Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan - brief information Foreign embassies and consulates in Azerbaijan

(4,466 m)

Geological structure


The territory of the republic is rich in minerals of three types: ore, non-metallic and fuel in origin.

The largest number of natural gas fields are located in Garadagh, the shelf zone of the Caspian Sea, Baku and the Apsheron archipelago. The Lesser Caucasus is rich in ore deposits. There are deposits of iron , titanium , gold , silver , copper , cobalt , chromite , polymetals , molybdenum , etc. The largest deposits of iron ore are located in Dashkesan .

From non-metallic deposits great importance have Gobustan, Absheron and Tovuz limestone, Shakhtakhti travertine (Nakhichevan AR), Dashkesan marble, Upper Ajikend gypsum, Hajiveli quartz sands.


natural conditions Azerbaijan are diverse - from the warm and humid subtropics of the Lankaran lowlands and Talysh to the snowy highlands of the Greater Caucasus.

2). Rivers belonging to the Araz River basin (Arpa, Nakhichevan, Okhchu, Akera, Kendelen, etc.).

3). Rivers directly flowing into the Caspian Sea (Samur, Kudial, Velvele, Vilyash, Lenkoran, etc.).

On the territory of Azerbaijan steppe and semi-desert The Kura-Araks lowland, on which the Shirvan, Karabakh, Mil, Mugan, Salyan steppes are located, in the north-eastern part of the republic - the Samur-Absheron region (Kuba-Khachmaz lowland, the Bogaz plain, etc.) and the Lankaran lowland, occupying the northern half of the area.

Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) often called " land of fire" (from "azer" - fire). Azerbaijan- an amazing country in which everything is unique - nature and culture, history and customs and traditions, architecture and much more. Every city in this country keeps something special: the city Lip- famous for its medieval fortresses and mosques, the city of Sheki - famous for its chic palaces, some of them have been converted into modern hotels. Also of note are such natural beauties as the Tengi Canyon, the Afurdzhin waterfall and the Gobustan reserve, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Among tourists, those places in the city of Baku, where episodes of the films " The Diamond Arm" and " Amphibian Man». Azerbaijan The climate will also surprise you: the sea coast and rivers, high mountain ranges and plains, semi-deserts and forests are comfortably located on the territory of the country. Beautiful landscapes, springs with clear water, waterfalls and mountain rivers, thermal and mineral springs, deep gorges, green meadows, pure mountain air are waiting for you. For lovers of active water recreation, there are many entertainments in the resorts of the Caspian Sea.


The official name is the Republic of Azerbaijan. Located in eastern Transcaucasia. The area is 86.6 thousand km2, the population is 8.2 million people. (2002). The state language is Azerbaijani. The capital is Baku (2 million people, 2002). Public holidays: Republic Day on May 28 (since 1918), Independence Day on October 18 (since 1991), Constitution Day on November 12 (since 1995), National Revival Day on November 17. Monetary unit - manat. Member of the CIS, the UN and its specialized organizations, OSCE, Council of Europe, WTO (observer), EBRD, IBRD, IMF, OECD, etc.

Sights of Azerbaijan

Geography of Azerbaijan

Located between 44° and 52° east longitude and 38° and 42° north latitude. It is washed by the Caspian Sea, the length of the coastline is 800 km. Azerbaijan includes three peninsulas: Absheron (2000 km2), Sarah (100 km2) and Kura Spit (76 km2), as well as numerous islands: Artyoma (Pir-Allahi) (14.4 km2), Zhiloy (Chilov) (11 ,5 km2), Bulla (Hera-zire) (3.5 km2), Nargin (Boyuk-zire), Clay (Gilzire), Pork (Senki Mugan), Duvanny (Zembil), Wulf (Dash-zire). In the north, Azerbaijan borders on the Russian Federation, in the northwest on Georgia, in the west on Armenia, in the south on Iran and in the extreme southwest on Turkey.

Azerbaijan combines vast flat lowlands lying below the level of the World Ocean, and mountain peaks, deserts and alpine meadows, salt marshes and subtropical forests. In the north of Azerbaijan rises the Greater Caucasus - the Main and Side Ranges. Highest points: Bazar-Dyuzi (4466 m), Shahdag (4243 m), Tufandag (4191 m), Salavat pass (2895 m). The Lesser Caucasus is located in the southwest of Azerbaijan. Highest points: Kapydzhik (3906 m), Gyamyshdag (3724 m), Bichenek pass (2345 m). Between the ridges and spurs of the Lesser Caucasus lies the Karabakh volcanic highlands, the highest point of which is the Big Ishihly (3552 m). In the southeast of Azerbaijan are the Talysh Mountains, which descend to the Lankaran lowland, the highest points are Kemurköy (2477 m) and Kyzyurda (2438 m).

More than 1/2 of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by lowlands. The largest is the Kura-Araks, bordered by sloping plains and low mountains. In addition, on the territory of the republic there are elevated Kusar and Sharuro-Ordubad sloping plains and the Samur-Divichinsky lowland. More than 1000 rivers flow through the territory of Azerbaijan, but only 21 of them have a length of more than 100 km. All rivers belong to the Caspian Sea basin, the largest ones are Kura (1364 km) and Araks (1072 km). The republic has an irrigation system regulated by reservoirs. There are only six of them: Mingachevir, Varvara, Sarsang, Jeyranbatan, Akstafa, Arpachay. The largest Mingachevir, in the middle reaches of the Kura. The main irrigation canals - Upper Karabakh and Upper Shirvan - originate from it. There are 250 lakes in Azerbaijan, 6 of them have an area of ​​more than 10 km2.

The vegetation of Azerbaijan is distinguished by a variety of species (over 4100), among which there are rare and endangered ones. Broad-leaved species are common in forests. There are separate relic massifs of ancient trees. In the deserts and semi-deserts of the plains, wormwood, wormwood-saltwort and semi-shrub vegetation dominate. The plains are inhabited by rodents, reptiles and reptiles, as well as gazelles. Representatives of European forests are common on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus. The world of birds is diverse in the shallow bays of the Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijan has explored large reserves of oil, industrial deposits of gas, magnetic iron ore (Dashkesan), rock salt (Nakhichevan), marble, tuff, pumice. In various regions of the republic, deposits of polymetallic ores containing gold, silver, and copper have been explored. In total, more than 70 oil and gas fields, more than 40 ore and St. 300 non-metallic deposits.

Most of Azerbaijan is located in the subtropical zone. There are several types of climate - from dry and humid subtropical (Lenkoran) to mountain tundra. Soils: from mountain-meadow alpine highlands to gray soils of semi-deserts and yellow soils in the Lankaran subtropics.

Population of Azerbaijan

Birth rate 18.44‰, death rate 9.55‰ (2001). Average life expectancy is 63 years (58.6 years for men and 67.5 years for women). Infant mortality 83.08 pers. per 1000 newborns. It was estimated that in 2001 children and adolescents under the age of 15 accounted for 32%. There are more women in the republic than men (4.4 million and 3.9 million people, respectively). The predominance of the female population is explained by the high mortality among men and their more intensive migratory ability. 51% of the population lives in cities. Growth dynamics rural population exceeds urban indicators by almost 2 times.

The economically active population is 3.776 million people. (2002). During 1991-2001, approximately 1.5 million people left for Russia to work. The number of pensioners is 1215 thousand people. (late 2001). Retirement age: 62 for men, 57 for women.

The educational level of the population is quite high. 98% of the adult population of the country have secondary education. Azerbaijanis make up 91% of the country's population, Dagestanis 3.2%, Russians 2.5%, others (Ukrainians, Tatars, Tats, Kurds, Avars, Turks, Georgians) 3.3%. Although state language is Azerbaijani, Russian is often used in everyday life. By 2000, the Russian population had decreased by more than 2.5 times, amounting to 150 thousand people in 2002. The number of Armenians living mainly in Nagorno-Karabakh by 2001 was approximately 130 thousand people. The main religion is Islam. Most Muslims are adherents of the Jafarite school (madhhab) in Shiism. Approximately 70% of all Muslims are Shiites, 30% are Sunnis. There are also Orthodox and Jewish communities in Azerbaijan.

History of Azerbaijan

The first states on the territory of Azerbaijan arose at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. and were under Persian rule. Later, the territory of Azerbaijan was part of the Caucasian Albania tribal association, subordinated to the Sasanian Iran, then to the Arab Caliphate. From the 8th c. the process of Turkization began, the Azerbaijani language was formed. In the 15th century the Azerbaijani state of the Shirvanshahs was formed. In the 16-18 centuries. Azerbaijan was a field of confrontation between Turkey and Persia, to the middle. 18th century about 15 khanates were formed on his land. In the 1st third of the 19th century. they were annexed to Russia.

After the October Revolution in Russia, Soviet power was established in Baku on November 15, 1917, but on May 28, 1918, the Azerbaijan National Council proclaimed the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was immediately occupied by Turkey, then by Great Britain, which withdrew its troops only in August 1919.

The Soviet period of Azerbaijan began on April 28, 1920, when the Red Army entered its territory. After the declaration of independence of Azerbaijan on August 30, 1991, Ayaz Mutalibov was elected president, who was forced to resign in March 1992 as a result of military failures in Nagorno-Karabakh. In June 1992, Abulfaz Elchibey, the leader of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, was elected president, who also suffered military setbacks. In the conditions of the aggravated domestic political situation, the economic situation became more complicated. In June 1993, Elchibey fled Baku in connection with a military rebellion against him. Power passed to Heydar Aliyev, who led the Azerbaijan SSR in 1969-82 as the first secretary of the Central Committee. In October 1993 he was elected president. In October 1998 Aliyev was re-elected as head of state. Heydar Aliyev died in 2003, and his son Ilham Aliyev became president.

State structure and political system of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a democratic legal state with a republican form of government. The 1995 Constitution is in force.

Administrative division of Azerbaijan: 59 regions, Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. The issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, around which a long-term conflict continues, has not been resolved. The total number of cities is 69, of which 11 are cities of republican subordination, the largest ones are Baku, Ganja (294.7 thousand people), Sumgayit (279.2 thousand people), Mingechaur, Ali-Bayramli, Nakhichevan, Lankaran .

The highest body of legislative power is the parliament (Milli Mejlis), consisting of 125 deputies and elected for a term of 5 years on the basis of majoritarian and proportional electoral systems and general, equal and direct elections by free, personal and secret ballot. The Parliament of Azerbaijan holds two sessions annually. Spring session - from February 1 to May 31, autumn - from September 30 to December 30.

The highest body of executive power is the cabinet of ministers, appointed by the president and approved by the Milli Majlis.

The head of state is the president, the post of president was introduced in 1991. The president is elected in general elections by secret ballot for a term of 5 years, but no more than two terms.

In 2002 there were more than 30 parties. Since 1995, the New Azerbaijan Party under the leadership of G. Aliyev has become the leading political force. She holds the majority of seats in parliament. The leading opposition force in parliament is the Popular Front of Azerbaijan (the party of former President Elchibey). Of the other opposition parties, Musavat (Equality) and the National Independence Party are represented in parliament. Among the influential political organizations are the Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party and the Azerbaijan People's Party.

Among public organizations Azerbaijan are allocated organizations of national minorities. The most authoritative organization of the Russian diaspora is the Russian Community, headed by M. Zabelin. The National Council of Youth Organizations operates, in which 46 youth public organizations are represented (among them organizations of volunteers, disabled people, veterans of the Karabakh war, etc.).

The internal policy of the top leadership of Azerbaijan was aimed at ending hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh and eliminating the economic consequences of this war. One of the main tasks was the reconstruction and reform of the national economy, raising the living standards of the population.

The unresolved international issues include the mentioned problem of Nagorno-Karabakh and the unresolved by 2003 issue of the borders between Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran in the Caspian Sea.

There is a universal military duty. Service life (for 2000) - 17 months - can be slightly increased in the Ground Forces. The armed forces include the Ground Forces (55.6 thousand people), Navy(2.2 thousand people), Air Force and Air Defense Forces (8.1 thousand people) and border troops, organizationally part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (about 5 thousand people) (2000). In order to expand the training of higher national military personnel and specialists in the field of military sciences, an Academy has been established in Azerbaijan armed forces. Azerbaijan's military spending is estimated at 30-40 billion manats. Department of Defense Budget $120 million (1999). Azerbaijan has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, established on April 3, 1992.

Economy of Azerbaijan

In 2002, GDP (in current prices) amounted to 29.6 trillion. manat, annual growth of 10.6%. Since 2000, the level of GDP has risen steadily. The share of the non-observed economy in the production of GDP, according to statistical services, is 20-22%.

The number of registered unemployed is 51 thousand people (end of 2002). Unemployment is 1.3% (according to unofficial data - much higher). The total number of people employed in the economy is 3726.5 thousand people. The sectoral structure of employment is dominated by the service sector (52.6%), followed by agriculture, forestry, fisheries (32.1%) and industry (15.3%). Outside the public sector, 68% of the total number of employees is employed.

The volume of industrial production is 19,742 billion manats (in current prices, 2002). The metallurgical, chemical, and light industries are developing rapidly. Oil produced, including gas produced in industrialized republics former USSR, Azerbaijan, however, after gaining independence, could not maintain the previous level of volumes industrial production. By 2001, as compared with 1991, industrial production had decreased by 2.7 times. By 1999, output (in constant prices) of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy decreased by 92-94%, chemical, petrochemical and food industries - by 80-83%, light industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking - by 72-73%. As a result, transport, communications and telecommunications turned out to be the most dynamic sectors of the economy, which was due to large investments (especially in the field of communications and communications).

At the beginning of the 21st century, the economy of Azerbaijan is mainly oriented towards raw materials. This applies not only to industry, but also to agriculture, where the area under industrial crops (for example, tobacco, cotton) has significantly decreased. Cotton was one of the oldest crops cultivated in Azerbaijan and occupied up to 90% of the area of ​​all industrial crops. Its cultivation is concentrated in the Kura-Araks lowland and in the western regions of the country. Tobacco is bred in the foothills and mountainous regions. By 2002, the importance of sericulture was practically reduced to zero.

Agricultural products of all categories AZN 6.4 billion (2002, current prices). The area of ​​agricultural land is 4.6 million hectares, including 1.8 million hectares of arable land (2001). The number of farms is 2.6 thousand (end of 2001), the land area assigned to them is 23.4 thousand hectares (end of 2001). In con. 1990s areas under fodder and industrial crops decreased by 50%. In terms of sown area, grain crops occupy the first place, which occupy an average of 550 thousand hectares of land. In the structure of cereals in recent decades, about 70% accounted for durum wheat, part of the area was sown with corn and barley. In 2002, there was an increase in the production of grain, potatoes and vegetables, mainly due to an increase in yields.

Traditionally, viticulture and horticulture have been the most important branches of agriculture in Azerbaijan. Areas under grapes (mainly for wine production) exceeded 230 thousand hectares and were located mainly in the Samur-Divichinsky lowland and on the northeastern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. More than 150,000 hectares are occupied by orchards in Azerbaijan. The number of livestock is 2153 thousand heads (end of 2002). In 2002, compared with 2001, the production of meat increased by 6%, whole milk products by 4%, and vegetable oil by 1.6 times. Livestock and poultry for slaughter (in live weight) produced 224 thousand tons (of which households and farms - 220 thousand tons) (2002). The main producers of milk and eggs were also farms.

Railway network - 2125 km. main tracks (gauge - 1520 mm), of which 815 km are double-track and 1310 km are single-track (260 km are blocked as a result of the war with Armenia). There are 1390 km of station and access roads. Total length highways 25 thousand km., of which 94% of roads are paved. The total length of pipelines is 3,000 km, including 1,130 km of oil pipelines, 630 km of oil products pipelines, and 1,240 km of gas pipelines. In 2002, the main pipelines transported 5.3 million tons of gas (102% compared to 2001) and 10 million tons of oil (89%).

Azerbaijan has a seaport in the city of Baku. There are 69 airfields in Azerbaijan (of which 29 have a paved runway). The volume of cargo transportation by transport enterprises is 82.6 million tons. The total volume of cargo transportation by rail (import, export, transit and domestic transportation) increased in 2002 by 13% compared to 2001. The volume of transportation by road increased by 6%. Carriage of goods by the transport and port fleet increased by 11%, cargo turnover navy- by 6%.

Azerbaijani airlines transported cargo and mail more by 1.3%. Passenger transportation 893.3 million people. In 2002, compared to 2001, Azerbaijan's sea transport transported passengers by 30% more, passenger transportation by rail decreased by 4%. Airlines carried 5% more passengers in 2002 than in 2001.
Retail turnover (through all distribution channels) in 2002 amounted to 13.4 trillion. manats (increased by 9.6% compared to 2001). The share of the informal market in the total retail turnover accounted for 75.5%. Distribution of the number of retail trade enterprises by form of ownership: state property 6.7%, non-state 93.3%, including private 84.8%.

61 insurance companies are represented on the insurance market of the republic, 9 of which are with foreign capital participation. 20 companies operate most stably, accounting for 90% of the volume of all insurance services and more than 80% of the volume of all paid losses. The share of insurance operations in the total GDP is insignificant, but tends to grow. The insurance service of the republic offers about 40 types of insurance services. The indicator of the activity of the population in insurance operations - in Azerbaijan, each person insures himself or his property for 1.8 US dollars per year.

In 2002, investments in fixed capital from all sources of financing amounted to 10.3 trillion. manats (which is 82% more than in 2001). The main share of investments (98%) came from non-budgetary funds, the predominant direction was the oil industry and the electric power industry. Up to 50% of foreign investment goes to the development of engineering, communications, food industry, service sector.

By 2000, as a result of reforms in Azerbaijan, a two-tier banking system, adopted in international practice, was created and is functioning. The 1st level is represented by the National Bank of Azerbaijan (NBA), which performs the classical functions of the issuing central bank of the country, regulates and supervises banking activities, determines the monetary and foreign exchange policy of the state, stores free resources and required reserves of other banks, manages centralized credit resources, conducts cash execution of the budget and, if necessary, lends to the state.

The powers of the NBA include the guaranteed placement of state-issued authorized treasury bills. The NBA is a financial institution independent of the government, and the parliament is practically deprived of the opportunity to seriously influence the policy of the NBA. At the beginning In July 1999, the NBA's gold and foreign exchange reserves amounted to 707 million US dollars, which exceeded the volume of the money supply in circulation by 3.2 times. However, the reserves consist of 50-55% of stabilization loans from the IMF, which, by agreement with the IMF, are not subject to use in daily activities and can only be used in emergency. The 2nd level of the banking system of Azerbaijan consists of 73 banks (1999), which directly provide credit, settlement and cash services to individuals and legal entities. In the early years of the transition period, the policy of free lending had a negative impact on the financial system. In 1996, the NBA regained control over money growth and introduced tighter banking rules. Several foreign and mixed banks operate in Azerbaijan, the total number of credit organizations in Azerbaijan (2002) is 93. The refinancing rate of the NBA is 7%.

State budget (January-September 2002, billion manats): revenues 3144.3; expenses 3141.4. Azerbaijan's external debt is over $700 million. 86% of budget revenues are formed from tax revenues. The ratio of total state budget expenditures to GDP is 15.6%. Budget expenditures for the social sphere and the economy 27.3 and 14.2% (2002).

Monetary incomes of the population (trillion manats): 15.1, monetary expenditures 12.5 (January-September 2002). The minimum wage is 27.5 thousand manats, the average monthly nominal wage is 315.2 thousand manats or 64.8 US dollars (2002). The minimum size of an old-age pension is 70,000 manats (2002), the average size of a pension is 73,700 manats (2001). The minimum amount of scholarships in universities is 16.5 thousand manats (2002). Household deposits in savings banks (including commercial ones) AZN 744.1 billion (2002).

Foreign trade (2002, million US dollars): export 1778, import 1496.5. Export to CIS countries 10.1% of total exports, 1/2 of exports to these countries - oil products, cotton fiber, machinery and equipment, vehicles. 93% of exports to other countries are crude oil and refined products. Import from the CIS countries - 30.8% of total imports. Azerbaijan imports from these countries mainly natural gas, mineral and chemical fertilizers, food products, timber, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cars. The main articles of A.'s imports from other countries of the world are machinery, equipment, and vehicles.

Science and culture of Azerbaijan

More than 50 higher education institutions operate in Azerbaijan educational institutions, in which approximately 100 thousand students study. Largest universities country: Azerbaijani State University them. Rasuzade, Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature. M.V. Akhundova, Azerbaijani state institute foreign languages, Azerbaijani medical University them. Narimanov, Conservatory. U. Gadzhibekova and others. In recent years, several private and international universities have appeared. Among the latter stands out the Western University (founded in 1991). At the Caucasus University, education is conducted in Turkish. Most universities are located in Baku.

Main Scientific research are held at the institutes of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, founded in 1945 (at the Institute of Philosophy and Law, the Institute of History, Language and Literature named after G. Nizami, the Institute of Economics, etc.). The largest library of A. - State Library them. M.Akhundov, the largest repository of documents - the National Archives.

A distinctive feature of Azerbaijani literature is the oral poetry of ashugs (folk singer-poets), whose traditions have been preserved to this day. Ancient epics (for example, Kitabi Dede Korkud, 11th century), as well as poetry of a later period (Ganjavi Nizami, c.1141-1209; Muhammad Fuzuli, 1494-1556) are part of the literary heritage shared with the Anatolian Turks. Written Azerbaijani literature emerged after the final incorporation of the country into Russia in the early 19th century. Its founder Mirza Fatali Akhundov (1812-78) is the ancestor of Azerbaijani drama, which was further developed in the works of Najaf-bek Vazirov (1854-1926) and Abdurragim Akhverdov (1870-1933). In the beginning. 20th century Jalil Mamekulizadeh (1866-1932), playwright Hussein Javid (1884-1941), poet Muhammad Hadi (1879-1920) worked.

Such Azerbaijani directors as A.M.Sharifzade, A.I.Bek-Nazarov, T.M.Tagizade, A.M.Ibragimov are known. Strong point Azerbaijani cinematography is documentary.

The theater appeared in Azerbaijan only in the middle. 19th century With the advent of Soviet power, theaters were nationalized. In 1920, the Azerbaijan Drama Theater was opened in Baku, and in 1924, the Opera and Ballet Theater.

The Islamic period left a strong imprint on the rich architectural heritage of Azerbaijan. The symbol of Baku, the unique Maiden's Tower, which has an oval shape in plan (12th century), also belongs to Islamic architectural monuments. The classical Azerbaijani applied art used Persian and Islamic styles and techniques, which were reflected, in particular, in the miniatures of the famous Tabriz school. Gasanbek Zardabi (1837-1907) began publishing the first Azerbaijani newspaper "Ekinchi" ("Plowman") in 1875. About 400 newspapers are registered in modern Azerbaijan, but less than 50 are published regularly. The first radio broadcasts took place in Baku in 1926. Television began broadcasting in 1956.

Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Republic, a state in the southeastern part of Transcaucasia. Area - 86.6 thousand square meters. km. It borders on Russia in the north, Georgia in the northwest, Armenia in the west, Iran in the south, Turkey in the extreme southwest, and the Caspian Sea in the east.

Azerbaijan since the beginning of the 19th century. until 1918 was part of Russian Empire, from 1918 to 1920 was an independent state, from 1922 to 1991 was part of the USSR. On August 30, 1991, state independence was proclaimed (the official date of establishing independence is October 18, 1991). The capital and largest city of Azerbaijan is Baku. The republic de jure includes two administrative entities: the Nakhichevan Republic and the de facto Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which separated from Azerbaijan (until 1991 - an autonomous region), populated mainly by Armenians.



More than half of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by mountains belonging to the system of the Greater Caucasus in the north (the ridges of the Greater Caucasus with the peak of Bazarduzu, 4480 m, and the Side with the peak of Shahdag, 4250 m) and the Lesser Caucasus in the west and southwest. The highlands of the Greater Caucasus are characterized by glaciers and turbulent mountain rivers; the middle mountains are strongly dissected by deep gorges. From west to east, the mountains of the Greater Caucasus first gradually, and then sharply lower and are replaced by a system of low ridges. The mountains of the Lesser Caucasus are less high, they consist of numerous ridges and the volcanic Karabakh highlands with cones of extinct volcanoes. In the extreme southeast are the Lankaran Mountains, which consist of three parallel ridges. The main peak of the highest Talysh ridge Kyomyurkoy reaches 2477 m. The mountains of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus are separated by the vast Kura-Araks lowland.

To the northeast of the Greater Caucasus lies the Kusar Plain. The northwestern and northern part of the Kura-Araks lowland is a system of hills, low ridges and valleys; in the center and in the east there are alluvial plains, near the sea coast there is a low delta of the Kura River. The low-lying Apsheron Peninsula and the Kura Spit jut deep into the Caspian Sea.

Rivers and lakes

More than 1000 rivers flow through the territory of Azerbaijan, but only 21 of them have a length of more than 100 km. The Kura, the largest river in Transcaucasia, crosses the territory of Azerbaijan from the northwest to the southeast and flows into the Caspian Sea. The main tributary of the Kura is the Araks. Most of the rivers of Azerbaijan belong to the Kura basin. Rivers are used for irrigation. The Mingachevir hydroelectric power station and the Mingachevir reservoir (605 sq. km) were built on the Kura. There are 250 lakes in Azerbaijan, the largest of them are Lake. Hadjikabyul (16 sq. km) and lake. Boyukshor (10 sq. km).

Climate. Most of Azerbaijan is located in the subtropical zone. Several types of climate are distinguished within the country, from dry and humid subtropical (Lenkoran) to mountain tundra (highlands of the Greater Caucasus). Average annual temperatures vary from 15°C in the lowlands to 0°C in the mountains. The average July temperatures range from 26°C in the plains to 5°C in the highlands, and the average January temperatures, respectively, from 3°C to –10°C. The summer is dry. Precipitation is unevenly distributed: 200–300 mm per year on the plains (less than 200 mm in the Baku region), 300–900 mm in the foothills, 900–1400 mm in the highlands of the Greater Caucasus, up to 1700 mm within the Lankaran lowland. In Lankaran, the maximum precipitation occurs in winter, in the mountains and foothills - in April - September.


There are more than 4,100 species in the flora of Azerbaijan (of which 9% are endemic, including Eldar pine, Hyrkanian boxwood, Lankaran acacia, Caspian lotus, some species of astragalus, etc.). Dry lowlands are covered with semi-desert and desert vegetation (with a predominance of wormwood and saltwort), as well as ephemeral subtropical vegetation. Salt marshes occur in places. High plains and arid foothills are occupied by sagebrush-bearded steppes, shrubs, steppe-like sagebrush semi-deserts. The southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, some areas of the Lesser Caucasus, as well as the Talysh mountains at altitudes from 600 to 1800 m are covered with extensive forests of oak, hornbeam, beech, chestnut, acacia, and ash. Tugai forests, alder forests and alder-lapine forests grow in humid lowlands. Subalpine meadows are common in the highlands. The highest peaks are located in the alpine nival belt.

The fauna of Azerbaijan includes approximately 12 thousand

species, including 623 species of vertebrates (more than 90 mammals, about 350 bird species, more than 40 reptile species, more than 80 fish species, the rest are cyclostomes and amphibians). Reptiles, hares, wolves, foxes, goitered gazelle are common on the plains. Wild boars, roe deer, badgers, and jackals are found in the valleys of the Kura and Araks. Red deer, Dagestan tur, chamois, bezoar goat, roe deer, bear, lynx, forest cat, mouflon and leopard live in the mountains. Animals such as sika deer, saiga, raccoon dog, American raccoon, coypu, skunk have been introduced. The world of birds (pheasants, partridges, black grouse, etc.), especially waterfowl, is very diverse. Many of them arrive for the winter (ducks, geese, swans, herons, pelicans, flamingos, cormorants, etc.). There are many valuable commercial fish in the Caspian Sea (salmon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, herring, kutum, vobla, asp, lamprey, sprat, etc.), and among mammals - the Caspian seal.

State of the environment

The Apsheron Peninsula and other coastal areas are among the most environmentally unfavorable areas the globe due to severe air, water and soil pollution. Soil and groundwater pollution is caused by the use of DDT and toxic defoliants in cotton cultivation. Air pollution is associated with industrial emissions in Sumgayit, Baku and other cities. A serious source of sea pollution is the oil-producing and oil-refining industry.

The rich flora and fauna of the country is subjected to strong anthropogenic impact. Forests suffer from logging and grazing. Agricultural land is expanding due to deforestation.

Work is underway in Azerbaijan to protect natural environment. In order to preserve some areas of natural forest, relict flora and rare animal species, 14 reserves and 20 sanctuaries have been created. Red and sika deer, chamois, goitered gazelle, bezoar goat, mouflon, roe deer, and saiga are especially protected.


According to the results of the last census conducted in the USSR, in Azerbaijan in 1989, out of 7029 thousand people, the share of ethnic Azerbaijanis (before the formation of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1936 were called Caucasian Tatars, Transcaucasian Muslims or Caucasian Turks) accounted for 5813 thousand, or 82.7 %.

The largest national minorities were Russians (5.6%) and Armenians (5.5%). In addition, Lezgins (4.3%), Avars, Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, Talysh, Turks, Georgians, Kurds, Udins lived here. After ethnic clashes between Azerbaijanis and Armenians in Sumgayit and Nagorno-Karabakh and as a result of the outflow of the Russian-speaking population and Armenians, the share of Azerbaijanis increased to 89%, while the share of Russians decreased to 3% (as of 1995).

The proportion of mixed marriages is very low. Despite rapid urbanization and social change, Azerbaijani families retain close family ties that play an important role in personal and social life, politics and business.

The state language is Azerbaijani, belonging to Turkic languages and close to Turkish and Turkmen. The role of the Russian language in the 1990s declined significantly.

In 2001, it was estimated that children and adolescents under the age of 15 made up 32% of the population, the economically active population (men aged 16–62, women aged 16–57) 59%, people of retirement age 9%. Azerbaijan was characterized high level population growth: in the period from 1979 to 1989 it was 1.7% per year. In the 1990s, the population growth rate slowed down: from 1991 to 1998 they were estimated at 0.5–0.7% per year, in 2001 they amounted to 0.3%. According to 2001 estimates, life expectancy is 63 years (58.6 for men and 67.5 for women). Infant mortality - 83.08 per 1000 newborns.

51% of the country's population lives in cities, with more than half of them concentrated in Greater Baku and Sumgayit. The population of Baku, the capital and largest city of the country, is 1228.5 thousand people, and the entire capital region - 2071.6 thousand. The second largest city in the country is Ganja (294.7 thousand), the third is Sumgayit (279.2 thousand). Other big cities– Mingechaur, Ali-Bayramli, Nakhichevan, Lankaran.


The main religion of Azerbaijan is Islam. With the fall of the Soviet regime, a period of Islamic revival began in Azerbaijan. The majority of Muslims in Azerbaijan are adherents of the Jafarite school (madhhab) in Shiism. About 70% of all Muslims in the country are Shiites, 30% are Sunnis. There are also Orthodox and Jewish communities in Azerbaijan.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

When the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin left Baku in 1925, he wrote that he felt "sadness", i.e. it is difficult for him to part with hospitable Azerbaijan. Since then, Azerbaijan has changed a lot, but the people have remained the same - very hospitable. Tourists in Azerbaijan are waiting for beautiful mountains, delicious cuisine, the Caspian Sea, ancient cities, and, of course, hot and mineral springs.

Geography of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is located in the Transcaucasus, where Western Asia intersects with Eastern Europe. Azerbaijan borders on Russia in the north, Georgia in the northwest, Armenia in the west, and Iran in the south. In the east, Azerbaijan is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The total area of ​​this country, including the Nakhichevan enclave, is 86,600 square kilometers. km., and the total length state border- 2,648 km.

In the north of Azerbaijan there is the Greater Caucasus Range, in the center of the country there are vast plains, and in the southeast - the Talysh Mountains. In general, mountains occupy about 50% of the entire territory of Azerbaijan. The highest point is the peak of Bazarduzu, whose height reaches 4,466 meters.

There are more than 8 thousand rivers in Azerbaijan, and all of them flow into the Caspian Sea. The longest river is the Kura (1,515 km), and the largest lake is the Sarysu (67 sq. km.).

Capital of Azerbaijan

The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku, which is now home to more than 2.1 million people. Archaeologists believe that people lived on the territory of modern Baku already in the 5th century AD.

Official language

The official language in Azerbaijan is Azeri, which belongs to the Oguz subgroup of the Turkic languages.


About 95% of the population of Azerbaijan consider themselves Muslims (85% are Shia Muslims and 15% are Sunni Muslims).

State structure of Azerbaijan

According to the current Constitution of 1995, Azerbaijan is a presidential republic. Its head is the President, elected for 5 years.

In Azerbaijan, the local unicameral Parliament is called the National Assembly (Milli Məclis), it consists of 125 deputies. Deputies of the National Assembly are elected by popular vote for 5 years.

The main political parties in Azerbaijan are the New Party of Azerbaijan, the Equality Party and the National Unity.

Climate and weather

The climate in Azerbaijan is very diverse, due to its geographical location. The mountains and the Caspian Sea have a great influence on the climate. The climate is subtropical in the foothills and plains of Azerbaijan. In Baku in July and August, the daytime air temperature often reaches +38C, and at night it drops to +18C.

The best time to visit Azerbaijan is mid-April - end of August.

Sea in Azerbaijan

In the east, Azerbaijan is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea, the coastline is 800 km. Azerbaijan owns three large islands in the Caspian Sea. By the way, the peoples who lived at different times in the region of the Caspian Sea gave it a total of about 70 names. This sea has been called the Caspian Sea since the 16th century.

Rivers and lakes

More than 8,000 rivers flow through the territory of Azerbaijan, but only 24 of them are longer than 100 km. There are very beautiful waterfalls on some mountain rivers. There are many lakes in the mountains of Azerbaijan. The most beautiful of them are Maral-Gol and Goy-Gel.


The first archaeological evidence of human life on the territory of modern Azerbaijan dates back to the end of the Stone Age. Azerbaijan in different historical eras conquered by Armenians, Persians, Romans, Arabs, Turks. The history of Azerbaijan is very rich in interesting events.

I millennium BC - the formation of the state of Manna with the capital Izirtu.

1st-4th centuries AD - Azerbaijan is part of the Caucasian Albania tribal association, which was subordinate to Ancient Rome.

III-IV centuries. AD - Caucasian Albania becomes Christian.

XIII-VIV centuries - Azerbaijan is in vassal dependence on the state of Khulaguids.

The end of the XIV century - the state of Shirvan appeared in the north of modern Azerbaijan.

The beginning of the 16th century - almost all the lands of Azerbaijan were united into one state - the state of the Safavids.

The first half of the 16th century - Shiism, a branch of Islam, becomes the state religion in Azerbaijan.

1724 - the territory of Azerbaijan is divided between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

1920 - Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was formed.

1922-1936 - Azerbaijan is part of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. 1936-1991 - Azerbaijan is part of the USSR.

1991 - Azerbaijan's independence was declared.

Culture of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan became an independent state only in 1991. Before that, for many centuries the territory of Azerbaijan was divided between neighboring empires - Russian and Ottoman. As a result, now the culture of Azerbaijan has a multi-ethnic character, but the religion - Shiism, one of the branches of Islam, has a decisive influence on it.

Every year, four weeks during the Novruz holiday in Azerbaijan, interesting religious events and festivals, folk festivals are held. An obligatory element of such festivities is jumping over a fire.

In addition, other holidays are celebrated on a grand scale in Azerbaijan - Ramadan-Bayram (November-February) and Gurban-Bayram.


Azerbaijani cuisine was greatly influenced by Turkish and Central Asian culinary traditions. The main Azerbaijani dish is pilaf with rice, to which they add various “fillings” (meat, fish, fruits, spices, etc.). A special place in the Azerbaijani cuisine belongs to fresh vegetable salads. Salads are usually served together with the main course (by the way, there are more than 30 types of soups in Azerbaijan).

In Azerbaijan, we advise you to try local soups (“shorba with chicken”, okroshka “ovdukh”, lamb soup “piti”), salads (“kukyu from greens”, “soyutma”, “bahar”), kebabs (mutton, chicken, from the liver), pilaf (more than 30 types), dolma, baklava, halva.

Most Azerbaijanis are Shia Muslims. But for some reason, religion does not prevent them from drinking alcohol. Apparently due to the fact that good wines and cognacs are made in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijanis are very fond of tea. In the teahouse, men drink sweet black tea from small bowls. Tea is usually served with jam (from quince, figs, apricots, cherries and plums).

Another popular non-alcoholic drink in Azerbaijan is sherbet (sugar, lemon, mint, saffron, basil, cumin, etc. are added to boiled water).

Sights of Azerbaijan

According to official data, there are now more than 6,000 historical and architectural monuments in Azerbaijan. The top 10 best Azerbaijani sights, in our opinion, may include the following:

Cities and resorts

The largest Azerbaijani cities are Ganja, Sumgayit, Lankaran, Mingachevir, Nakhichevan, Khirdalan, Khankendi, and, of course, Baku.

There are a lot of hot and mineral springs in Azerbaijan, which are concentrated in the mountainous part of the country. Thus, in Kelbajar alone there are about 200 mineral springs. The best mineral springs in Azerbaijan are Istisu (in Kalbajar), Badamli, Sirab (in Nakhichevan), as well as Darrydag, Turshsu, Arkivan, and Surakhany.

On the plains of Azerbaijan, in particular, in the Goranboy region, there is medicinal oil (it is called "naftalan"). Medicinal oil is widely used in medicine. Moreover, neftalan was found only in one place in the world - in the Goranboy region of Azerbaijan.


Tourists from Azerbaijan usually bring folk art products, carpets, ceramics, cognac, wine. Remember that in order to export any piece of art from Azerbaijan, even if it does not have artistic value, you need to obtain permission from the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 10:00-19:00

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00


Ukrainians do not need to apply for a visa to visit Azerbaijan (if the trip does not exceed 90 days).


Since 1992, the Azerbaijani manat (its international designation: AZN) has been in circulation in Azerbaijan. One Azerbaijani manat = 100 qapiks. Credit cards are accepted, basically, only by prestigious hotels and restaurants in Baku.

Customs restrictions

Export of local currency from Azerbaijan is prohibited. The export of currency (we are talking, of course, about foreign currency) is limited to the amount that was declared upon arrival in the country.

Useful phone numbers and addresses

Address of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Ukraine:
Index: 01901, Kyiv, st. Glubochitskaya, 24
T: 484-69-40 (phone code of the city - 044)
Email mail:

Address of the Ukrainian Embassy in Azerbaijan:
AZ1069, Baku, st. Yusif Vezirova, 49
Т: 449-40-95 (country and city telephone code - +99412)
Email mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Emergency Phones
102 - Call the police
103 - Call for an ambulance
101 - Call the fire brigade


The difference is +2 hours. Those. if in Baku, for example, it is 09:00 in the morning, then in Kyiv or, for example, in Donetsk, it is only 06:00 in the morning.


Tipping in Azerbaijan is welcome, but it is not obligatory.