Inquisitor stellar. The Last Sith Inquisitor is a Star Wars fanfiction, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars Rebels

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The rising sun illuminated the half-ruined Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the gigantic city in which life never stopped was noisy around, but it was quiet in the long-empty main hall of the Temple. The only sound that disturbed the deathly stillness of this place was the footsteps of the pau'an moving rapidly through the hall. His surroundings did not interest him, he calmly stepped over the cracked floors and walked around the collapsed columns, the ruins of the once majestic hall meant nothing to the Sith, the only emotion that he associated with this room was pride in the soldiers of the Empire who passed through this hall killing and destroying everything in its path, proud that they were soldiers of his Empire. The old doors silently opened, letting the guest into the part of the Temple that interested him - the archive. Once again, he looked around at this large room lined with large shelves with holodisks, containers with fragile items and datapads with various information. Previously, a huge amount of valuable information was stored here, however, with the advent of the Empire, some of the items were lost, some were badly damaged during the attack of the 501st Legion, and much was stolen later, when only a small detachment of soldiers remained in the Temple to guard and any dexterous enough, a person could enter the Temple unnoticed. The visitor was interested in items that seemed useless to most people - Jedi holocrons, from which the Pow'an could get a lot of really useful information. He didn't have much time and immediately went to one of the stands and took down from the shelf an ancient cubic holocron that could only be opened by a Force adept. A short meditation allowed the Sith to access the secrets of this data vault. Pretty soon, the visitor to the Temple realized that this holocron was too old and it would not be easy to find really useful information in it. He was about to put the item away when he was suddenly attracted by the records of the ancient Dark Jedi, the Pau'an was in a hurry, however, he could not deny himself the pleasure of learning more about the Sith and their history. He plunged into the study of the secrets of the holocron, but the information received quickly disappointed him, the creator of the ancient object did not delve into the history or description of the battles, but only told the facts already known to the Sith about state structure. The only thing that really interested the pau'an was information about the ranks and titles of the Sith, there was quite a bit of important information there, rather a listing of titles and short descriptions their meanings, but this was also interesting to the researcher of the holocron. Among the meager data, a visitor to the Temple found a mention of the researchers of the Force and the masters of its use - the Sith Inquisitors. It was this part of the knowledge stored in the holocron that pau'an was most interested in, since his official imperial title is Inquisitor. This word had long replaced his real name, he was used to everyone addressing him like that, but the history of this title was unknown to him. He doubted that even the Master who awarded him the title knew about the ancient Sihi Inquisitors, despite the fact that he had come to the Jedi Temple with other intentions, the Pau'an had decided to search the archives for more information about the Inquisitor title, he hoped that beyond the usual descriptions and philosophy, he will find records of the fighting techniques of the ancient Sith and will be able to improve his fighting style. The Sith spent more than half a day in the archive, however, his knowledge of the Sith of the ancient Empire was still negligible. Time flew by quickly, however, he managed to remember other things and break away from studying the archive. Pau'an intended to return to the archive the next day and continue his research, however, this was not to be. En route to one of the Imperial security facilities on Coruscant, the Inquisitor received a message via a secret channel from his master. Finding a transport was not difficult, and soon the Sith arrived at the flagship in orbit around Coruscant, where a surprise awaited him. The round room aboard the Executor was dimly lit and did not in any way resemble a hall for formal receptions or business meetings, rather, this room looked like a training area. “So you have arrived, Jedi hunter. ' A helm-distorted voice addressed the Pau'an from the other end of the hall. The Inquisitor hastened to bow politely, but did not break the silence. The teacher didn't expect him to give a welcoming speech, so he immediately continued. "I hope you remember the recent report from an Imperial security agent about the sighting of a Jedi on Lothal." This news has disturbed some high officials of the empire and disturbs the peace not only on Lothal, but also here on Coruscant. This means that to restore the world, we need to destroy this Jedi and this is your new task. - - But teacher, it takes time to catch a Jedi, and they demand his head from me immediately. - Said the student, discussing how to find a Jedi on a planet with large population, the Inquisitor knew that there were enough places on Lothal to hide from the persecution of the Empire, and if this Jedi was smart enough, then he enlisted the support of the population and could take refuge in any locality . And this Jedi was clearly smart and dangerous, since he had sowed unrest even on Coruscant, the Pau'an had no doubt that in a personal duel he would easily defeat any Jedi, but tracking him down would clearly be a difficult task. - You don't have to worry about it, the Emperor, as always, figured out a way to lure the Jedi into a trap, you will go to the planet Stygeon Prime, where the remains of the Jedi Luminara Unduli are located, the Jedi will fly there, and you will kill him. This should be enough for you. - The last phrase of the Teacher uttered with strong irritation in his voice. But the Inquisitor had long been accustomed to the wrath of the master, and these notes of malice in the distorted voice, rather, made him think about how strong the fear of some imperial moffs for their position was, that the rumors about the Jedi alone frightened them so much that it angered the Master. “I will not let you down, my lord. Soon the Jedi will join the rest of the knights of the destroyed Order. - The student answered and, bowing again, left the gloomy room. Only now did he realize how cold it was in this room, how skillfully the overlord knew how to intimidate, and how strong the viciousness emanating from him. He was a true Sith Lord, and the Pau'an had no doubt that he would soon be both respected and feared by everyone around him. In fact, among the soldiers, his authority was already very high, but the Inquisitor planned to participate in the politics of the Empire and was not going to serve the teacher forever, he decided that he would act like the Sith of antiquity: he would learn and achieve greater power than the mentor, then he would slowly begin take away the teacher's power and in the end he himself will take his place. But now it was important to eliminate the Jedi or not to eliminate ... In fact, the Sith made plans that the Jedi could not be killed, but used as a source of fear within the Empire, if, for example, the Jedi was captured and taken to Coruscant, and then quietly helped him run away. The Inquisitor wanted to see the faces of these Imperial Moffs when they learned that there were Jedi roaming freely around Coruscant. A smile appeared on the gray and seemingly calm face of the killer, and who said that the Sith have no sense of humor. Some time later... Pau'an was bored, his forced inactivity made him want to go slaughter stormtroopers, he reviewed the message in the holonet several times that Luminara Unduli was alive, the Sith went over all the ways to kill the Jedi and looked at all the ways to escape and enter the prison. The problem was that in the prison on Stygeon Prime there was no access to the Imperial information stores, no training room, so all day after the arrival of the Inquisitor was preparing to fight with the Jedi, and now, when everything was thought out to the smallest detail and checked several times there was absolutely nothing to do. He sat in a meditative position and recalled information from the archives of the Jedi Temple, every bit of information now could help defeat the Jedi. But only the memory of the Sith Inquisitors was spinning in his head, those fragments of information that he found in the Temple were clearly not enough for him. Who would have thought that curiosity had awakened in the ruthless Sith, if anyone had dared to say such a thing to the Inquisitor, he would have died on the spot, and quickly and almost painlessly. Meanwhile, the Pau'an was angry that the Jedi describe all sorts of little things in such detail and study their enemy so poorly, the Sith decided that this was the main reason for the death of their Order and prepared to go to the next check of the attendants on the sites. But at that moment, an attack aircraft ran into the room that served as one of the observation posts and, standing at attention at the door, informed the Inquisitor that one of the posts had been attacked. The Inquisitor glanced quickly at the soldier's datapad with a map and chuckled, the Jedi had attacked exactly the post that the Sith considered the most successful for an external attack. What the Imperials would have considered insane, the Sith chose as the most logical option, and now all that remained was to head to the cell and wait for the Jedi to arrive, if he could get there at all. The enemy turned out to be extremely predictable and undoubtedly he believes that the surprise effect helps him. Pau'an despised this Jedi, on the goprojector he saw how four rebels made their way through the corridors in the way that he considered the most convenient, this group, not noticing anything, climbed straight into the trap. But the Inquisitor despised the Jedi, not for being predictable, but for the fact that this coward ran away from order 66, instead of fighting, helping the master, and now he considers himself a hero and hopes to restore his order after betraying him. Of course, the Sith knew what kind of Jedi fell into his trap - a student of Depa Bilaba, who was believed to be a dead traitor. The assassin had already abandoned the idea of ​​saving Kanan's life, according to the Pau'an, this Jedi did not deserve to survive, but there was another interesting person on the hologram - a young man, most likely a Padawan. Once again looking at the scheme of the prison, the Sith decided that it was time to close the mousetrap, he sent a squad of stormtroopers to the turbolift and other possible escape routes for the rebels, and he himself went towards Luminara's cell. Another feeling was added to the contempt, not even a feeling, an instinct - the desire to hunt the Jedi, intimidate him, show him the power of the Dark Side, and only then kill him. "...Jedi hunter." - so the teacher called him, the teacher was right, it was the hunter who was now hurrying to the chamber on the lower levels, and he would drive this cowardly Jedi into a corner, remind him of his teacher, and then make him bow before the power of Darkness and Kanan would die on his knees and pray about mercy. The Inquisitor walked down the corridor to the cell, one turn left to go, and he would meet with the Jedi, suddenly two stormtroopers ran out from around the corner. - Stop immediately! he ordered with those two angry voices. One of the stormtroopers called out that they were to guard the Jedi's chamber on the upper levels. The Sith quickly realized that they were under the influence of the Force, there was no time to weaken this effect, and there was anger at the feeble-minded stormtroopers. One of the soldiers ran past the pau'an, pushing him with his shoulder, this was the last straw for his anger, the scarlet blade lit up the dim corridor, two short, well-measured blows, a scream and the stormtroopers were forever out of the influence of the Force. Pau'an did not even change his face, after the cold-blooded murder of soldiers, the same slightly angry face of the winner, the same piercing gaze of yellow eyes, he did not fix the sword on his back, realizing that the weapon would soon be needed again. The Sith approached the chamber where Master Unduli's coffin stood, the door of course was open, from which came the voice of the Padawan. - What's happening? I don't understand? - Said the frightened and surprised boy. Pau'an clung to this phrase in a caustic response. - You do not understand. Everything is very simple. I am the Inquisitor. The sword turned on again, causing the Jedi and Padawan to flinch. Then everything was simple and ordinary, even too simple, the Jedi and the Padawan managed to get out of the cell, the student of Depa Bilaba even tried to resist, but what could he do against the power of the Sith, and the boy turned out to be smart and cunning, but too stubborn, it seems the only thing he could to teach this coward, it is a blind belief that the Empire is evil, like all its supporters. But the behavior of the Jedi was interesting, how angry he was that he was betrayed and circled around his finger, it was nice to see hopelessness awakening in the depths of his emotions, how easy it was to defeat him. The whole fight seemed like some kind of joke to the Sith, or he made a mistake when the Jedi threw him to the ceiling with the help of the Force, it was at least unexpected. At that moment, anger woke up in the Jedi, he hated this pau'an because he tried to kill Ezra and now the Inquisitor personified all the sins of the Empire in the eyes of Kanan. But what a Jedi could do in this situation was to run. Contempt for this Jedi reappeared in the depths of the Sith's thoughts, he can fight, even win, but no, he runs like a coward, his tail between his legs, and he sets this example to his student. Now the Inquisitor firmly decided that he would not leave this Jedi a chance, he would press him to closed door and before his eyes will break his student and force him to go to the Dark Side. Previously, the pau'an controlled the hunting instinct, but now there was no point in it, he would catch up with this Jedi and pin him to the wall with his own sword. Kanan woke up this hunter and he will pay for it. The killer, on the comlink, ordered to completely block the perimeter and the doors began to burrow. How terrifying it must be for a Jedi to die in the middle of an Imperial facility because the door was suddenly closed, the Sith thought with a cruel smile. With the slight grace of a ruthless predator, he overcame all the closing doors, but a lossat suddenly stood in the way. Another creature from the pages of history, the Inquisitor thought of the Lossat and the Jedi. The door closed right in front of him and blocked, in impotent rage, the Sith broke the door control system with the help of the Force and immediately used the sword to open the door. As the Inquisitor cleared the metal barrier, the huge landing pad gates were thrown open. This surprised the pau'an a little, but did not disturb his plans, because, at the site of the rebels, a platoon of attack aircraft is already waiting. The hunter in several long jumps crossed a large room and ran out to the landing site, where real chaos was going on, the remaining soldiers and several turbolaser towers were trying to hit the nimble rebel ship, an exploded fighter jet was burning out on the edge of the site, and a blue blade flashed among the smoke and shots lightsaber . With a predatory smile, the Sith threw his sword at the Jedi, realizing that now Kanan Jarus would not be saved in any way, although the killer's victory would not be complete, since the rest of the rebels would flee. In some incomprehensible way, the Jedi still managed to react and beat off with his sword, flying towards him, two bright red blades and jump aboard his ship. The Inquisitor pulled his weapon with the help of the Force and mentally promised the Jedi that next time there would be nowhere to run, but what struck him most in this situation was the intelligence of the actions of the stormtroopers, instead of getting into fighters and shooting down the rebels, they silently stared at the departing ship. - Sergeant, why were there no fighters in the air? After all, I ordered - to raise all the squadrons! the pau'an shouted angrily at the unfortunate soldier. The sergeant tried to say something, but his fate was already sealed, a short movement of the Sith's hand and the stormtrooper's body, controlled by the Force, went on a long flight down the edge of the platform. The assassin silently left the landing platform, now he clearly knew how to track down the Jedi. He will not send out reconnaissance droids and squads of soldiers, he will not set cunning traps, he will feel the Jedi, find him in the Force, by his emotions, his hidden fears and dark memories. The Inquisitor decided to break into the mind of Kanan to show him and his student how weak they are and why they have no right to be called Jedi. Kanan's thoughts would betray him and lead him to his death... Quite a long time later... The Sith sat meditatively aboard his Star Destroyer in orbit around Lothal. A long time has passed since the incident on Stygeon Prime, events such as Empire Day and the subsequent skirmish on the Force-forgotten asteroid occurred. The Inquisitor had gone through several unpleasant conversations with the Master, and now the effectiveness of his work was in question. The master made it clear to the apprentice that the Jedi must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise the Pau'an himself would be declared an enemy of the Empire. But all these events seemed so distant and unimportant to him now, now he decided to fulfill his plan, he tried to figure out the Jedi with the help of the Force. The Sith had been following Kanan's trail for a long time, feeling his presence, but so far he had not been able to break into his thoughts, feel his emotions and suppress resistance. The Jedi was strong, unlike his Padawan, it was the boy who became the main goal of the Inquisitor, this student was not collected and did not know how to defend himself, it was not difficult to find him, all that remained was to break him, force him to surrender and fall to the Dark Side, this was precisely the goal now Jedi hunter. What a strange thing, this meditation, when you are immersed in the Force, you gain incredible opportunities before you open up a huge scope for action, but it is very difficult to concentrate on something important. This is exactly what was happening to the Sith now, he was trying to find a Padawan among the streams of the Force, and only strange words found in the archives of the Jedi Temple were spinning in his head: “Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I get power. Through might I gain victory. Through victory, my chains will be broken. The power will set me free." The code of the ancient Sith, at first the Inquisitor found it a meaningless set of words, but the more he repeated it, the more he understood the wisdom hidden between the lines. ancient empire The Sith, the Codex, the rise of a new Empire - all of this seemed to the pau'an elements of some huge mosaic that unites the philosophy and history of the Sith. A mosaic that, when assembled, could reveal the great secrets of the Dark Jedi. The killer repeated the Code in his head again and realized that the Force that freed the Sith could also easily shackle him as he did now, now the Code seemed cyclical to him, passion and other dark emotions can not only give power, but also take away and block. The history of the Sith seemed to him just as cyclical now, from complete fall and destruction to the revival of the Empire and again to the fall, another element of the mosaic gathered in the head of the Inquisitor. He could have continued to talk about the history of the Sith, but another far more important event distracted him - a powerful surge of the Force around the Padawan Ezra, such surges of the Force in an instant are rare. The Sith hurried to find the young man in the Force and understand what happened to him, since he needed such power, very soon the hunter realized that the release of the Force was involuntary and the boy could not control the energy around him, this could not but rejoice, because what happened clearly gave away the place where the Padawan was and now it will not be difficult for the Inquisitor to find him. A small squadron of fighters landed near the Lothal Jedi Temple. On the ground were traces of a small ship that had recently stood on this site, this detail did not escape the gaze of the pau'an who commanded this group. The cold air and the rising wind did not bother the Sith, he understood that the Jedi and his Padawan had already flown away and this made him very angry. - Arrange sensors and tracking devices, if the Jedi returns here, I should know about it! he ordered one of the Imperial pilots who had come with him. The Inquisitor himself headed for the entrance to the Temple, despite the fact that the Jedi were no longer there, he intended to explore the corridors of the Temple in search of interesting items left by the ancient Jedi. The Sith approached the dark opening leading deep into the rock that served as the entrance, the pau'an himself did not fully understand why he was so attracted to these Jedi ruins, probably because he felt the presence of something unusual and not at all in them. similar to an item that belonged to the Jedi. The killer slowly walked through the dark corridors, in some places the stone covering of the walls and floor broke off, giving way to almost uncultivated natural caves. There was no longer solemnity and arrogance on the face of the Inquisitor, there was only interest and, hardly noticeable, fear, the Sith was really afraid of these halls, because with every step he went deeper into the ancient mysterious corridors that could be fraught with mortal dangers. He felt as if the Force itself was leading him deep into the dark corridors to some very important secret that was inaccessible to the Jedi. The corridor suddenly ended with an arch, behind which a rather spacious hall opened with a strange pedestal on a raised platform in the center. Pau'an realized that it was here that he was striving all the way through the Temple, he entered the room and felt as if all the air in this room was saturated with the Force, and not just the Force, but precisely the Darkness, frightening and overwhelming all living things. As if in a fog, he slowly approached the pedestal and looked at what was on it, in addition to the rusted pieces of dark metal, there was a strange object on the pedestal. In appearance, this thing resembled a holocron, but it was very unusual and had the shape of a pyramid, and a faint reddish glow came from the inside of the object. The thirst for knowledge began to awaken in the Inquisitor again, he had no idea what secrets this object could store, but he wanted to comprehend them, and of course he touched the ancient object, ran his fingers along one of the faces of the pyramid, feeling the signs cut on the object in the ancient Sith dialect. Suddenly, the darkness around him tightened, as if forcing him to bow, the Sith hunched over, aware that the mysterious energy was slowly squeezing his internal organs. And when the pau'an straightened up, he saw in front of him something completely different from what he expected, right in front of him, to the left of the pedestal, stood the spirit of an ancient Sith, consisting of pure energy of the Force. - Who are you? Who dared to disturb the rest of Darth Knox! – Angrily, but not loudly, the spirit turned to the Inquisitor. - I am the Inquisitor! And I didn't come here to disturb you. - Quite angrily and with pressure, the visitor answered. Oddly enough, in response to this, he heard only a loud laughter of the spirit with notes of mockery and contempt. "You call yourself a Sith Inquisitor?" It is clear that you are not a Jedi, since a Jedi would not be able to approach here, the energy of this place would kill him, but you are not an Inquisitor, perhaps an apostate or an acolyte who comprehends the teachings of the Sith, but you cannot be an Inquisitor. - The laughing spirit answered gloatingly. During this monologue, the pau'an examined his interlocutor, he was wearing a strict, if not uniform, hooded Sith robe and a strange, to be more precise, rather scary mask. The ancient Sith, meanwhile, continued, without waiting for the answer of the interlocutor. "If you really are a Sith, which I highly doubt, then why can't I sense the power of the Dark Side in you?" How could the Sith have fallen so low that you were called an Inquisitor? - Having finished uttering this angry tirade, the spirit squeezed its non-existent hand, and the dark energy spun around the visitor again, Darth Nox threw the Inquisitor to the ceiling with a light movement of the brush, and then, still holding his body with the Force, hit one of the walls of the hall. After such a demonstration of power, the ancient lord calmed down and decided to really ask this guest about the modern Sith and what happened in the Galaxy over the past 3 thousand years, because the spirit of Knox, by an unfortunate accident, was tied to a holocron hidden on a planet forgotten by the Force. In the meantime, the Inquisitor got up from the floor and with a quick movement removed the sword from his back, holding the weapon in his hand, he again approached the spirit of Knox. "I'm impressed, but I don't understand how you can use the Force when you're dead." the Inquisitor said to the spirit a little mockingly. - Are you really so poorly educated, your teacher is an idiot, if he is not able to explain to you the simplest dogma: "There is no death, there is only Power." - A modern Sith remembered this line from the Jedi Code, however, he did not seek to understand the Jedi Code, and this line did not matter to him. “However, your words have given rise to many questions, and I hope that you will answer them or I must demonstrate the power of Darkness once again. - Said the ancient Sith, starting to get angry. The living inquisitor, at that moment, was torn apart by contradictions, on the one hand, it was dangerous to stay here with this ancient half-crazy spirit, but on the other hand, the Sith saw him as an incredible source of knowledge and power, if he wanted to complement the mosaic of retinue philosophy, then it was the most suitable moment. - I will answer your questions, spirit, however, later, you will answer mine. It will be a fairly fair deal, otherwise I will leave you. - The inquisitor understood that his interlocutor was really interested in obtaining information and most likely to agree to such an agreement. - Well, I've been here for a very long time and apparently missed quite a bit. important events in the galaxy. A lot has changed, because I remember fighting the Emperor, how the Empire collapsed and many Sith joined the Jedi Republic, and the rest of the Sith died or fled to the very edge of the Galaxy. I was sure that along with Vishate, his Sith Empire also died. But now interesting events have begun to occur, after a long desolation, a Jedi first comes here, who has already been touched by Darkness and a Padawan who is completely unprepared to become a Jedi. And now you come - a Sith who calls himself the Inquisitor, but he is not, with your abilities, I would not have left the caves of Korriban, but they even gave you a sword and a title. Explain to me how this could happen and why the Empire rose from the ashes. – the ancient Sith spoke abruptly, in short sentences, a little voice creaked a little, like a mask, prevented him from speaking. Pau'an realized that Darth Nox did not know about the fall of the Jedi Order and the Republic and about the new Empire and prepared to explain, memories of the cyclical history of the Sith again floated in his head, perhaps this Empire would die along with Emperor Palpatine, however, he quickly drove away these rebel thoughts and began to explain. - You really missed a lot interesting events , The Empire was not revived, it was built anew, by completely different Sith, it does not have the Dark Council and the Order of the Sith. However, I can make you happy Darth Knox, the Republic and the Jedi Order ceased to exist, the knight who was here recently is only a traitor who fled when his entire order was dying. - Knox was greatly surprised by this news and, of course, missed the fact that the Inquisitor refers to him as "you." - That explains a lot... - Lord Kallig spoke vaguely, he really liked the new situation in the galaxy, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time and now he just needed to say a few right phrases to this stupid inquisitor. The spirit was about to disappear when the living Sith stopped it. “Now you have to answer a few questions for me. So what did you say about using the Force after death. The pau'an said with a wicked smile. - You know that after death, the Jedi and the Sith go into the Force. Here they acquire great power, however, there are also limitations, in fact, in terms of the number of advantages and disadvantages, the state of life being in the Force is approximately equal. So, while being here, the spirits, of course, can use the Force, since they, in fact, are part of it, but as I said, there are limitations. More interesting is that some of the Sith and Jedi can, using their abilities, break out of the Force and continue to live, most often external intervention is required, but, for example, the Emperor ... - At this point, the ancient Sith abruptly fell silent, as if he decided that this knowledge enough for the interlocutor. - That's interesting, but I think I have other questions, less philosophical. - Said the Inquisitor, realizing that the spirit was not going to continue the story. He really intended to get as much useful information as possible from the spirit, since such a chance would never come again. - I think I'll make a counter offer. You call yourself an Inquisitor, but you are still very far from a real Sith Inquisitor, you need to learn how to use the talent that you have, and I want to feel this galaxy again, touch life. You can take my holocron, to which I am unwittingly attached, and I will give you advice and support, and this will make me feel alive again, or you can just leave. - Having said this, the spirit of Darth Knox disappeared. The Inquisitor was again left alone in an empty room, in front of him on a pedestal lay the holocron of Lord Kallig. The Inquisitor hesitated for a few seconds, wanting to weigh the merits of both options, but he knew his choice had already been made. The Sith greedily looked at the scarlet pyramid that stood on the pedestal, and in a moment he already held the ancient object in his hand, Pau'an firmly knew that the alliance with the ancient inquisitor would come in handy. After looking at the relic for a few more seconds, the Sith turned around and headed for the exit from the Temple, it was time to continue hunting for the Jedi. At this time, in the Force, Darth Nox smiled maliciously with non-existent lips, because he told this Inquisitor everything about his plans, but he could not understand. Pau'an fell into the trap of an ancient dark adviser, yes, he will teach this living Sith, teach, then to use for his own purposes and the purposes of his Emperor. Lord Kallig laughed wickedly.

Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day and I will take out my wadded patriotic photo album from the dusty shelf.
This is how I looked in the fall of 1988, before being drafted into the orderly ranks of the Soviet Army

We, the conscripts, were invited to the military enlistment office and instructed how to come to the recruiting station. In particular, it is necessary to be short, but not bald-haired. Those who came bald as a billiard ball were threatened with a submarine fleet and three years of service. As a result, inspired by the instructions received, we, friends, got together and cut each other's hair, saving on the hairdresser's. And the funds released in this way were spent on beer.

Here's what happened and the end result. By the way, behind my back you can see the light switch I designed. It has a designer green backlight, by means of a seamless indicator from the factory, and double switching on of one lamp - at full incandescence and at half power, by means of a D226 diode and a smoothing capacitor.

And this is already in the army, he served for more than a year. I am in the middle, left and right - army colleagues. One from Siberia, the other from Western Ukraine.

As you can see, I was no stranger to culture either - once I was dismissed, I even went to the Oktyabrsky KZ. I just don't remember what for. The picture was taken on a color slide film, at that time - fucking luxury.

The tendency to stay away from the authorities and closer to the place of cooking, or better - to lead this process, appeared in me back in those years. In this case, we secretly cook a chicken stolen in a neighboring part on a blowtorch with a special nozzle. A Ukrainian stole it, no one could have done it better than him - he had a great practice in the village of folding the heads of chickens. Recipe and cooking - was already behind me. As I remember now, it was something like chakhokhbili.

I also visited Borispol and Fergana during the years of service, but I don’t have any scanned photos on my computer.

To all the men and women who wore and still wear epaulettes for the glory of our Motherland - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, cheers!

#it_was_so_long_that_it_is_not_a_sin_to_remember_ #congratulations_fanfix

The NYCC hosted a panel on The Clone Wars where Pablo Hidalgo and Dave Filoni (recorded) shared some news about the series. The main anti-hero will be an imperial inquisitor with a two-bladed sword.

In a press release at The SW website says:

A new villain from a galaxy far, far away is here. Fans who attended the Lucasfilm-hosted panel on the TV series star Wars: Rebels" at New York's Comic-Con, the world's first to see the Inquisitor - a sinister, black-clothed personality who will play a major role in the new animated series. In a special video (below) that was shown at the end of the panel, Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni officially introduced the character, showing a mock-up and sketches, and revealing that the Inquisitor had "been tasked by Darth Vader to hunt down the remaining Jedi Knights."

The panel, hosted by Pablo Hidalgo (Lucasfilm), focused on the Empire and its central role in the plot of Rebels. Hidalgo revealed that the series takes place 14 years after the events of Revenge of the Sith. This is a time when the power of the Empire is unshakable and the regime seeks to extend its power to the territory of the Outer Rim. So the Imperials come to Lothal - a poor planet, which at first joyfully meets the Empire, because it promises security and prosperity. But it soon becomes clear that the interests of Lothal do not really bother the Empire. The Imperials are exploiting the local population and are beginning to recruit young citizens to the academy to train as stormtroopers and TIE fighter pilots and to the Sinara Ship Systems factory in the planet's capital where these TIE fighters are assembled. Hidalgo showed drawings of Lothal, including the planet itself, the city, the streets, and an imperial recruiting poster.

According to a press release, the series was visually inspired by the original trilogy and art by Ralph Macquarie, so we'll see stormtroopers, star destroyers and TIE fighters that "fit in perfectly with classic Star Wars." Hidalgo also showed a new vehicle, the All Terrain Defense Pod (AT-DP), a walker based on a 1979 illustration by Joe Johnston (designer of the Boba Fett costume, speeder bikes, etc.),

an imperial troop transport based on one of the Kenner toys, which actually depicted something that was not in the films,

an imperial-style ship designed by Doug Chiang for The Phantom Menace, with docking mechanisms for transporting TIE fighters between systems.

This is the planet Lothal.

The results of the presentation of "Rebels" at Comic-Con:

  • The animation in Rebels is sufficiently different from The Clone Wars that existing models cannot be used. At the same time, there are hints that some of the Clone Wars characters may appear in the series.
  • George Lucas is not involved in the work on the series in any way, but his influence is manifested through previous works.
  • The episodes of Rebels are created much faster than in The Clone Wars - thanks in part to the experience gained while working on the previous series.
  • It has also been confirmed that the episodes will run in chronological order and describe the adventures of the same group of characters.
  • Imperial characters will develop in parallel with the main characters, in general, the series places a lot of emphasis on the Empire. One of the main goals of the Empire is expansion of the territory, which is why they climb into the Outer Rim.
  • Stormtroopers in the series are not clones. According to the notes that the creators of Rebels received from George Lucas, the clones showed too much personality. Stormtroopers are citizens who volunteer for service and show more patriotism. At the same time, according to Lucas' notes, some clones become stormtrooper trainers, while others "come into a bad mood."
  • There will be deaths, there will be a "real shift in tone" in episode 4.
  • There will be Jedi in the show, but they "remember Order 66 very well."
  • When asked about the bounty hunters, it was said that "this is not a black and white picture, rebels against imperials."
  • And finally: "Our heroes will find that the more successes, the more powerful bosses they have to fight."