Grim dawn dlc the crucible description. Grim Dawn top builds for all character classes

The Crucible introduces a new challenge arena game mode for the ARPG Grim Dawn.
Step into a brutal battlefield filled with waves of deadly creatures.
Take part in a great battle for the amusement of the mysterious lord of the Crucible, Lokkar. Those who pass his test will receive great wealth; fallen only his contempt.

This is an alternate game mode available for all heroes in the Main Campaign starting at level 1.

The crucible is a cruel place, even the most powerful heroes will meet worthy resistance here. The mode includes several combat locations, they differ in layout and defensive positions, and are selected randomly at launch.

Crucible of the Dead

Countless bones of unfortunate fighters covered the place. This tomb is an endless sea of ​​bones and suffering. Will your remains join them? Or will you triumph where hundreds of others have failed?

Furnace of the Deep

Deep underground, where no ray of sun can reach, the Furnace was formed from the surrounding rocks. Particles of light only illuminate the horror that lurks in every shadow.

Furnace of the Grove

Hidden in a treacherous forest, this place gives new meaning to the survival of the strongest heroes. The amulets in the sacred stones in the center have long lost their power. The gods will not save you from a painful end in claws and paws, fiends of the Crucible.

Furnace of the Sands

The shifting sands have almost swallowed this lost temple, now it is used as a Crucible to test hardy fighters. Hungry beasts of the Crucible crawl in from all directions, your bones will inevitably join the ruins and be left to roast in the sun.


The crucible will test your characters as if they had never seen anything before. You will start as Recruit (Aspirant) and set off to devastate the unknown Crucibles. But after defeating the first hundred waves, you will get access to the difficulty Fighter. Likewise, beating 100 waves on the Fighter will allow you to play on difficulty. Gladiator.

Each difficulty will challenge you much more dangerous than the previous one, and an increased reward.

There are only 150 waves on each difficulty.

Unlocking Difficulties

You can buy Tokens from the Furnace Merchant to access the current difficulty (except the first one, of course), and transfer it to another character through the exchange chest. The Gladiator's Token also unlocks the second difficulty.


If you are defeated on wave 51 and higher, for a fee, you can start with a wave two dozen lower:

  • 30 waves if died at 50+
  • 40 waves if died at 60+
  • Etc...
This can be done only three times, for an increasing price of 5/15/30 Offerings.

Issued every 10 waves, but the main amount upon receipt of a reward.


In the Crucible, death marks the end (and for hardcore players, the end). Every 10 waves of enemies, you must make a difficult choice: continue to complete the next 10 challenges for an increased reward, or take what is already rightfully yours without the risk of losing.

If you die, you will not be able to continue and the reward will be significantly less. In multiplayer, you have a chance while your allies are alive. If they manage to finish the wave you were defeated on, you will be resurrected (but not for hardcore players). Support your allies and together you may be victorious!

The quality of the reward contained in the treasury, the experience gained and the Tributes depend on the difficulty of the Crucible, the number of waves passed, and whether you took the reward yourself or died, the reward for defeat will be significantly reduced. One of the chests depends on the number of points scored.

On average, with each difficulty, the chances of Epic and Legendary items are ~30-50% higher.


Offerings are the currency of the Crucible and are given as a gift from a cruel master as compensation for your bloody perseverance. Offerings can be gambled: increase the number of enemies, thereby getting a chance to increase the reward the next time you enter the Crucible. Or increase your chances of survival with the help of Heavenly Blessings and Mystic Protection.


The crucible is cruel, but you also have opportunities. Spend your Offerings to create a powerful defense around the arena, gaining an advantage over seemingly countless waves of enemies.

  • Deathchill Beacons- Launches ice balls at enemies, slowing their progress, with a chance to freeze, but the damage will be relatively low.
  • Hellfire Beacon (Inferno Beacons)- Often releases intense bursts of flame at surrounding enemies, but their range is limited.
  • Stormcaller Beacons- Releases chain lightning at enemies, with a chance to reduce resistances, but hits a limited number of targets and rarely.
  • Stonewall Banners- Gives players nearby a bonus to health, defense skill and life regeneration.
  • Vanguard Banners- Gives players nearby a bonus to damage, attack skill and critical damage.
All defenses can be upgraded twice, first to gain an ability, then to enhance that ability.
  • Improved Deathchill Beacon- Periodically Freezes nearby enemies. After fully upgraded, damage is increased by 25%, Freeze occurs more often and over a larger area.
  • Improved Inferno Beacon- Periodically launches a Firestorm on the target area. Once fully upgraded, damage is increased by 25%, the area of ​​flame bursts is increased, and Firestorm occurs more frequently.
  • Improved Stormcaller Beacon- Periodically Shocks the nearest enemy for more damage, and has a chance to stun. When fully upgraded, damage is increased by 25% and Shock occurs more frequently and affects two nearby enemies.
  • Improved Stonewall Banners- periodically emits a wave of Healing around (recovery% of life). When fully upgraded, increases the range and effectiveness of Aura and Healing.
  • Improved Vanguard Banners- periodically applies the effect of Frenzy on the area (increases the overall speed). When fully upgraded, increases the range and effectiveness of Aura and Frenzy.

Celestial Blessings

For a price (12 Offerings), the ghostly vision will bestow Heavenly Blessings on you and your allies that last for 25 minutes.
They also work on pets and do not fall off after resummoning.

  • The Blessing of Ulo- Protection against continuous effects 50% (poison, bleeding, etc.) and against crowd control effects 33% (stun, trap, freeze, etc.). Both protections for pets are equal to 33%.
  • Empyrion's Guidance- 60% health bonus. Pets 30%.
  • The Might of Amatok- 30% damage multiplier, attack skill bonus +5%. 100% damage multiplier for pets, 3% attack skill bonus.
  • Treaty with Ulzuin (Ulzuin's Pact)- Skills recharge 20% faster, as well as +100% energy regeneration. Pets +10% overall speed.

Standard Set: Spirit Guide, Merchant, Blacksmith, Smuggler (Chest)


Sold by a nearby character for 1 point:

  • If you have 1-4 piety points, then for 3 Offerings
  • If 5-9 for 5
  • If 10-24 for 10
  • If 25-39 for 18
  • If 40-50 for 30

Item bonuses are the same as the blacksmith from Necropolis, but without unique recipes:

  • + 5-11% energy recovery
  • 3-7% Bleed Resistance
  • 3-7% Vitality Damage Resistance
Unique item:
3 Dynamite for:
  • 5000 pieces of iron
  • 1 Aether Shard
  • 1 Searing Ember
  • 1 Scavenged Plating


As you progress through the Crucible, its owner will give you another surprise. Mutators are global effects that are applied to all monsters or players, each of which strengthens one side, but at the same time weakens the other.

Crucible starts without Mutators, but up to 5 can be applied at the same time. Every 10 waves Mutators change randomly.

Note that red mutators affect monsters, while yellow mutators affect heroes.

poisonous- Monsters are poisoned, deal additional Poison Damage and Poison Retaliation Damage, but become vulnerable to Health Damage attacks.

Regenerating- Monster monster health and energy recovery is increased, but they become vulnerable to Acid, Poison and Bleed damage.


The Crucible is a cruel place where even the mightiest heroes meet their match. But we couldn't stop with just one deadly arena. The Crucible will feature several battlegrounds, each with a different layout and defensive positions.

Countless bones of failed combatants litter the floor of this Crucible. This tomb lies within an endless sea of ​​bones and misery. Will your bones join them? Or will you triumph where countless others have failed?

Deep beneath the earth, where no natural light can reach, this deadly Crucible was formed from the surrounding stones. What little light remains only serves to illuminate the terrors that await you within every shadow.

Hidden away within a treacherous forest, this Crucible gives a new meaning to survival of the fittest. The warding power within the sacred stones at the center of this arena have long ago lost their strength. The gods will not spare you from a painful end at the claws and fangs of the Crucible's fiends.

The shifting sands have nearly consumed this forgotten temple, now used as a Crucible to test the hardiest fighters. With the hungering fiends of the Crucible crawling in from every corner, it is inevitable that your sunbleached bones will soon join the ruins.

Not even the most forsaken depths of the void are off limits to the Master of the Crucible's machinations. Within the realm of the dead god, the Master of the Crucible tests aspirants against the horrors of his arena. Will you succumb to the maddening aura within the void realm, or will Lokarr’s creatures get you first?

Once a proud fortress of the Black Legion, it stood abandoned for ages, slowly consumed by time. The stronghold now serves as the final resting place of hundreds of aspiring gladiators that succumbed to the Master of the Crucible's whims.


The Crucible will test your characters like nothing has before as you battle through its three difficulty modes. You will begin as an Aspirant, untested and unscarred by the ravages of the Crucible. But once you defeat the first 100 waves of the Crucible, you will earn access to the Challenger difficulty. Likewise, defeating 100 waves as a Challenger will allow you to play on the Gladiator difficulty.

Each difficulty presents tougher challenges, but also greater rewards.

Crucible Mechanics

In the Crucible, death marks the end (especially true for Hardcore players). Every 10 waves of enemies, you have to make a difficult choice: continue on for the next 10 encounters for a chance of greater reward, or cash out what you’ve earned and not risk your own demise.

Should you perish, you cannot continue further in the Crucible. In Multiplayer, you still have a chance if your allies survive. Should they manage to finish the wave that bested you, you will be resurrected (for Softcore characters only). Cheer your allies on and perhaps together you will triumph!

The quality of the treasure contained within the Treasure Chamber, the experience earned and the Tributes earned depend on the difficulty of the Crucible, how many waves you defeated and whether you chose to cash out or perished, with an additional treasure chest earned for successfully ending the Crucible.


Tributes are the currency of the Crucible, bestowed upon you by its cruel master as compensation for your bloody perseverance. Tributes can be spent to Restart the Crucible at various Checkpoints, or to increase your odds of survival with the aid of Celestial Blessings and Arcane Defenses.


The Crucible is cruel, but you are not without options. Spend your valuable Tributes to create powerful defenses around the arenas, giving you an edge on the seemingly endless waves of enemies.

  • Deathchill Beacons launch icy orbs at distant enemies, slowing their advance and reducing Offensive Ability, with a chance to freeze, but their damage is lower than the other Beacons.

  • Inferno Beacons frequently release intense bursts of flame at nearby enemies that reduce Armor and Damage Dealt, but their range is limited.

  • Stormcaller Beacons occasionally release a bolt of chain lightning at distant enemies that reduces Resistances, but they hit a limited number of targets and attack slowly.

  • Stonewall Banners grant nearby players bonus Health, Defensive Ability and Health Regeneration.

  • Vanguard Banners grant nearby players bonus Damage, Offensive Ability and Crit Damage.

All Defenses can be upgraded twice, first gaining a new ability, then empowering their abilities:

  • Deathchill Beacon Upgrade: periodically Slow all nearby enemies and reduce their Resistances and Offensive Ability with a massive surge of cold. When fully upgraded, the Surge is cast more often and on a larger area. Effectiveness is increased by 33% with each upgrade.

  • Inferno Beacon Upgrade: periodically unleash a Fire Storm on a target area that reduces enemy Damage Dealt. When fully upgraded, Burst of Flame area is increased and the Fire Storm is cast more often. Effectiveness is increased by 33% with each upgrade.

  • Stormcaller Beacon Upgrade: periodically Shock a nearby enemy for heavy damage and reduced Defensive Ability, with a chance to stun. When fully upgraded, the Shock is cast more often and affects two nearby enemies. Effectiveness is increased by 33% with each upgrade.

  • Stonewall Banner Upgrade: periodically cast an area Heal. When fully upgraded, the range and effectiveness of the Aura and Heal are increased.

  • Vanguard Banner Upgrade: periodically cast an area Frenzy Buff. When fully upgraded, the range and effectiveness of the Aura and Frenzy are increased.

Celestial Blessings

Much debate remains over the involvement of the gods in the grand weave of Cairn's destiny, but for a price, a ghostly apparition will bestow upon you Celestial Blessings:

  • The Blessing of Ulo will shield you and your allies from duration Effects, such as poisons, increase all your Resistances by 25% (8% against Physical) and reduce the duration of Crowd Control applied by your enemies.
  • Empyrion's Guidance will grant you and your allies unparalleled fortitude by increasing Health by 80%.
  • The Might of Amatok will embolden you and your allies, causing every blow to be mightier, every spell to be brimming with arcane energies by multiplying damage by an additional 33%.
  • Ulzuin's Pact will fill you and your allies with fiery fury, increasing Offensive and Defensive Ability by 30 + 5% and reducing skill Energy Costs by 25%.


As you progress through the Crucible, its master will throw another twist into the formula through Mutators. Mutators are global effects applied to all monsters or players, each one a unique twist that strengthens monsters/players in one way, but weakens them in another.

Note: your score is only saved if you choose to claim your reward, or perish.

Bonus Timer

At the start of each wave, a bonus timer will count down to 0. If you manage to slay all enemies before it expires, the Score Multiplier will increment by 1. This in turn magnifies all the points you earn for each subsequent enemy slain. At the end of the Crucible, you earn an extra chest based on your final score, so maintaining a high multiplier is beneficial to maximizing your loot.

Note: defeating a Hero, Boss or Nemesis monster will increase the current Bonus Timer by several seconds.

However, each time the Multiplier is increased, the Bonus Timer for the next round is reduced. Maintaining the maximum multiplier of 10 is quite a feat, but it will set the true Champions of the Crucible apart from the Aspirants.

In Grim Dawn, it is not possible to select the class of the character you like before starting the campaign. Therefore, they say about this ARPG that it is not like most others. Only after the 1st level is reached, the first class becomes available. To open the second one, you need to reach level 10. Maximum amount classes are six. They are paired with each other.

The class corresponding to the game style is selected, then builds are being made for Grim Dawn. In addition, be sure to take into account how best to use items from the inventory (pistols that fire at lightning speed can give additional strength to the Demoman, and two-handed weapons that have real power to the Shaman).

Build tests before you start to play fully, it is better to carry out with the help of this service

  • Suitable for beginners - Shaman, Soldier and Occultist.
  • Experienced - Nightblade, Demoman and Mystic.

On an opponent that is not yet too serious, you need to learn how to skillfully use the skills and builds compiled for Grim Dawn. Leveling up your skill will help a lot in the future (at more difficult levels), while losses, if successful, can be minimized. Redistribution of points occurs with the Confessor. It is located at Devil's Crossing, where you can go in case of need.

It is wise to combine skills (both active and passive) with the devotion system to bring out the best builds. This requires altars. You can see where they are located here. It will be useful for veterans to read about all the constellations and their characteristics.

Also helpful tips. If playing Grim Dawn on your own doesn't give you the best build, use our tips below.

The soldier is a classic idea for all role-playing games. It is presented as an armor-piercing weapon. Has a shield and a sword. Perfectly copes with enemies after being sent to the very epicenter of the battle. This hero can become a guardian. The build for the guard is compiled separately.

Basically, a soldier is designed to fight at the closest possible distance with the enemy. Therefore, in Grim Dawn, soldier builds are based on survivability. However, he is also capable of using crossbows and firearms. In defense, it manifests itself with much better side than when attacking, therefore it is combined with representatives of another class, which, for example, can be a Demoman or a Nightblade.

Without a shield, a small percentage of skills will be available. As a rule, when compiling a soldier's build, health is calculated. Health is restored during combat stance. Large enemies are damaged by Rending Power, which lowers defense and increases Attack Mastery.


  • The more often blows are struck at the enemy, the stronger their speed.
  • Enemies can be scattered around after the shockwave is applied. With the additional activation of the “Push” equipment (when the necessary material is placed in suitable things for that), the crowd of opponents will be defeated very quickly. Increasing the level of such mastery provokes bleeding in enemies. However, to use it, you must have either a two-handed weapon designed for fighting at close range, or a shield.
  • In merciless battles, endurance is manifested through the Will of Menhir. It also restores a portion of health. When it is less than 33%, then its regeneration increases. The most suitable option for those who do not like to play without difficulties.

Together with the Demoman, it forms a Saboteur. If there is an Occultist nearby - the Witcher. The Mystic helps him to use the Mage in combat. Playing with Shaman - Guard. You won't be able to activate the Master without the Nightblade.

For a character of the Soldier class, after receiving each point, 3 is added to mastery. Health increases by 28. Increase in spirit - 2. Physique development increases by 5. Increase in energy - 10.

This is a technologist and an unsurpassed master of attacks carried out from long distances. He is not alien to the treatment of firearms. When compiling a demoman build, you need to take into account that he can set fire traps and throw bombs. Crossing him with an Occultist or Shaman creates something incredible - animal companions begin to keep opponents away while the Demoman himself cracks down on the latter using grenades with explosive waves.

What needs special attention when compiling a Demoman build:

  • Enemies die very quickly, already involved in an intense battle due to the fact that their defense is reduced.
  • Fire damage is increased when flames spread to companions.


  • Able to stun lightning serves as an additional magic for the demoman. They cause serious damage, but for this it is necessary that the distance to the enemy is not too large. After that, the opponent is in a state of shock for several seconds, which allows the hero to run back to a safer position and continue to create a real fiery hell.
  • It takes literally one fraction of a second to cover everything in flames that is around, using explosive barrels or napalm cocktails. This method helps to deal with crowds of ethereals and various undead.

Class combination and development:

A character of the Demoman class, after receiving each point, is added 4 to mastery. Health increases by 24. Increase in spirit - 3. Physique development increases by 4. Increase in energy - 14.

In a pair of Soldiers, it forms a saboteur. If there is a Mystic - a Sorcerer nearby. The Occultist helps him to activate the Master of Fire. Playing with Mystic - Saboteur. You won't be able to activate the Elementalist without the Mystic.

On "You" with the other world of evil spirits. Perfectly owns dark magic. Fights with poison. Able to ask for help from his mystical masters. Skillfully casts curses and many other vile but effective spells. This class is quite successful in both ranged and close combat. It makes an excellent pet breeder. It is not difficult to make a build for a pet breeder on your own.

What requires special attention when compiling an occultist build:

  • Curses that debilitate the enemy, also blind and slow them, can also cause bleeding at a long distance.
  • Forbidden Magic drains enemy blood, which then infuses the Occultist with energy. This method will be indispensable if it is used on large packs of enemies.


  • With the help of the Blood Plague, bleeding is caused, while the health of ill-wishers is reduced.
  • Upon reaching the desired object, Dreeg's eye produces a detonation. This is the perfect tool to stop big opponents. They, for example, can be the nemesis of the opposition factions.
  • In the case when help is required, a pet is called, treating its owner, and at the same time attacking enemies.

Class combination and r development:

When compiling an Occultist build, you need to know that an Occultist class character, after receiving each point, is added 3 to mastery. Health increases by 20. Increase in spirit - 5. Physique development increases by 3. Increase in energy - 18.

When paired with Nightblade, it forms a Hunter. If there is a Shaman - Illusionist nearby. The Soldier helps him to use the Witcher. Playing with the Mystic - Warlock. You won't be able to activate Firemaster without Nightblade.

His forte is head-to-head attacks. At such moments, he, working with cold weapons, which he firmly holds in both palms, uses techniques worked out to mastery. Very fast. Able to open bleeding wounds in the enemy. From this character, you can get a real blademaster or swordsman, but the build for him is difficult.

The purple color indicates that legendary items are highlighted with it. Having mastered them, the Nightblade will be able to add a lot of experience to himself, which will significantly increase his chances of winning - and it does not matter what the enemy has and what he can do (in this case, the level passed by the hero also does not matter).

What requires special attention when compiling a Nightblade build:

  • Small and very sharp blades that appear after summoning the Spirit of Blades begin to search for fresh flesh. At the end of the battle, they turn into fragments and seek to inflict damage on the enemy with their massiveness.
  • The movement speed increases by 5 times after activating Shadow Strike - thus, it becomes impossible for the enemy to notice the hero. This skill also helps to hide from a stronger opponent.


  • The enemy starts to think badly and will not notice anyone around him after casting the Veil of Shadow on him. The technique is useful in order to take a break and, if possible, avoid an attack.
  • The passive skill, which is the Ring of Steel, is able to take the enemy into the ring with the help of sharp blades. Touching them, the enemy receives severe injuries.
  • Immediately 6 opponents are cut out by the Whirlwind of Death. Whether they are adversaries clad in multiple layers of armor, they are still often unable to avoid the circular blows inflicted on them by the Nightblade.

Class combination and development:

A character of the Nightblade class, after receiving each point, is added 4 to mastery. Health increases by 25. Increase in spirit - 3. Physique development increases by 4. Increase in energy - 13. Count on these indicators when compiling a build for a night book, he perfectly counts with a soldier.

When paired with Nightblade, it forms a Wrecker. If there is a Shaman - Trickster nearby. The Occultist helps him engage the Witch Hunter. Playing with Mystic - Destroyer. It will not be possible to activate the Blademaster without a Soldier.

This is a magician devoted to good magic. He can use the powers of the heavens to strike down the creatures of Cairn. Thanks to magic, the Mystic only needs a few fractions of a second to deal with a dozen ill-wishers, even those who are endowed with great physical strength.

However, spells take a lot of strength, so you should not allow complete exhaustion, since in this case the Mystic without a build will become an easy target, completely devoid of protection against physical attacks and will quickly die. To simplify the task, you need to correctly compose mystic builds. This class is often difficult to manage even for seasoned players.

What needs special attention:

  • The knowledge of the Mystic is universal. He easily subjugates fire, water and lightning, turning these elements into special, combined spells, or using each of the schools separately.
  • The energy received by the magician from the ether, then falls under his leadership on enemy heads.


  • From the sky, energy flows are caused by devastation, striking the enemy with ether and flame. Magic that is unbridled can lead to serious problems. In order to prevent them, you need to use it with extreme caution.
  • The mage becomes a terrible enemy in the eyes of the creatures of Cairn, after the Star Treaty or Dashing Might increase the damage of each element.
  • The enemy's elemental damage is also achieved by throwing the Panneti Rocket from a long distance.

Class combination and development:

A character of the Mystic class, after receiving each point, is added 3 to mastery. Health increases by 18. Increase in spirit - 5. Constitution increases by 2. Increase in energy - 20.

Together with the Shaman, it forms a Druid. If the Nightblade is nearby - the destroyer. A Soldier helps him to use the Battle Mage. Playing with Demoman - Sorcerer. It will not be possible to activate the Warlock without the Demoman.

Simply indispensable in the attack at a minimum distance from the enemy. In his possession - the power of two-handed weapons and fairly effective magic. Able to seek help from his animals, which can follow the owner of a whole flock.

A sharp vine is suitable for blocking the enemy's path. A long-range weapon also copes with this task perfectly. While the hero uses them for precisely these purposes, pets tear the enemy to pieces. This class will appeal to those who are not indifferent to companions. When creating a Shaman build, keep in mind that the Shaman's allies are much more powerful and functional than those that the Occultist has.

What requires special attention when compiling a shaman build:

  • The damage dealt to the enemy increases after each hit - Savagery contributes to this. At the maximum level, in this way, you can return part of the health, and also, using lightning, cause an electric shock.
  • Enemy attack can be restrained thanks to animal companions. It is very easy to say goodbye to life those opponents who get in the way of the Spiked Beast. The same fate awaits them when they meet with the Primordial Spirit.


  • The summoned Devil Wind, in addition to freezing enemies, also strikes them elementally. This is a great option, in which there is a need for those moments when you need to destroy opponents who are gathering in large crowds. Not good for those who try to hide at a distance.
  • Windigo Totem stops enemy attacks along with Electro Totem. The number of simultaneously installed totems can reach 6. Each of them at the same time will do a great job of inflicting damage on the enemy by draining his blood or directing lightning at him, as well as restoring health to the Shaman.
  • The next skill belongs to the category of passive. Very quickly removes poison from the blood Rite of Mandrogen. In addition, with its help, the speed of returning health is significantly increased. As for bleeding, it immediately stops.

Class combination and development:

A character of the Shaman class, after receiving each point, is added 3 to mastery. Health increases by 26. Increase in spirit - 3. Constitution increases by 4. Increase in energy - 12.

Paired with the Occultist, it forms the Illusionist. If the Nightblade is nearby - Trickster. The Mystic helps him to use the Druid. Playing with Soldier - Guard. You won't be able to use the Elementalist without the Demoman.

Once again, we are pleased with the information about the development of Grim Dawn. We are talking about the upcoming update, which will add some Ashes of Malmouth to your Crucible.

The Grim Misadventures are back!

This month has been eventful. For Ashes of Malmouth(hereinafter - AoM) the first major update has been released, which significantly improved controller support, added a new spell casting scheme, corrected the balance and fixed bugs. The next update is for Crucible!

This major update brings a lot of new things to the Crucible in addition to balance changes. And some of these innovations will be received by those of you who do not have AoM.

First, for all Crucible owners, we are introducing two new arenas: Crucible of the Void and Crucible of the Legion!

Nether Furnace
Even the most forgotten corners of the void are subject to the master of the Crucible. In the realm of the dead god, Lokarr tests the horrors of his arena on recruits.

Will you fall prey to the maddening aura of the void realm, or will Lokarr's creatures get to you first?

Crucible of the Legion
Once it was a proud fortress of the Black Legion. Now it stands abandoned, slowly being destroyed by time. A small contingent of soldiers from this fortress was forced to retreat and leave a valuable trade route during an attack from the west by superior enemy forces. The former commander of this fortress, who decided to save his soldiers from imminent death, was hanged for not following orders and losing a valuable coastal trade route.

Now this fortification serves as the final resting place for hundreds of aspiring gladiators who have fallen victim to Locarr's tricks.

Will you become the next victim or will you win?

Problem with Enemy Equipment
A small issue worth mentioning... While working on the Crucible update, we noticed an inconsistency in the Monster Infrequent tables for the Crucible. Due to the way the tables were set up, the chances of various items of low-level Enemy equipment dropping were higher than necessary. In a future update, we will fix this issue and the tables will work the same way as in the main campaign.

This issue was not as significant as the one in the main game, but got worse with the release of the AoM expansion. Update will address both of these issues.

New items of Enemy equipment
Along with the changes to the Crucible, we have a small gift for the main campaign in the form of two new pieces of Enemy equipment. I suggest you guess where they come from, but I'll give you a little hint: one item will appear in the main game, the other will only appear in the expansion.

Ashes come to the Furnace
The following changes will only affect owners of both the Crucible and the AoM expansion.

Starting from wave 42, you will start encountering AoM enemies, the frequency of their appearance will increase accordingly.

Finally, when you pass wave 150, Lokarr will offer you a choice: collect the reward you have earned... or continue!

Update will add an additional 20 waves for AoM owners. Take on legions of enemies from the expansion alongside old familiars from the base game. Show the mighty Cubacabra who's in charge here. Crush an ethereal colossus ramming you along with a Chthonian minion.

Will you be able to win in hitherto unseen challenges? You will know the answer to this question very soon.