization.

The symbolism of the pioneer organization was distinguished by the following ideological and political orientations:

The deep ideological and political content of each symbol, the inextricable link with communist ideas;
the concreteness and accuracy of the expression of the ideological and political content of certain communist ideas;
brightness and emotional appeal of the external form of the symbol;
simplicity and accessibility of disclosing political concepts that are difficult for children.

Red banner and red flag. The Communist Party and the Komsomol entrusted pioneer organizations and squads with the right to have the Red Banner, the detachment - the red pioneer flag. These were symbols of the young generation's loyalty to the cause of the October Revolution, the cause of the Communist Party, a symbol of loyalty to the Motherland, honor and unity of the pioneers.

On the Red Banner of the All-Union Pioneer Organization are two Orders of Lenin and the Commemorative Ribbon of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. The first Order of Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. IN AND. Lenina was awarded on May 17, 1962 in connection with her 40th birthday for her great work in the communist education of children. The commemorative ribbon of the Central Committee of the Komsomol was presented to the pioneer organization on June 30, 1970 at the XVII All-Union Pioneer Gathering in Leningrad for successful work in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin. The pioneer organization was awarded the second Order of Lenin on May 18, 1972 in connection with its 50th anniversary and for its great work in raising children in the spirit of Lenin's precepts.

The Red Banner was solemnly presented by representatives of the Lenin Komsomol to pioneer organizations of the Union and Autonomous Republics, national districts, territorial and regional, city and district organizations, the squad of the school, the temporary squad of the pioneer camp.

Samples of the Red Banners of pioneer organizations and squads were established by the Central Committee of the Komsomol. These banners bore the pioneer badge and inscribed the words of the pioneers' motto: "Be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!" On the ribbon attached to the flagstaff is the name of the organization or squad. Commemorative ribbons for successes in all-Union and republican pioneer affairs were also attached to the flagpole of the squad. Respect for the Red Banner was the sacred duty of every leader and pioneer.

Red flag was presented by a representative of the Komsomol organization to the newly created pioneer joy at a solemn line. The sample of the red flag of the detachment was also approved by the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. The front side of the flag featured a pioneer badge. A ribbon with an honorary name of the detachment embroidered in silk was attached to the flagpole, commemorative ribbons - a reward for success in pioneering affairs, for example. Ribbon of Honor of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. IN AND. Lenin's detachment - the "right-flank" All-Union march of pioneer detachments.

Red tie and pioneer badge.

Every pioneer wore a red tie. It was a symbol of loyalty to the cause of the Great October Revolution, a symbol of the indestructible unity of three generations: communists - Komsomol members - pioneers. A pioneer's tie is a particle of the revolutionary Red Banner. Protecting the honor of your pioneer tie means sacredly preserving the honor of the Red Banner. The badge is a symbol of the pioneer's belonging to a single mass communist organization of children and adolescents of the Soviet Union. “Such an icon,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya in the brochure "RKSM and Boy Scouting" - strengthens the bond between the organization and its members and strengthens the member's responsibility for his actions.

Pioneer badge.
The pioneer badge is an image of a five-pointed red star (a symbol of unity, the workers of the five continents) with the profile of V.I. Lenin in the center of the star (a sign of belonging to the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin and fidelity of the pioneer to Lenin's precepts), above the upper rays of the star there is a pioneer bonfire with three flames (a symbol of the unity of generations of communists - Komsomol members - pioneers), the lower rays of the star are intertwined ribbon with the words "Always ready!" (a symbol of a pioneer's readiness to fight for the cause of the Communist Party).

Pioneer salute. The salute of a pioneer means that for him the interests of society, his communist organization, squad and detachment are higher than personal ones. The pioneer saluted, raising his right hand bent at an angle with tightly clenched fingers above his head:

Https:// when handing him a red tie;
during the performance of the Anthem of the Communist Party "International", the Anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, anthems of the union republics, the raising of the State flag of the USSR and the flags of the union republics;
at the Mausoleum and monuments to V.I. Lenin, memorials of the revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people, answering "Always ready!" to the words of the pioneer motto;
when presenting insignia to members of the councils of squads and detachments, awarding them during a solemn ceremony;
the pioneer also salutes the Red Banner - the flag of the detachment, salutes the leaders, the pioneer and military system with a salute.

honorary name. The assignment of a pioneer organization, squad, detachment named after an outstanding figure in the Communist Party and the revolutionary movement, the hero of our Motherland was a symbol of loyalty to the glorious traditions of the struggle for communism. Examples of heroic life and struggle, "the glorious work of the Soviet people, the feat of heroes act as the high moral ideal of the pioneers", which they had to imitate. Already N.K. Krupskaya noted in her writings the significant educational power of the connection between the ideals and practical behavior of adolescents and children. The highest ideological and moral ideal for the pioneers was the life and work of V. I. Lenin.

Symbolism is inextricably linked with the attributes of the pioneer organization. Attributes - certain objects and signs that express the ideas, symbols and traditions of the pioneer movement in a bright and expressive form, emphasize the cohesion, unity and organization of pioneer teams, create an emotionally attractive design for a children's communist organization.

Some of the main symbols of the pioneer organization were at the same time its attributes (the red banners of the pioneer organizations and teams, the red flags of the detachments, the pioneer's tie and badge).

The attributes, having a symbolic meaning, reflected the revolutionary romance of pioneer life, the pathos of the heroic struggle of the people for the great cause of the Communist Party. Therefore, for example, both the bugle and the drum should not be considered only from the point of view of their utilitarian and practical purpose of giving signals. The bugle and the drum became companions of the detachment as symbols of the battle trumpet of the Red Army regiments of the fiery years. civil war and the marching drums of the young Gavroches of the Paris Commune.

The attributes of the pioneer organization were the form of leaders and pioneers, insignia of the elected pioneer activists, awards of leaders and pioneers, commemorative emblems, signs and award badges of pioneer rallies, festivals, competitions, competitions, all-Union and republican games.

Thus, the goals and objectives of the pioneer organization were determined on the basis of party directives and formulated in the Charter of the Komsomol and the Regulations on the All-Union Pioneer Organization. V.I. Lenin, documents of the Lenin Komsomol.

The common and unified goal of the school, the Komsomol and the pioneer organization was the task of the all-round development of the communist personality. The purpose of the work of each squad was to prepare a worthy replacement for the Lenin Komsomol.

Symbolism and attributes gave a revolutionary-romantic mood to the life and work of the pioneers, helped organizationally and ideologically strengthen the team of members of the communist organization of children and adolescents, bring emotional and solemn elation to pioneer affairs, and create the aesthetics of the life of the team. They expressed the socio-political ideas of public life, the pathos of the struggle for the construction of socialism and communism.


From 18 to 25 August 1929 The 1st meeting of the pioneers of the country took place in Moscow. It has become a truly universal affair. In May-August, local rallies were held in all parts of the USSR, at which the results of the work carried out with the pioneers were summed up and 6,738 delegates were elected to the All-Union Pioneers' rally. During the rally, the First All-Union Pioneer Spartakiad, the All-Union Review of Pioneers' Artistic Work, the First All-Union Conference of Pioneers, the day of "bondage" with the Red Army, and the First International Children's Congress were held. The delegates discussed the "Order of the meeting", in which the country's pioneers were explained their specific participation in the fulfillment of the tasks of the first five-year plan.

II All-Union meeting of pioneers

On July 10-18, 1962, the II All-Union Meeting of Pioneers took place in Artek. It was attended by 2250 delegates and 550 representatives of foreign children's organizations. The rally summed up the results of the two-year period “Pioneers to the Motherland!” and launched the All-Union competition for the best pioneer detachment under the motto "The name of Lenin is in everyone's heart, we will prove loyalty to the party by deed!". Days of protection of peace, memory of heroes, sports, arts were held at the rally.

The pioneers of the 1960s, together with the adults, were actively involved in building communism in our country. Collection of scrap metal for power transmission lines of Nazarovskaya GRES and Bratsk HPP in 1963, 100 thousand Lenin tractors for the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin - the work of Pionerstroy.

In January 1967, the All-Union military-sports game of the pioneers "Zarnitsa" started, in June 1969 - the All-Union chess tournament of pioneer squads for the prize of world champions "White Rook".

III All-Union Gathering of Pioneers

July 15 - August 5, 1967 Artek hosted the III All-Union Gathering of Pioneers. It was attended by 4054 delegates and 442 representatives of children's organizations from 47 countries in Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia. The rally summed up the results of the All-Union Review of Pioneer Squads “Shine, Leninist Stars!”, which took place in 1964-1967. During the rally, the day of the hero, the day of peace, friendship and solidarity were held; day of revolutionary, combat and labor traditions; holiday of the Red Banner. Divided into international brigades, the delegates and guests worked at various Crimean enterprises to fund Vietnam. The rally was welcomed by the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

IV All-Union Gathering of Pioneers

June 30 - July 3, 1970 The 4th All-Union Gathering of Pioneers took place in Leningrad. It was attended by 1023 delegates, 24 of them were awarded commemorative medals “For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The delegates visited Smolny, visited the hut of V.I. The delegates reported to the Komsomol that the pioneers had fulfilled their obligation to donate scrap metal for 100,000 tractors to the Motherland on the birthday of V.I. Lenin. At the rally, in response to the appeal of the XVI Congress of the Komsomol, the delegates adopted the “Pioneer Word to the Komsomol” and launched the All-Union March of Pioneer Detachments under the motto “Always Ready!” Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin.

On May 18, 1972, in connection with the 50th anniversary of its founding and for the great work in raising children, the All-Union Pioneer Organization was awarded the second Order of Lenin.

V All-Union Gathering of Pioneers

July 29 - August 4, 1972 Artek hosted the 5th All-Union Gathering of Pioneers. It was attended by 3291 delegates and representatives of children's and youth organizations from 59 countries. Pioneers reported on the fulfillment of the order of the XVI Congress of the Komsomol. The rally summed up the work of the pioneer organization of the country in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the pioneers. Conferences "Multi-colored ties for" round table”, the holiday “My dear country is wide”, the day of memory of heroes, the day of solidarity with the peoples fighting for national liberation, the holiday “Salute to Gaidar!” and others. The rally launched a new stage of the All-Union march of pioneer detachments under the motto "Always ready!".

On January 23, 1974, on the day of the 50th anniversary of the assignment of the pioneer organization named after Lenin, a All-Union gathering of pioneer detachments under the motto "Pioneers of the whole country are faithful to the cause of Lenin!".

May 9, 1975 in Pionerskaya Pravda, an appeal was published by the pioneers of the O. Koshevoy team of Moscow school No. 681 and the Berlin school named after O. Koshevoy to peers from fraternal socialist countries to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Victory over fascism with worthy deeds - to go through the roads of units Soviet army, anti-fascist underground, resistance movement; to collect materials for museums and corners of military glory, to surround war veterans and anti-fascists with care; hold international meetings under the motto "Salute, Victory!". The call was supported. results common work on a worthy meeting of the great holiday of anti-fascists were discussed at the international children's festival "Salyut, Victory!", Which was held in August 1975 in Artek. From here the next stage of the All-Union march of pioneer detachments started under the motto "We take an example from the communists!".