Solomakha Tatyana is a hero of the civil war. Heroes of the civil war

How many heroes do we know about, and how many of them fell into their native Russian land unknown! And only sometimes, miraculously, we learn about them.

... On the side of the Minsk highway, not far from the turn to the village of Petrishchevo, where the bronze monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya stands, in the fall of 1941, soldiers of the 612th regiment of the 144th division fought with the Nazis. After 25 years, a cartridge case with a note was found in this place in a sawn birch. We managed to read in it: “There were 12 of us sent to the Minsk highway to block the path of the enemy, especially tanks. And we persevered. And now there are three of us left: Kolya, Volodya and I - Alexander. But enemies without mercy climb. There are already 19 cars on the road. But there are two of us. We will stand as long as we have the courage, but we will not let them through until our own approach.
And so I was left alone: ​​wounded in the head and arm. And the tanks added to the score ... Already 23 cars. Perhaps I will die. But maybe someone will someday find my note and remember the heroes. I am from Frunze, Russian. There are no parents. Goodbye dear friends. (Private Alexander Vinogradov)"

(1892 ) K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Tatyana G. Solomakha(-) - Russian revolutionary, member of the Bolshevik Party, participant in the Civil War in Russia and the formation of Soviet power in the Kuban.


Subsequently, the name of Solomakha - Tanya, - was named during interrogation Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.


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  • Woman in the Civil War. Episodes of struggle in the North Caucasus., M.: OGIZ., 1937;



An excerpt characterizing Solomakh, Tatyana Grigorievna

“I will give them a military command ... I will oppose them,” Nikolai said senselessly, choking on unreasonable animal malice and the need to vent this anger. Not realizing what he would do, unconsciously, with a quick, decisive step, he moved towards the crowd. And the closer he moved to her, the more Alpatych felt that his imprudent act could produce good results. The peasants of the crowd felt the same way, looking at his quick and firm gait and his determined, frowning face.
After the hussars entered the village and Rostov went to the princess, confusion and discord occurred in the crowd. Some peasants began to say that these newcomers were Russians and no matter how offended they were by not letting the young lady out. Drone was of the same opinion; but as soon as he expressed it, Karp and other peasants attacked the former headman.
- How many years have you eaten the world? Karp shouted at him. - You don't care! You will dig a little egg, take it away, what do you want, ruin our houses, or not?
- It is said that there should be order, no one should go out of the houses, so as not to take out a blue gunpowder - that's it! shouted another.
“There was a queue for your son, and you must have felt sorry for your baldness,” the little old man suddenly spoke quickly, attacking Dron, “but he shaved my Vanka. Oh, let's die!
- Then we will die!
“I am not a refuser from the world,” said Dron.
- That’s not a refuser, he has grown a belly! ..
Two long men were talking. As soon as Rostov, accompanied by Ilyin, Lavrushka and Alpatych, approached the crowd, Karp, putting his fingers behind his sash, smiling slightly, stepped forward. The drone, on the contrary, went into the back rows, and the crowd moved closer.
- Hey! who is your elder here? - shouted Rostov, quickly approaching the crowd.
- Is that the elder? What do you want? .. – asked Karp. But before he had time to finish, his hat fell off him and his head jerked to one side from a strong blow.
- Hats off, traitors! Rostov's full-blooded voice shouted. - Where is the elder? he shouted in a furious voice.
“The headman, the headman is calling ... Dron Zakharych, you,” hurriedly submissive voices were heard somewhere, and hats began to be removed from their heads.
“We can’t rebel, we observe the rules,” said Karp, and at the same moment several voices from behind suddenly began to speak:
- As the old men murmured, there are a lot of you bosses ...
- Talk? .. Riot! .. Robbers! Traitors! Rostov yelled senselessly, in a voice not his own, grabbing Karp by Yurot. - Knit him, knit him! he shouted, although there was no one to knit him, except for Lavrushka and Alpatych.
Lavrushka, however, ran up to Karp and grabbed him by the arms from behind.
- Will you order ours from under the mountain to call? he shouted.

Project " Tabularium: a personality in history"is dedicated to people - contemporaries of grandiose historical events, carriers of rare qualities or people whose views were ahead of their time.

“An intelligent girl, soft, shy; one can write about it endlessly: about the recrystallization that took place in it, about the search for truth, about the truth that I found in the ranks of the Bolsheviks.

Akimov. AND.,
Komsomol Heroes.

Curriculum vitae

Solomakha Tatyana Grigorievna, 1893-1918, revolutionary, member of the Bolshevik Party. Participant civil war. She worked as a teacher in a rural school. During the First Russian Revolution, she was imbued with the ideas of the Bolshevik Party. She devoted her life to the idea of ​​liberating humanity from the yoke of capitalism. Participated in the establishment of Soviet power in the Kuban. In 1918 she was brutally murdered by the White Guards. Subsequently, the name Tanya was called Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. There is a museum of Tatiana Solomakhi and a street named after her.


1893 Tatyana Solomakha was born in a small Kuban village.
1904-1905 Tatyana graduated from a rural school. Her father took her to study at the Armavir gymnasium.
1905 for the first time refers to the experience of the revolutionary struggle.
1914 begins to actively communicate with the revolutionaries. Reading the works of Lenin.
1916-1917 joins the party.
1917 autumn Soviet power is established in the Kuban. Tatyana Solomakha has been appointed food commissar.
1917-1918 active struggle against kulaks and white gangs.
1918 summer fell ill with typhus. He is being treated in the village of Kozminki.
1918 autumn white bandits captured the village where the sick Tatyana Solomakha is. The girl is captured, tortured and interrogated.
November 7, 1918 brutally murdered by whites.


“Although girls are not taken into the army, but when I grow up, I will definitely be a commander.”

(T. Solomakha.
M., Pravda, 1958.)

“I remember her as a very little girl, in a short dress, barefoot, tanned, with a small pigtail on the back of her head.”

/ Quoted. Quoted from: Argutinskaya L.A. Tatyana Solomakha.
M.: OGIZ., 1937., p. 66.)

“She rode beautifully and shot almost without a miss. During the campaigns, she did not lag behind the guys, walked with a vigorous, sweeping step, and her laughter and songs carried far across the steppe.

(From the memoirs of Nikolai Solomakha, Tatiana's brother.
/ Quoted. Quoted from: Argutinskaya L.A. Tatyana Solomakha.
/ In the book: Woman in the Civil War.,
M.: OGIZ., 1937., p. 71.)

“She was slender, tall, with a long curly braid, and it seemed to us that she was only a little older than us.”

/ Quoted. Quoted from: Argutinskaya L.A. Tatyana Solomakha.
/ In the book: Woman in the Civil War.,
M.: OGIZ., 1937., p. 82.)

“From the very beginning of February, Tanya completely went into party work. She spoke at rallies, traveled to the nearest villages, demanded an end to the war, the transfer of land to the workers.

(Grigory Polovinko, former student of Tatyana Solomakha.
/ Quoted. Quoted from: Argutinskaya L.A. Tatyana Solomakha.
/ In the book: Woman in the Civil War.,
M.: OGIZ., 1937., p. 74.)

“She spoke passionately, like a real speaker. And her voice penetrated into the soul and forced to believe every word.

(Argutinskaya L. A. Tatyana Solomakha.
M., Pravda, 1958.)


  1. Woman in the Civil War. Episodes of struggle in the North Caucasus., M.: OGIZ., 1937;
  2. Argutinskaya L. A., Commissioner Tatyana Solomakha. // "Woman in the Civil War", Simferopol, 1938.
  3. Argutinskaya L. A., M., Pravda, 1958
  4. Akimov I., Komsomol Heroes// "Youth", 1966, No. 5.

Terrible are the times when there are no heroes. Those who want to be admired. Sincerely consider him, the hero, better, cleaner than yourself. It's very important to have a hero. Both for an individual and for the country as a whole. And the people...


I'm probably the last generation to be lucky in school age know the characters by name. Books about pioneer heroes, school rulers and cool watch dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War ... Wonderful books about the Young Guard, about Gulya Koroleva, according to Volodya Dubinin. The feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya stood apart - we went on a ski trip to Petrishchevo, where Zoya was hanged. The feat took on quite real outlines, overgrown with everyday details. The trees that must have seen Zoya's execution.

Road, forest... The same as in the cold winter of 1941. We read books about young heroes not "for show", but because it was interesting. Even some kind of quivering delight embraced: how is it ?! So young died! Our peers. Or a little older. Where did they get so much strength, courage? And, of course, the question was subconsciously born: could we do this? And suddenly - the war ...

This thought was frightening, did not let me sleep. It's scary to die. But how could it be different, if there were such our unconditional, unconditional heroes? To betray them is to betray the memory. To betray grandfather and grandmother, and their front-line friends, and - to betray the Motherland. Whole country.

Then, in the nineties, timelessness began. Maybe the long-awaited freedom has come and the wind of change has blown. Maybe it got better. I do not presume to judge. But we missed the main thing: the ideological education of the youth.

Pioneer Libraries, ski trips to places of military glory, pride in the glorious past have left the life of schoolchildren. It even somehow became funny and incomprehensible - what were you proud of?! People gave their one and only life for dubious ideals. They betrayed themselves first. Fools...

“Take everything from life”, “a person is looking for where it is better”, coupled with fish that is “where it is deeper”, “You deserve it” and much, much more - it corroded our souls worse than the rust of old metal. Disgusting refutation articles began to appear in the national newspapers. Including - and about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. It was also doubted that it was Zoya who was hanged: another girl, Lilya Azolina, who looked very similar to her, was partisan nearby.

They wrote that Zoya was sick with schizophrenia, and that during the autopsy they found two dozen embryos in her - from the Nazis; and they said that she suffered from pyromania ... How much dirt was poured on all the bitter, but great story our Victory.

How was the youth to resist? So it has grown - "a generation without a hero." And not just one generation. And it's not their fault. This is a disaster, because it is very hard to live without having before your eyes examples of how to behave in difficult times. Without heroes, only gray everyday life filled with consumption came. It's sad and pretty pointless.


Front-line correspondent Pyotr Lidov accidentally heard the story of an unknown partisan who was hanged by the Nazis. She was told by the owner of the house in the suburbs, where Peter spent the night. The old man admired the courageous girl who made a speech before the execution, did not break. Lidov rushed to Petrishchevo - and a few days later, on January 27, 1942, an essay entitled "Tanya" appeared in the Pravda newspaper. That was the name of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. She had an ideal - Tatyana Solomakha, the heroine of the Civil War. There were also photographs from the place of execution. It is striking how clean, open the face of the exhausted partisan is. Probably, this is how the saints, dying for the faith, look like ... A clean forehead, a tender girlish neck, on which a noose is overwhelmed. And eyes. Black and white footage taken in field conditions, by definition, cannot convey color.

But the more you peer into these terrible pictures, the clearer, brighter Zoya's eyes are seen. She had amazing eyes - light gray, covered with long eyelashes. Martyr. The same martyr for the faith - Orthodox - was Zoya's grandfather, Peter Ioannovich Kozmodemyansky, a priest of the Church of the Sign in the village of Osino-Gai. On an August night in 1918, he was captured by the Bolsheviks and, after severe torture, drowned in a pond. His body was discovered only in the spring of 1919 and interred next to the church where he served... Such is the terrible succession of martyrs. Faith is different, different are executioners. But how similar these souls are… On February 18, the article “Who was Tanya” appeared. So the Soviet people learned the name of the heroine. They say: in the world and death is red. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya died unknown - and only pure chance, a coincidence made it possible to find out about her feat. She was awarded the Golden Star of the Hero Soviet Union- posthumously. Yulia Drunina, Margarita Aliger, Robert Rozhdestvensky and many others wrote poems about Zoya.

Streets are named after her, monuments to Zoya are installed in dozens of cities. But onato, this bright-eyed girl who ascended the scaffold, did not know that the country would know about her! For some reason I think she was thinking about her mother. Such good, correct girls always first of all think about the whole country and about their mother.


Mom Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was a teacher. In her story "The Tale of Zoya and Shura" (a literary entry by Frida Vigdorova), Lyubov Timofeevna talks about her children. Elder, Zoe. And the youngest - the merry Shurka. Alexander Kosmodemyansky will also die in the fire of the Great Patriotic War, four years after the execution of Zoya. The story is surprisingly warm and tender, there is absolutely no pathos in it, but the characters are perfectly looming.

Zoya is a focused, decent and very reserved smart girl. Talented, impulsive Shurka. Maternal memory keeps priceless shots of their life. Here they are moving from the village of Osinovy ​​Gay to Moscow; her father is dying after an unsuccessful operation on the intestines - Zoya is then only ten years old. Zoya kept a diary all her short life, writing out quotes from her favorite books in neat handwriting ... How did Lyubov Timofeevna survive the terrible moment - when she read Lidov's essay in Pravda? When I saw the face of my girl, my Zoya, in the photo.

“The place of execution was surrounded by ten horsemen with drawn sabers. Around were more than a hundred German soldiers and several officers. Local residents were ordered to gather and be present at the execution, but few of them came, and some, having come and stood, quietly went home so as not to be witnesses to the terrible spectacle.

Under the loop lowered from the crossbar, two boxes of pasta were stacked one on top of the other.

Tatyana was lifted up, placed on a box, and a noose was thrown around her neck. One of the officers began to point the lens of his "kodak" at the gallows: the Germans are fond of photographing executions and executions. The commandant made a sign to the soldiers who were performing the duty of executioners to wait. Tatyana took advantage of this and, turning to the collective farmers and farmers, she shouted in a loud and clear voice:

Hey comrades! What are you looking at sadly? Be bolder, fight, beat the Germans, burn, poison!

The German who was standing next to him swung his hand and wanted either to hit her or to clamp her mouth, but she pushed his hand away and continued:

I'm not afraid to die, comrades. It is happiness to die for one's people...

The photographer had taken the gallows from a distance and close up, and now he moved in to photograph it from the side. The executioners looked uneasily at the commandant, who called out to the photographer:


Then Tatyana turned towards the commandant and, addressing him and the German soldiers, continued:

You hang me now, but I'm not alone, there are two hundred million of us, you can't hang everyone. You will be avenged for me... The Russian people standing in the square were crying. Others turned away so as not to see what was about to happen. The executioner pulled the rope, and the noose squeezed Tanino's throat. But she parted the noose with both hands, rose on her toes and shouted, straining her strength:

Farewell, comrades! Fight, don't be afraid! Stalin is with us! Stalin is coming!

The executioner rested his wrought-iron shoe on the box, and the box creaked on the slippery, trampled snow. The top drawer fell down and thudded to the ground. The crowd recoiled. Someone’s scream rang out and died away, and the echo repeated it at the edge of the forest ... ”(From Peter Lidov’s essay“ Tanya ”).

After the war, Lyubov Timofeevna lived a long life. A life filled with memories of what her children were like.


Now many say: the feat of the partisans is doubtful. Why did they set fire to the houses of their own compatriots, depriving them of shelter in the harsh winter? But, firstly, the orders of the authorities are not discussed. Secondly, these partisans - in fact, suicide bombers - were only eighteen years old! For them, the world was black and white. "Ours" and "fascists". The village where the "fascists" dug in should have been destroyed! At any cost.

On November 28, 1941, while trying to set fire to the barn, Zoya was captured - she was noticed by "our", "Soviet". History has preserved his name - S. A. Sviridov, and a modest reward for the capture - a glass of vodka. Well, the fact that he was subsequently tried and sentenced to the highest measure ... Local residents - and until recently the direct witnesses of the execution were alive, at that time - children - told in detail how the girl was taken out barefoot in the cold, brought to parched lips fire, tortured and tortured.

Then they hung up. One of the eyewitnesses said that at first it was scary, but then they got used to it: the body of the executed partisan woman hung for more than a month. Claudia Miloradova, a fighting friend who was present at the identification of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, tells terrible details. And then, forgetting, she remembers Zoya alive and laughs, talks about unrealistically long eyelashes ...


And now, it seems to me, our heroes are returning. Interest in the Victory is re-emerging. We want to know the names. It's necessary, it's important.

living witnesses to terrible war almost everyone is gone. But the "Immortal Regiment" appeared. A mass procession with portraits of their ancestors is one of the most memorable, bright paintings of recent times. People cannot live without ideals, without heroes. It's right, it's fair. Leonid Leonov once said: “... even before historians, sculptors and poets find worthy forms to embody the selfless achievements of heroes, and the Fatherland dresses their images in bronze, at least their most insignificant living features should be kept in memory by any means ". And first of all, this memory, this continuity is needed by the young. Those whose life is just beginning. And "Zoya" in Greek means "life".

Tatyana Grigorievna Solomakha (1893-1918) was a rural teacher from the village of Poputnaya. She was early imbued with the ideas of the Bolshevik Party, read the works of Lenin, in 1916 joined the CPSU (b) and joined the underground.

With the outbreak of the civil war, Tatyana fought on the side of the Reds for the establishment of Soviet power in the Kuban. In the autumn of 1918, she was appointed production commissar, she actively seized surplus food.
At the same time, Tatyana Solomakha fell ill with typhus and was captured by the Whites along with other supporters of the Soviets. For several weeks, the girl was beaten, and eyewitnesses noted that they were beaten with more cruelty than the others. For surplus appropriation, for being a commissar and a member of the Bolshevik Party.
Tatiana was courageous. She did not ask for mercy, did not betray her comrades, and spoke of the return of Soviet power.
In November 1918, Tatyana Solomakha was executed. First they cut off their arms and legs. Then the head...
Now the name of Tatyana Solomakhi is practically not remembered. There is not much information about her.
To be honest, I'm not even sure that the photo that I found with great difficulty on the net is really her.
Probably the most detailed story about the life and death of Tatyana Solomakha can be found in the essay by the writer Lucy Argutinskaya (1897-1968). This essay was included in the collection "Woman in the Civil War", read by Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.
Here is what Lyubov Kosmodemyanskaya wrote about this in "The Tale of Zoya and Shura":

“What a pleasure it is to come to a bookstore, rummage through what is on the counter, then from a distance, standing up on tiptoe and tilting your head to one side to make it more convenient, read the titles on the spines of books that lined the shelves closely, then leaf through for a long time, consult. .. and return home with a neatly tied heavy bag! The day when our bookcase (it stood in the corner, at the head of Zoya's bed) was decorated with a new book was a festive day for us, we talked again and again about our purchase. read new book one by one, and sometimes on Sunday evenings out loud.
One of these books read together was a collection of essays, it was called "Woman in the Civil War."
I remember I sat and darned my stockings, Shura drew, and Zoya opened the book to read. Suddenly Shura said:
- You know, you don't read in a row.
- And how? Zoya was surprised.
- Yes so: you open randomly; which one will open, we'll start with that.
I really don't know why it occurred to him, but that's how it was decided. The essay "Tatyana Solomakha" was the first to open.

In honor of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and her feat, the name "partisan Tanya" was taken by Eide Tamara Bunke (1937-1967), an associate of Ernesto Che Guevara and, apparently, his lover. Comandante called Tanya a fleeting star.

Since 1964, Tanya, abandoned on the territory of Bolivia under false documents, has been preparing the penetration of the Che Guevara detachment into the country. She made acquaintances with many important dignitaries, including the Bolivian President René Barrientos, and hosted the radio program "Advice to Unrequited Lovers", thanks to which she was able to transmit encrypted messages.
Tanya died on August 31, 1967 in a battle in Vado del Eso, along with a small detachment of other partisans. The Bolivian authorities gave the girl a funeral with honors, assessing Tanya as a worthy opponent.
In 1998, the remains of the partisan Tanya were transported to Cuba and reburied in the Che Guevara Mausoleum.

From Ala: a pure, sincere girl .. Of these - at one time - great martyrs were obtained ... But not at all as a reproach to her, but I will remind the rest of us: when she was taken to execution, the mistress of the house that she set on fire (the village of Petrishchevo was lucky, their the Germans went around, and only that night a platoon of German signalmen stopped there, and the officer was right in that house) N. Smirnova, running up to the gallows, with a log - before hanging - broke her leg with screams ...
For which, after the liberation of the village, she received 8 years of a stricter...