Ideographic dictionary online. Ideographic and reverse lexicography

1. The same as the picture dictionary.

2. In some cases, it contains symbols or drawings expressing the whole concept of specific creatures or objects; symbolizing actions, i.e. conveying verbal concepts, as well as concepts one way or another associated with images.

  • - pertaining to ideography...

    Great Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - Lexicographic genre: an explanatory dictionary containing a description of the lexical composition of a given dialect...
  • - A dictionary in which words are ordered alphabetically, counting from the end of the word As an effective heuristic tool, in etymology and historical word formation, reverse dictionaries of individual languages ​​...

    Handbook of etymology and historical lexicology

  • - a conditional image or drawing used in an ideographic letter ...

    Explanatory Translation Dictionary

  • - Lexico-graphic edition based on the logical rubrication of the entire conceptual content of the lexicon. It identifies conceptual groups. A striking example of a thesaurus is P.M. Roger...

    Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography

  • - Denoting the whole concept, and not a separate sound; I. writing - writing with ideograms, not letters ...
  • - A lexicographic publication that focuses on the transition from meaning to words and phraseological units expressing it ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - IDEOGRAPHY, -and, f. Writing with ideograms...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - IDEOGRAPHIC, ideographic, ideographic. adj. to ideography. Ideographic letter...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - ideographic I adj. 1. ratio with noun. ideography associated with it 2. Peculiar to ideography, characteristic of it. II adj. Represented in the form of lexico-semantic fields, taking into account associative links...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - ideograph "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - IDEOGRAPHIC oh, oh. idéographique adj., German. ideographisch. Rel. to ideography. BAS-1. The alphabet emerges from ideographic signs. Chern. Philosophical criticism. prejudice. Ideological concepts) - to the words expressing them ...

    Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

  • - and. dictionary - a dictionary in which words are arranged not alphabetically, but according to the conceptual and thematic principle ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - ...

    Word forms

"ideographic dictionary" in books


author Ramachandran Vileyanur S.


From the book The Brain Tells [What Makes Us Human] author Ramachandran Vileyanur S.


From the book of Paul I author Peskov Alexey Mikhailovich

Dictionary Words are indicated only in the meanings in which they are used in this book. Maybe - a symbol of Russian hope. Admiral - naval rank of the 2nd class according to the Table of Ranks. Autocrator - autocrat. Adultery - adultery. Alians - alliance. Allegory -


From the book Art Solitaire author Kachan Vladimir

Dictionary For the 50th anniversary of Lev Durov, a brief dictionary was compiled, consisting of words, expressions and verbal turns that most correctly correspond to the meaning and essence of both the anniversary and the hero of the day. Today, this dictionary has naturally been expanded and is a compact and


From the book Bamboo Cradle author Schwarzbaum Abraham

Dictionary This dictionary explains some of the Hebrew and Yiddish words and expressions that appear in the book. Their pronunciation and interpretation correspond to that used in the text. Aleph beit - the Hebrew alphabet. Aliya - ascent;


From the book Underwater Masters author Zolotovsky Konstantin Dmitrievich

Vocabulary Cormorant is a sea bird. An excellent fisherman, dives quickly and deeply. Bank - a transverse board for sitting in a boat. Brand watch - a barge with a residential building on the deck. Leads the protection of the river and banks in case of fire or ship accident. The boatswain is the senior team. Gotta good


From the book Poems and prose author Davydov Denis Vasilievich

DICTIONARY Abbot - rector of a Catholic monastery, generally a Catholic priest. Vanguard - a military detachment located ahead of the main forces. Outpost - a guard detachment posted in front of a military unit. Address calendar - a directory containing addresses


From the book of Omar Khayyam author Sultanov Shamil Zagitovich


From the book of the Tramp. The escape the author Zugumov Zaur

Dictionary Abwehr - operational part (department) in places of deprivation of liberty. The word has been used since the middle of the 20th century only in places of deprivation of liberty, mainly on northern business trips. In the colonies of the central part of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus and in Central Asia- "Kum-part".


From the book Lubyanka - Ekibastuz. camp notes author Panin Dmitry Mikhailovich

Dictionary Some thieves and slang expressions. Shoe covers - quilted cotton stockings for prisoners. Blatnoy, blatar - the common name for criminals (criminals).

Esoteric Dictionary and Dictionary of Parapsychology

From the book Master of Dreams. Dream Dictionary. author Smirnov Terenty Leonidovich

Esoteric Dictionary and Dictionary of Parapsychology A Absorption law - describes one side or part common law Absorption-Emission of consciousness (absorption-emission), which is expressed by a special penetrating, contagious, impregnating power of light spiritual

Dictionary of Agni Yoga - dictionary of the future

From the book of Agni Yoga. Symphony. Book I author Klyuchnikov Sergey Yurievich

Dictionary of Agni Yoga - a dictionary of the future It seems that the most accurate way to fulfill the will of H. I. Roerich would be a complete scientific edition of all books of the Teaching with an index of the main concepts of each volume at its end, with an explanatory dictionary and notes. By the way,

Glossary of terms (Sexual dictionary from A to Z)

From the book Sex Education for Children the author Kruglyak Lev

Glossary of Terms (A to Z Sexual Dictionary) We believe that readers, wishing to enrich their knowledge, will turn to various sources, where various aspects of sexuality are described in more detail and there are terms that are not used in our work. To relieve

Brief slang dictionary of a modern submariner The dictionary does not claim to be objective and complete

From the book Stop blowing! Frivolous memories author Efremov Pavel Borisovich

A Brief Slang Dictionary of a Modern Submariner The dictionary does not pretend to be objective and complete ... you go into the battleship, you click the curdilla, you will see an abgaldyr in the corner under the poincaluvre, there are embossments lying around behind it, and there you will find a gardaman. Naval colloquial

Introduction. Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes™ (TiGr - Ideographic Test)

From the book Psychographic Test: a constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes author Libin Viktor Vladimirovich

Introduction. Constructive drawing of a man from geometric shapes™ (TiGr - Ideographic Test) Nature speaks the language of mathematics; the letters of this language are circles, triangles and other mathematical figures. Precisely because it is devoid of all sorts of excesses, this language can

Dictionaries in which words are arranged by topic. In connection with the functional and semantic orientation of teaching the Russian language, which is becoming more and more established in theory and practice - from content to the means of its expression in the language, and the principle of semantic consistency in teaching vocabulary, questions of the ideographic description of the dictionary are attracting more and more attention.

The main purpose of ideographic dictionaries is practical assistance in choosing words to express a particular thought.

There is a great practical need for ideographic dictionaries, which must satisfy, first of all, the need to remember the most suitable word for expressing one or another thought when studying foreign languages, as well as the Russian language by non-Russians, is noted by A. V. Shcherba. This practical orientation appeared already in the name of the first ideographic dictionary - P. Roger's dictionary: Thesaurus English words and phrases “to make it easier to find ways to express concepts and to help you compose essays. A detailed history of ideographic dictionaries, a critical reflection on the experience of foreign lexicography on this issue are set out in the book by V. V. Morkovkin. It describes the oldest ideographic dictionaries and dictionaries for European languages, starting with the dictionary of P. M. Roger, which is recognized as "an outstanding phenomenon in the world lexicography", "the first scientifically based attempt to create some layout of a logically ordered vocabulary of a language."

This dictionary belongs to the type of thesaurus dictionaries, which are based on the logical classification of the entire conceptual content of the vocabulary, i.e. all conceptual groups actually represented in the language.

The same group of dictionaries includes "Logical Dictionary" French, or the natural and philosophical classification of words, concepts and objects "by Elie Blanc (1885), dictionary by F. Dornseif (German, 1934), H. Casares (Spanish, 1941), R. Hallig and W. von Wartburg (1952) .

The main principle of the classification of concepts in the dictionary is the awareness of the system of concepts as a unity, i.e. the idea of ​​the unity of the conceptual content of the language. The words of the French language are used as signs of concepts in the dictionary. There is a contradiction between a detailed, comprehensive, fairly convincing general classification of concepts and a relatively small, insufficiently substantiated vocabulary (only seven words).

The second type of ideographic dictionaries are analogous dictionaries, in which words are grouped around alphabetical center words. The alphabetical arrangement of the words-centers that head the semantic groups prevents the detection of word associations between them, i.e. a complete, exhaustive ideographic classification in these dictionaries is impossible.

The third type of ideographic dictionary, which qualifies as an educational dictionary, is a thematic dictionary. In thematic dictionaries, according to V. V. Morkovkin, the goal is not to identify all the semantic groups that exist in the dictionary. It creates a number of the most relevant topics from the point of view of learning and often provides information on how words are used.

Ideographic dictionary

Ideographic (semantic) dictionary- a dictionary in which the articles are not ordered alphabetically, as usual, but within the meaning of(lexical meaning of the head word or phrase). If an alphabetic dictionary is used to learn something about a given word, then an ideographic dictionary is used to learn something about a given sense - for example, what words can express a given meaning.

Despite the many ideas put forward, ideographic dictionaries in their pure form are still not widely used. Most often, mixed ordering is used - both by value and alphabetically (for example, alphabetical ordering is used within each Wikipedia category). Mixed ordering is also used in thematic dictionaries, where the words are distributed by topic, but within each topic they are arranged alphabetically.

Some approximation to the ideographic dictionary are also dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms (thesauri).

Historically, such dictionaries preceded alphabetic ones - the oldest dictionaries were lists of words grouped by topic.



in Russian

  • Karaulov Yu.N., Molchanov V.I., Afanasiev V.A., Mikhalev N.V. Russian semantic dictionary: Experience automatic. construction of thesaurus: from concept to word / Otv. ed. S.G. Barkhudarov. M.: Nauka, 1983. 566s. add. circulation 5000 copies. 1600 themes-concepts, approx. 10000 lex. units
  • The lexical basis of the Russian language: a comprehensive educational dictionary / V.V. Morkovkin, N.O. Boehme, I.A. Dorogonova, T.F. Ivanova, I.D. Uspenskaya. Ed. V.V. Morkovkin. - M.: Rus.yaz., 1984. - 1168 p.
  • Baranov O. S. Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language Moscow: ETS Publishing House, 1995; 820 c., 19 x 29 cm; ISBN 5-86455-050-7; OK. 4200 terms.

The dictionary consists of 4166 entries, which are grouped into 638 subsections, 144 sections and 17 departments. At the end of the dictionary there is an alphabetical index of headings. The dictionary gives the basic definitions, traces the connections between the general and the particular, the whole and the part; why the articles are provided with reciprocal links.

  • Russian semantic dictionary. Explanatory dictionary, systematized by classes of meanings and words. / RAN. Institute of Russian language; Under the general editorship. N.Yu. Shvedova. M.: Azbukovnik, 1998.
  • Under total ed. prof. L. G. Babenko Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech Moscow: Publishing house AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2007; 512 pp., ISBN 978-5-462-00729-3; More than 46600 words, 16 semantic spheres, 86 semantic classes, 267 ideographic groups, 187 subgroups.

in foreign languages

Dornseiff, Franz. Der deutsche Wortschatz nach Sachgruppen. Bearb. v. Quasthoff, Uwe. 8. völlig neu bearb. u. m. einem alphabet. Zugriffsreg. vers. Aufl. 2004. 24 x 17 cm. 231*, 933 Seiten. 1Beil. Brochur. ISBN 978-3-11-017921-7

About them

  • Morkovkin V.V. Ideographic Dictionaries. - M .: From Moscow State University, 1970.
  • S. Gindin Semantic dictionaries - maps of the language world // Russian language. - Publishing House "First of September", 2001. - V. 05.

see also


  • Word association network - a variant of the ideographic dictionary

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Ideographic Dictionary" is in other dictionaries:

    ideographic dictionary- Language dictionary, in which language units are placed in accordance with their semantic proximity. [GOST 7.60 2003] Topics of the publication, main types and elements of DE ideographisches Wörterbuch ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    ideographic dictionary- ideographic dictionary: A language dictionary in which language units are placed in accordance with their semantic proximity. Source: GOST 7.60 2003: Standard system ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Ideographic dictionary- a dictionary with the arrangement of dictionary entries according to the thematic principle ... Publishing Dictionary

    ideographic dictionary- Rus: ideographic dictionary Deu: ideographisches Wörterbuch A language dictionary in which language units are placed according to their semantic proximity. GOST 7.60 ... Dictionary of Information, Library and Publishing

    ideographic dictionary- 1. The same as the picture dictionary. 2. In some cases, it contains symbols or drawings expressing the whole concept of specific creatures or objects; symbolizing actions, i.e. conveying verbal concepts, as well as concepts, one way or ... ... Explanatory Translation Dictionary

    - [Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    IDEOGRAPHIC- pertaining to ideography. Big psychological dictionary. Moscow: Prime EUROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003. Ideographic ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    ideographic- oh, oh. idéographique adj., German. ideographisch. Rel. to ideography. ALS 1. The alphabet emerges from ideographic signs. Chern. Philosophical criticism. prejudice. Ideological (sometimes they say an ideographic or analogous dictionary goes in the opposite direction ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    IDEOGRAPHIC, ideographic, ideographic (philol.). adj. to ideography. Ideographic letter. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    IDEOGRAPHY, and, well. Writing with ideograms. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Russian ideographic dictionary. The world of man and man in the world around him, . The dictionary is the last major scientific project that Acad. RAS N. Yu. Shvedova: she developed the theoretical foundations of the dictionary, its structure, structure and composition of the dictionary entry, ...

Word ideography derived from the Greek ideas"concept", "image, idea" and grapho"writing".

The very nature of a linguistic sign allows for the possibility of a twofold grouping of words: a) by common sound, b) by semantic commonality. The first is implemented in alphabetical dictionaries, the second - in ideographic ones.

Alphabetical dictionaries register words without linking them to each other in any way. So, in the usual explanatory dictionary it is impossible to find words denoting, for example, the concept of "delight". You need to know these words, and then only they can be found.

In ideographic dictionaries, a special way of grouping words is presented - conceptual and thematic. Words are arranged according to their semantic proximity, according to the contiguity of meanings. Words are arranged in groups, which are distinguished on the basis of some common properties(for example, such: a person, an animal, a feeling, a physical property).

Despite the fact that the ideographic way of arranging the material dates back to ancient times (lists of words by topic appeared in Egypt long before the emergence of the alphabet and alphabetic dictionaries), ideographic dictionaries as a special genre of lexicography were developed only in the 20th century. The complexity of compiling ideographic dictionaries is associated with the difficulties of identifying and rationally classifying the conceptual groups that are actually represented in the vocabulary of the language.

It is believed that the most interesting ideographic dictionary in world lexicographic practice is the dictionary of the English researcher P. M. Roger “Thesaurus of English words and expressions”. The Roger Dictionary is the first scientifically substantiated attempt to logically organize the vocabulary of a language. The value of Roger's handbook is that it provides an almost exhaustive list of words for expressing an idea. In addition, here you can find antonyms and epithets for this concept, etc.

The first thematic classifications of Russian vocabulary were associated with the publication of bilingual dictionaries. In Russian lexicography, ideographic dictionaries are one of the young types of lexicographic publications. So, only in the 80s of the twentieth century, under the leadership of Yu. N. Karaulov, an attempt was made to construct a “Russian Semantic Dictionary” (thesaurus) by machine. This is one of the first domestic publications created using computer technology. The dictionary contains 1600 themes-concepts (descriptor zones), covering all spheres of life and meaningfully representing Russian vocabulary.

According to the type of ideographic dictionary, R. M. Yarantsev’s “Dictionary-Reference Book of Russian Phraseology” is organized. Phraseologisms in the dictionary are arranged in 47 thematic sections, included in 3 parts: "emotions", "properties and qualities of a person", "characteristics of phenomena and situations". For example, in the part “Human Emotions”, 14 thematic sections are distinguished:

1. Admiration. Delight. Joy. Happiness.

2. Good wishes, encouragement. Kindness, courtesy.

3. Surprise, bewilderment. Amazement.

4. Taunt. Neglect. Contempt.

5. Irritation. Annoyance.

6. Resentment. Disturbance. Anger.

7. Warning. Warning. Threat.

8. Interest. Attention.

9. Indifference. Indifference.

10. Anxiety. Excitement. Experience. Anxiety.

12. Fright. Fear. Fear. Horror.

13. Embarrassment. Shame. shyness

14. Grief. Sadness. Yearning.

In the first thematic section “Rapture. Delight. Joy. Happiness" includes the following phraseological units: to be/feel like you are in seventh heaven; to be/feel on top of bliss; perk; be born in a shirt / shirt; be born under a lucky star; without memory; take (grab) / take for the soul (for the heart); for your pleasure; man with capital letter; out of the ordinary (outgoing); elevate (exalt) / elevate (exalt) to heaven; on joys (on joys) outside of oneself; from under (the) nose; just think about it! God (god) (you) are mine!; damn it (damn it); devil (devil, goblin, jester, dog) me (you, him, her, you, them) take (take it, take it, take it) and the devil (devil, goblin, jester, dog) me (you, him, her, you , them) took (teared, took, tore)!

Inside the thematic section, a description of each phraseological unit is given.

The development of the idea of ​​an ideographic dictionary was presented in the “Russian Semantic Dictionary”, created under the leadership of N. Yu. Shvedova, “Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language” by O. S. Baranov, “Explanatory Thematic Dictionary of Russian Verbs”, created by a team of Ural lexicographers under the leadership of L. G. Babenko.

An ideographic dictionary can be used in various fields scientific activity:

1) the dictionary makes it possible to predict various semantic changes;

2) will solve the problem of compiling dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms;

3) will help to determine the meaning of words in explanatory dictionaries more qualified;

4) will become a reliable base for creating Russian-foreign dictionaries;

5) contains material for the study of the history of human knowledge about the world around.

Such dictionaries are indispensable in choosing the right words to express a certain "idea", a certain meaning.

Ideographic, or conceptual, dictionaries describe logical connections between words, representing sets of words united by a particular idea. They provide a conceptual model of the respective subject area. Ideographic dictionaries present logical-conceptual fields based on the similarity of more or less common semantic features.

Considering the history of the creation of ideographic dictionaries in different countries peace, V.V. Morkovkin quotes P.M. Roger, who created in the middle of the XIX century. one of the most famous ideographic dictionaries is the Thesaurus of English Words and Expressions: “... No matter how lively our imagination may be, no matter how overwhelmed by our feelings, we often find ourselves in a situation where we do not have enough words to accurately express your thought. The only necessary word often escapes our memory, and we are forced to make do with words that are too strong or too weak, too general or too specific. The help provided by this dictionary consists in presenting the richest set of words and expressions that exhaust all shades and nuances of each general idea” [Morkovkin 1970: 8]. In these words, which still sound very modern today, the great practical significance of ideographic dictionaries is accurately conveyed.

In Russian lexicography, ideographic dictionaries are one of the relatively young types of lexicographic publications; they reflected both the general achievements of linguists in the field of cognitive science, and the specific results of the work on the systematization of vocabulary on a logical-conceptual or lexico-semantic basis. In ideographic dictionaries, which allow interpreting the lexical system, refracting it through the prism of human perception, and facilitating progress along the path “from thought to word”, the principle of anthropocentrism is found, which is organically combined with the system-centrism of lexicography.

The preparation of a complete thesaurus dictionary is a matter for the future. Such a dictionary should embody the language picture of the world in a lexicographical form. Summing up the work on the "Russian semantic dictionary”, N.Yu. Shvedova noted: “The linguistic picture of the world is an image of everything that exists as an integral and many-part world, developed by the centuries-old experience of the people and carried out by means of language nominations, in its structure and in the connections of its parts comprehended by the language, representing, firstly, a person, his material and spiritual life activity. and, secondly, everything that surrounds it: space and time, living and inanimate nature, the area of ​​myths created by man and society. Such a picture of the world appears as an unfolded canvas with a peak depicted on it and with areas facing it, the components of which are arranged according to the principle of stepped narrowing. At the top of this image is a person” [Shvedova 1999: 15].

Approaches to the creation of ideographic dictionaries, to the presentation of lexical material in them are very diverse, so the grouping of ideographic dictionaries is conditional.

One of the first domestic publications created using computer technology is the Russian Semantic Dictionary, compiled by a team of authors headed by Yu.N. Karaulov. The dictionary contains themes-concepts (descriptor zones) covering all spheres of life and representing meaningful Russian vocabulary. According to these descriptor (conceptual) zones, the words of modern Russian are distributed literary language. The dictionary is based on the idea of ​​constructing a thesaurus based on the vocabulary parametrization procedure: “the distribution of words by concepts should be based on the commonality of semantic elements<...>The list of words from which the definition in the explanatory dictionary is built was constructively equated to a set of semantic factors that give the meaning of the word being defined. Then the presence of identical words in the interpretations of two compared units should indicate the presence of a semantic connection between these units” [Analysis of metalanguage... 1982:47].

The distribution of words by conceptual groups ("fields of the descriptor") is carried out with the help of a computer on the basis of a coded record of the meaning of each unit as a set of semantic factors. The formation of descriptor zones was carried out on the basis of the coincidence of any semantic factors (semantic components, semes), presented in the interpretation of lexical meanings, with descriptor factors. So, dictionary entry (descriptor field) sugar includes 30 words combined on the basis of the coincidence of 11 semantic factors (beet-, coal-, reed-, sugar-, crystal-, sweet-, product-, nutrition-, white-, compound-, substances-): borscht, hunger, crystal, milk, nourishing, potash, powder, sweet, salt, cane, jam, lime, blood, oil, food, drug, plant, mixture, composition, fertilizer, icing, root, honey, vegetables, jam, food, sugar, snow, alcohol, chocolate. The different degree of semantic proximity of the lexical units presented in the descriptor field is obvious (a number of words in the dictionary entries is redundant, which reflects the imperfection of the automatic distribution of words into groups). Analysis of the field of the descriptor makes it possible to single out various microparadigms within its limits, to establish seme mechanisms of semantic transfers. Dictionary materials open up interesting opportunities for research in the field of semantics.

Organically connected with the "Russian Semantic Dictionary" is Yu. N. Karaulov's "Frequency Dictionary of Semantic Multipliers of the Russian Language", compiled on the basis of definitions of explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language and used to find the semantic connection of words in the automatic construction of the Russian ideographic dictionary.

A holistic linguistic picture of the world is recreated in the Russian Semantic Dictionary, compiled under the guidance of N.Yu. Shvedova. Each functional class of words (the basis of the semantic articulation presented in different volumes of the dictionary are parts of speech - carriers of the most generalized lexical semantics) is a branched lexical tree. The lexical subsets described in the dictionary not only embody systemic organization vocabulary, but they play an important constructive and informative role, representing, according to N.Yu. Shvedova, linguistic "pictures of life". The compilers managed to combine the most important qualities of an explanatory and semantic dictionary within one lexicographic edition. Within one fragment of the dictionary, nuclear and peripheral lexical units, historicisms, archaisms and new lexical acquisitions are naturally connected on the basis of semantic connection.

Let's give as an example a set of lexical units that form one of the subsets included in the general class of names of persons by type of activity (for some word meanings, we will also present dictionary interpretations):

In the field of entrepreneurship, trade, finance. General designations. BUSINESSMAN. ENTREPRENEUR. PRIVATE. With evaluation component. VOROTILA. DEALER.

Trade, trade mediation. General designations. Guest, pl.-and, -hey, well. 5. Merchant leading overseas trade (old). Sadko - Novgorod city. Varangian guests. Ships of foreign guests. KOMMERSANT. MERCHANT. SHOPKEEPER. NEGOTIANT, -a, m. A wholesale merchant, a merchant who conducts large-scale trade business, usually with foreign partners. || well. merchant, -and, genus. pl.-current. || adj. negotiant, th, th. SALESMAN. SALESMAN. TORGASH. DEALER. By type of trade, intermediary activity. AUCTIONEER. HOPPER. HOLDER. STOCK SHOP. BROKER. DEALER. DISTRIBUTOR. TOUCHED. COMMISSIONER. TRAVELING SALESMAN. MAKLAK, -a, m. (outdated.) Intermediary in the conclusion of small trade transactions, as well as a dealer in second-hand things. Mestechkovy m. || well. maklachka, -i, genus. pl.-check. || adj. maklachesky, -th, -th, MAKLER. WHOLESALER. DEALER. PRASOL. BUYER. SPECULATOR. SHUTTLE. SHUTTLE. In old times. PEDDLER. SUTLER. OFENIA. WALKER. CHUMAK.

The specific results of the work on the systematization and ideographic description of Russian vocabulary were embodied in a complex of dictionaries created by Ural lexicographers under the guidance of L. G. Babenko. They implement the idea of ​​combining explanatory and ideographic dictionaries. The “Big Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs”, “Big Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Nouns”, “Dictionary-Thesaurus of Adjectives of the Russian Language” present a carefully performed classification of the vocabulary of individual parts of speech into lexical-semantic groups. They are built on the principle of a structural hierarchy of lexico-semantic paradigms, with each lexical unit receiving an interpretation. Synonymous and antonymic connections of words are sequentially fixed. Thus, the user receives multifunctional conceptually integral editions. For example, the verb blurt out included in the field "action and activity", the subfield "speech activity" and LSG "verbs of speech message", receives the following lexicographic description in the "Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Verbs":

SPEECH, nesov. (owl. spill the beans). Razg. Saying smth. to smb., inadvertently, accidentally report (report) something that should not be (about something secret, secret, undesirable for publicity); syn. say something times., speak out; ant. hide . Often in a conversation with her friends, Anya blurted out, gave out her secrets. Marina still blabbed to her parents about her brother's secret marriage.

In the "Big Explanatory Dictionary of Synonyms of Russian Speech: Ideographic Description" and in the "Dictionary-Thesaurus of Synonyms of Russian Speech" the idea of ​​interconnectedness and intersection of lexical paradigms is also implemented: synonymic rows, taking into account the hierarchy of displayed concepts, are arranged according to semantic classes and semantic groups. Thus, a series of dictionaries created under the editorship of L. G. Babenko shows the interaction of different lexical classes, develops the lexicological and lexicographic ideas of E.V. Kuznetsova, previously embodied in the reference dictionary "Lexico-semantic groups of Russian verbs" [Ural Semantic School 2011].

"Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language" O.S. Baranov is similar in form to the famous English thesaurus Roger. Its purpose is to trace the connection between the general and the particular, the whole and the part, for which the dictionary entries are provided with appropriate indexes. Thus, the classification-type thesaurus is based on the taxonomic principle of organizing lexical material. The dictionary contains 17 departments (the most common semantic zones in terms of meaning): Relationship, Dependency, Quantity, Space, Process, Organized Systems, Matter, Organic world, Human body, Psyche, Information, Human relationships, Human life, Activity, Society, Culture, Technology. The departments are divided into 144 sections and 638 subsections. For example, section Time includes subsections: Absolute time scale, Temporal relations, Length of time, Duration, Recurrence of events, Calculation of time. So, section fragment Time interval presented as follows:

period (preparatory ~ construction).

interval, interval (~ time).

time (~ flowering).

it's time (~ rains).

hour (came ~ reckoning).

hours (~ classes).

days. years.

year, epoch.

times (former ~).

phase, period, stage.

one time (~ it was observed), per day (raz.) henceforth to.

Time intervals of an everyday-applied nature Tlength of a segment of time, term.

since when, since what time Tnachalo

from now on. since then. since then, for some time now.


from the beginning.

henceforth, henceforth.

from a long time ago. periods of life.

"Systemic Semantic Dictionary of the Russian Language" L.M. Vasilyeva presents the predicate vocabulary of the modern Russian language, grouped into semantic groups: the first issue deals with the predicates of being, spatial localization, relations, evaluation, state and quantity; in the second edition - property, behavior and sound predicates; in the third, motion predicates; in the fourth - speech predicates; in the fifth, mental, modal, and perceptual predicates; in the sixth - predicates of sensory-emotional experience and volitional efforts; in the seventh, action predicates; in the eighth - predicates of influence; in the ninth, activity predicates and procedural predicates.

Experimental “Russian ideographic dictionary. The world of man and man in the surrounding world” (responsible editor N.Yu. Shvedova) presents 80 concepts related to the spiritual, mental and material spheres of human life, and those units that form the basic environment of the concept. The purpose of this edition is to show that the conceptual division of the world is dictated by the language system.

"Ideographic dictionary of compatibility" V.P. Moskvina presents an ideographic classification of vocabulary together with a description of the lexical and syntactic compatibility of words. The minimum unit of semantic description in the dictionary is distributive-semantic classes of words, combined into 140 semantic-syntactic fields: sound, strength and character of sound, visual perception, light, color, shape, position, size, smell, temperature, measure, quantity, processing, pressure, production, construction, birth, death, death etc. Semantic-syntactic fields are divided into 923 distributive-semantic classes. The semantic connections of words are described in antonymic, causative, gradational, resultative blocks. The dictionary describes the subject and event vocabulary in different ways: for the first one, genus-species relations are specified, for the second one, distribution classes are presented that embody the components of various extralinguistic situations.

The “Explanatory and Conceptual Dictionary of the Russian Language” by A. A. Shushkov contains more than 16,500 words and set expressions, distributed over 605 semantic groups. A semantic group is understood as a number of words and stable combinations that are closely related in meaning and generally represent a fragment of the "semantic map" of the real world.

According to the thesaurus principle, a dictionary of modern Russian idioms was built, ed. A.N. Baranova and D.O. Dobrovolsky.

AT last years the efforts of lexicographers are aimed at overcoming the scholasticism of purely ideographic classifications and turning the ideographic dictionary towards the speaking person. “The principle of anthropocentrism allows us to present a lexical system from a new perspective, refracting it through the prism of human perception. The study of the vocabulary from the point of view of the anthropocentricity of language and thinking helps to develop optimal options for an ideographic dictionary and give a cognitive systematization of vocabulary based on the main concepts associated with a person,” write the authors of the Functional-Cognitive Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by T.A. . Kildibekova. This dictionary, aimed primarily at those for whom Russian is a non-native language, describes the most general semantic spheres, which are divided into separate semantic blocks that verbalize the knowledge that an “average” native speaker uses in the communication process. For example, in the area live block allocated life needs, including, in particular, the following functional blocks:

eat where at home, not at home

canteen, restaurant, cafe, eatery, ashkhana, pizzeria, bistro, dumplings, barbecue, snack bar, teahouse, teahouse, bar, buffet, tavern (, transfer.), pub, pub outdated tavern, tavern, inn, tavern milk products milk

melted, sterilized, pasteurized, dry, powdered, condensed draft whole, skimmed

cow, goat, mare (koumiss)

cream, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, bifidok, cheese


good, normal, big, wonderful, beautiful, enviable, wolfish, unimportant, poor appetite of a son, child, patient lose appetite, stimulate appetite wish good appetite eat with appetite appetite wolfish appetite broke out no appetite want to eat a piece in the throat does not go

does not climb into the throat (in the throat, in the mouth)

the soul does not accept

there was no poppy dew in the mouth

The dictionary is based on similar lexicographic principles.

V. I. Ubiyko, describing the concept sphere of the inner world of man.

The practical significance of ideographic dictionaries for teaching both native and non-native languages ​​is obvious. Many of them are specifically designed for educational purposes.

A number of educational thematic dictionaries were created by L.G. Sayakhova and L.M. Khasanova. The "Educational Thematic Dictionary of the Russian Language" describes the microsystems of the Russian language. The theme, for example, "Nature", "Society", is divided into a number of sub-themes, in which the words form a closer functional-semantic unity. The semantic classification of lexical material is carried out sequentially to the final, then inseparable thematic units. The dictionary is preceded by a scheme of thematic organization of the dictionary of the Russian language. The same approach to the presentation of material is presented in the "Illustrated Thematic Dictionary of the Russian Language" by the same authors. The “Thematic Dictionary of the Russian Language” was built in a similar way, edited by

V. V. Morkovkina.

For the organization of lexical material for educational purposes, the Thematic Dictionary-Minimum of the Modern Russian Language compiled by V. V. Morkovkin, published in the book Lexical Minima of the Modern Russian Language, is of considerable interest. The same author carried out an ideographic description of the lexical core of the Russian language in the book “Complex Educational Dictionary. The lexical basis of the Russian language.

Baranov O.S. Ideographic dictionary of the Russian language. M. [b. i.], 2007. 1256 p. . Large explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs: over 10,000 verbs: ideographic description, synonyms, antonyms, English equivalents: / [Ural. state un-t im. A.M. Gorky]; auth.-stat. L.G. Babenko, I.M. Volchkova, Yu.V. Kazarin [and others]; under total ed. L.G. Babenko. M.: AST-Press Book, . 576 p. (Fundamental dictionaries).

Big explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns: over 15,000 nouns: ideographic description, synonyms, antonyms / ed. L.G. Babenko, T.M. Voronina, M.V. Dudorova [and others]; ed. L.G. Babenko. 2nd ed. M.: AST-Press Book, 2008. 864 p. (Fundamental dictionaries). .

Big explanatory dictionary of synonyms of Russian speech: ideographic description / L.G. Babenko [and others]; under total ed. L.G. Babenko. M. : AST-Press: AST-Press Book, 2008. 752 p. (Fundamental dictionaries).

Vasiliev L.M. System Semantic Dictionary of the Russian Language: Predicate Vocabulary: tutorial. Ufa: Hillel, 2005. Vol. 1. 464 p.

Guts E.N. Ideographic dictionary of jargon-colloquial vocabulary: 1985-2010. 2nd ed., ster. / Omsk. state un-t. M. : Flinta: Nauka, 2011.64 p.

Kozlova T.V. Ideographic dictionary of Russian phraseological units with animal names [about 2000 phraseological units with 283 animal names]. Moscow: Business and Service, 2001. 207 p.

Comprehensive educational dictionary. The lexical basis of the Russian language / V.V. Morkovkin, N.O. Boehme, I.A. Dorogonova, T.F. Ivanova, I.D. Uspenskaya; ed.

V. V. Morkovkina. 2nd ed. M.: ACT, 2004. 880 p. .

Conceptosphere of the Russian language: key concepts and their representations (on the basis of vocabulary, phraseology and paremiology): prospectus of the dictionary / ed. ed. L. G. Babenko. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House Ural. state un-ta, 2010. 340 p.

Lexico-semantic groups of Russian verbs: educational dictionary[about 2500 verbs, 108 lexical-semantic groups] / comp. E.V. Kuznetsova [i dr.]; under total ed. T.V. Matveeva. Sverdlovsk: Publishing House Ural. state un-ta, 1988. 153 p.

Lexical minima of the modern Russian language / VV Morkovkin, Yu.A. Safyan, E.M. Stepanova, I.V. Dorofeev; ed.

V.V. Morkovkin; In-t rus. lang. them. A.S. Pushkin. M. : Russian language, 1985. 608 p.

Loginova L.F. Thematic dictionary of the Russian language / scientific. ed. T.F. Kuznetsova [i dr.]; Humanitarian and social in-t. M. : Voskhod-A, 2013. 1583 p.

Moskvin V.P. Ideographic dictionary of compatibility / Kyiv. state ped. in-t foreign lang., center of Slavic studies. Kyiv [b. and.], 1993.256 p.

Musataeva M.Sh., Shelyakhovskaya L.A. Ideographic dictionary of Turkisms in Russian / Kazakh, nat. ped. un-t im. Abai. Almaty: Print-A, 2006. 265 p.

Russian ideographic dictionary: the world of man and man in the surrounding world: (80 concepts related to the spiritual, mental and material spheres of human life) / ed. ed. N.Yu. Shvedova. M. : In-t Rus. lang. them. V. V. Vinogradova, 2011. 1032 p.

Russian semantic dictionary. Explanatory dictionary, systematized by classes of words and meanings / Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of Rus. lang. them. V.V. Vinogradov; auth.-stat. N.Yu. Shvedova [and others]; under total ed. N.Yu. Shvedova. M. : In-t Rus. lang.. T. 1: Words indicating (pronouns). Naming words: nouns (All living things. Earth. Space) / ed. A.S. Belousova [and others]; ed. V.A. Plotnikov.

  • 2002. 800 p.; T. 2: Nouns with specific meaning. Everything created by the hands and mind of a person (populated areas, cultivated sections of the road; material products of labor); organizations and institutions. Names of objects according to form, condition, composition, location, use / ed. M.S. Mikhailova [etc.] 2000. 674 p.; T. 3: Nouns with an abstract meaning. Being. Matter, space, time. Connections, relationships, dependencies. Spiritual world. The state of nature, man. Society / ed.-comp. M.V. Lapon [and others]; ed. A.S. Belousov.
  • 2003. 629 p.; T. 4: Verb / ed.-st. E.S. Koporskaya [and others]; ed. E.S. Koporskaya. M. : Azbukovnik: In-t Rus. lang. Ros. acad. Nauk, 2007. 922 p.

Russian semantic dictionary: experience of automatic construction of the thesaurus: from concept to word / comp. Yu.N. Karaulov, V.I. Molchanov, V.A. Afanasiev, N.V. Mikhalev; resp. ed. S.G. Barkhudarov. M. : Nauka, 1982. 566 p.

Sayakhova L.G., Khasanova D.M. Illustrated thematic dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Russian language, 1989. 223 p.

Sayakhova L.G., Khasanova D.M. Thematic dictionary of the Russian language for the Bashkir high school. Ufa: Bashkir, book publishing house, 1984. 136 p.

Sayakhova L.G., Khasanova D.M. Thematic dictionary of words and phrases of the Russian language (with elements of interpretation) [about 25,000 heading words and phrases]. Ufa: Bashkir, state. un-t,

Sayakhova L.G., Khasanova D.M., Morkovkin V.V. Thematic dictionary of the Russian language [about 25,000 words] / ed. V. V. Morkovkina. M.: Drofa, 2007. 556 p. .

Dictionary-thesaurus of adjectives of the Russian language / ed. L.G. Babenko [and others]; under total ed. L. G. Babenko. Yekaterinburg: Publishing house Ural, un-ta, 2012. 835 p.

Dictionary-thesaurus of Russian adjectives, divided into thematic groups / under the general. ed. L.G. Babenko. M. : Prospect,

Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech / ed. L.G. Babenko [and others]; under total ed. L.G. Babenko. Moscow: AST-Press,

2008. 508 p. [The same in 2007].

Dictionary-thesaurus of modern Russian idioms [about 8000 idioms of the modern Russian language] / Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of Rus. lang. them. V. V. Vinogradova; A.N. Baranov, D.O. Dobrovolsky, K.L. Kiseleva [i dr.]; ed. A.N. Baranova, D.O. Dobrovolsky. M.: World of Encyclopedias Avanta+, 2007. 1135 p.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian verbs: ideographic description, English equivalents, synonyms, antonyms [about 25,000 verbs] / ed. L.G. Babenko. M.: AST-Press, 1999. 693 p.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns: ideographic description, English equivalents, synonyms, antonyms: prospectus / ed. L.G. Babenko. Yekaterinburg: Publishing house Ural, un-ta, 2001. 120 p.

Explanatory thematic dictionary of Russian verbs: prospectus / ed.-comp. L.G. Babenko [i dr.]. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House Ural. state un-ta, 1992. 105 p.

Ubiyko V.I. Conceptosphere of the inner world of a person in Russian: a comprehensive functional-cognitive dictionary Ufa: Bashkir Publishing House, state. un-ta, 1998. 232 p.

Functional-cognitive dictionary of the Russian language: (language picture of the world) / ed. T.A. Kildibekova [and others]; under total ed. T.A. Kildibekova. 2nd ed., add. and reworked. Moscow: Gnosis,

2013. 662 p. [In 1996-2006. ed. parts (according to semantic spheres)].

Shushkov A.A. Explanatory-conceptual dictionary of the Russian language / Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, Research. M. : ACT [et al.], 2008. 988 p. (Dictionaries of the Russian Academy).