My first day of college was not about. First day at university

A huge stuffy auditorium filled with absolutely unknown faces. Someone is already talking, they are whispering about someone behind their backs, someone’s names sound like “Ah, this is the same Petrov ...” You try to stay confident, but in fact inside you is a mixture of fear and incredible novelty . This is how I remember my first day at university.

Everyone, except for me, seemed to already know each other well - someone went to courses together, someone became friends on VKontakte back in August through the general group of the course. Some seemed friendly at first sight, while others were already beginning to annoy, like the girl who immediately pushed her way to the curator and shouted that she would be the headman.

In any case, this is an interesting experience that every freshman gets. And no matter what it will be, this is one of the most exciting moments of the “new life”. That is why we have collected tips from students that will help you quickly adapt to a new team and remember the first day at the university.

Ekaterina, graduate of St. Petersburg State University

At the beginning of my studies, I did not try to be friends with everyone. Rather, I was a friendly loner. That is, I myself did not seek to get acquainted with anyone, because, in principle, I am a quiet person and do not consider myself a sociable person. But if someone applied, started a conversation, then why not.

I looked closely at the new team for two months - and I do not regret the time spent. For the first month, the cauldron of the course boils: it is still unknown who is who, who will turn out to be sweet and kind, and who is able to substitute under a sweet and kind disguise.

I hardly remember the guys whose friendship from the first days of the university has survived to this day. Many of those who ran to kiss each other on the cheek on the first of September, on the first of December passed by each other without greeting.

Wait until everything settles down. Let the sweetest girl raise her voice at someone for the first time, wanting to become a headman, let the quiet hikka, sitting alone all the time, suddenly let go of a witticism that will make you laugh at a strict lecture (and sincere laughter is the first step to true friendship).

And don't worry if you feel out of sorts for a few weeks. "Normal friends" will not be sorted out without you. By the way, with the only friend with whom we continue to be close friends to this day, we began to communicate actively only at the beginning of the third year, when we ended up in the same group. And my best friend was my roommate - generally from another faculty. So wind on your mustache.

Valeria, St. Petersburg State University 2nd year

It was easy to make first acquaintances. After the introductory lectures, I saw that the company of my classmates was going somewhere and asked to join them, they gladly agreed. Together we went to a cafe, discussed the first sensations and at the same time got to know each other. We talked about the little things - how to get a record book, where to find the dean's office, and stuff like that. I managed to chat with one of my classmates when both of them had problems with passes. It turned out that she had already studied in this specialty, and I began to “get” her with questions about her studies.

I always came to a half-empty auditorium and sat down at the second or third desk. A person who will sleep in pairs or sit on the phone will definitely sit in the back rows. I thought that it would be better to choose the first rows: students who came for real knowledge will probably sit there. On different pairs, different guys sat down with me, it was also a good opportunity to get to know each other better.

Joint events will help to quickly join the team, because the emotions and memories experienced together unite people. Go to additional lectures, master classes, volunteer. You can invite someone to go with you for company.

There is a stereotype that it is necessary to be friends with a new team and look for new best friends there, but this is not so. If the relationship didn’t work out initially and you don’t like anyone, you can first try to see something good in people. If it doesn’t work out, then ignore this problem: you came to the university for knowledge and experience, you try for the sake of your future.

It is better to maintain a neutral relationship with the team, but it should not become the main point in your training. I do not like to create illusions about myself, so I will suggest just being yourself, talking about your personal experiences and emotions more often, sharing useful information and helping others.

Nadezhda, ISU graduate

I entered the social faculty quite by accident, so accidentally that I’m even ashamed to talk about it. Therefore, I didn’t really think whether it would be possible to join the team or not. Enrollment, where the order is read out, and you all get to know each other, took place at the end of the summer. Just the day before, my friends and I walked all night, so I went to the university not very cheerful. I didn’t sit next to my classmates on purpose, so as not to make a bad impression, and I wouldn’t make the most erroneous opinions.

Then, on the first of September, we had a small training, where everyone took turns talking about themselves. When I entered the auditorium, everyone was already sitting in pairs. Then I noticed the strangest guy in the office with a wristband on his finger and randomly sat down with him. He turned out to be a good interlocutor, later we decided to organize a team for “What Where When” together with him. A girl was also invited there, with whom at first we terribly annoyed each other, and later became best friends.

At first glance, you can’t guess how relations with classmates will develop. At some point, I realized that I was lucky with the team. The guys and I knocked out trips to all sorts of forums, competitions and conferences, to New Year they played secret friend, they got together all the time, they gave birthday cakes.

First-year students would like to be reminded that if you do not want to talk to anyone, then it is better not to talk at all. But if they start talking to you, then you can’t be a sheep and be rude in response. This is, at the very least, impolite, and will not end in anything good. And the "authority" itself will develop over time, here it will not work to deceive anyone.

Meeting a new team is always exciting. But do not be afraid of new people. To be honest, I was lucky with my classmates, even before the day of dedication, we had a conversation on VKontakte, in which almost everyone got to know each other. Already at this stage, we more or less established contact, and at the meeting there was a feeling that we had known each other for a long time.

Believe me, no one has the goal of offending you or pushing you away. For example, on the first day I got a little lost, and a girl with whom we knew in absentia helped me - by correspondence in a general conversation. We didn’t immediately get close, but by the end of the semester we became very good friends.

On the first day, try to get to know everyone. Only a good attitude will help you join the team. Be smiling, not stiff. Your task is to win over fellow students. Feel free to ask about where the person is from, what he is fond of, why he decided to enter this specialty. Participate in a general conversation and do not be afraid to talk to people, no one will eat you for joking or laughing.

Don't jump to conclusions about the person. You will all open up as you study. We were once told at the university: “after a while you will wonder how you could be friends with this person at all.” This law also works in reverse. After a while, you may pay attention to the person and think, how could you not be friends with him?

And, perhaps most importantly, don't show off. To put yourself in a new team, it is not necessary to demonstrate your superiority; over time, everyone will see your essence anyway. Be simple, communicate, laugh, have fun, enjoy the entry into a new life!

For the first time, I met my classmates at a community work day, which is obligatory for first-year students of our university. So we began to get acquainted, while washing the walls of the corridors of the Faculty of Philology. At first it was exciting, but the excitement quickly disappeared when we talked with girls from Kazan and Irkutsk. It turned out that among those who entered the philological faculty there were a lot of guys from other cities, and one of the first questions that we asked each other was the question “Are you from St. Petersburg?”

We all got to know each other pretty quickly: most of the guys turned out to be sociable and friendly. In general, it seems that everyone gathered at the philological faculty: musicians, artists, actors, and dancers, so it was easy for many to find friends with the same interests. Quite a bit of time passed after the start of studies, and we already wove each other baubles and sang songs at breaks.

In the first weeks, I talked to almost everyone, including the most silent guys, who turned out to be very sociable face to face. We became friends with several girls.

For example, once one of my classmates just approached me on the way to a physical education class and asked me something, after which we began to communicate often. We found many common interests, one of which is music (she has been singing in the choir since childhood, and I have been playing the guitar for several years). We even sang songs with guitar and ukulele several times at our faculty.

So here are some tips I can give freshmen:

1. Try to get to know everyone, including the guys who at first glance seem unsociable.
2. Don't be afraid to be the first to start a conversation, so you'll get to know the fastest.
3. Speak different topics and look for friends with similar interests - there will surely be guys who are interested in the same things as you.
4. Help classmates (share a pen, a sheet of paper, help find an audience, etc.)
5. Be friendly and smile

Deja vu. Again serene meadows with alpacas. But this time the atmosphere was not soothing for me. In fact, it becomes, on the contrary, revitalizing after spending a whole quarter here. Making new friends has always been exciting and a little awkward for me. However, I am lucky as I live in Handford House, the most international house in the entire school.

Spaniards, Russians, Chinese, Greeks and Germans live here. Because everyone was new, we were able to easily form a social circle. “My first day was much easier than I imagined,” says Anastasia Golubeva, a student from Russia. “I was afraid that everyone would be less friendly. Of course I miss home, but that doesn't stop me from loving the Lansing."

But what is it about the English?

To be honest, I expected to see a picture from the American cinema, where there are a lot of gorgeous blonde cheerleaders constantly walking at parties with football players. Fortunately, I was wrong. I met a lot of hardworking, smart, interesting and practically grown-up people. In addition, the well-known myths about the snobbery of the British, who despise foreign students, were dispelled in five minutes.

"Attention and a smile to everyone"

Above, I wrote the slogan for students in Lansing, and don't forget about the main feature - help. I can say the same about the staff. Here everyone is treated equally, so your self-esteem will not change until you yourself want it. I discovered what it means to have a warm yet formal relationship. I think that such a balance is not easy to achieve.

Foreigners have to work twice as hard as English students. You either obey this rule, or you are left with nothing. One of my specialized subjects is English literature. It's funny when your essays are graded at the same level as papers. English students. I will tell you one secret. Often, communicating with peers, we compare our results in school. You feel an indescribable triumph when you see that your results are better than those of native speakers.

Sometimes it gets hard.

You can go into the girls' room and see that someone is crying because they are homesick. But this is our new home. In the house where I live, there is a cute poster "House, native home". He perfectly describes what every foreigner here must remember. Without a doubt, students provide moral support to each other, leaving no one behind.

Which you are interested in and successfully acted. Now you are waiting for the first day at the university.

Just a lecture

Getting Started at the University

Although the article is called “the first day at the university”, it is rather focused on the first month, or at least a week in the new educational institution. Everything will be new - classmates, instead of the usual and familiar classmates, new teachers, even audiences will be new.

Now there will be some boring tips, but I still recommend that you read them:

Don't start school by skipping. In the first year, attendance is monitored especially strictly. Gather your will into a fist and attend all classes, both lectures and practices.

The first day at the university is not much different from others, except that you don’t know anyone, you don’t know where which audience is. But you should not worry, in a month you will already know everything, but for now you can run and look for an audience :)

Don't be tight and/or an arrogant person. It is worth taking a closer look at your classmates, finding those with whom it is interesting to communicate and those who are most likely a smart person. It will not be superfluous to maintain contact with smart people, after all, no one has canceled cheating.

Try to find out something about your teachers. Who loves practically army order, with whom you can joke (just don't go too far), etc. proceed from the fact that teachers are people too, they just have some power over you.

Try to be remembered by teachers as a disciplined, good and quick-witted student. At the session or even before it, it certainly won't hurt you. Before the session, you may or may not get a machine, depending on how much effort you put in. About that, read the article at the link provided.

Try to start your studies at the university as well as possible and successfully complete the first semester, of course, ideally with excellent marks. This can be helpful if you decide to transfer or if you want to stay. Remember the student's proverb that the first two years you work for a record book, the next it is for you. It really is! The link to the article on translation was a little higher, but read about the importance of student grades.

Here is such a short article about the first day at the university. To summarize briefly, we can say that there is nothing to be afraid of, but you should not mess around, it’s not in vain that you spent so much effort on admission.

Do not do it this way

Good luck to you in the process of studying at the university and especially at the beginning of your studies!

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See you on the pages of the blog site.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible.

My first day in college was not an ordinary day. It was a special day for me, it was a new stage in my life. I was worried and thought about how everything would go. The time was approaching. And so I went, not knowing what was waiting for me there. When I came to college, everything was different for me, not like at school. On the first day, we got acquainted with the group, with the teachers. On the first day, I thought that I would not make friends here, but the group and I became friends very quickly. When I went there, there were a lot of people standing there, quite a bit had passed, and I had already met everyone. I liked everything

My first day in college was not an ordinary day. It was a special day for me, it was a new stage in my life. I was worried and thought about how everything would go. The time was approaching. And so I went, not knowing what was waiting for me there. When I came to college, everything was different for me, not like at school. On the first day, we got acquainted with the group, with the teachers. On the first day, I thought that I would not make friends here, but the group and I became friends very quickly. When I went there, there were a lot of people standing there, quite a bit had passed, and I had already met everyone. I liked everything

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Results (English) 1:

My first day in College was not the ordinary day. This was a very special day for me, it was a new stage in my life. I was worried and thought of how everything goes. the time was approaching and so I went, not knowing what awaits me there. When I came to College for me was not normal, not like at school. The first day we met with a group of teachers. The first day I thought I didn't see here buddy, but we quickly made friends with the group. When I came back, there were so many people, it wasn't, and I have already got acquainted with all. I enjoyed it

translating, please wait..

Results (English) 2:

My first day at college was not an ordinary day. This was a special day for me, it was a new stage in my zhizni. A worried and wondered how all proydet. Vremya priblizhalos. . When I came to college all for me was not the usual, not like at school. On the first day we got acquainted with the group with the teachers. The first day I thought that I had no friends here will be, but we are with a group of friends very quickly. When I went there, there stood a lot of people have passed quite a bit, and I have met vsemi. I enjoyed