Only humans and great apes have. Man and chimpanzee: comparing us and monkeys

About relationship great apes(anthropoids) and humans are evidenced by the similarity of many anatomical and physiological features. This was first established by Charles Darwin's colleague - Thomas Huxley. Having carried out comparative anatomical studies, he proved that the anatomical differences between humans and higher apes are less significant than between higher and lower apes.

There is much in common in the external appearance of humans and great apes: large body sizes, long limbs relative to the body, long neck, broad shoulders, absence of a tail and ischial calluses, a nose protruding from the plane of the face, and a similar shape of the auricle. The body of anthropoids is covered with sparse hair without undercoat, through which the skin is visible. Their facial expressions are very similar to human ones. In internal structure it should be noted a similar number of lobes in the lungs, the number of papillae in the kidney, the presence of a vermiform appendix of the caecum, an almost identical pattern of tubercles on the molars, a similar structure of the larynx, etc. The timing of puberty and the duration of pregnancy in great apes are almost the same as in humans.

An exceptionally close similarity is noted in terms of biochemical parameters: four blood groups, similar reactions of protein metabolism, and diseases. Great apes in nature are easily infected with infections from humans. Thus, the reduction in the range of the orangutan in Sumatra and Borneo (Kalimantan) is largely due to the mortality of monkeys from tuberculosis and hepatitis B obtained from humans. It is no coincidence that great apes are indispensable experimental animals for studying many human diseases. Humans and anthropoids are also close in the number of chromosomes (46 chromosomes in humans, 48 ​​in chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans), in their shape and size. There is much in common in the primary structure of such important proteins as hemoglobin, myoglobin, etc.

However, there are significant differences between humans and anthropoids, to a greater extent due to the adaptability of humans to walking upright. The human spine is S-shaped, the foot has an arch, which softens the concussion when walking and running (Fig. 45). With the vertical position of the body, the human pelvis takes on the pressure of the internal organs. As a result, its structure differs significantly from the anthropoid pelvis: it is low and wide, firmly articulated with the sacrum. There are significant differences in the structure of the brush. The thumb of the human hand is well developed, opposed to the rest and very mobile. Thanks to this structure of the hand, the hand is capable of various and subtle movements. In anthropoids, in connection with the arboreal way of life, the hands are hook-shaped, and the type of foot is prehensile. When forced to move on the ground, great apes lean on the outer edge of the foot, maintaining balance with the help of the forelimbs. Even a gorilla that walks on its entire foot is never in a fully extended position.

Differences between anthropoids and humans are observed in the structure of the skull and brain. The human skull does not have bony ridges and continuous superciliary arches, the brain part prevails over the front, the forehead is high, the jaws are weak, the fangs are small, and there is a chin protrusion on the lower jaw. The development of this protrusion is associated with speech. In monkeys, on the contrary, the facial part, especially the jaws, is highly developed. The human brain is 2-2.5 times larger than the brain of great apes. The parietal, temporal and frontal lobes, in which the most important centers of mental functions and speech are located, are highly developed in humans.

Significant signs of difference lead to the idea that modern great apes could not be the direct ancestors of man.


151-01. What distinguishes an ape from a human?
A) the general plan of the building
B) metabolic rate
B) the structure of the forelimbs
D) care for offspring


151-02. How is an ape different from a human?
A) the structure of the hand
B) differentiation of teeth
B) the general plan of the building
D) metabolic rate


151-03. Humans, unlike mammals, have developed
A) conditioned reflexes
B) second signaling system
B) sense organs
D) care for offspring


151-04. Man is distinguished from the great apes by the presence
A) caring for offspring
B) the first signal system
B) second signaling system
D) warm-bloodedness


151-05. Man, unlike animals, upon hearing one or more words, perceives
A) set of sounds
B) the location of the source of sounds
B) volume of sounds
D) their meaning


151-06. Humans, unlike the great apes, have
A) aperture
B) S-shaped spine
C) furrows and convolutions in the telencephalon
D) stereoscopic color vision


151-07. Human speech differs from "animal language" in that it
A) provided by the central nervous system
B) is congenital
B) occurs consciously
D) contains information only about current events


151-08. Humans and modern great apes are similar in that
A) are able to speak
B) capable of learning
C) capable of abstract thinking
D) make stone tools


151-09. The differences between man and great apes, associated with his labor activity, are manifested in the structure
A) arched foot
B) S-shaped spine
B) larynx
D) brushes


151-10. How is a human different from a chimpanzee?
A) blood groups
B) the ability to learn
B) genetic code
D) the ability to think abstractly


151-11. In humans, unlike other animals,
A) a second signaling system is developed
B) cells lack a hard shell
B) there is asexual reproduction
D) two pairs of limbs


151-12. In humans, unlike other members of the mammalian class,
A) the fetus develops in the uterus
B) there are sebaceous and sweat glands
B) has a diaphragm
D) the brain region of the skull is larger than the facial


151-13. The similarity between apes and humans is
A) the same degree of development of the cerebral cortex
B) the same proportions of the skull
C) the ability to form conditioned reflexes
D) ability to creative activity

Question 1. Describe the systematic position of man in the animal kingdom.
Man belongs to the phylum Chordates, the subtype Vertebrates, the class Mammals, the subclass Placentals, the order Primates, the suborder Humanoid (anthropoids-Higher apes) primates, the superfamily of the Greater narrow-nosed monkeys, the family Hominid (People), the only genus Homo (Homo) with the only species Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens).
In addition to the suborder of anthropoids, lemurs and tarsiers are also classified as primates.

Question 2. Indicate the signs of a person as a representative of the class of mammals.
Humans can be classified as Mammals on the following grounds:
seven cervical vertebrae;
hairline, sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin;
well developed lips and muscular cheeks;
diaphragm and alveolar lungs;
auricle and three auditory ossicles of the middle ear;
one aortic arch (left) and non-nuclear erythrocytes;
mammary glands, care for offspring;
similarities in embryonic development.

Question 3. What features are common to humans and great apes?
Man and apes (pongid) are related by the large size of the body, the absence of a tail and cheek pouches, the good development of mimic muscles, and the similar structure of the skull and skeleton in general. In addition, blood groups and the Rh factor, the similarity of chromosomes (out of 23 chromosomes, 13 are similar to chimpanzees), various diseases, a long gestation period, and a long prepubertal (pre-reproductive) period are common to humans and great apes. unites them and high level development of higher nervous activity, the ability to learn quickly, the ability to use tools, a good memory, rich emotions. As an example, we can cite experiments on teaching deaf-mutes to great apes, during which gorillas and chimpanzees learned up to 200-300 sign words. The human and chimpanzee genomes are 98.5% identical.

Question 4. List the structural features that are unique to humans.
There are differences between humans and animals.
Man is a social being that produces tools and uses them to influence nature. A person has a highly developed brain, has consciousness, thinking, articulate speech and a number of anatomical features that have arisen in connection with labor activity that is characteristic only of a person. The differences are related to the direction of evolution. Man and great apes are two branches of the order of primates, which in relatively recent times have separated from the common pedigree trunk.
It is typical for a person:
1. Adaptation to upright posture. The spine acquired an S-shaped curvature, the foot has a domed shape. These are the main devices that provide shock absorption and shock absorption of the body when walking, jumping, which is important for protecting the brain. The big toe acts as a support. The pelvis is wider, it takes on the pressure of the organs in an upright position. The chest is flat, laterally compressed, due to the pressure that the internal organs exert on the ribs, due to the horizontal position of the torso when walking. The brain part of the skull has increased and prevails over the front. There are no superciliary ridges. The jaws and chewing muscles are less developed. In the lower part of the body, the gluteal, quadriceps, gastrocnemius, soleus muscles are especially developed. The consequences of upright walking are associated with a limitation in the speed of movement, hypertension, an immobile sacrum, dilated veins in the legs, and osteochondrosis.
2. The presence of a flexible hand - an organ of labor adapted to complex movements. The human hand is specialized as a grasping organ, well mobile thumb. The human arms are shorter than the legs.
3. Well developed brain. A person has highly developed temporal, frontal and parietal lobes, where the main centers of higher nervous activity are located. The surface of the brain is 1250 cm2. The surface of the cortex in the frontal region is twice that of higher monkeys. Characterized by the appearance of speech, abstract thinking, consciousness.
4. Hairless skin has become a gigantic receptor field capable of bringing additional information to the brain. This was a factor in the intensive development of the brain. The "baldness" of the skin is the last biological prerequisite for the formation of man as a creative social being.

Question 5. What
An increase in the size and complexity of the structure of the brain provided a person with the opportunity to develop many functions, such as highly organized nervous activity, the ability to learn, the presence of a large amount of memory and complex emotions, speech. They also contributed to the emergence abstract thinking and ability to work. The centers associated with the sense organs provide the finest analysis of visual and auditory information, which allows us to perceive and understand facial expressions and speech. The motor centers of the brain carry out extremely precise and efficient control of the muscles of the fingers, vocal cords, etc. In many respects, it was the development of the brain that allowed a person to reach the high stage of evolutionary development that he now occupies.

Humans and monkeys share about 98 percent genetic similarity, but even the external differences between them are more than obvious. Monkeys hear differently, see differently and physically develop faster.


Many of the features that distinguish humans from monkeys are immediately noticeable. For example, upright posture. Despite the fact that gorillas may well move on their hind legs, this is an unnatural process for them. For a person, the convenience of moving in an upright position is provided by a flexible lumbar arch, arched foot and long straight legs, which monkeys lack.

But between man and ape there are distinctive features that only zoologists can tell about. For example, experts note that some of the signs that make a person closer to marine mammals than to primates are a thick fatty layer and skin rigidly attached to a muscular frame.
There are significant differences in the vocal capabilities of humans and monkeys. Thus, our larynx occupies a much lower position in relation to the mouth than that of any other primate species. The common “tube” formed as a result of this provides a person with exceptional opportunities for a speech resonator.


The volume of the human brain is almost three times that of the brain of a monkey - 1600 and 600 cm3, which gives us an advantage in the development of mental abilities. In the brain of a monkey, there are no speech centers and zones of association that a person has. This led to the emergence of not only the first signal system (conditioned and unconditioned reflexes), but also the second one, which is responsible for speech forms of communication.
But more recently, British scientists discovered in the human brain a much more noticeable detail that the monkey brain lacks - this is the lateral frontal pole of the prefrontal cortex. It is he who is responsible for strategic planning, task differentiation and decision making.


Human hearing is particularly sensitive to the perception of sound frequencies - in the range of approximately 20 to 20,000 Hz. But in some monkeys, the ability to distinguish frequencies significantly exceeds that of a human. For example, Philippine tarsiers can hear sounds up to 90,000 Hz.

True, the selective ability of human auditory neurons, which allow us to perceive the difference in sounds that differ by 3-6 Hz, is higher than that of monkeys. Moreover, people have a unique ability to relate sounds to each other.

However, monkeys can also perceive a series of repeated sounds of different pitches, but if this series is shifted up or down a few tones (change the key), then the melodic pattern will be unrecognizable for animals. It is not difficult for a person to guess the same sequence of sounds in different keys.


Newborn babies are completely helpless and completely dependent on their parents, while baby monkeys can already hang and move from place to place. Unlike a monkey, a person needs a much longer time to grow up. So, for example, a female gorilla reaches puberty by the age of 8, given that her gestation period is almost the same as that of a woman.

In newborn children, unlike monkey cubs, instincts are much less developed - a person receives most of the life skills in the learning process. It is important to note that a person is formed in the process of direct communication with his own kind, while a monkey is born with an already established form of its existence.


By virtue of innate instincts, the male monkey is always able to recognize when the female is ovulating. Humans don't have this ability. But there is a more significant difference between humans and monkeys: this is the occurrence of menopause in humans. The only exception in the animal world is the black dolphin.
Man and monkey differ in the structure of the genital organs. So, not a single great ape has a hymen. On the other hand, the male genital organ of any primate contains gutter bone (cartilage), which is absent in humans. There is one more characteristic feature concerning sexual behavior. Face-to-face sexual intercourse, so popular with humans, is unnatural for monkeys.


Geneticist Steve Jones once remarked that “50% of human DNA is similar to that of bananas, but this does not mean that we are half bananas, either from head to waist or from waist to toe.” The same can be said when comparing man with a monkey. The minimal difference in the genotype of humans and monkeys - about 2% - nevertheless forms a huge gap between the species.
The difference includes about 150 million unique nucleotides, which contain about 50 million individual mutation events. Such changes, according to scientists, cannot be achieved even on an evolutionary time scale of 250 thousand generations, which once again refutes the theory of human origin from higher primates.

There are significant differences between humans and monkeys in the set of chromosomes: if we have 46 of them, then gorillas and chimpanzees have 48. Moreover, there are genes in human chromosomes that are absent in chimpanzees, which reflects the difference between the human and animal immune systems. Another interesting genetic claim is that the human Y chromosome is as different from the similar chimpanzee chromosome as it is from the chicken Y chromosome.

There is also a difference in the size of the genes. When comparing human and chimpanzee DNA, it was found that the monkey genome is 12% larger than the human genome. And the difference in the expression of human and monkey genes in the cerebral cortex was expressed in 17.4%.
A genetic study by scientists from London has revealed a possible reason why monkeys are not able to speak. So they determined that the FOXP2 gene plays an important role in the formation of the speech apparatus in humans. Geneticists decided on a desperate experiment and introduced the FOXP2 gene to a chimpanzee, in the hope that the monkey would speak. But nothing of the kind happened - the zone responsible for the functions of speech in humans, in chimpanzees, regulates the vestibular apparatus. The ability to climb trees in the course of evolution for the monkey turned out to be much more important than the development of verbal communication skills.

State educational institution higher vocational education

"East Siberian State Academy Education»

Man and monkey. Similarities and differences


Ropel Alina

Group 2b3

Irkutsk 2010

1. Introduction

2. Evidence of human animal origin

3. Differences in the structure and behavior of humans and animals

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliographic list


Great apes resemble humans in many ways. They express feelings of joy, anger, sadness, gently caress the cubs, take care of them, punish them for disobedience. They have a good memory, highly developed higher nervous activity.

J.B. Lamarck proposed a hypothesis about the origin of man from ape-like ancestors who switched from climbing trees to walking upright. As a result, their body straightened, the foot changed. The need for communication led to speech. In 1871 Ch. Darwin's work "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection" was published. In it, he proves the kinship of man with great apes, using data from comparative anatomy, embryology, and paleontology. At the same time, Darwin rightly believed that not a single living ape can be considered a direct ancestor of man.

similarity difference human monkey


Man belongs to mammals, as he has a diaphragm, mammary glands, differentiated teeth (incisors, canines and molars), auricles, his embryo develops in utero. Humans have the same organs and organ systems as other mammals: circulatory, respiratory, excretory, digestive, etc.

Similarities can be traced in the development of human and animal embryos. Human development begins with a single fertilized egg. Due to its division, new cells are formed, tissues and organs of the embryo are formed. At the stage of 1.5-3 months of intrauterine development, the caudal spine is developed in the human fetus, gill slits are laid. The brain of a month-old fetus resembles the brain of a fish, and a seven-month-old fetus resembles the brain of a monkey. In the fifth month of intrauterine development, the embryo has a hairline, which subsequently disappears. Thus, in many respects, the human embryo resembles the embryos of other vertebrates.

The behavior of man and higher animals is very similar. The similarity between humans and anthropoid apes is especially great. They are characterized by the same conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. In monkeys, like in humans, one can observe developed facial expressions, care for offspring. In chimpanzees, for example, as in humans, there are 4 blood types. Humans and monkeys suffer from diseases that do not affect other mammals, such as cholera, influenza, smallpox, tuberculosis. Chimpanzees walk on their hind limbs, they do not have a tail. The genetic material of humans and chimpanzees is 99% identical.

Monkeys have a well-developed brain, including the forebrain hemispheres. In humans and monkeys, the terms of pregnancy and the patterns of embryonic development coincide. As monkeys age, their teeth fall out and their hair turns gray. An important evidence of human animal origin is the development of signs of distant ancestors (hairiness of the body, external tail, polynipple) and underdeveloped organs and signs that have lost their functional significance, of which there are more than 90 in humans (ear muscles, Darwin's tubercle on the auricle, semilunar fold of the inner corner of the eye , appendix, etc.).

The gorilla has the greatest resemblance to humans in terms of such features as body proportions, relatively short upper limbs, the structure of the pelvis, hands and feet; chimpanzees are similar to humans in the structural features of the skull (large roundness and smoothness), the size of the limbs. An orangutan, like a human, has 12 ribs. But this does not mean that man is descended from any of the current species of monkeys. These facts indicate that man and great apes had a common ancestor, which gave a number of branches, and evolution went in different directions.

The scientific study of the intelligence of monkeys began with Charles Darwin. He owns a book that today remains a classic in its field - "On the Expression of Sensations in Man and Animals" (1872). In it, in particular, it is shown that the facial expressions of monkeys are similar to those of humans. Darwin considered this a consequence of the similarity of facial musculature in primates.

He also determined that facial expressions, the expression of emotions are, one might say, a means of communication. Darwin also announced such a detail: the great ape is able to mimic almost all human emotions, except for amazement, surprise and disgust.

Many neurological diseases in humans and chimpanzees and even other monkeys are very similar. Relatively recently, it became known that the monkey is the only animal that has been successfully used in psychiatric research: in studying the model of isolation, phobia, depression, hysteria, neurasthenia, autism and other features of schizophrenia. A satisfactory model of human psychosis can be obtained from the "social" isolation of monkeys.

At present, important results, already used in practice, have been obtained by studying the model of human depression on lower monkeys. Various forms of major depression in monkeys usually developed as a result of separation of monkeys from an object of affection, such as a baby from a mother, which affected both severely. The symptomatology of depression in monkeys is in many ways parallel to similar conditions in children and adults: depressed mood, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, a clear decrease in motor activity, loss of interest in games. It has been shown that in young different types Macaques isolated from their peers or from their mothers, just like the females themselves, develop cellular immunity disorders similar to those that occur in adults after bereavement. The state of depression in monkeys can last for years, and most importantly, already in the adult state, the animal turns out to be biologically inferior, and it is extremely difficult to cure it. Separation causes not only depression, but also other disorders, each time associated with the "personal" life history of each individual.

The emotions of monkeys (not necessarily higher, but also lower!) are not just similar to human ones. They often appear “humanly”; the heart of an irritated baboon is ready to jump out of his chest, but he hides his indignation from others, is “calm”, slowed down, and, conversely, the animal unambiguously threatens the enemy, demonstrates formidable fangs and sharply raises his eyebrows, and there are no changes in vegetative functions. (It can be noted that both blood pressure and electrocardiogram, heart rate in monkeys are the same as in humans).

The higher apes are amenable to hypnosis, which can be induced in them by conventional means. Recently, gorillas have been shown to predominantly use their right hand, suggesting a brain asymmetry in monkeys that is similar to that in humans.

A particularly large neurological and behavioral similarity between humans and higher apes has been established in infancy and childhood. Psychomotor development in a baby chimpanzee and a child proceeds in the same way.

The immobility of the ear of monkeys and humans is unique, which is why they have to turn their heads in the same direction in order to hear better in the direction of the sound source. It has been proven that chimpanzees distinguish between 22 colors, up to 7 shades of one tone. There is evidence of similarities in higher primates of smell, taste, touch, and even perception of the weight of the weights lifted. Studying various representatives of vertebrates, physiologists trace the path of development and gradual complication of the higher nervous activity of animals, their ability to store in memory developed conditioned reflexes.

We can say that man, chimpanzee and orangutan are the only creatures on Earth that recognize themselves in the mirror! The authors talk about the presence of self-recognizing monkeys in elementary ideas about their own "I". Many consider self-recognition to be the highest form of associative behavior in the animal kingdom. A chimpanzee makes the most adequate decision in different situations: he perfectly uses a lever, a key, a screwdriver, a stick, a stone and other objects, looks for and finds them if they are not at hand.


Along with similarities, humans have certain differences from monkeys.

In monkeys, the spine is arched, while in humans it has four bends, giving it an S-shape. A person has a wider pelvis, an arched foot that softens the concussion of internal organs when walking, a wide chest, the ratio of the length of the limbs and the development of their individual parts, structural features of muscles and internal organs.

A number of structural features of a person are associated with his labor activity and the development of thinking. In humans, the thumb on the hand is opposed to other fingers, so that the hand can perform a variety of actions. The cerebral part of the skull in humans prevails over the facial one due to the large volume of the brain, reaching approximately 1200-1450 cm3 (in monkeys - 600 cm3), the chin is well developed on the lower jaw.

The big differences between monkeys and humans are due to the adaptation of the first to life on trees. This feature, in turn, leads to many others. The essential differences between man and animals lie in the fact that man has acquired qualitatively new features - the ability to walk upright, the release of hands and their use as labor organs for the manufacture of tools, articulate speech as a method of communication, consciousness, i.e. those properties that closely related to the development of human society. Man not only uses surrounding nature, but subordinates, actively changes it according to his needs, he himself creates the necessary things.


The same expression of feelings of joy, anger, sadness.

Monkeys gently caress their cubs.

Monkeys take care of children, but also punish them for disobedience.

Monkeys have a well-developed memory.

Monkeys are able to use natural objects as the simplest tools.

Monkeys have concrete thinking.

Monkeys can walk on their hind limbs, leaning on their hands.

On the fingers of monkeys, like humans, nails, not claws.

Monkeys have 4 incisors and 8 molars - like humans.

Humans and monkeys have common diseases (influenza, AIDS, smallpox, cholera, typhoid fever).

In humans and great apes, the structure of all organ systems is similar.

Biochemical evidence for human-monkey affinity :

the degree of hybridization of human and chimpanzee DNA is 90-98%, human and gibbon - 76%, human and macaque - 66%;

Cytological evidence of the proximity of man and monkeys:

humans have 46 chromosomes, chimpanzees and monkeys have 48 each, and gibbons have 44;

in the chromosomes of the 5th pair of chimpanzee and human chromosomes there is an inverted pericentric region


All of the above facts indicate that man and great apes descended from a common ancestor and make it possible to determine the place of man in the system of the organic world.

The similarity between man and monkeys is evidence of their kinship, common origin, and the differences are the result of different directions in the evolution of monkeys and human ancestors, especially the influence of human labor (tool) activity. Labor is the leading factor in the process of turning a monkey into a man.

F. Engels drew attention to this feature of human evolution in his essay “The Role of Labor in the Process of the Transformation of Apes into Humans”, which was written in 1876-1878. and published in 1896. He was the first to analyze the qualitative originality and significance of social factors in the historical development of man.

The decisive step for the transition from ape to man was taken in connection with the transition of our ancient ancestors from walking on all fours and climbing to a straight gait. AT labor activity articulate speech and the social life of man have developed, with which, as Engels said, we enter the realm of history. If the psyche of animals is determined only by biological laws, then the human psyche is the result of social development and influence.

Man is a social being who has created a majestic civilization.


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