Reception brainstorming. Brainstorming: Methods and Rules

The essence of the brainstorming method is that a group of qualified experts is selected, but assessments and conclusions are made during the meeting. All experts are divided into two groups: the first generates ideas (gives marks), and the second analyzes them. At the same time, it is forbidden to criticize this or that idea. The idea with which the majority of experts will agree is considered correct.

Brainstorming method:
  • quite efficient and reliable;
  • this is the maximum of ideas in a short period of time;
  • it is the absence of any criticism;
  • it is the development, combination and modification of both one's own and others' ideas.

This method is specially designed to obtain maximum number offers. Its effectiveness is amazing: 6 people can come up with 150 ideas in half an hour. A design team working by conventional methods would never have come to the conclusion that the problem they are considering has such a variety of aspects.

Brainstorming technique

This is the brainstorming technique. A group of individuals is assembled, selected to generate alternatives. The main selection principle is diversity, qualifications, experience (this principle allows you to expand the fund of a priori information that the group has). It is reported that all ideas that have arisen both individually and by association when listening to the proposals of other participants are welcome, including those that only partially improve other people's ideas (it is recommended to write each idea on a separate card). Any criticism is strictly forbidden - this is the most important condition for brainstorming: the very possibility of criticism inhibits the imagination. Each in turn reads out his idea, the rest listen and write down on the cards new thoughts that arose under the influence of what they heard. All cards are then collected, sorted and analyzed, usually by another group of experts.

The number of alternatives can subsequently be significantly increased by combining the generated ideas. Among the ideas received as a result of brainstorming, there may be many stupid and unworkable ideas, but stupid ideas are then easily excluded by subsequent criticism.

Conditions and techniques for brainstorming

Categories of participants

  • There are no strict restrictions, but it is better to include workers with relatively little work experience in the group - they do not yet have developed stereotypes.
  • When solving specific problems, it is necessary to invite specialists (but they will be invited, not participants).
  • It is recommended to form mixed groups (of men and women). As a rule, the presence of representatives of different sex enlivens the atmosphere of work.
  • When conducting a brainstorming session, it is desirable that the number of active and moderate members of the group be approximately equal.
  • It is necessary that the difference in age, official position between members of the group be minimal. The presence of superiors also constrains and limits the flow of brainstorming.
  • It is not recommended to invite a skeptical leader to a brainstorming session, even if he participates in the role of an observer.
  • It is advisable from time to time to introduce new people into the group, new people bring in new views, ideas that stimulate thinking.

Number of participants:

  • The optimal composition of the group is from 6 to 12 people. The optimal number of participants is 7.
  • It is not recommended to split the group members into smaller ones (2 or more).
  • The number of people in a group also depends on the number of active and moderate members in it. If there are more active, then the number of people in the group should be less, more than moderate - on the contrary.

Setting, venue

  • For brainstorming, it is advisable to use an auditorium or a separate room away from extraneous noise. It is recommended to hang a poster on the wall with the basic rules for brainstorming.
  • It is desirable to have a board that participants can use to display their ideas. Tables and chairs are recommended to be arranged in the form of the letter P, O, a circle or a semi-ellipse. This facilitates the contact of participants and increases sociability. If the group is small (5-6 people), a round table is most convenient.
  • It is advisable to have a tape recorder: a person may not have time to delve into the idea and miss it.
  • Don't forget that humor is essential during the meeting. This contributes to the creation of a relaxed atmosphere and a creative atmosphere.

Duration and time

  • As a rule, the duration of the brainstorming session and the time ranges from 40 to 60 minutes. This is the most efficient time frame.
  • When solving simple problems or under time constraints, the most appropriate length of discussion is 10-15 minutes.
  • The best time to brainstorm is in the morning (10 am to 12 pm), but it can also be done in the afternoon (2 pm to 6 pm).

Types of Problems Solved by Brainstorming

  • The brainstorming method allows you to solve any problem that can be solved by a method that has several possible solutions. Brainstorming problems that have only one answer or a limited number of possible solutions are not suitable for this method.
  • It is also necessary to avoid solving too general, abstract problems.
  • It is recommended to avoid completely solving the problem in one session. If the initial formulation is too broad and general, it should be subdivided into a number of subproblems.
  • Brainstorming can be successfully used to collect information, not ideas, i.e., to find out sources or form questionnaire questions.
  • Problems for discussion are recommended to be formulated simply and clearly.

Voice the problem

  • The brainstorming topic is revealed to the participants in advance, a few days before the discussion. In this case, the moderator (chairman) represents summary topics or problems (up to 5 minutes, half-sheet volume), distributes it to the participants in advance.
  • Familiarization of brainstorming participants with a topic or problem directly during the brainstorming session.
  • There is also a mixed way of presenting a topic or problem for brainstorming. That is, partial rather than complete information on the problem is reported in advance.
  • Show or illustrate the way a problem or situation develops. If possible, it is better graphically.
  • Give recommendations on choosing the main points of contact. Use charts, models, and whatever is best suited for this purpose. It is desirable to show and explain all this simply and clearly.
  • Summarize the available points of view, show their advantages and disadvantages. Re-emphasize the need for a solution.

The role of the manager (leader)

  • The main functions of the leader are to inform all participants about the rules of brainstorming, to (leader) control over their observance, as well as to generally control the discussion so that it remains within the framework or boundaries of the topic or problem being discussed.
  • It is important that the leader himself participate in the generation of ideas. It should simultaneously act as a stimulator or catalyst in case of a slowdown in the rate of generating ideas. A good leader, as a rule, should have a list of possible solutions to a problem in advance.
  • The role of the leader is also to select participants for the brainstorming session at least 2 days before it takes place.
  • An effective leader is constantly throwing out "wild" and reckless ideas and suggestions to demonstrate that they are encouraged.
  • Sometimes it happens that it is difficult for a group of participants to get rid of traditional approaches, stereotypes in solving a problem. In this case, we recommend using a little trick: the leader stops the brainstorming and introduces restrictions: for 2-3 minutes, offer only impractical, most unusual ideas.
  • It often happens that participants continue to generate interesting ideas after the meeting. In this case, the task of the leader is to gather the group in a few days and fix these ideas.

Evaluation of ideas

  • To evaluate ideas, you need to select criteria. Evaluation criteria can be relevance, practical implementation, solvability on their own, novelty, etc.
  • Evaluation of ideas can be done by the same or different compositional group. If the evaluation is carried out by the same group of participants, then, as a rule, it is carried out after a few days.

Rules for Brainstorming

Rule 1: Any criticism of the ideas expressed during the brainstorming is prohibited.

The principle of brainstorming is to prioritize the quantity of ideas expressed over their quality. The ideas expressed by the participants, even the most crazy, can serve as a starting point for the development of the thought process of other participants. This is the advantage of collective thinking over individual. Any, even the smallest, assessment of the idea expressed can affect the entire process of brainstorming. It will be successful if each participant directs their efforts in a constructive direction.

Rule 2: Free flight of thoughts and encouragement of the most "crazy" ideas

The purpose of brainstorming as a collective creative process is to search for non-standard, non-traditional ideas. Otherwise, this process can turn into a regular meeting, where most often it is standard ideas and solutions that are proposed and discussed that are not always effective and efficient.

For the emergence of creative ideas, a certain mood is required, when thoughts freely rush through our head. This state is characterized by the inclusion in the work of our subconscious. For the appearance of such a mood, the participants in a brainstorming session should

conduct a special warm-up with tasks for analysis and synthesis, associative links, etc.

When expressing their ideas, participants need to remember that it does not matter at all whether they are applicable in practice or not, one way or another, many of them may help to find an effective solution.

Rule 3: Put forward as many ideas as possible

As already mentioned, for brainstorming, the number of ideas expressed is more important than their quality. While participants must (and can) generate ideas for a small limited time, they must learn to use ideas already expressed by other participants to think quickly and propose new ones.

In the practice of such groups, it can be noted that the purpose of brainstorming is to put forward more than 100 ideas in 20 minutes. The most productive (successful) brainstorming session is one in which 200-250 ideas are proposed in 20 minutes.

Rule 4: Mandatory fixation of all ideas

When conducting a brainstorming session, every idea should be recorded, even if it is repeated. All group members should see all captured ideas, so you should prepare for this in advance.

Usually ideas are written with markers on large sheets of paper. It is better to hang them up in advance, before the start of the brainstorming session, and place them on the walls so that they are clearly visible to each participant.

Rule 5: Idea incubation

After all the ideas are expressed and recorded, it takes time to think about and evaluate them. Why is this stage needed? The fact is that the incubation period allows a person to recover from the fatigue associated with solving a problem. A break in a difficult problem also makes it possible to forget inappropriate approaches to it.

Functional fixation may interfere with the solution of the problem, and it is possible that during the incubation period a person forgets the old and unsuccessful ways of solving it. Experience shows that during the period of incubation, a person continues to work on the task unconsciously. In addition, during a break in the process of solving a problem, material may be reorganized.

Stages of Brainstorming

Having learned the rules of brainstorming, you can now pay attention to the individual stages of successfully brainstorming and evaluating ideas after they have been “incubated”.

Stage 1

The leader should familiarize the group members with the rules for brainstorming. It is best to write these rules on a poster and hang it on the wall at every group meeting in a way that is clearly visible to all participants.

Stage 2

For successful brainstorming, participants need to tune in to a creative way. The leader conducts a warm-up with the participants, solving various tasks for associative thinking, analysis and synthesis, etc. It is best for employees who are members of a permanent team to constantly develop their creative abilities.

Then it is recommended to conduct a brainstorming rehearsal. The group needs to choose a problem (preferably of a domestic nature), in which each of the participants is somewhat competent, and conduct a brief brainstorming (warm-up) in order to restructure thinking for the creative process.

Always do this, because it only seems that everyone can easily get involved in the work, but in reality this does not happen!

Problem statements for the warm-up are given in Appendix 1.

Stage 3

Group members should prepare for the brainstorming by hanging large sheets of paper on the walls, on which incoming ideas will be recorded. At the same time, it must be remembered that with the rapid pace of putting forward ideas, it may be difficult to fix them on paper. In this case, 2-3 people can fix ideas in turn. You can also accept the following conditions: participants fix their ideas on a small sheet of paper and express them in turn at the request of the facilitator.

Stage 4
  1. The problem has already been formulated, but its definition is too general and needs to be clarified. In this case, the original wording should be placed as a heading on a large sheet of paper.
  2. The group does not know what problem it will be working on, but in this case it should try to formulate a general direction for the search. In this case, it is best to start a general heading like this: “How can we ...” and then finish the phrase (transform something, improve something, etc.). After the final choice of the topic, its definition in the form of a heading is also placed on a large sheet of paper.
Stage 5

The ideation process can take place in a variety of ways. There are many different techniques based on the principles of brainstorming, some of which are described later in this chapter. But with different options for brainstorming, two approaches to the process of putting forward ideas are usually used.

1 approach. Participants can express ideas in turn, in a certain order. Usually the leader invites the next member of the group to speak. If one of the participants does not know what to offer, then he says: "I skip" and the right to speak passes to the next participant. The leader (or a member of the group specially allocated for this) fixes the expressed ideas on large sheets of paper. Participants are encouraged to record their ideas on small pieces of paper so as not to forget them while he waits for his turn to speak. In this case, ideas come in order and are easy to fix. In addition, all members of the group are involved in the process.

2 approach. The second approach is unsystematic, since each member of the group can express their ideas at any time. In this case, ideas are expressed freely and naturally, but there is great difficulty in fixing ideas. In this case, you can increase the number of people who will capture ideas (usually 2-3 people). The disadvantage of this approach is that it does not stimulate the direction of thought and does not guarantee the involvement of all participants in the process of putting forward ideas.

Stage 6

After all the ideas are fixed, it takes time to think about and evaluate them. Group members are encouraged to leave for at least a week after brainstorming to reflect on all the ideas.

It is best to hang up the idea sheet in a prominent place where the group members can see it at all times. In addition, to the discussion of the ideas expressed during the brainstorming, other employees of the enterprise add their ideas to the hanging sheets (brainstorming on the board).

Then, after some time (more often than a week), the group members conduct a new brainstorming session on the list of ideas compiled at the previous meeting.

Stage 7

It initiates the evaluation process. This usually happens at the next group meeting. The best way to organize the evaluation of ideas from the list is to group them by topic before some of the proposals are rejected as unrealistic. After receiving a list of ideas grouped by topic, each one should be reviewed to identify the best ideas that can be quickly and easily implemented.

Further actions of the group depend on the subject of brainstorming. If its purpose was to identify the problem to be worked on, then the group should choose a main topic and then focus on the ideas related to it in order to identify the most suitable ones for consideration. On the other hand, if the brainstorming session gave the group a set of possible solutions to the problem, then the next step would be to analyze them using the Pareto method (see Chapter 8) to identify one or two of the most suitable options. The Pareto Principle can also be used to carefully examine ideas while making accurate decisions.

Methods based on the principle (technology) of brainstorming


This technique is based on the brainstorming technique, but the group members do not express their proposals out loud, but in writing. They write their ideas on pieces of paper and then exchange them with each other. The idea of ​​a neighbor becomes a stimulus for a new idea, which is included in the resulting sheet. The group again exchanges sheets, and this continues for a certain time (no more than 15 minutes).

The rules of brainstorming also apply to writing thoughts: strive for more ideas, do not criticize the proposals put forward until the end of the session, encourage "free association".

Consider an example.

Perfume company managers decided to use the method of writing thoughts in search of innovative ideas for business development. Each participant in the meeting wrote down his idea on a piece of paper and exchanged with a neighbor. One manager thought about producing a new brand of soap and laundry detergent, while another listed a proposal to develop a new line of shampoo and hair conditioner. Well, and the third, when this leaflet with these two ideas came to him, combined them and offered to create a unique product: soap, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle.

Brainstorming on chalkboard

In the working premises, you can hang a special board on the wall, attack on the board so that employees place sheets on it with notes of those creative ideas that come to them during the working day. Hang this board in a conspicuous place. In the center of it should be written - in large bright (multi-colored) letters - the problem that needs to be resolved. Anyone who has an interesting thought that can help solve this problem can pin a piece of paper with the idea fixed on it.

Brainstorming in Japanese

This technique, developed by the Japanese Kobayashi and Kawakita, is based on the awareness of the need for a common approach for all group members to identify and solve problems. This technique is sometimes called "Rice Hail".

1) Problem definition
  • The team leader lists all concepts related to the topic (eg sales, costs, distribution services, competition).
  • Each of the participants writes down on the cards the factors associated with the problem under consideration - one fact per card. Facts should be relevant and directly related to the topic under study.
  • The host collects and redistributes the cards so that no one gets the old ones.
  • Group members choose those cards that are associated with the statement offered to their attention. These cards form a set.
  • The facilitator reads out the contents of one of the cards.
  • The group gives the set a name that reflects, in the general opinion, the essence of all the facts presented in the set. The name must meet the following requirements: its meaning must be derived from a set of facts, it must not be too general, it must not be a simple enumeration of facts from a set. By giving a name to the set, the group summarizes all the facts at their disposal and then extracts the crux of the problem from them.
  • Group members combine the rest of the facts into sets - each under their own name. Then all sets are added into one, to which the group gives a name that reflects the essence of the final set.

This final complex set will be as close as possible to the essence of the problem and its definition. Perhaps the keywords should be rearranged so that a clear and precise definition of the problem arises.

When a common understanding of the task appears in the group, the positions of the participants converge; all present agree on the definition of the problem; in the process of joint discussion, group members begin to feel a “feeling of the elbow”.

2) Problem Solving
  • Each participant writes down their solutions to solve the problem on separate cards - one option on each card, the number of options is not limited.
  • The leader of the group collects and redistributes the cards so that no one gets the old ones.
  • Participants select cards associated with this solution. When all offers are selected, they are grouped.
  • The facilitator reads one of the options.
  • The set is given a name. In the course of further discussion, the remaining proposals are also combined into sets of solutions to the problem, and from them the final set is already compiled. This set should contain the essence of all proposed solutions.

The title of the final set should express the essence of all sentences. The facilitator asks the group a question: “What unites all the proposed ideas?” The search for an answer will generate many thoughts, and the facilitator will be able to select and group the most interesting ones.

Multistage (cascading) brainstorming

In this case, all participants in the meetings (meetings) are divided into two groups: the “idea generation group” and the “evaluation group”. It is desirable that the “idea generation group” consists of people of equal rank. This group includes widely erudite brainstorming employees who are prone to fantasy, but clearly represent the essence of the task before them. Great importance has an approximate equality of group members in terms of temperaments. The optimal number of members of the "idea generation group", aimed at solving a problem of medium complexity, is 10 people.

The "assessment group" includes people with a critical mindset. Here, the presence of superiors with certain powers is mandatory. This is necessary so that a positive assessment of an idea has a real basis for its implementation.

Both groups must have leaders whose role is unusually great. This is the conductor of the "synthetic brain". A lot depends on his erudition, tact, ability to "get" the members of the group. It should be noted that the problem of selecting both groups is very important and complex. Let us formulate the main stages of a multi-stage brain attack.

Stage 1 "Reconnaissance". The first brainstorming session is held, in which the first ideas are put forward by the “idea generation group”. This stage is considered as the idea generation stage.

Stage 2 "Contradictation". At this stage, the participants continue to put forward ideas, but one restriction is imposed on the statements about the problem: the same problem must be solved without resorting to the proposals already made. Ideas opposite to those previously expressed are approved and supported.

As a result of the implementation of this approach, two opposite lists of proposals for solving the problem are compiled. In sum, they contain a maximum of proposals and counterproposals. The greatest effect is obtained when the brainstorming participants in the first and second stages are different people: emphasizing the need to "do not touch" previously received proposals that are presented as dead ends, the host does not prohibit their use.

Stage 3 "Synthesis". At this stage, the “assessment group” joins the discussion. It combines in one system the proposals made during the first and second discussions, and develops solutions.

Stage 4 "Forecast". On the basis of a "synthetic" list of ideas, it is proposed to predict the possibilities and difficulties arising from the solution.

Stage 5 "Generalization". The meaning of this stage is to generalize the received ideas, reducing their diversity to a small number of principles.

Stage 6 "Destruction". This stage is carried out in order to check the obtained results "for strength". Its task is to "smash" sentences from various positions: logical, factual, social. Criticism is allowed only in relation to the formulated ideas, but not to each other. To increase the efficiency of this stage, it is necessary to form a group of different qualities in intellectual and professional terms; ensure the administrative and legal independence of its members from the organizers of the development; do not name the authors of the ideas.

After all stages are completed, the final decision is made. However, it should be noted that the technique does not replace the talent, knowledge, or experience of people, it only increases their thoughts. The atmosphere of emotional elation, which is created during collective thinking, contributes to the discovery of the deep creative reserves of the human personality.

brainstorming) - an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which the participants in the discussion are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice. It is a method of expert evaluation.

Stages and rules of brainstorming

Properly organized brainstorming includes three mandatory stages. The stages differ in the organization and rules for their implementation:

  1. Formulation of the problem. Preliminary stage. At the beginning of the second stage, the problem should be clearly formulated. There is a selection of participants in the assault, the definition of a leader and the distribution of other roles of participants depending on the problem posed and the chosen method of conducting the assault.
  2. Generation of ideas. The main stage on which the success (see below) of the entire brainstorming largely depends. Therefore, it is very important to follow the rules for this stage:
    • The main thing is the number of ideas. Don't make any restrictions.
    • A complete ban on criticism and any (including positive) assessment of the ideas expressed, since the assessment distracts from the main task and knocks down the creative mood.
    • Unusual and even absurd ideas are welcome.
    • Combine and improve any ideas.
  3. Grouping, selecting and evaluating ideas. This stage is often forgotten, but it is the one that allows you to highlight the most valuable ideas and give the final result of the brainstorming. At this stage, unlike the second, the assessment is not limited, but, on the contrary, is welcomed. Methods for analyzing and evaluating ideas can be very different. The success of this stage directly depends on how “equally” the participants understand the criteria for selecting and evaluating ideas.

brain attacks

For brainstorming, two groups are usually created:

  • participants offering new options for solving the problem;
  • members of the commission processing the proposed solutions.

There are individual and collective brain attacks.

A team of several specialists and a moderator participate in a brainstorming session. Before the brainstorming session itself, the facilitator makes a clear statement of the problem to be solved. During the brainstorming, participants express their ideas aimed at solving the task, both logical and absurd.

In the process of brainstorming, as a rule, at first the solutions are not very original, but after some time, typical, template solutions are exhausted, and unusual ideas begin to appear among the participants. The facilitator writes down or otherwise records all the ideas that come up during the brainstorming session.

Then, when all ideas are expressed, they are analyzed, developed and selected. As a result, the most efficient and often non-trivial solution of the problem is found.


The success of brainstorming is highly dependent on the psychological atmosphere and the activity of the discussion, so the role of the leader in brainstorming is very important. It is he who can “break the deadlock” and breathe fresh energy into the process.

Brainstorming is credited to Alex Osborne.

One of the extensions of the brainstorming method is the synectics method.


  • Creative thought on a short leash Coyne, Clifford, Dye / Harvard Business Review Russia / April 2008 - in particular, what can be wrong with brainstorming
  • Something they don't write about brainstorming. Undocumented features of the most hyped creative technique Sokolov Alexander Borisovich, TREKO.RU

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Brainstorming" is in other dictionaries:

    brainstorm- (ITIL Service Design) (ITIL Service Operation) A technique that helps a team generate ideas. Ideas are not analyzed during the actual brainstorming, this happens later. Brainstorming is often used in problem management to... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Ex., number of synonyms: 3 brainstorming (3) brainstorming (3) brain teaser ... Synonym dictionary

    Brain attack, see DELPHI METHOD. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M .: INFRA M. 479 s .. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    brainstorm- "BRAIN STORM" proposed by A. Osborne in the 40s. 20th century a way of organizing group generation of ideas, on the basis of which other methods of group creative thinking later arose. This method is primarily aimed at... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

    BRAINSTORM- BRAINSTORM. Same as brainstorming... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    Brainstorm- An approach to problem solving in which people come together and spontaneously come up with all sorts of suggestions on how to solve a problem. It is important that at this stage not a single proposal is subjected to critical evaluation, otherwise it may be violated ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    brainstorm- a method of quick search for solutions based on their generation in the process of brainstorming conducted by a group of specialists and selection best solution based on expert assessments. The Delphi method is used for expert forecasting by ... ... Dictionary of economic terms

    BRAINSTORM- (from the English brain storming) a method of intensifying the process of group search for problem solving. It provides for the stimulation of creativity and productivity on the basis of the proposal that in the usual methods of discussion and decision ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    Brainstorm- teaching method, one of the modern forms group lessons in middle and high educational institutions. Problem search or development of the optimal solution to the problem. The preliminary stage of is a situational analysis.… … Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    BRAINSTORM An approach to problem solving in which people come together and spontaneously come up with all sorts of suggestions about how to solve a problem... Dictionary of Career Guidance and Psychological Support

Today one of the most effective ways expert evaluation is the brainstorming method (MMS). The scope of its application is determined by the following cases:

  • when the object of study is not subject to strict mathematical description and formalization;
  • when the characteristics of the object under study are not sufficiently substantiated, since they do not have detailed statistics;
  • if the functioning of the object is multivariate and depends on many factors;
  • when forecasting complex economic phenomena that are dynamically changing and evolving;
  • if the situation excludes other methods of forecasting.

These conditions cover a wide range of social and economic processes. Other methods of expert assessments have a similar scope. Brainstorming is inappropriate to use when its object is predictable and well studied.

The history of the brainstorming method

This method was invented in the middle of the last century by the founder news agency BBD&O, famous copywriter Alex Osborne. Let's talk about this in more detail. After all, his brainchild - MMSh - is in demand by leaders for making special, principled and creative decisions that require the inclusion of the "collective mind" factor. In this case, the leader of the discussion is most often the leader himself. Such a role requires a combination of certain qualities in his personality: a benevolent attitude to any ideas, high creative activity.

How was brainstorming first used?

This example has become a classic. Not all his life, Mr. Osborne was a copywriter and businessman. During the Second World War, he served as the captain of a merchant ship, plying between prosperous America and warring Europe. Unarmed ships were often torpedoed and sunk to the bottom by German warships on combat raids.

History buff Alex Osborne recalled the ancient practice of dealing with critical situations by Viking sailors when he received a radio message about a possible attack by an enemy submarine. Once the whole team was convened on the deck of the drakar by the captain, and then by seniority, starting with the cabin boy and ending with the captain, they expressed their way of resolving the crisis situation.

The captain of an American ship decided to revive the ancient method of management decisions - brainstorming (as he called it), and called the crew on deck. Among the absurd decisions made, there was one that fell into the stage of further rethinking: that the whole team lined up along the side to which the torpedo was moving and blew on it, which would deflect the lethal charge.

Then a German submarine sailed by, but Captain Osborne patented the invention. A screw was attached to the side of the ship, creating a powerful jet at the right time, thanks to which the torpedo changed the angle of attack and slid along the side.

Methodological basis of brainstorming

More broadly, the famous heuristic dialogue of Socrates served as the theoretical basis of the MIS. The ancient philosopher believed that with the help of skillful questions one can induce any person to awaken his potential abilities. Socrates saw in the conversation the most important tool for clarifying the truth. Alex Osborne, on the other hand, managed to model, with the help of formal rules, an environment conducive to the awakening of creativity in a team of people.

MMS served as a theoretical impetus for the creation of the synectics method, which motivates intellectual activity in different teams and communities.

How to organize brainstorming?

What is the hidden potential of MMS? The fact is that it triggers the mechanism of the collective mind when it resolves. actual problems. At the same time, we make a reservation that there are situations that exclude its use. In particular, the brainstorming method is ineffective in finding a way out of such problems that:

  • have only one solution;
  • have an abstract and generalized character;
  • if the problem is formulated with excessive complexity (in this case, it should be divided into subproblems and resolved in parts).

At present, MMS has entered the practice of corporate activity so powerfully as the leading method for choosing the best ways to solve multivariate problems that its varieties have become relevant. We list some of them:

  • brain ring;
  • brainstorming using the board;
  • "Japanese" brainstorming;
  • Delphi method.

In the following narration, we will characterize these particular methods of MMS. However, in the beginning, for a more complete understanding of them, it is logical to present the classical method of brainstorming from the point of view of its methodology.

Preparatory stage MMSh

Its quality implementation requires compliance with certain organizational issues in particular, the observance of phasing.

The brainstorming method involves a clear formulation of the problem itself, the choice of a leader, as well as the identification of participants in two groups: for generating solutions and for their subsequent expert evaluation.

Starting from the organization stage, mistakes should be avoided that reduce the effectiveness of the method. Fuzzy, unclear setting of goals and objectives initially leads to zero efficiency. If the task put up for discussion has an ambiguous structure (actually consisting of several tasks), then it is likely that the discussers will get confused in the priority and order of solving the problem.

Group composition

The optimal number of participants in groups is 7 people. The acceptable number of groups is 6-12 people. Forming smaller teams is not recommended, as it is more difficult to achieve a creative atmosphere that way.

It is desirable to take people of various qualifications and professions into the group. Specialists are accepted as invited persons (not participants). For more dynamic work, mixed groups (both men and women) are welcome. It is also recommended to balance the number of persons with active and contemplative life position. A negative effect is the presence at the discussion of the problem of a leader who is skeptical about the possibilities of resolving it.

A few days before the second stage of the MMS - discussion - the persons selected in the groups are informed of the date of the event and the formulation of the problem. To do this, the facilitator distributes compact (up to 1 page) printed materials to the participants with a clearly defined goal - solving the problem, its brief description.

It will be useful for the discussers to know the trajectory of the development of the problem, it needs to be displayed with a diagram. It is also important to show the points of contact between people and the problem: when, under what circumstances, this problem really interferes with the realization of the interests of society.

Standard brainstorming time frame

Using the brainstorming method will be effective if it is properly organized. It is most effective to conduct MMS in the morning from 10:00 to 12:00 or in the afternoon - from 14:00 to 17:00. Directly as a place for its implementation, it is advisable to choose a separate room or auditorium isolated from noise. It is desirable to equip it with a poster with the rules of the MIS, a board for the prompt display of ideas.

For maximum concentration of participants on the problem, their tables should be located so as to surround the leader's table, that is, placed around it in a square or ellipse.

The solution to the problem by brainstorming should be recorded either on video or on a tape recorder so as not to miss the ideas expressed. Moderate humor at the event is welcome. The use of the brainstorming method is relevant for forty to sixty minutes. If a simple sub-problem is being discussed, then a quarter of an hour is enough.

Stage of direct generation of ideas

The phase of direct generation of ideas is characterized by intense intellectual work of those present. By its onset, the brains of participants in a brainstorming session should be maximally tuned to creative work. To help you do this correctly should be the qualifications of the leader. A short and smooth introduction usually follows as an introduction, expressing the leader's conviction that he has gathered creative and creative people, his goodwill and charge for the success of the event. Next, the host conducts a short intellectual warm-up of those present with the help of boring questions. Provoking the activity of the participants, he can ask, for example, about the lyceum nickname of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (by the way, did you know that classmates called the future classic Egoza?).

Brainstorming is not a meeting, where the back rows are drowsing "prosessed". The MMS implementation stage aims to formulate the maximum possible options for resolving the problem. Both ideas that indicate new directions for solution and ideas that develop options already formulated are taken into account. At the same time, it is forbidden to criticize any, even the most fantastic option.

Since the proposed methods can be not only the most diverse, but also the most fantastic, the presenter himself maintains a cheerful, creative atmosphere, and he himself puts forward, among other things, incredible ways to overcome the problem.

Solving a problem by brainstorming is considered effective if more than one and a half hundred options are recorded within half an hour. The priority of the number of expressed ideas over their quality is clearly emerging. All of them are promptly fixed by specially appointed people with markers on large sheets of paper (A3 or A2).

Stage of fixing ideas

There are two ways to record them. In the first of them, the participants in the discussion express their ideas in turn. In this case, one person is enough to display, which can even be a presenter. The second way of expressing ideas is more dynamic. Under it, anyone discussing can freely express their ideas at any time. At the same time, a single secretary is not able to fix ideas, so I appoint 2-3 people to perform this function. The advantage of the second method is the generation of more ideas. The downside is that the thought process is multi-channel, so there is no way to build a thought directionally. Solutions are reviewed privately by the review team, but without prior evaluation. Just takes note.

It is recommended to proceed to the stage of expert evaluation of the proposed options for solving the problem only after a certain period of time. To comprehend the methods proposed by the participants in the discussion, it is necessary to take a break for at least a week. This time is fruitless! After all, the contestants will subconsciously analyze and rethink the options they like. This is the time of the so-called creative incubation. After all, the brainstorming method is used to select the most successful and creative idea, and for this, the phase of creative incubation is important. We do not recommend neglecting it.

Expert review

At the onset of the evaluation stage, proposals are first grouped by topic (in areas of problem resolution). Thus, at first, the most successful ways of resolving variants in different directions are singled out. For each of them, relevant factors are highlighted.

Then the algorithm for discussing options for solving the problem involves the use of the Pareto method. The principle, discovered and researched by this sociologist, says: "20% of effort gives 80% of the result."

The method of brainstorming a problem at the stage of analyzing ways to solve problems, identified factors for solving problems is used to build a Pareto table, where for each factor the number of its repetitions is indicated, as well as% of their total number.

Then a bar-type diagram is built, displaying the number of occurrences of the factor along the vertical axis, distributing them in descending order of the factor's significance - along the horizontal axis. At the final stage, the Pareto chart is analyzed.

The curve connecting the top points of the diagram of different factors is called the Pareto curve.

Widely used methods of expert assessments of brainstorming basically contain exactly this technique. Its advantage is its versatility. MMS is also considered to be in demand for solving managerial problems. A constructive feature of brainstorming is the development of ideas originally expressed by some participants from others.

Practice of using MMS

Modern managers are often forced to make decisions that require taking into account the perception of staff values, based on their experience, individual needs. The brainstorming method in making a managerial decision in this regard is an ideal tool. After all, the power of the leader is based on two principles: organizational and personal. And brainstorming enhances the organizational side, allowing you to effectively motivate and organize people to implement collegial decisions.

Obviously, MMS cannot be effective enough if the people who practice it do not have special and methodological knowledge. But at the same time, the level of preparation of the participants should be different. The highest demands are placed on the intellectual abilities of the leader, as well as on his status in the team. For this role, it is preferable to choose a person who really enjoys authority: production (as a deep specialist), informational (colleagues turn to him for advice).

Often, the brainstorming method in the adoption of SD is used by the leader in a stalemate:

  • when there is not enough individual knowledge and experience;
  • if you need to step beyond the stereotyped thinking of specialists who perform standard actions in their area, which, in relation to the problem under study, turn out to be ineffective.

In this case, many shrug their hands, saying: “You can’t jump above your head!”. Are they right? Not always! In our post-industrial time, one-man decision-making methods usually used in work often turn out to be ineffective. Brainstorming, on the contrary, is becoming more and more relevant.

Brainstorming is being studied in universities

Perhaps that is why it is being studied today even in universities to solve specialized educational problems, in connection with research work. For teaching MMS students, there are special educational methods that train:

  • originality of thinking (ability to unique solutions to problems and original associations);
  • semantic flexibility (the ability to determine the desired object in the sample and determine an unexpected use for it);
  • figurative adaptive flexibility (the ability to see new productive directions in the stimulus);
  • spontaneous semantic flexibility (the ability to produce a maximum of ideas in a short time).

Types of Brainstorming

Brainstorming as a teaching method involves students mastering its various subspecies.

  • Brain-ring is characterized by a written formulation discussing options for solving a problem. Participants write down their ideas and exchange sheets. Thus, the ideas put forward by one person find their development with the help of the imagination and intellect of other people. Once, pharmacists, holding this event dedicated to the creation of a unique product in their time, combined two notes and developed a unique product: shampoo-conditioner in one bottle. This type of brainstorming method worked productively. This example is a well-known fact and is often mentioned.

  • For the implementation of the second method, a training board is useful. Discussing sticky sheets with the answers written down on them are attached to it. The results of their intellectual assault are clear, they are easily combined and sorted.
  • The Japanese brainstorming technique developed by Koboyashi and Kawakita is also called rice hail. With its help, participants in brainstorming come to a single result. Each participant in his own way defines one specific fact, in his opinion, exhaustively characterizing the problem. From these cards, participants add up a set that gives complete description problem. Then the second stage of brainstorming in Japanese begins: the participants are given blank cards, on which everyone, one on each card, writes their own solution to the problem. Then the cards are grouped in terms of the similarity of the options presented in them. The options are combined, a three-dimensional vision of a solution to the problem appears.
  • A more specialized forecasting method is the Delphi method. Brainstorming at the same time is transformed into a consistent opinion of specialists. It is used to predict social and economic processes. This method is multi-stage, cards with options for solving the problem are sequentially transferred to all participants. The discussion involves from 10 to 150 people. Its forecasting efficiency is maximum for the nearest period from 1 to 3 years.

Instead of a conclusion

Brainstorming as a learning method and as a research method is effective when it is competently carried out. In this case, typical mistakes should be avoided. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of its key figure - the leader. At the stage of generating ideas, a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere is created, any criticism is excluded. An important role is played by scrupulous fixation of all the proposed options.

Its scope is currently extensive, because now there are a great many complex and difficult to describe processes in society and the economy.

When something went wrong, a complex problem is not solved and, in general, “the crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow”, you need to turn to the collective mind. Of course, collective work is not always more effective than individual work, especially in creativity. However, in the conditions of an intellectual impasse, a properly organized "unification of minds" can give amazing results. One of the most well-known methods of collective intellectual activity is the brainstorming method.

The saying “one head is good, but two is better” arose not by chance. It has long been noticed that the most interesting, bright ideas and solutions come to mind when you discuss your problem with someone. And often it is enough to tell another person about an incomprehensible moment in order to understand the essence of the issue. And you noticed, I think that other people's problems that were shared with you are easier to solve than your own, and other people's mistakes are more noticeable.

What happens, from the point of view of psychology, in the process of collective discussion of the problem? It is known that thoughts are born as an exchange of impulses between different parts of the cerebral cortex. And during a collective discussion, external resources are connected, as it were, and not only your system of associations works, but also the associative memory of the interlocutor. And it is not at all necessary that it is richer than yours, it is just different, and the experience and knowledge are different. Thus, intellectual resources are doubled. And if not two, but several people participate in the discussion, then the volume and variability of associative information increases many times over.

The process of speaking is also important. When talking about a problem, you wrap sometimes vague thoughts in clear phrases and formulations - after all, you need the interlocutor to understand you. In speech activity, the process of “crystallization” of thought takes place.

The ancient psychophysiological mechanism also plays an important role in the collective discussion. It manifests itself in the fact that, surrounded by other people, a person unconsciously “reads” them. emotional condition, feelings, moods and psychologically tunes in to the group, as if becoming one with it. This setting causes a kind of resonance effect - not only emotions become brighter and stronger, but also mental activity is more effective.

But with group intellectual activity, not everything is so simple. The phenomenon of contagion also leads to an increase in the spontaneity of the behavior of people in a group, and a discussion left to chance very quickly turns into a chaotic "bazaar", and even into a scandal due to the disagreement of some with the opinions of others. Therefore, the correct organization of the group discussion of the problem plays an important role.

By the way, the effectiveness of organized collective thought was noticed by people in ancient times. In ancient chronicles, stories have been preserved that the method of controlled, organized discussion of the problem was used by the ancient Vikings. In a difficult situation, the jarl or the captain of the drakkar gathered the entire team and invited the soldiers to speak out. Everyone had to speak, starting with the youngest and most inexperienced, ending with the leader or captain. Such an order ensured freedom of expression, when the elders did not suppress the initiative of the younger ones. But the leader made the final decision.

This principle underlies the popular heuristic method of brainstorming, or brainstorming.

Features of the brainstorming method

Briefly characterizing this method, its essence lies in the fact that all members of the group express as much as possible a large number of ideas for solving the problem. Ideas can be from the banal to the most crazy, the main thing is that there are a lot of them. The purpose of this method is to break the thinking that prevents you from seeing a new, original, non-standard solution.

The history of the method

Although brainstorming was known in ancient times, the American researcher of creativity Alex Osborne is now considered its author. The idea behind this method has an interesting history.

During World War II, Osborne served as an officer in the English Navy. One of the main problems was the German torpedoes, because of which many ships were lost. The question of how to protect the ship from this threat seemed unsolvable until Osborne used the ancient Viking method. He gathered the team on deck and invited everyone, starting with the cabin boy, to formulate their own solutions to the problem. Among the many constructive and not very suggestions, Osborne found one interesting. The sailor, apparently jokingly, suggested that the whole team line up on the side of the deck where the torpedo is expected, and blow on it together, thereby driving it away from the side.

Rave? At first glance, yes. However, some time later, Osborne patented his invention: an additional screw, which was installed so as to drive a wave along the side of the ship, thereby causing the torpedoes to deviate from the course.

This experience of finding a creative solution inspired A. Osborn so much that after the end of the war he took up research. And the method of collective search for solutions, which he called brainstorming (brainstorming - brain attack), he described in the book "Controlled Imagination", which was published in 1953.

Basic rules and principles of brainstorming

In brainstorming, as in any group method, the right organization plays an important role. All brainstorming participants are divided into two groups, one of them, which includes idea generators, is called "assault", and the second consists of critics and analysts who consider the effectiveness and productivity of all proposed solutions.

Composition and rule for the selection of group members

As for the group of "assaulters", the most effective group is considered to be a group consisting of 6-8 people. Fewer people limit the diversity of their ideas, and more people make it harder to organize. When selecting members of the "assault" group, the following should be considered:

  • the group should include professionals, people who understand the problem, although their experience and level of knowledge may be different;
  • "stormers" must be equal, any relationship of subordination and pressure of authority are excluded;
  • in the process of work, it is necessary to maintain an atmosphere of goodwill and encouragement of any ideas; people should not feel discomfort and fear of seeming stupid or upstart;
  • "stormers" is also an important condition that must be taken into account when selecting a group.

In addition to those who express ideas, those who evaluate, criticize, and analyze these ideas also participate in the brainstorming. Their task is to listen carefully, record and objectively evaluate each, even the most fantastic or delusional solution and identify constructive and original thoughts in it.

The group of critics should include people with high level who have an analytical mindset and, of course, also understand the essence of the problem. Important qualities of the members of the analytical group should be openness to everything new and a positive attitude, as well as faith in the success of the case and in the possibility of finding an effective solution. They should not only analyze and criticize ideas, but also stimulate the "stormers" to find a solution.

Brainstorming process

Brainstorming consists of several stages. The success of the search for solutions to the problem depends on the correct organization of each of them.

  1. Selection of group members. It is important to take into account not only the competence and mindset of the "assaulters" and "critics", but also their relationship. Hidden or hostility between participants can lead to deterioration and bias.
  2. Task formulation. A clear definition of the problem to be solved is necessary to guide the discussion in the right direction. It is also better to entrust this to professionals, otherwise the discussion may go in a completely different direction.
  3. Generation of ideas. This is the main stage when the group of "stormers" is actively working, and its participants must express the largest possible number of ideas. At this stage, the role of the leader-organizer of the assault is very important. He stimulates the activity of the participants, encourages the timid and silent, directs the discussion, but in no case crushes his authority.
  4. Systematization of ideas. At this stage, a group of critics is included in the active work, the members of which must record all the ideas expressed, no matter how crazy they may seem. And the first stage of their active work is the systematization of the proposed solutions. Its criteria are chosen depending on the goal, but can be as simple as possible. For example, it is possible to classify ideas into categories: "real", "unreal", "there is something in this", "complete nonsense" and "brilliant". By the way, the boundary between the last two categories is often difficult to discern.
  5. Evaluation and criticism of ideas. All options are analyzed and evaluated for the degree of prospects and originality. This applies to even the most ingenious, which prevents mistakes in the future. After all, one missed trifle can make a seemingly ingenious solution unproductive.
  6. Selection of the most suitable ideas. This is the last stage that sums up the work of the analysis group.

And if among the proposed solutions to the problem, there were no suitable ones? Then the brainstorming procedure starts again, possibly with a different composition of the groups. The leader, in the role of which the head of the department often acts, etc., should evaluate the effectiveness of their work.

Disadvantages of Brainstorming

Brainstorming after the publication of A. Osborne's book immediately became popular. Despite the criticisms of many professional psychologists, he was fascinated in all areas of activity: from elementary school to government agencies. Brainstorming was considered almost a miracle method with which you can solve any problem. True, this hobby came to our country much later, which did not diminish the enthusiasm for the method.

However, it gradually became clear that brainstorming requires a lot of energy and working time, and the proposed solutions are far from always suitable for implementation. In fact, a seemingly serious method turned into an exciting, but often useless game. The point here is the objective shortcomings of brainstorming:

  • Disorganization. The spontaneous process of generating ideas led to the expression of a large number of original, but unviable solutions. After all, all the participants sought to demonstrate their creativity first of all, and the ultimate goal was often forgotten altogether. Attempts to somehow organize and streamline the process led to a decrease in its productivity - people simply fell silent, fearing to say something wrong.
  • Refusal to evaluate ideas in the generation process. This important principle for the method led to a whole range of problems. Often a good, working solution was simply “talked out”, forgotten, lost behind a mass of more original, but less working options. The attention of the group was expectedly attracted by the most fantastic ideas, and the natural process of associative thinking led the participants far beyond the limits of rationality. And each new idea was even more fantastic than the previous one.
  • Brainstorming, as a method, is suitable for a certain category of people - open, sociable, actively interacting. Creative individuals often do not belong to this category, so they felt constrained and uncomfortable in a brainstorming environment reminiscent of an oriental bazaar. It often turned out that the most creative personalities were the least active.

Because of these shortcomings, brainstorming was criticized at the peak of its popularity, and now it is rarely a truly working tool for generating ideas. Most often, brainstorming is used by psychologists or coaches to demonstrate the benefits of teamwork and the effectiveness of collective intelligence.

But still, you should not completely abandon the principle of group work when solving complex problems. Understanding this led to the development of various modifications of brainstorming, in which they tried to eliminate the shortcomings of the original method. This is, for example, the “Ship Council” method, the role of a group of critics in it was performed by one person - the leader. On the basis of brainstorming, the Delphi heuristic method, less known in our country, was also developed, including the work of independent experts and W. Gordon's synectics.

Brainstorming is a way of solving problems based on stimulating the creative activity of a group of participants. The goal of this approach is to get as many ideas as possible from each of the group members in order to solve a problem or find an answer to a burning question. At the end of the assault, the best idea is selected for its implementation.

Combining group discussion with brainstorming techniques is one of the best ways to get lots of ideas, as different people have different thinking styles and life experiences.

This saves time and energy compared to trying to find a solution by one person alone. Other positive aspects of such a group discussion is that it stimulates the creative activity of the participants, and also helps each member of the group to open their minds to other ways of looking at things.

The method can be used both in companies for making management decisions, and with certain modifications for individual purposes.

History of occurrence

Alex Osborne

Brainstorming (or brainstorming (brainstorming); on English language spelled - brainstorm) was developed by American journalist Alex Osborne (1888 - 1966).

Initially, the method was proposed for employees of an advertising agency, the founder of which was Osborne. The author is credited with the following statements:

  • “Number, quantity and more quantity! That's the motto of the day."
  • “The more attempts, the more likely it is to hit the target.”

Thus, the main idea of ​​the method is a large number of different ideas, from which the best ones can then be selected.

It is interesting to note that the founder of another well-known method for generating ideas - TRIZ G.S. Altshuller believed that, on the contrary, the quality of ideas is important, not their quantity.

Introductory Rules

When conducting a brainstorming session, it is necessary to identify a leader or facilitator who will manage the process. The facilitator sets goals, defines the rules and coordinates the discussion.

The generation and analysis of ideas is most often performed by the same participants, but it is possible that these will be different people. In some cases, this will provide greater objectivity in the decisions made.

The main problems of brainstorming tend to be the prolongation of the discussion time, as well as the fear of participants being criticized by others. The first problem is solved by limiting the time for discussion. Getting rid of the second problem is more difficult and, most often, completely impossible. This can only be achieved.

Stages and technology of brainstorming

1. Formulate your current state and goals

First of all, formulate the current state from which you need to find a way out, or describe a problem that needs to be solved. Each participant must know the ultimate goal of the discussion. Set a time frame and formulate rules for the session that include no criticism or judgment of any kind on the proposed ideas. Assign a person to write everything down on paper or on a board.

2. Idea generation

Involve each participant in the process through speaking in turn. Encourage them to throw in as many ideas as possible. Participants should express their suggestions and ideas, which should be recorded without any censorship. The brainstorming facilitator should stop any attempts to assess the viability of the ideas generated by the participants before the session is over.

If you're in an assault, focus on the situation and speak your mind without fear of being ridiculed or criticized. Stimulate your own creative thinking and imagination. Think of any possible solutions to the task that you could take. You can also brainstorm any other group member's idea and expand on their original proposal.

3. Analysis

When the time allotted for the session is over, collect all the proposals and analyze them together with the group. Poll all participants to select the top 5 ideas from the list of all received ideas. Once you've done that, you can continue with more focused brainstorming to develop this list of ideas.

To get the final result or idea, ask yourself, how would you rate this idea on a 10-point scale in relation to your situation? You can trust your intuition to use your inner feelings.

The final solution may require one or more sessions. If you are faced with this situation, distribute the list to the participants for review so that they can further analyze it and suggest new solutions. Formulate criteria for evaluating the final result, so that everyone can understand what he should propose in the next session.

4. Execution

Once your group has reached agreement and formed a final decision, implement it. Provide feedback so you can see if there is a result. If there is no result, you should look at the problem from a different angle and organize an additional discussion session.

  1. Provide a relaxing environment and atmosphere. People are more capable of productive thinking when they are free from distractions and feel at ease. Well, if brainstorming takes place in the form of a game.
  2. It is better if a small group of about 5 people participates in the process. If the group is large, it is better to divide it into parts. A large group will require more time and several sessions before you can formulate a final decision.
  3. The more participants differ from each other, the more advantages you have, since this will allow you to get more diverse opinions.

reverse brainstorming

The purpose of this technique is to identify weaknesses and shortcomings. Here, instead of looking for a solution to the problem, a search is made for situations that worsen the situation.

Approximate use of the technique:

  1. State the problem and write it down.
  2. Ask a question about how to cause a problem or make the situation worse.
  3. Brainstorm to find answers to these questions.
  4. Gather a list of possible worsening situations.
  5. “Flip” them and search for solutions to fix the identified problems.

Individual methods

With some features, you can also brainstorm to solve some personal issues. In order to produce many ideas, you need to expand your thinking, learn to look at things from different angles.

Let's say you want to find a way to make more money. Start by writing your goal as a question. For example, “How to earn the amount of XXX within a year?” By writing a certain amount, you make it clearer what you intend to achieve. When you ask yourself the question “how”, your brain starts looking for the answer. You will be able to concentrate and attract relevant ideas.

Write down your thoughts and ideas, but don't evaluate them right away. Don't worry about their viability. Continue until you have written at least 20 ideas. If inspiration strikes you, write down more than 20 of them, but never stop until you write down 20.

Choose from the list what you could do right now and just do it. By simply getting started, you will lay the foundation for the process of achievement to begin.

Also, a tool such as is useful for finding ideas, but more on that in another article.