Semantic dictionary to read online. Semantic Dictionaries


sem a ntika

1) Meaning, meaning of a language unit (morphemes, words, phrases, etc.).

2) A branch of linguistics that studies the semantic side of the language.

3) A branch of semiotics that studies sign systems as a means of expressing meaning.

4) A section of logic that studies the relationship of logical signs to concepts.

Efremov. Dictionary Efremova. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is SEMANTICS in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SEMANTICS in the Big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (from Greek semantikos - denoting) 1) the meanings of language units. 2) The same as semasiology, a section of linguistics that studies the meaning of language units, before ...
    (French semantique, from Greek semantikos - denoting, sema - sign) in linguistics, 1) one of the aspects of the study of signs in semiotics ...
  • SEMANTICS in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek semantikos - denoting), 1) the meanings of units of the language. 2) The same as semasiology, a branch of linguistics that studies the meanings of language units, ...
    [from Greek] 1) the semantic side of individual words and parts of a word, phrases; 2) the same as ...
  • SEMANTICS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    and, pl. no, w. 1. lingu. The semantic side of the language - words, parts of words, phrases, sentences. S. verb. C. suggestions. 2. …
  • SEMANTICS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, f. 1. The same as semasiology. 2. In linguistics: meaning, meaning (of a language unit). S. words. C. suggestions. II...
  • SEMANTICS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SEMANTICS (from the Greek semantikos - denoting), meanings of language units. A section of yaz-knowledge that studies the meaning of language units, primarily words. One of …
  • SEMANTICS in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    sema "ntika, sema" ntiki, sema "ntiki, sema" ntik, sema "ntik, sema" ntikam, sema "ntik, sema" ntiki, sema "ntikoy, sema" ntikoyu, sema "ntikami, sema" ntik, ...
    (from the Greek. semantikos - denoting) - 1) all content, information transmitted by the language or k.-l. its unit (word, grammatical form of the word, ...
  • SEMANTICS in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    (from the Greek aemantikos - denoting). 1) The semantic side (the meaning of individual language units: morphemes, words, phrases, as well as grammatical forms). 2) ...
  • SEMANTICS in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. semantikos denoting) 1) the semantic side of the language of words, parts of a word, phrases (linguistic semantics); 2) the same as semasiology; …
  • SEMANTICS in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [ 1. the semantic side of the language of words, parts of a word, phrases (linguistic semantics); 2. the same as semasiology; 3. a section of semiotics that studies ...
  • SEMANTICS in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    meaning, semasiology, ...
  • SEMANTICS in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    well. 1) Meaning, meaning of a language unit (morphemes, words, phrases, etc.). 2) A branch of linguistics that studies the semantic side of the language. 3) Section ...
  • SEMANTICS in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    semantics, …
  • SEMANTICS in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • SEMANTICS in the Spelling Dictionary:
    semantics, …
  • SEMANTICS in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    == semasiology semantics In linguistics: meaning, meaning (linguistic unit) S. words. WITH. …
  • SEMANTICS in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (from the Greek semantikos - denoting), 1) the meaning of language units. 2) The same as semasiology, a section of linguistics that studies the meaning of language units, before ...
  • SEMANTICS in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    semantics, pl. no, w. (from Greek semantikos - denoting) (lingu.). 1. The same as semasiology. 2. Meaning (words, turns of speech ...
  • SEMANTICS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    well. 1. Meaning, meaning of a language unit (morphemes, words, phrases, etc.). 2. A section of linguistics that studies the semantic side of the language. 3. Section ...
  • SEMANTICS in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    well. 1. Meaning, meaning of a language unit (morphemes, words, phrases, etc.). 2. A section of linguistics that studies the semantic side ...
  • LOGICAL SEMANTICS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    semantics, a branch of logic devoted to the study of the meanings and meanings of concepts and judgments and their formal analogues - interpretations of expressions ...
  • Dante Alighieri in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Dante Alighieri) (1265-1321) - Italian poet of a pan-European and world scale, thinker and politician late medieval, humanist, founder of the Italian literary ...
  • SEMIOTICS (IN LINGUISTICS) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Greek semeiotikon, from semeion - a sign, a sign), semiology, a science that studies the properties of signs and sign systems(natural and artificial languages). WITH. …
  • LINGUISTICS in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (linguistics, linguistics) is the science of natural human language in general and of all languages ​​of the world as its individual representatives. Place I...
  • SEMIOTICS in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek semeion - sign, sign) (semiology) - 1) scientific discipline, which studies the general in the structure and functioning of various sign (semiotic) ...
  • ADJECTIVE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - a lexical-semantic class of predicate words (see Predicate), denoting a non-procedural attribute (property) of an object, event or other attribute indicated by a name. P. means ...

A branch of semiotics and logic that studies the relation of linguistic expressions to designated objects and expressed content. Semantic issues were discussed in antiquity, but only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. in the writings of C. Pierce, F. de Saussure, C. ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

See Semasiology. Literary encyclopedia. In 11 tons; M.: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939. semantics ... Literary Encyclopedia

- [Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

In programming, a system of rules for the interpretation of individual language constructs. Semantics determines the semantic meaning of sentences in an algorithmic language. In English: Semantics See also: Programming languages ​​Financial Dictionary Finam. ... ... Financial vocabulary

semantics- and, well. semantic f. 1. lingu. Semantic meaning (words, turns of speech, etc.). The semantics of the word. BAS 1. Since 1718, assemblies and meetings of the All-Drunken Council were regularly held at the court and in the houses of noble nobles. semantics that remains in ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

Semasiology, meaning, meaning Dictionary of Russian synonyms. noun semantics, number of synonyms: 8 meaning (27) ... Synonym dictionary

- (from the Greek semantikos denoting), 1) the meanings of units of the language. 2) The same as semasiology, a branch of linguistics that studies the meanings of language units, primarily words and phrases. 3) One of the main sections of semiotics ... Modern Encyclopedia

- (from Greek semantikos meaning) 1) the meanings of language units. 2) The same as semasiology, a section of linguistics that studies the meaning of language units, primarily words. 3) One of the main sections of semiotics ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Learning the way words are used and the meanings they convey... Glossary of Crisis Management Terms

SEMANTICS, and, fem. 1. The same as semasiology. 2. In linguistics: meaning, meaning (of a language unit). S. words. C. suggestions. | adj. semantic, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Name semantics (Name-2) , . The collection "Semantics of the Name" (Name-2) reflects the traditions of the analysis of proper names in the text in the Moscow Semiotic School. The oldest texts are analyzed in the works of Vyach. Sun. Ivanova and V.N.…
  • Sentence semantics and non-referential words, I. B. Shatunovsky. The monograph is devoted to the study of a large range of complex problems that are important not only for linguistics, but also for logic, psychology and philosophy of language. These include:…

Semantic Dictionary of the Russian Language- Dictionary compiled by Prof. V. A. Tuzov from St. Petersburg State University to solve the problem of semantic analysis of texts in Russian. The essence of the solution lies in the fact that the semantic analyzer, using morphological and semantic dictionaries, removes the shell of the Russian language from the source text and builds an equivalent text in the semantic language. The book describes the semantic language, the semantic dictionary of the Russian language and provides an algorithm for semantic analysis.


Tuzov's dictionary can be downloaded from the website of the St. Petersburg Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As of 2007, the dictionary contained 164,000 words distributed over 1,638 classes. Unfortunately, licensing restrictions do not allow you to publish the work on NLPub in the clear. For a complete dictionary and classifier from December 2012, you can contact the representatives.


The dictionary of basic concepts of the Russian language contains words that cannot be expressed through other simpler concepts. It contains about 18,000 nouns naming physical and abstract objects, more than a thousand basic adjectives, and about a thousand basic verbs, which were eventually replaced by verbal nouns. The remaining words - more than 90,000 words - are derivatives, that is, their meaning is expressed as a superposition built from basic functions and basic concepts. The whole set of concepts is divided into a hierarchical system of classes.

The dictionary entry of the computer semantic dictionary contains the heading word and its interpretation in the semantic language. Many words - and these are usually frequently used words - contain more than one interpretation. The most ambiguous prepositions, the description of some of them contains more than a hundred alternatives.


A typical dictionary entry is shown in the article "On the Benefits of Randomness" published in Computerra magazine.

The word "address" in the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov is defined as sending to some address, although for analysis it is desirable, of course, to define it more precisely, namely, to perform the action of moving something somewhere using someone's address; the formula of this statement in the developed semantic language will look like:

N%~ADDRESS$12/0171(PerfCaus(Uzor (!Name,ADDRESS$12/0171(!Date),#), Mov(!Vin, !From, !Through,!Date\!kDat\!To)))

In this formula, the word "address" is written:

  • the word is included in the semantic cluster "address" (ADDRESS$12/0171);
  • its interpretation: perform an action (PerfCaus) using (Uzor) address (ADDRESS$12/0171) to move (Mov) something (!Vin) somewhere (!Dat\!kDat\!Where);
  • the word can be in relationship with nouns in the nominative (!Im) as the agent, dative (!Dat) as the owner of the address (ADDRESS$12/0171(!Date)) Mov argument) and location indications in different types, including in complex-derivative (!From).

The Russian Semantic Dictionary is a six-volume publication in which the system of modern Russian common vocabulary is presented in multi-level classes of words. The primary unit of description in the Dictionary is the meaning of the word; such meanings are grouped by parts of speech and further - by lexico-semantic classes of words and their separate sections.
The publication is addressed to linguists, lexicographers, teachers, as well as to a wide range of people who study the Russian language or use a dictionary in search of information about a whole class of words, as well as about a single word, its meaning. The dictionary as a whole covers about 300,000 lexical units - the meanings of words and phraseological units. Each volume of the Dictionary is a separate finished work and can be used as an independent lexicographic study.

Descriptive words (pronouns).
The section of the "Russian Semantic Dictionary" "Words indicating (pronouns)" contains a description of the lexical system of Russian pronominal words. The use of the proposed Dictionary assumes preliminary familiarization with this commentary to this section and the diagrams attached below.

Problem semantic classification words indicating, analysis and description of their sets is much more difficult than the task of an appropriate description of the words naming - names, adverbs and verbs. This is due primarily to the high degree of abstraction of pronominal meanings, and also, in some cases, the absence of more or less definite, perceptible boundaries between individual meanings. polysemantic word. The difficulties that the lexicographer faces here are the same as in the semantic analysis of prepositions, conjunctions or particles: their division into meanings is unusual and may seem artificial. The compiler of the actual semantic dictionary is faced with a choice: either to accept the description that is traditional and quite often repeated in all grammars and explanatory dictionaries, or, expecting reproaches for the unusual and difficult classification, try to delve into the structure of the pronominal word and identify those meanings that unite the individual meanings of different pronouns. into single branches of the lexical tree. It is this second task that should confront the researcher of the semantic structure of the pronoun.

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Download the book Russian Semantic Dictionary, Explanatory Dictionary, systematized by classes of words and meanings, Shvedova N.Yu., 2002 -, fast and free download.

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Frequency Grammar-Semantic Dictionary of the Language works of art(with electronic application) as a special lexicographic product

The frequency, grammatical and semantic Vocubulary of language of works of art by A. P. Chekhov ( with the electronic appendix) as a special lexicographic product in described.

The reader is offered a lexicographical work of a new type, which combines the Dictionary and the electronic Corpus of texts. This combination creates new opportunities for working with the dictionary and allows the reader to carry out further independent study features of the language and creativity of the writer.

The dictionary is released in electronic form (on disk) along with the application. This electronic edition contains: 1. "Frequency grammatical-semantic dictionary of the language of works of art". The authors: , ; 2. Electronic case literary texts, on the basis of which the dictionary was created. Creators: , ; 3. Software tool for working with text corpora "Computer information and research system for working with electronic text corpora "ISTOK"". Developers:,; 4. Methodological guide for working with the "ISTOK" system and the corpus of texts. The authors: ,

The corpus, like the dictionary, was created at the Laboratory of General and Computational Lexicology and Lexicography of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. Students of the philological faculty of Moscow State University, S. Guseva, A. Chernyshova, S. Vorobey, M. Faldina also took part in this project, who worked in the special seminar "Creation and research of author's text corpora".

This Dictionary and Corpus contains all completed works of art (without variants and editions). Texts are given according to the academic edition of 30 volumes - M .: Nauka, 1974 - 1983.

Quantitative characteristics of the Dictionary and Corpus. Number of texts - 600 (17 plays, 583 prose works); the number of word usages - 1,271,664 (plays - 176,308; prose - 1,095,356); the number of different word forms - 101,282 (plays - 23,093; prose - 96,141); the number of different lexemes - 36,419 (plays 11,802; prose - 34,763 (without reduction of variants)). Word usage in other languages ​​is presented in the corpus, as in the Dictionary, only by word forms. The only exceptions are nouns written in Latin, grammatically related to Russian words and being part of the Russian text.

AT Dictionary four sections. In the first section the description of the composition of lexical units of works of art is given. This section contains more than 34 thousand capital units. In the second section a description of the composition of individual groups and rows of units isolated from the general vocabulary on a semantic basis is given. When compiling "subdictionaries", we tried to select such groups of words that are of interest from a linguistic, literary, cognitive point of view. In the third section some results of the quantitative analysis of the vocabulary of literary works are given. In the fourth section the description of the electronic appendix to the Dictionary is given.

Dictionary entry structure. The full entry is given in section I. It contains: (1) a headword; (2) its grammatical characteristics; (3) its quantitative characteristics; (4) variant data. In some cases, a (5) semantic commentary is given after the headword. In cases where it is difficult to describe the meaning of the unit, the context of use is given, indicating the product. With surnames, an indication is given of the work in which this person is mentioned, and brief information about this face. Frequency characteristics in the dictionary. For each unit of the dictionary, quantitative information of two types is given: the number of uses and the number of texts in which the word is used. When working with the number of uses, we encountered a huge verbatim coincidence of two works: the comedy "Ivanov" (1887) and the drama "Ivanov" (1889). In the Dictionary, lexical material from an earlier work is used only if it is unique. In all other cases, the number of uses and the number of texts are given without taking into account the play "Ivanov" (1887). Grammatical characteristics in dictionary entries. Partial characteristics given in the Dictionary, as a whole, correspond to the system of grammatical classes used in the "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language". Onomatopoeia, letters, notes, parts of words, means of rubrication and components of a foreign text are described separately. Lexical variation, homonymy and polysemy. We tried to bring the variants of words into one dictionary entry. Lexical homonymy of full-valued words in the Dictionary and the Corpus was consistently resolved. Part of the figurative meanings of the type "object, animal > face" is specially designed. For the most regular units that have frequent use of the phraseological type, additional work has been done to separate full and ambiguous uses. Semantic commentary and illustrative examples. Homonyms were consistently commented in the Dictionary (comment is not given only for homonyms of the predicative/adverb, preposition/adverb type). We also tried to describe the meaning of those words that may be incomprehensible out of context, have a non-standard meaning in the context, or require knowledge of realities. As a basis for working on the semantic commentary, the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language with the Inclusion of Information on the Origin of Words” was used (responsible ed., M., 2007). When compiling the commentary, we also relied on the book “What is incomprehensible among the classics, or the Encyclopedia of Russian life of the 19th century” (M., 1998) and other sources.

Frame marked up as follows types of information: 1. Word form; 2. The initial form of the word; 3. Title of the work; 4. Subtitle and dedication; 5. Year of writing the work; 6. Periodization (we give three periodizations known to us); 7. Type of text: prose or dramatic; 8. Signature; 9. Genre of the text; 10. Author's genre; 11. Speech genre; 12. Place of writing; 13. Type of narrator; 14, 15. Set of themes and Theme; 16. Semantic class (Geo; Face; Name; Color; Sound; Prod); 17. Parts of speech; 18. Special uses; 19. Volume and page in collected works. When marking the corpus with information types, we made an attempt to solve, in particular, the following linguistic tasks: 1. speech genre- speech genre of the text. A speech genre, by definition, is “a typical model for constructing a speech whole” [Bakhtin: 151]. The construction (creation process), structure (architectonics) of a genre are determined by many factors, but all of them are in a state of subordination to each other and form a certain integrity based on the internal unity of all form-building components. In total, Chekhov can distinguish about 25 different speech genres; 2. Narrative type- this is an indication of the person from which the work was written. Usually Chekhov's texts are written in the first or third person. However, some works (for example, “Fair “total”, “Something about”, “Letters” and others) are a set of passages that are created on behalf of different characters. In such cases, we cannot unequivocally determine from which person the work was written, but we can distinguish several combinations, for example, “ first (multiple) person" or " third / first person". 3. Themes- the names of the themes of the works. We made an attempt to empirically highlight topics based on lexical composition, since there is no automatic topic marking algorithm. The system allows you to view both combinations of topics (by combination you can find the corresponding work), and each topic separately (you can make a list of works on this topic).

Main functions and capabilities of the system . The corpus information-research system "Research of Dictionary, Text Features, Concordances" ("ISTOK") allows: (a) to view and copy existing dictionaries and concordances to a file; (b) obtain new vocabularies and concordances by combining the types of information that mark up the corpus; (c) work with each work in full-text mode and obtain reference information about it and its units. Work in the system is possible in three modes: (1) "Concordance", (2) "Text", (3) " Reference materials". The main mode is Concordance. Through it, the main types of operations with the corpus are carried out - work with dictionaries, contexts and the transition to the full text of works. It gives access to the types of information that mark up the corpus. The components of the concordance - vocabulary and contexts - are located in different windows. Each of the concordances groups the corpus material in a specific way according to the chosen type of information. The dictionary of concordance can be sorted in three ways - alphabetically, by frequency, and also from the end of units. Contexts can also be sorted in various ways. When working with a specific context, you can call an auxiliary window that shows the text of the work, or switch to full-text mode by clicking on the “Text” tab. For units of some concordances (“Words”, “Names of works”, “Special usages”), a dictionary entry from reference materials is automatically issued. In addition to ready-made concordances, selected from the "Type of information" menu, the system allows you to receive new concordances. To do this, use the "Filter" function. Setting a Filter on one of the elements of the concordance dictionary allows you to "cross" the information contained in concordances of different types. A useful function of the system is the ability to analyze the joint occurrence of elements. Compatibility is also convenient to explore using the "Sort Contexts" function. The "Reference materials" mode allows you to view two databases: "Notes and personalities" and "Semantic commentary". The first contains "Notes to works" (according to the Academic edition) and reference Information about some persons associated with and / or mentioned by him. The second database contains semantic comments on the selected lexical units of the works.

The Dictionary can be found on the laboratory website http://www. philol. msu. ru/~lex/. Please send questions and suggestions to the email address *****@***msu. ru.


Text problems. Experience of philosophical analysis // Questions of Literature. 1976. No. 10.