Why do people become arrogant and arrogant? Arrogant behavior

What is arrogance? It's strange that some people wonder: is arrogance good or bad? It is enough to turn to any dictionary, for example, Ozhegov, Ushakov, Efremova, to get a clear and unambiguous answer. This concept has an exclusively negative meaning.

How could it be otherwise if the meaning of this word is a dismissive and arrogant attitude towards others, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, a feeling of inflated importance and superiority over others?

How does this quality manifest itself?

The following signs of arrogance can indicate that a person is not okay with an adequate perception of himself in society:

  • Selfishness and indifference to the desires and problems of loved ones,
  • Arrogance,
  • Unfriendly (rarely greets first),
  • Tactlessness
  • Secret expectation of praise from others,
  • Persistent desire for career growth, desire to be in a leadership position,
  • Refusal to accept the fact that everyone has the right to their own opinion,
  • A look from above
  • Maintaining distance from others
  • Boasting,
  • The desire to teach and “instruct others on the true path”,
  • Appointing yourself as an expert and pro in one or more areas of life,
  • The desire to appear ideal in everything: career, finances, family well-being, appearance,
  • Inability to give in, submit, agree, admit someone is right,
  • Increasing one's importance by humiliating others,
  • Comparing your personal qualities with the qualities of people from your close environment (friends, relatives, colleagues),
  • Refusal to accept criticism, (Find out, what to do if your friend constantly criticizes you ).

Arrogance or self-confidence?

Some people are mistaken in thinking that arrogance is a synonym for confidence. But that's not true. A self-confident person is distinguished by goodwill and openness. He may be an expert in something, but he will not boast of his abilities, he will always help, tell, show, share knowledge and skills when asked. He does not make comments and does not teach life to everyone unnecessarily. But in cases of seeking advice, he will tactfully and gently point out shortcomings and shortcomings that need to be corrected to achieve better results.

All of the above can in no way be attributed to the characteristics of an arrogant person. Most often, he imagines much more about himself than he actually imagines, without any reason to do so. And it doesn’t matter how this happens: consciously or subconsciously. In any case, such behavior helps the “setter” to hide his low value, incompetence, lack of self-confidence and other similar complexes.

It happens that a person really has something to brag about and be proud of: impetuous career, achieving success and fame in certain circles, making it “from rags to riches” without anyone’s help. This is certainly worthy of respect. However, if at the same time he begins to boast of his achievements, honing an arrogant view of less successful people, the significance of the success achieved is instantly depreciated.

Reasons for Arrogance

No matter how banal and primitive it may sound, the reasons for arrogant behavior do not arise suddenly, but are formed over time. Most often, the prerequisites arise precisely in childhood, and through the fault of the parents.

Here we can distinguish two radically opposite models of parental behavior that lead to the same result:

  1. Excessive criticism, strictness, lack of love and support. When a child grows up in an emotionally cold environment, he does not develop proper communication skills, he does not know how to express feelings and how to receive them in return, he does not know how to communicate with peers, and has no friends. But you want to be loved, appreciated, admired, respected... So, having matured, you have to “show off” in order to attract attention, not to be an outcast, and to prove your importance to the whole world. For the time being, a feeling of superiority can be hidden under the guise of modesty. But sooner or later, when a person gets tired of pretending to be good, it breaks out and blossoms in full force.
  2. Groundless praise, undeserved rewards, pampering with expensive gifts, indulging whims. If a child undeservedly gets everything he wants and constantly hears: “You are the best, the most beautiful!”, he gets used to being a “star” in the family and expects the same attitude towards himself outside the family. But strangers, teachers, comrades, as a rule, do not see anything extraordinary in such a “star.” And when a child regularly has problems communicating with peers, parents should explain what his mistakes are, teaching communication and interaction. Instead, the child hears: “Well, don’t be friends with them! You’re the best, and they’re so-and-so and just jealous!” Well, who do you think will grow up as a result of such upbringing?

As for adult life, the reason for the emergence of pride and conceit during this period may be the inability to work with one’s shortcomings and complexes. At some point, a person, feeling morally weak, insecure, pressed and shy, begins to work on self-esteem, trying to raise it as high as possible. At the same time, he is so carried away by the game that he does not notice how he crosses the line, beyond which he becomes arrogant, arrogant and arrogant.

Sometimes loved ones themselves unconsciously help an adequate person become inadequate. When a friend, colleague, or relative has some problems in a certain area, loved ones begin to intensively provide the poor person with moral support. And instead of tactfully pointing out mistakes and the reasons that led to these troubles, they begin to undeservedly praise and admire: “You’re great! Super! Don’t worry, everything works out for you, you do everything right, don’t listen to anyone!”

Such support has a positive effect on someone: they pull themselves together and become stronger in spirit. But the one in whom the makings of an arrogant, unrecognized genius lay dormant, suddenly straightens his shoulders and begins to imagine himself as a hero, without any reason to do so. (Although there is nothing to admire, and in some cases those around you need not to fawn and be hypocritical, but tell the unpleasant truth straight to their faces.)

For example, a successful colleague helps a less successful colleague master the details of the work process. It's difficult, and the second one can't do the job well. The first one encourages him, points out those moments that began to work out better. And with each such praise, a person’s self-esteem becomes more and more inflated: “Yes, I’m really cool! I'm professional!". He still has to study and study, but where is he going? After all, self-esteem is already off the charts, and he no longer reacts to the help of that same colleague with gratitude, but with arrogance and reproach: “What do you understand about this, I know everything myself! Go teach others!” ...

Despise or pity?

We have already figured out what arrogance is and realized that this concept does not carry anything good. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself: people are not drawn to arrogant people who treat others with contempt. After all, it’s unpleasant to communicate with those who establish themselves at your expense. After communicating with arrogant people who emit negative vibes, an unpleasant feeling remains. Arrogance does not look good on anyone; it irritates and repels. That is why “upstarts” often experience feelings of loneliness and melancholy.

On the other hand, loneliness benefits arrogant people. After all, they themselves strive to build a wall between themselves and others. After all, it is easier to demonstrate, protect and cherish your pompous significance, being at a distance from those who can expose, tear off the mask, and bring it to light. Arrogant people are ready to sacrifice friendship, decency, quality communication, just so that their complexes, mediocrity, and sometimes even worthlessness are not revealed.

Should we despise them for this? No, rather, pity would be appropriate here... Is it worth explaining the wrongness of this behavior? No, they will not hear, expressing their “fie” in response... Is it necessary to express charity? No, otherwise you will become like and become the same...

Arrogance is something that contradicts a person’s adequate perception of reality, himself and others. It appears when someone puts on a mask, diligently trying to hide behind it their shortcomings, low self-esteem, incompetence and insecurity. And people with a bunch of complexes and sick EGOs should not be condemned, they should be pitied and wished a speedy “recovery”!

The next article will answer the question, how to communicate with such people. Bookmark the site so you don't miss anything interesting. And in the comments, share what arrogance is for you personally, and whether it’s good or bad.

What is arrogance? Definition and signs

What is arrogance? Definition and meaning

What is arrogance? What does "arrogant person" mean? An arrogant person is one who behaves as if he is superior to others, more valuable and important, one who behaves disdainfully towards others. At the same time, the arrogant person craves admiration and respect for his “special” qualities or for what he has done. Arrogance involves a desire to dominate and a person's overconfidence in their abilities and that they deserve success.

As a rule, arrogance serves as a kind of compensatory mechanism for uncertainty and self-distrust. This personality trait is established in childhood. Although any person can behave arrogantly and arrogantly in a certain situation or circumstance, for truly arrogant people this is a stable pattern of behavior in life. If arrogance is a personality characteristic, it will be very difficult to change this trait, although it is possible.

Like all personality traits (a person can be more or less responsible, sociable, etc.), arrogance can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. The extreme form of arrogance is.

Narcissism is the psychological term for arrogance. There are two types: vulnerable And grandiose narcissistic personality type. The first uses arrogance to compensate for his insecurities, and the second really considers himself perfect, just as he shows it.

Learn more about narcissism in the next video. Don't forget to turn on subtitles in Russian.

Reasons for Arrogance

There is no single reason for arrogance. In some cases, a person may become arrogant due to an experience they have gone through, however, other people do not have a psychological motive or specific reason that explains the arrogance.

1- Great achievements

Often a person becomes arrogant because he has achieved a lot in life. Serious achievements, the realization that you were able to achieve what others could not, stimulates our sense of self-worth, sometimes to such an extent that other people begin to seem less important.

This is because, unconsciously, we constantly compare ourselves to others to measure our progress and achievements in areas that are important to us.

2- Uncertainty, low self-esteem

Arrogance and arrogance serve as a defense mechanism. It is a way to protect our self-esteem and self-worth. A way to hide and compensate for uncertainty, feelings of inferiority, and self-distrust.

Arrogance helps us reject others before they can reject us. This is a form of warning, of avoiding harm that others may bring to us. Therefore, we often behave arrogantly with strangers out of fear of being rejected.

When experiencing emotional insecurity, feeling and demonstrating superiority or achievement can make you feel better in the short term. However, this strategy is ineffective in the long term for several reasons:

  1. Alone with yourself, you will still feel insecure.
  2. Nobody likes to be around arrogant people, so those around you will gradually start to distance themselves, making you feel worse each time.
  3. You may not be rejected, but you also won't have close friends or close relationships with people.

3- Need for approval and self-affirmation

Arrogant and arrogant people are very concerned about what others think of them. They depend on the approval of others. Sometimes, with the help of arrogance, such people seek to gain attention that they cannot achieve in any other way.

This really works, arrogant and arrogant people were previously able to gain attention using this behavior, so they continue to behave this way. In this case, if in the future they fail to gain attention through arrogance, they will stop behaving in this way.

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What does "arrogant person" mean? Signs

Who is an arrogant person? How to understand that a person is arrogant and arrogant? Let's look at the main signs of arrogant people. It is not necessary that all these signs are observed in every arrogant person. There are different degrees of arrogance, and this trait can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent, like any other personality or character trait. So, how does an arrogant person behave?

1- Craves praise and recognition from other people

One of the characteristics of arrogant people is that they are constantly looking for admiration from others, showing off what they have achieved or what they have in order to be praised by others. They love those who admire them and despise those who do not.

2- Constantly talks about himself and his achievements

Their favorite topic is themselves, what they did, what they bought, what happened to them. They also like to be the center of attention. They tend to steal the spotlight at any meeting or social event. All conversations revolve around their person. If someone changes the subject or starts talking about something else, an arrogant person will immediately try to return attention to themselves, even if this means interrupting the interlocutor.

3- Makes a good impression at first

When meeting someone, an arrogant person can be charming. His charisma, extroversion and sociability attract many. But this charm is superficial and does not last long, because behind it lies a lack of empathy, contempt, selfishness and anger.

4- “Overcompensate” for their weaknesses

Typically, arrogant people talk loudly, walk, dress, and put on makeup in ways that attract attention... Thus, they hide their insecurities through powerful behavior.

5- Have problems building relationships

Arrogance and arrogance scare and alienate people. Not only because no one likes to be around someone who thinks they are better than others and treats others with contempt, but also because arrogant people often believe that they are self-sufficient and do not need anyone.

However, the truth is that prolonged isolation causes serious discomfort.

6- They don’t admit mistakes and don’t accept criticism.

Arrogant and arrogant people believe that everything they do, they do well. They think that they never make mistakes and always find excuses for their mistakes. “I was given the information too late”, “Everything was not explained to me clearly”...

When they are criticized, they become defensive and don't even listen to what they are told.

7- They find it difficult to ask for forgiveness

Because of their own arrogance, such people believe that they are not doing anything wrong, so they do not ask for forgiveness or apologize. It's always the other person's fault.

8- They are intolerant with those who are different from them

Arrogant people easily criticize others for mistakes and weaknesses that do not live up to their high standards. They need to correct the mistakes and failures of others, and even provoke others into mistakes, in order to then point out their weaknesses.

Arrogant people only talk to those they think deserve their attention.

Arrogance and self-respect

It seems logical to think that arrogant behavior could be caused by high self-esteem. And that arrogance and self-confidence are related, in other words, if you have low self-esteem and you constantly raise it, then in the end you can become an arrogant and arrogant person. However, it is not.

As we have already found out, an arrogant and arrogant person, deep down in his soul, is too insecure and has low self-esteem. Thus, arrogance and high self-esteem are opposite things. If a person with low self-esteem seeks therapy to improve their self-esteem and self-esteem, they will not become arrogant. He will become someone who believes in his abilities and strengths, and also recognizes his weaknesses in order to work on them and compensate for them.

How to communicate with an arrogant person?

We have all met arrogant people along the way. We'll give you some useful tips about how to deal with an arrogant person. You can use them in your daily life:

  • If they say something offensive to you, do not remain silent. Don't leave this unanswered. Arrogant people are so focused on themselves that they don't even realize how much damage they are causing.
  • Tell the arrogant person that this is just his point of view and that other people may think differently. That his opinion is not the absolute truth.
  • If he interrupts you and talks only about himself, say: “Sorry to interrupt you, but I wanted to tell you something.”
  • If a person says something arrogantly to you, don’t be afraid to tell him about it. However, you should not go on the attack, try to emphasize that he did not have such intentions (even if he did): “That sounded a little arrogant” or “Do you understand how arrogant that sounded?” Or “You don’t want to seem so arrogant”?
  • Be patient and understanding with the arrogant person, because he/she doesn't really know how to behave differently.
    • You are not better than others just because you did something great. Like everyone else, you have your defects, and this also does not make you worse than others. Sometimes it is difficult to admit our weaknesses because we feel vulnerable, and this is completely normal. However, if we do not recognize them and begin to deal with them, we will remain alone, isolated, without the support of other people.
    • Understand and accept that those around you have their own own point vision, which may be very different from yours. There is no absolute truth. Knowing different points of view can be very helpful. Don't despise others because they think differently. Listen to what they have to say, it may surprise you.
    • Increase your self-esteem. You don't have to despise or dominate others to feel valued. We are all valuable.
    • If you can't deal with arrogance on your own, consult a professional.

    Translated from Spanish by Anna Inozemtseva

This is confidence in one’s superiority and significance; disdainful attitude towards others, arrogance, arrogance.

Arrogant - contemptuously arrogant (dictionary Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu.). Arrogance is a form of pride.

Arrogance involves expecting people to treat themselves negatively. If the “man on the throne” only admits the possibility that his mother, father, friends, colleagues love him, then the desire to devalue them will disappear. And if not:

« Why do you need me?

To adjust the crown when it slips...

And I thought it was to remind you that you’re not wearing any crown when you start delirious again...»

If we put ourselves above someone, then someone will come who will put himself above us. It's only a matter of time. The main problem of arrogance is suffering from other people, the unsatisfied need for the attention of others and their recognition.

When faced with other people's arrogance, it is useful for us to remember that it often only seems so, for example, as a consequence own feelings of little value. If it seems to you that the behavior of another is arrogant, this is not necessarily so.

How is arrogance useful and what does it save from? In other words, why try so hard to rise above others or “turn off” others?

Arrogance gives a feeling of invulnerability, freedom from criticism and the right to criticize yourself. Internal text: “I am better than you who dare to judge me. I am better than anyone who can judge me. It is I who can pass judgment on them! I must criticize others before they criticize me. I have the right to this because I am better than them.”

There is a desire to be better than others, which can lead to academic success and career development. An arrogant person is very critical of himself. He examines those around him in search of an answer to the question: what exactly do they like about a person? He considers what others like to be his advantage, and what they don’t like is his disadvantage. Hence - very high adaptation. Arrogance may well be an assistant on the path to success. It is impossible to get happiness only by achieving success, because there is no time, you have to try to be better!

— The concept of arrogance according to John Stevens.

External manifestations: Demonstration of conceit, narcissism, selfishness, boasting, complacency, pomposity and arrogance.

Internal manifestations: Timidity, shyness, indecisiveness, constraint, lack of faith in one’s own strength.

In fact, an arrogant person is one who is in great need of love. He was hungry for her. He is lonely and suffers from this more than anything else.

And without sparing himself, he does everything to please people. Becomes different. But at the same time he is afraid of people, because... they may find out that he is different, “not like that” and hurt him. It can be assumed that: “A person who is in dire need of love and is unsuccessful in this, chooses the tool “arrogance” to achieve the goal.”

External characteristics and manner of presentation. People affected by the dragon of arrogance may appear cold, distant and perfect, treating everything with contempt. On the other hand, they may look rather timid, shy and as if looking for an opportunity to disappear unnoticed from everyone, to disappear into thin air.

An arrogant person will never go back on his words. And if you point out to him that his words are far from the truth and demand that he renounce them, it will seem funny to him. He is hurt by the wits and jokes of his opponents, sometimes he perceives them as some kind of insanity and inappropriateness.

Such people rarely apologize, even if they are not one hundred percent right; they believe that this is beneath their dignity.

Signs of arrogance are readable in facial expressions that demonstrate contempt, disdain, indifference, lack of compassion and arrogance.

The speeches of such a person always sound rote and understated.

— Why arrogant behavior is dangerous and harmful.

Many people believe that arrogant people are not only uninteresting, but disgusting to communicate with! An arrogant person is unpleasant to others, he has few friends, his work colleagues avoid him, and he often doesn’t get along in his personal life (partners run away). And this is understandable, will anyone really like it when they perceive him as a primitive substance, will someone agree to be recorded in the “gray mass”, and only because someone imagines himself to be a god.

Arrogance creates an obstacle to friendly communication; it can cross out any, absolutely any advantages.

An arrogant person, trying to convince himself that he is the best, the most worthy, and should always be at the very top, falls into a trap. Firstly, he cannot allow himself to relax, so as not to lose his brand; he must show his importance and significance everywhere. After all, what more people loves himself, the more he depends on other people's opinions. Secondly, life is a fair thing and punishes arrogant people by trampling them into the dirt. Thirdly, a proud person painfully endures failures, losses and falls - “How could this happen to ME?” - after all, he must always be at the very top; for him, defeat is always a tragedy.

Arrogance can negatively affect a person's financial situation. Here is a quote from the book of the famous investor and entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki - “With what I know, I make money. Because I don't know something, I lose money. Every time I show arrogance, I lose my money. When I'm arrogant, I truly believe that what I don't know isn't particularly important." Read.

— How to deal with an arrogant person?

Remembering that arrogance is just a protective function of consciousness, you need to make it clear to the person that you respect his achievements and will not allow yourself to infringe on his rights. The best way is to praise a person, even for no reason. The reason in such a situation, as always, is his unconscious tension, which provokes inadequacy in behavior. You can often hear about tyrant bosses who no longer control themselves due to internal strife.

Intense movement along the path of life and career requires a lot of strength, especially for people with a heavy unconscious load that accumulates while still in the womb. For them, any achievement in life is very significant, so they value every micron of energy spent. Imagine how highly officials who have achieved or held the position of chief exalt themselves! But an ordinary person will not allow his achievements to be belittled, so, just in case, he will behave somewhat arrogantly. It’s another matter when we come across the arrogance of a person who, even without achieving anything in life, can behave defiantly simply because some energy or character trait will push him to do so. Especially if such people are constantly in struggle and striving to reach new heights life path. So to them we may simply seem like sleepy flies or children in a sandbox, of course, in a figurative sense. In the relationships of an achiever with other people, his selfishness often manifests itself. Or rather, what is perceived from the outside as selfishness. For him, this is not the case. He believes that when he achieves his goal, those close to him also benefit. But this does not make it easier for loved ones, because a person striving for a goal spends not only his own resources. It also captures strangers. After all, attention and care, and even morning tea prepared with love - all this helps him achieve success.

However, since such people are often proud of their plans rather than real achievements, it is easy to put them in their place. If you depend on such a person, it is clear that he will like your submission, but if he depends on you, then it is in your power to make your goals become common. Dependency is not a very good position for a person striving for self-realization; he will resist it, while demonstrating exactly that arrogance. Remember that this is just protection and do not make mistakes in communicating with him so that he stops being defensive:

1) do not try to clearly subjugate him or point out his dependence;

2) do not put a spoke in his wheels, especially when he rushed towards his goal;

3) do not insist that he is wrong, recognizing that it is human nature to make mistakes.

If you manage to turn off the defense, then you will remove unnecessary tension in his subconscious, and his arrogance will recede, revealing more pleasant traits of his character.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site


Part 1

Your sense of security

    Start a meeting with an arrogant person by taking a confident stance and showing that You a strong and confident person. When you are confident, there is nothing an arrogant person can say or do to embarrass you. Your self-confidence and self-esteem will protect you, and you will be invulnerable to an arrogant and arrogant person. An arrogant person may simply be unable to connect with you. mutual language and even say hurtful and angry things, but this can pass by if you are confident in yourself.

    Use the encounter as an opportunity to improve your own listening skills or tolerance. Perhaps your weakness is impatience, frustration or irritation. Perhaps you feel intimidated. Try to move away from your usual negative approaches upside down and view this as a learning opportunity where you strive to listen and not judge. Try to be patient with the person, seeking to understand how they motivate their behavior, as well as how you might feel in the same position. Of course there's no excuse bad behavior, but at least you can listen without getting annoyed and just surprise the arrogant person.

    Consider the ways in which you communicate with other people. Are you assertive or flattering? Confident or timid as a mouse? Arrogant people look for people who won't assert themselves because they like to bully people or push their buttons. If you are struggling in this area, you may want to improve your self-confidence and also learn how to respond to arrogant people.

    Part 2

    Defining and Understanding an Arrogant Soul
    1. Assess the situation. Why do you feel that the person is arrogant? Are they condescending to you or don't talk to you? Unless there has been an incident that shows that this person puts himself above you, then don't jump to the conclusion that he or she is arrogant. You may be wrong about them.

      • If you feel that your interests and wishes are not respected at all, then this may be a sign of dealing with an arrogant person, especially if he or she insists that his or her way is the only right way.
    2. Listen to their conversation. Is he always only about them? Do they get angry or annoyed if the spotlight moves to someone else? Bragging, putting others down and acting as if they know everything are a sure sign of an arrogant type. Interrupting or interrupting abruptly are also signs of arrogance.

      • Look for the person who constantly says that he is better than you and other people. It may be secretive or overt, but you will immediately understand.
      • Understand how contemptuous the person is of you and your ideas or thoughts. A contemptuous attitude speaks of the belief that a person considers himself better than others.
      • Does this person belittle things that matter to you, especially in public?
      • Does this person talk/act like they are your boss? Listen for a tone of voice that indicates authority and contempt.
      • Does this person notice that you are bored while talking? Arrogant people never notice this!
    3. Determine whether the person accepts your opinion when making decisions. Arrogant people rarely allow others to make decisions because they are confident that they are right and always know all the answers. And they don’t care much whether this decision concerns you.

      • Is this person trying to hang around, meet or talk to people of high status? This is because an arrogant person believes that he or she is worthy only of people with high status.
    4. Know that arrogant people are often quite insecure. Through dominance and control, they control their fear of being dominated. An arrogant person finds it difficult to admit that he is wrong, no matter how ridiculous it may seem, but he will cling to it even when his knowledge is outdated, or if he does not think more broadly. Unfortunately, many arrogant people actually have much less life experience than they say; it is just a cover, embellished by imagination and envy.

      • Snobbery is a classic sign of arrogance. Knowing or pretending to know something special gives the arrogant person an advantage, and he or she is not afraid to brag about it.
      • It is very difficult for an arrogant person to accept difficulties. He or she is much more content with predictable, black and white situations and tends to see life in that light. This can cause an arrogant person to assume a lot but know very little.
      • Anxiety can be mistaken for arrogance without any real intention of viewing you as an inferior person. In this case, the anxious person is simply embarrassed that they are being inappropriate and trying too hard to be smart. This can sound superior and, when combined with dominating the conversation, can come off as arrogant. Try to look deeper before you judge a person's intentions. An uptight person will ask for your opinion, while an arrogant person will not care and will never apologize often during a conversation.

    Part 3

    How to Effectively Deal with the Arrogance of Others
    1. Don't let it get to you. This may be easier said than done, but ignoring experienced superiority will defeat the overall purpose of such behavior. Be lenient when the person is obviously exaggerating things, and try to forgive some of the bragging (especially if it's a relative or someone you see regularly). Consider how you might benefit from such an encounter - among all the fluff, there's probably something worth learning about or exploring further. Perhaps this person is good at telling stories, or is simply charming despite his obvious snobbery.

      When meeting someone for the first time, it is always better to give him or her a chance to show his or her true character in full. You need to listen carefully and allow the other person to speak freely. Be polite and accept what is said without trying to think about the meaning of the words. As the person speaks, his or her personality will be visible, and you will know whether he or she is being friendly, equal, or annoying.

      • If, based on the results of communication experience, it turns out that the person belongs to the last category (unpleasant and annoying), then try to get the necessary information or conclude the necessary business deal, and then try to quietly and politely leave (to put it mildly, disappear).
    2. Be tactful. Being tactful, you can tell that a lot of things happen due to luck, which will lead you to success faster than any ability. Analyze how much you owe to luck in life and the kindness of others. Notice also how many people have a hard time in life, and how amazed you are at how such people still manage to thrive. This will hint to others that you are not going to flatter and listen about the amazing supernatural abilities of an arrogant person.

      Change the topic of conversation. This can be confusing to an arrogant person who wants to dominate a conversation on a certain topic because he or she feels comfortable. If he or she tries to return to the old topic, politely indicate that you have already communicated your views and return to new topic. This will help make it clear that you can't listen to one artist's show all day.

      Avoid interacting too closely or for too long. There are some good ways to stop an arrogant person who not only dominates the conversation and exaggerates or acts out like he is on stage,

      • Smile a lot. Talk little. Nod here and there. Don't let yourself be drawn into a conversation. Use hums like “mmm”, “aah”, “ah” Plan how to leave.
      • Laugh loudly where laughter is inappropriate. This will break up the conversation and allow you to move on to a new topic.
      • A simple and common comment among teenagers is "Really?" will work to your advantage. Say this with a tone of disbelief, look the person straight in the eyes and say nothing more. Practice this in front of a mirror to improve.
    3. Don't agree politely. You are not a punching bag or a mirror. You have the right to politely express your opinion. So take the opportunity to show that there are other views too. For example:

      • "You have an interesting point of view. I have not found evidence of this in my work. In my experience, X happens 99% of the time, and 1% is not worth paying attention to."
      • "Of course, this is one opinion. However, in my experience, everything happens differently. For example..."
    4. Find the humor in their arrogance. This is a big deal. Arrogant people are often too self-centered to realize that others are laughing at them. Pretend you don't understand what they're talking about and watch them huff and puff and try to explain it to you.

      Stay away if you have trouble getting your thoughts together. If you haven't yet figured out a reliable method for contacting this person, do your best to stay out of his or her way. It will buy you time to decide how best to respond, or it will simply help you stay away from their annoying presence.

      • If you must communicate with them in a group, then try addressing the group as a whole instead of talking to the arrogant person personally: for example, instead of saying, “Hi Vanya,” say, “Hi everyone.” Also, don't ask "How are you?" as this may elicit a rude response.
    5. If you constantly work with a consistently rude and arrogant person, then every time you see him approach, you suddenly become incredibly busy. Pick up the phone and pretend to have a conversation. If they definitely want your attention, make them wait as long as you can. When you finally pay attention to them, do so impersonally by doing something else. For example, say “What can I do for you” and pick up the phone. This technique often works very well because you are, in effect, “putting the arrogant person in his place.” This is the opposite of what they want.

      Be honest. If this doesn't work and the arrogant person still gets on your nerves, tell them what you think about their arrogance and tell them how you feel. Don't yell or insult them more than necessary because then you'll just look angry.

    6. Remain polite at all times. Good manners will save you from looking like a bad person. It will be clear that you are patient. But it will also be clear that you don't suffer fools.

      • Once you have left their spirit-robbing presence, you can be proud of your professionalism, your intellectual knowledge dynamics and your presence of mind, which helped you to run away quickly and not waste your precious time on such a person. They, on the other hand, will be deeply surprised to have encountered a truly courteous and reserved person, and will feel that their rude arrogance will have no effect on you, and that they cannot control you, hurt you, resent you or destroy you with their gloomy mood, which they themselves seem unable to control or resist.
    • Usually arrogant people don't listen to what you have to say, so sometimes you just have to smile and nod because it's convenient because you'll be safe.
    • Remember that the reason they are arrogant is because they believe that no one loves them. Remember how many people love you just because you are you. Your heart is full, but theirs is not.
    • Don't be afraid to "cautiously" take a strong stance against actions that you won't tolerate or condone. This way they will know what is wrong and what is right.
    • Sometimes arrogant people like to compete and point out small flaws and mistakes. If they reprimand you, calmly respond with “thanks for the notice.” Just make sure it doesn't sound too sarcastic.
    • When someone is simply driving you crazy with their arrogance, you can ask them very politely, "May I ask, how did you become such an expert in this field? Did you study? Did you learn this from a bad experience? Is there anything What do you not know that I could tell you about?
    • Politely tell them what their actions are like (key word is “like”). Say “It looks like...” or “It sounds like you're being defensive,” and they'll sometimes back off a little. They will remain defensive most of the time, but you will make your point with them when they do. Don't argue; just move on.
    • Tell them how you feel when they only talk about themselves all the time!


    • Ignoring an arrogant person can be effective if you want to be left alone. So, even if they don't talk to you, their presence in the room can still be annoying to you.
    • Try not to get into any argument with them because they will never listen to your point of view and if they do listen, they will always tell you that you are wrong. Arrogant people will often try to make you feel insecure and wrong. He or she will do this in an attempt to demonstrate control of the situation. If this happens to you, don't get angry as this is what they want from you. Instead, try to accept their actions and see things from their point of view. Be wise, but don't make matters worse by being rude or hostile.
    • Arrogant people can be so arrogant that they will only negatively impact your life. Some people feel that this kind of people don't deserve to live, but you live anyway. You don't need them and the world doesn't need them, and ultimately no one will like them, so just ignore them and don't pay attention to their pathetic, disgusting excuse for existing.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Have you ever met a person who looks down on everyone? An arrogant person is a friend with whom it is unpleasant to communicate, you will agree. In addition, we will talk to you about why people become like this and how best to communicate with them to minimize negative emotions.


In many dictionaries, the concept of arrogance is explained through pride, arrogance, when a person puts himself above others. Let's figure out what an arrogant person really is, what he is like and what pride means in this case.

For me personally, arrogance has always gone hand in hand with contempt for the people around me. When a person unjustifiably considers himself better, smarter, more beautiful, and so on. Such a person communicates coldly, there is practically no smile on his face. The look is fierce and cold.

Pride is a good concept when it does not turn into arrogance. And an arrogant person has pride. I am better than everyone, I deserve more, those around me are nothing.

Such a person views the world through the prism of his arrogance. He does not see real achievements, his own or others. He never admits his mistakes and failures, because he believes that, in principle, he cannot make a mistake. He will always blame the environment, the situation itself, circumstances and other people for his failure.

Sometimes arrogance appears in people who have really achieved something in this life, but have begun to treat everyone else with contempt. He boasts of his achievements and considers everyone around him unworthy of his communication. It is unrealistic to hear an apology from such a person.

Such a person has his own special point of view on almost any topic. And he will boldly speak out, without fear of offending or hurting another person with his words. He has no sense of tact and respect for others. Only those who have achieved more or are one step higher on the social ladder receive respect from him.

You will immediately guess by his facial expression that this is an arrogant person. He looks down on you, communicates as if under a stick, his gaze is contemptuous, and there is a crooked smile on his lips.

What makes a person become arrogant?

Why does a person behave this way? There can be many reasons. You should start with . Also in Ancient Greece it was believed that luck could breed arrogance. When a person accidentally or quickly became rich and rose up the social ladder.

Sometimes the opposite happens. A person who is too poor, unhappy and abandoned by everyone will experience arrogance and contempt for others from lack of communication. This quality helps him overcome his own inferiority.

For example, my mother did not give one of my clients enough love, attention and care as a child. She rarely praised him, practically did not caress him. As a result, this developed into contempt for others, arrogance, and pride.

Another example from childhood is the behavior of parents. If the baby sees that dad communicates contemptuously with the staff, then he adopts this model of behavior.

The psychology of arrogance is that a person is deeply unhappy inside. It’s difficult for him to set things up, he’s difficult to understand, and no one is trying. But his behavior may be due to serious childhood trauma.

Contact with an arrogant person

Sometimes we have to communicate with such people. At work, on personal issues, in educational institutions. The best tactic is not to feed their contempt. When an opponent becomes embarrassed, turns red, turns pale and cannot answer, this further fuels the conceit of such a comrade.

You need to behave calmly, not be afraid, not be a coward. Talk calmly, don’t raise your tone, don’t argue, and don’t try to foam at the mouth. It is impossible to argue with such a person.

Some people consider it their responsibility to put such an upstart in his place. This is possible only in one case - when you are more qualified and are a better specialist than an arrogant comrade. Then, of course, your superiority will be obvious.

Remember that we ourselves choose the people in our social circle. If among your friends there are many arrogant, proud, arrogant people, then you like such relationships. And here, rather, you should ask yourself the question - why?

It is impossible to change another person. We can only change our attitude towards him. Think about why a person behaves this way. Surely he has difficulties and problems in his life that he is trying to solve in this way.

His contempt is not directed at you personally, but at the whole world, at all people. Therefore, try not to take everything to heart and definitely don’t get upset. Feel sorry for such a person and simply do not allow him to cross the line of respect. Don’t allow yourself to be humiliated and And I’m sure you can easily endure his contemptuous look.

How often do you meet such people? How do you behave with them? Have you ever managed to put an upstart in his place?

Be more tolerant and lenient towards others.
Best wishes to you!