Chinese-Russian dictionary online - with manual input of hieroglyphs. Large dictionary of Chinese characters Explanatory dictionary of the Chinese language online

She happily ran to the computer to tell the world about her discovery. It turned out that I was not the first. Well) I promised myself not to read a single review from this thread until I wrote my own. So rest assured, this is not a rewrite or plagiarism. I came to everything myself. Holy shit genius

Japanese, Korean and even Chinese cosmetics are loved, especially on Irecommend. However, when writing a review or choosing a product, a stumbling block may be the absence of a sticker with a translation of the composition. Authors usually shrug their shoulders dejectedly: they say, there is no description in English, sorry. I used to be like that too. And then it dawned on me that probably in the 21st century there will be a way to recognize hieroglyphs. And who will help us here if not the almighty Google?

So, let’s get acquainted - the Google Translator application for Android. For iOS and Windows Phone, I’m sure there is also a version.

Where to find? In my case, of course, this is the Play Market. In the case of other OS - similar application stores.

Price: The application is completely free, but shows us advertisements. There is no way to turn it off for money. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Functional: The application can recognize and translate text:

  • in printed form- classic, everything works perfectly. The main thing is to remember that it is better to translate individual words rather than entire sentences;
  • in handwritten form- not the most convenient way for my crooked paws. Personally, I find it easier to type;
  • from the microphone: if Google still understands me in Russian, then in my clumsy English the maximum you can say is “Hello! How are you? I even pronounce the phrase “I Recommend” somehow wrong xD

You can simply photograph the text from the packaging of the product, you can download a photo or take a screenshot (this is what I do when only hieroglyphs are photographed in reviews. Thanks to those who take pictures of the composition without even intending to analyze it).

There is also such a funny thing as instant transfer. You just point the camera at the box, and right before your eyes, the Korean language, for example, turns into English. Looks like some kind of damn thing

I'll tell you step by step, how to translate hieroglyphs from a picture into a language we understand. The role of hieroglyphs is played by the Korean language, which in fact does not have hieroglyphs, but an alphabet. But you must admit that for us, ordinary people, everything that is far from the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet is hieroglyphs. So, let’s recognize the Korean text.

1. On the main screen of the application, you need to select a language. Since I am usually interested in the composition of a product, I am more accustomed to seeing it in English.

2. Click on the button in the form of a camera.

3. Focus on the desired area and shoot.

4. On the next screen, select the text. I usually use the "Select All" button.

5. A piece of translated text with an arrow appears. Click on it to view the full text. On this screen you can copy text to the clipboard and do whatever you want with it.

So, for example, I found out that my hair dye, despite the dyeing technology that does not involve the use of an oxidizing agent, contains ammonium hydroxide o_O Text from the screenshot above:

Ingredients: purified water, ethanol, glycollic acid benzyl alcohol, methylpyrrolidone, glycerin, propylene glycol, hydroxycellulose cellulose, ammonium hydroxide, nonoxy 12, hydrolyzed collagen, (T), color No. 401 (t), purple color No. 401 (t), orange color No. 401(t) Yellow No. 403-1 (Red, No. 401, No. 227, Red No. 201, Yellow No. 4, Red No. 106, Blue No. 1, Purified water, ethanol, glycerin, glycol distearate pigment-12 dimethicone, benzyl alcohol , methylpyrrolidone settimonium chloride, polyquaternium-10, hydroxyethyl cellulose Acid, panthenol, wenna extract, Isothiazolinone / methyl isothiazolinone, fragrance.

Let's go back to the application. It's useful, but what did I find? minuses?

  • Despite the extensive base of languages, there missing, for example, Tatar. It's a shame, you know! What if I came to Kazan and am racking my brains over what a bәdrәf is? In this case, you will have to use a similar service from Yandex. Which, by the way, cannot recognize Korean text.
  • Also, not all languages ​​whose characters are not available on standard keyboards have a photo text recognition function. For example, you will not be able to “click” Georgian and Thai text.

Otherwise, it's a great thing. Who doesn’t yet know what’s in their Asian jars - I highly recommend Google Translator for mobile

There is a strong belief that learning Chinese is extremely difficult or almost impossible. However, most linguists and specialists specializing in China agree that for full communication, reading major newspapers and even many books, knowledge of only 3,000 characters is enough.

Each Chinese character is a separate syllable that can be pronounced in one of five keys. It is the tones Chinese language represent the greatest difficulty for study, because analogues in native language, as a rule, no. Nevertheless, after a certain, sometimes short, practice, depending on the student’s hearing, a moment comes when the tones begin to differ by ear. To write Chinese syllables taking into account tones, there is a Pinyin system based on the Latin alphabet.

    First tone- pronounced high and evenly, like the squeak of Morse code. Indicated by a straight line above the letter mā or simply ma1.

    Second tone- ascending from medium to high level, sounds like a peculiar question. Denoted má or ma2.

    Third tone- low decreasing, and then rising to a medium level. The tone is more reminiscent Russian interjection"Well!?". Denoted mă or ma3.

    Fourth tone- falling from high level to low, sounds like a kind of statement. Denoted by mà or ma4.

    Syllable without tone- is not indicated in any way and is pronounced without tonality.

But the specificity of China and its inhabitants is such that the standard pronunciation of syllables is not widespread everywhere, and even if you travel 500 kilometers to another point in the country or communicate with a representative of Chinese nationality anywhere in the world, you risk being misunderstood. That is why the hieroglyphic notation for the Chinese plays the same important, both within the country and outside its borders, which is played by any language widespread in the world international communication for people from other countries.

To learn Chinese, you need to know 214 key hieroglyphic characters, by which Chinese and Japanese characters, most often located in dictionaries. These 214 keys will help you easily navigate new and unfamiliar hieroglyphs, quickly find their meaning in dictionaries and reference books, and even approximately guess the meaning and pronunciation of hieroglyphs.

Key signs relate to the following areas of knowledge:

Several key hieroglyphs.

Just recently I found sites with Chinese-Russian dictionary online. They have a wonderful convenient function - manual input of hieroglyphs. So I decided to talk about these sites.

One of the biggest difficulties in learning Chinese is the characters. And many will agree with this. And lately hieroglyphs are interesting not only to those who study Chinese.

In general, find a good one Chinese-Russian dictionary online It turned out to be not easy. At one time I used one such dictionary, generally complete and good. But if you don’t know how to pronounce a hieroglyph, and this hieroglyph is not written in electronic form, but, for example, on paper, on clothes or even on wallpaper, then finding this hieroglyph in such a dictionary was as difficult as in a paper dictionary.

Now for such purposes I use a translator program that is installed on a computer and can work without an Internet connection.

What sites do I mean?

Sites with manual input of hieroglyphs

First online dictionary

With his help, I quickly found some hieroglyphs.

Second online dictionary

When you place the cursor in the input field, a window for writing a hieroglyph appears. True, Google Chrome does not work in my browser, but it works fine in Internet Explorer.

P.S. Unfortunately, at the moment (04/02/2014) there is no manual entry option on this site... but there are other useful things. Maybe this feature will be returned later.

/new! from 04/02/2014/ The fourth online dictionary

The principle is the same.

This online dictionary contains many dictionary entries. You can type in the search and pinyin. When you enter the search word, it offers options.

Maybe it will come in handy for you - decipher the inscription on your favorite T-shirt

The purpose of the educational dictionary is to facilitate the first steps in mastering Chinese writing. The dictionary includes more than 300 of the most common hieroglyphs and about 2,500 words and phrases. The publication is modeled after the Chinese teaching aids and dictionaries for schoolchildren with explanations of keys arranged thematically. The dictionary is intended for those starting to study the Chinese language, as well as for everyone interested in the origin of Chinese writing.

What is a Chinese character?

Unlike Russian letters, which denote certain sounds, the Chinese character denotes a concept. Since there are many more concepts than sounds, there are many more hieroglyphs than letters. Each hieroglyph records not only a concept, but also the sounds with which this concept is associated. These sounds and concepts were recorded at first using simple drawings, but gradually they turned into diagrams in which it is difficult to recognize the original drawing. Thus, each hieroglyph can have three aspects. The first aspect is graphic. This is a schematic drawing consisting of individual features (graphic elements - see p. 7).

The second aspect is semantic. This is an aspect of a concept or meaning that can appear in more or less the same form in different languages. For example, in Chinese, Japanese and other languages ​​that use hieroglyphs, the hieroglyph means “person”. The third aspect is phonetic. This is a pronunciation that “looks” different in each language. The Chinese reading of each character is one and one syllable only. Graphics and semantics in historical development hieroglyphs appear in unity. Not only the complex hieroglyph as a whole, but also individual graphemes carry a certain semantic load. In the ancient language this connection was stronger, since hieroglyphs came from pictures. It is impossible to determine just by the appearance of a modern hieroglyph what it means, but some hints of it can still be found.

From the authors.
Human life and activity.
Labor results.
Graphic elements - keys.
Table of cyclic signs.
Table of hieroglyphic keys.
Alphabetical index.
List of hieroglyphs.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Chinese-Russian educational dictionary of hieroglyphs, Wang L., Starostina S.P., 2013 -, fast and free download.

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Sometimes it is necessary to know the interpretation of a word in order to use it correctly in the context; for this purpose, there are Chinese explanatory dictionaries; they give the interpretation of words in Chinese, which is very useful for intensive study. The most popular dictionaries in this category are Zdic ( and Baidu Dictionary (°Ш¶ИґКµд) (

Zdic - this dictionary provides detailed definitions, interpretations, etymology, order of features, English translation and detailed information on each hieroglyph separately.

Baidu Dictionary (°ШЧ¶ИґКµд) - In fact, Baidu is a huge search engine, for example, like we have Yandex, and it also has its own dictionaries, so translators with a good command of the language can make search queries there and receive answers accordingly. This online dictionary contains a huge number of idioms, proverbs, established expressions and other words that are often not found in other dictionaries. Constantly updated by users, quite detailed and simple to design.

Online dictionaries for translation into Traditional Chinese

There are also online dictionaries for translation into traditional Chinese; such dictionaries are more suitable for professionals than for beginners, people who are working with wenyan not for the first time. Chinese spell checker ( - in this dictionary you can check the use of hieroglyph variants in in different words; Dictionary of hieroglyphic variants ( - this dictionary searches for different (outdated) variants of hieroglyphs, an indispensable site for advanced translators. The only negative is that it is not easy to use, and sometimes gives unclear interpretations; Chinese Dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan ( - This dictionary is good to use for looking up words that cannot be found anywhere, as well as for finding detailed information on hieroglyphs. Compared to other dictionaries, it is very detailed. Sometimes it contains old examples, complex explanations, too detailed interpretations, so it may be difficult for beginners to use; Taiwan Ministry of Education Dictionary for primary school( - This dictionary contains interpretations of single characters and phrases in Chinese, more understandable than the Chinese Dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. But the inconvenience of use lies only in the fact that the search is possible only by single hieroglyphs; Dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan on the order of writing characters ( - This dictionary can check the order of strokes in a character and the current writing standard in Taiwan, the dictionary is quite detailed and well structured.