Good deeds for life is a proverb. Good deeds for life are given proverb T Koti life is given for good deeds

General lesson on the topic: "Life is given for good deeds."

Lesson objectives: generalize knowledge about humorous works (know the features of the construction of texts of stories; heroes of stories; the main distinguishing features of their character); learn to plan the text; teach in detail, briefly, selectively retell the text;

to teach how to compose a monologue statement on a topic (oral composition); determine the meaning of proverbs, correlate proverbs with the material being studied.

Planned results of the development of the topic:

understanding the features of the narrative text; the ability to characterize the hero of the text; the ability to compare plots, compare characters; search for the necessary information in accordance with the task; dividing the text into semantic parts, drawing up a plan; detailed, concise, concise retelling of what was read; definition main idea, correlation of the proverb with the studied material.

Resources and equipment:

Literary reading. Textbook. Grade 3 Part 1.

T. Coty. Creative notebook. Grade 3

Course of lessons

    Organizing time.

Hello my friends!

I am happy to meet you!

Let me hug you

Wish everyone good luck.

go to the blackboard, post proverbs and explain their meaning.

2. Game "Good-evil" - brainstorm

The first step to kindness is a kind word.

I will ask questions, and you all together, in chorus - answer - good or evil.

* Interrupt during a conversation?

*Call your neighbor an insulting word?

*Apologize for being late?

*Leave and not say goodbye?

*To help parents?

*Do not give up your seat to the elders on the bus?

* Run through the corridors, knocking everyone down?

*Say hello at the meeting?

*Push and not apologize?

*Help pick up a fallen item?

* Don't take off your hat when you go to school?

*Say "Thank you" for a gift?

*To talk loudly?

4. Parable (video clip)

preliminary work

5. Check homework

Work with question number 2 of the textbook.

Read the topic of the section being studied again. Match it with the books you read.

Why are humorous stories included in the theme “Life is given for good deeds”?

How else could the section be titled?

Suggest your options.

Can all the stories read in this section be called humorous?

Work with question number 5 of the textbook.

When completing this task, you need to draw up a plan for selective retelling:

determine a fragment for selective retelling (one event, a portrait of a hero, a characterization of a hero, a description of an act that a hero committed);


3. Retell the text;

5.Retell the text;

Working with question number 6 of the textbook .

To which of the heroes can the words "Life is given for good deeds" be addressed? Replace this statement with proverbs or sayings that are close in meaning.

Work with question number 7 of the textbook.

Read all proverbs.

Read only those proverbs that you have heard, you know. When were these proverbs used?

What proverbs can replace the title of our section?

Work with question number 8 of the textbook.

The group works with one proverb and presents works that correspond to it.

Set the correspondence: title of the work, author, hint (proverb, quote from the text, key words)

N. Nosov


“Once Pavlik took Kotka with him to the river to fish. But on this day they were not lucky: the fish did not bite at all.

M. Zoshchenko

"Do not lie"

"You won't get far on deceit"?

“And I didn’t know anything about what happens in gymnasiums. And for the first three months, I literally walked in a fog.”

L. Kaminsky

"The writing"

It’s okay to lie that he believes in himself”?

"In thirty years"

billiards, ball, gifts.

"Difficult task"

radio, problem book, song, flea, bell.


"What Wins"

The hardest fight is to overcome yourself.

"What's More Important"

In which family there is love and advice, in that one there is no grief.


“Where is it seen, where is it heard…”

“I stood and watched him eat. He is small himself, and the sausage is thicker than his neck. He held this sausage with his hands and ate it straight whole, did not cut it, and the skin cracked and burst when he bit it, and hot odorous juice splashed from there.

6 Testing

Verification work No. 2 in the section "Life is given for good deeds"

N.N. Nosov

“Where is it seen, where is it heard…”

MM. Zoshchenko

"Difficult task"

V.Yu. Dragoon

"In thirty years"

2. What genre does the work of L.D. Kaminsky "Composition"?

a) "Dreamers" b) "Mishkin's porridge" c) "Live hat" d) "Cucumbers"

4. Why did Lyolya from the work “Thirty Years Later” say that she had swallowed the ball?




5. What does the word "satirist" mean?

b) satire

c) The person who wrote the article for the newspaper

6. What proverb reveals the essence of the parable "What is more important"?

a) If you make money, you will live needlessly.

b) In which family there is love and advice, in that one there is no grief.

c) Friends are made in trouble.

d) Don't put off today's work for tomorrow!

7. Find out the work by keywords: radio, problem book, song, flea, bell.

a) “Where is it seen, where is it heard ...” c) “Cucumbers”

b) "Hard task" d) "Composition"

8. Which work is suitable for the proverb “You can’t go far on deceit”?

a) "Where is it seen, where is it heard..."

b) The parable “What conquers?”

c) "Don't lie"

Verification work No. 2 "Life is given for good deeds"

2. What genre does the work of M.M. Zoshchenko "Thirty years later"?

a) a true story b) a story c) a fairy tale d) a fable

3. Which of the works of N.N. Nosov is included in the section "Life is given for good deeds"?

a) "Mishkina porridge" b) "Hard task" c) "Entertainers" d) "Patch"

4. Why in the work "Don't Lie" dad picked up Minka in his arms, kissed him and promised him a camera after he found out about the deuce and several diaries of his son? __________________________________________




5. What does the word "canopy" mean?

a) haystack

b) entrance part (entrance hall) of a traditional Russian house; unheated and non-residential premises

c) a sledding hill

d) living quarters in a house

6. What proverb reveals the essence of the parable "What conquers"?

a) The most difficult struggle is to overcome yourself.

b) Look for a friend, but found - take care.

c) Health is more valuable than money.

d) Finished the job - walk boldly.

7. Find out the product by keywords: billiards, ball, gifts.

a) "Hard task" c) "Composition"

b) “Thirty years later” d) “Cucumbers”

8. Which work is suitable for the proverb “So okay, he’s lying that he believes in himself”?

a) "Composition"

b) The parable “What conquers?”

c) “where it is seen, where it is heard…”

7. Making a collage.

What is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe they will help us to recognize an old cup clock? We will put “evil” on one side of the scale (tablets - envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies). To defeat evil, we must try to outweigh the scales with “good”. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, and drop them on the scale with "good"

- You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. So it is in life: droplets of good, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​good. It's good when a person leaves a good mark behind.

8. Reflection. Summary of the lesson.

The path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which ups and downs, ups and downs, the alternation of good and evil await a person. Learning to be truly kind is hard. A person should stop more often and reflect on his perfect deeds.

And today I thank everyone for a warm, confidential conversation, for kind, intelligent thoughts, for a creative attitude to work.

Kind words are roots.

Good thoughts are flowers.

Good deeds are fruits.

Kind hearts - garden

Read the text.

V. Zheleznyakov

The history of the alphabet

After school, I went to the first class. I would not visit them, but a neighbor instructed to look after her son. After all, the first of September, the first day of school. I jumped in, but the classroom was already empty. Everybody left. Well, I wanted to turn around and go. And suddenly I see: on the last desk there is some kind of button, because of the desk it is almost invisible. It was a girl, not the boy I was looking for. As first graders were supposed to, she was wearing a white apron and white bows.

ten times the size of her head. It is strange that she was alone. Everyone has gone home and maybe already

they eat broths and milk jelly there and tell their parents miracles about the school, and this one sits and waits for no one knows what.

Girl, - I say, - why don't you go home?

No attention.

Maybe she lost something?

Sits like a statue, does not move.

I do not know what to do. Leaving seems uncomfortable.

I went up to the blackboard, figured out how to stir up this “statue”, and I slowly draw on the blackboard with chalk. I drew a first-grader who came from school and had lunch. Then his father, mother and two grandmothers. He chews, gobbles up both cheeks, and they look into his mouth. It turned out to be a funny picture.

And you and I, I say, are hungry. Isn't it time for us to go home?

No, - he answers, - I will not go home.

So, are you going to spend the night here?

then my conscience got stuck, and I returned.

You, - I say, - if you do not tell me why you are sitting here, I will call the school doctor now. And he - twice! - ambulance, siren - and you're in the hospital.

Decided to scare her. I am afraid of this doctor. He is always: “Breathe, don’t breathe,” and the thermometer sticks under his arm. Cold as an icicle.

Well, good. I'll go to the hospital.

Honestly, she was crazy.

Can you tell me, I shouted, what happened to you?

My brother is waiting for me. He's sitting in the yard.

I looked out into the yard. Indeed, there was a little boy sitting on the bench.

So what?

And the fact that I promised him today to learn all the letters.

You are strong enough to promise! - I said. - In one day the whole alphabet!

Maybe then you will finish school in one year? Strong to lie!

I didn't lie, I just didn't know.

I see she's crying now. She lowered her eyes and shook her head in an incomprehensible manner.

Letters are taught throughout the year. It's not easy.

Our father and mother have gone far away, and Seryozha, my brother, is very bored. He asked his grandmother to write them a letter from him,

And she doesn't have any free time. I told him: I’ll go to school, learn the letters, and write a letter to mom and dad. And he told the boys in the yard. And today we wrote sticks all day. She should have been crying now.

Sticks, - I say, - it's good, it's wonderful! Letters can be made from sticks. - I went to the blackboard and wrote the letter "A". Printed. - It's the letter "A". It is made of three sticks. Letter hut. I never thought that I would be a teacher. But it was necessary to distract her, so as not to


And now, - I say, - let's go to your brother, and I will explain everything to him.

We went out into the yard and went to her brother. They walked hand in hand like little ones. She shoved her hand into my hand. Her palm is soft and warm, and her fingers are pads. Here, I think, if one of the guys sees, they will laugh. But you can’t throw her hand away - a man, after all ... And this sad knight Seryozha sits and dangles his legs. He pretends not to see us.

Listen, I say, old man. How would you explain it?

Well, in general, to learn the entire alphabet, you need to study for a whole year. It's not such an easy thing.

So you didn't learn? He looked defiantly at his sister. - There was nothing to promise.

We've been pissing sticks all day," the girl said desperately. - And letters are formed from sticks.

But he didn't listen to her. He slid down from the bench, lowered his head low and trudged along with a duck's gait.

He just didn't notice me. And I'm fed up. I was always getting mixed up in other people's business.

I learned the letter "A". She is spelled with a hut! - shouted

girl in the back of her brother. But he didn't even look back.

Then I caught up with him.

Listen, - I say, - well, what is her fault? Science is a complex business. Go to school, you'll find out for yourself. Do you think Gagarin or Titov mastered the entire alphabet in one day? Also, oh, how sweaty! And your hands dropped.

I spent the whole day writing a letter to my mother as a keepsake,” he said.

He had such a sad face, and I thought that in vain his parents did not take him, since he is so bored. We are going to go to Siberia, take the children with you. They are not afraid of long distances or evil frosts.

My God, what a tragedy! - I say. - I will come today

to you after dinner and I will depict everything on paper under your dictation in the best possible way.

That's good! - said the girl. We live in this house

iron fence ... Really, Seryozha, okay?

Okay, - answered Serezha. - I'll be waiting.

I saw how they entered the yard and their figures flashed between the iron bars of the fence and the bushes of greenery. And then I heard a loud, sarcastic boyish voice.

Seryozha, well, did your sister learn all the letters?

I saw that Seryozha stopped, and his sister ran into the entrance.

Learn the alphabet, do you know how much to study? - said Seryozha. - You have to study for a whole year.

So your letters cried, - said the boy. -

And your Siberia cried.

I didn’t cry at all, - Seryozha answered. - I have a friend, he has not been in the first grade for a long time; he will come to us today and write a letter.

You are all lying, said the boy. - Oh, and you are strong to pour! Well, what's your friend's name, what?

There was silence.

Another minute, and there should have been a victorious, triumphant exclamation of a malicious boy, but I did not allow this to happen. No, it was not in my nature. I climbed onto the stone foundation of the fence and stuck my head between the bars.

By the way, his name is Yurka, - I shouted. - There is such a world famous name.

This boy's mouth opened in surprise, like a hound's when she misses a hare. Serezha didn't say anything. He was not one of those who beat those who were lying down. And I jumped to the ground and went home. I don't know why, but I was in a good mood. Fun at heart, that's all. The mood was great. I even wanted to sing.

Complete the tasks: (to the whole class)

1. Determine the genre of this text.

2. What is described in the text. Note:

about the friendship of Yura and a little girl;

about how the girl went to school;

about how the girl wanted to help her brother.

5. What character traits did the girl have?

6. Answer the question: I would like to be friends with such a girl

3. Divide the text into parts. Plan this text.

4. What retelling can be done according to this plan (short; selective; detailed) - memo

Make up 5 questions in the form of a test

Write a review.


1. Underline the main (key) words on which the retelling of the text will be based;

2. Spread these words by making a sentence;

3. Retell the text;

4. Determine which important words, phrases were missed during the retelling;

5.Retell the text;

6. Independently evaluate the retelling;

7. Get an assessment of classmates.


I may not have been very good. It is very difficult. But I always aspired to this, children.

Key: 1 option

Key:2 option

satire is 1. Blaming, scourging irony.

2. Literary work, exposing the negative phenomena of reality.

Olga Gracheva
Synopsis of the GCD "Life is given for good deeds"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten combined type No. 31 "The Scarlet Flower" city ​​of Gubkin, Belgorod region

Life is given for good deeds

Summary of GCD by section"Socialization" in preparatory group according to the exemplary basic general education program preschool education "Childhood", the authors: T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, Z. A. Mikhailova.

Gracheva O. F., educator,

MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined

type №31 "The Scarlet Flower"

Program content:

1. To form in children ideas about goodness and mercy.

2. To form in children conscious attitudes towards social norms behavior.

3. Continue to teach children to discern good and evil; analyze the results of their thoughts and actions.

5. To acquaint children with the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

6. Raise the need for children to show kindness, responsiveness, mercy, sensitivity on their own prompting.

Integration of educational regions: "Communication", "Knowledge", « Artistic creativity» , "Reading Fiction".

preliminary work: talk about goodness and mercy, about good deeds, reading works of art V. Oseeva, S. Marshak, L. Tolstoy, V. Kataev and others.

Material and equipment: didactic pictures for the game "Bad is good"; icon of Sergius of Radonezh; wood « good deeds» ; ball; colored paper, pencils, scissors, glue, napkins, easel.

Event progress:

caregiver: Good afternoon, Dear Guys!

Invented by someone simply and wisely

Say hello when meeting:

- Good morning!

Kind morning sun and birds.

Kind morning smiling faces

And everyone becomes

Kind, gullible.

Kind let the morning last until the evening.

Let's all stand together in a circle, hold hands and wish each other something Kind.

Children hold hands and say wishes to each other (health, good luck, happiness, of good, patience, etc.)

caregiver: Children, tell me what is kindness? What kind of person can be called kind?

Children: When a person has kind heart, kind soul, he cares about others, speaks polite words, loves animals.

caregiver Q: How do you understand the word mercy? What does it imply?

Children: When a person is ready to help someone who is in trouble, who is in trouble.

caregiver: Mercy is the mercy of the heart. Grace that comes from the heart is always selfless. Mercy is readiness to do good. This is sympathy, compassion. Kindness and mercy can work miracles. I suggest you play the game « Kind words» .

Children take the ball, call kind words(attentive, caring, responsive, kind, modest, patient, generous, sincere, merciful, noble, hospitable, etc.) and pass it on to another child.

caregiver: Children, do you like to do good? About what good Can you describe your actions?

Children tell: - I fed a homeless kitten.

Helped my mother carry the bag.

I gave up my seat on the bus to my grandmother.

Together with dad made a bird feeder.

Calm down a crying baby.

Share cookies with your friends.

caregiver: Why did you do that?

Children: Because doing good deeds is nice.

caregiver: Now let's play a game "Bad is good". I have pictures of children doing good and bad things. You need to choose pictures with good deeds and put them in a green hoop, and with bad deeds in red.

Children look at the pictures, tell what actions the children have done and put them in the right hoop.

caregiver: Children, remember the works in which the heroes did good, good deeds.

Children: "Flower-seven-flower". The girl Zhenya spent the last magic petal to cure the sick boy Vitya.

"Just an old lady". The boy helped an unfamiliar old woman who had slipped on the ice to get up.

"A bag of apples". The hare was very kind. He treated everyone with apples.

"The Tale of an Unknown Hero". The boy carried the girl out of the fire.

"Kitty". The boy covered the kitten with himself and saved him from the dogs.

caregiver: Children, now let's play a game "Say a word"

If the neighbor is frozen ... (warm,

If he is not dressed ... (dress,

If you are hungry ... (feed,

If he is thirsty ... (drink,

If he is grieving (comfort,

He got sick... (visit)

After all life is given to you

On the good deeds.

caregiver: Children, remember proverbs and sayings about good.


Clothes do not make a person, but good deeds.

Life is given for good deeds.

A kind word heals but evil cripples.

The world is not without good people.

A good person teaches good.

Behind a good deed is always praise.

Pro good deed and speak boldly.

Good fame lies and the bad one runs.

caregiver: For a long time people believed in good. They told about it in fairy tales, where good evil has always won. In epics, where mighty heroes helped their people, protected them from enemies, performing feats in the name of love for their homeland, their loved ones. People who lived their life in faith and love were honest, just, merciful, patient, kind The humble were called reverend, in other words, like God. Today I want to tell you about St. Sergius of Radonezh (shows icon). From childhood, he grew up a modest, silent, obedient boy. He was meek, affectionate, never irritated, always obeyed his parents. Since childhood, he helped his parents and other people. Sergius never offended animals, he took care of them. Becoming a priest, he helped people who came to him for advice, blessing, and help. People came to him from different cities for healing. And sometimes just to see it. Sergius could "quiet and meek words" act on the hardest and most hardened hearts. He often tried on people among themselves. He brought people the lessons of morality, selflessness, love for others. Sergius of Radonezh founded the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (now the Trinity-Sergius Lavra). The image of St. Sergius of Radonezh became an example of patience, diligence, spiritual purity and kindness. He lived so righteously that he was canonized among the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.

caregiver: Let's be merciful with you too and kind. After all, only kindness can save the world from cruelty, anger, rudeness. In Russia, a tree has always been considered kind. Come here and see our tree.

Children approach an easel on which a tree without leaves is drawn.

caregiver: This is a tree « good deeds» . Give a piece of your kindness to the tree. To do this, circle your palm, cut it out and stick it on a tree.

Children come to the tables, take colored paper, circle their palms with a pencil, cut it out and stick it on a tree.

caregiver: Children, how wonderful it is to bring joy good deeds.

Why, tell me quickly

The world is getting kinder?

Because someone is happy

From a simple word "Hello!"

And from the laughter of kids

And from the sun.

And from the smell of lilac

And from the nightingale trill.

The world is mysterious, huge,

Look what he is kind!

So come on and me and you

Let's add him kindness!


caregiver: Children, what did we talk about today, what did we learn new? What do you remember the most, what did you like?

Children: Today we are talking about goodness and mercy. We talked about our good deeds, recalled works in which the characters did good deeds, told proverbs and sayings about good, learned about St. Sergius of Radonezh, who became an example for us kindness and mercy. And also we made a tree« good deeds» and realized that how good it is to bring joy to people good deeds.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This development is aimed at developing competence in communication, a sense of respect for each other, attentiveness, readiness to help those who need it.


  • introduce students to such concepts as "charity", "mercy".
  • create conditions for the development of students' motivation to do good deeds and deeds.


  • formation of value-semantic orientations and moral foundations of personal moral choice;
  • the formation of competence in communication, a sense of respect for each other, attentiveness, readiness to help those who need it;

Forms of organization of children's activities:

  • frontal
  • group
  • individual

Lesson progress

I. Introductory part (slide No. 1, see electronic presentation).

Teacher: Guys, what does the word "good" mean to you? (students express their opinions).


No matter how life flies -
Do not regret your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To make the heart burn
And not smoldering in the mist
Do a good deed
That we live on earth

(teacher shows and reads slide number 2 in the presentation).

Good- this is something that never disappears, but, on the contrary, multiplies with each new good deed. It is important to think about others, selflessly help, filling every day with meaning.

Kindness- this is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others (from the Ozhegov dictionary, slide number 3).

Sometimes we don't notice how many good deeds people around us are doing.

- Let's work with you in groups (students are divided into 3 groups). I will give you a “Chamomile Flower” and separately the petals, on these petals, you write what good deeds you have done in your life (the teacher shows slide number 4). Then, we will attach all this to the board and look at our “good deeds” (deeds).

Students hang their daisies on the board with good deeds (helped mom clean up the apartment; helped sister do homework; fed homeless animals; donated toys to orphanages / shelters, bought pens, pencils for these children with mom; helped her grandmother water the garden and etc.).

Teacher: That's how many good deeds and deeds you have done, what good fellows you are! A good deed lives for two centuries! Who can explain the meaning of this proverb?

(students express their opinions: a person who does good deeds is remembered for a very long time and about his actions).

II. Main part

Teacher: And now guys, we will read the story "The Girl with Matches" by G.-Kh. Andersen (you can watch the cartoon).

The teacher gives the children the text of the story about how a poor girl with matches lit one match after another and watched bizarre shadows - pictures. She saw a warm stove, a delicious goose, a Christmas tree, and even her grandmother. The poor, hungry girl just wanted to warm herself on a winter evening ... but many people who passed by her did not even notice the grief of this girl.

How do you think this girl felt?

Why were people so indifferent to her misfortune? After all, if everyone helped, then this world would become at least a little more perfect, kinder and brighter. We do good deeds not for the sake of fame or gratitude, but how nice it is to understand in the soul that you helped someone in this world, made someone happy !!!

Teacher: In good deeds, we can help not only people, but also animals. Our school is currently running a charity event to help animals from the shelter (the teacher shows slide number 5 presentation - photo), which was organized by girls from grade 10. Does anyone know what "charity" is? (teacher listens to different opinions of students). Good means: it is “to do good”, “to do good”.

Charity It is the provision of selfless help to those who need it. This is exactly what our faithful friends, animals, need in this help. This promotion will last from 11 to 25 October. If someone wants to help animals, then bring and put in a box: dry food for cats and dogs, canned food, cereals, leashes, collars, beds, blankets, dressings, etc.

– And now I would like to tell you how the citizens of our country help other people, carry out acts of mercy and kindness. Look at the following diagram (the teacher shows slide scheme number 6):

Goodness surrounds us everywhere and everywhere, only in Everyday life sometimes we don't notice it. But there are so many people and animals that need our help. Kindness is a miracle that is given to every person! Everyone is kind in their own way. Please draw what kindness you associate with (the teacher distributes sheets of white paper and pencils to the children). Then the results of the work are posted on the board (discussed). Variants of drawings (heart, human hands, " magic words': hello, please, thank you; mother; smile; Human; sun, etc.). You can organize an exhibition of works!

Teacher: Let's look at the next slide of our presentation (the teacher shows slide number 7). Here it is necessary to connect the beginning and end of the proverb about good deeds and deeds.

Teacher: Guys, mercy begins with you!

Mercy- this is kindness, sympathy, readiness to do good to anyone and everyone! (teacher shows slide number 8).

In our country there are many charitable foundations:

1). Charitable Foundation Konstantin Khabensky (slide number 9). There are various charitable programs: "Target Help"(provision of targeted charitable assistance to children with oncological and other brain diseases); "Happiness Therapy" (to increase the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation in children with cancer and other severe brain diseases by adding positive emotions to them); “Know and not be afraid” (improving the quality of treatment provided in Russia, developing early diagnosis of oncological and other severe brain diseases in children and young adults aged 18 to 25. Also one of the main objectives of the program is to change the attitude of society towards the topic of oncology ); "Assistance to medical institutions" (improving the quality of medical services for patients with severe brain diseases and optimizing the financial costs of their treatment).

2). Charitable Foundation for Seriously Ill Children, orphans and the disabled "Rusfond" (slide number 10). The main task is to help seriously ill children.

3). Charitable Foundation for Helping Childrenwith oncohematological and other serious diseases "Gift a life"(slide number 11). Its activities include raising funds for the purchase of medicines and equipment for specialized clinics, helping children who failed to receive a quota for high-tech treatment, organizing the work of volunteers in hospitals, developing free blood donation, providing access to pain relief, etc.

4). Valery Gergiev Foundation (slide number 12). The objectives of the foundation are to support creative projects and tours of the Mariinsky Theatre, assistance, including targeted assistance, to young artists, musical groups, and talented Russian performers.

5). Charitable Food Fund "Rus"(slide number 13). The Foundation accepts the products of Russian food producers in the form of donations and distributes them with the help of non-profit organizations, social services and parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church. So, in 2015, many free meals were prepared for the needy in 20 workshops.

There are many other funds: Charitable Foundation "Advita", Hospice Assistance Fund "Vera"ROO "Mercy", etc.

III. Final part

Teacher: Let's listen to the song "Do good!"

Lyrics of the song: “Don't wait until they come to you and say: - Help!

Go ahead, good friend,
And hold out your hand!
Always keep both your heart and palm open.
And warming the weak
Burn, shine, fire!


Help everyone.

Do not forget.

Your world is filled with colors
And someone's world is empty.
Fill it with a fairy tale
You can, like a hero.
Share goodness and joy
Not asking for awards.
A grateful smile
You will be glad to see.

Chorus (2 times):
Do good if you can.
Help everyone.
After all, kindness has no end and limit.
Do not forget.

IV. Reflection

Teacher: Our lesson is coming to an end. I hope that today's lesson has planted even more kindness in your hearts. We will try with you to be more attentive to those who need it. You need to be worthy people and be able to understand and accept the pain of another person and try to give him at least a small drop of happiness, who needs it!

Do good if you can.
Help everyone.
After all, kindness has no end and limit.
Do not forget ( slide number 14).

Teacher: And now, I will give you hearts (prepared in advance by the children in the "technology" lesson + poster, slide number 15), on which you write what kind of good deed you would like to do in the near future.

- We will leave these hearts in the classroom, hang them on a poster, and after a while, we will see what good deeds you have brought to life.

Teacher: A merciful person is one who gives the warmth of his soul to people who find it difficult during this period of life. Mercy is one of the best qualities of a person. I am sure that there is kindness in each of us, you just need to remember about it. To please others is a rare gift, it is not given to everyone. We must learn to please others. And you can do it by doing good deeds imperceptibly, sincerely!

Aftereffect options: the next day, the guys took part in a school charity event to help animals from the shelter (they brought food, houses, beds, even clothes for animals). Some students offered to participate in the action “to help the boarding school for orphans”, parents also joined! Do good!

material preview

educational hour

"Life is given for good deeds"

Purpose: the formation of the moral qualities of the individual in pupils; consolidation of generally accepted rules of behavior, manifestation of good feelings and deeds.

    reveal the essence of the concepts of "good", "kindness", "good deeds";

    to promote the development of communication skills, teamwork, the ability to analyze life situations and give them an appropriate assessment;

    cultivate the desire to do good deeds, to show kindness to others.

Form of holding: round table.

The course of the educational hour

Org. moment

A person almost always knows whether he is doing well or badly. All his life, from childhood, one is learning, "What is good and what is bad."

And you, how are you doing? It's not easy to evaluate correctly. We have a good helper - our conscience.

Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior and one's actions to oneself, surrounding people and society. She suggests that there is good and evil, keeps us from evil deeds and encourages good ones. Conscience warns us against evil and directs us to the path of good.

Collect a proverb that will accompany us and be the theme of the educational hour "Life is given for good deeds."

Main part

Each person has repeatedly thought about why he lives in this world, what is the meaning of his existence. And everyone probably came to the conclusion that life is too precious to waste it. In life, there must be some higher purpose, some meaning, which makes it worthwhile. Life is given to us not just in order to eat and sleep, but in order to create and express ourselves in something, life is given to us in order to do good, to make this world even more beautiful and perfect.

And vice versa, if you do evil to people, then the meaning of such a life is lost, a person turns into an empty but dirty place. This is a sure way to loneliness, and a lonely person just goes crazy. Therefore, doing good is not only our duty, but also a vital necessity. So let's do only good deeds and let's not waste our lives in vain.

Definition of good and evil.

The difficulty arises in the fact that each person has his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is good and evil.

Kindness brings peace, happiness, peace to people's lives. Naturally, one should not think that good has the same meaning for every person. Not at all. Naturally, the cultural environment in which a person grew up plays a role in the formation of this concept. In our culture, kindness is associated with light colors. Good is also understood as the desire to do something pleasant and good for another (man, nature, animal ...), and this desire should not contain benefits, and the desire should come from a “pure heart”.

Evil is the opposite of good. It is quite extensive and includes many smaller "components".

Evil has its own “ideals”, which include violence, hatred, destruction, anger, restriction of freedom against the will of a person, terrorism, envy, fear, lies, anger, etc. If we consider evil not so extensively or abstractly, then its designation can be formulated , as the infliction of suffering on living beings by any means (both physical and moral).

The Parable of the Two Wolves.

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson one vital truth.

In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies...

The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins at the end?

The old Indian smiled almost imperceptibly and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins.

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

Video "Even animals save each other"

(Discussion, answers to questions.)

Test "What kind of person are you?"

(Each pupil performs a test, points are calculated, after which the test answers are read out)


Pupils take turns reading proverbs about kindness.

    Good does not change for bad.

    Hurry to do good.

    Good overcomes evil.

    From good to bad one step.

    Good to live well.

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs? (a person who does good to others feels happy)

True goodness must be selfless. You have to give a part of your life to others.


Let's think about the questions of the hero of the poem, Alexander Yashin.

“Whose heart you softened,

Who gave a hand?

To whom did you ease the pain of the soul?

Whose old age consoled?

Who made happy?

Whom did he bring out to the road?”

These questions are addressed to each of us. And I am convinced that in the life of all of us there were moments when someone helped us in time in a variety of situations. Or you yourself supported someone in trouble, regardless of whether it was a native person or a complete stranger.

No matter how life flies

Do not regret your days

do a good deed

For the happiness of people.

To make the heart burn

Not smoldering in the mist

Do a good deed

That's how we live on Earth.

And now listen to V. Oseeva's story "On the River Bank" and think about the qualities of the characters in this story.

Yura and Tolya walked not far from the river bank.

I wonder, - said Tolya, - how these feats are accomplished? I would love to do something!

But I don’t even think about it ... - Yura answered and suddenly stopped.

Desperate cries for help came from the river.

Both boys rushed to the call. Yura kicked off his shoes as he walked, threw the books aside, and, reaching the shore, threw himself into the water.

And Tolya ran along the shore and shouted:

Who called? Who screamed? Who is drowning?

Meanwhile, Yura with difficulty pulled the crying baby ashore.

Ah, here he is! That's who screamed! - Tolya was delighted. - Alive? Well, good! But if we had not arrived in time, who knows what would have happened!

The next day, Tolya loudly boasted about how they saved the baby. And Yura stood modestly on the sidelines.

    What qualities did Tolya and Yura demonstrate?

    Why did Tolya talk about the feat, but Yura was silent?

    Today we talked a lot about kindness. Tell me, what is kindness, good deeds, a good person?


View the top 10 best deeds.

Conclusion, reflection.

What good deeds can we do at school, on the street, in transport? (a question in a circle).

And why should they be done? (so that the world becomes happier, warmer, more fun, so that everyone is friends, so that there is no evil ...).

Don't stand by indifferently.

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone, someone will help

Your kindness, your smile

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,

That you live for years not in vain.


Test "What kind of person are you?"

There are different people...

Some are ready to give the last to the first comer, others feel sorry for the snow in winter. What category of people do you belong to? Are you always kind and considerate to others? The test will help answer these questions, choose one answer at a time:

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends?

2. Comrade (girlfriend) tells you about his hardships. Will you let him know that you are not interested in this, even if it is?

3. If your partner is bad at checkers or another game, will you sometimes give in to him to please him?

4. Do you often say nice things to people just to cheer them up?

5. Do you like bad jokes?

6. Are you vindictive?

7. Can you patiently listen even to something that does not interest you at all?

8. Do you know how to apply your abilities in practice?

9. Will you quit the game if you start losing?

10. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to a friend's arguments?

11. Are you willing to fulfill requests?

12. Would you play a prank on someone to make others laugh?

Test results:

More than 8 points. - You are polite and amiable, like others, know how to deal with people. You must have many friends. You try to have good relations with everyone, but you can’t please everyone, and it won’t do you any good either.

From 4 to 8 points. - Well, well, your kindness is a matter of chance. Good you are not with everyone. For those who managed to win your favor, you are ready for anything, but with those who you do not like, you do not intend to be amiable. It's not so bad. But, probably, we should try to behave exactly with everyone so that people do not get offended.

Less than 4 points. - Communication with you, I must admit, sometimes it is just flour even for the people closest to you. Be kinder and you will have more friends. After all, friendship requires a good relationship ...


    Good does not change for bad.

    To do good is to amuse yourself.

    Hurry to do good.

    Make good, and get rid of the bad.

    Rye and wheat will be born in a year, but a kind person will always come in handy.

    Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.

    On someone else's good and eyes flare up.

    It happens, good, but not everyone is equal.

    Good overcomes evil.

    From good to bad one step.

    It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

    A good deed does not sink in water.

    Good to live well.