What to do to not go crazy. Why do people go crazy, how not to go crazy

To go crazy means to be in a state of uncertainty and compulsion to take some kind of action. External circumstances of various directions affect a person at the same time, which is why he cannot decide, choose, perform an action. Sometimes this is a consequence of the accumulation of various problems that a person does not solve in time. And when the moment of their obligatory fulfillment comes, a person does not have enough time, strength, or opportunities.

How more people puts it off for later, the more cases he accumulates. This is reason number one. The second reason is that a person generally bothers about having problems or troubles.

The specialists of the psychological help site site offer their services if you can’t deal with your problems and thoughts on your own, so as not to go crazy. In the meantime, consider the main approaches to solving this issue.

The frantic rhythm of life and the need to constantly achieve something make a person a "rat" running in a wheel. Multiple problems, worries and thoughts begin to spin a person in their rut. A person does not even notice how he starts to rush about. He needs to do this, think about it, solve that issue and provide help somewhere. A person is torn, not having time to do anything. And when things pile up, it feels like you're going crazy.

To prevent this from happening, you should unload yourself a little from those thoughts that are spinning in your head. After all, it is still unknown what thoughts you go crazy with. You can just worry about something and worry about the upcoming, which also drives you crazy.

Most of the fears and worries that a person experiences throughout his life are only the fruits of his imagination. Undoubtedly, a person is faced with real frightening events. But there are not so many of them. Most of what you fear happens in your mind, even sometimes without objective confirmation in real world.

Man scares himself with his own thoughts. A lot of time a person worries about his future, which will never come true. Often people are afraid of what will not be. Why is this happening? A common reason people worry about their future is the past they have already experienced. It is possible that you have already experienced an unpleasant event for yourself and are now afraid of its repetition. Moreover, often in the real world there is no objective evidence that an unpleasant event will happen again. But people are already afraid in advance that history will repeat itself.

In other words, a person frightens himself with his own thoughts on the basis of those fears that are embedded in him or have already happened to him. Once having gone through an unpleasant situation, a person now begins to think that this will always happen to him. That is why a person often encounters something that again causes fear in him, because he himself goes there, communicates with those people and provokes this situation, not noticing that everything can happen differently.

A person is afraid of his own thoughts, and not of what is happening in the real world. Do you also follow what you are afraid of: what you observe in reality, or those thoughts that are spinning in your head?

Analyze why you think this thought and not another. Indeed, on the same issue, you can think a lot of different thoughts. Out of all the variety of thoughts, why do you think the very thought that scares you? You have a choice of what to think. And if an unpleasant situation happened to you, this does not mean that it must be repeated. Usually, what scares you rarely happens. But why is a person's life so much time filled with fears? Because a person scares himself with what he thinks about.

You can go crazy with any thought - even with the anticipation of something pleasant. For example, a bride can prepare for a wedding as early as 3 months before its completion, which will excite, disturb, upset her every time something goes wrong.

Everyone suffers alone with their thoughts. Moreover, you can suffer from both good and bad. There is only one effective piece of advice that can be given here: if you are going crazy with your own thoughts, then stop constantly scrolling through them in your head. Stop constantly thinking about your problems and ways to solve them. If you are not ready to realize your thoughts in actions, then they only interfere with your normal life.

However, people do not understand such a simple idea. They usually give them ideas of a more complex nature on how to get rid of constant thoughts and problems so as not to go crazy. As they usually say: it is impossible not to think, that is, a person is not even going to make attempts to control his own thoughts, so give him advice that should also help him save himself from a dizzy state.

Let's try to consider them:

  1. You need to train your mind just like you train your body. How to do it? Feel free to look at your troubles and just not go crazy from their occurrence. Solve your problems, once they arise, and do not worry about it.
  2. Let go of the idea that problems are bad. In fact, problems are the result that you are not satisfied with. You have achieved it by your own actions. If you don't like this outcome, then take other actions that will lead you to a different outcome.
  3. Realize that problems happen to everyone. There is not a single person who has never had problems. Absolutely everyone has troubles, difficulties, troubles. This is a part of human life, which indicates where a person has not adapted to the world around him. He took actions, but they did not lead to what we would like. So, you need to change your actions so that they lead to the desired result.
  4. Control your emotions. Or rather, don't give in to them. Negative results, that is, problems, cause discomfort. You feel uncomfortable, offended, do not like something. It's one thing to experience emotions that indicate you're not happy. Another thing is to obey your emotions, immerse yourself in them, believe that nothing else can be changed, etc. Stop giving in to your own emotions, even if they appear inside you.

Haste, the need to do several things at once, dissatisfaction with the results, the constant accumulation of new cases and other factors lead to the feeling that a person is going crazy. It's time to do something about this if you can't take it easy.

How not to go crazy with thoughts and problems?

If you want not to go crazy with thoughts and problems, you need to change your lifestyle. Start with the following:

  • Review your work and leisure schedule. Only because of a large number affairs should not give up a good sleep. Rest so that there is a lot of energy to cope with life's problems.
  • Do moderate exercise. You do not need to load yourself, but you should not constantly lie on the couch. Sport refreshes the head.
  • Take a break from everyday activities. You don't have to spend all your time on them. It is better to think about your problems only at the moment when you must solve them and take the necessary actions. If you are resting now, then leave all thoughts for later.
  • Take care of urgent and important things first, postponing the rest of the worries that can wait.
  • Set yourself achievable goals. Do not dream about what you are not ready to make efforts for, otherwise your desires will turn into hard labor.
  • If you are overwhelmed with feelings, then throw them out. Give yourself time to be emotional and weak for a while, so that later you can gather strength and move on.
  • Don't refuse help. If you see that you are not coping, ask for help.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who will not only help you, but also support you morally in a difficult situation. The same applies to life: do not only problems and worries, but also something pleasant. Surround yourself with pleasant things and hobbies that will give positive.
  • Eliminate from your lifestyle all sad songs, movies, TV shows, and even people who oppress you, make you suffer, or burden you with their problems. You already have a hard life, and you make it even more difficult.
  • Try to treat your personal problems as an opportunity to express yourself. You created your own problems, so you are strong enough to fix them, which will require changes only on your part.

Every person goes crazy in their own way. And note that he goes crazy not because the world “kills” or oppresses him, but because some thoughts are spinning in his head. A person becomes a victim of his own thoughts, which he does not want to control and which he allows himself to oppress.

Why do people go crazy? It has to do with the expectations, desires, and values ​​people hold that prevent them from achieving satisfaction and happiness in this world. It should be understood that goals, expectations and values ​​are a product that a person himself invents. Nature does not offer man any value other than life itself. A person should value his life and take care to save it. And everything else is secondary.

However, a social and reasonable person begins to set goals for himself, to expect and demand something, to create certain rules of life by which the whole world must live. As a result, the world does not obey invented rules, expectations, goals are not realized if a person does nothing, but only demands that everything be presented to him.

The most important problem is the attitude of a person to problem situations. He is taught from childhood to suffer if they appear. If he has problems and he cannot eliminate them the first time, then he must admit his own worthlessness. It can be said that all suffering is the result of education, when people are taught to a certain model of behavior in a particular situation. And if a person has been taught to suffer, then he will definitely do it if he does not notice how absurd his actions are.

How do you end up going crazy?

A person must be responsible and objective in order not to go crazy. Problems happen to everyone. However, some people suffer because of their appearance and immediately give up, while others treat them calmly and begin to correct them.

As a result, a person gets what he puts effort into. And if a person has given a lot of time to his thoughts and thinking about problems, then it is not surprising that he will go crazy. How else, if a person does not decide anything, but is only a victim of his erroneous actions, negative emotions and thoughts, inaction and unwillingness to correct the situation?

Doubts and devaluations of a neurotic are capable of destroying any logic in the bud with their intuitive sensations and assumptions. But is it possible to take it like this and arbitrarily go crazy? This test will help you check.

Let's imagine that you have received such a task: You need to go crazy in a week. How can you achieve this? What can you do to make it happen? Let's start with why such a task may be needed at all. After all, I'm not joking, this is a real task that periodically has to be used in the correction of anxiety disorders.

How to randomly go crazy

The purpose of this task is to empirically test the fact that it is simply unrealistic for an anxious person to go crazy arbitrarily

Check and make sure, more than once, that all your efforts (even the most pronounced ones) cannot lead to a loss of control, to the fact that your mind will cease to be reasonable.

Experience 2. Stand on the edge of a bed or mattress, turn your back to it and ... fall backwards.

For a brief moment (if you allow yourself to) you will lose control of the situation. But it will be 1 second of free fall. After a second, control will be restored. Do not believe (although everything is obvious here) - check it out!

Experience 3. Visualization.

You can imagine how you behave inappropriately in broad daylight, right on the street. For example, how you approach passers-by and call them to repentance. How you shake hands with people and call yourself the New Krishna. Or running around in your underpants from hallucinations until an ambulance picks you up. By imagining all this, you can set off an alarm, no doubt about it. But no more than that, your brain will continue to live quietly for itself.

Experience 4. "Uncontrollable" aggression.

You can kick everyone out of the house and spend some time expressing your aggression in an animal way. You can howl, growl, crawl on all fours, grab a pillow with your teeth and throw it with a movement of your head. You may even have a veil before your eyes. Until your fire runs out and you go to the kitchen for tea.

Experience 5. Say swear words to someone.

Tell that person who has never heard them from you. Moreover, choose the most juicy and savory words that you know. And if you don’t know, read the dictionary of swear words on the Internet. Yes, you will let go of control. But you will be yourself. Well, spend some time explaining and reassuring the person you have chosen.

Experience 6. And you can also go to the edge of the roof of the house, or to the edge of the balcony, look down.

In theory, hypercontrol in such cases should howl to its fullest. Unless, of course, you are somewhat afraid of heights. Yes, if you are afraid, you will feel fear. But no more. Fear will pass, and any suspicion of loss of control will pass.

Experience 7. Change your name.

I'm serious. Ask loved ones to call you by a different name throughout the day. For example, you are Olya. Stay one day Anfisa or Nastya. Introduce yourself by this name. Put yourself in a situation where you need to introduce yourself by name. Register for a training or order a bonus card at your favorite supermarket. Well, or open your profile in social network. What will change - yes, nothing. The next morning you will still be yourself.

Experience 8. Walk with a knife down the street.

Or sit with a knife in your hands next to loved ones while watching a movie. Or sleep with a knife under your pillow. Yes. This is hard. Yes, it will be uncomfortable. But it is at these moments that you clearly realize how clearly you control yourself.

Experience 9. Make spontaneous actions.

All day. Try to knock yourself out of the stereotyped rhythm of life. Get up on a certain foot. Walk the new path. Wear different socks. Try ginger (if you've never tried it before). Throw ripe tomatoes out the window. Let your consciousness be as dumbfounded by your inconsistency as possible. Will this lead to something? Well, except for the evil neighbors, in which the tomato hit ...

Experience 10. Do not sleep for a couple of days.

Let your brain be tested by insomnia and a tight-witted mind. Are you suddenly unable to sleep? What if some irreversible processes occur in your brain? Suddenly you cease to adequately perceive the world? Or you just fall asleep and sleep off ....

Why am I ... To the fact that all these and any other experiments you make up (except, perhaps, drug abuse, but this, fortunately, is prohibited by law) will only lead to the fact that you will understand how sane and flexible you are thinking individual (if you do any of the above). And that's it. And no more. And this is very useful when your anxiety gives rise to thoughts of a possible loss of control.

By the way, the methods described above, in a good way, are a very good emotional discharge. Checked.published .

Illustrations by Willy Verginer

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Date: 2014-03-03

Hello site readers.

Many people sooner or later under the influence of certain circumstances begin to move out of the coils. Why is this happening? Why do normal people all of a sudden go crazy? In this short article, I will tell you why do people go crazy, and most importantly - how not to go crazy when certain circumstances are pressing on you.

Why do people go crazy?

A person goes crazy on nervous grounds. A strong psychological shock leads to serious negative consequences. Many people fail and commit suicide. Others begin to kill, attack the defenseless, rob and so on. There is no need to run for examples. My dad told me how young guys from the army where he served shot themselves when they found out that their girlfriends were married to others. Many people, after an endless series of failures, start, and as a result go crazy with delirium tremens. Also, people go crazy with loneliness, endless disappointments, everyday dissatisfaction. Simply put, a person goes crazy because of those situations that greatly hurt him, pull him to the quick, and very strongly.

For example, the business collapsed. During the financial crisis, so many businessmen committed suicide when they started to lose everything. A man has been building his business for years, sacrificing his time, strength, nerves, possibly his family, and then the crisis came and took everything away. Who can stand it?

Loneliness can also make you crazy. Can you imagine what it is like when a person wakes up alone in an apartment every morning, when there is no one to talk to? Few people can stand this. A person must live in society, since he was born in it. It's Mowgli or Tarzan who can do without people, but we can't.

The nervous psyche begins to stagger due to failures. For example, a person tried many times, but did not get the desired result. Hard work destroys the human psyche, causing him to go crazy. From the fact that ours, a person begins to feel emptiness inside (internal emptyness). This builds up over and over and eventually leads to a mind shift. The person goes crazy. And you can list such examples yourself. A person can go crazy from boredom alone.

So, there are plenty of reasons to go crazy. Fortunately, many people know how to deal with them. If it wasn't, we'd all be nuts right now. A lot of people can and it's very good. So how not to go crazy?

How not to go crazy?

The answer is very simple, although it all depends on the situation and its perception. For example, if a person goes crazy with loneliness, then he just needs to start leading an active lifestyle. Now in the 21st century there are so many things that problems should not arise. I remember once riding in a crowded minibus. If you suffer from loneliness, then you should definitely ride in it. Or you can read the articles: and.

A girl may start to go crazy after being dumped a few times, or she may not. I understand that this is a shame, but in such a situation it is better to look to the future, not to the past. Any problem can be solved. Surely right now there are other candidates, just before it was not visible. And while a person is staring at the past, he misses the opportunities of the present, and therefore deprives himself of a bright future. Hence the conclusion: try not to look to the past, but to observe the present. Difficult, but possible.

Monotony also drives people crazy. In this case, you need to think about. While a person is inactive, the problem is not solved, although there are times when problems are solved by themselves. But it is better to act than to sit and wait. Many people know what they can do to change their lives, but for some reason, apart from thinking about it, nothing follows. As a result of this, a person remains where he was and this drives him crazy.

For workaholics, the next tip is to try to get more rest. No time, then meditate. Read the article:. This is enough for you. Continuous work leads to a nervous breakdown. After a few nervous breakdowns, a person goes crazy automatically. Is your job worth your health? Maybe it's time to take a break so you don't go crazy? Exactly! All in your hands.

Of course, it is worth getting rid of the negative. If you receive a fresh portion of negativity every working day, then maybe it's time to change jobs? You do not like what you are doing, as it causes irritation, so is it time to change activities? You can continue to endure, but if patience bursts, it will lead to a nervous breakdown.

I remember how in school years received a lot of negativity. I could not change school, so I had to endure until the end. When I graduated from high school, all the negativity disappeared. I sighed easily. And now I understand one thing: if I don’t like something, I get rid of it. I will not endure, I would rather throw this source of negativity out of my life. Instead, it is better to start feeding on the positive. Subscribe to the newsletter of this site, and then you will receive positive materials that will not only help you not to go crazy, but also help you

After publication video messages singer Sinead O'Connor, in which she talks about her depression, loneliness and suicidal thoughts, many thought about how to help a loved one with a mental disorder. Boris Werks, whose wife has been battling depression and panic attacks for 6 years, wrote in Facebook about what helps them cope with the disease. Especially for Pravmir, these recommendations were commented on by psychiatrist Maria Leibovich.

Don't try to rationalize it

Boris Werks

This is especially important if you have a rationalization brain. There is no need to pick up the key to a person who is going crazy in this state. If the pilot of an airplane caught in turbulence starts pressing all the buttons in a panic in a row, he is much more likely to crash than to get out of turbulence and land him.

About the same thing you do, trying to help a person to unravel the chain that leads to insanity. Most likely, you will simply load it with new links: additional guilt, false hypotheses. This is dangerous.

No matter how cruel it may sound, all this had to be done before a person was on the verge.

To simplify, insanity is a consequence of a triggered brain chemical failure, you will not be able to turn the process back through this failure, shortchange the random number generator. To do this takes years of very specific education and experience and a lot of luck, which you definitely don't have if you're already in that situation.

For example, there is no need to try to appeal to the good: a person who is going crazy perceives the presence of a job, money, a good apartment, children, the health of loved ones, good weather differently from you. I would say that you do not need to try to understand this, otherwise you will not be able to work as a counterbalance to madness.

Force to pronounce

The only improvised way to fight insanity is to expel it from the body, like an infection. At a minimum, you will be able to buy time to regroup, as a maximum - to save a person. How to do it? Ask a person to pronounce in detail everything that happens in his head, without judging him in anything, without being surprised at anything, ask, try to understand and say what you understand (even if you don’t understand at all, because now it doesn’t matter), do not express any their attitude towards it, other than acceptance.

Madness must be brought to light with spoons, without leaving it the opportunity to accumulate in dark corners and multiply by division, for this you need to pronounce it.

If you need to distract yourself, you need to give the person a pencil and a notebook so that he writes non-stop about everything that is going on in his head. By the way, these notes will then be very helpful in working with a psychotherapist.

Take care of yourself

On the plane, you put on the oxygen mask first on yourself, then on the child. In the hermetic situation of madness, the same is true. If you don't take care of yourself physically (food, sleep, hygiene), you won't be able to help your loved one. If you allow yourself to go limp, you will get hit by a car, and in such scenarios, you are crazier than a madman.

Even a not very sensitive person is always subject to innervation by the state of a loved one, so watch yourself. I would say that a person who is engaged in support of a loved one, most likely, needs therapy himself.

mimic life

Any person, not only in a state of psychosis, is always dumber than his own body. Fortunately, the brain is part of the body. Imitation of life is like fake it till you make it ("Fake it until it's true" - ed. ) , only your task is not to help a person become better, but simply to survive.

You can't leave your mind alone for too long. You need to carefully do what a person can still do from what he is used to doing. Cook dinner together. Walk in the park with ice cream. Watch a movie together. Go somewhere where a person has always been calm in a normal life.

Do something that unites you and does not require special reflection from your loved one, self-assessment, self-relationship with someone and you. Your task is to keep the mind in the body, for this the body must be deceived, imitating normal life.


It is important to do things that make the brain pay attention to the body and process the signals coming from it, instead of what it really wants to do.

Anything that distracts a person from his consciousness in favor of the body will do: sit in the bathroom, have sex, go out for a breath of different air, get a radical haircut, go for a massage.

In general, physical things are very important. The separating consciousness must be given to understand that, in fact, it is not by itself, but here below, life is still going on and no one has canceled it.

Break out of isolation, but avoid toxic communication

When the mind is separated from the body, the worst thing that can be done is to provide it with comfortable conditions for this: to keep it within four walls, to satisfy its desire for complete isolation from the environment and its own life.

Find people in your environment who are as devoid of the tendency to judge and condemn as possible, and can simply accept a person in this state, spend time with them. Sometimes a simple silent hug is enough to stop the madness. Talk about what's going on with someone else.

This point has an important tricky point: sometimes you yourself are a factor in the deterioration of the condition (for example, if you are in a couple). As hard as it may be, ask yourself if you can't just make things worse by being there, and think about what you can do about it, but in a way that doesn't leave your loved one.

tolerate aggression

This is probably the most difficult thing that can be in the world, and almost nothing can be said about it. It is important to accept: it is not your loved one who is aggressing, this is his illness. You cannot overcome the disease, but you will certainly cripple the weakened mind of a person who can still be saved if you do not restrain your own reaction.

Our Lutheran friend once said that a true Christian does not accept sin, not a sinner. You don't have to be a believer to draw an analogy.

At the same time, it is important to analyze aggression, because aggression is also a vehicle for the withdrawal of madness. What comes out with aggression may come out this way because it's important.

By default, perceive suicidal thoughts as a real, most dangerous threat, even if a person has never spoken about it before illness, and you cannot imagine that your loved one is capable of it.

Suicidal thoughts are a cry for help, don't ignore it.

Turn off the brain

A person going crazy is like an overheated computer. If you have a computer overheating, you turn it off so that it stops working and wait for it to cool down - the same with a person. To do this, you can walk, force a person to do something from which he will physically get tired faster (but not exhaust him).

Your task is to bring the body to a smooth discharge by the evening, so that the brain can cool down and reboot in a dream. Therefore, it is important to restore or create a sleep pattern from scratch (even if a person does not get enough sleep, we are not talking about the quality of life here). Under no circumstances should you “pass out” with alcohol and any mind-altering drugs (if you have friends or relatives who are prone to this, limit their influence).

Keep track of nutrition

A person who is struggling with his own consciousness may not be able to simultaneously monitor the body, and this is a big catch, because he does not have the strength to fight the disease. Find out what the person can eat in this state and make sure they eat and drink.

Avoid excess innervation

For example, one should not watch films in which the hero goes crazy, absurdist performances, read Shakespeare, or find yourself in additionally surreal situations.

In ordinary life, you do not pay attention to these things (and even look for them yourself), but there are a huge number of them around.

And the 2 most important tips!

Lead to a psychotherapist / psychiatrist right now

Not to a psychologist, priest, colleagues in illness, to a forum of couch experts, a self-development coach, to the gym or to work.

When you have a broken leg, you don't go to the beautician, you go straight to the surgeon.

How to choose a therapist

It is necessary to clearly describe the situation to him from the outside (perhaps your loved one is not able to adequately do this himself). The therapist must be confident in their abilities and experience, or redirect you to another specialist.

It is difficult to identify a good therapist before the first session, but it is quite possible after. Most importantly, the therapist will never tell the person what to do. This is a direct violation of ethics. If the therapist says - drink wine, go to the sea and go in for sports, please go to another doctor. The therapist helps develop a course of action, but it can only be a reciprocal, reflective process, and it doesn't happen overnight.

The therapist does not promise results in 4 meetings and does not promise at all, because he cannot physically.

If the therapist is uncomfortable, it's best to leave - you don't have time to get used to it. The ability to create the most trusting atmosphere is the main responsibility of the therapist. If you have concerns that the therapist may not respect the confidentiality of the patient - run away from him.

The therapist will not climb somewhere without your consent, intentionally causing pain - he will carefully prepare you for this. The therapist will not evaluate you and express his censure of your thoughts.

Take pills if prescribed

And in no case should you take pills of a friend, pills that someone wrote about somewhere, take pills without weekly monitoring by a specialist, break the regimen.

Deciding on pills is often difficult, because they kind of legitimize insanity. And there are still many opinions that this is for life, and you can still gain weight, and also this is a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical companies, and in general you are not such a weakling that you cannot cope without them.

You can think about all this when you drag a person to the state in which he can, in principle, think about something.

To not give up

Going crazy is physically very difficult, and it doesn't go on forever: it will either end in a hospital or it will get easier - it's a pretty binary situation, and both of these options are better than the uncertainty you are in now.

At the same time, it is definitely very easy to go crazy if you are left alone with yourself.

If you pulled a loved one from the other world, most likely there will never be anything in your life that you can be more proud of.

I would not have known any of this if my wife Aliya, who has been heroically living with a mental illness for 6 years, had not explained to me. As, however, and most things that I know about life.

Maria Leibovich, psychiatrist, head of the rehabilitation department of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "NTsPZ"

Acupuncture, bullying and ringing bells do not cure mental disorders!

Indeed, its provision requires a specialist (and sometimes a team of specialists) who have received special education and experienced in working with such patients.

On my own behalf, I just want to emphasize that, with the exception of mild depression and anxiety disorders (the severity is assessed by the doctor!), Mental disorders are treatedexclusively medicinal.Neither acupuncture, nor the regimen, nor urine therapy, nor homeopathy, nor "reprimands", as well as the ringing of bells - do not treat mental disorders! And, of course, compliance with the doctor's prescriptions is the main condition for the success of treatment, the formation of a stable remission and the main method of secondary prevention.

If a psychologist works with a patient, then it must be a clinical (medical) psychologist. The “good one that helped the cousin” will not work. By the way, the fact that a psychotherapist will never tell you what to do is a myth. The more pronounced the violation, the more directive the therapist.

In the comments to Boris's recommendations, there was a question about how to take the patient to a psychotherapist if the patient himself is categorically against it. Here there was a substitution of concepts: it is pointless to lead to a psychotherapist against the will of a person, this specialist can help only a person who is set to cooperate (the exception is a forced visit to a psychotherapist by a court decision in foreign practice, the effectiveness is currently being discussed).

But only a person who poses a threat to himself (suicidal intentions) or others (threats) is subject to compulsory treatment by a psychiatrist. It is better to entrust the assessment of the potential danger of the patient and his condition to a specialist. Everything else - individually, depending on the state, selected schemes, persuasion, persuasion, compromises, deals. In our clinic, consultations with relatives on how to convince them to go to the doctor, how to reduce the stress of hospitalization, have already become commonplace.

Everything about the survival of loved ones is also true. “First an oxygen mask for yourself, then for the child.” Like on an airplane. This rule is.

In moments of exacerbation, the closest ones are under attack. They need an understanding of their resources and rest.

You need to give yourself a break - relatives should not be ready to help 24 hours a day. Be sure to "switch off" from salvation, attention and time to your interests, "replenishment of resources." Seeking help and information about where help can be obtained. It is based on the understanding that life with a mentally ill person is a big burden, it is necessary to conserve strength.

You need to contact thematic communities for support, visit a medical psychologist. To be able to take care of your loved ones, you need to take care of yourself. Self-care includes regular meals, physical activity, communication outside the family, rest, distraction, distribution of responsibilities between family members. If you're bored of something, that's fine. It's also okay to say "no" sometimes.

Sometimes you need to build boundaries ("We'll talk when you calm down", "If you hit me, I will call an ambulance for psychiatric help"). In the case of aggression, it is important to respect the boundaries. If aggression is addressed personally to you - keep calm as much as possible (would you yell at a person who vomited on you, for example?), Discuss after and agree on the boundaries of what is permissible.

Indeed, when communicating with loved ones, one should not try to appeal to the good. Firstly, depression is accompanied by certain cognitive disorders (in other words, “everything is seen in a black light”) and objectivity cannot be expected from the patient. Secondly, such exhortations cause guilt in patients (“you are pissed off with fat”) and exacerbate their isolation due to the feeling that they are not understood.

Do not allow flat comforting statements or trivial cheering (“Everything will be fine”, “There is nothing to be afraid of”). You need to avoid the phrases "Pull yourself together", "Do not invent", "You just wind yourself up."

It is worth taking the experiences of patients seriously, understanding that the condition of a loved one is really painful, this is not a whim or a whim.

Boris wrote well about how to listen to your loved one - attentively, without judging, without being surprised, without judging, without showing any attitude other than acceptance. This helps to maintain contact with the patient, to understand what is happening to him, to see changes in his condition. But maybe you shouldn't say you understand if you really don't. You can say, for example - I can not imagine it, but I see how painful it is for you. And you need to speak simply (literally, in short phrases), clearly, calmly and confidently. Keep calm (for this, make sure that there is no overwork, there is support).

Don't forget to say simple words, like “I love you”, “I am next to you”, “I will help you” - this can be very important for your loved one. A person really should not be left alone, but distraction is very individual. Not every patient will be distracted from their thoughts while sitting in the bathroom. And you should not insist much, especially on a radical haircut.

You can offer to walk or try to distract from thoughts and experiences. The same applies to the advice to "turn off the brain." Walking, distracting, adjusting sleep is good. Forcing and physically tiring is very individual.

And on my own behalf, I would like to draw attention to several important recommendations: it is necessary to avoid unnecessary stress, even positive. Allow to be alone. Remember that people with mental disorders are people with a “weak”, vulnerable psyche. They have lower stress resistance, longer recovery period.

It's also important not to rush. The recovery process can be lengthy. You need to rest more, monitor the satisfaction of basic needs (sleep, food).

Solve problems step by step. Make changes gradually. Work on one thing.

Perhaps temporarily lower expectations. Compare the patient's condition not with what it was before the disease, but with the results of the current and previous months (weeks/years).

Scientists have proven that the presence of a supportive loved one softens the course of the disease and its consequences. Also, the burden of the disease, its impact on the patient and his family can be mitigated if:

  • the disease is recognized as such;
  • all interested persons received the necessary information about the disease and its treatment;
  • drug therapy is carried out sequentially;
  • medical supervision is carried out regularly;
  • the family managed to escape isolation.

You can find more information on the topic under discussion on the NCCH clinic website, portal for relatives, on support sites with recommendations, for example, www.psihos.ru, in books (for example, the wonderful “WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE HAS A MENTAL ILLNESS” A Handbook for Family , Friends and Caregivers, REBECCA WOOLIS).

In addition to reading these materials, relatives are also encouraged to attend psychoeducational classes (group and individual) and psychological support groups for family members of mentally ill people.

As in the case of newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, heart disease or dementia, the patient and his family go through a kind of "school", where they receive the necessary information about the disease, learn about ways to cope with the most common difficulties that arise during the treatment process in everyday life. Please note that in some cases it is worth preferring an individually selected recovery scheme to general recommendations.

When a person says that he is going crazy, in fact, he understands something of his own by this. For example, someone loses his head from jealousy, and someone calls their fear insanity. Neither medications nor attempts to force oneself to think positively help to solve this problem. The internal states of a person are controlled by the unconscious, the psyche. If you are driven by the fear of insanity - there is only one way to get rid of it ...

It's hard when life doesn't make you happy. But it’s really creepy when the cause of the problems is not circumstances or other people, but “what is sitting in your head”, when it seems that you are going crazy.

Thoughts are confused, the world is perceived as an illusion, you hear voices, obsessive delusional or suicidal thoughts arise. Or it blows you up with fear and panic when you can’t even just go out into the street and talk to someone. Why is this happening and what to do about it? ?

All the causes of internal and external troubles are in the human psyche. You can open its device and solve any problem forever with the help of the training " System-Vector Psychology».

Fear of insanity as it is

When a person says that he is going crazy, in fact, he understands something of his own by this. For example, someone loses his head from jealousy, and someone calls their fear insanity. We will talk about such manifestations a little later. First, about the real, natural fear of insanity. It is the fear of losing control of one's own mind. People describe it like this:

“What if the mind itself ceases to obey me? At first there was a fear that I would jump out of the window. Now I'm afraid that if the mind stops obeying me, I will do something terrible to my loved ones ... I know that I'm not crazy! But suddenly I will? It’s like another person in me, poisoning my life, he interferes with my creativity and work. I began to lose weight, relatives are worried. All forces are spent on overcoming fear, on trying to cope with it ... "

Such experiences are known only to the owners. The sound engineer feels, although he does not realize, that consciousness is his most important tool, losing which is like death.

Consciousness as the main instrument of life

The fact is that carriers of the sound vector have a special role in the life of society. They were born to reveal the structure of the universe, the causes of everything that exists. To do this, nature gives them a special gift - a unique abstract intelligence. From childhood, the sound engineer has an inexplicable craving for science, philosophy, theology, and psychiatry. Potentially, he is able to make major breakthroughs in various areas of comprehension of the world.

Consciousness is the main tool of the sound engineer, whose natural role is to work not with hands, but with thought. Disclose physical laws and spiritual reasons for how the universe works. In a word or formula, convey to others the essence of the laws that govern us.

If, having a sound vector, you have sufficiently realized your talents in society, then you will not be worried about the fear of losing control over your mind. It can arise only when a person cannot find his place in the world. Then the sound engineer tries to find out how people go crazy, looking for alarming symptoms and signs.

The cause of the fear of insanity and how to get rid of it

It happens that the environment in which a person lives, greatly injures him. The sound engineer suffers a lot if you have to live in an atmosphere of screams or scandals, yelling at the full volume of the music. Or listen to swearing and insulting words. From such an impact on his especially sensitive area - the ear - he withdraws into himself, fences himself off from the unbearable world outside.

Relationships with others are repulsive. The speech, thoughts and intentions of most people seem ridiculous, mundane to the sound engineer. This means that social implementation does not add up. hidden question “Who am I and why do I live on Earth?”- not always realized. There is simply a feeling that the most important thing in life is missing. understanding of what is happening.

The soundman loses interest in everything, wants nothing. Depression grows, the person becomes lethargic and powerless. He is trying to escape into a dream (as options - to the Internet, to games) from a dull and gray reality. Later, on the contrary, there is insomnia. It happens that one's own thoughts scatter, it is difficult to organize them and somehow express them.

Against the background of severe conditions, involuntary suicidal thoughts may occur, a feeling that a person is going crazy. Loses the ability to manage himself, control his thoughts and actions. In especially difficult conditions, voices may seem to him: in his own head or outside.

Neither medications nor attempts to force oneself to think positively help to solve this problem. The internal states of a person are controlled by the unconscious, the psyche. If you are driven by the fear of insanity, there is only one way to get rid of it. Become aware of the mental processes that influence thoughts and feelings. Understand the nature of your desires and finally realize your talent. This removes the natural sound fear of insanity.

Training "Systemic Vector Psychology" also helps with some psychiatric diagnoses, such as endogenous depression, schizotypal disorder, etc. This is confirmed by the results:

When you go crazy ... from fear

If you consider your fears or panic attacks to be signs of mental problems, then nature has endowed you. The owners of such properties have no risk of truly losing control over consciousness - that is, going crazy. But emotional disorders can occur, and very serious ones. The huge emotional range of a visual person is capable of swinging his anxious states to a huge amplitude.

This may be an unreasonable fear of the most common actions:

“I feel fear when I go to my page. Because someone can send a message and then it becomes scary for me to read what is written there. I'm not talking about asking a passerby for the time. Emotions often overwhelm me, the state is such that something is trying with all its might to tear me apart from the inside. There were times when something rolled over me, and I just ran down the street at such a speed that I had never run before ... Crossing the road on red and pushing passers-by.”

And sometimes, on the basis of fear, real panic attacks are formed that do not allow a person to live a normal life at all:

“For a month now I have not lived, but exist, I started taking medication to stop attacks and anxiety. I can't go outside. Nightmare. I'll get dressed, stand at the door and cry hysteria. I can't even go to a psychologist to ask for advice. I just cry and cry, and the thought that it’s time to go to the hospital.”

What to do if you become a hostage of your own fears? Is there a way to get rid of them?

Why Fear Occurs

The problem of fears arises when a huge range of emotions of a visual person does not find realization in society, in activities that are useful to everyone. In ancient times, it was the fear of death - the strongest innate emotion in the visual vector - that helped the entire flock survive. Being the first to notice the danger, the visual person experienced the strongest fear and an instant “Oh!!!” warned the whole flock of the danger.

Today, predators do not threaten us, but the innate mechanism of fear has remained the same. The pulse and breathing quicken, the muscle tone rises - you are ready to flee or, conversely, you cannot even lift a finger, despite the fact that there are no visible, objective reasons for fear. It is obvious that today such fear not only does not bring anything useful to anyone, but also seriously spoils life.

How not to become crazy with fear and panic

The natural fear of death is relieved by focusing on the feelings and emotions of other people. Through empathy. It is the visual person who subtly feels someone's sadness, grief and joy. He can perfectly realize himself in a profession related to communication or helping people. The main thing is to be attentive to the feelings of others, then fear is converted into a strong love for people, into deep sensual connections with them. And the psychological state is completely adjusted.

But it happens that a vicious circle of fears comes from childhood. Or arose as a result of psychotrauma. Then the visual person wants, but cannot open his soul. Afraid of pain, afraid of being ridiculed and just… afraid. When fear and panic dominates you, any exhortations that you need to meet people halfway are meaningless. You just can't take a step.

You can get rid of fears and panic forever through understanding your psyche. When every detail of the psyche that rules you is realized, the fear goes away. There is an ability to establish emotional ties with people and to maximize their natural talent for sensuality in personal life and in society. This ensures that fears no longer control you. There is also from people who have been trained by Yuri Burlan:

How not to go crazy with problems

Modern city dwellers often have a set of 3-4 vectors. Each of them can leave its mark on how a person perceives himself and the world around him. What problems and conditions does it experience.

For example, the owners of the sound-visual bundle of vectors can simultaneously experience both the sound fear of going crazy and the strongest visual fear of death. Then, along with depression and suicidal thoughts, fear of the dark, visions, visual hallucinations may occur.

“There was often something pounding in my head, it was difficult to fall asleep. Insomnia began at the age of 10. From that moment on, I was afraid that I would commit suicide. Once I went to the cinema. When the film ended, I went out into the street, it was already dark, and the lights were not on there. This is where something happened to me. I stopped understanding where I was, some strange images appeared from the darkness. There was a feeling of unreality of what was happening”

Each vector has its own unbearable situations that provoke severe stress. And as a result, negative states appear.

Whatever problem you come up with - you will get a guaranteed solution. You will be able to understand the causes of any of your difficult conditions and get rid of them.

Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»