Famous people named Peter. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Peter

The meaning of the name Peter reveals its owner as an intellectual person. He reacts with lightning speed, has imagination and eloquence. The complexity of the character lies in its simultaneous desire for society and its avoidance. Peter craves attention, reverence. He has many talents and abilities in various fields. Men with this name are able to become actors and musicians, writers and diplomats, doctors and lawyers, military men and scientists.

Origin and meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Peter in translation into Russian from ancient Greek means "rock", "cliff", "stone". This male name is popular in many countries and has a different pronunciation. For example, in Germany it is Peter, in Japan it is Petoru, in Spain it is Pedro, in France it is Pierre, in England it is Peter.

The patron saint of the name is St. Peter - one of the apostles of Christ and the first pope. The energy of the name carries contradictions, unpredictability. Therefore, the Apostle Peter combined in his character Christian humility and militancy.

The meaning of the name Peter is manifested in pragmatism, straightforwardness. The life of a man with that name will not be easy. But Peter does not seek peace either. Strength of mind, energy, unbending will will accompany him throughout his life.

Characterization of the name by letters

It must be borne in mind that the letter "Yo" is present in the name. Its meaning is different from "E". Dots above the letter enhance the personality traits, give a pronounced emotionality, passion, rigidity of character.

P - a philosophical mindset, the desire for communication and reflection. The desire to avoid conflicts and the ability to defend one's point of view. Confidence, perseverance.

Yo - the desire for self-expression, energy, emotionality. A lot of energy goes into self-control. The rigidity of character is compensated by understanding, the desire to pacify him.

T - symbolizes creativity in a person. Developed intuition. Ambitiousness, rejection of competition bring rancor into the character.

P - high performance, determination. Ability to correctly assess and analyze the situation. Sharpness, unpredictability, courage, tendency to aggression.

Boy character

The meaning of the name Peter for a boy is not always favorable. His strong character, perseverance, turning into stubbornness, the desire to insist on his own can bring a lot of trouble. But inner kindness, avoidance of quarrels will help to find mutual language with adults and peers.

As a child, Peter is distinguished by curiosity, interest in many areas of life. He is interested in everything - from the device of a toy car to the relationship of people.

Diligent, talented, he easily learns at school. However, restlessness and laziness can stall the process of acquiring new knowledge. Already in the early years, Peter will show a penchant for music and collecting. His love for his mother will run like a red thread through his whole life. Peter will always value her opinion.

Hot temper, aggressiveness, patience, kindness - such different characteristics are given by the name Peter. The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner are largely related to the conditions of education. It is necessary to limit the explosive nature, directing it into a creative channel. Teach tact, elementary politeness.

The character of a man

Reliable, energetic, the Peter man often relies on his intuition. He is a hardworking and diligent worker. Unpredictability, imbalance of character can make it difficult for him to grow in his career.

High demands on himself and others, the desire for excellence will push this man to new professional victories. Peter is growing up fast. The meaning of the name, character and fate - all contribute to the fact that he left his parental home early. In a quest for independence, Peter will try to get rid of the guardianship of relatives. Responsibility for parents, respect for them will always be the main point of relationships.

Versatile interests, liveliness of mind, the desire to comprehend the new - these are the main qualities that carry the meaning of the name Peter. Tests, obstacles will always be in the life of its owner. Fate seems to be testing this man for strength. Despite the vulnerability, emotionality, Peter will find a way out of the most difficult situation.

In a leadership position, he can easily slip into despotism. Impatience for other people's opinions, the desire to rely only on oneself, high demands, ruthlessness towards subordinates can subsequently lead to a broken career, loneliness.

Sexuality of the name

Heightened sexuality, rich imagination make Peter a passionate lover. He strives for constancy and rarely changes partners. It can be difficult for a woman to understand how much Peter values ​​her. Such mystery even more attracts the attention of the opposite sex to him.

The meaning of the name Peter brings reliability into the character of a man. You can trust him, you can build a long-term relationship with him. For marriage, Peter will choose a companion for a long time. His idealized ideas about a woman will force him to look for a beautiful, faithful, wise, strong-willed partner.

Peter does not tolerate criticism, he remembers insults for years. Therefore, the wife will have to accept her husband's temper and his selfless love for his mother.

Name in religion

The name Peter has an interesting origin and meaning. It originates from one of the disciples of Christ. Simon Zebedee is the real name of the apostle Peter. Christ called him Cephas, which in Hebrew meant "stone", "rock". The Apostle Peter was characterized by his contemporaries as a quick-tempered, sympathetic, honest, responsible person. Later, when the Gospel was translated into Greek, Cephas' name was translated as Peter.

Name in numerology: Peter

The meaning of the name, character in numerology correlate with the number 8. This is a symbol of harmony between infinity and the end result. Enormous power, hidden potential lies in this number.

People influenced by the figure eight have purposefulness, will. They are reasonable, wise, organized and capable of demanding leadership. These are vain individuals who require attention and reverence. They crave power and wealth.

They are talented and eloquent. They are always in the spotlight due to their high intelligence and inquisitive mind. Leadership qualities and an assertive nature will contribute to success in your endeavors.

Compatibility with female names

Loyalty, reliability, stability personifies the name Peter. The meaning of the name and fate imply the best compatibility with Angelina, Alina, Barbara, Vera, Diana, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Larisa, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalya, Olesya, Svetlana.

Valeria, Daria, Elena, Zinaida, Irina, Marina, Oksana, Olga, Tatyana are not suitable for long-term relationships.

Name for the seasons

Winter Peter - courageous, energetic. Constantly in motion, looking for new perspectives. Responsible worker. Knows how to find a common language with different people.

Spring Peter - narcissistic, capricious. Emotional changeability, a tendency to touchiness make him selfish. He demands a lot from people without giving anything in return.

Summer Peter - good-natured, sociable. There are many friends and admirers around him. He is confident, impulsive and talented. Conquers with the generosity of the soul, prone to infidelity in marriage.

Autumn Peter - enterprising, wise. Has good organizational skills. He knows how to persuade people to his point of view. Possesses leadership qualities. Assertive, stubborn, fair.

Mystery of the name

Peter is very vulnerable and proud. His energy, assertiveness hide the lack of love and attention. He is able to worry for a long time because of the slightest offense. His temper is capable of inflating a small quarrel to a loud scandal.

The cynicism and irony of Peter is the outer shell of romance. If you pay attention to him, say compliments, he is able to show off original jokes. Rarely takes someone else's point of view. Peter is annoyed by discrepancies with his life experience and personal opinion.

This man has many talents and excellent opportunities. Only in the light of love and understanding will they be fully revealed. Otherwise, Peter will internally close himself from everyone, releasing aggression and incontinence to the surface.

The name Peter is of ancient Greek origin and means rock, stone. This meaning can be interpreted as - unshakable, reliable, solid. Other forms of the name Petya, Petro, Petrusha, Pete, Pierre, Petros.

Angel Day Peter celebrates three times: July 12 - in honor of St. Peter - a disciple of Jesus, who gave him this name; July 8 - in honor of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The holy prince was devoted to his faith, revered and respected the people, and loved his family. This day is considered to be an Orthodox holiday dedicated to love, family and fidelity.

  • The ruling planet of the name is the Moon;
  • Zodiac sign - Cancer;
  • The tree that gives strength and energy is birch;
  • The color of good luck and happiness is turquoise, green;
  • Charm stone - emerald.

Childhood and youth of Peter - behavioral features and main character traits

Little Petenka grows up as a very stubborn, easily excitable, stubborn child. He always requires increased attention to himself, loves compliments and affectionate words addressed to him. The boy is active and endowed with certain talents, but in order to recognize and develop his abilities, parents definitely need to deal with him.

This child will get the best education if he grows up in a circle of brothers and sisters. They will create a certain competition for him, which will inspire Peter to express leadership skills, take the initiative, and teamwork will be a provocation to action. This is important for Petenka, as he is prone to laziness and apathy. This can be dispelled only by motivating and inspiring him to the next feats.

At school, Petya is a smart and erudite student. He is inquisitive, inquisitive, has a penchant for both accurate and humanities. But all this positive image is often spoiled by inattention, explosive character, expressiveness. He loves to dream and make plans for the future. Talking about something, he can get carried away so that the story easily becomes a fiction of the boy’s violent fantasy.

Such unbridled emotional behavior sometimes spoils his academic performance, but despite this, he successfully completes school and enters higher education. educational institution. Here the young maximalist becomes more sedate, conscious and down to earth.

At this age, the student Peter begins to show firmness, perseverance, and stubbornness more and more. This young man is an ardent fighter for justice, a fearless, independent leader, ready to repulse enemies, protect the weak from offenders.

A sufficiently independent young man begins to form his own view of the world, a clear and unshakable position, beliefs, and sphere of interests. He is always straightforward, open and understandable to people. But often behind his uncontrollability, harshness, rigidity and courage, there is a vulnerable and touchy personality, capable of having his own fears and weaknesses.

In the company of peers, he is quite sociable, has a good sense of humor, he always has a couple of jokes or funny stories. But in a close circle of friends, he is not ready to let anyone in. His complex nature does not tolerate compromise, despises petty and insincere people.

In senior years, Peter strives to be the first, to take a leading position in everything. But his unpredictable nature and constant change of interests often leads to the fact that he begins to do something other than his own. His abilities and potential would be enough to build a dizzying career, but often he chooses a different path.

Petya does not go with the flow, possessing willpower, firmness and stubbornness, he tries to influence the course of events, manage difficult life circumstances. Not getting a positive result, he can become depressed, because he is not used to failing.

Career, personal life, health - how will the fate of adult Peter

Admiring Petya, honoring his virtues is the key to unlocking his creative energy. Realizing that he is loved and appreciated, Peter is ready for great things, forgetting about laziness and previous failures.

Petya is a freedom-loving nature. He often chooses a field of activity where he can be a free bird, not handicapped office and internal labor regulations. Often such people prefer to run a business on their own or an administrative position that does not require sensitive leadership from above. But it is possible that Peter will become a good military leader, lawyer or investigator, since he has a tendency to analyze, systematize, discipline and order.

The name Peter energetically contains creativity. But it will take place if it was encouraged and developed in childhood. In this case, Petenka will become a talented actor, journalist, artist, writer.

Peter is often unstable in behavior and shows that he is a man of moods. He can become a good leader by achieving a position in society, but his penchant for change will encourage him to quickly change positions, starting all over again.

Some men with the name Peter have a penchant for closed activities that require knowledge of psychology and possess psychic abilities. Such a Peter is very secretive, hardly noticeable to others, inventive and has a strong energy.

Peter's financial situation is very unstable. He can be a very wealthy person, occupying a special status in society, or vice versa, experiencing eternal financial difficulties, struggling with failures.

But no matter what difficulties await Peter, he courageously endures adversity. Often life for him is a series of obstacles. Without these difficulties, he might not want to change his profession, change his place of residence, go on a risky and extreme journey. Therefore, the more barriers on his way, the stronger his motivation to act.

To love, Peter prefers bright, beautiful and strong women, but not devoid of feminine affection, tenderness and softness. He is in no hurry to marry, but strongly attracts women like himself - with a masculine character.

Petya is jealous by nature, but without a reason he will not start a scandal. In his companion he is always looking for support and approval of his actions. She should inspire him and be a muse that gets rid of laziness.

If in marriage a woman begins to dominate and control Peter, he will definitely part with such a person. And will not rush to choose a new bride. But be sure to pay attention to the smart, cheerful and gentle beauty. It is worth noting that Peter is strongly attached to his mother and often looks for a spouse with a similar character or appearance.

Peter loves children very much, with their appearance Peter changes a lot in better side. He becomes calmer, softer and sentimental. The lifestyle of Peter and his values ​​are changing. What used to seem important may now seem ridiculous and empty. During this period, he becomes very hospitable, loves gatherings with friends in a warm family atmosphere.

Peter's health can cause concern if he does not beware of fire, natural disasters, extreme sports. In adulthood, eye problems may occur.

Notable people named Peter

  • Tsar Peter the Great - a reformer, the last of the Romanov dynasty, made great changes in the Russian way of life;
  • Pyotr Stolypin - Reformer and statesman;
  • Petr Alekseev - a chemist, one of the first who was engaged in education in the field of organic chemistry;
  • Petr Vail is a journalist, writer, presenter, member of the Academy of Russian Literature. Winner of international literary awards.
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Peter - stone (ancient Greek). In the XIX - 1st half of the XX centuries. the name was quite famous. For 50 years it was almost forgotten, now it has reappeared.

Name zodiac: Cancer.

Planet: Moon.

name color: green.

Talisman stone: emerald.

Favorable plant: Birch.

Name patron: Cancer hermit.

Happy day: Monday.

Lucky season: summer.

Main features: unpredictability, excellent intuition.

Name days, patron saints

Peter of Adrianople, Bishop, Hieromartyr,

Peter of Galatia, Antioch, silent, reverend, February 14 (1), December 8 (November 25).

Peter of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan, September 6 (August 24), October 18 (5), January 3 (December 21).

Peter Ordynsky, Rostov, prince, reverend,

Peter (before calling - Simon), the supreme apostle (of the twelve), January 29 (16), July 12 and 13 (June 29 and 30). Disciple of Jesus Christ.

Peter of Syracuse, martyr, October 6 (September 23). Peter of Phoenicia, martyr, February 8 (January 26).

Peter Athos, reverend, June 25 (12). A Greek by birth, he served as governor in the imperial troops and lived in Constantinople. In 667, he was taken prisoner by the Syrians and imprisoned in the fortress of the city of Samara on the Euphrates River. For a long time he languished in prison, pondering for what sins he was so punished. He remembered that he intended to go to the monastery and did not fulfill this. He began to observe a strict fast in prison, pray fervently and ask Nicholas the Wonderworker for intercession before God. Saint Nicholas and Saint Simeon the God-bearer helped Peter to be released.

In Rome, he took the tonsure and soon boarded a ship sailing east. In a dream, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Peter and indicated the place where he was to live until the end of his days - Mount Athos. For 53 years he lived there without seeing any of the people. His clothes decayed, his hair and beard grew to the ground, covering his body. Every 40 days, an angel brought him heavenly manna to strengthen his strength.

Once a hunter chasing a deer saw him, got scared and rushed to run. Peter stopped him, told him about his life, ordered the hunter to visit him in a year. At the appointed time, the hunter and his demon-possessed brother came to Peter in a cave. They saw that the saint had reposed to God. The hunter's brother, as soon as he touched the body, was healed.

Folk signs, customs

January 29 - Peter-half-feed: half of the feed prepared for cattle is out by this time.

July 12 - Peter's day: on St. Peter's rain - a poor harvest, two rains - good, three - rich.

On this day, the end of Peter's Lent.

Name and character

Since childhood, Petya is an easily excitable, nervous child with an explosive character. Very stubborn, but by acting tactfully and calmly, he can be persuaded. At school, he is capable, inquisitive, but completely inattentive, his thoughts usually hover, in dreams far from the topic of the lesson. He is undisciplined and lazy. He likes to lie, or rather, he does not notice the border between truth and lies in the story, his imagination tells him his interpretation of the event. Often fascinated by photography, records, collects stamps. He loves to study, after graduating from school, he easily enters the institute.

Peter has an unpredictable character, he gives others a lot of trouble, his upbringing is very important. If he grows up in a kind loving family, he will easily develop creative abilities. If in childhood he feels enough approval, love and respect from loved ones, he can be a vicious, sullen whiner.

Peter matures early and strives for independence. In his youth, he prides himself on being able to tell people to their face what he thinks of them. He himself is very vulnerable, and only gradually begins to understand how much easier and calmer it is to live, accepting people as they are. The world does not take it romantically and never comes to terms with the fact that everything is not as good as we would like. He always dreams of ideal love and friendship, of achieving a goal, and therefore often lives in his imaginary world. When in real life not everything turns out as planned, he is very worried, however, sometimes outwardly, exaggeratedly, he himself understands what's what in this life. The romanticism of nature does not prevent him from sinking to the ground, sometimes being despotic, possessive, and even harshly taking revenge on the offender.

Peter can be explosive, belligerent, makes a decision with lightning speed and ... forgets about it. He works impulsively, by inspiration. Peter is distinguished by the highest intuition and intellect. He can analyze and systematize events, therefore, most often his profession is an investigator, mathematician, engineer, scientist, military man, economist. But Peter also creative person, it is an actor, writer, journalist. In the service, Peter wants to be one of the best, actively strives for leadership, passionately desires power. However, he rarely achieves the top in his career due to laziness and instability in work. However, he makes a good leader: the need to manage other people disciplines him. However, even here everything depends on Peter's mood, he can shine in a commanding chair, but soon he will get tired of it and he will quickly move to another one, where he has to start from scratch.

Peter is a charming man and women like him. In love, he is secretive, he does not trust anyone with his love secrets. Looking for a wife for a long time, but not always happy in marriage. Often, jealousy and unforgiven resentment become a constant background in relationships. Peter is very attached to his mother and his wife has to put up with the constant presence of his mother-in-law. Peter loves children very much. With their appearance, the family becomes calmer, stronger.

Peter loves to mess with animals, receive guests. He drinks little, but he can sing and dance, tell a joke and be the first to laugh. When he is in the mood, he falls asleep with jokes, witticisms, compliments. If not, then it closes, defiantly moves away from the cheerful company. A wife needs a lot of endurance and the ability to adapt to the complex nature of her husband. The best wife for Peter will be Angelina, Alevtina, Varvara, Vera, Veronika, Glafira, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Larisa, Lyudmila, Marta, Natalya, Svetlana, Ella.

Surname: Petrovich, Petrovna.

Famous people with the name Peter

Pyotr Karlovich Klodt (1805-1867) - an outstanding sculptor, the largest master muralist, the creator of such world-famous works as the equestrian groups of the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg and the monument to the fabulist I.A. Krylov in the Summer Garden.

The plot concept of the four equestrian groups of the Anichkov Bridge was based on the main moments of the taming of an unbroken horse. All horses, the sculptor's favorite animals, are beautiful, ideal in their natural perfection.

"Horse Tamers" is an integral plastic ensemble and a detailed dramatic series in which one plot develops in succession - the conquest of a horse by man, the theme of man's victory over the elemental power of nature, the image of a rebellious force tamed by reason. In the first group, the athlete, straining with his whole body and firmly grasping the bridle, restrains the rearing horse. In other groups, the drama of the struggle is growing. In the second group, the head of the horse is upturned high, the nostrils are swollen, the mouth is bared, the front legs are spread out, the blanket covering the back is billowing in heavy folds. The figure of the tamer is deployed as if in a spiral, with a mighty effort he besieges the horse. In the third group, the athlete is thrown to the ground, and the horse almost breaks free. The blanket is thrown off his back, his neck is arched, and his head is triumphantly raised, only the left hand of the tamer, pulling the bridle, holds the angry animal. And finally, in the fourth group, a man conquers a horse; dropping to one knee and pulling on the reins with both hands, he tames the horse's wild run.

Klodt's work "Horse Tamers" has gained worldwide fame.

No less famous is the monument to I.A. Krylov. The pedestal is a composition rich in volume, consisting of various scenes on the themes of Krylov's fables. These scenes always arouse interest among adults and children who recognize their favorite fables - "The Fox and the Grapes", "The Frog and the Ox", "The Crow and the Fox" and many others. The image of the writer himself was executed by the sculptor in full compliance with the portrait likeness.

Peter Klodt was the leading sculptor of the 19th century. Pyotr Karlovich's contemporaries wrote that his creations "constitute the glory of our arts."

What to give a man named Peter

Do you have the wonderful name Peter? Fabulous! We have what you need - the best gift that will be remembered for a long time - a fork or spoon with your name on it! Is your friend, father or brother also named Peter? Make them happy too! The name is a symbol of a person's character. The name keeps the mysteries of the soul and mood, so engraved cutlery with the name will serve as an excellent gift for those who are really important to you.

You can buy personalized spoons with the male name Peter, personalized forks and other cutlery Peter in our online store

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the name Peter means "rock" or "stone". AT christianity it entered as the name of one of the disciples of Christ - the apostle Peter. His real name sounded like Simon, and his nickname was Cephas, which in Aramaic means "stone" - a symbol of the unshakable faith of the apostle. The ancient Greeks translated the word "stone" into their language, and it began to sound like "petros".

In Russia, the name Petros did not take root, but it came into use as the name Peter. It quickly and firmly spread among all segments of the population, and began to be perceived as primordially Slavic. The popularity of the name Peter is evidenced by folk art, many fairy tales, sayings and proverbs, as well as popular surnames formed from this name - Petrov, Petrenko, Petrushin and others.

Istria knows a lot prominent personalities who wore and continue to wear this world-famous name. Among them Russian emperor Peter I, director Pyotr Mamonov, composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky, French actor Pierre Richard, Russian poet and prose writer Pyotr Ershov, physicist Pyotr Kapitsa, Russian psychiatrist Pyotr Kashchenko and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The Holy Apostle Peter - the elder brother of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, was formerly a fisherman and was called Simon, had a wife and two children. Once the Lord, having chosen Simon as his faithful disciple, proclaimed him "not only a fisherman, but also a fisherman." It meant that from now on, the holy Apostle Peter is the helper and intercessor of people who previously committed lawlessness, but repented and embarked on the path of correction.

Peter himself sinned more than all the other apostles, but he always sincerely repented. Once he even betrayed his teacher Jesus, renouncing him in fear for his life, but then sincerely repented of his deed.

For loyalty and devotion to Christianity, Jesus proclaimed his apostle Peter worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and handed him the keys to paradise. He instructed his beloved apostle to "feed his sheep," that is, to teach the people the Christian faith. Having sinned before the Lord more than once, the apostle Peter became a conductor between God and people. The Lord gave him the right to let into paradise only those souls whom the Apostle Peter considers worthy.

In total, the Christian Church canonized more than 50 saints bearing the name Peter, so all owners of this glorious name can choose their name day that coincides with the date of birth, or on the next date following the birthday.

Name characteristic

The name Peter endows its owner with a vulnerable, unstable character, prone to mental torment. However, outwardly, this is completely imperceptible, on the contrary, Peter knows how to give the impression of a person with a strong and principled character, who is difficult to lead astray from the chosen path. This is a self-sufficient person, sometimes even authoritarian, but at the same time he still remains a kind and emotionally vulnerable person.

Most people named Peter have diligence, determination and perseverance, so among them there are rarely people who are unsuccessful or drinkers. Thanks to his balanced and friendly nature, Peter gets along well with people, and his colleagues and comrades are sure that you can always rely on his word. Peter has an excellent memory, both for good and for evil - he never forgets anything and notices everything, if possible, he will not miss the opportunity to thank or take revenge.

Before committing an act or starting a business, Peter thinks everything over well, he starts everything slowly, but surely. Many people underestimate him, and the man himself, especially at a young age, allows himself to be exploited, to receive less than he deserves. The ability to keep emotions under control allows Peter to endure failures, besides, he knows how to learn not only from his own mistakes, but also from others.

Peter never enters into any dubious projects, does not conflict with the law - foresight and caution are always in the first place with him. Peter has few friends, he generally prefers to communicate with people "necessary and useful", but at the same time he appreciates family ties.

In general, Peter has a real masculine character, which combines such contradictory qualities as tyranny, romanticism, sensitivity, independence, cynicism and truthfulness. Peter has excellent intuition and enviable sanity, allowing him to achieve considerable success in life. But fate will not give him anything just like that - he will have to fight for everything and work hard.


Little Petya grows up as an active and inquisitive child. From early childhood, such features as housekeeping are noticeable in him, he loves to build and make things with his own hands, he is interested in technology.

At school, the boy studies averagely, does not shine with any special talents. But teachers love him for his serious attitude, diligence and obedience. In high school, Petya begins to understand the value of education and will definitely try to enter a university. A teenager grows up early and strives for an independent life, he usually starts earning his first money already in adolescence.

Petya is an enthusiastic and purposeful person. If in childhood he becomes interested in sports, creativity, collecting or something else, then he may well carry his hobby through his whole life. The strong character of the boy, turning into stubbornness, the desire to insist on his own can bring him both problems and great success in life.

Many character traits of an adult Petya will depend on the emotional situation in the family in which the boy grows up. If in childhood he does not feel enough love, respect and support from his parents, then he can grow up to be an evil, vindictive and gloomy person, prone to self-discipline.


Peter by nature has good health, which he treats very carefully, tries not to acquire bad habits, almost never drinks.

The weak points of a man are the back, the genitourinary system, and the kidneys. In adulthood, problems with vision and nervous system, frequent and prolonged headaches are possible.

It is very important for Peter emotional condition, he perceives everything too close to his heart, because of which his sleep may be disturbed, increased nervous excitability and even aggressiveness will appear. In this state, Peter feels bad and controls, his chronic diseases are exacerbated.


Peter is an extremely attractive person for women who see him as a reliable, self-confident man. And although sex occupies an important place in a man's life, spiritual intimacy with his partner, feelings of comfort and unity of souls are much more important for him.

Peter does not like to change his partners, and, having found a woman who suits him, he will remain faithful to her for many years. An established and calm sex life gives Peter a sense of calm and stability.

Peter is not a romantic at all, he does not know how to beautifully look after and give gifts, he does not like to compliment. But he is able to surround his woman with attention and care, to make her feel needed and loved. Peter is, of course, the kind of person you can trust and with whom you can build relationships.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Peter is a responsible and reliable person, with traditional views on the family. Of course, in the family, as in life, he will strive for leadership, treat his wife and children with severity. One of the main requirements for a wife is impeccable fidelity and devotion, a man will not tolerate even the slightest flirting with other men on the part of his wife. Sometimes Peter is despotic, can provoke quarrels, not talk to his wife for several days. He will always demand increased attention to his person.

Peter will do everything possible to provide for the family, he will try to bring comfort and peace to his house. He will be happy to do all the “male” housework, do repairs and garden, but otherwise his wife will have to handle it herself. Most likely, he will clearly divide household chores into “male” and “female”. It is important for a man that his other half is a good housewife, knows how to cook deliciously and does a lot of work with children. Treason on the part of Peter can only arise on the basis of conflict relations with his wife.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Alina, Varvara, Vera, Diana, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Larisa, Lyubov, Natalya, Olesya and Svetlana. Relationships with Elena, Daria, Valeria, Irina, Oksana, Marina, Olga and Tatiana should be avoided.

Business and career

Peter has a natural tendency to analyze and systematize, so he can make a good investigator, interrogator, scientist, teacher, economist or writer. Peter works impulsively, out of inspiration, he can do nothing all day, and the next day he can do triple the amount of work. At work, he strives to be one of the best, strictly adheres to discipline and subordination.

Peter will make an excellent leader - strict and fair. He knows how to be demanding both to himself and to his subordinates. Peter is not inclined to change his place of work and profession often, so he has every chance to become a great professional in his field.

Colleagues at work can be sure in Peter, he always accurately fulfills all the obligations assigned to him. But for a man, decent pay for his work is of no small importance - he will not work in a low-paid position for an idea. The better his work is paid, the more diligently Peter will work.

Talismans for Peter

  • The patron planet is the Moon.
  • The patronizing zodiac sign is Cancer. Peter is recommended to call boys born under this zodiac sign.
  • The most successful time of the year is summer, the most successful day of the week is Monday.
  • The lucky color is green.
  • Totem animal - hermit crab. It symbolizes caution, slowness, wisdom and determination. Cancer never lets go of what has fallen into its claws, just like Peter, he never parted with what is his property.
  • Totem plant - birch and night violet. The charmed birch in the Christian tradition was considered a powerful amulet that protected the house from evil spirits. This tree symbolizes innocence, purity of thoughts and high morality. Night violet can warm the soul, bring comfort and peace to the house, calm and harmonize thoughts, gives optimism.
  • Talisman stone - emerald. This stone develops the gift of foresight, favors love endeavors, fights insomnia, sharpens the mind and insight. Emerald is a symbol of purity and chastity, it is recommended to be worn by newlyweds. It was believed that if the stone cracked, it would indicate the betrayal of one of the spouses.


Aries- an aggressive and domineering person, in every possible way hiding his vulnerability and sensitivity. A man categorically denies any authority and does not tolerate power over himself, he himself is able to conquer and lead people. In Petra-Aries, the masculine principle is strongly expressed, he is passionate and sexy, quick-tempered and aggressive. The most important thing for him in life is the constant striving forward, the inaction of this person is fatal to him. In order to achieve what he wants, Peter-Aries can go to deceit and deceit, he does not even notice that most of the difficulties encountered on his way are created by himself. Peter-Aries is a born optimist, able to infect others with his love of life. In love, he is a romantic and an egoist at the same time, it is not easy to live with such a person. His woman should be able to dull the impulsiveness of her chosen one, while remaining gentle, feminine and weak.

Taurus- an emotional and restless man who cannot stand loneliness. This is an earthly person, carnal and sensual, not devoid of romanticism, but possessing enviable sanity. By nature, he is a creator, not afraid of any work, including physical. Any trouble only tempers his character. Of the negative character traits of Peter-Taurus, one can note incredible stubbornness, as well as the inability to forgive insults. In love, Peter-Taurus is a pathological owner, sometimes his jealousy reaches paranoia. At heart, he is a conservative, does not like anything new, adheres to traditional family values. Peter-Taurus is monogamous, can remain faithful to his woman throughout his life. In the family, he becomes the undisputed leader, able to provide comfort, coziness and material well-being. This man has a passion for homeliness and comfort, he lives under the motto "my home is my fortress."

Twins- the nature is calm, a little insecure. He is in constant motion - from one person to another, from one occupation to another. Whatever he is doing at the moment, he has a lot of thoughts and ideas spinning in his head. Spinning all day like a squirrel in a wheel is the norm for this person. Conservatives and slow-thinkers irritate him, as well as routine, monotonous work. Being in the spotlight is the norm for Peter the Twin, he needs constant attention, loves flattery and compliments addressed to him. Of the negative character traits of this man, one can note optionality, unreliability, boasting, and a desire to work for the public. Peter the Twin remains big baby and after marriage, adventures and adventures beckon him. All encroachments on the part of his wife to his personal freedom are perceived by him with hostility, although the man himself, like no one else, needs the advice of a wise and patient woman.

Cancer- personality sentimental, impressionable, easily excitable. He succumbs to other people's influence and can fall into a deep dependence on a stronger personality. Peter-Rak is inclined to exaggerate the scale of his problems, he is touchy and capricious, loves to manipulate the feelings of people close to him. However, his worst qualities are manifested only in an unfavorable environment for him, the lack of love and support for this man is fatal. Such sensitivity makes Petra-Rak cautious and secretive, usually over the years he gains experience and "grows protective armor." A man can go to his goal for a long time, but stubbornly. Only low stress resistance, natural modesty and unwillingness to look for workarounds can prevent him from reaching the top of the career ladder. But he has a tenacious grip, he is frugal with finances and always has some savings. Family life with Peter-Cancer it will not be rich in events, but it will be measured and well-fed. A man can easily commit adultery even to his most beloved wife - this helps him to assert himself in his own eyes.

a lion- energetic, sincere, ambitious person. Soft and sensitive by nature, Peter-Leo can be cruel in his frankness and tactlessness. He is not at all vindictive, quick-witted, there is not a drop of deceit and meanness in him. Petr-Lev is lazy and imposing, but do not flatter yourself - in a matter of seconds he can turn from a kitten into an angry and dangerous lion. He is a born leader and careerist, able to cope with any job, but on condition that he can overcome his natural laziness. This man also has a very difficult relationship with finances - he is a big spender, a lover of luxury and comfort, who sincerely believes that the whole world should revolve around him alone. He knows how to earn money, but he does not know how to save and manage money properly. Peter-Lev will try to completely subjugate his beloved woman to himself - it is difficult to find a greater owner and jealous person. He will become a real protector for his family, loving, worried and caring. Despite the fact that Peter the Lion is a great lover of female beauty, he is able to remain faithful to his beloved woman.

Virgo- a strong-willed, concentrated man who treats everything with distrust. He is practical, prudent, cautious in deeds and judgments, subjecting everything to logical analysis. Any kind of chaos and disorder, including in thoughts, causes panic and rejection in him. No less strongly he is annoyed by laziness, lies and vulgarity in any of its manifestations. Peter-Virgo is an idealist and hard worker, striving for perfection in everything. He has golden hands, but he is often distracted by trifles, and he simply does not have time for the main thing. This person has a fine mental organization, he is very touchy, does not accept jokes addressed to him, sometimes causes irritation with his pedantry and exactingness towards others, as well as thrift, bordering on greed. But all the shortcomings of this person are compensated by reliability, discipline and loyalty - you can always rely on his word, and it is difficult to find a better performer. Marriage with Peter the Virgin should be based on respect and mutual understanding, he will never tolerate cunning, insults and disrespect in his address.

Scales- a wise, reasonable and sociable man, with a philosophical outlook on life. Male charm is combined in him with the desire to analyze and rationalize everything, he always has at hand a lot of logical arguments to prove his point of view. He likes to give advice, but in his life he does not always succeed. Making a decision is a serious difficulty for a man, he tries with all his might to avoid any responsibility. By nature, Peter-Libra is not a leader or a fighter, he opposes any bonds and does not like obligations. He will not suffer for a long time from a broken heart, he will quickly forget everything and will not regret the past. This person generally lacks subtlety, the ability to understand the emotional experiences of another person. He has a clear mind and iron logic, but he lacks spiritual sensitivity. He also does not like quarrels, conflicts, large gatherings of people, to be in the spotlight. Most of all, he loves peace, spiritual comfort and a cozy atmosphere. If a woman can find an approach to his complex character, he will become her faithful and caring husband.

Scorpion- an ambitious and proud personality, with its own inner values, not obsessed with everyday life. He is a grump and a grumbler, although sometimes he himself does not understand what exactly causes his displeasure. Peter-Scorpio does not know how to look at circumstances through his fingers, he is always accurate and merciless in his statements. The more tests that fall on the lot of Feather-Scorpio, the stronger his spirit and will to win becomes. It is difficult to imagine him inactive or depressed, he gives his best to every business, whether it is love or work. This person knows how to skillfully play on other people's nerves, weaknesses and shortcomings. Peter-Scorpio in the family is an unconditional authority, protector and earner. Life with him will never be easy, as he simply does not know how to live a calm and measured life. He is a terrible jealous and possessive, he can roll up scandals from scratch. Reconciliation after quarrels will be as passionate as showdowns. The wife of Peter-Scorpio needs to stock up on patience, prudence and wisdom in order to coexist safely next to such a difficult person.

Sagittarius- a fickle, lively, sincere person, endowed with lively charm and charisma. He is a real favorite of the public, rarely anyone can dislike him. Peter-Sagittarius at any age remains young at heart, he is an emotional enthusiast and a perpetual motion machine. He most often everywhere and in everything is accompanied by luck, which he knows how to generously share with others. He has a passion to poke his nose into all things, even those that do not concern him, he can simultaneously be fond of several areas - politics, art, the occult and much more, giving himself up to his hobbies without a trace. Peter-Sagittarius eschews any kind of responsibility, does not like to take on obligations, most of all he likes the feeling of freedom. Sometimes he can give the impression of a superficial person, which is partly true. A distinctive feature of the character of this man is openness and gullibility, as well as fundamental honesty, which some people use for their own selfish interests. Peter-Sagittarius marries with great reluctance, since more than anything in the world he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom. It is difficult to put him on a short leash, on the contrary, for a happy marriage, a man must be given the opportunity to sometimes give a rest from his family, give him complete freedom of action and communication. You don’t need to be jealous of him - principled honesty in everything will not allow him to cheat on his wife, even away from her.

Capricorn- a dreamy and romantic man, calm and calm in any situation. He is prone to bouts of melancholy and depression, he needs love, a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family like air. At heart, he is a dreamer, but his dreams are material and are always connected with plans for the future. Most often, Peter-Capricorn clearly understands what he needs and how to achieve it. This man is different strong character, sometimes turning into stubbornness and inability to admit their own mistakes. Diligence, practicality and independence help him to become successful person, and failures and big problems can push him into the abyss of depression and despondency, from which it will be very difficult for Peter-Capricorn to get out on his own. This man is in awe of family ties, he is firmly attached to his family, and especially to children. He is ready to sacrifice himself for the interests of his relatives, but he is also capable of betrayal. True, a man will try to do everything so as not to hurt his wife - even with a brown romance on the side, he will still take care and take care of his wife.

Aquarius- a friendly, versatile and independent person, inclined to idealize the people around him. Even in old age, he remains a mischievous boy in his soul, he has to literally force himself to obey generally accepted rules. He resists with all his might everything that would prevent him from living the way he wants. Peter-Aquarius hates routine and monotony, it is difficult for him to sit in one place. By nature, this man is not a spender and does not miser, but money is not the main thing for him. He often changes his place of work and profession, and therefore it is difficult for him to become a professional in his field, he also rarely achieves success in business. In a marriage union with Peter Aquarius, scenes of jealousy, boredom and routine are guaranteed to be absent. He is deprived of deep attachment, including to his wife, no tears and reasonable arguments will force him to change his usual way of life. The correct tactic for interacting with Peter-Aquarius is to accept him as he is, not to try to change him.

Fish- a timid, delicate and timid man who prefers to give in, but not get involved in conflicts. The nature of this person is dualistic: on the one hand, he is an honest and hardworking man with a methodical approach to any undertaking, on the other hand, he is a deep dreamer and idealist, who is sincerely disappointed that life is far from perfect. Peter-Pisces can be devoted to his work to self-forgetfulness, but for a leadership position he lacks healthy arrogance and cynicism, as well as the ability to self-confidence and his strengths. He has a current mental organization, he is very touchy, vulnerable and withdrawn, therefore, like no one else, he needs the love and support of his loved ones, and sometimes more protection. strong man. He is not a fighter by nature, he prefers to go with the flow and wait for gifts of fate. The wife of Peter the Pisces will need a lot of patience and wisdom to withstand some impracticality and irresponsibility of her husband. In addition, if this man is good-looking, he will almost certainly cheat on his wife, since a greater ladies' man is hard to find.

Interpretation of this male name- rock, rock The boy, named so, is restless, inquisitive, loves outdoor games. As an adult, he demonstrates firmness of character, loyalty to the chosen goals, adherence to principles in judgments, which already corresponds to the meaning of the name Peter.

In childhood, the baby shows curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind to all the objects around him. He bombards adults with questions and sometimes confuses them with his reasoning. The best toy for a child named by this name is a designer. Petya is a sociable and sociable boy. He always has many friends in the yard or garden. Until adolescence, he prefers the company of boys - the same tomboys like himself.

As a schoolboy, he studies without much zeal, but already with primary school is fond of sports. For a boy, it matters what sport he chooses, since his future often depends on it. Here, the meaning of the name Peter is more reflected - the teenager shows firmness of character in achieving best result In sports.

During his school years, Petya already knows where he will go to study next. Often the choice falls on a sports career. In any case, he takes his education seriously and from a young age, in parallel with his studies, begins to work. Independence from parents, independent life is the main goal of a young man.

Passion for the opposite sex in these years, as a rule, is not serious and is limited to flirting and courtship. The meaning of the name Peter in the period of growing up is characterized by determination, diligence and perseverance.


The man named so is outwardly attractive, physically strong, smart and has a good sense of humor. All these qualities attract the opposite sex. This means that it is not difficult for the owner of the name to win the woman he likes. In his youth, he often flirts with girls, but rarely this game comes to a serious relationship.

The early marriage of a young man is often unsuccessful. But having married at a more mature age or for the second time, he is happy in marriage. Possessing a passionate temperament by nature, a man can commit adultery. Sex is of great importance to him, but feelings are still more important.

Being a husband, he can cheat on his wife; confessing his love to his chosen one, he is able to be in a close relationship with another woman. However, intimacy for him is not as paramount in love as the kinship of souls and mutual understanding. By cheating on his beloved body, he remains faithful to her soul.


The family life of this person develops successfully if he marries closer to 30 years. In the period of 20-30 years, he, from a purposeful, but frivolous young man in love, turns into a man who knows his own worth with a stable worldview and a desire to create a strong family union.

The importance of the family in Peter's life is enormous. This means that, being the father of the family, he makes every effort so that his wife and children live comfortably, and the atmosphere in the family is favorable. This is a caring dad who loves and pampers children. He is an example of a real man for them. Grown-up daughters are looking for chosen ones similar to their father, and sons copy him in everything.

Peter leads a healthy lifestyle, keeps fit, reads a lot, holidays in his house are always held in a cheerful company of relatives and close friends. While married, a man can cheat on his wife. However, treason does not have for him of great importance and are one-time.

Business and career

Petya starts his career from the bottom. He, like a sponge, absorbs all the information that he receives at work, in the process of moving up the career ladder, which means that this is his undeniable advantage over his colleagues. Possessing a good memory, he applies the accumulated experience in a rapid rise to the professional top.

Often, having gained practice, he organizes own business. Charm and sociability help him in solving conflicts and problems at work. This employee often acts as a guarantor of the fulfillment of the assigned tasks with high quality and on time, as he does not throw promises into the wind. Colleagues prefer to work with him in a team, because he meticulously and accurately performs the duties assigned to him.

For him, the material component of his work is of considerable importance. If the owner of this name knows that as a result of his efforts he will receive a good reward, then he will work harder and more diligently. Fields of activity can be varied: sports, trade, production. Whatever direction he chooses, he will succeed everywhere thanks to his perseverance.

origin of the name Peter

The etymology of the name is Greek. Where it came from is not exactly known. The origin of the name Peter may come from the apostle Peter, whose name was derived from Christ himself. The Hebrew word "kifa" (from Hebrew - stone), which Christ called the fisherman Simon, was translated into Greek as "petrus" (from Greek - stone). Therefore, it is quite possible that the history of the name has Jewish roots.

Characteristics of the name Peter

Peter's character is distinguished by balance and friendliness. In nature, he has both pluses and minuses. This is a person you can rely on, you can trust him with a secret and at the same time be sure that it will remain between you.

Petya will never refuse to help if he can do it. There is no vindictiveness in the character of this person, and after a major quarrel, he quickly departs. It does not matter to him which person asks him for help. Even his enemy, he is ready to come to the rescue.

Disadvantages include distraction and inattention. If you want him to hear you, repeat your request several times. Due to absent-mindedness, he may not hear what they say to him, thereby causing resentment on the part of the interlocutor. In general, the characteristic of the name Peter has more pluses than minuses and gives its owner a real masculine nature.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - amber, emerald.
  • Name days - January 3, January 29, June 25.
  • Horoscope - Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Color - light brown, dark red.

Famous people

  • Peter I - the last tsar of all Russia and the first emperor of the Russian Empire.
  • Petr Mamonov - Russian rock musician, actor, poet.
  • Petr Chernyshev - Russian, American figure skater, five-time US champion.

Different languages

Translation of the name from Greek (Πέτρος) - rock, stone. How to translate Peter, according to its meaning, into Japanese: 石- Ishi. Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

Japanese: ピョートル (pyo-to-ru) Chinese: 彼得 (bi-de) Spanish: Pedro (pe-dro) French: Pierre (pierre)

Name Forms

There are many diminutive, abbreviated and derivative versions of this name. The following derivatives are popular in colloquial use: Petya, Petrusha, Petruha, Petryai, Petyunya, Petenka, Petrik, Petechka. The full name Peter is used to emphasize respect.

So called boys mostly Christians, regardless of denomination. The name is widely used in America and Europe. In Russia, in comparison with the beginning of the 20th century, today children have become less likely to be called that. According to church custom, the name Peter is given at baptism without change, and as a rule, the patron saint of its owner is the apostle Peter.

Name declension: Peter, Petra, Petru, Petra, Peter, Petre.