Test “Forces in nature. Test "Forces in nature Dry friction is divided into

Force physics test for grade 7 students with answers. The test consists of 4 options, each option has 20 tasks.

1 option

1. What phenomenon occurs with a rubber band when, taking it by the ends, they spread their arms to the sides?

1) Compression deformation
2) Torsional deformation
3) Tensile deformation
4) Bending deformation

2. In what case is it said that a force acts on the body?

1) When a person acts on the body
2) When the body drives the engine
3) If the same body acts on it
4) When there is any interaction of the body with other bodies

3. Gravity is called universal because

1) all bodies in the world are attracted to each other
2) all planets solar system are attracted to each other
3) The sun attracts all the planets to itself

4. How does the gravity of bodies depend on their mass?

1) Does not depend
2) The greater the mass of bodies, the less their attraction to each other is less
3) The greater the mass of bodies, the stronger their attraction
4) There is no correct answer here


1) the body attracts the earth
2) the body is attracted by the Earth
3) the body is attracted by the sun
4) the body interacts with other bodies

6. Where will the force of gravity acting on bodies be greater - at the pole or at the equator?

1) At the equator
2) On the pole
3) She is the same

7. What is the cause of the elastic force?

1) The attraction of bodies by the Earth
2) gravity
3) Inertia
4) Deformation

8. What formula expresses Hooke's law?

1) F=gm
2) m = ρV
3) F = kΔl
4) P = F heavy

9. For which of the deformations indicated here is Hooke's law applicable?

1) A piece of lead is flattened by a hammer blow
2) Under the weight of the suspended load, the spring stretched, and when the load was removed, it did not shrink to its previous state
3) The spring was compressed, and then released, and it returned to its original state
4) When hammering a nail, he bent

10. What force is called weight?

1) With which the body acts on a support or suspension
2) With which the body is attracted to the Earth
3) With which the support acts on the body located on it

11. In which of the pictures is the letter F means body weight?

1) №1
2) №3
3) №2
4) There is no such pattern

12. What physical quantity measured in newtons?

1) Density of matter
2) Strength
3) body weight
4) Its volume

13. Calculate the force of gravity acting on a box of mass 20 kg.

1) 2 N
2) 20 N
3) 200 N
4) 100 N

14. Determine the weight of the cylinder from the figure below.

1) 120 N
2) 102 N
3) 98 N
4) 125 N

15. The dynamometer shown in the figure shows the weight of the cylinder, equal to

1) 0.5 N
2) 9 N
3) 8.5 N
4) 9.5 N

16. The forces acting on the stone are shown in the figure. What is their net force?

1) 8 N
2) 9 N
3) 25 N
4) 2 N

17. Find the resultant of forces.

1) 4 N
2) 8 N
3) 12 N
4) 24 N

18. What force stops a sled rolling down a hill?

1) Gravity
2) Weight
3) Force of friction
4) Strength of elasticity

19. For which type of friction is the force of friction the least?

1) Friction at rest
2) Rolling friction
3) Sliding friction
4) The force of friction is always the same

20. Surface lubrication

1) increases the force of friction
2) eliminate friction
3) does not change the force of friction
4) reduces the force of friction

Option 2

1. A man presses on an air mattress. What phenomenon occurs in this case?

1) Tensile deformation
2) Compression deformation
3) Torsional deformation
4) Bending deformation

2. The word "strength" means that

1) the body interacts with another moving body
2) the same body acts on the body
3) there is any interaction of the body with other bodies
4) other bodies act on the body

3. Gravity is called universal because

1) all bodies are attracted to the earth
2) all bodies are attracted to each other
3) all planets are attracted to the sun
4) all planets are attracted to each other

4. How does the attraction of bodies depend on the distance between them?

1) Does not depend
2) The greater the distance, the weaker the attraction
3) The smaller the distance, the weaker the attraction


1) Earth attracts all bodies
2) The sun pulls the earth

4) stars attract the sun

6. A person or a ship must experience a greater force of gravity?

1 person
2) Ship
3) The forces of gravity will be the same
4) None of the answers are correct

7. At what point does the elastic force become zero?

1) When the deformation disappears
2) When the deformation of the body is made maximum
3) When the body begins to deform
4) When it begins to restore its shape and size

8. The elastic force according to Hooke's law is equal to

1) F control = F heavy
2) s=vt
3) m = ρV
4) F = kΔl

9. What deformations are elastic?

1) Very small
2) Very large
3) Those in which the body, after removing the load, takes its original size and shape
4) Those in which the body is not destroyed

10. Weight is the force with which

1) the body is attracted to the earth
2) the body, being attracted to the Earth, acts on a support or suspension
3) the deformed support acts on the body
4) there is no correct answer

11. In which of the pictures is the letter F denotes the force of gravity acting on the body?

1) №1
2) №2
3) №3
4) there is no such pattern

12. Newton is a unit of measurement

1) masses
2) density
3) surface area
4) strength

13. Determine the force of gravity acting on a body whose mass is 500 g.

1) 0.5 N
2) 5 N
3) 50 N
4) 500 N

14. Find out from the readings of the dynamometer shown here, what force is applied to the bar to move it.

1) 3 N
2) 2 N
3) 1.5 N
4) 2.5 N

15. What is the weight of the load indicated by the dynamometer shown in the figure?

1) 70 N
2) 10 N
3) 20N
4) 15 N

16. A box placed on a shelf is subjected to a gravity force of 60 N and an elastic force from the side of the shelf. What is their net force?

1) 60 N
2) 120 N
3) 0 N
4) It is impossible to answer, since the modulus of elastic force is not indicated

17. A 1 kg bag of sugar is placed on top of the same bag. What is the resultant force with which these packets act on the table?

1) 20 N
2) 2 N
3) 10H
4) 15 N

18. What causes a ball rolling on the ground to stop?

1) The attraction of the Earth
2) Inertia
3) Deformation
4) Friction

19. Which of the drawings with images of moving bodies shows a case of manifestation of static friction?

1) №1
2) №2
3) №3
4) There is no such pattern

20. Alignment of surfaces of adjoining bodies

1) reduces friction
2) increase it
3) eliminate friction
4) does not change it

3 option

1. What phenomenon occurs with metal under pressure?

1) Compression deformation
2) Torsional deformation
3) Tensile deformation
4) Bending deformation

2. It is said that a force acts on the body when

1) it interacts with a body of the same mass
2) other bodies do not act on the body
3) the body is involved in any interaction with other bodies
4) the body is deformed

3. Universal gravitation is

1) the attraction of all bodies to the Earth
2) attraction of all planets to each other
3) attraction of all celestial bodies to each other
4) mutual attraction of all bodies of the Universe

4. The distance between the bodies has decreased. How has their attraction to each other changed?

1) Remained the same
2) Increased
3) Decreased
4) first increased, then decreased

5. The force of gravity is the force with which

1) all bodies are attracted by the earth
2) The sun pulls the earth towards itself
3) The sun attracts the planets
4) all bodies in the world are attracted to each other

6. Which of the climbers will be affected by the greater force of gravity: a) the one who begins the ascent, or b) the one who has already reached the top?

1) a
2) b
3) There will be no difference in gravity
4) None of the answers are correct

7. At what moment does the elastic force reach its maximum value?

1) When the body begins to deform
2) When the deformation becomes the largest
3) When the body restores its volume and shape
4) When the deformation disappears

8. According to Hooke's law, the elastic force is calculated by the formula

1) F=gm
2) s = v cf t
3) Fstrand = P
4) F = kΔl

9. In which of the following cases does Hooke's law not apply?

1) A children's ball jumps up and down on an elastic band
2) The child pulls a multi-colored flexible toy spring
3) After removing the load, the coils of the spring remained stretched
4) Such a case is not named here.

10. Why don't gravity and weight balance each other?

1) Because they are not equal
2) Because they work in the same direction
3) Because they are attached to different bodies
4) There is no correct answer

11. In which picture is the letter F stands for elastic force?

1) №1
2) №2
3) №3
4) There is no such pattern


1) Kilograms (kg)
2) Kilometers (km)
3) Meters (m)
4) Newtons (N)

13. Determine the force of gravity acting on a canister of mass 8 kg.

1) 0.8 N
2) 8 N
3) 80 N
4) 800 N

14. According to the dynamometer shown in the figure, find out what force of gravity acts on the disk.

1) 18 N
2) 15.5 N
3) 16 N
4) 20 N

15. What is the body weight?

1) 40 N
2) 50 N
3) 45 N
4) 41 N

16. The brick is lifted by applying a force of 15 N. The force of gravity acting on it is 10 N. What is the resultant of these forces?

1) 25 N
2) 5 N
3) 50 N
4) 250 N

17. There are two forces acting on the ball, as shown in the figure: F2= 60 N and F1\u003d 20 N. What is their resultant force?

1) 40 N
2) 60 N
3) 120 N
4) 80 N

18. What force stops the car when the engine is off?

1) Weight
2) Gravity
3) Force of friction

19. What type of friction generates the greatest frictional force?

1) Sliding friction
2) Rolling friction
3) Friction at rest
4) These friction forces are approximately the same

20. Balls roll on the surface of the table, on which gravity forces act, equal to: a) 0.1 N; b) 0.3 N; c) 0.5 N. Which of them is affected by the smallest friction force?

1) a
2) b
3) in
4) The friction forces in these cases are the same

4 option

1. Thin wires are twisted into a bundle. What phenomenon happens to them at the same time?

1) Bending deformation
2) Tensile strain
3) Compression deformation
4) Torsional deformation

2. The term "strength" is used to briefly refer to what

1) any other body acts on the body
2) no other bodies act on it
3) when interacting with other bodies, it moves
4) as a result of interaction with surrounding bodies, it stops

3. Universal gravitation is the attraction of bodies to each other. It depends on

1) masses of bodies
2) distances between them
3) body speeds
4) on the distance between the bodies and their masses

4. In which case will the attraction of bodies be greater: a) when two ships with cargo sail past each other, or b) when boats with rowers are at the same distance?

1) a
2) b
3) It will be the same

5. Gravity is the force with which

1) the body acts on the support
2) The earth attracts the body
3) other bodies attract this body
4) the body attracts other bodies

6. Where will a greater force of gravity act on the ship - at the pole or at the equator?

1) On the pole
2) At the equator
3) This force is the same everywhere

7. Under what condition are the moduli of gravity and elastic force equal?

1) When the deformation is small
2) With increasing strain
3) When the deformation and with it the elastic force increase so much that the elastic force balances the force of gravity
4) When the load causing deformation is reduced

8. To determine the elastic force, one must use Hooke's law. It is expressed by the formula:

1) F control = F heavy
2) P = F heavy
3) F=gm
4) F = kΔl

9. What deformations are called elastic?

1) Those in which the body is destroyed
2) Those after which the body returns to its original size and shape
3) Which cause a persistent change in the shape of the body
4) Which cause a change in body volume that does not disappear with time

10. How does weight depend on body weight?

1) The greater the mass of the body, the greater the weight
2) The less body weight, the more weight
3) Weight does not depend on body weight
4) None of the answers are correct

11. In which picture is the letter F means weight?

1) №1
2) №2
3) №3
4) There is no such pattern

12. What units are used to measure force?

1) Kilograms and grams
2) Meters and kilometers
3) Newtons and kilonewtons
4) No correct answer

13. Find the force of gravity acting on a vase of flowers if its mass is 1.5 kg.

1) 1.5 N
2) 15 N
3) 150 N
4) 1500 N

14. Determine the weight of the bar from the dynamometer shown in the figure

1) 1.6 N
2) 14 N
3) 160 N
4) 1600 N

15. 20 kg of granulated sugar was added to the bag. How has the weight of the bag changed?

1) Increased by 20 N
2) Increased by 10 N
3) Increased by 200 N
4) Hasn't changed

16. Forces acting on the box F1= 45 N and F2= 30 N shown in the figure. What is their net force?

1) 75 N
2) 50 N
3) 25 N
4) 15 N

17. Determine the resultant of forces F1= 30 Ni F2= 20 N acting on the cart.

1) 50 N
2) 30 N
3) 20 N
4) 10 N

18. What phenomenon causes the impossibility of the movement of vehicles by inertia?

1) Universal gravitation
2) Attraction to the Earth
3) Friction
4) The action of gravity and elasticity

19. What type of friction occurs when the trolley moves?

1) Sliding friction
2) Rolling friction
3) Friction at rest

20. In which of the following cases is friction increased?

1) Oil is dripped into the keyhole
2) Fill the rinks with water
3) Grooves are made on the soles of winter shoes
4) Sledge runners are made smooth

Answers to the test in the physics of the Force
1 option
Option 2
3 option
4 option


Option 1.

1. What force changes the direction of motion of a stone thrown horizontally?
a) elastic forces; b) gravity; c) body weight.

2. What is approximately equal to the force of gravity acting on a ball with a mass of 0.5 kg?
a) 5 N; b) 0.5 N; c) 50 N.

3. What is the approximate mass of a body weighing 120 N?

a) 120 kg; b) 12 kg; c) 60 kg.

4. The force resulting from the deformation of the body and directed in the direction opposite to the movement of the particles of the body is called ...

a) elastic force; b) friction force; c) gravity.

5. A man weighing 80 kg is holding a bag weighing 10 kg on his shoulders. With what force does a person press on the ground?

a) 800 N; b) 700 N; c) 900 N.

6. The thrust force of a rocket launched vertically upwards is 400 kN, and the gravity force acting on the rocket is 100 kN. Determine the resultant of these forces.

a) 400 kN; b) 500 kN; c) 300 kN.

7. In the icy sidewalks are sprinkled with sand, while the friction force of the soles on the ice ...

a) is decreasing b) increases; c) does not change.

8. A skydiver weighing 85 kg uniformly descends with an open parachute. What is the force of air resistance if the parachutist moved uniformly?

a) 85 N; b) 850 N; c) 8.5 N.

9. There is water in the tank of the street sprinkler. By how much will the weight of the car decrease if it spills 200 kg of water?

a) 200 N; b) by 2 kN; c) 20 kN. 1 2 3

10. (creative) Give examples where friction can be harmful. What are some ways to reduce friction?

Test in physics in grade 7 on the topic "Forces"

Option 2

1. What force causes the formation of rockfalls in the mountains?

a) elastic forces; b) gravity; c) friction force.

2.. What is approximately equal to the force of gravity acting on a brick with a mass of 3 kg?
a) 3 N; b) 0.3 N; c) 30 N.

3. What is the approximate mass of a chandelier suspended from the ceiling, acting on the ceiling with a force of 50 N?

a) 50 kg; b) 4 kg; c) 5 kg.

4. The force with which the body, due to attraction to the Earth, acts on a support or suspension

a) elastic force; b) gravity; c) body weight.

5. A boy weighing 400 N holds a weight of 10 kg on his outstretched arm. Determine the force with which he presses on the ground.

a) 500 N; b) 400N; c) 300 N.

6. An electric locomotive pulls cars with a force of 300 kN. The resistance force is 170 kN. Calculate the resultant of these forces.

a) 470 kN; b) 130 kN; c) 300 kN.

7. When lubricating rubbing surfaces, the friction force ...

a) does not change; b) increases; c) decreases.

8. A weight of 400 g was suspended from a spring. What is the elastic force that arose in it?

a) 4 N; b) 0.4 N; c) is equal to zero.

9. There is a load in the car. By how much will the weight decrease if 500 kg of cargo is unloaded?

a) 500 N; b) by 5 kN; c) 50 kN.

10. (creative) Give examples where friction can be helpful. What are some ways to increase friction?

Physics grade 7. Test on the topic "Strength".

1. When two bodies interact, they have:

A) only the speed changes

B) Only the shape changes

C) speed and shape do not change

D) Shape and speed may change

2. On what bodies: a car, the Moon, a brick falling from a height, does gravity act constantly?

A) car only

B) only to the moon

C) Only on a brick falling from a height

D) For all of the above bodies

3. The ball released from the hands falls to the ground. What force causes the ball to fall?

A) gravity

B) Ball weight

B) elastic force

4 What phenomenon causes the emergence of an elastic force?

A) universal gravitation

B) Deformation

B) inertia

D) Earth's gravity

5. Strength is measured in…

A) newtons

B) Joules

B) watts

6) What formula expresses Hooke's law?

6) What phenomenon

A) F=pS. B) A \u003d sF.

B) M=Fl. D) P=gm.

3. Express in kilojoules the work equal to 7000 J, 6300 Nm and 75 J.

A) 7 kJ, 6.3 kJ, 0.075 kJ. C) 7 kJ, 63 kJ, 0.75 kJ.

B) 70 kJ, 63 kJ, 0.75 kJ. D) 70 kJ, 6.3 kJ, 0.75 kJ.

4. To what height did the crane lift a load of 1.5 tons if the work done by it is equal to

A) 4 m. B) 0.4 m.

B) 40 m. D) your answer.

5. Power is calculated by the formula -

6. Power is measured in ...

A) ... newtons. B) ... pascals.

B) ... watts D) ... joules.

7. What is the power of a person pulling a sandbag and doing 48 kJ of work in 10 minutes?

A) 4.8 W. C) 8 W.

B) 4800 W. D) 80 W.

8. The figure shows a lever. What is the moment of force and

A) OS OV. B) Svi SV.

B) OS and OV. D) SW and SW.

9. The system of blocks gives a gain in strength of 6 times. How many moving blocks should be in it?

10. Calculating the efficiency of the mechanism, the student received different answers. Which one is definitely not correct?

A) 106%. C) 88%.

B) 72%. D) 56%.

11. A load of 100 kg is suspended on the short arm of the lever. To lift it, a force of 250 N was applied to the long arm. The load was lifted to a height = 0.08 m, while the application point driving force descended to a height = 0.4 m. Find the efficiency of the lever.

A) 65%. C) 102% /

B) 80%. D) your answer .

All-Russian competition for the best methodological development « Verification work in physics" "Forces in nature"

Compiled by the teacher of physics OGBOU "boarding school No. 89 for children with disabilities" - Salikhova E. A.


Test "Forces in nature"

7th grade

The test was developed by a physics teacher, for the textbook Peryshkin A. V. Grade 7 for children with handicapped health.

Comments for the teacher on the performance of tasks and their assessment

The test on the topic "Forces in Nature" contains 7 tasks of three levels of difficulty.\ Level A- basic. For each task of this level, 3 possible answers are given, only one of which is correct.

Level B- more difficult. Each task of this level requires a short answer.

Level C- increased complexity. When performing tasks of level C, it is required to provide a solution to the problems.

This test takes 40-45 minutes to complete. Correct answers should be circled.

Criteria for evaluating answers

Depending on the type of task, different forms of assessment are used.

For each correctly completed task of part A, 1 point is awarded.

For each correctly completed task of part B, from 1 to 2 points are awarded, depending on the answer to the task.

Part C consists of two problems to solve. For each criterion, the student receives points from which the total score is added.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task C


A complete correct solution is given, including the following elements:

Correctly written formulas expressing physical laws;

The necessary mathematical transformations and calculations leading to the correct answer are given, and the answer is presented

The necessary formulas are written correctly, the answer is written correctly, but the transformations leading to the answer are not presented, or an error was made in mathematical transformations or calculations that led to an incorrect answer.

The solution contains an error in the necessary mathematical transformations or the ratio for determining the value is not taken into account

Maximum amount points for the task

Physics test grade 7 on the topic "Forces in nature"

What units is force measured in?

A) kilogram B) Meter; B) Newton.

2. What is the name of the force with which the elephant is attracted to the ground? Picture 1?

Picture 1

A) gravity; B) Elasticity; B) friction.

3. Crocodile Gena plays the harmonica. What is the force generated by stretching and compressing an accordion? Figure 2

Figure 2

A) severity; B) Elasticity; B) friction.

4. Specify the force with which the bear acts on the support? Figure 4

Figure 4

A) elasticity; B) Weight; B) gravity.

Level B

5. Why do fixies lubricate door hinges? Figure 3. Explain your answer.


Level C

6. Two teams pull the rope. Determine the resultant force.

F1=9N F2=2N F3=4N F4=6N

A) 1H; B) 0 N; C) 11H.

7. A boy weighing 25 kg put a briefcase weighing 5 kg on his shoulders. Determine the force with which the boy with the briefcase presses on the floor?

A) 250N; B) 300N; C) 300 Pa.

job number

Test "Strength" 7 cells.

I option

1. In what unit is gravity measured in the SI system?

2. What formula is used to find the elastic force?

A) gravity

B) elasticity,

B) friction

D) body weight

4. What is the force of gravity acting on a body of mass 10 kg?

F 1 = 3 H F 2 = 7 H

6. What instrument is used to measure gravity?

7. What is the stiffness of the spring if, with a force of 50 N, it lengthens by 5 cm?

A) 10 N/kg B) 250 N/kg C) 0.1 N/kg D) 1000 N/kg

8. What is the mass of a body if a force of gravity equal to 100 N acts on it?

F.I. Date: Option No.



Test "Strength" 7 cells.

II option

1. In what unit is the elastic force measured in the SI system?

A) kilogram B) meter C) second D) Newton

2. What formula should be used to find the force of gravity?

A) F = mg, B) F = k ∆ l , C) F = pS, D) p = F:S

3. What force is shown in the picture?

A) gravity

B) elasticity,

B) friction

D) body weight

4. What is the force of gravity acting on a body of mass 1 kg?

A) 10 N B) 100 N C) 0 N D) 0.1 N

5. What is the resultant of the two forces acting on the body (shown in the figure)?

F 1 = 3 H F 2 = 7 H

6. What instrument is used to measure the elastic force?

A) scales B) stopwatch C) dynamometer D) tape measure

7. How much did a spring with a stiffness of 50 N/kg lengthen if a force of 5 N acts on it?

A) 10 m B) 250 m C) 0.1 m D) 55 m

8. What is the mass of a body if a force of gravity equal to 10 N acts on it?

A) 10 kg B) 100 kg C) 1 kg D) 0.1 kg

9. What question of the test was the most difficult for you?

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5 F) 6 G) 7 H) 8

F.I. Date: Option No.