The most famous poet of the Silver Age, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok. My favorite poet of the Silver Age (A

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Alexander Blok - poet Silver Age".

In the history of the formation of true true Russian culture, the "Silver Age" occupies one of the special places. Alexander Blok, in turn, is the brightest representative of this time.

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The family of the rector of St. Petersburg University A.N. Beketov.

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First collection of poems

First volume

Cycle "Crossroads";

Cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady"

Third volume

"It's all about Russia"

Second volume

Cycle "Bubbles of the Earth";

Cycle "City"

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The block reveals the main meaning of the stages of the path he has traveled and the content of each of the books of the trilogy:

“...this is my path, now that it has been passed, I am firmly convinced that this is due and that all the verses together are the “trilogy of incarnation”

(from a moment of too bright light - through the necessary swampy forest - to despair, curses, “retribution * and ... - to the birth of a “public” person, an artist who courageously looks into the face of the world ..)".

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"Beautiful lady"

Dawn, star, sun, white color-?

Opening circles -?

Morning, spring -?

Winter, night - ?

Blue, purple world -?

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The story of earthly, quite real love is transformed into a romantic-symbolic mystical-philosophical myth.

It has its own plot and its own plot.

The basis of the plot is the opposition of the “earthly” (lyrical hero) to the “heavenly” (Beautiful Lady) and at the same time the desire for their connection, “meeting”, as a result of which the transformation of the world should come, complete harmony.

However, the lyrical plot complicates and dramatizes the plot. From poem to poem, there is a change in the mood of the hero: bright hopes - and doubts about them, the expectation of love - and the fear of its collapse, faith in the immutability of the image of the Virgin - and the assumption that it can be distorted (“But I'm scared: you will change your appearance" ).

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“I enter dark temples…”

What is the emotional atmosphere of the poem?

By what means is it created?

What are the subject matter of the poem, its colors?

What is the lyrical hero of the poem?

Is the appearance of the Beautiful Lady traced?

By what means is her image created?

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The name proposed by us - SYMBOLISM - is the only one suitable for the new school, only it conveys without distortion the creative spirit of contemporary art.

Paris. Newspaper "Figaro"

Jean Moreas "Manifesto of Symbolism"

The human perception of the world is imperfect, therefore the depicted reality is erroneous

The secrets of the world can only be comprehended emotionally and intuitively

A reflection of this "higher truth" and at the same time a way to comprehend it is a hint symbol

From the history of symbolism

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Poetics of hints, shades. The concept of a symbol as an image. Symbol as a polysemantic allegory

Publishing house "Grif". Moscow, t-vo "Printing S.P. Yakovlev". 1905. 135, p. V. Vladimirova. Cliche of P.A. Metzger in Moscow. Censorship resolution September 9, 1904. Circulation 1200 copies. The price is 1 ruble. Format: 20x16.5 cm. The collection was printed by the symbolist publishing house "Grif" (1903 - 1914) at the suggestion of its founder, the poet S.A. Sokolov (pseudonym - S. Krechetov, 1878 - 1936) and combined the best poems of the early period of the poet's work, dedicated to his future wife - L.D. Mendeleeva (1881–1939). The motif of knightly worship of the “beautiful lady” is combined in them with an earthly feeling of love. The first book of the poet! In good condition - a rarity!

Auction sale example:

Price Realized: $29,164

Blok, A. [autograph] Poems about a beautiful lady / art. V. Vladimirov. M.: Grif, 1905. 135, p. 20.1 x 16.3 cm. In the owner's binding of the era from colored printed calico, with the preservation of the publisher's cover. In a good condition. The first book of the poet. The specimen is a museum-level collector's item. On the title page autograph: "To the deeply respected Pavel Eliseevich Shchegolev. Alexander Blok. January 17, 1906, St. Petersburg."The text also contains 11 correction marks in hazelnut ink, also made by A. Blok. Blok's autograph is addressed to the famous historian of literature, Pushkinist P.E. Shchegolev. Zhenya Shchegolev V.A. Boguslavsky Blok dedicated three of his poems.

Care: 850,000 rubles Including 10% premium: 935,000 rubles: $ 29, 164. At the exchange rate: 32.06. Auction "In Nikitsky". October 31, 2013. "From the Slavic Manuscripts of the Early 16th Century to the Autographs of the Silver Age". Moscow. Lot number 212.

Bibliographic description:

1. Library of Russian poetry I.N. Rozanova, M., 1975, No. 2259.

2. Tarasenkov A. "Russian poets of the XX century", M., 1966, p. 64.

3. Books and manuscripts in the collection of M.S. Lesman, M., 1989, No. 297.

4. Tarasenkov A.K., Turchinsky L.M. "Russian poets of the XX century", M., 2004, p. 119.

5. The Kilgour collection of Russian literature 1750-1920. Harvard-Cambridge, 1959, No. 120.

6. Autographs of poets of the Silver Age. Gift inscriptions on books. Edition of the RSL, Moscow, 1995, p. 123.

False daytime shadows run.

The bell call is high and clear.

Church steps illuminated

Their stone is alive - and waiting for your steps.

You will pass here, you will touch a cold stone,

Dressed in the terrible holiness of the ages,

And maybe you'll drop the spring flower

Here, in this haze, with strict images.

Grow indistinctly pink shadows,

High and clear is the call of the bell,

Darkness falls on the old steps ....

I'm illumined - I'm waiting for your steps.

Block, Alexander Alexandrovich- poet, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian symbolism of the Silver Age. According to his father, a professor of law, a descendant of a Russified native of Germany, a court physician (he entered Russia in the middle of the 18th century). By mother - from the Russian noble family of the Beketovs. The descendants of the doctor Blok belonged to the wealthy, but eventually impoverished service nobility. Maternal great-grandfather was "a great gentleman and a very rich landowner", who lost almost all his fortune in old age. From both parents, Blok inherited intellectual talent, a penchant for literature, art, science, but along with this, an undoubted mental burden: his paternal grandfather died in a psychiatric hospital; the character of the father was distinguished by oddities that stood on the verge of mental illness, and sometimes stepped over her. This forced the poet's mother to leave her husband shortly after his birth; the latter herself was repeatedly treated in a hospital for the mentally ill; finally, towards the end of his life, Blok himself developed a special severe neuropsychic condition - psychasthenia; a month before his death, his mind began to cloud. But as often happens, it is precisely this factor that is a necessary condition for genius, however, under appropriate circumstances ... Blok's early childhood passed in the family of his maternal grandfather, a well-known botanist, public figure and champion of women's education, the rector of the Imperial St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketova. Little Blok spent winter in the "rector's house" in St. Petersburg, summer - "in the old grandfathers park", "in the fragrant wilderness of a small estate" - his grandfather's estate near Moscow, the village of Shakhmatovo. After the mother's second marriage to an officer, F.F. Kublitsky-Piottukh, nine-year-old Blok moved with his mother to his stepfather's apartment, to the barracks located in the factory district.

After graduating from the gymnasium, which repelled Blok from himself, in his own words, with his "terrible plebeianism" that did not correspond to his "thoughts, manners and feelings", Blok entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University; from the third year he moved to the Faculty of History and Philology, from which he graduated in 1906. In the gymnasium and in the first years of the university, Blok was very fond of the theater, "preparing to be an actor." “Composing poetry” began, in his own words, “almost from the age of five”; "serious writing began around the age of 18." Even before the appearance of the poet in the press, Blok's poems were widely disseminated in small circles of mostly Moscow youth, united by the name and ideas of the recently deceased philosopher and poet Vladimir Solovyov. In these circles, the young man Blok was already inclined to be considered "the first of the Russian poets of our time." For the first time, Blok's poems were published in 1903, in the St. Petersburg magazine Merezhkovsky "New Way" and at the same time in Moscow, in the almanac "Northern Flowers", publishing house "Scorpion". In the same 1903, Blok married the daughter of a university friend of his grandfather, his neighbor in Shakhmatov, the famous chemist Mendeleev, L. D. Mendeleeva:

I anticipate you. Years pass by

All in the guise of one I foresee You.

The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,

And silently I wait, longing and loving.

The personal acquaintance and close rapprochement of Blok with Andrei Bely and the last mystical-minded circle of "Argonauts" headed by the same time; somewhat earlier rapprochement with the Merezhkovskys, acquaintance with Bryusov and the Moscow Symbolists:

On the endless waters

Clothed in purple by sunset,

She speaks and sings

Unable to lift the confused wings.

The yoke of evil Tatars broadcasts,

Broadcasts a series of bloody executions,

And a coward, and hunger, and a fire,

The villains force, the death of the right...

Embraced by eternal terror,

A beautiful face burns with love,

But things sound true

Mouths covered in blood!

The revolution of 1905 seized Blok at once; in one of the street demonstrations, he carried a red banner in front of the crowd. The poet, however, quickly cooled off; “He didn’t go into the revolution,” in his own words, “nevertheless, the events of 1904-1905 left their mark on Blok: he wrote several poems on revolutionary themes, the lyrical drama The King on the Square.” It is important that from this very time, "indifference to the surrounding life" was replaced in him, according to the biographer, by "a lively interest in everything that happens." At the end of 1904, the Grif publishing house published Blok's first collection of poems, Poems about the Beautiful Lady. For fear of difficulties on the part of spiritual censorship, the collection was passed through the provincial censorship in Nizhny Novgorod. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" were enthusiastically received in the circles of "Solovievites" and "Argonauts". In this collection and not only in this one, when he happens to go beyond the limits of the proper lyrics into other genres of verbal creativity, he imposes a clearly expressed lyrical flavor on them, creating special kinds of lyrical dramas, lyrical journalism (“lyrical articles” about “Russia and the intelligentsia ”), even lyrical reviews. The purest, unadulterated lyricism marked the first period of Blok's work - the period of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". In "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" Blok entirely follows the tradition of noble pure lyrics, estranged from any social elements, any "topics of the day":

I enter dark temples

I perform a poor ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering of red lamps.

In the shadow of a tall column

I tremble at the creak of doors.

And he looks into my face, illumined,

Only an image, only a dream about Her.

Oh I'm used to these robes

Majestic Eternal Wife!

Run high on the ledges

Smiles, fairy tales and dreams.

Oh, Holy One, how gentle are the candles,

How pleasing are Your features!

I hear neither sighs nor speeches,

But I believe: Honey - You.

The first "inspirer" of Blok, in his own words, was V.A. Zhukovsky. In the future, Fet's poetry had a particularly strong influence on him. The typical theme of the noble-manor lyrics - love and nature, or rather love against the background of nature - "pink mornings", "scarlet dawns", "golden valleys", "flowery meadows" - is the main thematic core of all lyrical confessions, appeals and appeals, from which mostly consists of the first collection of poems by Alexander Alexandrovich. However, the theme of love in the experiences of the poet - "the last nobleman", the completer of the entire line of noble-estate poetry, acquires a special color. The poet's love, in which the young man's romantic mood (through Zhukovsky who knew the "spirit of German romance") is intensified by the experienced romance with his future wife, is permeated with mysticism. In the first years of the university, “the poetry of Vl. Solovyov,” says the poet himself. The successor of the mystical, imbued with the cult of the "Eternally Feminine", "World Soul", "Divine Wisdom", Sophia, - the poetry of Vl. Solovieva Blok begins his career. Like Solovyov, Blok's mystical eroticism is thoroughly imbued with "apocalypticism". The cult of the “Wife Clothed in the Sun” by the poet of the era of two revolutions, which first broke and then completely destroyed the noble class native to him, is characteristically connected with the experiences of the impending end of the world - the apocalypse. Painfully sensitive, subtly nervous Block sees and hears signs of the end everywhere around him. "Rustle", "whisper", "an imaginary horse clatter" - and in all this the impending Mystery - "Illuminated wife", "Sun of the covenant" - such is the pathos of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", nourished by the chess "noble nest", age-old noble lyrics and a vague feeling of an approaching social thunderstorm, the collapse and death of "gentle estates dear to the heart." In the mind of the “romancer” and “Solovievist” Blok, this takes on grandiose, joyfully frightening forms of the end of the world, the transformation, the “clear smile of the Wife” of everything that exists. “The thought of Her always carries the grain of thought about the end,” Alexander Blok writes to Andrei Bely, who shares all the moods and aspirations of the poet. In his article "Apocalypse in Russian Poetry" (magazine "Vesy" 1905), A. Bely proves that Blok is the finalist of the primordial aspirations of Russian lyrics, finally lifting the veil from the "sophianic" face of the Russian muse. The clearly self-contained period of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" lasts only a few years. By the time they were published as a separate collection [end of 1904], the poet himself was already far from the moods with which these poems are saturated. In the preface to his second collection of poems, Unexpected Joy, Blok reveals the essence of the upheaval that had taken place in him. The “silent, self-absorbed soul” of the poet, “for which the world is a farce, a disgrace,” would always “remain like that if the city’s human cloisters were not disturbed. There, in a magical whirlwind and light, terrible and beautiful visions of life. The “village”, manor element begins to be replaced in the poet by the city element. The poet's muse emerges from the "sweet manor estate", a closed chess nest of nobles, into the open spaces of the streets and squares of the modern bourgeois-capitalist city. In 1903-1904, urban motifs sound louder and louder among the rural landscapes of Poems about the Beautiful Lady. Publisher of the first poems B., P.P. Pertsov, recalls with what surprise he read in 1903 a poem about the “factory” (“In the next house, the windows are yellow”), signed by the name of the poet, who until that time had himself claimed that only “eternally feminine” was the only theme of his poetry . Since the revolution of 1905, the theme of the city has completely taken over the poet. The first period of creativity of the great Russian poet (1897-1904), colored with mystical symbolism, was coming to an end. Poems about the "Beautiful Lady" - technically weak - where the experiences of a lover, the cult of "eternal femininity", echoes of feudal chivalric romanticism and the expectation of some "better", new era on earth intersect. Pre-revolutionary forebodings were reflected in the anxious and expectant mood. The estate impressions are strong, the city is outlined poorly, but at the end of the book the silhouette of the factory looms ... In the first edition of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" the final section of the book was called "Damage":

A black man ran through the city

He extinguished the lanterns, climbing the stairs.

Slow, white dawn approached,

Together with the man he climbed the stairs.

Where there were quiet, soft shadows -

Yellow stripes of evening lights, -

Morning twilight lay on the steps,

We climbed into the curtains, into the cracks of the doors ...

And next to the image of the Beautiful Lady, the Radiant Friend, there appears - still vague - the unfortunate, exhausted face of a suicide mother. The image of the Beautiful Lady is fading, like a crescent moon. “The halls darkened, faded” of the palace erected for her in verse; everything begins to resemble a fading haze or a theatrical scenery, ready to soar upwards, to disappear at any moment. Lighting changes, the night fairy tale ends, “false daytime shadows” come. Seeing this "pale city", the black man cries, but continues to extinguish the lights. Sometimes his weeping turns into mockery of the recent deceit, the masquerade of appearances. The patient expectation of the Beautiful Lady “in the flickering of red lamps”, the belief that she will open up, shining through the stone “robes” of church walls, is increasingly resolved by tragic irony, bitter laughter at deceived hope. “Multi-colored feathers”, on which the poet was going to fly, turn into “colorful rags” of a buffoon’s booth ...

The Silver Age is a short period in the development of Russian literature. By the strength and energy of amazing creations, the poetry of that time was proclaimed a worthy successor to the greatest artistic discoveries of Russian classical literature of the 19th century. But the poets of the Silver Age not only developed the traditions of their predecessors, but also created unique masterpieces. The poetry of this period is amazing and unique.
Symbolism is one of the artistic movements of the Silver Age, which was followed by many poets. Speaking of symbolism, it is necessary

Note that he turned to eternal ideas that are important to man. Of all the symbolist poets, the work of Alexander Blok is closest to me. I consider him one of the brightest representatives of the Silver Age.
Blok is an outstanding phenomenon in Russian poetry. This is one of the most remarkable symbolist poets. He never retreated from symbolism: neither in youthful poems full of fogs and dreams, nor in more mature works. The literary heritage of Alexander Blok is extensive and diverse. It has become a part of our culture and life, helping to understand the origins of spiritual quests, to understand the past.
According to the poet himself, his lyrics in all its diversity is a single work. This work, created all his life, is a reflection of his creative way. "Collected Poems" in three volumes was compiled by Blok for many years. From this collection it is not difficult to trace the formation of Blok as a poet, the gradual transition from dreams to reality. The transition, of course, is very conditional, but noticeable.
The poems of the young Blok amaze with their purity and tenderness. Of course, he is not free from the influence of his predecessors and contemporaries, but this does not prevent him from creating his own, unique. The poet entered the world of people with love and faith in a bright and pure world. Love is one of the main motives of his lyrics. The path to the world, according to Blok, must be carried out with the help of love. And this is precisely what is traced in “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”. Blok is in search of an ideal, Eternal Femininity.
I anticipate you.
Years pass by
All in the guise of one I foresee You.
The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,
And silently I wait, yearning and loving.
In his dedications to the Beautiful Lady, he leaves the surrounding reality, locks himself in his thoughts.
From Blok's later work, I like the poem "The Stranger". At the first reading, you are simply amazed at the beauty and magnetism of the image of a mysterious stranger created by the poet:
And breathe ancient beliefs
Her elastic silks
And a hat with mourning feathers
And in the rings a narrow hand.
But dreams of the Beautiful Lady cannot protect Blok from real life.
Reality still penetrates his world. The verses “Factory”, “Fed”, “On the railway” and these lines appear:
How hard it is to walk among people
And pretend to be invincible
And about the game of tragic passions
To narrate to those who have not yet lived.
The events of the early twentieth century had a decisive influence on the revision of his life values.
We are the children of the terrible years of Russia -
Nothing can be forgotten.
Block moves away from dreams and increasingly looks into the eyes of reality. Youthful daydreaming is being replaced by a consciousness of one's civic duty, an understanding of responsibility to one's country. Alexander Blok feels for the Motherland, on the one hand, a feeling of love, longing for her, compassion, and on the other, faith in her beautiful future and a desire to change her better life of his people. It is this excitement for the future of the Motherland that overwhelms the lyrical hero in the poem "The Twelve". The poem is filled with symbols. It begins immediately with a sharp contrast: “Black evening. White snow". Black color - evil, storm, spontaneity, unpredictability, white - purity, spirituality, light. The color red is also found in the poem. This is not only the color of flags and slogans, it is the color of blood.
Blok has a cycle of poems “On the Kulikovo Field”, where in every word one feels great love for the Motherland. “Oh, my Russia! My wife!" - this is how the poet addresses her, that is, not only as a living thing, but as the closest being in the world. The image of Russia is imperceptibly intertwined with the female image all the time. For Blok, the Motherland is a woman; she is like the "beautiful stranger" to whom the poet refers in his early poems. Love for the motherland and love for a woman for Blok are inseparable and equally significant concepts.
Despite the fact that the work of Alexander Blok fell on a rather difficult period in the life of Russia, his searches and delusions in search of a bright, beautiful life, life in the name of man, humanity and love remain relevant to this day. His early dreams of the Beautiful Lady, of the quest for the Eternal Feminine, give food for thought to the present young generation. True love is still one of the driving forces in the life of mankind. Blok passed away early, but his poems excite people, they help us live.

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Essay on literature on the topic: My favorite poet of the Silver Age (A. A. Blok)

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My favorite poet of the Silver Age (A. A. Blok)

The most famous poet of the Silver Age Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Why did I choose this particular poet?

Among the poets of the Silver Age, many gained fame and glory. But of all of them, I remember Alexander Alexandrovich Blok the most. I chose it for several reasons.

Firstly, in his poems there are mysterious and not everyone understandable images, which interested me. What are the poems “Stranger” and “A child crying ...” worth. Secondly, like many of his compatriots, he did not remain indifferent to the period of the revolution, which should also be noted. Thirdly, I was touched by the feeling with which Blok writes about the Motherland. Calling his country a beggar, he still admits that he cannot find a better homeland than Russia.

Blok's work was admired by many poets. And I think they admired not in vain.

Bright moments of creativity in Blok's life.

Blok worked at the turn of two worlds. He turned out to be the last great poet of the old, pre-October Russia, who completed the poetic searches of the entire 19th century with his work, and at the same time, his name opens the first, title page in the history of Russian Soviet poetry.

In the twenty years that separate Blok's first serious poems from The Twelve and Scythians, the content of his poetry and his very creative style have undergone profound changes. Detached from real life, seemingly completely immersed in his vague soul feelings how Blok began his literary path, grew into a truly great national poet, whose work is fanned by the historical, social, worldly storms of his formidable, critical, revolutionary time.

If we compare Blok's youthful lyrics with his mature poems, at first glance it may seem that we have two different poets before us. Here, for example, are verses characteristic of the young Blok, which speak of the experiences of a solitary soul and look like solemn prayers with a darkened meaning:

“I kept them in the limit of John,

The immovable guard, - kept the fire of the lamps.

And here is She, and to Her is my Hosanna-

The crown of labor is above all awards ... "

And here is how deeply and together, simply and clearly, he wrote thirteen years later, reflecting on the fate of his motherland:

“Centuries go by, war rages,

There is a rebellion, the villages are burning,

And you are still the same, my country,

In tear-stained and ancient beauty.

The dramatic changes that took place in Blok's work were dictated by life itself, by the very course of historical reality, which determined the direction of the poet's life and literary path. This path was complex and difficult, full of many and sharp contradictions, but direct and unswerving. Blok himself very correctly and accurately said that this was "a path among revolutions."

In Blok's youthful lyrics ("Poems about the Beautiful Lady"), everything is fanned with an atmosphere of mystical mystery and a miracle taking place. Everything in this lyrics is timid and dark, unsteady and foggy, sometimes elusive: only a hint of a spring song, only a patch of bright sky, some reflections, some clicks... And all these are signs of otherworldly hopes for a universal incomprehensible miracle, for a phenomenon The Eternal Virgin, the Beautiful Lady, in the image of which Blok embodied a certain universal divine principle, which should “save the world” and revive humanity to a new, ideally perfect life:

“I enter dark temples,

I perform a poor ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering of red lamps ... "

This theme of expectation and anticipation of some miraculous change dominated Blok's youthful lyrics. The poet already then felt a vague anxiety, caught her “signs”, even then noticed that the “storm of life” was growing around him, but he was still afraid of this storm and tried to hide from it in the ideal world of his dreams and fantasies, where there are no tears, no torment, no blood, but only music, roses, azure, smiles, fairy tales and dreams.

Even his “earthly”, quite real experiences and impressions, the young Blok tried to reinterpret in the spirit of mystical faith, as something “superreal”. However, the living feeling of a true poet sometimes resisted this and stubbornly grew through the shaky shell of the conventional, mythologized world in which he lived. The concrete-sensual, emotional, direct sensation of life more and more imperiously penetrated Blok's lyrics.

The upsurge of the liberation movement in Russia did not go unnoticed for the Blok either. In the context of the revolutionary events of 1904-1905, his former indifference to social and political life was replaced by an avid interest in the widely developed popular struggle for freedom. Revolutionary events were reflected in a number of Blok's works. Crimson reflections lie on his poems about the city, symbolizing the anxiety that is taking possession of him more and more. The crimson-red color, which, in the poet's view, is used to color the outwardly elegant, but inside the rotten world of the "well-fed", is perceived as a symbol of the revolution.

The revolution of 1905 was deeply experienced by Blok and played an enormous, one might say, decisive role in his life and destiny. She brought the poet out of the state of solitude and contemplation in which he had been for a long time, showed him the face of a rapidly changing life, awakened in him a sense of blood connection with the people and a consciousness of social responsibility for his writing.

Mystical visions in mysterious temples are being replaced by real, unvarnished pictures of human grief:

“We met with you in the temple

And lived in a joyful garden,

But with stinking palaces

Let's go to damnation and labor.

We've passed all the gates

And in each window they saw

How hard is the work

On every bent back…”

Blok's attention is increasingly attracted by "new people" rising to the arena of history "from the darkness of the cellars" - people-workers, creators tomorrow. The poet awakens a sense of social activity. He himself seeks civic courage, and angrily denounces those who remain blind and deaf to the demands of life:

“I see: your maidens are blind,

The young men have a fireless look,

Back! Into the mist! In deaf crypts!

You need a whip, not an ax!”

Blok does not spare even himself, because he lacks courage, because, sincerely grieving for the poor and the poor, he both wants and does not dare to “kill”:

“To take revenge on the faint-hearted who lived without fire,

Who so humiliated my people and me!

Who locked the free and the strong in prison,

Who did not believe my fire for a long time.

Who wants to deprive me of a day for money,

Buy dog ​​obedience from me…”

The poet's appeal to the theme of the motherland, its historical path, its future fate was connected for him with the experience of the rise and defeat of the first Russian revolution. In July 1905, the beautiful poem "Autumn Will" was written, in which the main tone of Blok's entire patriotic lyrics had already sounded:

“Shelter you in the vast expanses,

How to live and cry without you!” -

He exclaimed, turning to Russia. He spoke about his homeland with infinite love, with penetrating tenderness, with aching pain and bright hope.

A wide, multicolored, full of life and movement picture of the native land is formed in Blok's poems. Immense Russian distances, endless roads, full-flowing rivers, gray huts, bonfires in the meadows, violent blizzards and snowstorms, bloody sunsets, fiery round dances and dashing harmonicas, factory chimneys and horns, factories and cities ... Such is Blok's Russia. (1,5- nineteen)

Criticism of works by other poets.

ML. Voloshin:“The poem “The Twelve” is one of the finest artistic expressions of revolutionary reality. Without betraying himself, or his methods, or forms, Blok wrote a deeply real and - surprisingly - lyrically objective thing. They say that Blok is a Bolshevik, that he is on friendly terms with the Bolshevik bosses, but I don’t think that he could be a Bolshevik according to the program, in essence, because what does a poet like Blok care about the frenzied struggle of two human classes so distant to him .. .".(3,1)

V.V. Mayakovsky:“The work of Alexander Blok is a whole poetic era, an era of the recent past.

The most glorious symbolist master Blok had an enormous influence on all modern poetry. Blok honestly and enthusiastically approached our great revolution, but the subtle, graceful words of the symbolist were not able to withstand and lift its heavy, most real, crudest images. In his famous poem “The Twelve”, translated into many languages, Blok overstrained himself. ”(3,1)

E.G. Etkind:“Through the contrast, the ghost of a stranger shines through. This is not just a lady in a black dress with ostrich feathers on her hat.

This poem is about prose and poetry, about the opposition and unity of elements hostile and tragically related to each other, about the transforming power of poetic fantasy, in some highly spiritual sense close to the transforming influence of wine, but, although the poet ends the poem with the words: “You, right, drunken monster. / I know: the truth is in wine”, his intoxication, his “wine” is different than that with which “drunkards with rabbit eyes” intoxicate themselves. (5,1) The strength of this poetic, that is, allegorical, wine is that it through the dead prose of vulgarity allows you to see the poetic essence of the world - the world of a single, holistic "(3,1)

Ivanov-Razumnik:“... The snowstorm of the revolution begins from the very first lines of the poem. And from the very first lines, her black sky and white snow are, as it were, symbols of that duality that takes place in the world, that is happening in every soul.
"Black evening,
White snow.
Wind, wind!
A person does not stand on his feet ... "(4,1)

Black evening, White snow.
The whole poem is in this. And against this background, through a white snowy veil, the poet draws with black clear strokes a picture of “revolutionary Petersburg” at the end of 1917.
And against this background, under the overhanging black sky, under the falling white snow - “twelve people are walking” ... Oh, the poet does not “poeticize” them at all! Against. “A cigarette in the teeth, a cap is crushed, an ace of diamonds should be on the back!” ”(3.1)

G.V. Ivanov:“... In “Poems about Russia” - almost everything is perfect. How, we will be asked, is it not entirely new poems? Where did the blunders and breakdowns that were in Blok's early poems go? Yes, and most of all, the impeccable skill of the poet was reflected precisely in the plan of the book. The choice of verses is made in such a way that we would otherwise hesitate to define it as "the providence of taste."

There are twenty-three poems in the book, and almost each of them is a new stage in the lyrical knowledge of Russia. From the first vague and bitter revelations to the final lines:

“And again we are to you, Russia,
Dobreli from a foreign land. ”(2,1)

How do we remember Blok?

A.A. Blok was truly one of the most famous poets of the Silver Age. Intelligent, wise, sincere, mysterious, revolutionary and at the same time romantic and gentle, he remained in the memory of millions, and possibly more people. His works can take the reader to the vast expanses of the Russian land, and during the period of the revolution, and even immerse him in a mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. While working on my report, I found out something new about Blok. Previously, I could not even think that such a poet as Blok could live in his invented world of dreams and fantasies. In fact, it was only an illusion, which he lived long and hard. And yet, the turbulent events of that time, changes in society forced the poet to “grow up” and gave impetus to a new, completely different stage of his work.

Is it important for young people of our time to read Blok's works? I'm sure yes. After all, by reading his poems, everyone can find some cherished lines for themselves, whether it be a young man in love or a young thinker, learn events from our history, and simply expand their horizons. I would like people not to forget about the work of the great poet, and modern youth showed more interest in his works.


1.Alexander Alexandrovich Blok Poems and Poems: Proc. allowance for senior school age / A. Stolov, N. Vetlugin, L. Morgunova and others - M .: Publishing house "Literature Artistice", 1978-183p.





Striking everyone with his irrepressible faith in the future of Russia and people. Loving and suffering to embrace the immensity, a man with a broad soul and a tragic life. The life and work of Blok deserve attention for its completeness and touchingness.

Biography of the poet

Blok Alexander Alexandrovich, year of birth 1880, November 28. Place of birth - Petersburg. His parents: father - A.L. Blok, worked as a lawyer at the University in Warsaw, mother - A.A. Beketova, daughter of the famous botanist.

The boy's parents divorced before his birth, so he did not succeed in growing up in a complete family. However, maternal grandfather A.N. Beketov, in whose family Alexander grew up, surrounded the child with due care and attention. Gave him a good education and start in life. A.N. Beketov was the rector of the university in St. Petersburg. The highly moral and cultural atmosphere of the environment left its mark on the formation of worldviews and the education of Blok.

Since childhood, he has had a love for the classics of Russian literature. Pushkin, Apukhtin, Zhukovsky, Fet, Grigoriev - these are the names on whose works little Blok grew up and joined the world of literature and poetry.

Poet training

The first stage of education for Blok was the gymnasium in St. Petersburg. After graduating in 1898, he entered St. Petersburg University in the department of lawyers. He graduated from legal studies in 1901 and changed his direction to historical and philological.

It was at the university that he finally decides to delve into the world of literature. Also, this desire is reinforced by the beautiful and picturesque nature, among which the estate of his grandfather is located. Growing up in such an environment, Alexander forever absorbed the sensitivity and subtlety of the worldview, and reflected this in his poems. Since then, Blok's work begins.

Blok maintains a very warm relationship with his mother, his love and respect for her is boundless. Until the death of his mother, he constantly sent her his works.


Their marriage took place in 1903. Family life was ambiguous and complex. Mendeleev was waiting for great love, as in novels. Blok offered moderation and tranquility of life. The result was the infatuation of his wife with his friend and like-minded person, Andrei Bely, a symbolist poet who played an important role in the work of Blok himself.

Lifetime work

Blok's life and work developed in such a way that, in addition to literature, he took part in quite everyday affairs. For example:

    he was an active participant in dramatic productions in the theater and even saw himself as an actor, but the literary field attracted him more;

    two years in a row (1905-1906) the poet is a direct witness and participant in revolutionary rallies and demonstrations;

    maintains his literature review column in the Golden Fleece newspaper;

    from 1916-1917 repays his debt to the Motherland, serving near Pinsk (engineering and construction team);

    is part of the leadership of the Bolshoi;

    upon arrival from the army, he gets a job at the Investigative Commission of an emergency nature for tsarist ministers. He worked there as a verbatim report editor until 1921.

    Blok's early work

    Little Sasha wrote his first poem at the age of five. Even then, the makings of a talent that needed to be developed were read in him. What Blok did.

    Love and Russia are two favorite themes of creativity. Blok wrote a lot about both. However, at the initial stage of development and realization of his talent, love attracted him most of all. The image of a beautiful lady, which he was looking for everywhere, captured his whole being. And he found the earthly embodiment of his ideas in Lyubov Mendeleeva.

    The theme of love in Blok's work is revealed so fully, clearly and beautifully that it is difficult to dispute this. Therefore, it is not surprising that his first offspring - a collection of poems - is called "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", and it is dedicated to his wife. When writing this collection of poems, Blok was greatly influenced by the poetry of Solovyov, whose student and follower he is considered to be.

    In all poems, a feeling of Eternal femininity, beauty, naturalness shines through. However, all expressions and turns used in writing are allegorical, unrealistic. The block is carried away in a creative impulse to "other worlds".

    Gradually, the theme of love in Blok's work gives way to more real and pressing problems surrounding the poet.

    The beginning of disappointment

    Revolutionary events, discord in family relations, and dreams of a clean and bright future for Russia that fail miserably make Blok's work undergo obvious changes. His next collection is called "Unexpected Joy" (1906).

    More and more he ridicules the symbolists, to whom he no longer considers himself, more and more cynical about the hopes for the best ahead. He is a participant in revolutionary events, who is completely on the side of the Bolsheviks, considering their cause to be right.

    During this period (1906) his trilogy of dramas was published. First, "Balaganchik", after some time "King in the Square", and completes this trio is bitterly disappointed by the imperfection of the world, from his deceived hopes. In the same period, he is fond of actress N.N. Volokhova. However, he does not receive reciprocity, which adds bitterness, irony and skepticism to his poems.

    Andrei Bely and other previously like-minded people in poetry do not accept the changes in Blok and criticize his current work. Block Alexander remains adamant. He is disappointed and deeply saddened.

    "Incarnation Trilogy"

    In 1909, Blok's father dies, to whom he does not have time to say goodbye. This leaves an even greater imprint on his state of mind, and he decides to combine his most striking works in his opinion into one poetic trilogy, which he gives the name "The Trilogy of Incarnation".

    So the work of Blok in 1911-1912 was marked by the appearance of three collections of poems that bear poetic names:

    1. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady";

      "Unexpected joy";

      "Snow Night"

    A year later, he released a cycle of love poems "Carmen", wrote the poem "The Nightingale Garden", dedicated to his new hobby - the singer L.A. Delmas.

    Homeland in the work of Blok

    Starting from 1908, the poet no longer positions himself as a lyricist, but as a chanter of his Motherland. During this period he writes such poems as:

      "Autumn wave";

      "Autumn love";

    • "On the field of Kulikovo".

    All these works are imbued with love for the motherland, for their country. The poet simultaneously shows two aspects of life in Russia: poverty and hunger, piety, but at the same time wildness, unbridledness and liberty.

    The theme of Russia in Blok's work, the theme of the motherland, is one of the most fundamental in his entire poetic life. For him, the Motherland is something living, breathing and feeling. Therefore, it is too hard for him, unreasonably hard given the ongoing events of the October Revolution.

    The theme of Russia in Blok's work

    After the revolutionary trends capture all his spirit, the poet almost completely loses the lyrics and love in his works. Now the whole meaning of his works is directed to Russia, his homeland.

    Blok personifies his country in verse with a woman, he makes her almost tangible, real, as if humanizing. The homeland in Blok's work takes on such a large-scale significance that he never writes more about love.

    Believing in the Bolsheviks and their truth, he experiences a cruel, almost fatal disappointment for him when he sees the results of the revolution. Hunger, poverty, defeat, mass extermination of the intelligentsia - all this forms in Blok's mind a sharp hostile attitude towards the symbolists, towards the lyrics and forces from now on to create works only with a satirical, poisonous mockery of faith in the future.

    However, at the same time, his love for Russia is so great that he continues to believe in the strength of his country. That she will rise, shake herself off and be able to show her power and glory. The work of Blok, Mayakovsky, Yesenin is similar in this.

    In 1918, Blok wrote the poem "The Twelve", the most scandalous and loudest of all his works, which caused a lot of rumors and talk about it. But criticism leaves the poet indifferent, the nascent depression begins to absorb his whole being.

    Poem "Twelve"

    The author began to write his work "The Twelve" in early January. On the first day of work, he did not even take a break. In his notes it says: "I'm trembling inside." Then the writing of the poem was suspended, and the poet managed to finish it only on January 28.

    After the publication of this work, Blok's work changed dramatically. Briefly characterize it as follows: the poet lost himself, stagnation set in.

    The main idea of ​​the poem was recognized by each in different ways. Someone saw in her support for the revolution, a mockery of symbolic views. Someone, on the contrary, is a satirical bias and a mockery of the revolutionary order. However, Blok himself, when creating the poem, had both in mind. It is contradictory, like his mood at that time.

    After the publication of The Twelve, all the already weak ties with the Symbolists were severed. Almost all close friends turned their backs on Blok: Merezhkovsky, Vyach, Prishchvin, Sologub, Piast, Akhmatova and others.

    In Balmont, by that time, he was disappointed himself. Thus, Block remains practically alone.

    Post-revolutionary creativity

    1. "Retribution", which he writes like that.

    The revolution passed, and the bitterness from the disappointment of the Bolshevik policy grew and intensified. Such a gap between what was promised and what was being done as a result of the revolution became unbearable for Blok. One can briefly characterize Blok's work during this period: nothing is written.

    As they will later write about the death of the poet, "he was killed by the Bolsheviks." And indeed it is. Blok was unable to overcome in himself and accept such a discrepancy between word and deed. new government. He could not forgive himself for the support of the Bolsheviks, his blindness and short-sightedness.

    The block experiences the strongest discord within itself, completely withdraws into its internal experiences and torment. The consequence of this is illness. From April 1921 to the beginning of August, the poet's illness did not let go, tormenting him more and more. Only occasionally coming out of semi-forgetfulness, he tries to console his wife, Lyubov Mendeleeva (Blok). On August 7, Blok died.

    Where did the poet live and work?

    Today, the biography and work of Blok captivate and inspire many. And the place where he lived and composed his poems and poems turned into a museum. From the photographs, we can judge the environment in which the poet worked.

    You can see the appearance of the estate where the poet spent time in the photo on the left.

    The room in which the poet spent the last bitter and difficult minutes of his life (photo below).

    Today, the poet's work is loved and studied, admired, its depth and integrity, unusualness and brightness are recognized. Russia in the work of Blok is studied at school, essays are written on this topic. This gives every right to call the author a great poet. In the past, a symbolist, then a revolutionary, and at sunset just a deeply disappointed in life and power, an unfortunate person with a bitter, difficult fate.

    A monument has been erected in St. Petersburg, perpetuating the name of the author in history and paying due respect to his undeniable talent.