A fairy tale how a snail made friends with a twig. Fairy tale sly snail

Irina Schepetinnikova
Fairy tale "Snail Ulya"

Story intended for reading to children of senior preschool and younger school age, in joint activities teacher and children, as well as for reading in the family circle.

Once upon a time there was a little a snail named Ulya. She always carried her house on her back. It was very convenient, because if you get tired, or it rains, or it is windy and cold, you can always hide in your house from the weather.

Sometimes the red spotted bug that lived next door asked Ulya if she was tired of dragging her house around with her everywhere. Ulya just moved her horns and, smiling, answered: "Of course not! After all, my house is light and compact, it is always with me, and this untold convenience. And so dear "burden" not heavy at all." But the spotted bug offered her a twisted plantain leaf instead of a house, which, in his opinion, could be a good substitute for a house. For what snail she smiled even more and slowly crawled away to the tall fragrant flowers.

Ulya did not know their name, but she really liked them. Huge dark green stems, not thick, but not thin, carved leaves raised to the sky, snow-white petals and a yellow velvety core - how lovely these flowers were!

In the morning, dew drops rolled down on the house snails, which made her shudder and stare in amazement at the spray sparkling from the sunlight. So the new day began snails.

Time passed. Flowers with white petals grew from the summer rains, and the spots of the neighboring bug darkened even more. Ulya also grew up, and her house grew with her. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, everyone snails so. The house was like a gray curl, cozy and dry on the inside and shiny on the outside.

One day snail I decided to crawl along the stem to the yellow core of a fragrant flower with white petals. She smoothly climbed up the leaning stalk and grunted funny, often stopping.

The journey to the yellow core began at sunrise and ended in the late evening. snails surprisingly slow, but very diligent!

Finally, Ulya settled on a velvety throne. Small snail she raised her eyes to the starry sky, and the distant stars looked attentively at Ulya, as if praising her for her patience and strength. The snail is very tired. Carefully removing the horns, she settled down in her house and fell asleep soundly.

The next day there was a strong wind. He, as if angry at something, tore off several snow-white petals of a fragrant flower and took them away with him. The balance has been broken. From the side where the petals were torn off, one could see the lake. The flower leaned to one side, and the snail slipped down.

Probably, Ulya would have flopped down on the wet grass, scratching the curl of her house on thorns along the way, if not for the hammock made of cobwebs. She did not have time to come to her senses, as she was already swaying from side to side. Two tiny mushrooms grew under the web. snail I liked the soft cobweb, reminiscent of snow-white flower petals that were blown away by the wind.

Ulya looked around curiously. Near the lake, a big frog was sitting on a hummock. Looking around indifferently, she jumped into the water. The splashing of the water echoed, which woke the sleeping spider. He remembered his web and moved towards it, thinking of prey that might already be captured. His black furry paws began to quickly change each other. A minute later he descended from the height of the tree on a rope of sticky web and approached Ole. Small the snail understood that she is an uninvited guest, and it's time to hide in her house.

At this time, the hammock from the cobweb broke, and Ulya, jumping up in the air, suddenly found herself on the prickly back of a hedgehog that was running past. And so, Ulya, along with a hedgehog, and he was surprisingly agile, went for a walk along the lake.

There were many light lilac irises on the shore. Ulya did not know the name of these plants; they amazed her even more than the fragrant flowers with white petals. From the scent of flowers, the hedgehog sneezed all over the neighborhood, and snail flew off its barbed back.

She again moved in the air and landed safely on a dry iris petal in the water. The boat from the petal suffered snail on the other side, well, that was a fair wind. Now he was not angry with anyone, but simply helped the little traveler.

Ulya sailed to the other side, and this place seemed to her the most beautiful in the world! Irises grew here too, and at the edge of the lake there were many petals-boats, choose any one and swim wherever you want. In the distance one could see the same fragrant flowers with white petals as on the opposite bank.

The snail closed its eyes to rest for a moment. A bright orange speck of light hid in a slumber. Suddenly the sky darkened, and scowling clouds appeared, one dark blue and the other purple. The first few large drops of rain fell to the ground. Then, the sky frowned even more, turning almost gray, and the rain drummed heavily on the leaves and tall grass.

Ulya was inside her house and, waking up, listened to the sound of rain. She was warm and dry, although the air, moist from the weather, invisibly touched her small horns. snails. She involuntarily thought of her house - curl: the house came in handy again and again helped out its mistress, sheltering it from cold drops.

The rain is over. Carefully looking out of the curled house, Ulya saw a rainbow in the middle of the brightening sky. Each color reminded her of recent events: red - about the spotted back of a neighbor bug, orange - about the gentle summer sun, yellow - about the core of a fragrant flower with white petals, green - about stems, leaves and grass, blue - about the sky with floating clouds, blue and purple - about a frowning rain cloud and her friend.

Today snail was especially happy, her adventures continued, and the danger finally receded. Ulya understood the purpose of her house-curl, and, therefore, she matured and grew up, and her house grew with her. Everyone has snails so.

© Copyright: Irina Schepetinnikova, 2018

Publication Certificate No. 118060508504

This section of our site contains fairy tales about cute snails. Read online with illustrations!

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Target: generalize and systematize students' knowledge


  • Development of phonemic hearing, analysis and synthesis of words.
  • Speech development: expansion vocabulary, enrichment of the active vocabulary, the formation of the correct sound pronunciation, sound culture of speech; the ability to compose simple, but interesting in terms of semantic load and content, stories.
  • The development of fine motor skills of the hands using rhythmic and finger gymnastics.
  • Development of imagination and creativity.


I. Organizing time

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet.
Good morning!
Good morning sun and birds.
Good morning smiling faces!

- I really want everyone to have a good morning, good afternoon today, and especially for my children, because they came to study, think, learn a lot of new things.

II. Game "Mood"

(The teacher shows the cards, and the children answer what mood is depicted on them, draw their mood.)

- Today we have not an ordinary lesson, but an interesting game. And she is called “Journey to the Planet of Joy”. Interesting tasks and fun contests are waiting for you. You are ready? Then stand in a circle, join hands, we're going to fly.

Let's hug you
And rise above the earth.
Let's unite the warmth of hearts
And we will become one sun.

(Children raise their hands up and stand on their toes)

The teacher puts the sun on the board.

Get ready, brave ones, in joyful
The path through the storm and the wind and the storm.
One-two! Guys, go ahead!
Three four! Guys, take flight!

Task 1. “The ninth figure”(rocket)

Task 2. Direct and reverse counting.

Picking up the speed of light
We fly through the universe
To a distant planet
We want to get there as soon as possible.
Sat in a chair, gave gas,
And the rocket took off!

- Let's fly! In the meantime, we are flying to the Planet of Joy, I suggest you complete the task.

Task 3.

Look at this picture and find two identical figures. What is the difference?

Task 4.

  • Red- we direct to a point that is in a square, but outside the circle and triangle.
  • yellow- in a triangle and a square, but outside the circle.
  • Green- in a triangle, but not in a circle and in a square.
  • Blue - in a circle, a triangle and a square.

- Here we are!

On the board - children's applications, drawings, origami "The flower of beauty that grows in my mother's soul", the name of the planet "Planet of Joy", a butterfly on one flower.

This butterfly is magical. The flowers on which she sits begin to smell wonderfully and become unusually beautiful. While our butterfly flies from flower to flower, we will make a sound model of the word “butterfly”.

Making a sound model of a word butterfly.

5. Physical Minute

6. Sound extraction [B]. Designation of sound with a letter

7. Designing the letter B soft wire

Letter B with a big belly,
In a cap with a long visor.

Then invite the children to make other letters and answer the questions:

  1. B remove the top stick? (soft sign)
  2. What letter will turn out if the letter B remove the small semicircle? (Letter G)
  3. What letter will turn out if the upper stick of the letter B turn it in the opposite direction? (solid sign)
  4. What letter will you get if you remove the top stick and turn it upside down? (Letter P)

- This is our mischievous letter.

8. Write the letter R on the board wet finger

letter R it's easy to write:
Right to the stick carefully
Let's draw a circle
And you get a checkbox.

9. Consideration of children's work. “Visiting the letter R”

– Letter R wants you to remember her well and growl angrily, smiling.

How are these sounds different? (Hard, soft sound.)

- Our letter R He loves to work very much, he always does something, creates, helps. Name the professions of your mothers. (Children say what their mothers work for.)

- Do you help your mothers? (Children's answers.)

10. Physical Minute(with musical accompaniment)

We help mom together
We wash our own clothes
1, 2, 3, 4 –
Stretched, leaned
Well we did our best!

- Imagine that you have a long brush on your nose. Write the word - MOM.

- How beautiful you did! I think moms really liked it.

- And now they will try to write a letter on your back, and you guess.

11. Poems-dramatization ( homework)

Everything is good

Mom comes home from work
Mom takes off her boots
Mom goes into the house
Mom looks around.
- Was there a raid on the apartment?
- Not!
- Did a hippo visit us?
- Not!
Maybe not ours?
- Our!
- Maybe not our floor?
- Our!
Seryozhka just came,
We played a little.
So it's not a crash?
- Not!
- Didn't the elephant dance with us?
- Not.
- I am very happy.
Turns out I was worried for nothing!

- You again walked through the puddles,
Kneading dirt with boots?!
Tell me as much as I need
You just don't have the strength
After all, she asked: take care!
- What are the boots for?

- Who littered in the hallway?
Well, what does it look like!
Boards, nails, hammer...
What are you doing, son?
There is some bullshit here...
– Garage for your boots!

12. Exhibition of drawings “Letters smile”

- When this butterfly lands on people, they acquire good qualities. (The teacher takes a butterfly and approaches each child. Names a letter, the child must name the good qualities of a person with this letter. Takes a letter from the table, attaches it to the board. ( B C T A U Z I)

Exercise: divide all letters into two groups (vowels and consonants) B C T G U A I

Articulation of sounds (Thread, mirror).

Telling a fairy tale “How a snail made friends with a twig (homework)

13. Exercise in the pronunciation of soft and hard consonants

14. Riddle

Five brothers will be born together
And different heights.

15. Physical Minute

Here are my helpers
Turn as you wish.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
They don't fit again.
Knocked, turned
And they wanted to work.

16. Finger dramatizations

The parrot says to the parrot:
- I'll parrot you, parrot.
Parrot in response parrot:
- Parrot, parrot, parrot!

- Where did you buy, señor,
This red tomato?
- That's an impolite question!
This is my own nose!

Buttercup, Buttercup, what are you laughing at?
- Yes, you tickle me,
So you tickle the leaves for me,
Whatever you don't want, you want!

In a quiet river at the pier
The fish met the fish:
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- I was fishing.
I'm a fisherman's bit
Uncle Fedya is an eccentric.
Where is your fisherman? Gotcha?
- No, he's gone, sly! Broke!

17. Riddle

round, mature, tanned,
Got it on the tooth
Couldn't break everything.
And got under the hammer
It crunched once - and the side cracked. (Nut)

18. Gymnastics for fingers (with walnuts)

Not along the path, but around
It rolled and groaned.
Oh lol
Oh okolo,
Not on the trail, but around.

19. Drawing a pattern.

Exercise "The Fourth Extra"

Children reading the poem “Do not be afraid, please, doctor lion!”

Do not be afraid, please, Dr. Leo!
He will look in the throat of the little animal first
And write out an urgent prescription for the patient:
“Pills, potion and a warm word,
Compress, rinse and a kind word,
Mustard plasters, banks and a gentle word, -
Not a drop of cold, sharp, evil!
Without a kind word, without a warm word,
Without a tender word, the patient is not treated!”

Give your mothers warm, kind, tender words. Tell them to your family and friends more often.
And our journey comes to an end. I really want our gymnasium to become a planet of Joy for you. See you!

There lived a snail. She was good, kind, cheerful, all the insects that lived nearby respected her. The snail was famous for having a big, big shell in which to live comfortably and safely, and which she carried with her at all times. Sometimes everyone was surprised how she managed it, because the shell was not easy. Be that as it may, however, the Snail was always greeted with joy.

One day, guests came to Ulitka for her birthday, and they gave her a beautiful book.

— Oh, thank you, what an interesting and thick book, with letters and pictures! - the Snail was delighted and even spun with happiness, but immediately said sadly. But I can't read...

- How can you not? - Spider was surprised, who even took off his hat from such words. - This can't be...

“Um, you can’t do it at all?” Butterfly was also amazed.

Other insects were also upset, because it turned out that their gift turned out to be out of place.

“I don’t know how,” admitted the Snail. It turns out that as a child she did not have a shell, and she was ashamed to go out naked. And when she finally found a shell, settled in it and began to wear it like clothes, then she was already big for school, an adult, and they didn’t let her in. That is why the Snail never learned to write and read.

- Yes ... - Beetle drawled, scratching his horn. - This is bad. You can't be illiterate.

And other insects agreed with him. Everyone felt sad and hurt for the Snail, who on her birthday received a gift that turned out to be useless for her. The holiday was cancelled. No one wanted to drink tea with jam and eat pies specially prepared by the Snail. One worm even cried

But then the Ant stepped forward. He was a professor and director of the school. Everyone knew him well, because at one time they studied with him.

“I think everything can be fixed,” he said. - I have one free place at school, and why don't you, dear Snail, study there?

“Yes, yes,” said the overjoyed guests. - It's a good idea. Don't give up, Snail.

Of course, the Snail herself liked the offer to go to study. And she agreed. Just asked:

- Is it okay that I'm an adult for school? Will no one laugh at me?

But everyone calmed her down.

- What are you, Snail, it's never too late to learn, you can at any age. In addition, we all love you, who will offend? On the contrary, schoolchildren will rejoice at you.

“Class starts at eight in the morning, so don’t be late, dear Snail,” Ant told her, smoothing his mustache. - We'll be waiting for you.

And after that, the feast began. The guests made toasts, wishing much good to the birthday girl, ate, drank, danced the whole evening, all night, and dispersed already in the morning. And cleaning up after them, the Snail, of course, was late for the lessons. She put the plates in their places, washed the spoons and forks, cleaned the samovar, then went to school. She only came at the moment when the bell rang, and the children, shouting and hooting with joy, left the school. Following them, teachers came out of the building - Butterfly, Dragonfly and Ant.

— Why are you late, Snail? the director asked sternly. It is not good to start your studies late.

Teachers also expressed their indignation about this. The snail felt ashamed and said:

- Sorry, dear Ant and teachers, only I had to wash a mountain of dishes, sweep the clearing where my birthday was celebrated. There was a lot of garbage left ... And because of this, I did not have time to arrive on time. Forgive me…

The ant thought, and recognized this reason as valid.

“Good,” he said. “This time we forgive you and look forward to tomorrow. But don't be late next time.

The snail promised. She didn't show up on time the next day either. The fact is that snails move very slowly, and when she finally came to school, all the lessons had long ended. Kids crawled out of the doors - grasshoppers, bugs, spiders, ants, worms, caterpillars, waving briefcases, fooling around and singing songs. And at the porch stood the Ant, menacingly moving his mustache.

- Well, dear Snail? What happened this time?

The snail sighed in response.

“And I don't know what to say. I got up early in the morning, washed my face, had breakfast, like all other schoolchildren, went to classes ... And I just came ... I was in a hurry, dear Ant, but I was late ...

And then the Ant realized:

“Ah, yes, I forgot that snails can’t crawl fast… But if it’s like this all the time, then how will you learn to write and read?.. Listen, the shell is probably bothering you — it’s so big and heavy. Can you get rid of her? Then it will be easier for you to move around.

- Oh, dear Ant, I can’t be without a shell, what kind of Snail am I then? After all, the shell is my home, my clothes, my protection ...

The ant was not in vain a professor. He carefully examined the sink, and an idea came to him:

— Eureka! You have such a large shell that many other insects can fit in it. Let's open for you new school. And you will not be late anymore, besides, you yourself will not be bored, and our kids will start learning with pleasure in such a beautiful room.

The snail was very happy. Indeed, her sink was so spacious and comfortable that studying here was a real pleasure. She, of course, agreed.

The next morning, she had lessons in her sink. The Snail herself sat at her desk and learned to read, write, draw, along with other schoolchildren. She was very interested. She realized that the school gives not only knowledge, but also friendship. The snail made friends with many insects that it did not know before. And when she learned everything, she stayed in her shell to work ... as a teacher.

She rang the bell every morning to announce the start or end of the lesson. And she herself taught the kids to read from her book, which she was presented with for her birthday. Schoolchildren loved her very much, as she told everything with enthusiasm, she herself recalled interesting stories.

This is how the fate of the Snail turned out. And in the history of the shell school, she was given a special place. By the way, her portrait hung on the wall for many, many more years, and teachers talked about how the once illiterate Snail eventually became a professor and teacher and made many friends.