Space experiments for preschoolers. Synopsis of the cognitive, design and research lesson "Mysteries of Space" in the group preparatory to school

Valentina Valerievna Sayasova

I bring to your attention a few experiments that we did with children when studying the topic. « Space» .

1. Experience "Why does the rocket fly":

Let's take balloon and we will inflate it, but we will not tie it, but we will clamp it with our fingers.

There is air in the balloon, what will happen if we release the balloon? It will fly correctly, fly like a rocket up and forward. Of course, the rocket is not inflated with ordinary air, but with a combustible substance. When burned, this substance turns into gas, which escapes from the rocket and pushes it forward.

2. Experience "Why is the sun small":

It seems to us that the sun is very small, and the Earth is big. But it's not. The sun is huge. For example, if you take a soccer ball for the Sun, but our planet will be the size of a pinhead!

Now go to the window (or standing on the street, put your finger in front of you and look at someone (or something) far away, for example a person. It seems to us smaller than our finger! Is it true! But it only seems! We know that a finger is smaller than a person. But why? Man is far away from us, so the Sun is very, very, very far from us. And we see him small.

3. Experience "Day Night".

Why is it daytime in one part of the planet and night in the other. You can take a globe or a ball, or you can become the planet Earth yourself. Stand with your back to a table lamp (or flashlight) in a dark room. The light from the lamp falls on your back, here the Sun illuminates the planet and it is daytime on this half of the Earth.

On the other hand, night. Now we are slowly turning towards the Sun Lamp (because our planet revolves around itself) and where there was night, there was day and vice versa.


Galpershtein L. Ya. My first encyclopedia. - M., ROSMEN. -2003.

Astronomy is absolutely indispensable in raising a child. It is not surprising that children are much more interested in the starry sky than their parents. After all, adults always have no time, they are busy, they have problems and worries. But children ask a lot of the most unexpected questions and they need to be answered. Curious boys and girls are already interested not only in the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, but also in other planets, galaxies, comets. Worried parents think: “At what age can you start talking with your child about such an interesting science as astronomy?”. Some kids already dream of flying to the moon at the age of two or three. And others at the age of four ask their mother not to read before going to bed. funny fairy tales and funny stories, but quite a serious book "The Universe". But we digress. Today in this article, we want to introduce parents to several exciting experiences that your children will definitely enjoy. And, who knows, maybe thanks to these experiments, your child will become a great astronomer and not only fly to the moon, but also discover a new unknown planet.

Day-night experience

The main objective of this experience is to tell the child why there is day and night on our planet.

For the experience, we only need a flashlight and a globe.

How to conduct an experiment:

  1. Take the child into a room with the lights off and point the flashlight at the globe. Explain to him that conditionally you will consider a flashlight as the Sun, and a globe as the Earth. In those places of the Earth where the sun's rays (light from a lantern) fall, it is light, there is day. And where they do not reach - the night, because it is dark there.
  2. Now rotate the globe, the sunlight will illuminate other areas of the earth. Find your region or city on the globe and ask your child to make it day and then night in your city. Ask your child what time of day it is on the border of light and darkness. Children will very quickly orient themselves and say: “Either earlier in the morning or in the evening.” Explain to your child that in our universe all the planets and stars are in constant motion. But they do not move randomly, but along a given trajectory. And our planet Earth rotates around its axis. This can be easily demonstrated using the example of a globe. On the globe, you can clearly see that the earth's axis is slightly tilted. It is thanks to this that our planet has a polar night and a polar day. Give the child a globe, let him play on his own, rotating it, day or night.
  3. By illuminating first one and then the other part of the globe, he will be able to make sure that one pole is always dark and the other light. During the experiment, you can tell the child how people live in the conditions of the polar night. Believe me, the child will be very interested.
  4. You can also draw the outlines of North America and Australia on a regular sheet of paper. Cut them out and stick them on the balloon. But stick them the way they are actually located on our planet. Then you need to tie a loose ball and devote a flashlight to one side of it. Release the string and let the ball fall. But fall from the height from which the paper was cut. Now turn it around slowly. Try to hold the balloon so that it is midnight in Australia and North America dawn. By demonstrating this cosmos, it is easier to explain to the child that our planet is in constant motion. People living on the side that is currently turned towards the Sun meet the dawn, and people on the other side of it admire the stars and are about to go to bed.

How to make a sundial - instructions

To create a sundial, purchase:

  • CD packaging.
  • Translucent CD.
  • Adhesive paper.
  • Labels designed for CD.


  1. At the bottom of the box, or rather on its inner surface, glue a semicircle on which to mark the time zones in advance. In this case, the mark "0" should be clearly horizontal.
  2. Carefully cut out the gray sector. It is located on the insert part of the disk. Stick it on the disk.
  3. Determine the center in the box and drill a hole in this place. Its diameter should be approximately 2 mm.
  4. Fasten the gnomon into the hole - a small carnation without a hat. A toothpick will do too. Fix in relation to the plane of the disk itself perpendicularly. The stud should protrude 20 mm on both sides.
  5. The CD can then be placed in the holder. Place the scale at an angle of 90 degrees latitude.
  6. The role of the stand can be played by the lid of the box. It just needs to be thrown away. You can achieve the desired slope angle by trimming the edges of the box a little.
  7. Now the sundial needs to be oriented. Carnation direct to the north. Naturally, the upper part of the scale will be directed to South Pole. In order for the sundial to be used, it is necessary to mark the longitude of your city on the "map" and combine this mark with the region's time zone number. The shadow from the gnomon will be an indicator of standard time.

How to simulate an eclipse at home - experiment

The ancient Chinese believed that the eclipse was the result of the Dragon swallowing the Sun. In the twenty-first century, we ourselves can arrange a small domestic eclipse. Why are we worse than the Chinese Dragon.

For this experiment we will need: tennis ball, table tennis ball and flashlight.


  1. We put the tennis ball at a distance of 60 cm from the flashlight, and between them (in the middle) we put a table tennis ball.
  2. Let's turn off the lights in the room.
  3. Turn on the flashlight and direct the beam of light at the ball while moving the ball around the ball.
  4. Now imagine that the tennis ball is the Earth and the tennis ball is the Moon. Naturally, the flashlight is the Sun.
  5. Let's carefully follow what will happen when the ball (Moon) passes between the flashlight and the ball, and when it moves behind the ball (Earth).

We will see a model of a real eclipse.

Microcosm in a glass - an experiment in astronomy

To create a microcosm in a glass, we need : pure medical alcohol (vodka will not work), a glass of 250 mm, water, any vegetable oil, a pipette.


  1. Pour 150 mm of alcohol into a glass.
  2. We collect oil in a pipette and carefully drip a large drop into a glass of alcohol.
  3. A drop of oil will immediately sink to the bottom of the glass.
  4. Look how beautiful the drop looks - a real golden ball.
  5. In this case, different liquids have different specific gravity which is why they don't mix.
  6. Why did the oil choose the shape of a ball? Simply because it is the most economical figure. The alcohol presses on the oil from all sides, and the oil ball is in (a kind of) weightlessness.
  7. And now let's turn our ball not just into an object lying at the bottom, but into a real floating planet. To do this, we need to dilute alcohol with water. But it must be added to the glass gradually in tiny portions.
  8. The ball will start to come off the bottom.
  9. Oil does not mix with water and alcohol. There will always be a boundary between them. But water and alcohol mix easily. The liquid in the glass changes its density, and the oil ball begins to float up from the bottom.
  10. The result of this will be simply amazing if food coloring is added to the water in advance.
  11. And now you can give the child a pipette and let him add a few "planets" to outer space. He can independently connect several small planets into one large one, he can divide the planet into several smaller ones. He can stir with a stick in a glass and create a new planetary system.

How to make a bottle rocket

This experience will make it possible to simulate a pneumohydraulic model of a rocket that takes off under the action of a reactive force.

Experience will require an ordinary two-liter plastic bottle, a pump, an airtight stopper, an air pumping tube, a nipple, a frame, a mount.


  1. We fix a plastic tube strictly vertically on the frame (wooden stand).
  2. We fill 1/3 with water in a regular plastic bottle.
  3. The bottle is hermetically installed on the tube.
  4. Install a nipple on the bottom of the tube in advance. You can use a bicycle nipple.
  5. With a pump, using a nipple, we pump H2O into the bottle.
  6. The air creates pressure at the top of the bottle.
  7. H2O begins to push out the liquid.
  8. The bottle breaks off the bed.
  9. The flow of water rushes down, creating jet thrust. It is she who lifts the bottle up (into space - a joke).

Laughter, laughter, but a rocket made from a bottle is capable of climbing to the height of a nine-story building. And how many fans will gather to watch the launch of the rocket - it's hard to even imagine.

Canadian Stephen Leacock once said that astronomy teaches us to protect and properly use not only the Sun, but also all other planets.

And you need to learn to love, cherish and admire our Universe from early childhood.

Card file of experiments and experiments

on the topic "Space"

Experience No. 1 "Solar system"

Target : explain to children why all the planets revolve around the sun.

Equipment : yellow stick, thread, 9 balls.

What helps the Sun to hold the entire solar system?

The sun is aided by perpetual motion. If the Sun does not move, the whole system will fall apart and this perpetual motion will not work.

Experience #2 "Sun and Earth"

Target: explain to children the ratio of the sizes of the sun and the earth.

Equipment: big ball and bead.

Imagine if our solar system was reduced so that the Sun became the size of this ball, then the Earth with all cities and countries, mountains, rivers and oceans would become the size of this bead.

Experience No. 3 "Day and night"

Target: explain to the children why there is day and night.

Equipment: flashlight, globe.

Ask the children what they think happens when the line between light and dark is blurred. (The guys will guess that this is morning or evening)

Experience No. 4 "Day and night" 2 "

Target : explain to the children why there is day and night.

Equipment: flashlight, globe.

Content: we create a model of the rotation of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun. For this we need a globe and a flashlight. Tell the children that nothing stands still in the universe. The planets and stars move along their own, strictly allotted path. Our Earth rotates around its axis, and with the help of a globe, this is easy to demonstrate. On the other side the globe, which is turned to the Sun (in our case, to a flashlight) - day, on the opposite - night. earth axis it is not located directly, but is inclined at an angle (this is also clearly visible on the globe). That is why there is a polar day and a polar night. Let the guys make sure that no matter how the globe rotates, one of the poles will always be illuminated, while the other, on the contrary, is darkened. Tell the children about the features of the polar day and night and about how people live in the Arctic Circle.

Experience No. 5 "Who Invented Summer?"

Target: explain to the children why the seasons change.

Equipment: flashlight, globe.

Due to the fact that the Sun illuminates the surface of the Earth in different ways, the seasons change. While it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Explain that it takes the Earth a whole year to go around the Sun. Show the children the place on the globe where you live. You can even stick a paper man or a photo of a child there. Move the globe and try with the children to determine what season it will be at this point. And do not forget to draw the attention of the guys to the fact that every half-turn of the Earth around the Sun, polar day and night change places.

Experience number 6: "Eclipse of the Sun"

Target: explain to the children why there is an eclipse of the sun.

Equipment: Flashlight, globe.

The most interesting thing is that the Sun is not made black, as many people think. Watching the eclipse through the smoked glass, we are looking at the same Moon, which is just opposite the Sun.

Yeah ... It sounds incomprehensible ... Simple improvised means will help us out. Take a large ball (this, of course, will be the moon). And this time our flashlight will become the Sun. The whole experience is to hold the ball against the light source - here is the black Sun for you ... Everything is very simple, it turns out.

Experience No. 7 "Rotation of the Moon"

Target : show that the moon rotates on its axis.

Equipment: 2 sheets of paper, adhesive tape, felt-tip pen.

Walk around the "Earth" while continuing to face the cross. Stand facing the "Earth". Walk around the "Earth", remaining facing it.

Results: while you walked around the "Earth" and at the same time remained facing the cross hanging on the wall, various parts of your body turned out to be turned towards the "Earth". When you walked around the “Earth”, remaining facing it, you were constantly facing it only with the front of your body. WHY? You had to gradually rotate your body as you moved around the "Earth". And the Moon, too, since it always faces the Earth on the same side, has to gradually turn on its axis as it moves in orbit around the Earth. Since the Moon makes one revolution around the Earth in 28 days, then its rotation around its axis takes the same time.

Experience No. 8 "Blue Sky"

Target: why the earth is called the blue planet.

Equipment: glass, milk, spoon, pipette, flashlight.

Results : A beam of light passes only through pure water, and water diluted with milk has a bluish-gray tint.

WHY? The waves that make up white light have different wavelengths depending on the color. The milk particles give off and scatter short blue waves, which makes the water appear bluish. The molecules of nitrogen and oxygen found in the Earth's atmosphere, like milk particles, are small enough to also separate blue waves from sunlight and scatter them throughout the atmosphere. This makes the sky look blue from Earth, and the Earth looks blue from space. The color of the water in the glass is pale and not pure blue, because the large particles of milk reflect and scatter more than just blue. The same happens with the atmosphere when large amounts of dust or water vapor accumulate there. The cleaner and drier the air, the bluer the sky, because. blue waves scatter the most.

Experience No. 9 "Far, close"

Target: determine how distance from the sun affects air temperature.

Equipment: 2 thermometers, table lamp, long ruler (meter)

Results: the near thermometer shows a higher temperature.

WHY? The thermometer, which is closer to the lamp, receives more energy and therefore heats up more. The farther the light from the lamp spreads, the more its rays diverge, and they can no longer heat up the far thermometer much. The same thing happens with the planets. Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, receives the most energy. Planets farther from the Sun receive less energy and their atmospheres are colder. Mercury is much hotter than Pluto, which is very far from the Sun. As for the temperature of the planet's atmosphere, it is influenced by other factors, such as its density and composition.

Experience No. 10 "Is it far to the moon?"

Target: learn how to measure the distance to the moon.

Equipment : 2 flat mirrors, duct tape, table, notebook paper, flashlight.

Tape the mirrors together so that they open and close like a book. Put mirrors on the table.

Attach a piece of paper to your chest. Place the flashlight on the table so that the light falls on one of the mirrors at an angle.

Find a second mirror in such a position that it reflects light onto a piece of paper on your chest.

Results: a ring of light appears on the paper.

WHY? The light was first reflected by one mirror onto another, and then onto a paper screen. The retroreflector left on the Moon is made up of mirrors similar to those we used in this experiment. By measuring the time it took for a laser beam sent from the Earth to be reflected in a retroreflector mounted on the Moon and return to Earth, scientists calculated the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Experience No. 11 "Distant Glow"

Target: to establish why the ring of Jupiter shines.

Equipment: flashlight, talcum powder in plastic packaging with holes.

Results: the beam of light is barely visible until the powder hits it. The scattered particles of talc begin to shine and the light path can be seen.

WHY? Light cannot be seen until it bounces off something and enters your eyes. Talc particles behave in the same way as the small particles that make up Jupiter's ring: they reflect light. Jupiter's ring is fifty thousand kilometers from the planet's cloud cover. These rings are thought to be made up of material brought there by Io, the closest of Jupiter's four moons. Io is the only known moon with active volcanoes. It is possible that Jupiter's ring formed from volcanic ash.

Experience No. 12 "Day Stars"

Target: show that the stars are always shining.

Equipment: hole punch, postcard-sized cardboard, white envelope, flashlight.

Results: holes in the cardboard are not visible through the envelope when you shine a flashlight on the side of the envelope facing you, but become clearly visible when the light from the flashlight is directed from the other side of the envelope, directly at you.

WHY? In an illuminated room, light passes through the holes no matter where the lighted flashlight is located, but they become visible only when the hole, due to the light passing through it, begins to stand out against a darker background. The same thing happens with the stars. During the day they shine too, but the sky becomes so bright due to sunlight that the light of the stars is obscured. It is best to look at the stars on moonless nights and away from city lights.

Experience No. 13 "Beyond the Horizon"

Target: establish why the sun can be seen before it rises above the horizon.

Equipment: a clean liter glass jar with a lid, a table, a ruler, books, plasticine.

Place the jar on the table 30 cm from the edge of the table. Fold the books in front of the jar so that only a quarter of the jar is visible. Make a ball the size of a walnut out of plasticine. Put the ball on the table, 10 cm from the jar. Get on your knees in front of books. See through a jar of water while looking over books. If the plasticine ball is not visible, move it.

Remaining in this position, remove the jar from your field of vision.

Results: you can only see the ball through the water jar.

WHY? The water jar allows you to see the balloon behind the stack of books. Whatever you look at can only be seen because the light emitted by that object reaches your eyes. The light reflected from the plasticine ball passes through the jar of water and is refracted in it. Light from heavenly bodies passes through earth's atmosphere(hundreds of kilometers of air surrounding the Earth) before reaching us. Earth's atmosphere refracts this light in the same way as a can of water. Due to the refraction of light, the Sun can be seen a few minutes before it rises above the horizon, as well as some time after sunset.

Experience No. 14 "Star Rings"

Target: find out why the stars seem to move in a circle.

Equipment : scissors, ruler, white crayon, pencil, adhesive tape, black paper.

Pierce the circle in the center with a pencil and leave it there, securing the bottom with duct tape. Holding the pencil between your palms, twist it quickly.

Results: light rings appear on the rotating paper circle.

WHY? Our vision retains the image of white dots for a while. Due to the rotation of the circle, their individual images merge into light rings. This is what happens when astronomers take pictures of the stars, taking many hours of exposure. The light from the stars leaves a long circular trail on the photographic plate, as if the stars were moving in a circle. In fact, the Earth itself moves, and the stars are motionless relative to it. Although it seems that the stars are moving, the plate is moving along with the Earth rotating around its axis.

Experience No. 15 "Star Clock"

Target: find out why the stars commit Roundabout Circulation across the night sky.

Equipment: dark umbrella, squirrel chalk.

Results: the center of the umbrella will stay in one place while the stars move around.

WHY? The stars in the constellation Ursa Major they perform an apparent movement around one central star - the Polaris - like the hands on a clock. One rotation takes one day - 24 hours. We see the rotation of the starry sky, but this only seems to us, since our Earth actually rotates, and not the stars around it. It completes one revolution around its axis in 24 hours. The axis of rotation of the Earth is directed towards the North Star and therefore it seems to us that the stars revolve around it.

Experiments on the theme "Space"

Experience No. 1 "Making a cloud."


- To acquaint children with the process of formation of clouds, rain.

Equipment:three-liter jar, hot water, ice cubes.

Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (about 2.5 cm). Place a few ice cubes on a baking sheet and place it on top of the jar. The air inside the jar, rising up, will cool. The water vapor it contains will condense to form clouds.

This experiment simulates the formation of clouds during cooling warm air. And where does the rain come from? It turns out that the drops, heated up on the ground, rise up. It gets cold there, and they huddle together, forming clouds. When they meet together, they increase, become heavy and fall to the ground in the form of rain.

Experiment No. 2 "Solar system".


Explain to children. Why do all the planets revolve around the sun.

Equipment:yellow wooden stick, thread, 9 balls.

Imagine that the yellow stick is the Sun, and 9 balls on the strings are the planets

We rotate the wand, all the planets fly in a circle, if you stop it, then the planets will stop. What helps the Sun to hold the entire solar system? ..

The sun is aided by perpetual motion.

That's right, if the Sun does not move the whole system will fall apart and this perpetual motion will not work.

Experience No. 3 "Sun and Earth".


Explain to children the relationship between the sizes of the Sun and the Earth

Equipment:big ball and bead.

The dimensions of our beloved luminary are small compared to other stars, but huge by earthly standards. The diameter of the Sun exceeds 1 million kilometers. Agree, even for us adults it is difficult to imagine and comprehend such dimensions. “Imagine if our solar system was reduced so that the Sun became the size of this ball, then the earth, together with all cities and countries, mountains, rivers and oceans, would become the size of this bead.

Experience No. 4 "Day and night."


- explain to the children why there is day and night.

Equipment:flashlight, globe.

It is best to do this on a model of the solar system! . For her, you need only two things - a globe and a regular flashlight. Turn on a flashlight in a darkened group room and point the globe at roughly your city. Explain to the children: “Look; a flashlight is the Sun, it shines on the Earth. Where there is light, the day has already come. Here, let's turn a little more - now it just shines on our city. Where the rays of the sun do not reach, we have night. Ask the children what they think happens when the line between light and dark is blurred. I'm sure any kid will guess that it's morning or evening

Experience number 7 "Who invented the summer?".


- explain to the children why there is winter and summer. Equipment: flashlight, globe.

Let's look at our model again. Now we will move the globe around the “sun” and observe what happens to

Lighting. Due to the fact that the sun illuminates the surface of the Earth in different ways, the seasons change. While it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Explain that it takes the Earth a whole year to go around the Sun. Show the children the place on the globe where you live. You can even stick a little paper man or a photo of a baby there. Move the globe and try it with the kids

determine what time of year it will be at that point. And do not forget to draw the attention of young astronomers to the fact that every half-turn of the Earth around the Sun, the polar day and night change places.

Experience No. 5 "Eclipse of the sun."


- explain to the children why there is an eclipse of the sun. Equipment: flashlight, globe.

Very many phenomena occurring around us can be explained even to a very small child simply and clearly. And it is a must to do so! solar eclipses in our latitudes - a rarity, but this does not mean that we should bypass such a phenomenon!

The most interesting thing is that the Sun is not made black, as some people think. Watching the eclipse through the smoked glass, we are looking at the same Moon, which is just opposite the Sun. Yes... it sounds unclear. We will be rescued by simple improvised means.

Take a large ball (this, of course, will be the moon). And this time, our flashlight will become the Sun. The whole experience is to hold the ball against the light source - here is the black Sun for you ... How simple it is, it turns out.

Experience No. 6 "Far - close."


Determine how distance from the sun affects air temperature.

Equipment: two thermometers, table lamp, long ruler (meter).


Take a ruler and place one thermometer at the 10 cm mark and the second thermometer at the 100 cm mark.

Place a table lamp at the zero mark of the ruler.

Turn on the lamp. Record the readings of both thermometers after 10 minutes.

RESULTS: The near thermometer shows a higher temperature.

WHY? The thermometer, which is closer to the lamp, receives more energy and therefore heats up more. The farther the light from the lamp spreads, the more its rays diverge, and they can no longer heat up the far thermometer much. The same thing happens with the planets. Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, receives the most energy. Planets farther from the Sun receive less energy and their atmospheres are colder. Mercury is much hotter than Pluto, which is very far from the Sun. As for the temperature of the atmosphere of the Planet, it is also influenced by other factors, such as its density and composition.

Experience No. 7 "Space in a Bank".

Work method:

1) take the prepared container and put cotton wool inside

2) pour glitter into a jar

3) pour a vial of glycerin into a jar

4) dilute food coloring and pour everything into a jar

5) top up to the top 6) if done in a jar, then close everything with a lid and seal it with glue or plasticine of water

Natalya Sheveleva

SOD. Synopsis of cognitive, design and research

classes "Mysteries of space"

in preschool group

Target: in progress experimental activities clarify, concretize and expand children's knowledge of space.


Give basic ideas about the structure solar system, stars and planets,

Learn to experiment

Awaken interest in the knowledge of the cosmos, develop the desire to make discoveries,

To form in children by experience elementary concepts of the laws of space,

To form the ability to draw conclusions from the results of experiments.

Course progress.

Guys, Cosmonautics Day is approaching. Astronautics - from the word space.

What is space? Listen to the answers. Specify.

The whole vast world that is outside the Earth is called space.

Guys, which of you wants to know right now what is space, distant and mysterious, and what is happening in it? Who wants to become a scientist - an experimenter? How many of us! Great! And right now we are going to solve the mysteries of the cosmos by experience.

And so that we do not forget anything, we will write down the results in our scientific cards. One of you will make a presentation.

Space is also called by another word? Universe. The universe is the whole world. Everything that surrounds us from all sides.

For example, the sky, and the sun in the sky. The sun is a huge ball of hot gases. The dimensions of our luminary are simply enormous. The diameter of the Sun is over a million kilometers. Even adults find it difficult to imagine and comprehend such dimensions. To try to imagine the size of the Sun, we will conduct an experiment.

Experience No. 1 "Sun and Earth"

Purpose: to explain the ratio of the sizes of the Sun and the Earth

Equipment: big ball and bead, illustration of the Sun.

Move: if the Sun were reduced to the size of a ball, then our Earth would become the size of this bead. That more?

Conclusion: The sun is much larger than the earth

We live on planet earth. The earth is a huge solid ball. On the surface of this sphere there is land and water. The earth is surrounded by an atmosphere. It protects the planet from the hot rays of the sun and meteorites and ice falling from the sky. They burn up in the atmosphere. (Show pictures of meteor showers and meteorites.) Earth is the only inhabited planet we know of. Earth has water and air. Our planet is called the blue planet.

Why? Experience will help answer the question.

Experience No. 2 "Blue Sky"

Purpose: to establish why the earth is called the blue planet.

Equipment: glass, water, milk, spoon, pipette, flashlight, Earth illustration from space.

Step: fill a glass with water, add a drop of milk to the glass and stir. Darken the room and set the flashlight so that the beam of light from it passes through the central part of the glass of water. We will see that the beam of light passes only through pure water, and water diluted with milk has a bluish-gray tint.

Conclusion: there is oxygen in the atmosphere, which, like milk particles, gives off a blue color when the sun's rays fall on it. This makes the sky look blue from the ground, and the earth looks blue from space. If there is a lot of dust and moisture in the air, then the sky seems gray.

On a cloudless clear evening, the whole sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They appear as small sparkling dots because they are far from Earth. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the Sun.

Stars differ from each other in size: there are stars - giants, and there are stars - dwarfs. Even in ancient times, people conditionally divided the sky into regions, and the stars into groups - constellations. The most prominent stars in each group were connected by imaginary lines, and then looked at what the pattern looked like. There is a whole menagerie in the sky: Big and Ursa Minor, Cancer, Swan, Dragon, Scorpio, and also Hercules.

The stars don't shine like the sun. But they glow. And we see them because the sun's rays fall on them.

The sun shines constantly, but during the day we do not see the stars. Why?

Experience No. 3 "Daytime Stars"

Purpose: to show that the stars always shine.

Equipment: hole punch, postcard-sized cardboard, white envelope, flashlight, starry sky illustration.

Progress: in a lighted room, punch several holes in the cardboard with a hole punch. Put the card in an envelope. Take an envelope in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Shine on the side of the envelope facing us - the holes are not visible. Shine on the other side of the envelope - the holes are clearly visible. Light passes through the holes anyway, but we only see them if the hole stands out against a dark background.

Conclusion: during the day, the stars also glow, but they are not visible in a bright sky. Stars are only visible in dark skies. At night.

To remember, draw this law on your cards.

There is not a single celestial body in the universe that would stand still. Everything is moving. It seems to us that the stars are motionless, but in fact the stars are so far away that we do not notice how they are rushing through space at great speed along their path. There is a strict order in the universe and not one star or planet will go out of its way or orbit and not collide with one another. The word kosmos means "order", "system".

Which celestial bodies Can you name other than Earth, Sun, stars? (moon, planets)

The moon is a satellite of the earth. It revolves around the earth. Why does the moon not fly away into space and fall to the Earth due to gravity? I suggest doing an experiment.

Experience number 4 "Why does the moon not fall to the Earth?"

Purpose: to explain to children why the moon does not fall to the earth.

Equipment: sports ring, rope, moon illustration, experience illustration.

Move: tie one end of the rope to the ring, and hold the other in your hand. The ring is the moon, and the child is the earth. Ask the child to unwind the ring by the rope. The rope does not allow the ring to fly away. Rope is the force of gravity. As soon as the moon stops rotating, the force of the earth's gravity will immediately land it, pull it to the earth.

Conclusion: the whole secret is in motion

To remember, draw this law on your cards.

A long time ago, scientists noticed that there are objects in the sky that move, wander. They called these objects planets. Planets are closer to us than other stars. And they, like our Earth, revolve around it. All the planets, and there are 8 of them, that revolve around the Sun, form the solar system. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Venus appears as a silvery shiny ball. It is clearly visible in the morning. Therefore, it is called the morning star.

If in the night sky you see a reddish dot that seems to wink at you, then know that this is the planet Mars. Earth's closest neighbor. Mars has little oxygen and the highest mountains.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune consist of condensed gases. Saturn has many satellites and many moons. There are so many of them that they look like rings of stones and space dust. Uranus - unique planet solar system. Its peculiarity is that it revolves around the Sun not like everyone else, but “lying on its side”. Uranus also has rings, although they are harder to see. Neptune is the last planet in the solar system. Pluto is excluded from the series of planets.

Look at the picture of the solar system. Why do all the planets of the solar system move strictly in their orbit. What is keeping them there? (Children's guesses)

Let's check your assumptions and conduct another experiment.

Experience number 5 "Solar system"

Purpose: to explain to children why all the planets revolve around the sun.

Equipment: a stick with an SD at the end, 9 balls on threads of different lengths attached to a disk, an illustration of the structure of the solar system.

Move: imagine that the stick with the disk is the sun, and the balls are the planets. We rotate the wand - all the planets fly in a circle, if its rotation is stopped before and the planets stop. What helps the sun to hold the entire solar system? (the sun is helped by movement, rotation)

Conclusion: if the Sun does not move and rotate, then the planets will not be attracted to it. There will be no attraction that prevents the planets from entering from their orbit.

To remember, draw this law on your cards.

Look at the picture of the solar system. Which planets do you think will have the highest temperatures? (Those closer to the sun.) Why? Let's test your guess.

Experience number 6 "Hot and cold"

Purpose: to check how the temperature on the planet depends on the proximity to the sun.

Equipment: a table lamp, a meter bar with thermometers, the marks on the thermometers are as follows: black - 18, blue - 25, red - 35.

Move: Imagine that the lamp is the Sun. Thermometers are installed where the extreme planets are located. Let's see how the sun's rays affect the temperature of the planets. We turn on the lamp. The teacher announces the number of degrees.

What can be said about the temperature on the planets? (less on the far, more on the near)

What determines the temperature on the planets? (depending on how far the planet is from the sun)

What happens to the rays of the sun until they reach a distant planet?)

To remember, draw this law on your cards.

Note. In anticipation of the results of the experiment, you can spend a physical minute.

We're chained to each other

Let's go hand in hand. (They walk in a chain, right shoulder forward, holding hands)

Turning inside the circle

Slowly close the ring. (They stop, form a circle, holding hands)

Here is a ring, that is, a circle. (Straight arms raise up).

Our hands are raised

They suddenly became rays. (Stretches up on toes.)

We closed, turned around (Hands down, step forward, turn around.)

Once! And turned into the sun. (Hands up - stretch on toes).

To see us better

One - sit down, two - sit down. (Hands forward, squat two times).

Now the comet is rushing into the distance (Straight hands raise up, connecting palms

Right in the starry silence of the hands in a fist above his head. Stretch on toes).

And turning into a star, (Straight arms above your head - spread your fingers).

Shines brightly in the dark. (Perform "flashlight" movements with the hands).

We can make a flag (Alternating movements with straight arms up and down in front of us).

We can - a triangle (Connect the palms of the triangle in front of you).

It's all easy and simple (Wave your right hand in front of you)

Do a preschooler.

Outcome. How many mysteries of space have we tried to solve today with you? And how many more cosmic mysteries and laws remain unsolved!

Guys, let's look at your cards and remember what mysteries of space we tried to solve today?

Which law surprised you?

Which law was the most interesting for you?

What new things about space did our experiments help you learn?