Presentation oil rig minerals. Lesson summary "minerals"

"Demonstrative pronouns in English" - these. Those are clocks. remember. These are cats. English language, 4th grade. These are frogs. Demonstrative pronouns. This is a fridge. That is a TV set. company logo. Those are bananas. This is a clock. that. This is an apple. those. this. That is a book.

"Problems" Quadrilaterals "" - The investigation is conducted by experts in geometry. Trapeze. Connoisseurs. Rhombus. Group work. A series of mysterious incidents. Making orientations. Gang. Quadrilateral. Parallelogram. opposite sides. Types of trapezoid. Draw. April. Graphic dictation. The order of solving problems. Mathematical relay.

"Website design" - Web-surfers. Network travel. Web analytics. Project manager. By now, we already know how a Web site differs from a regular one. Information Architects. Criteria for evaluation. How to make a website for the Internet. Website development. Web quest tutorial. Report protection plan. Site design.

"Comets, asteroids, meteorites" - A meteorite is a solid body of cosmic origin that fell to the surface of the Earth. Meteorites. Many of the comets are included in the so-called families. What are comets themselves? The committee has a large meteorite collection. The meteor body enters the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of about 11-25 km/sec.

"Subtraction and addition of prime numbers" - Equation. Addition and subtraction natural numbers. oral work. Subtracting a sum from a number. Formulate the laws of addition. Perform addition in the most convenient way. Work with the textbook. Subtraction of natural numbers. Find the perimeter. Find the perimeter of the polygon.

"Examples of plants" - The use of amber. Seaweed. Green mosses. Flowering plants. Amber. Moss habitats. Mosses. Chlamydomonas. Golden algae. Spruce is prickly. Brown algae. coniferous plants. Red algae. Diversity of plants on earth. The night before Ivan's Day. Pea-bearing cypress. The work of the teacher.

Total in the topic 23687 presentations

Can what you see be called wealth? Specify what kind of wealth and to whom they belong?

Where are these riches located?

Is it possible to find treasures only on the surface of the Earth?

- What do we call minerals?

Teacher's message

Minerals - mineral formations of the earth's crust, the composition and properties of which allow them to be used as raw materials or fuel. There are solid, liquid and gaseous minerals.

The minerals are in earth's crust in the form of clusters, which are theirdeposit. Today we will go to one of the deposits.


- What did you learn about this mineral in the lessons of the world around you?

Student messages

    Oil was formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago underground.

    Oil is a thick oily liquid. She has a strong smell. Getting into the water, it spreads a thin film on its surface.

    People have known about the existence of oil since ancient times. Sometimes when digging a well, instead of water, a dark oily liquid with a pungent odor came out of the ground - oil. This liquid had a remarkable property - it burned beautifully. It was poured into lamps, used in military affairs to make "fiery arrows" and "fire pots", used to lubricate wheels and mechanisms. That was until the invention of the engine.

Teacher's message

Today, oil is one of the most important minerals for mankind, which is used to produce gasoline, kerosene, plastics, paints, fabrics, medicines, etc. It is considered"black gold" , at a price it is not inferior to the yellow metal.

Exercise 1.

- People of what profession are engaged in the search for deposits? (geologists )

- Find oil fields on the map of Russia. (Sakhalin Island, Yamal Peninsula, Western Siberia)

- Who is replacing the geologists? (drillers )

- Drillers builddrilling rigs and drill deepwells . Well drilling is one of the main operations in oil production. Oil is pumped out by special pumps intooil storage, and then bypipeline am, on special ships -tanker ah or intank x it is delivered tooil refineries.

Task 2.

Consider the photographs and determine what technological operations for the extraction and transportation of oil are depicted on them?

Task 3.

- Carefully consider the design of the drilling rig. A drilling rig is a structure above a well, designed to lower and raise drilling tools, instruments, pipes.In its shape, it looks like a pyramid, sometimes as high as a 13-14-storey building. It has 4 legs, on which three platforms are attached. For greater strength, the legs are fastened together with specialrods. Details of the drilling rig are made of pipes, when assembled they are connected with bolts.

Task 4.

-What is the best material for creating a model of an oil rig? Why? What should be the tower? (steady, mobile, strong)

Task 5.

What form of work will you choose? Why? Distribute responsibilities.

Task 6.

- Consider the model of the drilling rig. Determine what parts of the designer are needed in its manufacture, select these parts. Pick up the tools you need to assemble the model.

Task 7.

- Independent drawing up of a work plan based on a drawing. Product assembly.

Task 8.

Diagnostics of the quality of mastering the topic

    Add suggestions:

Black gold is ……………………………………………. .

A drilling rig is a structure above ……………………., intended for …………………………………………………..

2.Draw a symbol that indicates oil on the map.

    Identify and underline the names of the professions of people who are involved in oil production:

Miner Geologist Driller Pharmacist

    Determine the sequence for the extraction and transportation of oil:

Drilling of the wells;

Search for oil fields;

transportation of oil through pipelines;

preparation of deposits for development.

Can what you see be called wealth? Specify what kind of wealth and to whom they belong?

Where are these riches located?

Is it possible to find treasures only on the surface of the Earth?

- What do we call minerals?

Teacher's message

Minerals - mineral formations of the earth's crust, the composition and properties of which allow them to be used as raw materials or fuel. There are solid, liquid and gaseous minerals.

Minerals are found in the earth's crust in the form of accumulations, which are their deposit. Today we will go to one of the deposits.


- What did you learn about this mineral in the lessons of the world around you?

Student messages

  1. Oil was formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago underground.
  1. Oil is a thick oily liquid. She has a strong smell. Getting into the water, it spreads a thin film on its surface.
  1. People have known about the existence of oil since ancient times. Sometimes when digging a well, instead of water, a dark oily liquid with a pungent odor came out of the ground - oil. This liquid had a remarkable property - it burned beautifully. It was poured into lamps, used in military affairs to make "fiery arrows" and "fire pots", used to lubricate wheels and mechanisms. That was until the invention of the engine.

Teacher's message

Today, oil is one of the most important minerals for mankind, which is used to produce gasoline, kerosene, plastics, paints, fabrics, medicines, etc. It is considered "black gold", at a price it is not inferior to the yellow metal.

Exercise 1.

- People of what profession are engaged in the search for deposits? ( geologists)

- Find oil fields on the map of Russia. (Sakhalin Island, Yamal Peninsula, Western Siberia)

- Who is replacing the geologists? ( drillers)

- Drillers build drilling rigs and drill deep wells. Well drilling is one of the main operations in oil production. Oil is pumped out by special pumps into oil storage, and then by pipeline am, on special ships - tanker ah or in tank x it is delivered to oil refineries.

Task 2.

Consider the photographs and determine what technological operations for the extraction and transportation of oil are depicted on them?

Task 3.

- Carefully consider the design of the drilling rig. A drilling rig is a structure above a well, designed to lower and raise drilling tools, instruments, pipes. In its shape, it looks like a pyramid, sometimes as high as a 13-14-storey building. It has 4 legs, on which three platforms are attached. For greater strength, the legs are fastened together with special rods. Details of the drilling rig are made of pipes, when assembled they are connected with bolts.

Task 4.

-What is the best material for creating a model of an oil rig? Why? What should be the tower? (steady, mobile, strong)

Task 5.

What form of work will you choose? Why? Distribute responsibilities.

Task 6.

- Consider the model of the drilling rig. Determine what parts of the designer are needed in its manufacture, select these parts. Pick up the tools you need to assemble the model.

Task 7.

- Independent drawing up of a work plan based on a drawing. Product assembly.

Task 8.

Diagnostics of the quality of mastering the topic

  1. Add suggestions:

Black gold is ……………………………………………. .

A drilling rig is a structure above ……………………., intended for …………………………………………………..

2.Draw a symbol that indicates oil on the map.

  1. Identify and underline the names of the professions of people who are involved in oil production:

Miner Geologist Driller Pharmacist

  1. Determine the sequence for the extraction and transportation of oil:

… Drilling of the wells;

… Search for oil fields;

… transportation of oil through pipelines;

… preparation of fields for development.

Technology. 4th grade. Lesson plans.

M.: 2016. - 288 p.

The manual presents lesson developments for the course "Technology" for grade 4 educational institutions to the teaching materials of the educational systems "Perspective", "School of Russia" and "Harmony", as well as thematic planning according to the current textbooks of the system "Primary school XXI century”, corresponding to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education. The publication is addressed to primary school teachers of educational institutions, educators of extended day groups, students pedagogical universities and colleges, students of IPK.

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From author 3
Thematic planning 6
Introduction to Tutorial 7
Lesson 1
Man and earth 13
Lessons 2, 3. Carriage plant. Products "Undercarriage (bogie)", "Car body", "Passenger car" 14
Lesson 4 Product "Drilling rig" 24
Lesson 5 Product " Malachite Box» 31
Lessons 6, 7. Car factory. Product "KAMAZ" 36
Lesson 8 Medal project. Sides of the coin product 44
Lesson 9 Medal project. Product "Medal" 50
Lessons 10, 11. Faience factory. Products "Basis for a vase", "Vase" 53
Lesson 12 Product "Potholder" 61
Lesson 13 Products "Christmas toy", "Bird" 68
Lessons 14, 15. Shoe factory. Product "Model of children's summer shoes" 73
Lessons 16, 1 7. Woodworking production. Product "Ladder-support for plants" 83
Lessons 18, 19 Products "Cake "Potato"", "Chocolate cookies" 93
Lesson 20 Product "Table lamp" 101
Lesson 21 Product "Abajour". Table lamp assembly 108
Lesson 2 2. Greenhouse economy. Product "Flowers for a school flower bed" 114
Man and water 119
Lesson 23 Products "Filter for water purification", "Struemer" 120
Lesson 24 Rope ladder product 125
Lesson 25 Product "Bracelet" 131
Man and air 136
Lesson 2 6. Aircraft building. Rocket science. Product "Airplane" 138
Lesson 2 7. Launch vehicle. Product "Launcher" 144
Lesson 28 Product "Kite" 148
Person and information 152
Lessons 2 9, 3 0. Publishing. Products " Title page”, “Table” 154
Lesson 31 Practical work "Content" 162
Lessons 3 2, 3 3. Bookbinding. The product "Diary of a traveler" 166
Lesson 34 Presentation of completed works 168
Thematic planning 171
From time immemorial to the present day 172
Lesson 1. Introduction. Ceramics in the culture of the peoples of the world 173
Lesson 2
Lessons 3, 4. Architectural ceramics. Tile. Decorative tiles. Collective panel (modelling, painting) 181
Lessons 5, 6. Weaving from strips of birch bark, wood chips, bast or paper. Wicker box 185
Lessons 7, 8. Jewelry in the culture of the peoples of the world. Making jewelry based on traditional canons of rhythm and symmetry 192
Traditions of masters in products for the holiday 198
Lesson 9 Production of molds by corrugation 199
Lesson 10 Folding postcard 202
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13 Carnival hats (origami) 213
Lesson 14 Christmas gingerbread according to traditional canons (modeling from salt dough) 217
Lessons 15, 16. Bas-relief in a decorative item. Designing and sculpting a decorative frame 223
Masters and apprentices. Winter needlework 227
Lesson 17 The simplest crochet tricks 227
Lessons 18, 19. The simplest crochet techniques. Knitting panel 232
Lesson 20
Lessons 21, 2 2. Buttonhole and its use in finishing products. Decorative pockets 239
Lessons 2 3, 2 4. Cardboard edging 242
Lessons 2 5, 2 6. Hardcover 246
Every business has its own secrets 250
Lesson 27 Techniques and technologies for straw appliqué 250
Lessons 2 8, 2 9. We give people our skills. Straw and thread toys 254
Lessons 3 0, 31. Metal in the hands of the master. Foil stamping 257
Lesson 32 Ancient origami art. Kusudama 261
Lesson 33 Ancient origami art. Sanbo box 265
Lesson 34 Exhibition creative works students 269
Thematic planning for teaching materials " Primary School XXI century" 271
Safety rules in technology lessons 276
Physical education minutes 278
References 283

Lesson summary on technology Topic : Minerals. Malachite Box."

Target : Making a jewelry box using the applique technique.

educational task : To acquaint with minerals; on the example of malachite to study its beneficial properties.Development task : Development of horizons, attention, creative thinking. creative imagination.educational task : Foster a culture of work.Equipment : for the teacher - PC, tech. map, presentation; for the student - glue, template, cardboard, paper leaves.

Lesson stages

- The bell rang.The lesson starts.looked at each otherThey smiled and sat quietly.- Mood is good? I wish you a successful day, gladly accept everything that we will study, and I will help you in everything.So let's start the lesson. Are you wondering what we are going to do in class today? Take a look at the slide to see what we'll be working on.The slide shows malachite, malachite products, malachite boxes.What kind of stone is depicted? Who knows what it's called?- This is a very amazing and mysterious stone. There are legends about him. For example, the great writer P.P. Bazhov wrote fairy tales, and one of them is The Malachite Box. Based on her motives, a cartoon was created, a fragment from which we will now see.Viewing a fragment from the cartoon "Malachite Box".What are boxes used for? Today in the lesson we will make our own boxes for storing your stationery. Look at my box. What is she adorned with? In what rhythm do my leaves are glued? What figures underlie this box? How are they connected?- How do we start making a box? What will we do next? What will we do after that? What else can we decorate our box with? What tools will we use? Let's remember TV with scissors; with glue.Drawing work.- What lines do you see? What does the solid line say? What does the dotted line say?When is the best time to decorate, before or after? Why?Performance practical work. At this time, the teacher walks around the class, checks the correctness of the students' work and distributes grading tokens (red box - 5, green - 4, yellow - 3).Work analysis. Showing work to each other in rows.- Leave those who received a red box to the board with their work.- Why did the guys come to the board with their products? How are these works done? They did a great job and get an excellent grade for the lesson.- What new did you learn at the lesson today? What did you learn in the lesson? What did you like the most? Did not like? Why?- Guys, you are great today! Worked well at the lesson, learned a lot and learned a lot. Thank you for your work, the lesson is over.- Your homework will be to make the same box, take a picture of it and show it to us. Capture the attention of students.

Set students up for work.

Slide №1,2,3

Showing a fragment from the cartoon "Malachite Box".