Nekrasov on a poem contemporaries. Composition “Nekrasov the greatest poet of the second half of the 19th century

Part one
Anniversaries and triumphs

I took the book, having risen from sleep,
And I read in it:
"There were worse times
But there was no meanness."

I threw the book away.
Are we with you
Such a century sons
O my reader friend?

Of course not! Of course not!
Our Zoil is slandering.
The footman brought a bunch of newspapers;
I eagerly opened them

Bypassing theft and fire
And a series of suicides
I meet the word "anniversary",
Reading the list of people

Acquiring laurels. No account!
Scholarship... medal...
Rent… monument… lunch…
Dinner... lunch... Oh, you liar!

Wipe your eyes! .. I'm going to my friends:
Prepares a speech alone
Another dozen telegrams -
To Moscow, to Ryazan, to Tulchin.

I went with him "to the telegraph."
Lackeys, coachmen,
Dispatches lifted up,
Crowded there since morning.

Big words flash:
"Hero for many years ...",
“Rejoice, Eagle!..”, “Be proud, Moscow!..”
"Berdichev hello ..."

There are a lot of "friends of good" here,
"Fathers" can not be counted,
But the sheet: one - "Hurrah! .."
There is a time, however.

* * *
I came to the tavern and also
I'm losing count of the celebrations.
The book is daring! why
You sent a reproach to us? ..

Dusso's cook nicely
Anniversary tables;
They have been eating there for a long time.
Triumph eagles.
Look - what a fish!
Barely brought in by her footman.
Hear "Russian thanks"
From open doors.
Having ordered broth and game,
I wander along the corridor;
The door will be dissolved - I hear speeches,
I look at the feasters:
People are busy in taverns,
They don’t interfere ... I’m glad ...

Hall number 1
In the first hall, everyone is in uniform,
They are wearing white ties.
Anniversary Administrator
Ancient, all sewing is flooded,
Two stars ... He is a speaker,
Also an old man says:
"You are on guard of the state,
Like a sharp-eyed Argus, he was vigilant,
But, pursuing deceit,
Virtue you spared.
Your head is gray
Untainted by shame
Driving the far edge
You were not his scourge.
At the same time, the population
You did not corrupt with indulgence,
Did not lead to ruin
Food, shelter is not deprived!
You are up to private property,
To government good
Do not stretch out the hand of the almighty -
Gratitude and ... cheers! .. "

Suddenly the courier entered, beaming,
The hero of the day also shone.
Anniversary, congratulations,
They made a worthy gift.

№ 2
The speech was long, long
The old man cried...
I took a step... opened
Another door - for a moment,
And then the hero was honored
They shouted: "Many years!"
The hero was offered
Magnitsky portrait:
"Seditious are cunning,
Strike - and do not regret!

Gone is the scene of glory -
The footman slammed the door...

№ 3
On the table are "gifts"
There are no better ones in St. Petersburg.
Two diamond arches -
Amazing bracelet!
Diamond stars...
Miracle! .. Several guys
With the delight of the bride
They look at treasures.
(There were also lyceum students,
And pages, and junkers,
And immature lawyers
And merchants… et caetera.)

"Miracle!" - their venerable uncle
Exclaims, Prince Ivan,
And, dejected for years,
Falls on the couch...

Prince Ivan - a colossus on the belly,
Hands - a kind of down jacket,
The ear serves as a pedestal
Fat cheek.
According to the structure of the upper lip
He is a bulldog; with bared teeth,
Under the hair comb
And the kindest eyes.
He is a famous eater,
He speaks smart
Like in a tallow barrel
Pouring wine.
Rarely stays at home
Up to sixty years old
Vaudeville visits,
Opera and ballet.
He has friends - cadets,
His famous grandfather
Was Elizabeth's jester
He himself is nothing.
despises aiguillettes,
Not a rank hunter.
Inherited talents
historical jesters,
With his agile tongue,
With a cheeky laugh, in another age
If he were a court jester,
And now he is a simple jester.

"Yes! gifts are so rare! -
Prince Ivan exclaims. -
We must sprinkle ... sprinkle, children! ..
Pour a full glass! ..
No, wait! At the beginning of the feast
Let's do one thing:
Before us there is no idol,
But ... and the stones speak!
This brooch will take shelter
On the goddess's chest
So you must bow
In front of her ... Come! .. "

And respectful to diamonds
Prince Ivan kissed
And then I drank together
Your big glass.
And, following the commander,
Youngsters kissed
To diamonds and sapphires...

“On your knees, well done!

Looks with tender eyes
Old jester to heaven
And sing in unison
Young Voices:

Madonna face,
Cherub's gaze...
Madame Judic

Our life is poof
Let go of the nut
Drive to Buff -
One consolation.

rapture cry,
A burst of bliss...
Madame Judic
Top of perfection!

№ 4
Military feast ... military dispute ...
I don't know who's the winner here.
“Anichkov is a thief! Mordvinov is a thief! -
The enthusiastic speaker shouts. -
Your Milyutin is not a patriot,
And just an ardent carbonari!
Where is he leading the army?
Not! the old order was better!
Put a soldier in sticks - and know
That only a stick beats vices!
Read the story, read!
You will find good lessons in it:
Where there is fear of the authorities, there is honor.
And fear without a stick is fleeting.
Let him not sit down all day
Soldier, decently flogged,
Let him leave at night
Blood trail on a hard bed
Didn't he prove in battles
What was unbeaten more expensive?

№ 5
“... First present in the Senate,
Have you cared about your little brother?
Have you always served good?
Have you always strived for the truth? .. "

"Allow me!"
I stepped aside
And gave way to the sturgeon...

№ 6
Big hall… no noise…
academic meeting,
agronomic lunch,
Or rather, a meeting.
A well-known agronomist gets up,
Member of the society - Kolenov
(The speaker is overcast,
Sad faces of the members).
He says: "I dedicated
My leisure is cattle breeding,
I lived in Tyrol for eight years,
Believing in superiority
Swiss, English breeds,
In the dear home
I tried to improve the cattle
And thought to be helpful.
Alas! futile dream!
I killed the years for nothing:
Not enough straw for livestock
Improved breed!
In the blood of the Russian nag is
golden habit:
"Work hard, eat little" -
Age-old foundation!
Sad look: a hungry horse
On depleted soil
With a hungry plowman ... And touch
By the uninitiated hand -
Something even sadder
Will end up…
I left the dangerous path
Alas! half way...
Keep working without me…”

“Your speeches are lamentable!
Coming from today
Close our meetings! -
Said the scientist president
(Fat man swollen with fat). -
Sharing a modest dividend
And let's leave the world!
Let's leave our poor people
His fate - and God!
Without us, he will sooner find
Road to development…”

"Close! close, although it's a pity! -
The whole meeting decided -
And give Kolenov a medal:
"For jealousy and diligence."

"Hurrah! .. Subscription! .." We got carried away -
Not sparingly signed -
And kindly engaged
Model for the medal...

№ 7
Chairman of the Treasury -
Representative obese old man -
And the director. I heard the debate
But about what? did not penetrate well.

“We summoned you…your abilities…”
- "No with! or rather: the decisiveness of the measures.
“I don’t go into any details,
You are an example to other provinces,

Mr. Chairman of Solitaires!
- "Grand Solitaire!" - corrected the old man.
"There would be heaven in the Ministry of Finance,
If only a man paid like that everywhere!

It's a pity that people are so capable
Rare! If measures were taken
Similar throughout the state! .. "
- “And then - I can’t answer!

Report to the finance minister
What a really poor man.
- "But - your example, venerable Patience? .."
- "Grand Solitaire!" corrected the old man...

№ 8
Step forward - and again the hall,
All breeders are aces;
A voice is heard: "You first
Withstood a lot of thunderstorms.
The whole soul is a beautiful flame
You brought to your feat,
But went to the bottom like a stone
Your first battleship!
Deadly Grenades
You invented on enemies ...
There would be miraculous results,
If only efficient masters!
Something to take them to the rods! ..
You are your grenade
Wounded from a gun
Only my own people...
You swore like an infection
New experiences to run
But government orders
They took you away again
You entered…”
lackey severe
The door slammed, as luck would have it.

№ 9
I'm ahead ... From the new hall
The dead suffered ...
The feast here, apparently, is not secret -
Open the door ... darkness to the people ...
Mister Old Testament
He speaks:
"Fate itself
She brought us together today;
I walked happily here
As the groom comes to the bride, -
News, news, gentlemen!
Pushkin often responded
From the grave... Finally
Tyapushkin also responded,
A modest hard worker-singer;
precious find
Found our friend!
In a poor shop, herring
The merchant wrapped it in it.
Dirty little blue leaf
And what pearls in it! .. "

"Read at least a piece!" -
They screamed...
"We'll start
Since childhood. It can be seen that on the road
His father sent:
Where another would count the stars,
He…” - “Read!” The dude started:

An excerpt from the travel notes of the young man Tyapushkin, kept by him during his travels around Russia on his father's business
On the river on the Svir
Fish, like in Siberia,
Perches, lines
Middle valley.
On the river Lena
Worse than on the Ob:
Legs to the knees
Frostbite both
And having arrived in Irbit,
Uncle was nailed...

* * *
"Excellent! poetic!.."
Everyone looks through a magnifying glass sheet.
And besides, it is characteristic, -
The journalist notices. -
Then we will hit the pipes!
That will be a holiday for us!”
And puts lips
To semi-literate lines.
Attached - and, zealous to the cause,
Note scribbles:
“He froze his legs - drunk
And - he was beaten for drunkenness;
Alien to narrow morality,
We dare not hide
This sign of Russian nature ...
Yes! "fun of Russia - to drink!"

I am already acquainted with the poet,
I am writing a biography...

"Could you supply me with a portrait?"

“Darling… I’ll take a look…
Rare case! We are in Russia
Let us reveal our works again:
Let's restore the commas
colon over i;
It will be fashionable in the spirit of Misha
Foreword write:
Even the mice were spared
Precious notebook -
Seal of Providence!
Bartenev will envy,
And Efremov will hiss,
But note Turgenev himself
In the "Petersburg" will place ... "

"Right! you are the king of the Russian press,
Though you serve the dead:
All living interests
They give way to us…”

“So… and so it will be forever!..
Gifting today
They die early ... It's a pity, of course,
Yes, tactless and they ...
It's a pity! .. But the gods are fair
In your drawings!
We have no life without death,
Like a pharmacy without patients!
rich in talent
Serves the community with a pen,
We serve him as a shovel ...
Others! drink! We drink for the dead! .. "

Instead of sparkling moisture,
They drank marsala easily,
And Zosimus the Old Testament
He murmured softly:
"I love living writers,
But - the dead are dearer to me! .. "

№ 10
"A path useful to the fatherland
You heroically completed
You did not flinch before the abyss,
Tatar unkind
The doors were abruptly closed;
Despite all the efforts
I could not hear the speech
Only kisses are heard
Yes "Hurrah! ..", yes "God is with us! ..".

№ 11
“Get a percentage! -
Says the gray-haired banker
Police agent. -
In your honor today is a feast!
Glad the banker is like crazy;
Everyone is happy; the detective is drunk;
From the children who came here,
By acquaintance, Prince Ivan
Holds a speech:
"His laws
There is a century, gentlemen!
How did millions disappear?
I thought: no problem!
Believe there is no more stupid misfortune
Lose the last penny -
No loss, no participation,
Hang yourself, you won't find it!
And steal from a banker
Out of ten million
Half the world will be disturbed...
"Million!.." From all sides
Regrets will be distributed
All governments will fall
Telegrams to alarm
They will hit! All newspapers
omen abductor
Repeatedly announced
Each pimple will be marked ...
And look: a thief has been found!
For two days, a banker and a detective -
The most fashionable conversation!
Smiles to them, bows to them,
Congratulations kind souls...
To lose - so millions,
The king of the universe - kush! .. "

№ 12
Chu! singing! I go there soon
Then the secular galaxy sang
Philanthropists through lotteries,
Concert, ball, masquerade...

Yes, sir! Marya Lvovna
For the poor into the water
We are Marya Lvovna
They laid down an ode.

Where is Marya Lvovna?
At the widow's ball!
Where is Marya Lvovna?
In the reading room...

Who's on stage
Singing romances?
Whose in masquerade
Rather chances?

At Marya Lvovna's
So sweet words
At Marya Lvovna's
So round shoulders!

The poster says:
"People's Holiday".
Bought a cow
One prankster:

"Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna,
Not your speeches
Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna,
Not your shoulders

Needed with the people
Other chances…”
cow in the garden
sings romances,

Crowding in the garden
The people are naive
Washerwomen risk
The last hryvnia

For a penny a cow
Who doesn't need?
And turned white
garden paths,

As if in May
God sent snow...
Empty tickets
They brought the cart

From the garden at night.
Ay! Maria Lvovna!
Fifteen thousand
Picked right up!

Fifteen - from the poor!
What does mass mean?
Yes prosper
Shelter box office!

Yes prosper
And Marya Lvovna,
Let her live
Easy and smooth!

Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna
For the poor into the water...
Her calling is
Serve the people!

№ 13
A voice is heard - and familiar:
"Pineapple is not a cucumber!"
Layed deli
A crown for a friend.
This is an intimate circle.
Quiet! a heated argument is heard:
Over some sausage
They pronounce the verdict.
Piglet is given points
Talking about wine
They poke a thermometer into the glasses ...
"How! four - ham? .. "
And they quarreled ... Be ashamed!
It is harmful to quarrel, friends!
Have a good time!
I will come to you soon too.
I will have a new sausage
Invent every day
I'll take no risk
Serve salad.
I will eat tight, fat,
I'll get lazy like a camel
And I will sleep forever peacefully
Between two elegant dishes…

Part two
Heroes of time

"Dinner is served!" - I was given
Very small salon.
Behind the wall "Hurrah!" shouted,
The cymbals were ringing.
Who are they - with my closet
Nearby drinkers now?
I slightly opened the sofa
barred door,
He looked through the curtain:
The hall is teeming with the public -
All aces are shareholders!
On the catcher and the beast runs ...

Work Producer
joint stock company,
Recently submitted report
At the general annual meeting,
Shkurin sits in the group of directors
(Blue chuyka and large lips).
An old man who passed through copper pipes -
Savva Antichristov - speech says.
(Motley society: dandies, hussars,
And a general, and a banker, and a fist.)

Yes, gentlemen! hare nugget
Worth the German Philosophers couple!
He was a man, had nothing
Often a stick walked over the boy,
Then I will tell you in his words
(Here is courage, and intelligence, and ingenuity):

“I am a native of the steppes;
Giving the shepherds an altyn,
I'm from the backbone of the pigs
In his youth, he pulled his stubble.

The herd is rushing about, roaring.
We know: live cattle!
The boy is not a coward - he fights,
First class bristles!

I have now become rich;
My house is like a picture
I think looking at the house:
It's a pig's bristle! .. "

Great Russian, apt speech! ..
From childhood, he knew how to get and save.
We removed the line; a lot of care:
You have to do earthworks.
Once I go on business to Perekop,
I see a digger with an artel.
"Who are you?" - “I am Fedor Nikiforov

(Turns to Shkurin)
Let's go crazy! Let's drink, Christ man!
Well, gentlemen generals! chok chok!..
My choice was wrong...

(They clink glasses and drink.)
The contractor arrived at the job site
Instead of science with one "eye",
He travels through the villages with his engineer,
Rows of workers - no one goes!
The lands around here were noble, -
Only the nobles forgot about them.
Everyone here was wielded by a rude "handicraftsman",
The neglected outskirts of the king.
The inhabitants fished in the lakes,
They drove the pitch out of the stumps,
They took cloudberries, salted mushrooms
And they said: "Let's not go into bondage!"
There is no obedience, order and other things,
First of all: create a "worker" here.
How will you create it? Shkurin does not sleep:
Lands, lakes, swamps, graphite -
Bought everything from the landowner,
"Everything - to the last bream!"
(As he speaks energetically)
The brute force "handicraft" trembled,
How the soil left from under her feet ...
This thought, I dare say radiant,
Saved our income.
The fruit of this measure in the dividend column
Shareholders will find:
Forty-three and a half percent
Labor has gone down at once!

The excavation work went on.
Shkurin, working to a bloody sweat,
Didn't undress at night
Lived without a family in the desolate steppe,
Shoes, clothes, peppercorns, food
He himself supplied for a huge artel.
He, sharing with the worker,
Do not neglect the hygiene of the people:
Instead of marsh, stagnant water,
He gave the worker excellent kvass!
This achieves our goal:
On hot days, having reached kvass,
Artel consumed less grubs
And willingly dispensed with meat!
Appetite dropped quickly in the artel
Twenty-two and a half percent.
I'm silent ... the dividend count
Speaks more eloquently than words!

* * *
"Hooray!" shouted, the hero was compared
With a resourceful "Yankee". Meanwhile, I
While the health of the contractor was drinking,
Managed to look at all:
First, there were honorary persons
In ranks, with orders. The capital sees them
In the Senate, in the chambers, in the courts.
Serving impeccably and using weight,
They devote their leisure time to the interests
Commercial firms on shares.
There were plebeians, from ashes and dust
Reached money, crosses,
And next to the nobles there were Russians,
mired in debt
(The name that grandfathers in insane courage
Glorified - the pride of the country -
They wave for shares on paper,
Not worth a third of the price)…
We sat here importantly, in the consciousness of strength,
"Hook" and "Savva" - pillars-cogwheels
(Zasepa was gloomy, and Savva was beaming).
There were bankers, stock market dealers,
And zemstvo power - the nobles of the steppe,
There were about a dozen changers.
Aces-foreigners sat here nearby:
Ostsee, Russians, Prussian Germans,
Jews and Greeks and many others -
In Warsaw, in Odessa, in the Crimea, in St. Petersburg
Their banking firms are
On aki, on crayfish, on bergs, on burgs
Their names are running out.
Hitch - a handsome old man with blond hair,
Having acquired wealth by a wise policy, -
He was the chief leader of the congregation.
Professor, lawyer, lawyer famous
And two engineers - with a scientist badge -
He was surrounded by an honorable retinue.
Grigory Arkadyevich Zatsepin acquired
In the commercial world great glory
And he gave himself the lion's share
Of every major case by right.
This old man is resourceful, smart, gifted,
In it is the wonderful secret of success lurking,
It is not for nothing that he sits in every board ...
You will come to hunt for scams,
Try to attract him to the enterprise -
It will go like clockwork! ..
Victorious Hero
He bowed ... A new speaker spoke,
Changed, - his speech was squeaky:
"Mm. gg.
Troubled times are coming
The crisis is approaching: they give little
railway companies,
Banks are also not going smartly:
“It wouldn’t hurt to close half of it!” -
A chorus of voices is heard in the audience,
How lately have we heard complaints
To the abundance of drinking houses.
Time to step into a new field
I have the honor to propose a project,
Everything is thought out - it's ready,
One has only to compose a charter.”

(Pause. After drinking a sip of water, the speaker continues with animation)
"Thought -" Central House of Tolerance ",
That is our idea! Will tell us:
Formerly Nevsky with ruble pavements,
And I will agree to that!
You will guarantee our serious
Attitude towards business in general
That her development is grandiose
We hope to give not in vain:
If only we were allowed a concession...
Establish share capital
And, having killed a petty profession,
Let's go full sail!
There is no doubt that the purpose of the institution
Our society will soon realize:
Bring us their savings
All who are now drinking in disarray!
Enterprises from the real point
It is impossible to wish more
Likewise, from a public point of view
It is difficult to deny its usefulness.
Without supervision of the strictest, honest
We will not leave the matter in any way,
We will find a famous lawyer
For analysis of scandals and fights.
We will have many imitators.
But it won't be like this anywhere.
Observations: take observers
In our humble changing environment…”

* * *
"There are devils in the still waters!" -
Someone next to me whispered;
Someone Grosh scared to death
Witty idea changed
And moved further with a chair.
The crowd responded to the project
Indecisive, restrained rumble,
They were waiting for the opinion of the Pillar-Hook.

“Yes (he said), profitable business,
But I advise you to wait.
New ... strange ... boldly bold ...
Premature, I dare say!
Who doesn't know? Prophets of events
Pathfinders of new paths
Heralds important discoveries -
They are beaten with a pile of stones.
Having moved forward speculation earlier,
Than progress legitimizes it
You will lose your reputation
And ruin your business.
Wait! Progress is moving on
And there is no end in sight to the movement:
What is considered shameful today
Tomorrow will be rewarded with a crown ... "

"Bravo!" Thunderbolt..
Grosh entered the arena
And a tombstone speech for the project
Finished: “The project is good,
Performers are dangerous! -
He said caustically.
Prenya were debts, passionate,
However, I didn't hear them.
I fell asleep…
I dreamed of plans
About pocket trips
Good-hearted Russians,
And, feeling your pocket,
I woke up…
Noisy ... In the ears
Like bells are ringing
homeric kush,
Million dollar cases
fabulous salaries,
shortfall, division,
Rails, sleepers, banks, deposits -
You won't understand anything!
I sat dumb and gloomy
For a long time it prevented me from understanding
This scream and tobacco smoke:
Where I am? How did you get here?..

Through the slightly open door
I see a row of tired faces,
I see an unfinished burner,
Strawberries, grapes.
To an Englishman with hugs
The Russian man is flying.
"Let's drink, Boruch! Let's be brothers!" -
The Greek speaks to the Jew.
Someone bows his head,
Someone pours wine on the floor
Someone Utina Ermolova
Likened ... Everything is drunk! ..

I understand: done
And they swung wide open.
Some were sitting at the table
Others went in pairs.
Prince Ivan also came here
And, resting on the sofa,
Not silent, like a drum,
Drowning out other people's speeches.
The old man and his friends continued
Drink inspiring zhzhenka
And sent past those who passed
Your courtesies after.
Now cynicism reigned among them,
And the conversation was often scary:
“From which icon did you bite
That pearl with which you are adorned?
- “Yes, with the one who prayed,
You poisoned Gasphere…”
So witty having fun
Some laughed their asses off
Others frowned ... Murmuring,
There was a stream of judgments, disputes ...
Here are some conversation excerpts
Look for the key to them ...

1st voice
Postponed for a week
A million is lost.
So the Lord sent Emelya!
Reported the opposite:
Forgot about the Primus brothers
Know adjusted: Tsakh yes Tsakh!
Sample impassable
State sluts!
With him now and laughter and grief.
The old one was much better:
Didn't run us aground at sea
And did not drown on dry land.

2nd voice (Prince Ivan)
Chu! how they yell: "Kazan! ..", "Vetluga! .."
Adepts of the North and South.
A few facts, an abyss of words ...
One thing everyone understands here
What's on the way to the mines
It does not interfere with laying straws!

3rd voice
We had a road director
He didn’t let the conductors steal:
In the cars, like a thief, penetrated
I counted the legs of the sleepy ones,
To see whether it is necessary or not
For each pair of tickets?
But beyond tickets and legs
He couldn't count anything!

Voice of Prince Ivan
(towards someone)
One hundred rubles of silver
On the day I receive...
forty four ribs
I break per day ...
BUT! sir boner!
I am glad to meet by chance.
Is it true? we create
New project emergency:
preventive measures
We deny usefulness...
(So! mister engineer!
Thank you for your kindness.)
Forever we will break
Riding arms and legs:
We need to plant doctors
Along the road
From the right side to erect
The wounded need shelter
And take for the dead
On the left side of the cemetery.
Yes, sir! More precisely,
Do you want to legalize
The right to hurt people...
A little more you revel!
What? God bless you!
Can you hand you notably,
Building hospitals, heat up,
And passengers are pleased:
Instead of yawning
In our dull deserts -
Until the crash - count
There will be crosses on the graves!

Two (4th and 5th)
(walking past the door, quietly)
The builders will give you shares,
I'm willing to bet
For a thousand! Would you like?
- "What's the matter, speak!"
- "This is the path of the most profitable,
But it's also a door.
For the exchange of disastrous thoughts ...
Do you understand now?
- "Right! little you practical!
How not to pay the bet?
From a strategic point of view
We can block up the Volga!”

Voice of Prince Ivan
(to someone after)
A colorful tie with a black tailcoat,
Row of uncleaned teeth
And varnished
Erysipelas is a sign of fools.
The ring has an emerald stone.
Rough bastard:
Loan cashier
The main cash register is an important dignity!
This guy is insanely disgusting.
Modern Mitrofan
Stupid in everything, skillful in one:
Get into someone else's pocket!
And on it the spirit of the age is visible,
He is cowardly - a miser,
Out of ignorance - shameless,
And stupidly - a scoundrel!

6th voice
Why did he throw his card at me
And tomorrow he promised to send me a second?
After all, I did not deny Dushkina's talent
I only said that Radin is nicer!
A military man, I do not argue, he is beautiful,
But we must stay away from him.
In times of war - he is dangerous to enemies,
And in peace - he is dangerous to everyone.

Voice of Prince Ivan
(towards someone)
Thousand and eighty in banks
Gets this dandy
He lives permanently in a sledge -
This is all his talent.
There is another lucky man in the world
Half German, half Greek
Gets one hundred and four...
An ordinary person!
Give me a light sled
And a trotting horse
Me and myself all our banks
I'll wear it during the day!

7th voice
Man pumped up
And they forgot ... How to be here?
If there are no gypsies, is it possible
At least invite harpists?
Without the fair sex
Boring in hell.
Drink so drink - before the protocol,
I don't like the middle!

There is a building on Liteinaya
Where the guilty are punished
And the innocent - they will let go home,
Wash with a tub.
I was there. Not the last disaster
I will report to you, the judicial investigation, -
The young bailiff tormented me;
Prosecutor, gray-haired in vigil,
So delved into my behavior,
That with an effort fell into hysterics;
The party argued to the contrary,
That my whole life is an unbroken chain
Some crying pictures
And, having torn off an immoderate fee,
My barrister exclaimed:
"Before you stands a citizen
Purer than the snow of the Alpine peaks! .. "

An unhappy decision came out:
Without deprivation of rights conclusion.
I had to miss two weeks
Yes, the press scolded for six months!

Seal? She has a builder - a thief!
Railroads are trash!
Courts? ... Judgment according to the dress!
And only coats are kind to them.
Now it's out of fashion to respect
By capital, rank, rank ...
How?! keep under arrest
Abbess - honest Mitrofanya? ...

Voice of Prince Ivan
(to someone after)
I don't like an Austrian!
It seems to me:
Here is the son-killer!
Chu! A call to war!
The parades are thrown
Children go to battle
And fathers contracts
The troops are taking...
Young heroes
They die in every fight
They won't understand:
Why in the attack
In the hottest fight
Unharmed Prussian?
Children! you've been swindled
Your elders:
clay bullets
Put them on the shelves!

* * *
An inseparable couple roam
Fussy businessman
And a Jew, an ardent pawnbroker,
In precious stones dandy.
Here they come to the very door,
Continuing to reason:
"I'm a 'comrade in faith'
It was easier to find.
Help out! strong hope
You remain alone.
Help out! you are flawless
Full citizen!
You are a writer! You are a pamphlet
"About interest" said
connection with literature,
You were Tiblen's godfather.
You are an artist by nature ... "
- "It is undesirable to pass for
Fraudulent in literature ... "
- “I found something to grieve about!
Full! You and I are not children.
Today - the realm of dummy,
The real ones are rare
And there is no demand for them.
Look - a sailor on land,
ship engineer,
And things don't get worse
And no better on earth.
Not here - all over Europe
Capital rules the press
There was Genkel, there is Goppe...
You would shine brighter than them!
The press needs businessmen.
Rushing to help her
How do we channel our talents?
How do we get along!”
Responds with conviction
Starting to give in:
"If you need enlightenment
Give a helping hand
I'm ready, but - God is my witness -
I have lost the habit of literacy ... "
- "All that is needed here is virtue!" -
The stockbroker exclaims...

* * *
“Give them five more bottles!” -
Let out a sudden cry
Someone - a cropped nape,
Head "a la man".
Growth is high, the camp is not flexible,
And the face ... the strangest thing
How not to carve a mistake
On his face!
After drinking the first bottle
Lizoblyudov drunken choir
To the back of the head
Flattery blurted out at point-blank range:

- "How many temples of God you have built!"
- “How many brides were married off!”
“How many widows and orphans have been reassured!”
- “How many pensions and places were distributed!”
- “And what lines you build!
Your feat is the heritage of centuries! -
Adjusting your blue glasses
He concluded the singing of the flatterers. -
In the Urals, on the Lena, on the Terek
There are more exploits ahead of you.
There were people in Europe, in America,
And there were none like that!”

“Like? That's how! Tell! Really? -
Exclaimed the awakened hero. -
However, we ate so tightly,
It's time, gentlemen, and home ... "

And his faithful "eagles" jumped up.
And the hero was taken home ...

About his exorbitant talents
Very loud rumors have passed.
Like a shaman, he is hung with dog tags
(And on the neck is a Vladimir cross).
With telegrams, speeches, bells
Bell - rides and eats,
Drinking fine wines
Sprinkles gold with a generous hand,
In enterprises, the lion's shares
Endowed with ... What is not a hero? ...
There is, however, a contrary opinion:
They say he has no
Gifts, fictitious wealth;
They say he is the toy of others
It is needed for one scenery;
Three or four skillful businessmen
In the maelstrom of the wildest speculation,
Like a ball, they throw a fool.
How fat crayfish cries
Into his white body,
These people, seemingly peaceful,
Ripping them off him
And then a friend of the heart
They will be drawn into a new whirlpool ...
There is nothing eternal in the world -
Soon he will be bankrupt!

Lot reproaches his father,
Berka runs from Lota,
Three months gone
And, returning, he says:

“Rejoice! my daughter Lota!
Rejoice, Yankel, my son!
Children! I bought swamps
Seventy-seven tithes!”

Lota dressed in a fur coat,
Yankel runs for a hat,
They go to look at the purchase -
The horse wheezes with an effort,

The terrain is getting lower and lower
Lots of bumps and holes
"Here it is! Lot! look!”
Lota does not believe her eyes:

I don't have anything,
Except quagmire and mosses!
Just flew off the swamp
Seventy-seven waders!

Walking step back
Yankel made fun of his father,
Lota worked notably
With your long tongue.

Burke to these complaints
He said, drove up to the porch:
"I did not please you, children,
Yes, please the seller!

In the morning he said goodbye to them,
Been missing for three months
Returned home at night
"Rejoice!" - said again.

Yankel and Lota are not happy
They think: stupidity again!
“I took big contracts!” -
Berka began to dance.

“A quarter of the ruble will cost,
A quarter from the ruble ... without a penny ...
Seventy seven remains
Seventy-seven young ladies!”

Berka has no money,
Berka has long been a nobleman,
Blessing the swamps
Seventy-seven tithes!

* * *
Chu! song! Full of wine
The two engineers rejoiced
And they sang a song about
How the "inflexible" was broken:

I outlined my project
Clearly, undeniably
The general said dryly:
"It's impossible!"

I found protection
Everything was arranged wonderfully
The general said sadly:
"It is very difficult!"

For the third time, I made it clear:
Will be - a hryvnia from a hundred,
And the general exclaimed:
"It's very simple!"

Voice of Prince Ivan
On the mind are ranks and kushi,
Passengers are beaten in a herd:
Christian souls
Zhidovina does not care.
To the limits of illegal
Stupid, but rowing money ...
It's like cutting sleepy -
Rip the people!

* * *
Rumors are heard: “Laziness .... drunkenness…
Zemstvo… volost…. men…”
This is the local nobility
And the steppe nobles
At the steppe nobleman
Favorite speech:
"Cheboksary stubble",
"Mirgorod pig",
"Beetroot, merinos",
"Demand for vodka and bard",
And the local has questions
"All-class" in progress,
Count Davydov, Prince Lobanov
In the center of this circle
Describe the benefits of plans
Not successful yet.

"The whole trouble of Russia
Lack of power! -
They say whitia
In terms of class. -

Yes! province is empty:
Sleepy cities
Our farmer is getting poorer,
The nobleman drooped his forehead.

Who is not "of the highest order",
Run away from our places
You are the prey of the prosecutor,
The world will seize you!

Who will find sense there now?
Fist born
He roams the villages like a beast,
Squeezes out a quarter.

Knock out the arrears
Ruin to the penny
Bribe, stealth bribe
Catches every soul!

Even the elements of God
Take up arms against the peasants:
Throughout Russia -
Whirlwinds, storms, hurricane.

The thunder of the dwelling ignites,
The city of the Lord beats the fields,
Zemstvo steals money
The greedy wolf is killing the cattle!

It happened to a man...
That's what he was dumbfounded! -
Even the ground has caved in
Allotted to allotment!

Not then did we give in
Our ancient rights
To take our place
Stand and head!

It is a pity for the native property,
Pity the poor men!
There are family traditions
There is the dear ashes of the fathers!

The ashes of the fathers are the prey of decay,
And the day is dear to the living:
Like from a plague village
We are fleeing the villages!”

So concession seekers
From economic professions,
They tell our countrymen.

"No, we're not leaving like that!
Renewing contact with the people,
We will ennoble the people, -
He says - according to Gneist - the prince. -

We are the judicial police
We will tame drunkenness with power!”
And with a smile of the Pharisees
The renegades echo them.

Prince Ivan finished the debate
On the dangers of giving
To a civil rights man
Unexpectedly said:

"Let the voice of the people be God's voice,
But still, the man is a beast!
Bad joke: swineherd
And nearby is the great-grandson of Gediminas.

Enemies of the nobles invented
Purposely zemstvo company,
So that lice crawl from the peasants
To the noble nobility."

nobleman multi-land
With a secret thought
Breathes deadly boredom,
There are subjects more fun:
General battle noble
Lost, they found
And guerrilla war
Engaged in leisure.
Without risking your head
These knights of the country
So they tear what is possible with a fight
The people, the treasury:
Taking from the contract "vacuum"
state forests,
Make a havoc
Swap for men
The lands are the work of the "partisan";
He is a pawnbroker, he is a merchant,
You will not leave his trap,
You will inevitably pay tribute!
A quarter of false measure
Secret trick at the scales ...
However, t

Published according to the text of the first publication, with the restoration of art. 81-112, 462–493 (Halls No. 2 and 14) Part 1, Art. 277-280, 699-710 part 2, the names "Milyutin", "Anichkov", "Mordvinov", "Davydov", "Lobanov" in Art. 208, 210 of part 1 and in Art. 639 of part 2 according to the consolidated manuscript of the TsGALI, as well as with the conjecture in Art. 41 of part 1 (“Dusso” instead of “***”) according to St 1879. A number of amendments to the text of the poem were made according to the PP and typesetting manuscript (see below, p. 593).
First published: part 1 (“Anniversaries and triumphs”) - OZ, 1875, No. 8 (published - August 20, 1875), p. 325–340 (signature: "***"); part 2 (“Heroes of Time”) - OZ, 1876, No. 1 (published - January 21, 1876), p. 5–52 (signed: “N. Nekrasov”), with the above verses removed for censorship reasons, replaced by lines of dots, and with the following designation of the mentioned surnames: “A ***”, “B ***”, “V * **”, “D-dov”, “L-nov” (reprinted: PP, with an exception for censorship reasons, articles 206-225, 284-303, 419-427 (rooms No. pp. 647-738 part 2).
For the first time included in the collected works: St. 1879, vol. IV.
Autograph of the poem (draft, summary and typesetting manuscript), on sheets of large format, - TsGALI, f. 338, op. 1, no. 24, l. 1-30, 31-76, 77-126. The typesetting manuscript is a copy with corrections and additions by Nekrasov.
In the consolidated manuscript, having sketched out a list of episodes of part 1 of the poem (l. 33), Nekrasov indicates two dates: "May 5" and "June 14", 1875, fixing the beginning of work on the poem and the first stage of work on part 1. In addition In addition, this manuscript contains other dates: “June 19” (sheet 51v.) and “July 9, 1875 Karabikha” (sheet 76 sb.). The first allows you to determine the time of writing the scenes with the participation of Shkurin, the second indicates the moment the manuscript was completed. In the typesetting manuscript, under part 1 of the poem is the date: “May 1875” and the signature: “***” (l. 95); under part 2 - signature in pencil: “N. Nekrasov" (l. 127); Nekrasov's hand made a mark for the printing house against art. 17-28 of part 2: “Move back” (l. 96).
The draft manuscript of the TsGALI is accompanied by sixteen sheets stored in the GBL (f. 195, p. 5753). Date: "May 19th" (fol. 10) helps to establish the time of work on the "Irrigation Song".
Sketches, notes, lists of episodes of parts 1 and 2 from the TsGALI and GBL manuscripts are highlighted, as well as poetic fragments from the summary and draft manuscripts of the TsGALI. These handwritten materials contain several important episodes that the poet intended to include in the poem, as well as a number of persons who served as prototypes for its individual characters (see more on this below).
Unlike most of Nekrasov's previous collected works (including the PSS), in this edition, "Contemporaries" are printed according to the text of "Notes of the Fatherland", and not "Last Songs", where, as already noted, the poem was published with significant exceptions.
According to A. A. Butkevich, Nekrasov, publishing “The Last Songs”, “released everything from them that could at least somehow be a reason for a clash with censorship, which treated him extremely meticulously during his illness. He placed only the most innocent, in his opinion, fearing that the book would not be arrested ”(LN, vol. 49-50, p. 174). About the same A. A. Butkevich wrote to S. I. Ponomarev: “... my brother, wanting to see his “Last Songs” in print, avoided everything that censorship could find fault with” (LN, vol. 53–54, p. 175).
Nekrasov's special concerns about the "censorship" of "Contemporaries" are quite understandable. Immediately after the appearance of part 1 of the poem in Otechestvennye Zapiski, the censor N. Lebedev stated: “... poems<…>under the general title "Contemporaries"<…>seem to me reprehensible in the sense that they ridicule the anniversaries recognized by the government as deserving of such honoring, since it honored them with rents and other awards ”(Garkavi A.M. Research on Nekrasov. - Academician. Zap. Kaliningr. State Ped. in-ta, 1961, issue 9, p. 58).
Scenes from the poem, published in Notes of the Fatherland, but excluded from the Last Songs, were placed in St 1879 (Vol. IV) in the Appendix section. A. A. Butkevich was not satisfied with this decision, considering it erroneous. She wrote: “In the next edition they should be restored in the text (now they are in the notes, this is my fault)” (LN, vol. 49–50, p. 174). Indeed, in the edition of Nekrasov's poems in 1881, this task was to some extent solved. However, in subsequent editions, "Contemporaries" were again printed according to the text of "Last Songs".
The above judgments of the poet's sister A. A. Butkevich leave no doubt about the forced nature of the withdrawals that Nekrasov made when publishing the poem in "Last Songs". True, K. I. Chukovsky and some other researchers defended the authority of the text of "Last Songs" in comparison with journal publications. So, G. V. Krasnov argued that the exceptions made by Nekrasov in the text of "Contemporaries" even when they were published in "Notes of the Fatherland" were caused by concern for "compositional unity" (Nekrasov N. A. Latest songs. M., 1974 , p. 297). It is known, however, that Nekrasov specially noted the released scenes in the magazine with dots; as if warning readers about the forced nature of the bills. This was perfectly understood by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, who wrote to Nekrasov after reading part 1 of the poem: “The poems are excellent, only it’s a pity that it was published” (Saltykov-Shchedrin, vol. XVIII, book 2, p. 204).
G. V. Krasnov also believed that the further reduction of the text of "Contemporaries" in "Last Songs" was caused "primarily by creative considerations" (Nekrasov N. A. Last Songs, p. 297). An analysis of the text does not make it possible to accept this point of view (which goes back to the judgments of K. I. Chukovsky): Nekrasov excluded from the “Last Songs” not relatively harmless fragments that dealt with the honoring of the French singer in St. Petersburg or gastronomic dinners, but precisely those episodes ("halls" No. 6, 9, 12), which spoke of the incredibly difficult life of the people in the post-reform period, or contained hints of the bloody suppression of peasant uprisings (see below for comments on the relevant scenes).
Thus, the direct instructions of A. A. Butkevich and the very nature of the excluded episodes allow us to conclude that the poem should be printed according to the text of “Notes of the Fatherland”, and not “Last Songs”.
The text “halls No. 5” (part 1), indicated in “Notes of the Fatherland” No. 5 and a line of dots, Nekrasov, completing the publication of Contemporaries, introduced it into part 2. And in this edition, the corresponding verses (455–498) are left in part 2, and in part 1 only the place "hall No. 5" is indicated - in exactly the same way as in the "Notes of the Fatherland".
In a number of cases, however, the source of corrections in the text of the poem is in the present edition of "Last Songs". Thus, the stylistic correction in Art. 137, 607-618, 971 of part 2 and art. 355 of the Epilogue, carried out in this last publication and partly derived from the typesetting manuscript. According to the text of "Last Songs," Art. 389–390 of part 2. Note to art. 249 of part 2 is given for "Last Songs", and not for "Notes of the Fatherland", since the more extensive text of the note in the journal was caused by a four-month break in the publication of the first and second parts of "Contemporaries". For the same reason, Nekrasov's indication in "Notes of the Fatherland" to the place of action of "Heroes of Time" is not reproduced (it is absent in "Last Songs").
The layout plan of the “hall” in part 1 of the poem (“Anniversaries and Triumphs”) from the consolidated manuscript of the TsGALI (see: Other editions and variants, pp. 437–438) includes sixteen scenes:
1. Administrator
2. Writer
3. Persecutor of literature
4. "Judists"
5. New Governor
6. Zhid-interest-bearer - editor
7. Military dispute
8. Senators
9. Agronomists
10. Chairman of the Treasury
11. Breeders
12. Writers-coffin-openers
13. Warriors
14. Police detective
15. Benefactors
16. Deli.
It was in this order that all these episodes were included in the typesetting manuscript. Shortly before the publication of part 1 in Otechestvennye Zapiski, Nekrasov decided to include in the final text one more scene, preserved in the consolidated manuscript: we are talking about a passage that begins with the words “Yesterday you were students ...” (it is not mentioned in the draft plan, therefore a special name he doesn't). Nekrasov marked this episode No. 15, he was supposed to follow the scene "Police Detective". Thus, the total number of "halls" was now seventeen.
However, in the process of preparing part 1 for publication, Nekrasov excluded "room number 5" ("The New Governor") and renumbered all the other episodes, decreasing their numbers by one in succession. The scene “Yesterday you were students…” received No. 14 (see: Other editions and variants, p. 477). But since this “hall” was not copied in the typesetting manuscript (see ibid., p. 500), but remained in the consolidated manuscript all the time, the researchers for a long time could not decide which text was behind No. 14 (as already mentioned above, when part 1 of the poem was published in Otechestvennye Zapiski, the text after Nos. 2, 5, 14 was replaced by lines of dots) In this regard, there was even an assumption about the mistake of the scribe, who, by mistake, simply omitted No. 14 in the typesetting manuscript, and Nekrasov this did not notice the error (PSST 1967 vol. III, p. 462). In fact, there is a quite definite text behind No. 14, which has been preserved, however, not in typesetting, but in a consolidated manuscript. The numbers put by Nekrasov in front of this passage (14) leave no doubt that it should be placed in the appropriate place in the Anniversaries and Triumphs.
Thus, the study of the manuscripts gives a clear idea of ​​the composition of part 1. According to Nekrasov's plan, "Jubilees to Triumphs" in the final version should have consisted of the following "hall":
1. Administrator
2. Writer
3. Persecutor of literature
4. "Judists"
5. Zhid-interest-bearer - editor
6. Military dispute
7. Senators
8. Agronomists
9. Chairman of the Treasury
10. Breeders
11. Writers-coffin-openers
12. Warriors
13. Police detective
14. “Yesterday you were students…”
15. Benefactors
16. Deli.
According to this plan, part 1 of the poem was published in the August book of “Notes of the Fatherland” for 1875, and the scene called by Nekrasov “Jew-interest-bearer - editor” (“The inseparable couple roam ...”), as already indicated, was included in part 2 of the poem. With this one exception, "Anniversaries and Triumphs" must be printed according to Nekrasov's plan, including those "halls" that were replaced by dots in the magazine publication. This is done for the first time in this edition.
The idea for the poem came from Nekrasov in the mid-1860s. in connection with his work on a cycle of so-called "club" satires. The last satire of this cycle and the new poem have something in common even with the names: “Recent times” - “Contemporaries”.
Late 1860s-early 1870s. Nekrasov collected material for his poem. This material was made up of the poet’s personal observations of contemporary Russian reality, numerous publications in Otechestvennye Zapiski and other organs of the Russian press, books, information that Nekrasov was informed by his acquaintances, who knew the world of “anniversaries and victors” closely: a member of the Council of the Ministry of Railways, chief inspector of private railways in Russia A. I. Delvig (see Nekrasov’s letter to A. A. Butkevich dated September 17, 1869), engineer A. N. Brakov, well-known judicial figure A. F. Koni, journalist A. S. Suvorin and others. pp. 116–120). It is likely that for the creative history of Nekrasov's poem, the controversy that N.K. Mikhailovsky led on the pages of "Notes of the Fatherland" with F.M. Dostoevsky was important. Sharply objecting to the reactionary tendencies that manifested themselves in the novel "Scales", N.K. Mikhailovsky wrote, addressing the author of the novel: "How! Russia, that demoniac patient you portray, is girded with railroads, strewn with factories and banks - and in your novel there is not a single feature of this world!<…>In your novel there is no demon of national enrichment, the most widespread demon and less than any other who knows the boundaries of good and evil.<…>You have grasped the wrong demons” (OZ, 1873, No. 2, part II, p. 340). Nekrasov's poem was devoted to the artistic display of these actual problems, the importance of which was emphasized by the "Notes of the Fatherland".
Nekrasov began to work directly on Contemporaries on May 5, 1875, as evidenced by a note in the consolidated manuscript of the TsGALI (see: Other editions and variants, p. 438). At first, according to the poet's plan, part 1 of the poem was to consist of "12 figures", work on which he completed on June 14, 1875 (see ibid.). Then, new episodes were added to the “12 Figures”, the most acute in socio-political terms: “Senators”, “New Governor”, ​​“Military Dispute”, “Chairman of the Treasury Chamber”. This apparently happened after June 14, 1875, since the draft manuscript does not even contain sketches for these scenes (see: Prokshin V. G. To the creative history of N. A. Nekrasov's poem "Contemporaries". - Uchen. zap. Bashkirok, State Pedagogical Institute, 1955, issue V, series of philologists, No. 1, p. 30). Having established the order of the location of all sixteen "halls", Nekrasov then changes their sequence.
Initially, there was no division of the poem into two parts. After “12 Figures”, the plan also included such episodes (subsequently crossed out) as “Contractors”, “The Author Himself”, “Heroes of Time”. Judging by the manuscripts, honoring Shkurin (part 2, pp. 13-95) was the main content of the "Contractors" scene; the author's reflections were to follow (“The author himself”), and “Heroes of Time” began with Art. 221, preceded by the number II in the manuscript. In the consolidated manuscript, after the sixteenth (last) “hall” of part 1 (“Gastronomers”), another title was written “Hall No”, and then the text “Foreman of the Joint-Stock Company ...”. Only later Nekrasov at the very top of the page enters “Part Two. Heroes of Time" and adds new text.
Part 2 of the poem is compositionally different from part 1. If in part 1 a number of scenes are given that are interconnected only by the image of the author-observer, then in part 2 the various episodes form a coherent narrative in total, even with an intended plot (Zatsepin's story). This compositional difference is explained by the fact that part 1 depicts representatives of various social groups(senators, breeders, etc.), and in part 2, the actors belong basically to the same plutocratic world.
A study of the manuscripts shows that Nekrasov first sketched out a series of scenes, replicas, conversations, etc., and then arranged them in such a way that a complete picture was obtained that sufficiently characterizes the Russian post-reform society of the 1870s. Nekrasov's concern for the most appropriate arrangement of individual episodes of the poem is not accidental.
Hard work on the text of "Contemporaries" did not stop even after the typesetting manuscript was made. In particular, Nekrasov's close attention was attracted by the barge song. Only in the typesetting manuscript does the poet enter its name - “Uphill!”, Thus creating a sharp contrast with the “uphill” card game, with the help of which Savva Antikhristov “comforted” Zatsepin at the very end of “Contemporaries” (the episode with the card game was planned by Nekrasov from the very beginning of his work on the poem).
Nekrasov's decision to include the scene "Yesterday you were students..." in the main text was also fundamentally important. Thanks to this scene, the problem of the younger generation sounded more acute in the poem. The attempts of reactionary circles to divert the youth from the topical issues of our time were already exposed in “Hall No. 4” (“Judists”). Now this topic was revealed on the basis of topical political material: Nekrasov ridicules the "flirting" with the youth of the tsarist autocracy, which vainly sought to prevent their direct participation in the revolutionary movement. One can also note a certain echo with this scene in the "Epilogue" of the poem (the story of Zatsepin's son).
"Contemporaries" were created by Nekrasov mainly in May-July 1875 (the last date on the consolidated manuscript, as indicated above, is July 9, 1875). However, work on the poem continued in the following months - in connection with its preparation for publication. So, for example, in the journal text of part 2 of "Contemporaries" there are lines that are missing in the typesetting manuscript, which indicates a correction in the proof (the proof of the poem has not been preserved). Since No. 1 of Otechestvennye Zapiski for 1876 was published on January 22 (see: Bograd V. E. Journal "Otechestvennye Zapiski". 1868–1884. Index of Contents. M., 1971, p. 199), one can conclude that Nekrasov corrected the proofreading in January 1876.
The work of preparing the text for publication in "Last Songs" was reduced, as already mentioned, to significant cuts as a result of auto-censorship.
The poem "Contemporaries" is Nekrasov's largest satirical work, forming, together with his other two poems, created in the 1860s-1870s. (“Russian Women” and “Who Lives Well in Russia”), a kind of trilogy, which, as it were, sums up all his poetic work.
“Contemporaries” is devoted primarily to exposing the anti-people, predatory essence of capitalism, which brings with it new forms of oppression and exploitation: “... the old patriarchal Russia,” wrote V. I. Lenin, “after 1861 began to quickly collapse under the influence of world capitalism. The peasants were starving, dying out, ruined like never before, and fled to the cities, leaving the land behind. Railroads, factories and factories were intensively built, thanks to the "cheap labor" of the ruined peasants. Large financial capital, large-scale trade and industry developed in Russia ”(V. I. Lenin, Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 20. 5th ed. M., 1961, p. 39).
Part 1 of the poem (“Anniversaries and Triumphs”) is based on a description of a series of anniversary celebrations that were then extremely common in Russia and often took place on the most insignificant occasions (see: M. V. Teplinskiy On the ideological orientation of N. A. Nekrasov’s satire 1870s - Uchenye Zap. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1957, vol. 1, pp. 184–185). In the same issue of Notes of the Fatherland, where Anniversaries and Triumphs appeared, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s story “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” was published, supplementing Nekrasov’s poem to a certain extent. In the criticism of those years, the opinion was expressed that Shchedrin and Nekrasov were only against the anniversary mania (BV, 1875, August 29, No. 237; St. Petersburg, 1875, August 29, No. 229). On September 16, 1875, Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote to Nekrasov about one of the critics (A. M. Skabichevsky): “He thinks very seriously that I protest against the passion for anniversaries - what a fool!<…>In the same way, Burenin, like a scoundrel, gives your poems the same absurd purpose” (Saltykov-Shchedrin, vol. XVIII, v. 2, p. 204).
Of course, the true meaning of the works of Nekrasov and Shchedrin was different. Nekrasov, ironically about countless anniversaries, sharply exposed all kinds of "triumphants" robbing and exploiting the people, time, "which was not meaner." Nekrasov ridiculed those who tried to escape reality into bibliography, gastronomy, etc.
In part 2 of the poem (“Heroes of Time”), the focus of the author is on the members of one powerful corporation that has united for campaigns “on the pockets of complacent Russians” - contractors, capitalists, businessmen, bankers, dignitaries, distinguished by endemic bribery, intellectuals who sold out to the bourgeoisie. With angry sarcasm, Nekrasov writes about the attempts of businessmen to rob the masses, masking their true aspirations with false words about “love for the people” (images of Shkurin and Savva Antichrist).
The theme of the people, outwardly remaining in the background in the satirical poem, in fact determines the ideological direction of "Contemporaries". Nekrasov fully shared the point of view of Saltykov-Shchedrin, who wrote in 1868: "... the only fertile soil for satire is the soil of the people ..." (Saltykov-Shchedrin, vol. IX, p. 246). Whatever aspects of Russian life Nekrasov touches, the thought of the people does not leave him for a minute; constant references to the cruel punishments of soldiers (“hall” No. 6), of a hungry plowman (“hall” No. 8), of the bloody suppression of a peasant uprising in the village. The abyss (“hall” No. 12) form a relief picture, against which the words and deeds of “anniversaries and victors” are especially disgusting.
In part 2 of the poem, the theme of the people is given even more space and attention. The author judges the "heroes of the time" from a revolutionary-democratic position, sharply contrasting the supposedly "humane" ideas of bourgeois businessmen with genuine popular interests: "And the profits showed themselves with an extra hryvnia in the tax From the taxable soul." The ideological center of part 2 is the burlatskaya song "Uphill!". The poet exposes the cosmopolitan essence of the Russian capitalists. The poem reveals the ideological and business connection of Russian capitalism with Western European and American capitalism.
Working on "Contemporaries", Nekrasov widely used specific facts characterizing Russian reality in the mid-1870s. Draft manuscripts contain the names of von Derviz, Mecca, Ovsyannikov, Kokorev, Polyakov. In addition, some facts of the activities of Gubonin, Vargunin, Varshavsky and others were reflected in the poem. All of these were typical representatives of the Russian capitalist society of the post-reform period, and that is why Nekrasov uses certain features of their biographies when creating images of the main characters of his work (although in relation to the latter it is difficult to talk about the presence of any one specific prototype). The situation is different with secondary characters. Here, Nekrasov sometimes himself suggests one or another parallel, using the consonance of surnames, the similarity of biographies, etc. P. A. Efremov recalled that at Nekrasov he “saw a copy of the Poems, in which the poet himself marked out who he meant in“ anniversaries” and “heroes” bred in his satire” (Dokl. RBO, p. 11). In addition, in the poem, created on the material of living modernity, there are direct references to certain real-life personalities.
Nekrasov's poem "Contemporaries" was met with sharply negative reviews from the liberal and reactionary press. Critics rejected the poet's right to turn to a satirical reproduction of contemporary Russian life. “This reality itself,” wrote P. I. Weinberg, “is not the one that has the right to the poet’s attention…” (Pchela, 1876, No. 4, p. 67). V. G. Avseenko called the poem "an operetta libretto", "a fake for the tastes of the market" (RV, 1876, No. 2, pp. 684-686). In an effort to belittle the social and literary significance of Nekrasov's satire, many critics argued that the "Contemporaries" reflected only "special cases, photographic portraits snatched from everyday social chronicles and almost not digested in the crucible of art", and that "the poem is built on private phenomena , which do not reach typicality in the author’s image that is interesting for everyone ”(V. M. Literary Chronicle. - St. Petersburg, 1876, January 31, No. 31). S. S. Okreyts wrote about this (Petersburg leaflet, No. 76, February 12, No. 31) and K. K. Arseniev (BE, 1878, No. 12, p. 501). Among the unfavorable reviews of criticism, we note the speech of A. Antonovich in the newspaper "Tiflis Vestnik" (1876, February 29, No. 47; see also: New materials on the history of Russian literature and journalism of the second half of XIX in., vol. II. Tbilisi, 1977, p. 94–105).
Only in a few speeches was a positive assessment of "Contemporaries" to a certain extent. A. M. Skabichevsky, for example, found in the poem “colors darker than those of Juvenal” (BV, 1876, January 30, No. 29). “The first appearance of the Contemporaries was a whole event, a huge literary news,” noted A. Golubev (see: Golubev A. Nekrasov. St. Petersburg, 1878, p. 105).
The most profound and insightful review of the poem belonged to Saltykov-Shchedrin, who wrote in a letter to Nekrasov dated February 12, 1876: “... I can, from the first impression, say that the poem struck me with its strength and truth; for example, a painting by the Kokorevs<…>with sincere tragedy singing a burlak song (excellent), produces a striking effect. The description of the orgy, the speeches, and the sullenness that lies against the whole background - all this is perfectly conceived and perfectly executed ”(Saltykov-Shchedrin, vol. XVIII, book 2, p. 255).
In ideological and artistic terms, "Contemporaries" are adjacent to the anti-capitalist satires of Saltykov-Shchedrin, created in the 1870s. (“Well-meaning speeches”, “Diary of a provincial in St. Petersburg”, etc.). Some of the motives of the poem were reflected in his story "The Sore Spot" (1879).
Nekrasov's satirical poem turned out to be a work in many ways instructive for Soviet poets. It is known that Mayakovsky, after reading "Contemporaries", "did not cease to be surprised at his resemblance to Nekrasov" (Znamya, 1940, No. 3, p. 166). In the days of Nekrasov's anniversary in 1971, the Soviet poet B. Slutsky wrote: “And now, a hundred years after Nekrasov's Contemporaries, we do not have such vivid images of capitalists. Gubonin, Kokorev, Polyakov, Putilov are written more specifically, more convincingly than anyone else's, the topic of the day is connected with detailed knowledge ”(VL, 1971, No. 11, p. 137).
Part one
“There were worse times, But there were no meaner ones” - an inaccurate quote from the story of N. D. Khvoshchinskaya-Zaionchkovskaya (pseudonym - V. Krestovsky) “Happy people”: “... there were times worse - there were no meaner ones” (OZ, 1874, No. 4, p. 363). Wed a sheet with two epigrams by Nekrasov - on I. I. Kaufman (January 5, 1875) and I. K. Babst (May 20, 1875), on which Nekrasov’s hand inscribed with a pencil on top:
"There have been times worse
But there was no meanness."

The sheet is pasted into a copy of St 1874, vol. III, part 6, stored in IRLI b (code: 18.1.2); reproduced in ed.: LN, vol. 51–52, p. 523.
Dusso is the owner of a famous restaurant in St. Petersburg.
Hall number 1. - Judging by the text, we are talking about honoring the Governor-General. Perhaps Nekrasov was referring to I. I. Funduklei (1804–1880), who was the governor of Kyiv for a long time, and then appointed a member of the State Council. The consolidated manuscript of the TsGALI indicated that the hero of the day from “hall No. 1” was awarded the order Andrew the First-Called (see: Other editions and variants, p. 472). In the first half of 1875, only I. I. Fundukley was awarded this award - in connection with the sixtieth anniversary of the production of the first class chip (G, 1875, January 2, No. 2).
Argus - in Greek mythology, a stout-eyed giant, who was ordered by Hera to guard Zeus's beloved Io, who was turned into a cow.
No. 2. - According to P. A. Efremov, Nekrasov meant here I. A. Goncharov (Report of the RBO, p. 11). The ironic attitude of Nekrasov towards Goncharov is apparently connected with a sharply negative assessment on pages No. 9 of “Notes of the Fatherland” for 1869 of the novel “Cliff” (see the article by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Street Philosophy” - Saltykov-Shchedrin , vol. IX, pp. 61–95). The controversy that arose around the novel was very painfully experienced by Goncharov, “... the experiences and unrest of the author of The Cliff continued for a long time, as can be seen from the articles and letters of the 70s. Op repeatedly, at every opportunity, under circumstances more or less going to the point, sought to explain his creative goals and intentions in the novel, ”writes A.P. Rybasov, author of notes in the book: Goncharov I.A. Literary- critical articles and letters. L., 1938, p. 364. During the creation of the poem "Contemporaries" in the newspapers flashed the news about the impending anniversary of Goncharov; however, this news was soon refuted (G, 1875, May 6, No. 124 and May 13, No. 131).
No. 3. - In Nekrasov's plan, the hero of the day, who is honored in this hall, is called "the persecutor of literature" (see: Other editions and variants, p. 437). This name, as well as the mention of the name of M. L. Magnitsky (1778–1855), a well-known obscurantist, one of the most reactionary figures of the era of Alexander I in the field of public education, help to understand Nekrasov's allusion to the reactionaries of the 1870s. headed by the then Minister of Public Education D. A. Tolstoy (1823–1889). It was D. A. Tolstoy who was one of the most vicious “persecutors of literature” of those years, which was reflected more than once in the history of “Notes of the Fatherland” (see: Teplinskiy M. V. “Notes of the Fatherland” (1868–1884). Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk , 1966, p. 90). In connection with the reactionary reforms of D. A. Tolstoy in the field of public education in the press of the 1870s. the name of Magnitsky was repeatedly recalled. So, for example, N. A. Demert, analyzing the report of the inspector of one of the classical gymnasiums, wrote that “the details of this report are reminiscent of times long gone, the times of Magnitsky, who, apparently, has not yet become the property of history” (OZ, 1870, No. 3, p. 119). Nekrasov wrote on July 30, 1872, that D. A. Tolstoy “belongs to those people who, having done the abominations and stupidities of the people, the more stubbornly stand for them and the deeper they sink into them, the more clearly these nasty things are revealed in practice; his intolerance will increase as the impenetrable slum into which he entered and started the educational work in Russia becomes clear to his consciousness. In April 1875 (shortly before Nekrasov began work on the poem "Contemporaries"), D. A. Tolstoy was awarded the diamond badges of the Order of Alexander Nevsky, with particular emphasis on the "persistence and consistency" that he discovered while carrying out educational reform (Gr, 1875 , April 27, No. 17, p. 394).
"The seditious are crafty, Razi - and don't be sorry!" - A hint at the circular with which the Minister of Public Education on May 24, 1875 addressed the trustees of educational districts and in which it was ordered to intensify the fight against revolutionary sentiments in Russian society (G, 1875, June 17, No. 166). See below, p. 603–604, commentary on "hall no. 14".
No. 4. - In the 1870s. Opera-Buff was especially popular in St. Petersburg, among whose regular visitors contemporaries noted primarily “old men who have gone out of their minds” and representatives of “fancy, also poor in brains, youth.” Their goal was to “worship beautiful actresses, especially those who are traveling, and bring them gifts and bouquets” (Stranger, p. 121). From the beginning of 1875, the Parisian operetta singer A. Judic (1850–1911) performed on the stage of the Opéra-Buff. Farewell concerts for Judic took place at the end of April 1875. A subscription was organized to buy her precious gifts. The singer was presented with “an arrow with large diamonds and a sapphire, five diamond stars and a magnificent diamond bracelet” (G, 1875, April 20, No. 108).
Cadets - pupils cadet corps, secondary military schools.
No. 6. - Mentioned in this scene, V. M. Anichkov (1830–1877), major general, who was under the Minister of War, and D. S. Mordvinov (1830–1894), adjutant general, head of the office of the military ministry, were exposed in the systematic receipt of bribes from the millionaire miller S. T. Ovsyannikov, who was brought to trial in 1875 (see: Delvig, p. 527, and also below, commentary on article 133 of the Epilogue). D. A. Milyutin (1816-1912) - Minister of War, whose activities to transform the Russian army provoked sharp criticism from extremely reactionary circles, who relied primarily on cane discipline.
No. 7. - Among Nekrasov's draft notes there is a scene that tells about one of the senators, unable to understand the essence of the cases that he had to deal with. Perhaps this entry, dated 1874, was a rough draft for The Contemporaries:
"Senator from Division<ионных>general<ов>.
- Well, Senator, how is the new service?
- Nothing, one thing is bad. I don't understand what the secretary is reading.
- You know what? you read yourself.
Four years later.
- Well?
- Worse"
(IRLI, f. 203, No. 42; Nekr. Sat., I, p. 305).
No. 8. - In the special literature of the 1860-1870s. opinions were expressed about the expediency of such a measure as writing out cattle from abroad (see: Babin I. A. Collection of articles on cattle breeding. St. Petersburg, 1869). According to others, “our native breed is gifted with no less milkiness, like all the most famous European breeds” (Kuzanov M.A. On cattle breeding in Russia. St. Petersburg, 1864, p. 24). The disputes about cattle breeding, satirically reproduced in Nekrasov's poem, were conducted at a time when the situation of the peasant economy was catastrophic: “The prices for cattle are offered by the peasants are the most insignificant, if only to sell the animals from their hands, but no one dares to buy them, because there is nothing to feed .<…>They say that if the snow does not leave the fields for another week and the grass does not appear, then all the cattle will be lost” (OZ, 1875, No. 5, p. 155).
Chairman of the Treasury ~ And director. - The Treasury Chamber - an institution located in the provincial city and under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. The duties of the Treasury Chamber included monitoring the receipt of state revenues, collecting peasant "arrears", etc. The interlocutor of the chairman of the Treasury Chamber was the director of one of the departments of the Ministry of Finance.
No. 10. - It is likely that when creating this scene, Nekrasov used some facts from the biography of N. I. Putilov, the owner of large factories in St. Petersburg, in particular the Putilov factory (now the plant named after S. M. Kirov). During Crimean War Putilov was engaged in the construction of military courts (G, 1870, June 16, No. 165). In further activities, he was also associated with the naval ministry, making guns for ships. In addition, grenades, shells, as well as rails for railways were produced at its factories (see: Plants of N.I. Putilov. 1807–1870. St. Petersburg, 1870). Putilov served Nekrasov as a prototype for the image of Lad'in in part 2 of the poem (see below, p. 612, comments on st. 1171–1200). Putilov is mentioned in draft autographs of TsGALI and GBL (see: Other editions and variants, pp. 436, 439).
No. 11. - P. A. Efremov claimed that Zosim the Old Testament is M. I. Semevsky (Report of the RBO, p. 11). Indeed, in the draft autograph of the TsGALI, instead of the name of the Old Testament, the name of Semevsky is named (see: Other editions and variants, p. 447). M. I. Semevsky (1873-1892) - journalist, editor of "Russian Antiquity", a historical and historical-literary journal, far from the vital interests of modernity. Otechestvennye zapiski noted that Russkaya Starina “prefers to talk about the dead because of its specialty” (1874, No. 4, p. 389).
Tyapushkin also responded ... - In the draft autograph and the consolidated manuscript of the TsGALI, instead of "Tyapushkin" it says "Slepushkin" (see: Other editions and variants, pp. 447, 476). F. N. Slepushkin (1783–1848) is a self-taught poet whose work was negatively evaluated by Belinsky, who condemned the pseudo-folk character of many of his poems (Belinsky, vol. IV, pp. 156–161).
Found our friend! - From the consolidated manuscript of the TsGALI (see: Other editions and variants, p. 476) it becomes clear that we are talking about G. N. Gennadi (for him, see: real ed., vol. II, pp. 372–375 , a commentary on the poem "Literary persecution, or an irritated bibliographer").
Misha - M. N. Longinov (about him, see: current ed., vol. I, pp. 690–693, commentary on the poem “Message to Longinov”). In the 1860s M. N. Longinov switched to ultra-reactionary positions, which was especially evident when he became the head of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs (for his hostile attitude towards the “Notes of the Fatherland”, see: Teplinskiy M. V. “Notes of the Fatherland” (1861–1884) , p. 88).
Bartenev will envy And Efremov will hiss ... - P. I. Bartenev (1829–1912) - bibliographer and literary historian, publisher of the Russian Archive magazine. P. A. Efremov (1830–1907) - bibliographer and literary historian, who became close to Nekrasov in the mid-1870s. For the correspondence between Nekrasov and Efremov, see: LN, vol. 51–52, p. 262–273. In The Last Songs, Nekrasov mentioned Semevsky instead of Efremov, believing that then Semevsky would have no reason to identify himself with the Old Testament (Dokl. RBO, p. 11).
But note Turgenev himself ... - In the first half of the 1870s. I. S. Turgenev repeatedly published letters to the editor and notes in the S. Petersburg Vedomosti newspaper, directed in a number of cases against Otechestvennye Zapiski and Nekrasov.
You did not flinch before the abyss ... - A hint at the suppression of the peasant uprising in the village. The abyss of the Kazan province in 1861. Count A. S. Apraksin (1817–1899) led the suppression. N. A. Demert on the pages of Otechestvennye zapiski recalled: “The fact is almost unbelievable, but, nevertheless, true: after the Bezdninskaya“ mutilation ”, in commemoration of the joy on this occasion, large and eminent provincial landowners arranged a gala dinner, said solemn decent the occasion of a speech, washing them down with champagne” (1869, No. 9, p. 48).
Tatar - waiter.
No. 13. - During the period of Nekrasov's work on the poem, the newspapers reported several cases of colossal thefts and glorified the dexterity, sharpness and energy of the police, shown in the capture of criminals. So, on April 30, 1875, a large amount was received at the Moscow Merchant's Bank on a false check; through agents of the St. Petersburg and Moscow police, one of the kidnappers was detained in Kyiv. To catch another kidnapper, telegrams were sent indicating that he would be accepted almost throughout Europe; the Russian embassy asked the Prussian government for assistance; photographs of the criminal appeared in foreign newspapers, etc. (G, 1875, May 18, No. 136).
No. 14. - The text of this chapter is a parody of the circular mini

The rapid development of capitalism in Russia (70s of the 19th century) can be likened to a grandiose natural phenomenon. The country was changing before our eyes with amazing speed. Like mushrooms, new enterprises and firms appeared, industrial and urban construction was in full swing, new roads and railways were laid. These changes were most noticeable in the social structure of society. The class of capitalists was briskly asserted. The moral face of the intelligentsia changed bizarrely, the contrast between the exorbitant wealth of some and the humiliating poverty of others intensified. All this newness received a deep and brilliant reflection in its artistic form in Nekrasov's poem "Contemporaries", written in 1873, just at the height of the capitalist boom. The poet managed to create a work innovative in form, unusually complex in ideological and artistic design.

The plot of the work is ironic. The poet, it seems, wanted to refute the overly harsh assessment of his time, read by him from the book that turned up under his arm:

There were worse times
But there was no meanness. (one)

After all, such an assessment was zealously refuted by newspaper reports about the dizzying successes in the life of the country, which is proud of the winners. “There are no counts for those who have acquired laurels!” Part one of the poem "Anniversaries and Triumphs" is devoted to a description of the celebrations that swept the country:

“Rejoice, Eagle!..”, “Be proud, Moscow!”,
"Hello to Berdichev! .." (188).

In all sixteen halls of the fashionable restaurant Dusso, where the hero of the poem looked, speeches are heard honoring the anniversaries and victors. But here it is, the paradox: having heard enough of the speeches of the feasting aces of capital and their henchmen, the hero of the poem could now fully agree with the sad assessment of the time read by him in the book.

M.S. Goryachkina in the informative article "The Punishing Lyre" drew attention to the innovative nature of Nekrasov's artistic typology: "The poem" Contemporaries "is given a combination of not only social and individual human within the type, but also a combination of social types with types-symbols" ( 2). This feature of the poetics of the work is highlighted by I.G. Savostin, who saw in the poem not portrait gallery, a "a group portrait of a bold predator uniform in all faces".(3)

In this poem, Nekrasov acts as a master collective portrait, characterized by conciseness and depth of satirical generalization. The participants of the restaurant feast are different in social status, age, characters, but in the image of the poet they represent, as it were, a single organism, a single being, perfectly adapted to the business of profit:

First, there were honorary persons
In ranks, with orders. The capital sees them
In the Senate, in the chambers, in the courts.
Serving impeccably and using weight,
They devote their leisure time to the interests
Commercial firms on shares.
There were plebeians here, made of ashes and dust.
Reached money, crosses,
And next to the nobles there were Russians,
Sunk in the mire of debt (206).

Aces-foreigners sat here nearby:
Ostsee, Russians, Prussian Germans,
Jews and Greeks and many others -
In Warsaw, in Odessa, in the Crimea, in St. Petersburg
Their banking firms are
On the like, on the crayfish, on the bergs and burghs
Their nicknames are running out (206).

With no less skill and satirical sharpness, the poet depicts the most prominent representatives of these gatherings. Such is Eduard Grosh, a clever rogue, a sybarite, a businessman and a jester; this is also the owner of the loan office, who managed to infiltrate the society of moneybags. The poet gives him a convincing characterization:

This guy is insanely disgusting.
Modern Mitrofan
Stupid in everything, skillful in one:
Get into someone else's pocket! (212).

Of particular interest is the image in the poem of the intelligentsia, which has shown a truly chameleon ability to adapt beliefs to the current historical moment. Today she composes enthusiastic hymns to high ideals, tomorrow her deity Mamon. About such unfortunate intellectuals in the poem it is said:

Today there are no artists,
that went this way,
And help the scammers
They brought the power of knowledge.
Every plan, shaky at its core,
As they say on piles
historical lining,
Provide prospects! (226).

The micro-novella about a respectable scholar is impressive. It would seem that nothing will knock an honest worker of science off the chosen path. It wasn't there! Suddenly - the end of history / - At the age of thirty, a hero - / Jump from the observatory / Into the pool of the stock exchange (225).

Even more impressive is the image of a democrat, friend of the people and freedom, transformed into a plutocrat: Speculatory tricks / Deftly moving forward / With the assistance of science / This old patriot ...(225). The talker and wit Leonid is similar to him (This nickname was given to him by aces).

The poet defines the extraordinary abilities of this person with a capacious verbal formula - talking machine: He dazzles the plutocracy with machine eloquence; no contradiction / Without embarrassment, he says / In the interests of the master, / Pay and give the subject, / The talking machine / Buzzes: raises barking, / Will cry and laugh, / - Distort figures, facts ... (225).

Leonid is not only the ideologist of the plutocracy, but also the spokesman for its innermost aspirations. They are embodied in his impressive monologue-plea:

Oh my God! double my stomach!
Morning throat! quadruple my mind!
Let me invent such scissors
To cut the whole world close at once ... (247).

The images of Prince Ivan, Grigory Zatsepa, Fyodor Shkurin, Savva Antichristov deserve the closest attention. The satirist poet is merciless to social evil, but this does not mean that his palette contains only black paint. Even in the most devastating satire, the poet remains an objective artist, honestly separating the wheat from the chaff in his analysis. This principle is carried out at all levels of the text.

Prince Ivan is a cross-cutting image passing through the entire poem. His portrait is drawn in a grotesque style, using hyperbolization and complicated metaphor. Contemporaries recorded the fact of V. Mayakovsky's astonishment when he read the following text:

Prince Ivan - a colossus on the belly,
Hands - a kind of down jacket,
The ear serves as a pedestal
Fat cheek (191).

“Is it really not me who wrote this?” Mayakovsky exclaimed when O. Brik read these lines. Indeed, in the bold imagery of this poem, Nekrasov managed to approach the artistic daring of the modernist poets of the early twentieth century. In the image of Ivan, sharply satirical, the poet bravely combined the low with the high:

According to the structure of the upper lip
He is a bulldog; with bared teeth,
Under the hair comb
And the kindest eyes (191).

Of course, the kindest eyes among the monsters of capital are rare, but more importantly, Nekrasov endowed his hero with an extraordinary mind, and, moreover, a positive artistic function: he is a reasoner-denunciator in the poem, the bearer of the author's voice. An ancestor of the jesters who lived at the royal throne, endowed with an invaluable right to speak the truth, Prince Ivan, by and large, is a jester of modern times, performing essentially the same difficult role.

No less complex is the image of Grigory Zatsepa, which occupies a central place in the poem. The poet's innovation in this case was manifested in the skillful synthesis of satire with psychologism. Moreover, the image of Zatsepa, the story of his life are so complex that they break out of the framework of the satirical genre and bring the narrative closer to the mainstream of deep drama.

Nekrasov does not spare colors for depicting the "exploits" of this Russian nouveau riche. Its essence is most fully embodied in a self-revealing monologue:

I am a thief! I am a knight of that gang
Of all tribes, dialects, nations,
What robbery preaches
Under the guise of honest speculation!
Where all the time - God sees! -
Underlying the state
Two or three false wills
Murder, theft and forgery! (240).

And yet this person cannot be called a hardened scoundrel, since his soul has become the arena of the struggle between good and evil. The impetus for Zatsepa's spiritual confusion was the death of his beloved son in a duel. Reason for the duel: They called his father a thief in his presence. The son defended the honor of his father, long lost and died. Isn't this drama?

The hook is a rare type of penitent predator. Prince Ivan aptly said about him: Sinned for a million, / Yearns for billions. It is no coincidence that this image attracted so much attention of the poet. Nekrasov himself knew the guilt of close contact with jubilant and idly chatting moneybags. Knew and burned with a red-hot iron repentant lyrics?

In the poem "Contemporaries" Nekrasov artistically captured the fact of the spiritual impoverishment of society, which tasted the first fruits of capitalism being established in Russia, called Gleb Uspensky Mr. Coupon. The pathos of the poem "Contemporaries" was also inspired by Nekrasov's poem "To the Poet (In Memory of Schiller)" (1874). It embodies the personal, painfully passionate attitude of the poet to the accomplished historical upheaval in the life of Russia. Here are the first two stanzas of this invective poem:

Where are you - singers of love, freedom, peace
And valor?.. Age of "blood and sword"!.
On the throne of the earth you put a banker,
Proclaimed the hero of the executioner ...

The crowd says: "The century does not need singers!"
And there are no singers ... The deity fell silent ...
Oh who will remind now, man
His high calling?.. (T.3, p.166).

More than 130 years separate us from the time Nekrasov created the poem "Contemporaries", but it has not lost its relevance and is perceived by readers as if written today.


(1) - N.A. Nekrasov. Complete collection of op. and letters in 15 volumes. T.4. - L .: Nauka, 1982. - P. 187. Subsequent texts are cited from this edition, in parentheses, op. page
(2) - M.S. Goryachkina. Punishing lyre // N.A. Nekrasov and Russian literature. – M.: Nauka, 1971. – P.162.
(3) - I.G. Savostin. The montage principle of the composition of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Contemporaries" // "N.A. Nekrasov and his time" collection of articles. Issue 1. - Kaliningrad, 1975. - P.53.

Part one

Anniversaries and triumphs

I took the book, having risen from sleep,
And I read in it:
"There were worse times
But there was no meanness."

I threw the book away.
Are we with you
Such a century sons
O my reader friend?

Of course not! Of course not!
Our Zoil is slandering.
The footman brought a bunch of newspapers;
I eagerly opened them

Bypassing theft and fire
And a series of suicides
I meet the word "anniversary",
Reading the list of people

Acquiring laurels. No account!
Scholarship... medal...
Rent... monument... lunch...
Dinner... lunch... Oh, you liar!

Wipe your eyes! .. I'm going to my friends:
Prepares a speech alone
Another dozen telegrams -
To Moscow, to Ryazan, to Tulchin.

I went with him "to the telegraph."
Lackeys, coachmen,
Dispatches lifted up,
Crowded there since morning.

Big words flash:
"Hero for many years...",
"Rejoice, Eagle! ..", "Be proud, Moscow! .."
"Berdichev hello..."

There are a lot of "friends of good" here,
"Fathers" can not be counted,
But the sheet: one - "Hurrah! .."
There is a time, however.

I came to the tavern and also
I'm losing count of the celebrations.
The book is daring! why
You sent a reproach to us? ..

Dusso's cook nicely
Anniversary tables;
They have been eating there for a long time.
Triumph eagles.
Look - what a fish!
Barely brought in by her footman.
Heard "Russian thanks"
From open doors.
Having ordered broth and game,
I wander along the corridor;
The door will be dissolved - I hear speeches,
I look at the feasters:
People are busy in taverns,
They don't interfere ... I'm glad ...

no 1

In the first hall, everyone is in uniform,
They are wearing white ties.
Anniversary Administrator
Ancient, all sewing is flooded,
Two stars ... He is a speaker,
Also an old man says:
"You are on guard of the state,
Like a sharp-eyed Argus, he was vigilant,
But, pursuing deceit,
Virtue you spared.
Your head is gray
Untainted by shame
Driving the far edge
You were not his scourge.
At the same time, the population
You did not corrupt with indulgence,
Did not lead to ruin
Food, shelter is not deprived!
You are up to private property,
To government good
Do not stretch out the hand of the almighty -
Gratitude and ... cheers! .. "

Suddenly the courier entered, beaming,
The hero of the day also shone.
Anniversary, congratulations,
They made a worthy gift.

The speech was long, long
The old man cried...
I took a step... opened
Another door - for a moment,
And then the hero was honored
They shouted: "Many years!"
The hero was offered
Magnitsky portrait:
"Seditious are cunning,
Strike - and don't be sorry!"

Gone is the scene of glory -
The footman slammed the door...

On the table are "gifts"
There are no better ones in St. Petersburg.
Two diamond arches -
Amazing bracelet!
Diamond stars...
Miracle! .. Several guys
With the delight of the bride
They look at treasures.
(There were also lyceum students,
And pages, and junkers,
And immature lawyers
And merchants... et caetera.)

"A miracle! - their venerable uncle
Exclaims, Prince Ivan,
And, dejected for years,
Falls on the couch...

Prince Ivan - a colossus on the belly,
Hands - a kind of down jacket,
The ear serves as a pedestal
Fat cheek.
According to the structure of the upper lip
He is a bulldog; with bared teeth,
Under the hair comb
And the kindest eyes.
He is a famous eater,
He speaks smart
Like in a tallow barrel
Pouring wine.
Rarely stays at home
Up to sixty years old
Vaudeville visits,
Opera and ballet.
He has friends - cadets,
His famous grandfather
Was Elizabeth's jester
He himself is nothing.
despises aiguillettes,
Not a rank hunter.
Inherited talents
historical jesters,
With his agile tongue,
With a cheeky laugh, in another age
If he were a court jester,
And now he is a simple jester.

"Yes! gifts are so rare! -
Prince Ivan exclaims. -
We must sprinkle ... sprinkle, children! ..
Pour a full glass! ..
No, wait! At the beginning of the feast
Let's do one thing:
Before us there is no idol,
But... and the stones speak!
This brooch will take shelter
On the goddess's chest
So you must bow
In front of her ... Come! .. "

And respectful to diamonds
Prince Ivan kissed
And then I drank together
Your big glass.
And, following the commander,
Youngsters kissed
To diamonds and sapphires...

"On your knees, guys!

Looks with tender eyes
Old jester to heaven
And sing in unison
Young Voices:

Madonna face,
Cherub's gaze...
Madame Judic

Our life is poof
Let go of the nut
Drive to Buff -
One consolation.

rapture cry,
A burst of bliss...
Madame Judic
Top of perfection!

Military feast... military dispute...
I don't know who's the winner here.
"Anichkov is a thief! Mordvinov is a thief! -
The enthusiastic speaker shouts. -
Your Milyutin is not a patriot,
And just an ardent carbonari!
Where is he leading the army?
Not! the old order was better!
Put a soldier in sticks - and know
That only a stick beats vices!
Read the story, read!
You will find good lessons in it:
Where there is fear of the authorities, there is honor.
And fear without a stick is fleeting.
Let him not sit down all day
Soldier, decently flogged,
Let him leave at night
Blood trail on a hard bed
Didn't he prove in battles
What was more unbeaten?"

"... First present in the Senate,
Have you cared about your little brother?
Have you always served good?
Have you always strived for the truth? .. "

"Allow me!"
I stepped aside
And gave way to the sturgeon...

Large hall... no noise...
academic meeting,
agronomic lunch,
Or rather, a meeting.
A well-known agronomist gets up,
Member of the society - Kolenov
(The speaker is overcast,
Sad faces of the members).
He says: "I dedicated
My leisure is cattle breeding,
I lived in Tyrol for eight years,
Believing in superiority
Swiss, English breeds,
In the dear home
I tried to improve the cattle
And thought to be helpful.
Alas! futile dream!
I killed the years for nothing:
Not enough straw for livestock
Improved breed!
In the blood of the Russian nag is
golden habit:
"Work hard, eat little" -
Age-old foundation!
Sad look: a hungry horse
On depleted soil
With a hungry plowman ... And touch
By the uninitiated hand -
Something even sadder
Will end up...
I left the dangerous path
Alas! half way...
Keep on working without me..."

"Your words are lamentable!
Coming from today
Close our meetings! -
Said the scientist president
(Fat man swollen with fat). -
Sharing a modest dividend
And let's leave the world!
Let's leave our poor people
His fate - and God!
Without us, he will sooner find
Road to development...

"Close! close, although it's a pity! -
The whole meeting decided -
And give Kolenov a medal:
"For jealousy and diligence."

"Hurray! .. Subscription! .." Carried away -
Not sparingly signed -
And kindly engaged
Model for a medal...

Chairman of the Treasury -
Representative obese old man -
And the director. I heard the debate
But about what? did not penetrate well.

"We have summoned you... your abilities..."
- "No, sir! Or rather: decisiveness of measures."
"I don't go into any details.
You are an example to other provinces,

Mister Solitaire Chairman!"
- "Grand Solitaire!" - corrected the old man.
"There would be heaven in the Ministry of Finance,
If only a man paid like that everywhere!

It's a pity that people are so capable
Rare! If measures were taken
Similar throughout the state! .. "
- "And then - I can not answer!

Report to the finance minister
What a really poor man."
- "But - your example, venerable Patience? .."
- "Grand Solitaire!" corrected the old man.

Step forward - and again the hall,
All breeders are aces;
A voice is heard: "You first
Withstood a lot of thunderstorms.
The whole soul is a beautiful flame
You brought to your feat,
But went to the bottom like a stone
Your first battleship!
Deadly Grenades
You invented on enemies ...
There would be miraculous results,
If only efficient masters!
Something to take them to the rods! ..
You are your grenade
Wounded from a gun
Only my own people...
You swore like an infection
New experiences to run
But government orders
They took you away again
You entered..."
lackey severe
The door slammed, as luck would have it.

I'm ahead ... From the hall of the new
Dead man suffered ...
The feast here, apparently, is not secret -
Open the door ... darkness to the people ...
Mister Old Testament
He speaks:
"Fate itself
She brought us together today;
I walked happily here
As the groom comes to the bride, -
News, news, gentlemen!
Pushkin often responded
From the grave... Finally
Tyapushkin also responded,
A modest hard worker-singer;
precious find
Found our friend!
In a poor shop, herring
The merchant wrapped it in it.
Dirty little blue leaf
And what pearls in it! .. "

"Read at least a piece!" -
They screamed...
We will start
Since childhood. It can be seen that on the road
His father sent:
Where another would count the stars,
He..." - "Read!" The reader began:

An excerpt from the travel guide
notes of the young man Tyapushkin,
given to them during
traveling around
Russia on Father's Affairs

On the river on the Svir
Fish, like in Siberia,
Perches, lines
Middle valley.
On the river Lena
Worse than on the Ob:
Legs to the knees
Frostbite both
And having arrived in Irbit,
Uncle was nailed...

"Excellent! poetic!.."
Everyone looks through a magnifying glass sheet.
"And, moreover, it is characteristic, -
The journalist notices. -
Then we will hit the pipes!
That's a holiday for us!"
And puts lips
To semi-literate lines.
Attached - and, zealous to the cause,
Note scribbles:
"Frozen legs - drunk
And - he was beaten for drunkenness;
Alien to narrow morality,
We dare not hide
This sign of Russian nature...
Yes! "the fun of Russia is to drink!"

I am already acquainted with the poet,
I'm writing a biography...

"Could you supply me with a portrait?"

"Expensive... I'll take a look...
Rare case! We are in Russia
Let us reveal our works again:
Let's restore the commas
colon over i;
It will be fashionable in the spirit of Misha
Foreword write:
Even the mice were spared
Precious notebook -
Seal of Providence!
Bartenev will envy,
And Efremov will hiss,
But note Turgenev himself
In "Petersburg" will place ... "

"That's right! You are the king of the Russian press,
Though you serve the dead:
All living interests
They give way to us..."

"So ... and so be it forever! ..
Gifting today
They die early ... It's a pity, of course,
Yes, tactless and they ...
It's a pity! .. But the gods are fair
In your drawings!
We have no life without death,
Like a pharmacy without patients!
rich in talent
Serves the community with a pen,
We serve him as a shovel ...
Others! drink! We drink for the dead!.."

Instead of sparkling moisture,
They drank marsala easily,
And Zosimus the Old Testament
He murmured softly:
"I love living writers,
But - the dead are dearer to me! .. "

"A path useful to the fatherland
You heroically completed
You did not flinch before the abyss,
Tatar unkind
The doors were abruptly closed;
Despite all the efforts
I could not hear the speech
Only kisses are heard
Yes "Hurrah! ..", yes "God is with us! .."

"Get the same percentage! -
Says the gray-haired banker
Police agent. -
In honor of your feast today!
Glad the banker is like crazy;
Everyone is happy; the detective is drunk;
From the children who came here,
By acquaintance, Prince Ivan
Holds a speech:
"Own laws
There is a century, gentlemen!
How did millions disappear?
I thought: no problem!
Believe there is no more stupid misfortune
Lose the last penny -
No loss, no participation,
Hang yourself, you won't find it!
And steal from a banker
Out of ten million
Half the world will be disturbed...
"Million! .." From all sides
Regrets will be distributed
All governments will fall
Telegrams to alarm
They will hit! All newspapers
omen abductor
Repeatedly announced
Label each pimple...
And look: a thief has been found!
For two days, a banker and a detective -
The most fashionable conversation!
Smiles to them, bows to them,
Congratulations kind souls...
To lose - so millions,
The king of the universe - kush! .. "

Chu! singing! I go there soon
Then the secular galaxy sang
Philanthropists through lotteries,
Concert, ball, masquerade...

Yes, sir! Marya Lvovna
For the poor into the water
We are Marya Lvovna
They laid down an ode.

Where is Marya Lvovna?
At the widow's ball!
Where is Marya Lvovna?
In the reading room...

Who's on stage
Singing romances?
Whose in masquerade
Rather chances?

At Marya Lvovna's
So sweet words
At Marya Lvovna's
So round shoulders!

The poster says:
"People's Holiday".
Bought a cow
One prankster:

"Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna,
Not your speeches
Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna,
Not your shoulders

Needed with the people
Other chances...
cow in the garden
sings romances,

Crowding in the garden
The people are naive
Washerwomen risk
The last hryvnia

For a penny a cow
Who doesn't need?
And turned white
garden paths,

As if in May
God sent snow...
Empty tickets
They brought the cart

From the garden at night.
Ay! Maria Lvovna!
Fifteen thousand
Picked right up!

Fifteen - from the poor!
What does mass mean?
Yes prosper
Shelter box office!

Yes prosper
And Marya Lvovna,
Let her live
Easy and smooth!

Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna
For the poor into the water...
Her calling is
Serve the people!

A voice is heard - and familiar:
"Pineapple is not a cucumber!"
Layed deli
A crown for a friend.
This is an intimate circle.
Quiet! a heated argument is heard:
Over some sausage
They pronounce the verdict.
Piglet is given points
Talking about wine
They poke a thermometer into the glasses ...
"How! four - ham? .."
And they quarreled... Be ashamed!
It is harmful to quarrel, friends!
Have a good time!
I will come to you soon too.
I will have a new sausage
Invent every day
I'll take no risk
Serve salad.
I will eat tight, fat,
I'll get lazy like a camel
And I will sleep forever peacefully
Between two elegant dishes...

and the name of the journal, which was the pinnacle of the literary era and the main achievement of the literary activity of Nekrasov and his associates in the middle of the 19th century, together is not accidental. It is in the Sovremennik magazine (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Title page of the Sovremennik magazine (1857) ()

Nekrasov reached the peak, and this peak reveals the whole meaning of what we now call the social movement of the middle of the 19th century. Speaking of Nekrasov, we recall such lines as, for example:

You may not be a poet

But you have to be a citizen. ("The Poet and the Citizen")

This formula determined the essence of the movement in the center of which Nekrasov found himself.

The middle of the century in literary development coincided with the main historical event in Russian history of the 19th century, which took place on February 19, 1861: the publication of the tsar's manifesto on granting freedom to the people (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. "The Liberation of the Peasants (Reading the Manifesto)" (B. Kustodiev, 1907) ()

This event was the culmination of what has accumulated in Russian culture over the centuries. But the climax did not bring detente, but led to even greater tension, to the bitterness of the literary struggle, to the aggravation of contradictions.

It was in the Sovremennik magazine in 1856, at the moment when rumors about the impending land reform spread, that the poem "The Poet and the Citizen" was published. At the same time, this poem opened a new book by Nekrasov. Publication in the Sovremennik magazine, which at that time was headed by N.G. Chernyshevsky (Fig. 4),

Rice. 4. N.G. Chernyshevsky ()

led to censorship. The censorship department took these lines as subversive, calling for rebellion. From the point of view of the modern reader, there is nothing seditious in these lines, but nevertheless, it was they who led to the aggravation of censorship, to the closure of the magazine, to the repression of the people who published this magazine. The fact is that the ideas about relations with the state at that time in power and the people were opposite. 80 million peasants, who made up the bulk of the population of Russia at that time, did not read books and did not know their rights. The authorities could not allow these people, who were in slavery, serfdom to their landlords, to become citizens. This would mean undermining the foundations. However, those few tens of thousands of reading and educated people understood that this could not continue. Slavery seemed alien to the very nature of Russia. The fact is that landowners and peasants felt like members of the same family, because the transition from peasants to nobles had been possible since the time of Peter I. There were also family ties between them: often the landowners chose their serfs as their wives. From these marriages, illegitimate future landowners were born, who formally did not have any rights. And the feeling that the peasants and the bar are brothers, separated by an abyss of social status and property status, haunted Nekrasov and his contemporaries. People who spoke the same language, believed in the same god, bowed before the same historical values, and sometimes were relatives, found themselves in the opposite position. A feeling of guilt arose: the guilt of the master before the peasant. And this sense of duty, not fulfilled before the people, was the essence of everything that happened in literature.

Literature at that time was devoted to one theme - the theme of the people. The works were aimed at the non-reading majority, since the task of Nekrasov and his contemporaries was enlightenment: an attempt to give people the ability to write and read. Speaking about the duties of being a citizen, Nekrasov had in mind the natural fulfillment of his life goal, because for him there were no boundaries between citizenship and poetry. The way of expressing his thoughts and feelings was a way of expressing his civic position, aimed at ensuring that the Russian people, split along social and property lines, would unite. This meant that the circle of reading, the circle of those life ideas of the educated class, the nobles, and the lower strata of the population, peasant peasants, would unite. When people who think alike find a common language, talk about the same things and start reading the same books, then the civic mission of the poet will be accomplished. It was this thought that led Nekrasov and was subsequently expressed in the poem “Who is it good to live in Russia?”, Where the author shows how he sees the future:

When a man is not Blucher

And not my lord stupid -

Belinsky and Gogol

Will it carry from the market? ..

The fulfillment of the civic mission of connecting a master and a peasant in one family is possible only through books - what Nekrasov aspired to, and what became his life's work. The pinnacle of this case was the Sovremennik magazine.

Starting with "Notes of the Fatherland", Nekrasov, together with his associate I.I. Panaev (Fig. 5)

Rice. 5. I.I. Panaev ()

buys out the Sovremennik magazine, which ceased to exist after Pushkin's death (Fig. 6)

Rice. 6. A.S. Pushkin ()

and within a short period of time turns this magazine into a platform for the socio-literary movement of the 19th century. This magazine gathers the best writers who are united by the very idea of ​​serving the people. They understand this service in different ways: L.N. Tolstoy (Fig. 7),

Rice. 7. L.N. Tolstoy ()

I.S. Turgenev (Fig. 8),

Rice. 8. I.S. Turgenev ()

D.V. Grigorovich (Fig. 9)

Rice. 9. D.V. Grigorovich ()

and others. Nevertheless, they united in the period from 1847 to 1866 for a common cause, which is most precisely formulated in the Nekrasov poetry collection:

Russian people…

This is a call that sounds like a prayer spell associated with a blind, religious, mystical faith that the people will be able to grow in their mass the seeds sown by these gentlemen.

In the history of Sovremennik there were many different periods related to the fact that in different ways the authors who participated in the editorial board of the journal (Fig. 10),

Rice. 10. Employees of the Sovremennik magazine ()

imagined the process of "sowing". In some cases, this meant sparking enlightenment, and in others, sparks of fire, which can be called a popular uprising. There were even periods when the editorial staff of the magazine split, when writers who spoke out against the popular revolt left the editorial office. The remaining employees, headed by Chernyshevsky, talked about the saving power of the fire. And, in fact, a struggle with power unfolded around this. In 1862, when fires broke out in St. Petersburg due to intense heat (Fig. 11),

Rice. 11. "Fire in St. Petersburg on May 28 and 29, 1862." (Lithograph by an unknown author, ca. 1862) ()

rumors spread about the arson, which was committed by some revolutionary students. And accusations that these arsons were provoked by the writers and authors of Sovremennik led to the fact that the magazine suspended its activities for 8 months. After that, Chernyshevsky, who was imprisoned and accused of involvement in arson, published his novel What Is To Be Done? in Sovremennik. (fig. 12),

Rice. 12. N.G. Chernyshevsky writes the novel What Is To Be Done? in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress (E.D. Gorovykh) ()

which deals specifically with how to organize life in such a way that citizens become citizens, so that the gulf between the master and the peasant disappears, so that general indignation at the abnormal order of life is replaced by general prosperity. It was the theory of social equality, and the theory of rational egoism, and the theory of socialist revolution, which was hidden in the novel in such a way that it was almost obvious to any reader. The novel was allowed to be published because it seemed to the censors to be clearly unliterary and discrediting the author. However, they realized it after the publication and distribution of the magazine. Then the novel was seized and banned. The magazine was banned after D.V. Karakozov (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13. D.V. Karakozov ()

into the liberator Tsar Alexander II (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Emperor Alexander II ()

The lone terrorist was convinced that his shot would cause a storm of popular anger and lead to a social revolution. But nothing of the sort happened. The assassination attempt led to censorship persecution, to the closure of many publications, and in Russkiy Vestnik, for example, the publishers themselves suspended the release of F.M. Dostoevsky (Fig. 15) "Crime and Punishment".

Rice. 15. F.M. Dostoevsky ()

Nevertheless, after the closure of Sovremennik, Nekrasov continued his literary activity. He managed to negotiate with A.A. Kraevsky (Fig. 16),

Rice. 16. A.A. Kraevsky ()

publisher of Otechestvennye Zapiski (Fig. 17),

Rice. 17. Title page of the journal "Domestic Notes" (1868) ()

the magazine in which he began in the 1840s. and which he would continue to publish for the rest of his life. But the heights reached by Sovremennik were not achieved by Otechestvennye Zapiski in subsequent years. The Sovremennik magazine turned out to be an unsurpassed pinnacle for Nekrasov, a symbol of the democratic movement in Russian literature of the mid-19th century.

The idea of ​​what a poet and a citizen is can best be formed from a short fragment of a poem written in later years, but very accurately reflecting main idea. A poet becomes a citizen when he begins to sow knowledge for the people's fields:

Sower of knowledge to the people's field!

Do you find the soil barren,

Are your seeds bad?

Are you timid at heart? are you weak in strength?

Labor is rewarded with frail shoots,

Good little grain!

Where are you, skillful, with cheerful faces,

Where are you, with koshnits full of life?

The labor of those who sow timidly, bit by bit,

Move forward!

Sow reasonable, good, eternal,

Sow! Thank you heartily

Russian people... ("To the Sowers")

These are the lines that were published in 1877. It was in this year that, in obedience to the call of Nekrasov, following the idea of ​​enlightenment, those people who were later called "populists" moved among the people. This process was called "going to the people." But those doubts that Nekrasov speaks about the possibility of seedlings were justified from the very beginning of the movement. The very first wave of going to the people ended with the fact that students and intellectuals, who went to teach and enlighten the people, faced a blank wall of misunderstanding and hostility of the peasant population of Russia. The walkers were given to the police by the peasants, and were soon nicknamed "lousy intelligentsia." The contemptuous nickname and attitude towards the enlighteners became one of the commonplaces of subsequent Russian history. Nekrasov foresaw the tragic mission of being misunderstood. He realized that the sacrifices that are made on the altar of public education can be in vain and invaluable. And this tragic understanding of his sacrifice largely determined both the fate of Nekrasov and the nature of his literary works over the last decades of his activity, from the mid-1850s to the end of the 1870s.

The story of the May fires of 1862 is one of the illustrations of what the Russian social life of that era was like. May fires are a separate event in a single city, but this city is the capital of the largest continental empire in the world. This is Petersburg. This is a city in which officials, the military made up the vast majority of the population. The whole city was divided into parts, in which the companies of the regiments of the Life Guards were quartered. Petersburg was a country within a country. And city fires were not associated with those peasant unrest in a country that could not digest the freedom granted by the sovereign-emperor. The announcement of freedom in February 1861 caused bewilderment: what kind of freedom is it when the peasants receive it only in words, but in reality remain serfs for two years, then for another seven years - half serfs, and then for another twenty years - serfs in large part? degrees? But the peasants understood that even in 20 years they would not be able to pay those payments for the land that were charged to them in 1861. History has shown that the doubts of the peasants were justified. The debts for the redemption of land, which the peasants received in 1861, remained with them until 1913, when these arrears were forgiven in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. A huge number of spontaneous performances of the early 1860s. - this is what most of all frightened both the then special services and those in power. Petersburg fires were the pinnacle of that huge conflagration that flared up in the country and which was impossible to pacify. Therefore, it was easiest to close the logs, which was done. But neither investigations nor denunciations gave the desired result: the perpetrators of the fires were not found, but the coals that were covered during the St. Petersburg fires and peasant uprisings continued to smolder until 1917.

Nekrasov found himself in a special place in the history of Russian literature. On the one hand, he was a preacher of a new doctrine, or even religion:

“Arise, prophet, and see, and listen,

Fulfill my will

And, bypassing the seas and lands,

Burn people's hearts with the verb." (A.S. Pushkin "The Prophet")

He, following the Pushkin prophet, could repeat these words, but his god was called the people, the younger brother, the brother in Christ, in life, in blood. Therefore, everything that Nekrasov wrote became one big poem, which is most accurately described by the genre of elegy (sad reflection). Here, for example, is the poem "Elegy", which predetermines Nekrasov's vision of his role in literature:

Let the changing fashion tell us

That the theme is the old "suffering of the people"

And that poetry must forget it,

Don't believe me guys! she doesn't age.

Oh, if years could age her!

I dedicated the lyre to my people.

Perhaps I will die unknown to him,

But I served him - and my heart is calm ...

Let not every warrior harm the enemy,

But everyone go to battle! And fate will decide the battle ...

I saw a red day: there is no slave in Russia!

And I shed sweet tears in tenderness ...

“Enough to rejoice in a naive passion, -

Muse whispered to me. - It's time to move forward:

The people are liberated, but are the people happy?

The question is rhetorical. The possibility of people's happiness in connection with the tsar's manifesto, with those declarations proclaimed from all sorts of tribunes of the 19th century, did not change anything in people's life. Tragic is the notion that the sacrifice that the poet-citizen brings to the altar of people's life is in vain. The people do not understand, do not accept, and even have no idea about the sacrifice that the masters bring. And it turns out:

Evening is coming. Driven by dreams

Through the fields, through the meadows lined with haystacks,

Thoughtfully wandering in the cool semi-darkness,

And the song itself is composed in the mind,

Recent, secret thoughts, a living embodiment:

I call blessings on rural labors,

I promise curses to the people's enemy,

And I pray to a friend in heaven of power,

And my song is loud!.. It is echoed by valleys, fields,

And the echo of distant mountains sends her feedback,

And the forest responded... Nature listens to me,

But the one about whom I sing in the evening silence

To whom the poet's dreams are dedicated, -

Alas! he does not heed - and does not give an answer ...

This tragic sacrifice, the predestination of the fact that, sacrificing oneself for the distant future, a person does not see the slightest glimpse of approaching this future, left an imprint on Nekrasov's whole life. In all the memoirs and reviews of his contemporaries, he seemed to be a seriously ill person, deeply unhappy. Here is how the 26-year-old Chernyshevsky tells about the first meeting in the editorial office of the Sovremennik magazine in 1853: “Nekrasov came out in a dressing gown. Still young, but as if decrepit, drooping shoulders. I realized that this was Nekrasov (I knew that he lived in the same apartment as Panaev). At that time I was already accustomed to consider Nekrasov a great poet and, as a poet, to love him. I didn't know that he was sick. I was amazed to see him so sick, frail. He casually bowed to me in response to my bow, and after that leaving me without attention, came up and began ... I was amazed and saddened even more than the first impression, only the first sounds of his voice were heard ... His voice was a faint whisper, barely audible to me even though I was sitting two steps away ... ". At that time, Nekrasov was not yet 32 ​​years old, and he gave the impression of a decrepit old man. Nekrasov's whole life was connected with a constant struggle: first with poverty, then with diseases, then with the passion of the player (he regularly lost almost everything he earned). All this life was set up for sacrifice and suffering. Therefore, the most bitter, most accurate and most piercing words were written by Nekrasov at the very end, in 1877. It is not known whether this is the last poem or not, but it sounds like a tragic testament:

Black day! Like a beggar asking for bread

Death, death I ask the sky

I ask the doctors for it

From friends, enemies and censors,

I appeal to the Russian people:

Help me out when you can!

Dip me in living water

Or give me the dead in moderation. (“A black day! Like a beggar asks for bread…”)

Behind this attitude to life there is no artificial desire to draw attention to one's suffering, but there is a certain position that is expressed in the mood of an entire era. The idea of ​​self-sacrifice in the name of the people, the idea of ​​a redemptive sacrifice, when a citizen becomes something like another Christ, sacrificing himself to atone for the sins of all mankind, becomes the most active and most visible form of the entire literary life of the 19th century.


1. Sakharov V.I., Zinin S.A. Russian language and literature. Literature (basic and advanced levels) 10. - M.: Russian Word.

2. Arkhangelsky A.N. etc. Russian language and literature. Literature (advanced level) 10. - M.: Bustard.

3. Lanin B.A., Ustinova L.Yu., Shamchikova V.M. / ed. Lanina B.A. Russian language and literature. Literature (basic and advanced levels) 10. - M.: VENTANA-GRAF.

  1. Esse.rf: Library of educational materials ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  1. Check out the biography of N.A. Nekrasov, make a chronological table of significant dates in his life.
  2. Analyze the civil poetry of N.A. Nekrasov, determine its influence on the further fate of Russian literature.
  3. * Make a presentation on the topic: N.A. Nekrasov and the Sovremennik magazine.

"Poem Contemporaries"

Part one

Anniversaries and triumphs

I took the book, having risen from sleep,
And I read in it:
"There were worse times
But there was no meanness."

I threw the book away.
Are we with you
Such a century sons
O my reader friend?

Of course not! Of course not!
Our Zoil is slandering.
The footman brought a bunch of newspapers;
I eagerly opened them

Bypassing theft and fire
And a series of suicides
I meet the word "anniversary",
Reading the list of people

Acquiring laurels. No account!
Scholarship... medal...
Rent... monument... lunch...
Dinner... lunch... Oh, you liar!

Wipe your eyes! .. I'm going to my friends:
Prepares a speech alone
Another dozen telegrams -
To Moscow, to Ryazan, to Tulchin.

I went with him "to the telegraph."
Lackeys, coachmen,
Dispatches lifted up,
Crowded there since morning.

Big words flash:
"Hero for many years...",
"Rejoice, Eagle! ..", "Be proud, Moscow! .."
"Berdichev hello..."

There are a lot of "friends of good" here,
"Fathers" can not be counted,
But the sheet: one - "Hurrah! .."
There is a time, however.

I came to the tavern and also
I'm losing count of the celebrations.
The book is daring! why
You sent a reproach to us? ..

Dusso's cook nicely
Anniversary tables;
They have been eating there for a long time.
Triumph eagles.
Look - what a fish!
Barely brought in by her footman.
Heard "Russian thanks"
From open doors.
Having ordered broth and game,
I wander along the corridor;
The door will be dissolved - I hear speeches,
I look at the feasters:
People are busy in taverns,
They don't interfere ... I'm glad ...

no 1

In the first hall, everyone is in uniform,
They are wearing white ties.
Anniversary Administrator
Ancient, all sewing is flooded,
Two stars ... He is a speaker,
Also an old man says:
"You are on guard of the state,
Like a sharp-eyed Argus, he was vigilant,
But, pursuing deceit,
Virtue you spared.
Your head is gray
Untainted by shame
Driving the far edge
You were not his scourge.
At the same time, the population
You did not corrupt with indulgence,
Did not lead to ruin
Food, shelter is not deprived!
You are up to private property,
To government good
Do not stretch out the hand of the almighty -
Gratitude and ... cheers! .. "

Suddenly the courier entered, beaming,
The hero of the day also shone.
Anniversary, congratulations,
They made a worthy gift.

The speech was long, long
The old man cried...
I took a step... opened
Another door - for a moment,
And then the hero was honored
They shouted: "Many years!"
The hero was offered
Magnitsky portrait:
"Seditious are cunning,
Strike - and don't be sorry!"

Gone is the scene of glory -
The footman slammed the door...

On the table are "gifts"
There are no better ones in St. Petersburg.
Two diamond arches -
Amazing bracelet!
Diamond stars...
Miracle! .. Several guys
With the delight of the bride
They look at treasures.
(There were also lyceum students,
And pages, and junkers,
And immature lawyers
And merchants... et caetera.)

"A miracle! - their venerable uncle
Exclaims, Prince Ivan,
And, dejected for years,
Falls on the couch...

Prince Ivan - a colossus on the belly,
Hands - a kind of down jacket,
The ear serves as a pedestal
Fat cheek.
According to the structure of the upper lip
He is a bulldog; with bared teeth,
Under the hair comb
And the kindest eyes.
He is a famous eater,
He speaks smart
Like in a tallow barrel
Pouring wine.
Rarely stays at home
Up to sixty years old
Vaudeville visits,
Opera and ballet.
He has friends - cadets,
His famous grandfather
Was Elizabeth's jester
He himself is nothing.
despises aiguillettes,
Not a rank hunter.
Inherited talents
historical jesters,
With his agile tongue,
With a cheeky laugh, in another age
If he were a court jester,
And now he is a simple jester.

"Yes! gifts are so rare! -
Prince Ivan exclaims. -
We must sprinkle ... sprinkle, children! ..
Pour a full glass! ..
No, wait! At the beginning of the feast
Let's do one thing:
Before us there is no idol,
But... and the stones speak!
This brooch will take shelter
On the goddess's chest
So you must bow
In front of her ... Come! .. "

And respectful to diamonds
Prince Ivan kissed
And then I drank together
Your big glass.
And, following the commander,
Youngsters kissed
To diamonds and sapphires...

"On your knees, guys!

Looks with tender eyes
Old jester to heaven
And sing in unison
Young Voices:

Madonna face,
Cherub's gaze...
Madame Judic

Our life is poof
Let go of the nut
Drive to Buff -
One consolation.

rapture cry,
A burst of bliss...
Madame Judic
Top of perfection!

Military feast... military dispute...
I don't know who's the winner here.
"Anichkov is a thief! Mordvinov is a thief! -
The enthusiastic speaker shouts. -
Your Milyutin is not a patriot,
And just an ardent carbonari!
Where is he leading the army?
Not! the old order was better!
Put a soldier in sticks - and know
That only a stick beats vices!
Read the story, read!
You will find good lessons in it:
Where there is fear of the authorities, there is honor.
And fear without a stick is fleeting.
Let him not sit down all day
Soldier, decently flogged,
Let him leave at night
Blood trail on a hard bed
Didn't he prove in battles
What was more unbeaten?"

"... First present in the Senate,
Have you cared about your little brother?
Have you always served good?
Have you always strived for the truth? .. "

"Allow me!"
I stepped aside
And gave way to the sturgeon...

Large hall... no noise...
academic meeting,
agronomic lunch,
Or rather, a meeting.
A well-known agronomist gets up,
Member of the society - Kolenov
(The speaker is overcast,
Sad faces of the members).
He says: "I dedicated
My leisure is cattle breeding,
I lived in Tyrol for eight years,
Believing in superiority
Swiss, English breeds,
In the dear home
I tried to improve the cattle
And thought to be helpful.
Alas! futile dream!
I killed the years for nothing:
Not enough straw for livestock
Improved breed!
In the blood of the Russian nag is
golden habit:
"Work hard, eat little" -
Age-old foundation!
Sad look: a hungry horse
On depleted soil
With a hungry plowman ... And touch
By the uninitiated hand -
Something even sadder
Will end up...
I left the dangerous path
Alas! half way...
Keep on working without me..."

"Your words are lamentable!
Coming from today
Close our meetings! -
Said the scientist president
(Fat man swollen with fat). -
Sharing a modest dividend
And let's leave the world!
Let's leave our poor people
His fate - and God!
Without us, he will sooner find
Road to development...

"Close! close, although it's a pity! -
The whole meeting decided -
And give Kolenov a medal:
"For jealousy and diligence."

"Hurray! .. Subscription! .." Carried away -
Not sparingly signed -
And kindly engaged
Model for a medal...

Chairman of the Treasury -
Representative obese old man -
And the director. I heard the debate
But about what? did not penetrate well.

"We have summoned you... your abilities..."
- "No, sir! Or rather: decisiveness of measures."
"I don't go into any details.
You are an example to other provinces,

Mister Solitaire Chairman!"
- "Grand Solitaire!" - corrected the old man.
"There would be heaven in the Ministry of Finance,
If only a man paid like that everywhere!

It's a pity that people are so capable
Rare! If measures were taken
Similar throughout the state! .. "
- "And then - I can not answer!

Report to the finance minister
What a really poor man."
- "But - your example, venerable Patience? .."
- "Grand Solitaire!" corrected the old man.

Step forward - and again the hall,
All breeders are aces;
A voice is heard: "You first
Withstood a lot of thunderstorms.
The whole soul is a beautiful flame
You brought to your feat,
But went to the bottom like a stone
Your first battleship!
Deadly Grenades
You invented on enemies ...
There would be miraculous results,
If only efficient masters!
Something to take them to the rods! ..
You are your grenade
Wounded from a gun
Only my own people...
You swore like an infection
New experiences to run
But government orders
They took you away again
You entered..."
lackey severe
The door slammed, as luck would have it.

I'm ahead ... From the hall of the new
Dead man suffered ...
The feast here, apparently, is not secret -
Open the door ... darkness to the people ...
Mister Old Testament
He speaks:
"Fate itself
She brought us together today;
I walked happily here
As the groom comes to the bride, -
News, news, gentlemen!
Pushkin often responded
From the grave... Finally
Tyapushkin also responded,
A modest hard worker-singer;
precious find
Found our friend!
In a poor shop, herring
The merchant wrapped it in it.
Dirty little blue leaf
And what pearls in it! .. "

"Read at least a piece!" -
They screamed...
We will start
Since childhood. It can be seen that on the road
His father sent:
Where another would count the stars,
He..." - "Read!" The reader began:

An excerpt from the travel guide
notes of the young man Tyapushkin,
given to them during
traveling around
Russia on Father's Affairs

On the river on the Svir
Fish, like in Siberia,
Perches, lines
Middle valley.
On the river Lena
Worse than on the Ob:
Legs to the knees
Frostbite both
And having arrived in Irbit,
Uncle was nailed...

"Excellent! poetic!.."
Everyone looks through a magnifying glass sheet.
"And, moreover, it is characteristic, -
The journalist notices. -
Then we will hit the pipes!
That's a holiday for us!"
And puts lips
To semi-literate lines.
Attached - and, zealous to the cause,
Note scribbles:
"Frozen legs - drunk
And - he was beaten for drunkenness;
Alien to narrow morality,
We dare not hide
This sign of Russian nature...
Yes! "the fun of Russia is to drink!"

I am already acquainted with the poet,
I'm writing a biography...

"Could you supply me with a portrait?"

"Expensive... I'll take a look...
Rare case! We are in Russia
Let us reveal our works again:
Let's restore the commas
colon over i;
It will be fashionable in the spirit of Misha
Foreword write:
Even the mice were spared
Precious notebook -
Seal of Providence!
Bartenev will envy,
And Efremov will hiss,
But note Turgenev himself
In "Petersburg" will place ... "

"That's right! You are the king of the Russian press,
Though you serve the dead:
All living interests
They give way to us..."

"So ... and so be it forever! ..
Gifting today
They die early ... It's a pity, of course,
Yes, tactless and they ...
It's a pity! .. But the gods are fair
In your drawings!
We have no life without death,
Like a pharmacy without patients!
rich in talent
Serves the community with a pen,
We serve him as a shovel ...
Others! drink! We drink for the dead!.."

Instead of sparkling moisture,
They drank marsala easily,
And Zosimus the Old Testament
He murmured softly:
"I love living writers,
But - the dead are dearer to me! .. "

"A path useful to the fatherland
You heroically completed
You did not flinch before the abyss,
Tatar unkind
The doors were abruptly closed;
Despite all the efforts
I could not hear the speech
Only kisses are heard
Yes "Hurrah! ..", yes "God is with us! .."

"Get the same percentage! -
Says the gray-haired banker
Police agent. -
In honor of your feast today!
Glad the banker is like crazy;
Everyone is happy; the detective is drunk;
From the children who came here,
By acquaintance, Prince Ivan
Holds a speech:
"Own laws
There is a century, gentlemen!
How did millions disappear?
I thought: no problem!
Believe there is no more stupid misfortune
Lose the last penny -
No loss, no participation,
Hang yourself, you won't find it!
And steal from a banker
Out of ten million
Half the world will be disturbed...
"Million! .." From all sides
Regrets will be distributed
All governments will fall
Telegrams to alarm
They will hit! All newspapers
omen abductor
Repeatedly announced
Label each pimple...
And look: a thief has been found!
For two days, a banker and a detective -
The most fashionable conversation!
Smiles to them, bows to them,
Congratulations kind souls...
To lose - so millions,
The king of the universe - kush! .. "

Chu! singing! I go there soon
Then the secular galaxy sang
Philanthropists through lotteries,
Concert, ball, masquerade...

Yes, sir! Marya Lvovna
For the poor into the water
We are Marya Lvovna
They laid down an ode.

Where is Marya Lvovna?
At the widow's ball!
Where is Marya Lvovna?
In the reading room...

Who's on stage
Singing romances?
Whose in masquerade
Rather chances?

At Marya Lvovna's
So sweet words
At Marya Lvovna's
So round shoulders!

The poster says:
"People's Holiday".
Bought a cow
One prankster:

"Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna,
Not your speeches
Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna,
Not your shoulders

Needed with the people
Other chances...
cow in the garden
sings romances,

Crowding in the garden
The people are naive
Washerwomen risk
The last hryvnia

For a penny a cow
Who doesn't need?
And turned white
garden paths,

As if in May
God sent snow...
Empty tickets
They brought the cart

From the garden at night.
Ay! Maria Lvovna!
Fifteen thousand
Picked right up!

Fifteen - from the poor!
What does mass mean?
Yes prosper
Shelter box office!

Yes prosper
And Marya Lvovna,
Let her live
Easy and smooth!

Yes, sir, Marya Lvovna
For the poor into the water...
Her calling is
Serve the people!

A voice is heard - and familiar:
"Pineapple is not a cucumber!"
Layed deli
A crown for a friend.
This is an intimate circle.
Quiet! a heated argument is heard:
Over some sausage
They pronounce the verdict.
Piglet is given points
Talking about wine
They poke a thermometer into the glasses ...
"How! four - ham? .."
And they quarreled... Be ashamed!
It is harmful to quarrel, friends!
Have a good time!
I will come to you soon too.
I will have a new sausage
Invent every day
I'll take no risk
Serve salad.
I will eat tight, fat,
I'll get lazy like a camel
And I will sleep forever peacefully
Between two elegant dishes...

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem

Part one
Part two