Long-range aviation of the Russian Air Force. Russian long-range aviation aircraft What is the basis of long-range aviation

The Supreme High Command uses it to solve operational and strategic tasks in intercontinental and maritime military conflicts.

The history of the creation of long-range aviation of the Russian Federation

The history of long-range aviation in Russia dates back to December 23, 1914, when Emperor Nicholas II issued a decree on the creation of the world's first squadron of four-engine aircraft, called Ilya Muromets. It was the world's first attempt to unite heavy bombers. The squadron commander was M. V. Shidlovsky, who came to aviation from the naval department. At that time, he was the current chairman of the Russian-Baltic Carriage Works, where the Ilya Muromets air cars were produced.

During the First World War, these long-range aircraft of Russia performed more than 400 combat missions, including the bombing of important strategic enemy targets and reconnaissance of the location of strike ground groups. In 1917, the squadron consisted of four military detachments and consisted of more than twenty vehicles. During the entire period of combat operations, only one aircraft was lost.

Development of long-range aviation in the USSR

In September 1917, the bomber squadron was destroyed. The planes were simply burned so that they would not go to the enemy. Long-range aviation in Russia began to revive after the October Revolution. On March 22, 1918, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars was issued, which spoke of the creation of the Northern Group of Ilya Muromets air liners, numbering 3 combat units.

The next qualitative stage in the development of this direction of aviation occurred in the thirties of the twentieth century. During this period, the young Russian army was armed with the latest aircraft designers Tupolev and Ilyushin. From the first days of the Second World War, Russian long-range aviation successfully carried out combat missions deep behind enemy lines, which made an invaluable contribution to great victory over the enemy.

In the postwar years, the development of strategic aeronautics entered a new stage. Modern aircraft "Tu" and "Il" began to enter service, which currently form the basis of the fleet of modern long-range aviation of the Russian Federation.

"Ilya Muromets" - the world's first strategic bomber

The world's first strategic bomber was designed with the participation of an outstanding aircraft builder. The place of production of Ilya Muromets is the Russian-Baltic Carriage Works. It took to the skies for the first time on 12/10/1913. Until 1918, the aircraft was mass-produced in various modifications. During the First World War, on December 23, 1914, the Ilya Muromets aircraft were consolidated into a single squadron - the world's first formation of combat aircraft. That is why on December 23 Russia celebrates the Day of Far Russia.

Aircraft "Ilya Muromets" were used as bombers, attack aircraft or reconnaissance aircraft. Bomb shells could be placed both inside and outside, vertically along the fuselage. For the first time, an electronic trigger was developed and used to drop shells, and eight machine guns were installed for defense against enemy aircraft. At the end civil war the surviving aircraft were used to organize postal and passenger traffic on the route Moscow - Orel - Kharkov. Aircraft "Ilya Muromets" could reach a maximum speed of up to 130 km / h. Their high-altitude ceiling reached 3200 m, flight range - up to 560 km, and the maximum travel time was about 4.4 hours.

Aircraft "TB-3" - the first long-range bomber of the USSR

The development of the first long-range bomber in the USSR began in 1925. Already in 1930, his prototype, which had the secret marking "ANT-6", took to the skies. The first serial aircraft "TB-3" made its flight in 1932. These aircraft were used as bombers, military transport or landing craft.

The TB-3 strategic vehicles have proven themselves well during military conflicts in various countries. At the end of 1930, in connection with the development of air defense and fighter aircraft, the machines became obsolete, and in 1938 their mass production ceased. Despite this, the TB-3 strategic aircraft performed combat missions during the Second World War.

Over the entire period of production, more than 800 liners of various modifications were produced. This machine has improved technical specifications: its maximum speed reached 380 km / h, the flight altitude could be up to 7000 m with its range of about 3 thousand km. The TB-3 aircraft was capable of holding up to 2 tons of bomb charges.

"IL-4" - the basis of long-range aviation during the Great Patriotic War

The long-range bomber, codenamed "TsKB-26", began to be developed at the Design Bureau of S.V. Ilyushin in the early 1930s. The first prototype took to the air in 1935. It was made of a solid metal structure with cantilevered duralumin wings. The fuselage had a streamlined shape and had an oval section. The flight range of the prototype was up to 3 thousand km. The crew of the vehicle consisted of three pilots, and its defensive armament was represented by three machine guns. The demonstration of the sample took place in 1936, and mass production was mastered in 1938. Such machines received new engines that allow speeds up to 445 km / h. The bomb load was 2.5 tons, and the defensive properties of the aircraft were also improved. Long-range aircraft of Russia "Il-4" in terms of speed and range of flights were the best in the world at one time.

Also for Air Force navy on the basis of such a machine, the DB-3T torpedo bomber was created, intended for the destruction of naval targets and the mining of fairways. The DB-3T aircraft became the first mass-produced Russian model that could perform certain functions in the water area.

During the Second World War, the Il-4 aircraft became the basis of Russian long-range aviation, carrying out raids on the deep rear of the enemy, military echelons of equipment and airfields. Over the entire period of production, more than 7 thousand different modifications of this legendary bomber were produced.

"Tu-4" - Russia's first air carrier of nuclear weapons

Immediately after the end of the Second World War, Russian long-range aviation was left without the necessary machines. By that time, the IL-4 twin-engine aircraft had exhausted their technological resource of possibilities. The issue of creating a new type of strategic bomber became topical. Such an aircraft was the Tu-4, a piston machine, which was an adapted copy of the American B-29 combat aircraft.

This bomber first took to the skies in 1947, and began to enter aviation in 1949. Mastering the production of such a machine gave the country a modern aircraft of a new type and brought the USSR to the forefront of strategic aviation. "Tu-4" had a maximum speed of 558 km / h, its flight altitude was up to 11,200 m with a range of up to 6200 m. Such a machine was armed in a new way. Over 11 tons of combat load could be taken on board by this aircraft of the Russian Air Force. Long-range aviation was replenished with a unique representative that has the ability to carry nuclear weapons of the RDS-3 type on its board.

"Tu-16" - the first long-range jet aircraft of the Russian Federation

The Tu-16 is Russia's first long-range strategic aircraft with a jet engine. The purpose of this machine is to solve various strategic problems. Engineers of the Tupolev Design Bureau began to work on the creation of the aircraft in 1950, and already on April 27, 1952, the first prototype took to the skies. At the end of the year, this aircraft was launched into mass production. Tu-16s first joined the strategic aviation ranks in 1954.

The design of this aircraft was distinguished by the presence of a swept mid-wing and plumage of the same shape. The fuselage of the aircraft consisted of five compartments and had a circular cross section. The bomber's cabin was distinguished by increased tightness, was divided into two compartments and reinforced with armored glass and protective plates. The crew of the aircraft consisted of six pilots. The main engines of the machine were two turbojet installations of various modifications. The bomber could carry up to 9 tons of bombs, which were placed in one compartment. Also, the Tu-16 could be armed with two guided missiles of the KS-1 cruise type.

The Tu-16 model turned out to be so successful that Tu-16R reconnaissance aircraft, Tu-163 tanker liners and the first Tu-16K-10 aviation missile system in Russia began to be produced on its basis. Also, this bomber became the prototype for the Tu-104 jet passenger airliner, which began to be produced in 1964. Russia's first strategic jet aircraft "Tu-16" is rightfully considered a long-liver of domestic and foreign aviation. It was withdrawn from service only in 1994.

"Tu-95MS" - the basis of long-range aviation of the Russian Federation

"Tu-95MS" is a strategic aircraft of Russian long-range aviation, designed to deliver a missile and bomb strike on stationary targets at any time of the day, regardless of weather conditions. Work on the design of the basic model of the Tu-95 ship began in the early 1950s. In 1956, the first production vehicles entered service with the long-range aviation unit.

In connection with the rapid re-equipment of the US strategic aeronautics, the Russian government decided to create the latest aircraft that could compete with American aviation. In 1981, the modernized Tu-95MS aircraft joined the ranks of long-range aviation of the Russian Federation.

Today, the main machine of long-range aviation of the Russian Air Force is a high-wing aircraft with four turboprop engines, which are located on swept wings. The vessel is equipped with differential gearboxes, with the help of which two twin four-bladed propellers rotate in different directions. The cockpit is located in the forward part of the fuselage, it is completely sealed. There is also a galley and toilet.

The missile carrier is equipped with a modern Obzor radar installation, an onboard defense system that includes the most modern developments of Russian military engineers, as well as offensive and defensive weapons. Currently, the Russian Air Force has 60 Tu-95MS aircraft of various modifications.

"Tu-160" - "White Swan" of Russian long-range aviation

Tu-160 aircraft are modern supersonic missile carriers. Their design is based on a modified wing geometry. These representatives of long-range aviation of the Russian Federation can hit important enemy targets with nuclear weapons even deep behind enemy lines in continental military conflicts.

Work on the creation of such a combat vehicle began in 1975. Tupolev Design Bureau engineers designed a supersonic strategic missile carrier. As a result, the Tu-160 was created - a cantilever monoplane with a larger elongation wing, on which there were four power plants. The design of the aircraft made it possible to place all missile and bomb weapons inside in the same compartments. The crew of the aircraft - four pilots, for which a pressurized cabin is provided in the bow of the bomber.

The first test flights began in 1981, and in the late 1980s, serial vehicles began to enter service. To date, the Tu-160 aircraft has the best flight characteristics in comparison with world analogues. The maximum speed of the car at altitude is up to 2000 km / h, near the ground - 1030 km / h. The practical high-altitude ceiling can reach 16 km, the flight range is up to 13200 m. Today, 15 aircraft are in service with Russian long-range aviation. They are called "White Swan".

In 2014, the country celebrated a significant date - 100 years of Russian long-range aviation. More about this is written below.

Russian Air Force Long-Range Aviation Day

December 23 is a holiday date for long-range aviation pilots of the Russian Federation. In 1999, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force Anatoly Kornukov, the day of Russian long-range aviation was determined. The date of December 23 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1914 that the first air squadron "Ilya Muromets" was formed.

2014 became an anniversary year - 100 years of long-range aviation in Russia. In connection with this, many festive events were held. An important event in the celebration of the centenary was the opening of several monuments and monuments dedicated to the main strike force of the Air Force. The Council of Long-Range Aviation Veterans of Russia also took part in this process.


At the moment, Russian long-range aviation, thanks to its services to the Fatherland, has every right to be called the main strike force of the Russian Air Force. This unit is an important strategic reserve of the Supreme High Command. Air detachment, which can solve military tasks, regardless of geographical location a strategic object is precisely the long-range aviation of Russia. 2014 was an anniversary year for this Air Force unit. After all, it was then that the country celebrated 100 years since the founding of long-range aviation.

The previous position of General Kobylash was the head of the 4th State Center for the Training of Aviation Personnel and Military Tests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Lipetsk. Sergei Kobylash has been in charge of the personnel forge for military pilots since 2015.

The new commander of Long-Range Aviation was born on April 1, 1965 in Odessa. Graduated from the Yeysk Higher Military Aviation School named after Komarov, air force academy named after Gagarin and military academy General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Kobylash went from a pilot to the chief of aviation of the Air Force, mastered a number of aircraft, including the Su-30SM, Su-34 and An-26. Member of the first and second Chechen wars, the war in South Ossetia in 2008. Has the title of Hero Russian Federation, awarded the order Courage, the Order "For Military Merit", the medal "For Courage" and other departmental medals. It is noted that Sergei Kobylash is qualified as a sniper pilot. The total flight time exceeds 1.5 thousand hours.

Recall that the previous commander of Long-Range Aviation, Lieutenant General Anatoly Zhikharev, left his post due to reaching retirement age.

According to data from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, long-range aviation formations and units are armed with strategic and long-range bombers, tanker aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. Operating mainly in strategic depth, they perform the following main tasks: destroying air bases (airfields), ground-based missile complexes, aircraft carriers and other surface ships, objects from the enemy’s reserves, military-industrial facilities, administrative and political centers, energy facilities and hydraulic engineering structures, naval bases and ports, command posts of formations of the armed forces and operational air defense control centers in the theater of operations, land communications facilities, landing units and convoys; mining from the air. Part of the long-range aviation forces may be involved in conducting aerial reconnaissance and performing special tasks.

Long-range aviation is a component of the Strategic Nuclear Forces. Long-range aviation formations and units are based from Novgorod in the west of the country to Anadyr and Ussuriysk in the east, from Tiksi in the north to Blagoveshchensk in the south of the country. The basis of the aircraft fleet is made up of Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers, Tu-22M3 long-range missile carrier-bombers, Il-78 tanker aircraft and Tu-22MR reconnaissance aircraft. The main armament of the aircraft: long-range aviation cruise missiles and operational-tactical missiles in nuclear and conventional equipment, as well as aviation bombs of various purposes and calibers.

A practical demonstration of the spatial indicators of the combat capabilities of the Long-Range Aviation Command is air patrol flights of Tu-95MS and Tu-160 aircraft in the area of ​​Iceland Island and the Norwegian Sea; to the North Pole and to the area of ​​the Aleutian Islands; along the east coast of South America.

Regardless of the organizational structure in which long-range aviation exists and will exist, the combat strength, the characteristics of the aircraft and weapons in service, the main task of long-range aviation on the scale of the Aerospace Forces should be considered both nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence of potential adversaries. In the event of a war, Long-Range Aviation will carry out tasks to reduce the military and economic potential of the enemy, destroy important military facilities, and disrupt state and military control.

Long Range Aviation Command- an association of the Russian Air Force under the command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces. It is a strategic aviation - a component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces.

Tu-160, 2011.

Tu-22M3, 2011.


The date of creation of Long-Range Aviation is considered to be December 10 (23), 1914, when Emperor Nicholas II approved the decision to create a squadron of airships "Ilya Muromets". Mikhail Shidlovsky (a former naval officer, chairman of the board of shareholders of the Russian-Baltic Carriage Works, which built the Ilya Muromets airships) became the squadron commander.

By April 1917, the squadron included four combat detachments, about 20 bombers. In September 1917, German troops approached Vinnitsa, where a squadron of air ships was stationed at that time, so the planes were burned so that they would not get to the enemy.

A decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated March 22, 1918 ordered the formation of the Northern Group of Ilya Muromets airships, consisting of three combat units. Thus began the revival of long-range aviation in the RSFSR.

In 1933, for the first time in the world, heavy bomber aviation corps were formed, which received the TB-3 bomber. In January 1936, the first aviation army of the VGK reserve (Special Purpose Army - GA) was formed. In the same year, the troops began to receive twin-engine long-range bombers DB-3 (after modernization - DB-ZF (IL-4)). In 1936-1938, three special-purpose air armies were created, which were directly subordinated to the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR.

In 1940, the Long-Range Bomber Aviation of the High Command of the Red Army (DBA GK) was created, and the departments of special-purpose armies were disbanded. By the middle of 1941, the DBA GK included five air corps, three separate air divisions and one separate air regiment: with a total of approximately 1,500 aircraft (13.5% of the total aircraft fleet of the Red Army Air Force) and almost 1,000 combat-ready crews. By the Decree of the State Defense Committee of March 5, 1942, Long-Range Bomber Aviation was transformed into Long-Range Aviation (ADD) with direct subordination to the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. General Alexander Golovanov was appointed commander of the ADD.

In 1960, in connection with the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces, two of the three directorates of the air armies of the Long-Range Aviation were transferred to the Strategic Missile Forces.

In 1961, the organization of Long-Range Aviation was changed, which was based on three separate heavy bomber corps:

  • 2nd Separate Heavy Bomber Aviation Corps (Vinnitsa);
  • 6th Separate Heavy Bomber Aviation Red Banner Corps (Smolensk);
  • 8th Heavy Bomber Aviation Corps (Blagoveshchensk).

To control the regiments and divisions of the former 43rd Air Army, the 2nd Separate Heavy Bomber Air Corps of the Long-Range Aviation was formed to be deployed in Vinnitsa.

In 1961, the 2nd otbak included:

  • 13th Guards. tbad (Poltava) as part of the 184th (Priluki), 185th and 225th tbap on Tu-16 aircraft (both at the Poltava airfield);
  • 15th Guards tbad (Zhytomyr) as part of the 250th tbap (Stryi), 251st tbap (Bila Tserkva) on Tu-16 aircraft and 341st tbap (Ozernoye) on Tu-22 aircraft;
  • 106th tbad (Uzin) as part of the 182nd tbap (Mozdok), 409th and 1006th tbap (both at the Uzin airfield) on Tu-95K and Tu-95M aircraft;
  • 199th Guards. odrap (Nizhin) on Tu-16 aircraft.

To control the regiments and divisions of the former 50th Air Army in 1960, the 6th Separate Heavy Bomber Aviation Corps of the Long-Range Aviation was formed with a deployment in Smolensk.

In 1961 it included:

In 1980, on the basis of these corps, three air armies of the Supreme High Command were formed:

  • (Smolensk);
  • 30th Air Army of the Supreme High Command for Strategic Purposes (Irkutsk);
  • 24th Air Army of the Supreme High Command for operational purposes (Vinnitsa).

The Long-Range Aviation Command was reorganized into the 37th Air Army of the Supreme High Command for Strategic Purposes with headquarters based in Moscow.

  • 30th Air Army of the Supreme High Command for Strategic Purposes (Irkutsk);
  • 37th Air Army of the Supreme High Command for Strategic Purposes (Moscow);
  • 46th Air Red Banner Army of the Supreme High Command of Strategic Purpose (Smolensk);
  • 43rd center for combat use and retraining of long-range aviation flight personnel (Ryazan).

On April 1, 1998, the Long-Range Aviation Command was transformed into the 37th Air Army of the Supreme High Command (strategic purpose). AT

Participation in operations

Tu-160 escorted by Su-30 performs a combat mission in Syria


  • Golovanov Alexander Evgenievich, Air Chief Marshal (1946-1948)
  • Rudenko Sergey Ignatievich, Colonel General of Aviation (1950-1953)
  • Novikov Alexander Alexandrovich, Air Chief Marshal (1953-1955)
  • Sudets Vladimir Alexandrovich, Air Marshal (1955-1962)
  • Reshetnikov Vasily Vasilyevich (1969-1980)
  • Gorbunov Ivan Vladimirovich, Colonel General of Aviation (1980-1985)
  • Deinekin Pyotr Stepanovich, lieutenant general (1985-1990)
  • Kalugin Igor Mikhailovich, Colonel General (1990-1997)
  • Oparin Mikhail Mikhailovich, lieutenant general (1998-2002)
  • Khvorov Igor Ivanovich, lieutenant general (2002-2007)
  • Androsov Pavel Vasilievich, major general (2007-2009)
  • Zhikharev Anatoly Dmitrievich, lieutenant general (2009-2016)
  • Kobylash Sergey Ivanovich, lieutenant general (September 16, 2016 - present)


The Long-Range Aviation is armed with Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers-missile carriers, as well as Tu-22M3 long-range bombers:

  • 60 Tu-95MS aircraft
  • 17 Tu-160 aircraft
  • about 61 Tu-22M3 aircraft [ ]


  • Headquarters, military unit 44402 (Moscow)
  • 63rd Mitavsky separate communication center for automated controls, military unit 83069 (Smolensk region, Smolensk, Smolensk-Severny airfield).
  • 22nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Donbass Red Banner Division (Saratov Region, Engels):

Alexey Zakvasin

On December 23, Russia celebrates the Day of Long-Range Aviation, which is one of the components of the nuclear triad. The structure of the Russian Aerospace Forces includes attack aircraft Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3 and Tu-160. Air cruisers can hit large ground targets and enemy ships, including non-nuclear weapons. Currently, long-range aviation of the Russian Federation is at the stage of modernization. Until 2023, Russia should receive 50 Tu-160M2. In the future, the VKS will receive a new generation of vehicles PAK DA. On the role and significance of long-range aviation in the structure armed forces RF - in the material RT.

  • Bombers Tu-22M3 VKS RF
  • RIA News

December 23 is considered the birthday of long-range aviation (DA) in Russia, because on this day in 1914 Nicholas II signed a decree on the creation of a squadron of Ilya Muromets aircraft - the world's first formation of heavy four-engine bombers.

DA began to acquire its modern look during the period cold war. The 1950s-1970s became a period of rapid development of Soviet long-range aviation.

The first original strategic jet bomber of the USSR was the Tu-16 "Badger", which made its first flight on April 27, 1952. Six months later, a Tu-95 "Bear" turboprop took off into the sky. In 1969, the USSR acquired the Tu-22 supersonic bomber (according to NATO codification - Blinder).

The pinnacle of the development of Soviet design thought was (according to NATO codification - Blackjack), which has been in operation since 1987. Currently, the Aerospace Forces are armed with deeply modernized versions of Soviet vehicles: Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3 and Tu-160 (including Tu-160M1). In addition, Tu-22MR reconnaissance aircraft and Il-78 tankers are classified as DA.

Data on the number of long-range aircraft possessed by the Russian Aerospace Forces differ greatly. According to domestic media, the fleet of the Russian Federation has 30 Tu-95, 12 Tu-22M3 and 16 Tu-160 aircraft. That is a total of 58 cars.

Calculated International Institute strategic research (IISS), as part of the Russian DA: 62 Tu-22M3, 50 T-95MS, 11 Tu-160, five Tu-160M1 and one Tu-22MR (total 139 vehicles). The Aerospace Forces deployed four Tu-22M3 squadrons, three Tu-95MS squadrons and one Tu-160 squadron.

Alexei Leonkov, commercial director of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, told RT that IISS analysts most likely take into account the aircraft currently in storage. According to him, the most realistic figure is given by Russian sources, and it does not exceed 60-65 vehicles.

Out of reach

Long-range aviation of Russia is the air component of the Strategic Nuclear Forces (SNF) of the Russian Federation. All DA aircraft in service with the RF Armed Forces are capable of delivering strikes with both nuclear and non-nuclear weapons. The tasks of YES include the destruction of strategically important objects deep behind enemy lines. In addition, domestic aircraft can hit large surface targets.

On December 22, 2017, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that over the past five years, long-range aviation had completed 178 flights as part of air patrols. Since the fall of 2015, the Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3 and Tu-160 have been actively used for. Long-range aviation tested both single and group sorties.

In the operation in the Arab Republic, the White Swans received their baptism of fire. In particular, the Tu-160 successfully used the X-101 and X-55 ultra-long-range cruise missiles. Both missiles have their own variants in the nuclear version - X-102 and X-555, respectively.

“Tu-22M3 operates at tactical depth. its radius combat action slightly lower than the Tu-95 and Tu-160. The aircraft demonstrated its effectiveness in defeating well-fortified enemy targets in Afghanistan and Syria. Tu-22M3 is also called "aircraft carrier killer". This machine can successfully destroy large surface forces, ”Leonkov noted.

  • Long-range bomber Tu-22M3 delivers an air strike on terrorist targets in the province of Deir ez-Zor in Syria
  • RIA News

According to the expert, one should not write off the oldest DA Tu-95MS bomber, which is the only turboprop aircraft in the world capable of reaching speeds of over 900 km/h. The upgraded version of the Tu-95 can use the Kh-101/102 air-to-ground strategic cruise missile with a range of 6,000–9,000 km.

Tu-160 has no analogues in the world. The bomber is capable of overcoming enemy air defenses, developing a supersonic speed of 2,500 km/h. The White Swan, if necessary, rises to a height of up to 22,000 meters, thus being out of range of enemy fighters.

“The Tu-160 is a truly incredible machine. It's almost impossible to catch her. An anti-aircraft missile and the most modern fighter will not have time for our plane. For example, the Tu-160 can keep supersonic speed in afterburner for 45 minutes, and the potential “hunter” for it F / A-18 - 10 minutes, ”Leonkov said.

Bet on stealth

In 2015, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to build 50 Tu-160M2 aircraft by 2023. Experts believe that from that moment began the most important recent history RF stage in the modernization of long-range aviation. In mid-November 2017, the first Tu-160 in nine years was assembled, called "Vitaly Kopylov".

On December 22, in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda, the commander of long-range aviation, Lieutenant General Sergei Kobylash, said that the combat effectiveness of the Tu-160M2 would be two and a half times higher than its Soviet predecessor.

  • Bomber-missile carrier Tu-160
  • RIA News

“Efficient engines with wider resource capabilities will increase the flight range, which, together with the declared power-to-weight ratio, will keep the Tu-160 strategic missile carrier in the lead among strategic strike systems,” Kobylash explained.

The Tu-160M2 will be fitted with improved avionics and weapons control systems. On the modernized "White Swan" the concept of a "glass cockpit" (replacement of mechanical indicators with displays) and an "open side" (a simplified scheme for integrating equipment components from different manufacturers) should be implemented.

First of all, the Tu-160M2 are intended to replace the Tu-95MS, which are expected to be withdrawn from service in 2025. "White swans" will form the backbone of the air component of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia before the mass receipt of the PAK DA (Promising Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation), which is designed to become a universal combat vehicle.

PAK DA will be manufactured according to the "flying wing" scheme. It was originally planned that the promising aircraft would be supersonic. However, in 2016, the media reported that the Ministry of Defense had settled on a subsonic version. The main requirements of the PAK DA are to be equipped with all types of strike weapons, including hypersonic ones, and low visibility.

  • Computer image of the possible appearance of the PAK DA
  • Joseph Gatial

The bomber will apply Newest technologies reducing radar visibility. It is known that radar-absorbing materials will be used in the design of the aircraft. In this case, all weapons must be placed inside the hull. The first flight of the PAK DA is expected in 2025.

“PAK DA decided to sacrifice high speeds in favor of improved stealth characteristics. If it is possible to strike at targets from a long distance, high speed is not required from a bomber, but the ability to reach the missile launch distance unnoticed by the enemy is needed, ”Vadim Kozyulin, professor at the Academy of Military Sciences, explained the situation in an interview with RT.

According to the expert, in the future all long-range bombers will be included in the common reconnaissance and information field of inter-troop cooperation. Taking into account the development of means of delivery and destruction of the aviation component of the strategic nuclear forces, the country's celestial nuclear shield can be considered a reliable deterrent for potential external aggressors, summed up Kozyulin.

Long-range aviation is going through difficult times. However, despite the existing difficulties, the long-range aviation personnel are effectively fulfilling all the tasks assigned to them, namely, ensuring combat readiness at the very high level. This is the main aviation component of the strategic nuclear forces of our country and the strike force of the Air Force.

As you know, the country's long-range aviation originates from airships called Ilya Muromets. They are overall four-engine bombers, and the very first in the world.

In the second half of the 20th century, precision weapons of all types became an integral and effective means of combat in three physical areas: at sea, on land and in the air. This is evidenced by the events of the war in the Middle East, in Vietnam, operations: "The Fox in the Desert", "Desert Storm", "Resolute Force". Moreover, in the last three operations, high-precision air and sea-based cruise missiles (ALCM, SLCM) have shown an increasing role in air combat. High-precision weapons are constantly evolving, now they can accurately hit the target, no matter where it is.

Considering state of the art of the country's economy, as well as its geopolitical position, the main direction of development of long-range aviation is considered to be:

  • maintenance of long-range aviation at a level that ensures the solution of all assigned strategic tasks;
  • modernization of combat aviation systems (especially for combat aircraft);
  • development of advanced aviation complexes;
  • bringing long-range aviation to the level of combat readiness that would make it possible to carry out any assigned combat missions as efficiently as possible in a timely manner.

Well, if we take into account the current world military-political situation, the country's economic capabilities for military development, then long-range aviation should also undergo modernization of strategic aviation systems.

Modern long-range aviation in a conventional war can solve a lot of the most important operational and strategic tasks, which include:

    defeat of ships, aircraft carrier groups in combat maneuvering areas and at sea or ocean crossings;

    the defeat of the main aviation groupings at air bases (airfields) in remote geographical areas;

    the defeat of important military-industrial and energy facilities, as well as strategic and operational reserves, naval bases, communication centers and naval bases, the main centers of state and higher military administration, etc.

Today, the security of our country depends on a correct understanding of the important role of long-range aviation in the fight against an external adversary. After all, long-range aviation is one of the most flexible tools of a combat vehicle, which, unlike the intercontinental missiles of the Strategic Missile Forces and submarine missile carriers of the Navy, can be effectively used in non-nuclear equipment in local conflicts, as well as in a major war, not counting other important tasks. Such ambiguity and flexibility provide long-range aviation with a stable place in the future, despite the significantly lower reaction speed and charge compared to intercontinental missiles.

In general, over the past few years, long-range aviation has won the most important place in the Air Force. She was and will be in combat formation to fulfill all the tasks assigned to her to protect the country.