What does it mean people become social. Who is an asocial person and what is an asocial lifestyle

A view of humanity in which the main principle underlying human nature is a complex set of social and interpersonal needs.

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union. Created in 1958 on the basis of the Roman
treaties to mitigate the social consequences of structural adjustment ..........
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Federal tax. Regulated by Chapter 24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
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The authorities do not provide benefits. Tax ........
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SOCIAL, th, th.

2. Public, relating to people's lives and their relationships in society. Social environment. Social status. socially(adv.) dangerous. Social Security(state system of material support for citizens in old age, as well as in case of illness or disability). Social sphere.

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


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    - (lat. socialis, from socius comrade). 1) relating to society, belonging to it, public. 2) based on the principles of socialism. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SOCIAL lat. socialis, from ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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Social Man
» features inherent in this role of people.

One of the spiritual (highest) human needs is communication and relationships with other people. For these functions in any individual (applies to adults, since children have other mental mechanisms that are based on love), a mental structure called personality is responsible. A social person is the smallest particle in the social system. With age, we are gradually moving from individuality (to a lesser extent, it has personal, isolated, specific qualities, character) to the status of a person (more pronounced personal internal qualities are inherent in this particular individual).

A social person is such precisely at the expense of personality. I'll explain why. Personality is a peculiar set of individual characteristics, both for oneself and for others. By means of the manifestation of his personal behavior, a person begins to differ and be remembered by other people as a complex of isolated internal capabilities and qualities. We know other people precisely by their personal qualities, which, as a result, forms all the existing variety of social relationships.

A social person, together with other, the same personalities, forms a kind of integral social system. It is already presented as a community that has its own character, its own principles of functioning, laws, rules, morality, culture, history, and so on. When we talk about a social society, we usually mean not one specific person, but a certain group of people who are part of this community.

A social person, more precisely, his such role, does not have such characteristics, properties, qualities of behavior that are inherent in him as an individual. For example, when a person is alone (alone with himself), his behavior is determined by purely individual needs, mores, desires, etc. And when the same person enters the society of other people, he has to change his behavior, he becomes different.

Man is a social creation, and in many respects the formation of his personality and life depend on the norms and laws of society. Legal and moral traditions influence the thinking and actions of everyone. Passive and active ignoring, as well as deliberate violation of established norms and the demonstration of such behavior are examples of asociality (deviance). Antisocial people are found among all ages and social groups, among residents of all countries and representatives of different professions.

Definition of the term

Asociality - behavior that is contrary to the rules of human behavior in a particular society and morality. And there is also another meaning of this term - social indifference. Accordingly, antisociality is the lack of motivation or strong interest in social interaction and / or the presence of motivation for activities in solitude.

The word for antisocial people became popular at the beginning of the last century. It was introduced by politicians who, using this term, emphasized all disadvantaged people in their speeches. During the Second World War, antisocial elements who were in the camps could be recognized by the same signs as mentally retarded people.

An easy form of asocial manifestation is introversion. Introverts tend to avoid active positions in public life. The final form is schizophrenia. This mental disorder is characterized by the inability to communicate with people and empathize with them.

Interestingly, antisocial is not only a negative. Some religions encourage such behavior, as they are sure that the farther a person is from society, the closer he is to God.

Types of antisocial behavior

Psychologists distinguish four types of behavior of an antisocial person:

  1. Addictive - immersion in various addictions in order to escape from reality.
  2. Immoral - evasion from observance of moral norms.
  3. Illegal - Violation legal regulations.
  4. Criminal - the commission of crimes.

addictive behavior. Dependencies include:

  • bulimia and anorexia;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism and substance abuse;
  • religious sects;
  • dependence on the computer, games, sex, information and so on.

Immoral behavior is not dangerous for society, but is most often condemned by others. Examples of such behavior are unwillingness to work, vagrancy, begging, prostitution and promiscuity.

Illegal actions: insulting people, petty theft, fights, hooliganism, vehicle theft (not for the purpose of theft), and so on.

Asocial individuals also commit acts for which criminal liability is imposed: rape, banditry, fraud, robbery, extortion, riots.

Signs in adults

Antisocial behavior in adults can be a continuation of childhood habits or generated by mental illness, alcohol or drugs. Such people are liberated, they don’t know what shame is, and they don’t understand why they should comply with social norms, namely: obey the laws, be faithful to a wife or husband, adhere to the rules of ethics, work, take care of children. Frequent development of events - they find themselves on the street.

Asociality is a universal phenomenon. There are groups of wealthy people who have chosen atypical lives and ways of earning income. These are the creators of the porn industry, drug dealers, extortionists, elite prostitutes, owners of brothels and similar elements.

There is also a positive direction of deviation. We are talking about geniuses, whose actions and lifestyle are significantly different from the behavior of other people. As a rule, those around are puzzled by what is happening: the rejection of comfort, pickiness, spending time alone, shocking and capriciousness. For example, Albert Einstein, Claude Monet, Joseph Brodsky.

Asocial teenagers

Most often antisocials are teenagers. They pride themselves on their actions and their impunity, seeking participation or creating their own rebellious groups. Peer support encourages self-confidence.

Popular expressions are: a defiant format of communication with older people, refusal to perform school and household duties, rudeness. With an increase in the level of aggression, the forms of manifestation also change: theft, fights and other criminal activities, running away from home, sexual relations.

Antisocial behavior is not necessarily unique to children from dysfunctional families. There are many factors:

  • family problems;
  • the influence of comrades;
  • romantic perception of the image of a rebel;
  • strictness of parents or guardians;
  • physical problems due to illness;
  • personal degradation provoked by poor upbringing and example, poverty;
  • psychological addictions;
  • religious cults;
  • the desire to assert oneself and the absence of other ways;
  • fanaticism, imitation of the antisocial behavior of an idol;
  • subculture influence.

Often, deviant behavior is the result of the actions of another person: physical punishment at home or violence. Often adolescents focus aggression not only on others, but also on themselves. They inflict scratches, cuts and burns on themselves. With the help of physical pain, such people try to balance mental suffering. Suicide is an extreme manifestation of auto-aggression. It is necessary to help the child (your own or someone else's) in such cases in time.

Manifestations in children

The first signs of difficulties with socialization in young children are indifference to learning, lack of communication skills, and the presence of aggressiveness towards relatives and other people, as well as animals. Such children are asocial, which means they are rude, prone to theft, and their inability to resolve conflict situations is compensated by fights, screams and threats.

When similar situations arise, those who study in primary school, are immediately identified as difficult children. Excessive attention of the school administration and the teacher only exacerbates the problem, as it causes children to protest: they do not obey, do not want to cooperate with classmates and waste time on assignments.

The causes of behavioral disorders (as in adolescents/adults) are psychological, social, pedagogical and medical. If you ignore any deviations and cruelty of the child, there is a high risk of missing the development of the problem. Already in adolescence, often individual deviations become conscious actions of a destructive nature.

Prevention of asociality

A stable percentage of people are asocial, so the need to combat and prevent this phenomenon is urgent. Treatment is possible only if the behavioral abnormalities are caused by physical or mental illness. The main method of correction is prevention in the family and schools, which must be given attention from early childhood. For this, it is important to properly educate the child, taking care of his needs.

Knowledge of what an asocial person is and the corresponding signs in behavior will help in raising a healthy child. Psychologists advise following five rules in raising a healthy personality:

  1. Open communication. The problems of the child should be discussed at home and resolved calmly. Children need to be sure of support and understanding.
  2. Well deserved praise. Encouragement must be well-deserved, otherwise selfishness develops, and in the future - problems with social adaptation and the formation of deviations.
  3. Positive example. The atmosphere at home, the love of spouses and respect develop children's adequate self-esteem, on which behavior in society depends.
  4. Correction. It is necessary to calmly explain to the child what and why is unacceptable: habits, actions and character traits.
  5. Joint classes. Even the busiest parents should find time for family fun, relaxation and holidays.

Mental disorders

It was mentioned above about asocial people that such an extreme manifestation is inherent in schizophrenics, but this is not the only mental illness in which deviant behavior is expressed. It is also schizotypal disorder, infantilism, alcoholism, opiate use, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Asocials in literature

Well-known literary works will help to learn about people with antisocial behavior better. Among them:

  • "1984" (George Orwell).
  • Video Death (Irvine Welsh)
  • "It's good to be quiet" (Stephen Chbosky).
  • Books about Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle).
  • "Transformation" (Franz Kafka).
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Stieg Larsson)
  • "Brave New World" (Aldous Huxley)
  • Hannibal (Thomas Harris).
  • "Jane Eyre" (Charlotte Brontë).

Asocial people are those who either have no motivation for social life, or their behavior is contrary to social rules. An easy form of asociality is introversion, the extreme form is schizophrenia.

Deviant behavior is characteristic of children and adults, representatives of different social groups and levels of education. It can be expressed in all sorts of addictions (escape from real life), as well as ignoring moral norms and violating them (up to criminal acts).

Among the common causes of asociality are biological, social and personal factors. The best way to fight is prevention. Interestingly, an asocial is not always a bad person, they can be geniuses or believers whose religion encourages withdrawal from society.

The concept of asociality in the sense in which we all know it, was formed relatively recently. In the twentieth century, an asocial personality began to be called those whose behavior and life arrangement did not correspond to generally accepted norms of ethics and morality.
Asocial elements are:

  • persons without a fixed place of residence,
  • beggars,
  • dependent on alcohol and drugs,
  • people with different from social behavior due to mental health problems.

Historically, the word "asociality" ("a" from the ancient Greek - a particle meaning negation) meant the same thing, but was not purely negative.
They were called monks, and in many religions this way of life was a positive feature, as it implied remoteness from society for closer service to God.
Now, in society, the concept has taken on a purely negative connotation.

What does antisocial lifestyle mean?

The social way of life familiar to everyone is a certain set of actions that a person performs all his life:

  • gets an education
  • works,
  • talking to friends,
  • creates a family
  • brings up children.

The opposite way of life is behavior that is contrary to social norms. Those who lead such a way of life consciously or unconsciously oppose themselves to society, live contrary to established norms and canons.

Often such a way of life is destructive in relation to others, and because of this, a negative attitude has been formed in society towards asocial personalities. The opinion was formed that:

  • those who do not work provide themselves illegally;
  • who does not communicate with others, does it because of mental reasons;
  • those who do not start a family and raise children do so because of problems with violence on their part.

This is true, but not always. Such manifestations are more often characteristic of misanthropes - those who have developed hatred of others. They also have an asocial lifestyle, but it develops against the backdrop of a different worldview.

The reasons for the opposite of a social way of life often do not depend on the will of a person. Its development can be facilitated by:

  • lack of livelihood,
  • home absence,
  • relationship problems with family
  • development of addictions to gambling, alcohol or drugs.

In any of these cases, a person needs support. But because of the negative attitude from society, he does not receive it, more and more immersed in problems without the ability to overcome them.

A person has little chance of returning to a normal life, a stable lifestyle is being formed, which is increasingly contrary to established norms.

What is antisocial human behavior?

What distinguishes an antisocial person? What behavior is typical for him? If you ask anyone about this, then the characteristics will turn out to be purely negative. But this issue needs to be approached more broadly. This behavior can be characterized by two simple theses:

  • partial or complete self-isolation from society, which provokes the isolation of an antisocial person from society as well;
  • the negative attitude of such a person towards society, which turns into a reverse negative.

These characteristics have a boomerang effect. The development of asociality comes from a person, but then there is a response from society.
If we disassemble this type of behavior into smaller particles, we will see that it is characteristic:

  • lack of desire to legally work for the benefit of themselves, their relatives and society;
  • lack of desire to create a family or live with it;
  • lack of desire to participate in the life of society.

These three points cause:

  • attempts to find means of subsistence on the edge or beyond the law;
  • communication with similar asocial personalities with whom there are at least some common interests;
  • the development of a way of life that is alien to society, and which provokes the development of problems and inconveniences for those citizens who do not perceive asociality in its essence.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that asociality is one of the types of mental disorder. Its distinguishing feature is behavior that harms society or does not bring any benefit.

There is a fine line between antisocial and antisocial behavior. The anti-social personality purposefully acts against the generally accepted social statutes.

Can antisocial behavior be a positive trait?

In some cases, alienation from society is not an evil, but a blessing. Such a trait is considered positive in the religious world, where distance from society is a step towards rapprochement with God. And such examples are not isolated.

There are also cases of conscious manifestation of an asocial nature. They are called crises of a certain age. A person consciously withdraws "into himself", limits his communication with the outside world in order to resolve internal problems.

Such behavior does not bring any harm to society, and after a certain period the person returns to normal life.
Therefore, asociality cannot be considered a purely negative feature. It must be evaluated in relation to each case.

What is an asocial person?

Summing up what has been said above about such a way of life and behavior, one can come to the only correct conclusion:

Note that there is no negativity in this definition, since it is impossible to generalize all cases.
Asociality can be a positive, neutral, or negative trait.
This type of behavior can also manifest itself due to health problems. It is characteristic of schizophrenia, in which an extreme degree of opposition to society is manifested - the patient's absolute inability to build relationships with others. A negative attitude towards patients does not meet the norms of morality.
Another fairly common example is teenage subcultures. At the age of 13-17, young people often hide from external problems in themselves, not wanting to seek help from their parents.

This condition is very dangerous, as it can provoke mental disorders and suicidal moods. Noticing antisocial behavior in a teenager, it is important to help him solve problems through the efforts of parents and a psychologist.

Asociality in the negative sense is a serious problem that requires an integrated approach to its resolution:

  • treatment, often forced, of individuals with mental illness;
  • helping people for whom such a lifestyle is a necessary measure;
  • social adaptation of those who led an asocial life due to problems with the law.

Many countries have effective national programs for the socialization of such people, and they show results. This confirms that asociality is not a sentence. But to return to society, such people need help.

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