Where the sun sleeps. Interesting questions from children

Young children often ask questions that even their parents don't know the answer to. And sometimes the answer seems to be obvious, but the child has nothing to say. To prevent this from happening, each parent must be prepared for different questions.

There are many standard questions that children love to ask.

Where is the Sun at night?

Where does the Sun sleep? This question is often asked by children when they notice that at night big star disappears and becomes dark. The child needs to be explained that the Sun gives the earth warmth and light, and it is necessary for a normal life. This can be explained in children's language and decorate a little history so that the child was interested, and he could remember it. The child needs to be told that the Earth is round and spins all the time. Also, so that a small person can imagine everything, you can pick up a few fruits. For example, an apple and say that this is our planet, take an orange and say that

Put the orange on the table, and take the apple in your hands, slowly twist it around its axis and at the same time in your hand. So you can clearly show what is happening in space, how the earth and the big star that warms us interact. So it will be easier for the child to understand where the Sun spends the night. It is worth saying that if it shines on one side of the earth, then night falls on the other side, and people A after a few hours, the opposite happens, the Sun comes there, and it becomes dark on this side. To the question "Where does the Sun spend the night?" The answer can be given in a "fabulous" way.

Come up with a fairy tale that a huge star lives its own life, smiles and gives light to people, and when it gets dark, it goes to bed (at this moment you can tell the child that it’s time for him to go to bed, this will help him fall asleep faster). And the house of the Sun is in the sky, behind the clouds. And in the evening it goes to its home, rests there, and in the morning it comes again to shine on people and warm them.

Does the sun sleep?

You can tell the kid that the Sun does not sleep at all, that it exists and shines all the time, and when it gets dark, it means that it shines for other children. Then the child will not ask where the Sun spends the night. In fact, it is. After all, it never sleeps, simply due to the fact that our planet is spinning, one of its sides is always dark. It is better for a child to tell the truth right away so that he does not have erroneous opinions and then he does not get confused, it is just necessary to do it colorfully and cheerfully.

“Where does the Sun spend the night?”, “How does the ant hear?”, “Why doesn’t the Moon fall to the Earth?” and many other interesting questions can be heard from children. It is always necessary to understand them and try to give them a complete answer. Sometimes parents respond rudely to the child and this has a bad effect on children. In fact, very interesting questions can be heard from a small child, and it is exciting to think about how best to satisfy the interest of why.

Possible answers to the question "Where does the Sun spend the night?"

In order for parents to choose ways to respond to their child, we will offer several options. To the question of where the Sun spends the night, many answers can be thought up for children. The child can be told that the Sun spends the night in the sky, along with the clouds or behind them. You can also tell the child that the Sun is resting behind the clouds, so when it sleeps, it becomes dark. Even during sunset, the child observes that the Sun goes below the horizon. You can answer that it was there that the house shone, and it sleeps there. You can also say that the Sun goes to spend the night home to the Moon, and instead of him she goes to the sky and shines for people. In the morning the Moon goes to sleep and the Sun comes. And so all the time they change in order to remain in the public eye. And sometimes it happens that you can see both the Moon and the Sun in the sky at the same time, this suggests that they both had a good night's sleep.

The sun spends the night... Above the blanket...
The wind picked up patches of clouds
Instead of lambs, he counts the stars
A month for them is a bridge of fabulous dreams ...

Sunny day writes a sleepy book
Night before going to bed the sun will read a fairy tale
It's about a girl... And about a boy
About all the people who live under the sun...

The sun can't sleep... The sun is spinning...
Over the blanket with a barrel on the stomach
Good morning the tit needs
Light... Seryozha... And the sun is rising...

The rays are reaching into the locks of the keys ...
The day unfolded - blue leaf!
Sunny Bunny - on the windowsill!
Sun smile - again above the ground!)

Svetlana Valentinovna...)
With respect behind a comma and a sunny smile)))


Children's poetry is a special responsibility...
Children are ... hope)
I sometimes see adult children)

This verse is childish ... But adult)))
Don't know...)
jumping letters)

I need light...Natural...I am a child of the sun and the moon)
But more sun...
Somewhere I had a verse like this ... I'll look)))

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Preliminary work:

ü Reading books about space, viewing posters "Solar system", getting to know the globe, productive activities on the topic "Space", conversations on the topic: "Earth is our home in the Universe", role-playing game "Cosmonauts", an event in the children's library "My homeland is Russia."

ü Dictionary enrichment: solar system, planet, orbit, globe, light, shadow, lifestyle.

ü Activation in the speech of children of words-names of parts of the day.

visual material:

  • A poster depicting a model of the solar system.
  • Globe, table lamp, "little man".
  • Pictures depicting nature at different times of the day.
  • Stepashka doll.
  • Videos.


Projector, laptop, color projector, voice recorder.

  1. 1.opening to children a way of joint cognition - reasoning, developing the ability to formulate their thoughts using speech-evidence and explanatory forms of speech, the ability to work in a group;
  2. 2. fixing the ideas of children on the topic "Space".

Pedagogical tasks:

  1. To reveal the knowledge and ideas of children on the topic "Space", to contribute to the formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the solar system;
  2. teach children to negotiate with each other about joint actions;
  3. to promote the unification of children according to interests,
  4. learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of a partner;
  5. Exercise children in ideas about the change of day and night, consolidate ideas about the relationship between the behavior of living organisms and the change of day and night.
  1. 6. Arouse interest in the topic, promote psychological readiness for further study of astronomy and physics at school.

Practical task: to make diagrams for the "Laboratory of Miracles" about the dependence of parts of the day on the location of the Sun and the Earth.

Collaboration process:

The teacher enters and brings in a globe.

Guys, guys!!! Yes, it's me - Stepashka, your friend. It was I who sent you this ball, I don’t know what it is?

Q: Guys, do you know what it is? Children's answers.

That's right, this is a reduced model of our earth.

Children look at the globe and various pictures, nature, water bodies and others.

The teacher reads the poem.

Forests and mountains and seas -

Everything is called Earth.

And if you fly into space,

That from the rocket window

You will see a blue ball there -

Favorite planet!

Our home is

Our common home!

The land where we live!

Educator: What a beautiful work! Guys, what is the author telling us in the poem? If only we could look at our planet from space.

Why is there life on earth? (children's answers). Because our Earth is warmed by the Sun.

Educator: Our home planet is the Earth. People, animals, birds, insects and plants live here. But only people can dream, want to know how the world around them works, go on trips for new experiences and knowledge.

Guys, guys!!! Yes, it's me again - Stepashka, your friend. Well, what does this happen every time! I’ve been living in your group for a very long time and I can’t understand anything, it’s dark outside the window, then it’s light. What is it? Help me figure out what's wrong?

Educator: I think we need to help Stepashka.

Children: Well, guys, let's help Stepashka find out what is happening outside the window. Maybe we can fly to the "Space Lab" and learn a little about how the world in which we live works.

Educator: But, on what can we travel? (children's answers, suggestions). Let's build a spaceship. (Children model a spaceship). And I can be with you. Shall we take Stepashka with us?

Who will be the captain? (Children make their own choice). Imagine you are a team spaceship earthlings. Everyone took their place. Squeeze the steering wheel in your fists, press your feet on the pedals. Hold on, hold on! Take a deep breath, exhale... Our ship has lifted off the Earth, is rising into the sky higher and higher into outer space. (video clip "View of the Earth from space", color projector)

See what kind of picture we see in the window of our ship (draw the attention of the children to the poster depicting a model of the solar system). What do you think we see? (children's answers)

Educator: This is a model of the solar system.

Let's look at it in more detail. How is the solar system organized?

Sample answers of children (discussion is in the form: question - answer)

The Sun is at the center of the solar system. This is a big star, a huge fireball that has a very high temperature and gives light and warmth to everything that is around it. The planets revolve around the sun.

Educator: Names, what other planets do you know?

(children's answers)

All planets are different in size, but much smaller than the Sun. There are nine of them, and each of them revolves around the Sun along its own “track”. Who knows what it's called?

Children: Orbit.

Educator: Yes, each planet rotates in its own orbit. Please find our planet. Here it is, a small blue ball, the Earth. What is its value from the Sun?

Children: Third.

Educator: Watching the Sun, you have already learned that it heats the Earth all day long.

What happens to the Sun?

The sun rises in the East in the morning, rises in the sky in the afternoon, and then sets below the horizon in the West. The sky gradually darkens, the stars and the moon appear in the sky. (we look at the pictures).

Educator: Have you ever wondered where the Sun spends the night? Where does it hide at night? (Answers of children). I suggest watching the video.

You have made many assumptions, and to find out which one is correct, we will experiment a bit in our "Space Lab".

It is necessary to make diagrams for the "Laboratory of Miracles" about the dependence of parts of the day on the location of the Sun and the Earth, so that all children learn about the Sun. (determine who will draw the scheme of the experiment - Scientists)


To do this, we need an ordinary table lamp - this is the Sun and a globe - a model of our planet Earth. (Consider the globe). Let's find on the globe the place where we live (this is the continent of Eurasia), and put this "little man" there. The planet Earth revolves not only around the Sun in its orbit, it constantly rotates around its axis (children agree with each other on joint actions, are divided into interest groups, choose “chief scientists”, plan their research; simulate the corresponding situation: the Earth rotates and along with it, everything that is on it - mountains, seas, cities... People also rotate, however, they themselves do not notice this).

Conclusions of the experimental joint children's activity (answers of the "chief scientists"): During the rotation, the Earth passes through the sun's rays, and then through the dark space. Our "little man" is now in the light, then in the dark. On that part of the Earth, which is illuminated by the Sun, day comes, and on the opposite side - night. We have sunrise when the part of the Earth where we live turns towards the Sun. And at sunset, when it seems that the Sun is sinking below the horizon line, our site turns away from the Sun. So where does the sun sleep?

Invite one of the children to independently simulate the situation of the change of day and night.

Children independently sketch the experience in groups, choosing what to draw with, felt-tip pens or pencils - they create diagrams for the "Laboratory of Miracles" about the dependence of parts of the day on the location of the Sun and Earth.

Competition "scientists".

Stepashka: Guys, do you know what they call day and night together, in one word?

Children: Day.

Stepashka: Right. What other parts of the day do you know? (evening, morning) Arrange them in order of attack.

Children: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Stepashka: Is the lighting the same at different times of the day? How is it different?

(Answers of children).

Stepashka: Look here on the table, there are pictures depicting different parts of the day.

Ah, I got it all mixed up. Guys, look carefully, is everything right here? (Children correct their own mistakes, explaining their decision).

Educator: Well, well, it's time for us to return. Let's go back to our beloved planet. Captain, call everyone aboard the ship. Clamp the steering wheel in the fists, press the pedals, take a deep breath and slowly descend to the Earth with an exhalation. Here we are waiting for interesting discoveries.

Educator: Well, guys, let's tell you what we learned today in our journey for new knowledge? (children's answers)

We examined how Solar system, learned how the change of day and night occurs on planet Earth, modeled it using a simple table lamp and a globe. Fixed errors on the model of parts of the day. I think we did a great job today.

Oh guys, I loved it so much. Thank you very much for such an interesting journey, you helped me to know what day and night are! Thanks for the diagrams, now I have learned everything about the Sun, about the parts of the day: day and night! I will tell the other kids everything. Thank you and see you soon!

Educator: I want to end our journey with the words: “The night will pass, the Sun will rise again, illuminate everything with its warm rays, and we will happily say to each other and everyone on our planet: “Good morning!”

Children are awarded certificates for participating in space travel and for acquiring new knowledge about space, the sun and our planet.

Filyuza Baigildina
Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the second junior group on the topic “Where does the sun sleep? Big and small apples

Organizational information Note

1. Full name of the teacher Baigildina Filyuza Ildarovna

2. Dominant educational area cognitive development (FCCM)

3. The type of activity of children is game, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, reading

Methodical information

1. Theme educational activities Where the sun spends the night? .

2. Methods and techniques for the implementation of content classes Show, conversation, explanation, observation, examination.

3. Integration educational areas Artistic creativity, Cognitive development, Socialization, Communication.

4. Age Group: Second junior group

5. Purpose: To form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the phenomena of inanimate

6. Tasks:

6.1 to form interest in non-living phenomena nature: the sun, month,

6.2 encourage to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of inanimate nature: in the sky sunshine - it's morning, in the sky a month and stars - the night has come;

6.3 to cultivate independence in the performance of the task;

6 learn to stick ready-made forms in certain parts of the sheet.

7. Planned results:

7 observes with emotional interest the phenomena of inanimate nature during a walk, participates in discussions of what he saw, in a game situation "Dressing the Doll", answers the questions of the teacher, is active in creating individual compositions in the application « Large and small apples on a plate» .

8. Organization of the environment for conducting lessons(educational activities) color pictures depicting sunny sky, night sky, sun, stars, months, tray, Katya doll, doll clothes, illustration « Large and small apples on a plate» , paper with pasted silhouettes of dishes, plates, cut-out shapes ( big and small apples, glue, brushes, napkins.

9 Preparation for educational activities at lesson during regime moments Exercise in naming the phenomena of inanimate nature, items of clothing and shoes, riddles about sun.

I. Introduction 3 min.

Introduction to topic(creating a problematic situation) Organizing time.

Hello my dear

And small and big!

I see how you have grown

How good are they!

Guys, let's work together, cooperate, help each other,

1.2 Motivation of children's activities I will now give you a riddle, and you guess:

You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you. (sun)

1.3 Goal-setting (with the help of a teacher, children formulate the goal of their activity or accept the goal of the teacher) So what will we talk about in our language? occupation? (about sun)

What do you know about sun?

Where did you see him?

Let's see if your assumptions were justified or not?

II. Main part: 12 min

2.1 Updating previously purchased

knowledge Observation on a morning walk.

Guys, pay attention to the sky. Find sun(gives the correct verbal definition of a phenomenon that demonstrates: « The sun shines brightly in the sky even hard to watch. The sun is bright, warm, high on

blue sky").

Fizminutka "Butterfly"

Slept flower

And suddenly woke up

Didn't want to sleep anymore,

Startled, stretched

Soared up and flew.

Doll dressing.

We returned from a walk. The teacher, together with the children, examine pictures depicting the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Children, let's look at pictures depicting inanimate phenomena. We need to choose a picture depicting a phenomenon that we just observed on a walk. (children's answers).

The sun is bright, dress up,

The sun is red, show yourself.

Put on a scarlet dress

Give us a red day!

A. Prokofiev

caregiver: And now, we will put the selected card in the corner of nature. Let it stand until the evening, we will admire sun-com, and Katya doll will walk nearby. We were walking, and she wants to walk. I'll dress her just like you dressed for a walk. What should Katya wear? (Children's answers.)

Fizminutka "Dress"

We put on tights

Let's put on a sweater!

Hey guys, don't yawn!

There is a breeze outside.

Are you all wearing socks?

And look at the legs:

The left and right are side by side.

Left and right: they want to be friends!

We get our boots.

We put them on our feet:

If the legs are friends,

Boots are friendly too!

2.2 Mining (message and acceptance) new knowledge Observation on an evening walk. (in the 2nd half of the day)

caregiver: Guys, pay attention to the sky. Look for sun in the sky. (children's answers)

That's right, no sunshine because the evening has come, soon it will be night and it will be even darker. And then the moon and the stars will appear in the sky. You can see them when it's dark.

Conversation about the phenomena of inanimate nature.

caregiver: we have returned from a walk and let's look again at the pictures depicting the phenomena of inanimate nature. Guys, choose the picture that shows the phenomenon that you just observed on


caregiver (takes the doll). The evening came, Katya returned home. What will she do now? What do the children do in the evening? (Getting ready for bed.) So Katya will soon fall asleep.

The night has come, brought darkness,

The cockerel dozed off, the cricket sang.

Mom came out and closed the shutter.

Sleep, bye-bye.

caregiver: And now once again find the night sky in the pictures with

stars and moon.

There is a month and stars in the sky - night has come. The night sky is beautiful!

2.3 Independent activity of children to consolidate new knowledge Application.

caregiver: Guys, today we are talking about the phenomena of inanimate nature. Tell me, please, do trees belong to animate or inanimate nature? (children's answers).

Fruits ripen on fruit trees in autumn. FROM apple trees people gather ripe ruddy apples. I suggest you make an application according to the model (shows an illustration « Large and small apples on a plate» ). What is on this application? And what size apples? Please tell me what they lie on apples? I propose to all together

Go to the garden, collect apples and put them on our plates. Here they come from the tree.

In front of the children are laid out in two large and two small colored paper apples. The teacher offers each child "put" (stick on) these apples in a bowl(on each sheet there is an image of a plate, shows the techniques for gluing forms.

Educator. That's how many apples we put on plates. Well done! What kind apples? (children's answers)

III. Final part 1 min.

3.1 Analysis and introspection of children's activities Is our trip interesting?

What did you like?

What have you learned?

What is related to the phenomena of inanimate nature?

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