Dictionary dictation writing derivative prepositions. Creative work within the Russian language lessons

Collection of dictations in Russian for the 7th grade.


Dictation #1

No matter how hard you listen, you will not hear a single extraneous sound. No seagulls cry, no steamboats passing by break the silence. Even the wind that had swayed the trees all day had died down. Only the sound of the surf, not ceasing for a minute. A smooth surface spreads to the right and left, and there is no end or edge to it. Waves, overtaking one another, rapidly roll onto the shore and just as quickly run away.

It is impossible not to admire this majestic panorama. A saffron crescent peeped out from behind the clouds and illuminated the sea surface. The light of silver stars ignites millions of flashing and immediately dying sparks. How beautiful all around, how mysterious! It is this mystery that attracts and fascinates.

More than once I thought about what is the charm of the sea, and could not find an answer. Whoever does not write about the sea, does not sing about it! more than one artist took up the brush to convey the uniqueness of the sea element. Many poets and composers have tried to comprehend the secrets of the sea, but not one genius has penetrated them to the end. Is there anything in the world more majestic and beautiful than this moving, breathing, sparkling bulk?! (160 words)

Dictation number 2.

At the beginning of the summer, I spent several days in solitude, undisturbed by anyone and nothing. Due to the flooding of the river, I had to postpone my departure.

The old house was surrounded by a huge neglected garden. For many hours I watched the blossoming trees, the growing flowers. What only colors, sounds, smells were not around!

Wherever you look, acacia is fragrant everywhere, honeysuckle bushes delight the eye. It is impossible not to admire the delicate daffodils, it is impossible not to admire the fluttering chocolate butterflies and dragonflies with lavender wings. Bird trills never stop for a minute, grasshoppers and cicadas also chirp, attracting attention. The trees rush up, stretching towards the sun, which gives warmth. No matter how you look, you will not see a cloud or a cloud in the bright blue sky.

Where did fate take me? But no matter where I was, no matter what beauties I admired, the charm of that unforgettable summer has not been erased from my memory until now. (133 words)

Dictation #3

Despite the fact that the sun was hot during the day, somehow it immediately became fresh and windy. Hills and hills, blown by the wind, take on a lavender hue. The bluish-scarlet sunset, dying out somehow reluctantly, is cold and dim. There are no purples or oranges. No matter how you look, you will not see anything catchy, pleasing to the eye.

The piercing wind, which did not subside for the whole evening for a minute, did not leave a single passenger on the deck. More than once I left the cabin, but did not dare to go aboard.

Where I just have not been, what seas I have not sailed! But at this late hour it was impossible not to shudder, looking at the dark blue ice water, which has no end or edge.

Twilight, thickening more and more, absorbs the last colors. The night, with a cloudy-pale moon floating in the clouds, is as cold as yesterday. (123 words)

Coordinating conjunctions

Dictation #1

Autumn came too quickly. How changed the forest, until recently filled with the sounds and colors of summer! The flowers don't bloom, the grass doesn't turn green. The birch rustles with golden foliage, the maple is also about to turn crimson. Only spruces are still green and delight the eye with their lush crowns.

Not only trees, but also birds feel the pace of autumn. Flocks of birds rise up, and their farewell cries are heard far around. Either the wild geese are cackling, calling to each other on the way, or the cranes are murmuring about something of their own. And you can’t make out: either this is a farewell cry, or a calling cry.

And how good it is all around! The sun is not that warm, but bright, and the days, although windy, are still warm. Autumn is gaining strength, coming into its own, then it stops, slowing down.

Cool autumn air, but how fresh! And, inhaling it, you are not so much sad about the summer as you rejoice in the autumn. (145 words)


Dictation #1

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like in summer. Tea was served in the living room, which looked out with its wide-open windows onto the garden, which had not yet been cleared of fallen leaves.

The room was lined with polished antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to openwork capes and a snow-white homespun tablecloth embroidered with fancy ornaments, the room looked solemn in a festive way. The gilded and silver-plated dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table towered, reflecting the sun's rays, a jug in the form of a flower. Around it were placed low, but elegant glasses made of faceted crystal.

The conversation did not stop for an hour. They talked mainly about the trip, which, contrary to fears, ended happily. At the end of the tea party, one of those present, having cheered up, offered to inspect the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to the recent rains. (106 words)

Dictation #2

Due to the fact that the village, which I accidentally drove into, was off the main road, it was extremely difficult to find at least some passing transport here. It rained for a week and it was impossible to get out. I had already begun to repent of my undertaking, when suddenly an opportunity came to my aid.

At dawn, a carriage swept past the tavern, raising a bizarre cloud of rapidly dissipating dust, to the station, which brought the manager of the estate, who was not far from where I was going, to the train. This was told to me by the hostess of the tavern who looked out of the open window. When the carriage was coming back, I rushed to meet me, and the driver, in spite of the small detour that he had to make in view of the flooding of the river, agreed to give me a lift.

Throughout the journey, I was overwhelmed with amazing feelings, evoked by the sensations of fast driving and the beauty surrounding nature. First we drove along a meandering river, along which rapids met everywhere, then a field that spreads along both sides of the road. At the end of the journey, we crossed a recently planted deciduous forest, where the manor house built in the form of an old medieval castle was located.

For a long time, my friend, I did not ride in a stroller! (165 words)

Dictation #3

For several hours, the ship, without slowing down for a minute, sails to the southwest. The southern night, which came somehow suddenly, swallowed up the bright colors of the sunset and painted everything around in a dark blue color. The sky shone with dense purple clouds, leaving not the slightest gap. No matter how you look, you will not notice a single star. The moon is also missing. Nothing breaks the silence, only restless waves are splashing against the side, rolling one on top of the other.

Around midnight, an orange sad crescent appeared over the endless plain of the sea, dispelling the impenetrable darkness. Immediately, a narrow, but sparkling and iridescent saffron path lay on the water. A sudden gust of wind blew it in small ripples and drove it away. Despite the moonlight, which slightly brightened the darkness, everything around is still deserted and gloomy. (113 words)

Basic orthograms: spelling of participles, adverbs, derivative prepositions.

Final dictations.

Dictation #1

The evening glow is fading. The sky, in some places covered with clouds, is colored with crimson, orange, bright yellow colors. The air infused with herbs is clear and fresh. Through the wide open windows one can see a garden with trees swaying in the wind and flower beds in the form of regular polygons. Meadows overgrown with uncut grass are visible in the distance.

The rays of the setting sun penetrate through thin woven curtains, illuminate gilded and silver-plated dishes, paint light gray walls and a whitewashed ceiling in soft tones. The last ray of sunshine, slowly gliding along the parquet, fades and somehow reluctantly goes out. There is unbroken silence everywhere. No matter how hard you listen, you won't hear a sound.

Suddenly, a cloud appears from behind the horizon and within a few minutes covers half the sky. Darkness is gathering rapidly. Suddenly, the sky is lit up with zigzag lightning, followed by a thunderous peal. The first drops fall on the ground, and immediately a falling downpour falls with a uniform noise. Streams of water whip the leaves, bend thin trees, bend flowers to the ground. Thunder, rolling from somewhere far away, does not stop for a minute. A damp wind rushes in through the window. The flickering, fluttering lightning still flashes, as if trying to look into the room. (164 words)

Dictation #2

In view of the fact that the recently built daubed hut, to which I made my way, was located on the very shore of the sea, for a long time I had to stray along the untraveled mountain paths. The panorama that opened before my eyes was truly magnificent.

The sea splashing below, the waves beating with furious force against the coastal rocks, the dome of the sky dotted with stars, the mountains piled one on top of the other in the form of giant pyramids - everything was majestic and solemn. Wherever you look, everything is covered by the mysterious veil of night.

Having overcome a steep ascent, I approached a hewn palisade, slightly opened an iron-bound gate, and, passing along a path overgrown with grass that had not yet been cut, looked inside the room.

In the middle of the room stood an unpainted table, on the edge of which a kerosene lamp lit by someone barely flickered. A bench, made of poorly planed boards, perched in a corner, curtained by a homespun curtain that had not been lowered to the end. A wooden shelf filled with earthenware, a wicker basket attached to the side, several coarsely chopped logs - that's all I could see in the dusk, slightly scattered by the light of a burning lamp. (150 words)

Exam paper for 7th grade

During September, it rained, not stopping for a day, like autumn lingering rains. Thick chalk clouds hung low over the ground. No matter how you look, you will not see the slightest gap in the sky. Everything around was somehow dull and inconspicuous: the fields were harvested, the grass was mowed, the trees, recently painted with burgundy, crimson, orange colors, shed their foliage. Leaves that had not been removed by anyone strewn the alleys and paths, covered the painted benches wet from the rain. The garden was deserted, only the crows solemnly walked along the paths, cawing and occasionally flapping their wings. The wind, filled with dampness, pierced right through.

In these bleak bad weather days, the house was especially comfortable. A hot stove warmed the walls, the windows covered with bright yellow curtains, and the freshly whitewashed ceiling. To the left of the stove were birch logs, and a sweetish, slightly intoxicating smell emanated from them.

The table was set for tea. In the middle stood a gilded samovar, faceted glasses in silver coasters stood on snow-white napkins, a small but elegant glass vase like a flower was filled to the brim with apple jam. Everything was ready to receive guests. (160 words)

(According to the materials of the newspaper "Russian Language" No. 2 (122), January 1998 - supplements to the newspaper "First of September")

Exercise 1. Write by opening brackets.

(B) during ... the year, (c) the consequences ... of the rain, (c) the consequences ... he fell ill, (c) the kind of cloud, (c) the continuation of ... an hour, (c) the beginning of the novel, (c) the sight of a storm, (c) at the beginning, think, (on) the bank account, (c) differ ... from others, (in) the form of a ball, (not) looking at your feet, (not) looking at the bad weather, ask (on) the account of the trip, (not) regardless of the losses , to do (in) whatever (whatever) that (or) becomes, (due to) the reason for the drought, (in) conclusion ... evenings, turned out to be (in) conclusion ...

Task 2. Determine the part-of-speech belonging of the highlighted words, write down by opening the brackets.

Every time he says the same thing. The garden is small, (for) it is shady. Do not scold him, he (and) is so ashamed. People should be judged (by) what they have done in life. I'm leaving because it's already late. (According to) this schedule, the train no longer runs. I (then) did not hear anything about it. In order to know a lot, one must study. Short and clear, (from) that and fine. I do not know what (would) be so pleasant to say to you. We will also go to the concert. And (so), the conclusions are clear. What would you advise me? He worked as (same) well as everyone else. At (that) house there was a park, with (what) an old one.


1. During the year, due to rain, subsequently he fell ill, like a cloud, for an hour, at the beginning of the novel, due to a storm, first think, at the bank account, unlike others, like a ball, not looking under your feet, despite the bad weather , ask about the trip, no matter the loss, do by all means, because of the drought, in the conclusion of the evening, was imprisoned.

2. Every time he says the same thing. The garden is small but shady. Do not scold him, he is already ashamed. People should be judged by what they have done in life. I'm leaving because it's getting late. The train no longer runs on this schedule. I didn't hear anything about it either. To know a lot, you have to study. Short and to the point, that's why it's great. I don't know what nice thing to say to you. We will also go to the concert. So the conclusions are clear. What would you advise me? He worked just as well as everyone else. At that house there was a park, and an old one.


Spelling of derived prepositions


- to teach how to write derivative prepositions correctly, to distinguish derivative prepositions from a homonymous form;

- develop the ability to work with text: highlight new information, establish cause-and-effect relationships, form new ideas based on the data received;

- educate communication, independence.

Required material: educational text on a separate sheet for each, tests.


1. Updating existing knowledge.


Reception "True and False Statements"

Read aloud only the true statements.

Prove that these statements are correct. Give examples. Why are the rest of the statements wrong? Prove with examples. We will return to these statements a little later.

1. Derivatives are prepositions that consist of two words.

2. All prepositions are always written separately from the words with which they are used.

3. All prepositions are written in one word.

4. The spelling of derivative prepositions must be remembered.

5. In a sentence, a preposition cannot be replaced by another preposition or conjunction.

6. Derived prepositions are homonymous to independent parts of speech.

- Try to formulate the topic of our lesson: what are we going to talk about?

What goals can we set for ourselves?

3. Learning new material.


Reception "Insert"

A. Reading the training text on your own (see "Spelling of prepositions"), make notes in it:

"V" - I know this information;

“+” is new information for me;

"?" - This information is not clear to me, I have questions.

Spelling of prepositions

1. Prepositions are always written separately from the words with which they are used: with me, to my sister, to school.

2. Compound prepositions from behind, from under, over written with a hyphen.

3. Derived prepositions can be written in one word ( instead of, like, as a result of, like, towards, in spite of, in view of, about, around etc.) or two (in moderation, during, in continuation, in conclusion, in contrast).

4. The spelling of derivative prepositions must be remembered, inquire about their spelling in the spelling dictionary.

5. Prepositions can be replaced by other prepositions or conjunctions.

For example: about = about; in spite of = in spite of; towards = to, to; instead of = for; due to = due to; like = like.

6. Derived prepositions must be distinguished from similar (homonymous) forms of significant parts of speech with prepositions:

Due to (= due to) drought the river became shallow.- As a result (into what?) A lot of people got involved in the case of the fire.

Let's talk about (= about) the trip. - Money was received into the account (to what?) of the bank.

A dog ran out towards (= to) me.- I did not count on (what?) meeting with friends.

Despite (= in spite of) the rain, the walk took place. He passed without looking at us.

In view of (= because of) the upcoming exam, the walks stopped.- Swim in the sight of the city. Keep in mind.

During lesson. - Along the river.

In continuation holidays. - In the continuation of the film.

Finally fireworks were given. – In the conclusion of the expert, an assessment was given.

7. Preposition due to has a causal value; prepositions during, during convey the value of time.

Prepositions as a result of, in the course of, in the course of, in the end have a letter at the end e.


B. Work with educational text.

What information from the text did you know?

- Write down the prepositions, the spelling of which you were familiar with.

What new did you learn from the text?

Write down those prepositions whose spelling you did not know.

What are these suggestions called?

- Make up and write down sentences with derivative prepositions that are written in one word.

What can replace these prepositions?

- Make up and write down sentences with derivative prepositions that are written in two words.

What is the significance of these prepositions?

C. Practicing the skill of writing derivative prepositions.

Writing a dictation

There have been changes along the river. For a month I visited my grandmother. Despite the prohibitions of doctors, he continued to train. He answered without looking at the book. The mistake was due to ignorance of the area. A mistake was made in the investigation of Ivanov's case. Will you help me continue my search? Leaves will fall off over the course of a week.

Working with tests

I option. Indicate the number of the line in which there is no derivative preposition.

1. To arrive on time (for) a meeting we left early.

2. When (for) a meeting An old man came out to the guests, I immediately recognized him.

3. B(continued) During the day, my father reminisced about his life several times.

4. (B) consequence accident, the elevator did not work (for) a week.

II option. Indicate the line number in which there is a derivative preposition.

1. (At first lesson we read the text.

2. We are going camping (together with parents.

3. (Together meteorite fall formed a crater.

4. (During rivers there was a kind of unsettling calm.

Mutual verification.

4. The result of the lesson.

- Reiterate the correct statements.

What derivative prepositions are written in one word?

What derivative prepositions are written in two words?

- How to distinguish derivative prepositions from consonant forms of significant parts of speech with prepositions?

5. Multi-level homework.

1st level – obligatory minimum – exercise...

2nd level - draw up a diagram or cluster on the topic "Spelling of derivative prepositions".

Level 3 - select or compose the text of the dictation, which will include the studied derivative prepositions.


Homonymy of derived prepositions and forms independent parts speeches


- to develop the skill of determining the part of speech of outwardly similar words;

- develop the ability to correctly write homonymous words of different parts of speech.

Required material: multimedia complex, slide presentation.


1. Beginning of the lesson.


Reception "Delayed answer"

(In parallel, we give an individual task: to prepare a report on homoforms based on the specified material.)

What is the name of an animal that changes its color depending on the environment?

– Can there be something in common between a chameleon and some linguistic phenomena?


Read the text, determine if there are chameleon words in it.

(A slide with highlighted words is presented if students find this task difficult.)

Can rivers age? Despite to the difference of opinion, we are forced to answer: "Yes." It's a shame that there are in the list of aging Also and Kuban rivers. These are Eya, Chelbas, Kirpili and Ponura. In continuation over the centuries there have been gradual changes during rec. Their valleys are shallow, but wide due to great fullness in the old days. Now these rivers are shallow. During in summer and autumn they dry up in places. They can be passed That's why shallow water despite under your feet. And so year after year...

What explains this? Let's do a little investigation. Let us remember that the power source of the steppe rivers is atmospheric precipitation and groundwater. Instead of natural protection, such as virgin steppes and riverine forests, we now see plowed areas and cut down massifs. Due to this river began to silt up. It's hard to get in these days instead of pristine beauty, which old-timers remember V ancient kind Kuban Cossacks. Because of no error. Rivers age and fade. But they can be rejuvenated! That's why we are all interested in continuation consequences.


So, back to the beginning of the lesson. Do you remember the question asked? Can you find the chameleon words?

Choose a name for chameleon words from the suggested ones linguistic terms: synonyms, homonyms, antonyms.

So how are chameleons and homonyms similar?

Yes, homonyms change their meaning depending on belonging to a particular part of speech, like chameleons change their color depending on the environment.

2. Joint definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

State the topic of our lesson. What tasks will we set for ourselves?

So, the topic of our lesson is Homonymy of words of different parts of speech. If together we can determine the part of speech of outwardly similar words, then we can write them correctly.

3. Actualization of existing knowledge.

Reception "Cluster"

What are homoforms, homographs and homophones?

(Listen to the prepared student.)

Homographs are spelled the same, homophones sound the same. The main difficulty for the student is homophones. They are spelled differently.)

4. The main part of the lesson.

- Does the spelling of a word depend on its belonging to a particular part of speech?

(In context.) Let's return to the text.

Exercise. Write out from the text any sentence with chameleon words. Define them as part of speech.

Find in the text or think of a sentence with a homonym for this word and write it down.

- Name the sentences in which derivative prepositions are used, and prove that these are prepositions.

How are these sentences written? What prepositions are written separately? Which ones are merged?

So, what needs to be done in order not to make mistakes in writing the named prepositions and their homonymous combinations? (Determine the part of speech...)

Work on multi-level cards

1st level. Write the words together or separately. List the suggestions.


As a consequence of the rains.

About the hike.

In spite of difficulties.

Changes in the_stream_ of the river.

As a consequence of the Ivanov case.

Put money into a bank account.

He walked without looking at his feet.

2nd level. Add words, mark parts of speech.

There are many whirlpools in the_stream_ of the Kuban River. There were many sunny days last year. As a result of the intense heat, the river became shallow. There were a lot of unclear things about the accident case. From the beginning we were sad. Four months have passed since the beginning of the year.

3rd level. Write the words, mark the parts of speech. In brackets indicate the possible replacement of prepositions, adverbs, nouns and participles.

go ahead (before- suggestion) columns. He rode ahead (behind- adverb).

He was inside (____) a trolleybus. It's cold outside, but inside ____) warm. The children went around to the district (____) glades. Quiet in_okrug (____). He was sent to work in_okrug (____). Despite (____) bad weather, the tournament took place. He ran despite (____) on the sides.

Warning dictation

Work for two hours - note unexpected changes in the course of the disease; during the winter season - see in the continuation of the film; to say in conclusion - to be in prison; due to drought - to participate in the investigation of the case; a flower like a lily - pay attention to the similarity of the figures.

Lesson summary

- What are homonyms?

Why are homophones difficult to write?

How to determine the part of speech of superficially similar words?

How are prepositions written?

- What prepositions are written separately, together?

6. Homework.

You will complete the cards for other levels as homework.

Write a text on the topic “How to rejuvenate rivers?” Using chameleon words.

If time remains

Shall we play?

Let's take an unusual interpretation of words. Linguists call such an unusual interpretation of words individual-author's homonymy. It is based on a lot of jokes. Our task is to give a humorous interpretation of the proposed word. For example: bad meetings - meeting in the square, lead - Pig farm worker nonsense - plasticine of low quality, harvest - exchange of handshakes spruce forest - mouth, poplar - a pedestrian, lady - bar manager swift - hairdresser, classmate - nutritionist, sniffle - duet.

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Dictation #1

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like in summer. Tea was served in the living room, which looked out with its wide-open windows onto the garden, which had not yet been cleared of fallen leaves.

The room was lined with polished antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to openwork capes and a snow-white homespun tablecloth embroidered with fancy ornaments, the room looked solemn in a festive way. The gilded and silver-plated dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table towered, reflecting the sun's rays, a jug in the form of a flower. Around it were placed low, but elegant glasses made of faceted crystal.

The conversation did not stop for an hour. They talked mainly about the trip, which, contrary to fears, ended happily. At the end of the tea party, one of those present, having cheered up, offered to inspect the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to the recent rains.

Dictation #2

Due to the fact that the village, which I accidentally drove into, was off the main road, it was extremely difficult to find at least some passing transport here. It rained for a week and it was impossible to get out. I had already begun to repent of my undertaking, when suddenly an opportunity came to my aid.

At dawn, a carriage swept past the tavern, raising a bizarre cloud of rapidly dissipating dust, to the station, which brought the manager of the estate, who was not far from where I was going, to the train. This was told to me by the hostess of the tavern who looked out of the open window. When the carriage was coming back, I rushed to meet me, and the driver, in spite of the small detour that he had to make in view of the flooding of the river, agreed to give me a lift.

Throughout the journey, I was overwhelmed with amazing feelings, evoked by the sensations of fast driving and the beauty of the surrounding nature. First we drove along a meandering river, along which rapids met everywhere, then a field that spreads along both sides of the road. At the end of the journey, we crossed a recently planted deciduous forest, where the manor house built in the form of an old medieval castle was located.

For a long time, my friend, I did not ride in a stroller!

Dictation #3

For several hours, the ship, without slowing down for a minute, sails to the southwest. The southern night, which came somehow suddenly, swallowed up the bright colors of the sunset and painted everything around in a dark blue color. The sky shone with dense purple clouds, leaving not the slightest gap. No matter how you look, you will not notice a single star. The moon is also missing. Nothing breaks the silence, only restless waves are splashing against the side, rolling one on top of the other.

Around midnight, an orange sad crescent appeared over the endless plain of the sea, dispelling the impenetrable darkness. Immediately, a narrow, but sparkling and iridescent saffron path lay on the water. A sudden gust of wind blew it in small ripples and drove it away. Despite the moonlight, which slightly brightened the darkness, everything around is still deserted and gloomy.

Basic orthograms: spelling of participles, adverbs, derivative prepositions.

Sections: Russian language

Class: 7

Lesson Objectives:

  • to acquaint students with the conditions of fusion and separate writing derived prepositions;
  • to form the ability to correctly write derivative prepositions, to distinguish them from the parts of speech from which they are formed;
  • construct phrases from key words

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Vocabulary dictation

To be present, to repel, magnanimous, sacred, striking, sophisticated, driven, led, forged, unintentional, unexpected, aligned, stop, claim, shine, unbridled, objection, not at all, frugal, exactly the same, side by side, in threes , on the fly, residence, train, champion.

3. Explanation of new material.

Do you remember what prepositions are called derivatives? ( Prepositions formed from independent parts of speech: nouns, adverbs, adverbs)

What non-derivative prepositions are written with a hyphen? ( Because of, from under, above, behind)

Attention to the board!

- Look at these drawings carefully. What are the similarities and what are the differences between them? ( Different parts of speech, different spelling, but the same pronunciation).

- So, today we will talk about how to distinguish derivative prepositions from homonymous independent parts of speech. But most importantly, find out how derivative prepositions are written.

Compiling a table



During day, in continuation months (in terms of time, answer questions for how long? when?)

During And rivers

We reason like this:

  1. Initial form - current (river)
  2. You can insert an adjective in the turbulent flow of the river
  3. Therefore, it is a noun in -ie. IN prepositional ending And.

In the continuation of the novel (the same reasoning pattern)

Finally articles. (In conclusion ═ “at the end, in the end.”)

Be in prison And(noun, in a long sentence; condemnation.)

Due to drought. (Owing to ═ "because of, for a reason.")

Together with the noun, they indicate the reason and answer the questions: why? for what reason?

see in the aftermath And new facts

  1. Initial form - consequence
  2. Noun on - ie in the prepositional case, ending And

As a consequence e an error has crept in

The initial form is a consequence of the case. Noun on - ie in the accusative case, ending e

Distinguish spelling!

Participles ( despite)

Preposition ( despite)

Shel , despite under your feet.

(Denotes an additional action to the main verb, can be replaced by another gerund not looking)

Despite bad weather. (Can be replaced against something, has a concessive meaning)

Adverbial prepositions

Sit near, go after, go towards.

The word has no noun

Sit near home, go after lunch, go towards wind.

Preposition has a noun

4. Fixing the topic.

a) Reading the rule on pages 142-143.

b) Collective performance of exercise 308.

c) Work in groups

Two students work on cards

Card #1

Compose and write down sentences with the words: during - during; as a result - as a result; in continuation - in continuation; about - on account.

Card #2

Determine what parts of speech the underlined words are. Write down the sentences by opening brackets, inserting missing letters and enclosing prepositions in an oval. Prove that consequence, count and place are not nouns, but parts of derivative prepositions.

1. (Because of.. snowdrifts, we had to spend the night halfway in an (un)familiar city.2. The conversation must (from) lie down (c) mind upcoming departure.3.I came to talk (with) you (about sisters.4. You'll have to take care (instead of me. 5. Keep (c) mind, I will (not) certainly come tomorrow to find out if you are following the doctor's advice.

The rest take dictation

d) Spelling dictation

Walk for an hour, obstacles in the course of the stream; wait for a week, learn about the fate of the hero in the continuation of the novel; make a mistake due to absent-mindedness, as a result of this case; keep in mind, move due to repairs; talk about a brother, transfer money to a brother's account; win despite the difficulties, despite the newcomer.

5. Summing up the lesson

- Which of the derivative prepositions are written together, and which separately?

- What letter is written at the end of derivative prepositions during, in continuation, due to, like?

6. Homework: learn the rule (either from a textbook or from a table compiled in notebooks), ex. 309.