Algorithm essay on social studies exam. Essay writing plan

Are you interested in how social studies essays are checked? Are you writing an essay on your own and want to find a response, find out what you wrote correctly and where you made a mistake? You have a unique opportunity to do this with an USE expert.

How to write an essay on social studies? The answer is regularly!

Then you will not only “fill” your hand when completing this task, not only get a number in your piggy bank that you can reproduce on the exam, but also learn the strengths and weaknesses of your essays. And for this you need to regularly receive recommendations from a strong teacher who is able to adequately evaluate your essay in accordance with the task criteria. C9 USE in social studies. It's best if you do this with .

From our subscribers, as well as group members
there is an opportunity to regularly refer to my advice and recommendations on how to write an essay on social studies. To begin with, we recommend that you keep in mind the criteria base of this task. Let's recall the criteria by which the essay is checked:

Criterion 1 (K1) - The meaning of the statement is revealed. That is, the expert sees your understanding of the thought expressed by the author.

Criterion 2 (K2) - The chosen topic is revealed based on the relevant concepts, theoretical provisions and conclusions. That is, in your essay you do not use your own abstract ideas, but think with a conceptual apparatus, give terms.

Criterion 3 (K3) - The quality of the argumentation of one's point of view. That is, you have (!) a point of view on the problem raised by the author (you understood the problem), and substantiated it with the help of examples from your life, social facts, media information, knowledge from other subjects (here, first of all, literature helps, story).

So, this difficult task, to summarize, tests your ability to understand the thought of another person, think and express thoughts, as well as give examples from the surrounding social life.

Which essay plan to use?

We used essay writing, based on our knowledge, tried to write in which we argued with the author, did not agree with his thought.

Let's take a look at the groups suggested by our members

essay and discuss them.

Elizaveta Fomicheva,

C9.4 Political science.

Huge scope for reflection opens the statement of Zh.Zh. Rousseau on the freedom of people. This problem is relevant in modern society, because every country in the world seeks to protect its citizens, to provide them with the maximum allowable freedom.
J.J. Rousseau in his statement convinces us that only a strong state is able to provide freedom to the citizens of its country.
In my opinion, the author quite clearly reflected one of the problems of our time. The ability of a state to give freedom to citizens is inextricably linked with the type of political regime in that country. The political regime is a set of methods and ways of exercising state power. I believe that in order to provide citizens with maximum freedom, there should be a democratic regime in the country - a political regime in which the people serve as the source and bearer of political power. For example, the United States is a democratic state and its citizens are among the "leaders" in terms of rights and freedoms. Let's take another example. Let's remember the reign of I.V. Stalin. This time totalitarian regime in a country characterized by universal control and violence. How many great cultural figures suffered at that time! Writers could not publish freely, and if articles objectionable to the authorities were written, then they were completely repressed.
So, summing up the general line, I would like to say that every state should strive to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

Thank you, I will be very grateful for the criticism!

What I want to note. The beginning is good, the relevance of the topic is unconditional. But ... further, and this is the worst thing, is not fulfilled Criterion 1 (K1)- The meaning of the statement is revealed. That is an expert does not see Your understanding of the thought expressed by the author.

The same thing is given as in Rousseau's statement, without even paraphrasing: “J.J. Rousseau, in his statement, convinces us that only a strong state is able to provide freedom to the citizens of its country.

As an expert on the Unified State Examination, I want to note that in practice the author is "substituted" for a blow. Formally, without seeing the phrase “I see the meaning of Rousseau’s statement in the fact that ...”, the USE expert can put 0 for all essays. Therefore, as an USE expert, write this phrase!

Text doesn't look good without paragraph breaks! Each thought - from a new line! Do not get confused in the sequence of reasoning, show the logic of reasoning, visually enlarge the essay.

French writer and thinker of the 18th century. The author of the theory of direct democracy, which is practiced today in Switzerland. Also a musicologist, composer and botanist, in general - a genius of the Enlightenment.

The essay reveals the theoretical positions well, Criterion 2 (K2). A good example from the social practice of the United States, expressed his opinion "I believe that in order to maximize the provision of freedom to citizens in the country there should be a democratic regime ..". Performed Criterion 3 (K3)- The quality of the argumentation of their point of view.

But with the Stalinist USSR, the example did not come out very well. The USSR of the Stalin era, you see, is a VERY strong state. Maybe it's worth looking at another aspect of the problem?

"Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author."

You could go like this: “Let's look at the problem from the other side. Let's remember the reign of I.V. Stalin. This is the time of a totalitarian regime in a country characterized by universal control and violence. How many great cultural figures suffered at that time! Writers could not publish freely, and if articles objectionable to the authorities were written, then they were completely repressed. This example tells us that society must maintain a balance between a “strong state” and a civil society protected from state arbitrariness.”

In our dialogue, Elizabeth tries to reformulate K1 and correctly define the meaning of the statement:

“The meaning of the statement of Zh.Zh. Rousseau, a famous French philosopher, I see in the fact that the stronger the state, the more rights and freedoms the citizens of this country receive. What does a strong state mean? First of all, it is a constitutional state, with a strong economic, political and social sphere.”

Our opinion: let's generally try to get away from the quote itself, the maximum paraphrase!

“The meaning of the statement of Zh.Zh. Rousseau, a famous French philosopher, I see in the fact that not any government can ensure the maximum realization and guarantee of human rights. What does a strong state mean? First of all, it is a state governed by the rule of law, with a developed economic and social sphere.”

The essence of the difficulty is clear, but, believe the expert, it’s better to translate directly, even clumsily, then proving your point of view in the content, than simply repeating the quote. Ideally, the words from the quote in the essay should then not flash at all, either as a translation:

“What does a strong state mean? First of all, it is a state governed by the rule of law, with a developed economic and social sphere.”


1. You can't go wrong in Criterion 1. You are setting yourself up for failure and a maximum loss of points.

3. Show your intelligence to the expert, this will attract his attention, increase your score.

4. Do not err in the interpretation of facts.

5. Start each thought with a new paragraph, show the structure of the answer.

6. Be sure to summarize, highlight it with a new line.

7. Practice essays regularly, ask an experienced teacher to comment on them, use our comments and group

And our essay today optimal as follows:

C9.4 Political science.

“Only a strong state provides freedom to its citizens” (J.J. Rousseau)

Huge scope for reflection opens the statement of Zh.Zh. Rousseau on the freedom of people. This problem is relevant in modern society, because every country in the world seeks to protect its citizens, to provide them with the maximum allowable freedom.

“The meaning of the statement of Zh.Zh. Rousseau, a famous French philosopher, I see in the fact that not any government can ensure the maximum realization and guarantee of human rights. What does a strong state mean? First of all, it is a state governed by the rule of law, with a developed economic and social sphere.”

In my opinion, the author quite clearly reflected one of the problems of our time. The ability of a state to give freedom to citizens is inextricably linked with the type of political regime in that country. The political regime is a set of methods and ways of exercising state power.

I believe that in order to provide citizens with maximum freedom, there should be a democratic regime in the country - a political regime in which the people serve as the source and bearer of political power. For example, the United States is a democratic state and its citizens are among the "leaders" in terms of rights and freedoms.

Let's look at the problem from the other side. Let's remember the reign of I.V. Stalin. This is the time of a totalitarian regime in a country characterized by universal control and violence. How many great cultural figures suffered at that time! Writers could not publish freely, and if articles objectionable to the authorities were written, then they were completely repressed.

This example tells us that a balance must be maintained in society between a “strong state” and a civil society protected from state arbitrariness.

Good luck, work on essays and other difficult tasks of part C on our website and here, subscribe to our gift mini-course of video lectures.

  1. Nikita
  2. Katerina

    Good evening)

    "If God did not exist, it would be worth inventing him" Voltaire

    The great French philosopher Voltaire in his statement raises the question of the meaning of religion and faith in a higher power / Moreover, the famous educator makes it clear that such faith is very useful to society. Despite the fact that the question of the existence of God was raised as early as the Enlightenment, it is still a constant subject of discussion and controversy. However, one should consider the concept of religion from a sociological point of view.
    First, we apply knowledge from the social science course. Unlike faith, which can have an individual character, religion involves a group of believers. Religion also requires the presence of teachings, sacred objects and rituals. There are different points of view about the origin of religion. Karl Marx, for example, believed that religion is a consequence of the existence of private property, which means that there was once a non-religious period. And the French sociologist Émile Durkheim argued that the institution of religion arose simultaneously with humanity, the forms of which can be found in any society. This means that the institution of religion really performs many functions, which means that it is useful to society.

    Firstly, belief in God integrates and supports society, uniting it with common beliefs. This function is especially relevant in agrarian societies, where there is no division of labor, saving from anomalies. Anomaly - the loss of most of the values ​​and value orientations in this society.

    Secondly, religion socializes, helps to carry out the transfer of social experience to a new generation on the basis of religious teaching, which has played a huge role in history. For example, the Bible or the Quran is the most important source moral norms and knowledge for Christians and Muslims respectively. Socialization is the process of assimilation social norm and learning social roles.

    Thirdly, religion is social control, guarding moral norms and shaping moral consciousness. Many believers build their model of behavior in accordance with the ideals set by religion and faith in a higher power. Thus, religion can also be called an institution of socialization, which has been primary for many centuries. The institution of socialization is an institution that influences the process of socialization and guides it.

    Fourth, by closely interacting with society, the church also has an influence on political processes. For example, in the Middle Ages, the monarch was considered the representative of God, his intermediary. And it was not for nothing that the crown was presented to him by the highest person of the clergy. And now the head of the church is an obligatory guest at important state events. There have been many religious wars in the past, such as the Crusades. Also, the respectful attitude of religion towards work played a huge role in the development of the economy in Russia and Europe.

    And, perhaps, one of the most relevant functions of religion in our destabilizing times is psychological. It manifests itself to a greater extent at the individual level. Her striking example is confession and help in overcoming disorganization after the death of a loved one.
    Of course, any of the functions of religion can turn into a dysfunction. Belief in God can disintegrate society, giving rise to religious wars. And in addition to the transfer of one social experience, to destroy the sources of another. An example of this is the mass destruction of culture and the burning of books of non-Christian peoples. Moreover, in addition to the favorable psychotherapeutic effect, religion can lead to the deepest moral crises and even to suicide. The great writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol died in the most difficult experiences, accusations related to religion. Alexander the First, at the end of his life, also subjected himself to a sense of guilt before God.

    But, in general, in my opinion, belief in God has rather a favorable effect on society. This is evident in our time, which is blamed for the decline of moral values ​​and which is so unstable and stressful. Thus, the institution of religion is universal, primary and, undoubtedly, necessary for society.
    Check, please))

What could be better than school time? However, despite this, many difficulties have to be faced. The biggest obstacle that anyone who decides to graduate from grade 11 will have to pass is the unified state exam.

In almost all universities and in all areas, you need to take a subject called social science. The hardest part of the exam is the essay. Therefore, before writing, you need to draw up a plan for an essay on social studies and follow it strictly point by point. This is the only way to write a beautiful essay. An essay plan in social science, as well as in other subjects, should contain three main parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. We will dwell on each point in detail.

Why do you need to be able to write essays?

Everyone makes us express our thoughts consistently, correctly and with reason. This will definitely come in handy in life. Even if you just have a friendly conversation, then here it would be appropriate not to be saturated with jargon and other “garbage” of the Russian language.

Also, writing essays teaches us to identify the main idea that they want to convey to us, analyze, express their personal opinion about the problem.

If we talk about exams, then before writing, you should develop detailed plan essay writing in social studies. This will help you not to get lost in your own thoughts, not to move away from the main problem. Some people like to write essays very much, it is enough for them to write social studies in their heads. For the rest, it is better to use a draft so that the plan is always in front of you.

The introduction and conclusion are short parts that are about three to four sentences each. All parts are separated by a paragraph. You should not write in a continuous canvas, it is very difficult for readers to perceive. For such a "sheet" you will not earn many points.

USE in social studies

The test part of the social studies exam is quite simple. Need to answer test questions, they all have 4 possible answers. The second part is a little more difficult. Here they offer to add the missing words, complete the table or connect the corresponding items.

The hardest part is C. Here you need to choose an expression (quote) of a famous person from several proposed options. Next - write an essay-reasoning on the topic of the statement. In order to cope with the work and get a good score, you need to draw up a plan for an essay in social studies. The exam is quite easy to pass if you prepare a little for it.

It is worth setting aside at least an hour a day for self-study either hire a tutor or attend specialized training courses. Pay special attention to the creative part. It is possible to draw up such a plan for an essay on social studies (USE) in order to use it for absolutely all topics. This is what we suggest you do right now. We will highlight the main parts that should be contained in your essay, we will give the main clichés. All this will greatly simplify your work during the unified state exam.


The essay plan for social studies is practically no different from that for others. creative works. Now we will give a detailed plan of the essay, describe in sufficient detail what should be included in each part. So, the outline of an essay on social studies is as follows:

  1. Introduction. It should be said right away that there are no strict requirements for this work. The main thing is that the topic is disclosed. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of the theory and confirm it with facts from history, literature or life. Entry is optional, but encouraged. Many students cannot imagine an essay without an introduction. If it is difficult for you to start the essay right away with reflections, make a short introduction (2-3 sentences). Here the problem can be clearly defined. If there is no entry, points for this are not reduced.
  2. The meaning of the quote. This small part consists of no more than five sentences. It is not necessary to quote the statement in full. A reference to the author will suffice, and then interpretations in your own words. Here, many people use clichés, for example: “In the statement of the philosopher Feuerbach, a phenomenon (process or problem) is considered (or described) ...” or “The meaning of the statement ... lies in the fact that ...”. In the examples you will see how to use these forms correctly.
  3. Theory. In this part, you must write whether you agree with the opinion of the author or not. In most cases, students confirm the opinion and simply rewrite the quote using special terminology. Also in this part, you can give examples in defense of your point of view.
  4. Data. It is better to avoid any general phrases, you need to quote concrete examples(“as we know from the chemistry course ...”, “as he said famous philosopher... "and similar forms).
  5. IN imprisonment we need to sum up what we have said before. Schoolchildren often use this form: “Thus, the examples given allow us to assert that ...” Instead of the ellipsis, you need to insert the reformulated main idea of ​​the statement.


Essay on social studies (plan, cliche we have already provided) should be short, but reflect the main idea. In this part, we will give you examples of possible introductions.

  1. "Feuerbach is a famous German philosopher who argued that theory and practice are interrelated and complement each other."
  2. "The most interesting quote for me was the statement of the American writer L. Peter, who spoke about the high purpose of economic culture."

The meaning of the statement

  1. "The meaning of the statement is very simple - you need to be able to save and properly allocate resources, which will help stop hunger around the world."
  2. "Raising this problem, the author says that the younger generation understands little in adult life. They are like foreigners who do not know the customs and lifestyle of the inhabitants of this country."


Let's look at the plan for writing an essay on social studies. Next, we must demonstrate our theoretical knowledge received in social studies lessons at school. Here are some examples:

  1. "The behavior of each individual has great importance for the whole society. This is a separate, but connected with the world group. It is the social status that determines the model of behavior of each individual person. If someone stands out for their behavior, and this is unacceptable in society, then social control services are connected ... "
  2. "My opinion is this: I fully agree with the position of the author. Indeed, laws play a big role in a person's life. They help and protect against bad, immoral acts..."


We almost figured out how to write an essay on social science, it remains to understand what examples can be given in the next paragraph. Facts might be like this:

  1. Literary. For example: "I would like to give an example from the book "Rich and Poor Dad", where the author R. Kiyosaki says that economic freedom is very important ... "
  2. From education, science, media and so on.“As an argument, one can cite the history of the development of the science of chemistry. How did people gain knowledge about possible reactions? Of course, from experience…”


The last part consists of 1-2 sentences, for example:

  1. “I fully agree with the statement, because only ... can lead to ...”
  2. "Thus, the philosopher ... expressed a rather clever idea ... which requires analysis and reflection."

To begin with, you always need to refer to the criteria for evaluating the task that we are analyzing. Download it and keep reading:

Download the demo version of the exam in social studies 201 7

Highlighting a problem

So, let's take a look at the very last pages of the document that you have uploaded and take a look at points K1-K3, trying to extract from this the formula for a good essay that will be judged by experts

First, you need to directly understand the statement: highlight the problem, reveal its meaning and highlight aspects of the problem. A number of cliches will help you here, because the exam is traditionally built on templates and this helps in preparing

What are the problems in the exam? From my own experience, I can identify 6 main “flanks” on which you need to try on your aphorism:

  • Essence problem...
  • The problem of inconsistency...
  • Role problem...
  • Relationship problem...
  • Relationship problem...
  • Unity problem...

What does it mean to reveal meaning? In general, I tell my students that essays should be translated “from Russian into Russian”, in fact, from literary to scientific language, based on the block in which you write your work. You can end everything with a “reason for increasing the score”: look at the problem from different angles. This will be the structure of the first part of the essay.

Theoretical reasoning

Now let's move on to the second criterion, which involves argumentation based on theory. What does this mean and what parts should your essay include?
Naturally, these are terms. Hence, if you are an applicant who is preparing on his own, ALWAYS study this or that topic in the context of any concepts from the field that you are studying

Also, you must clearly, clearly and consistently formulate your statements and conclusions from what you stated in the thesis of your essay - this is very important element, pay attention to it. In addition, it is necessary to cite various principles and approaches as an example, prove your position and reveal the causes and consequences of the events referred to in the formulation of the assignment.

Factual Argumentation

As a fact, you must prove the theoretical material mentioned above with the help of media reports, materials subjects(usually humanitarian), facts from social experience and their own reasoning. The most interesting thing is that you need to give 2 ARGUMENTS of a factual nature, and both of them cannot be from media reports, or stories, political life… It is important to understand this, otherwise the expert will lower your score

Well, in the end, you make a qualitative conclusion based on the thesis, simply writing it down in other words, with a “tinge” of completeness. That's all you need to know from theory on how to write social studies task 29

Speech by T. Liskova - Features of the solution of the second part at the Unified State Exam-2017

The video of her performance is attached below.

Finished essays

Now let's look at the structure. Below I attach 4 very first works of my students on politics. I suggest you review them, highlight the constituent elements, find errors, if any, and unsubscribe about them in the comments.

First essay

“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” (J. Acton)

In his statement, the American historian and politician J. Acton raises the question of the influence of power on the behavior of a person who possesses it. This statement can be interpreted as follows: more human empowered, the more often he begins to go beyond what is permitted and act only in his own interests. This problem has not lost its relevance for many centuries and history knows many cases when the unlimited power of the ruler led the country to ruin.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

So what is power and why does it exist? Power is the ability and ability to influence the behavior of people regardless of their desire to do so. In any state, power is primarily aimed at maintaining order and monitoring compliance with laws, but often the more unlimited power becomes, the more it corrupts a person and ceases to be a guarantor of justice, which is why I fully support the opinion of J. Acton.

Examples for disclosure K3

The ruler, endowed with great power, ceases to care about the welfare of the entire people and tries even more to strengthen his position. Let's take, for example, the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible: striving for unlimited autocracy, he introduced the oprichnina in the camp, which consisted in mass terror, violence, and the elimination of not only the discontented boyars, but also any opposition. So, on suspicion of treason, many innocent people were executed, which ultimately led the country to a crisis, the ruin of cities and the death of a huge number of people.

My family also faced the consequences of unlimited power during the reign of I.V. Stalin. During dispossession, my grandmother's family was repressed, her father was sent to the Gulag, and six children were forced to live in a barracks with the same repressed families. Stalin's policy was aimed at equalizing the strata of the population, but the number of dispossessed kulaks during the years of his rule significantly exceeded the number of real kulaks, which is a clear violation of human rights and freedoms.

Thus, one can come to the conclusion that unlimited power corrupts people and brings not so much good as ruin and a fall in the standard of living of the population. In modern society, absolute power no longer dominates in most countries, which makes their inhabitants more free and independent.

Second essay

“When a tyrant rules, the people are silent and the laws do not work” (Saadi)

I see the meaning of Saadi's statement in the fact that the rule of law is the basis for building a democratic state, while tyranny opposes the public good and is aimed only at achieving one's own interests. This statement expresses two aspects: the participation of citizens in the life of the state under different political regimes and the attitude of the government to generally accepted laws.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

Tyranny is often inherent in states with the unlimited power of one ruler; for the most part, these are countries with a totalitarian regime. Its main difference from democracy - a political regime, which is characterized by the equality of all people before the law and the belonging of power to the people, is the concentration of all power in the hands of one ruler (party) and control over all spheres of society. With unlimited power, the ruler can interpret the laws in his own favor, or even rewrite them, while the people do not have the right to express their own opinion, which absolutely does not meet the principle of legality. It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of Saadi, and history knows many confirmations of this.

Examples for disclosure K3

Italy during the reign of B. Mussolini can serve as an example of tyranny. Having suppressed rights and freedoms in the country, Mussolini established a totalitarian regime, applied political repression. As head of seven ministries and as prime minister at the same time, he eliminated virtually all restrictions on his power, thus building a police state.

A. Solzhenitsyn speaks about the lawlessness of the totalitarian regime in the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”. The work shows the life of a former soldier who, like many others, ended up in prison after the front. Solzhenitsyn described the situation of people during the reign of I.V. Stalin, when soldiers who managed to escape from German captivity were declared enemies of the people and, instead of getting to their relatives, were forced to work in a colony for decades.

Having considered these examples, we can conclude that under the rule of a tyrant, human rights do not have any weight, and the people do not have the right to openly express their opinion, as they are constantly in fear for their lives.

Third essay

In his statement, P. Sir expressed his attitude to the problem characteristic features and characteristics of power. The author argues that any decisions that a person in power will ever have to make must be carefully thought out and analyzed from all sides. These words can be considered from two points of view: positive and negative influence power over society.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

P. Syr's statement does not lose its relevance to this day, because all the time rash actions led to bad consequences both for the leaders themselves and for those who obey them. That is why I fully share the author's point of view regarding this problem. In order to confirm the relevance of this, it is first worth considering it from the point of view of theory.

It’s worth starting with the simplest: what is power? As we know, power is the ability to influence the actions and decisions of people against their will. Usually this happens both through persuasion and propaganda, and through the use of violence. Power is an essential attribute of any organization and human group, because without it, order and organization simply cannot form. As the main sources of power, one can single out both the personal attitude of each subordinate to the leader, and the level of his authority, material condition, level of education and strength.

Examples for disclosure K3

To confirm the relevance of P. Syr's statement, we can give an example from history. As an ill-considered action, the conduct of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich monetary reform which replaced silver money with copper money. Due to the lack of coins from the latter material in the treasury, it was the silversmiths who collected taxes, which soon led to the almost complete depreciation of the coppers. The reform, which did not imply such a scenario, did not allow to correct the situation, which led to copper riot 1662. The result of the uprising was the withdrawal of copper coins from circulation. This example clearly illustrates the lack of thoughtfulness and logic in the actions of a politician who had to cancel the transformation he had carried out in order to calm the angry people.

As a second example, this time of successful and planned transformations, one can cite events from recent history. It's about politics Russian Federation carried out since the beginning of its existence. Thoughtful, systematic reforms were able to strengthen the disintegrated country. Also, the effect of these transformations was the strengthening of the state and its positions in the international economic and political arena. This example shows us that a policy that involves not sudden and thoughtless changes, but structured and consistent reforms can lead to an improvement in the situation in the state.

Summing up, we can say that the problem of the peculiarities of power and its characteristic features will never cease to be one of the most important issues, on the solution of which the destinies of states depend and will continue to depend. Especially now, in the post-industrial age, which is characterized by globalization, incorrectly implemented reforms can affect not individual countries, but all powers together.

Fourth essay

“The state is something without which it is impossible to achieve either order, or justice, or external security.” (M. Debre)

In his statement, M. Debre expressed his attitude to the main functions of the state and their importance. According to the author, it is the state apparatus that plays a decisive role in the life of society, controlling the norms and rules of its behavior, regulating the basic laws, and also being responsible for protecting the country's borders and maintaining the safety of its population. This issue can be considered from two sides: the importance of the role of the state in the life of society and the ways in which the first influences the second.

The words of M. Debre do not lose their relevance to this day, because regardless of chronological period The state has always played a key role in people's lives. That is why I fully share the author's point of view. In order to confirm these words, it is first worth considering them from the point of view of theory.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

What is the state itself? As we know from the course of political science, the state can be called any organization of political power, which has a mechanism for managing society, ensuring the normal activity of the latter. The functions of the state are not limited to any one sphere of life, but affect their entirety. In addition to internal functions, there are also external ones, the most important of which is the process of ensuring the defense of the territory of the state and the establishment of international cooperation.

Examples for disclosure K3

For the first example, let's look at ancient history. The states of all peoples began to form for similar reasons, but in this case, we will consider this process and its consequences using the example of the East Slavic tribes. One of the main prerequisites for the formation Old Russian state was the need for protection from an external enemy - the Khazar Khaganate. The scattered and warring tribes could not cope with the enemy alone, but after the formation of the state, victory over the nomads became only a matter of time. This clearly illustrates the operation of one of the most important functions of the state - defensive.

The following example, illustrating the impact of the state on society, can be taken from new history. As you know, in 1861 Alexander II carried out a peasant reform, the result of which was the abolition of serfdom. This phenomenon had a great impact on the life of Russian people, because most of the population Russian Empire at that time were none other than serfs. By granting them freedom, the state greatly expanded the rights and obligations of the liberated peasants. The abolition of serfdom resulted in the formation of a new social stratum, a change in the foundations and customs that had developed over several centuries. This example shows us the consequences of the reform carried out by the state, which affected the entire population of the country.

Summing up, we can say that the importance of the role of the state and the need for the functions it performs have been tested by time. Without an impact, exerting any influence on the citizens of the country, the state apparatus simply cannot exist, and the changes it carries out can be perceived differently by citizens

I hope the article helped you deal with enough problematic issue exam. Help spread the word about this article: click on the buttons social networks and subscribe to blog updates to receive new articles in your email in a timely manner. Bye everyone

Do you want to understand all the topics of the social studies course? Sign up to study at the school of Ivan Nekrasov with a legal guarantee of passing the exam for 80+ points!

Surrender of the One State Exam is a test that all graduates go through. Different exams require different assignments. Speaking about the exam in social studies, it is important to note that one of the most challenging tasks for the dealer, this is writing an essay.

An essay is one type of writing. However, the essay is characterized by slightly different features:

  • specific topic or question.
  • Personal character.
  • The need to understand this topic.
  • Small volume.
  • Free composition.
  • Ease of storytelling.
  • Paradoxical.
  • Internal semantic unity.
  • openness.

Speaking about the assessment of this part of the social studies exam, it must be said that many students do not take up writing an essay. Writing this part is optional, but it is through writing that you can get a high score. But you can’t write a good essay the first time, which will be highly appreciated by the commission. Every student needs preparation good knowledge and a lot of practice in drawing up the structure.

But, despite all the difficulties, each applicant is invited to independently choose one of the topics of his essay. Usually students are given several statements of famous personalities. Each quote refers to a specific branch of social science: psychology, sociology, economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, etc.

In order to choose the right topic that the student can fully disclose, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  1. Full understanding main theme statements.
  2. Accounting for all the knowledge that the examiner has in this science.
  3. The ability to express one's opinion.
  4. Possession of social science terms that will be necessary for the correct disclosure of the problem.
  5. Ability to give examples, both from science and from personal experience.

How to write an essay on social studies?

In principle, if you understand the whole process of writing, then writing an essay does not cause any particular difficulties, because the entire essay is written according to a certain template. The structure of an essay on social studies consists of only three parts, each of which, in turn, is divided into several more subparagraphs.

First part:

  • Description of the problem, disclosure of the main topic.
  • Expressing your opinion and justifying it.
  • Argumentation of your opinion.

Second part:

  • Formulation of the main problem.
  • Topical topic for today.
  • Paraphrasing the selected quote.
  • Personal opinion on this issue, the rationale for your opinion.

The third part:

  • 2-3 arguments from theory.
  • 1 argument from personal experience.
  • General conclusion throughout the essay.

There are many cliché phrases that can be used to make an essay look literate.

  1. For example, for the first part, expressions such as “In this quote, the author raises the problem ...”, “The author claims that ...”, “The author is of the opinion that ...”, etc., are perfect.
  2. To describe the problem, such clichés as "This problem is relevant in the conditions of ...", "This problem is irrelevant in our time, because ..." are suitable.
  3. Next, you need to describe your opinion about whether the examiner agrees with the author or not “I support the author’s opinion, because ...”, “I absolutely disagree with the author, because ...”, etc.

To successfully write an essay, you need to further theoretically substantiate your point of view. Citations of other well-known historical figures. Already here you can give a few examples from public life to support your opinion in the essay.

The next step will be to bring concrete arguments that will fully support the point of view of the dealers. There should be at least two arguments from the theoretical part and one from personal experience. Speaking of arguments from theory, it must be said that one can give examples from different sciences. Students often use arguments from history, literature, social studies. Elements of the biography of some famous and significant person are often used. Cliche phrases that can be used should give the reader confidence that the author of the essay firmly adheres to his opinion: “As an argument, let's look at ...”, “From personal experience, we can note ...”, etc.

Very often, graduates preparing for the Unified State Examination in social studies choose such a strategy - they write all the quotes on the problems of one science out of five offered in. This doesn't seem like the right way to prepare! Not working regularly with quotes on other topics, you narrow your choice on the exam, do not repeat the material in the form of an essay, and risk that you will come across a quote on the exam that you cannot explain.

A more effective way to prepare for writing a social studies essay is to combine knowing a few writing patterns with regular practice. a large number assignments 29 on different topics. We have already presented you one of the most and Today is an example of a polemical essay template.

What is a polemical essay?

In most cases, we immediately agree with the author of the quote, adapt to his idea and substantiate it with arguments. Most of those who pass the exam in social science consider this to be correct, if only because they are “afraid” to argue with the wise. However, sometimes the thought is so all-encompassing that it is seen differently. Let's give an example of how to write a polemical essay, expressing a thought on the corresponding thought of the author. Take the following quote:

29.2 Economy.

Gary Becker, eminent American economist, laureate Nobel Prize in Economics 1992 for fundamental research in the field of economic behavior. This idea sounds quite logical from his lips.

Becker G. Nobel Laureate in Economics.

However, it is immediately seen that this thought reduces all human behavior to one thing - the satisfaction of material needs. But what about spiritual ones? Let's try to argue!

We execute immediately K1(“the meaning of the statement is revealed, understood”).

The author of this statement argues that any action of people is explained by simple economic expediency. But then how can we tell our children what love, happiness, self-sacrifice and patriotism are? I fundamentally disagree with Becker's opinion.

We present our opinion here. We do it in the most convincing way: "... to our children"! We continue to argue, show intelligence and knowledge of related sciences - philosophy, history. This is criterion 3 (K3).

I remember famous quote the great Russian writer and philosopher F.M. Dostoevsky that "all the happiness of mankind is not worth one tear of one child." It was to happiness and revenge that A. Hitler led his people, freeing the "living space" for the Germans in the East. What it led to, everyone remembers. One hundred million dead and a sea of ​​shed tears are living proof of this.

An essay on social studies can look beautiful and literary. Applying what others have said famous people, use the effects: “a tear of one child”, “a sea of ​​​​shed tears”. Now you need to fulfill criterion 2 (K2), apply terms, theoretical provisions (the quote refers to the science of economics, let me remind you).

The period of primitive accumulation of capital, as is known from the course of economics, precedes the formation of capitalism and the market. Entrepreneurs strive to get start-up capital at any cost for further business development. However, from the point of view of morality, humanism, and universal values, these periods in history look like “gloomy pages”. This is the robbery of colonies, and the destruction of entire peoples (Indians North America, for example), and the "criminal nineties" in Russia.

Applied terms capital, initial accumulation, entrepreneurship. Confirmed by examples from social practice. We draw a conclusion, formulate our own point of view (criticize - offer)! We show our life experience, we continue to use the terms.

To paraphrase the author, we can say that "happiness is in money." But, it seems to me that it is in the smile of relatives, physical and spiritual health, usefulness to society. Therefore, I believe that any human behavior is not justified by the desire for material wealth. They are important, but not paramount!

To summarize, here is our essay:

29.2 Economy.

I came to the conclusion that the economic approach is comprehensive, it applies to all human behavior "(G. Becker)

The author of this statement argues that any action of people is explained by simple economic expediency. But then how can we tell our children what love, happiness, self-sacrifice and patriotism are? I fundamentally disagree with Becker's opinion.

I recall the famous quote of the great Russian writer and philosopher F.M. Dostoevsky that "all the happiness of mankind is not worth one tear of one child." It was to happiness and revenge that A. Hitler led his people, freeing the "living space" for the Germans in the East. What it led to, everyone remembers. One hundred million dead and a sea of ​​shed tears are living proof of this.

The period of primitive accumulation of capital, as is known from the course of economics, precedes the formation of capitalism and the market. Entrepreneurs strive to get start-up capital at any cost for further business development. However, from the point of view of morality, humanism, and universal values, these periods in history look like “gloomy pages”. This is the robbery of colonies, and the destruction of entire peoples (Indians of North America, for example), and the "criminal nineties" in Russia.

To paraphrase the author, we can say that "happiness is in money." But, it seems to me that it is in the smile of relatives, physical and spiritual health, usefulness to society. Therefore, I believe that any human behavior is not justified by the desire for material wealth. They are important, but not paramount!

Short essay writing rules:

We continue to follow the writing of the USE essay in social studies in any template:

1. Our essay is as short and specific as possible!

2. We immediately reveal the meaning of the quote, perform K1.

3. We apply the terms of the science to which the quote refers, we perform K1!

4. We present the facts of other sciences, show our horizons, perform K3.

5. We show intelligence, tie facts, conclusions to the topic.

6. We defend our point of view correctly, but confidently!

Good luck, write social studies essays regularly!

Here is another example for you to practice a polemical essay from the Unified State Examination in 2016, try writing it, we will discuss it in the comments, as well as in our group