History moves in a spiral.... Spiral - a symbol of great creative power Development goes in a spiral

Discussion on how to make the economy innovative and which public institution should be the initiator innovation process- universities, scientific institutes, business or bodies government controlled, - has been conducted in Russia for many years, but so far it has not yielded any results. This does not mean that we do not have examples of innovative business, that there are no universities and research institutes that have become centers of innovative activity. And the state, especially Last year, actively encourages business, the education system, and science to this activity. Expert magazine writes about it regularly.

However, we have to state that the Russian national innovation system has not yet developed and that its individual elements are weakly connected with each other.

Recently, a professor from Stanford University and the Center for Entrepreneurship Research at the University of Edinburgh Business School visited Moscow at the invitation of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation HenryItskowitz- the author and active promoter of a new model of organization of the innovation process, which he called the "triple helix". The model is based on the assertion that modern society the core of innovation activity is the university. It enters into close cooperation with business, largely taking over the functions of its R&D departments, and becomes the main center for applying government efforts to develop innovation. The classical university is turning into an entrepreneurial one. Of course, he retains the entire academic component, but at the same time he focuses on the development of entrepreneurial principles in students.

Perhaps not all fans of classical education will find the prospect of turning the temple of science into a business center attractive. Indeed, not every student of philology or theoretical physics will need entrepreneurial skills, and not every engineer needs them either. But the trend of changing the nature of education is evident all over the world, because innovative development has become synonymous with the success of the state. The “triple helix” model combines the innovative efforts of universities, business and the state with the central role of universities and, according to Professor Itzkowitz, is the most rational form of an innovation system that is suitable for both market and non-market societies.

Professor - President of the Triple Helix Association, author of several books on this topic, co-author of a series of international conferences held in different countries peace. It is probably no coincidence that Itzkowitz's book “The Triple Helix. Universities - enterprises - the state. Innovations in action” in Russia was published by Tomsky State University control systems and radio electronics, which actually uses this model in its work (see "Tomsk Dawns" in "Expert" No. 19 for 2010). We began our conversation with Professor Itzkowitz with a question about the main provisions of his theory.

The main idea is that in a knowledge-based society, the university plays an increasingly important role. In an industrial society

August 25th, 2007

"But there is another question that is very important for understanding the nature of "doubles", "ghosts" in the history of civilizations: is it possible to reverse the course of time? In the treatise "State", the ancient Greek philosopher Plato mentions a strange phenomenon when the world turns back and moves back into time."
"Our ancestors, who lived in the period of pracivilization, as we noted, did without words. They did not need writing.
Informatiology claims that modern man is again returning to the non-written, and then will move on to the non-verbal way of communication.

We must clearly understand that the nature of time is not as simple as it seems. By “time”, as a rule, is understood, on the one hand, a certain space, and on the other hand, movement through this space.
We are used to measuring time by the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun - this is a year. The rotation time of the Earth around its axis is a day. There are 24 hours in a day. There are 60 minutes in an hour. There are 60 seconds in a minute.
Each planet has different time metrics. If we take the earth hour as the reference unit of time for information processes and technologies on Earth, then the corresponding time for the occurrence of such processes and technologies on the planets of the solar system, based on masses, densities, gravitational accelerations, etc., will be completely different: on the Moon - 0, 165 hours; on Jupiter - 2.65 hours; Mars - 38 hours, etc. Taking into account the appropriate local time scale, it is possible to determine the following parameters for any planet or space formation: the presence of day and night, their duration, the presence of summer, spring, autumn, winter and their duration, the presence and duration of a particular life form, etc. P.
In 1967, the World Conference on Weights and Measures adopted the atomic second as a unit of time, defining it as 9 * 109 (10 to the 9th power) periods of electronic oscillations corresponding to the quantum transition of a certain isotope of cesium.
Professor of the Pulkovo Observatory N. A. Kozyrev, who made a huge contribution to the study of the nature of time, argued that time is necessary integral part of all processes in the Universe, and, consequently, on our planet, and the main " driving force"of everything that happens, since all processes in nature go either with the release or absorption of time. His idea is consonant with the idea of ​​I.I. Yuzvishin, only he uses the concept of "time", and Yuzvishin - the concept of "information". ON THE. Kozyrev believed that, using the properties of time, it is possible to obtain instantaneous information from any point in the Universe or transmit it to any point.
Based on the theory of N.A. Kozyrev about the existence in nature of a timeless channel for the transmission of causal information, A.V. Martynov emphasizes that such information is a deformation of the space-time continuum, or rather, causes its vibration. These microgravity vibrations fill the entire space of the Universe and in our real world have the character of a hologram.
All processes in nature go either with the release or absorption of time. Time is not just the duration from one event to another measured in hours. Time can be measured with scales. Time exerts physical pressure, carries energy. So, N. A. Kozyrev discovered that the Earth pumps up its natural satellite, the Moon, with time. Based on this, he suggested that volcanic activity is possible on the Moon. But the Moon is a dead body that has completed its evolution! There should not be volcanic eruptions! N. A. Kozyrev's assumption was so paradoxical that he was mocked for many years. But on November 3, 1958, he managed to detect a volcanic eruption through a telescope on the lunar crater Alphonse. And at the heart of this volcanism were the streams of time! The discovery of N. A. Kozyrev was not accepted immediately. Only in 1969 he was given a diploma on the discovery of lunar volcanism, in 1970 the International Astronomical Academy awarded him a nominal gold medal with a diamond image of the constellation Ursa Major.
N. A. Kozyrev experimentally proved that stars allocate an enormous amount of time, that is, in essence, they serve as generators of some kind of substance.
Describing the materiality of time, N. A. Kozyrev wrote that the moments of time proper, like material threads, connect the center of action with the objects that perceive this action. Time carries an organization, structure, or negetropy that can be transferred to another substance of the sensor.
In the representation of Newtonian mechanics, time does not depend on space. The geometry linking space and time into a four-dimensional manifold was developed by Breslau professor G. Menkovsky in accordance with the Lorentz transformation and other consequences special theory relativity. From the point of view of the reality of such a world, everything that can happen already exists in the future and continues to exist in the past. Moving along the axis of time, we only encounter events in our present.
It is known that we see stars not where they are at the present time, but where they were tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago: that is how long it takes light to reach us from the star. But over time, things are different. It does not spread throughout the Universe like light, but appears in it immediately, its effect on processes and material bodies occurs instantly.
But still, does time move or not? If it moves, where and how does it move? “Imagine for a moment,” writes N. Nepomniachtchi, “that you are watching a movie about a game of billiards. The game has just begun. The cue hits the ball, the ball breaks other balls. Some balls roll into corner or side pockets, others just roll on the table and stop at different places.
Now imagine that the movie is being played backwards. Several balls quickly pop out of the pockets and roll towards the center of the table. The first ball rolls back and stops at the tip of the cue. All other balls are collected in the form of a triangle.
Our experience tells us that there can be no real reversal. Although it looks funny, we instinctively feel that it is not feasible.
Let's say that you were asked to explain why it is impossible to move backwards. What kind physical laws does it violate, if indeed it violates? At first it may seem that the law of gravity is violated if the balls jump out of the corner and side pockets. Now suppose that the molecules that have received the shock and heat at the bottom of the pockets contract and return momentum to the balls, pushing them back to the table surface.
Similar questions have troubled physicists for many years. In reality, reversing the entire course of events during a billiards session will not violate any basic laws of physics, although the laws of probability will, of course, be ignored. The chance that this could happen is almost zero. Until recently, the laws of probability were considered the main reason why time cannot be reversed."
One of the most eloquent defenders of the theory of probability was Arthur Eddington (1882-1944), the eminent British astronomer and physicist. In his book The Nature of the Physical World, he comments on the inevitable progression of time forward, which he calls the "arrow of time":
“The great thing about time is that it goes forward. But it is this aspect of time that is most often neglected by physicists.” Describing the method of determining the direction of the arrow of time, he notes: “If, while following the arrow, we find more and more elements of chance in the state of things, then the arrow is directed to the future; if the presence of the element of chance is less and less, the arrow is directed to the past.
On a smaller scale, this rule is quite applicable to the example of billiards. As soon as the first ball hits other balls, the neat triangle crumbles in all directions. The element of chance is increased, the arrow is directed to the future. Conversely, if the balls scattered all over the place again take their places in the triangle, the element of chance decreases, and the arrow points to the past. In one case, time moves forward, in the other - backward.
Judging by recent discoveries, it seems that, in addition to probability, there are other reasons that determine the direction of the arrow of time.
At the atomic and subatomic levels, some weak interactions between particles of matter are apparently irreversible in time. In other words, these interactions always occur in one direction and cannot be reversed.
According to the concept proposed by Richard Feeman, some subatomic particles of matter, the so-called antiparticles, seem to be particles that move back in time for an instant. In other words, an antiproton is a proton moving backwards in time, and, accordingly, a positron is just an electron moving backwards in time.
However, it now seems clear that, at a level beyond the reach of the microscope, the arrow of time must point forward at certain points. If Richard Feeman is right, time travel itself is a common occurrence on a submicroscopic level.
But there is another question that is very important for understanding the nature of "twins", "ghosts" in the history of civilizations: is it possible to reverse the course of time? In the treatise "The State", the ancient Greek philosopher Plato mentions a strange phenomenon when the world turns back and moves back in time.
Plato offered a description of the reverse course of time for the interpretation of the myth, which interested him greatly. In this myth, the god Zeus was angered by an unjust king who took the throne from his predecessor. Zeus simply took and stopped ruling the world, which is why time went back, thus restoring the deposed king on the throne. Plato believed that the gods either rule the world, or the world moves itself. Each cycle continues for many centuries. When the gods rule the world, time moves forward. When they stop ruling the world, it moves back.
Here is how Plato describes the actions of Zeus: “There is an era when God himself helps the movement and circulation of the world. There is also an era when he stops helping. He does this when the world-cycles have exhausted their limit assigned to them. As a result, he begins to turn back from his own impulse, for he is a living being, and he was given reason by those who blinded him at the very beginning.
Platoy further describes the consequences of the strange reversal of time: “First, every living being will freeze at the stage of life that it has reached. All mortal beings will stop aging and begin to grow back, that is, become younger, and gradually turn into babies. The gray hair of the elders will begin to turn black, the beards of the husbands will thin out and their cheeks will become smooth, restoring to everyone the long-gone flowering of youth. The bodies of the young will lose the signs of sex, diminishing day by day and night, until they return to infancy, becoming babies in body and mind. Then they will wither completely and disappear altogether.
In the above example, the mythical world first moved forward in time, and then completely reversed its course and moved back. Probably, the inhabitants of that world did not realize that time was running backwards, although Zeus understood this very well.
Therefore, on Mount Olympus, in the legendary home of the Greek gods, time continued to move forward, otherwise Zeus and other gods would also move backward in time.
This example from myth, N. Nepomniachtchi notes, raises important questions: does time simply move back and forth, or can its direction be observed from the outside? Can time move forward from one vantage point back to another?
The great physicist Albert Einstein, who created the theory of relativity, tried to answer these questions. This theory fully justifies the assumption that time travel is quite feasible for bodies moving at great speed. The fact is that time on an apparatus moving at great speed flows more slowly than on earth. The higher the speed, the more noticeable this difference in time. But, according to the theory of relativity, a body cannot move faster than the speed of light, because its mass will become infinite, at the same time its length will decrease to infinity.
First, it is unattainable, according to our current knowledge. Second, Einstein's theory of relativity is also "relatively correct." ON THE. Morozov, about whom we spoke a lot above in connection with the new chronology, was one of the first who gave a meaningful and constructive critique of the theory of relativity. Back in 1919, he made a report on this problem in the astronomical society, and a year later he published it in an expanded form. ON THE. Morozov noted the main distinguishing feature of Einstein's theory: the place of the old overthrown absolutes was taken by new ones - albeit unusual and extravagant, but from a methodological point of view exactly the same - absolutes (and first of all - "absolute constancy of the speed of waves").
ON THE. Morozov has always been concerned about the reversal of time. He was perhaps the first to give an impartial and complete natural-scientific picture of the inevitable physical, chemical, biological and astronomical processes that must occur if time suddenly runs back. The galaxy, as we know, is constantly expanding, the stars scatter in different directions, but the expansion of the Universe will be followed by the process of its contraction. This process will be the beginning of the reverse course of time.
The concept of N.A. Morozov's "time travel" was based on ideas about the wave-like nature of time. He drew an analogy between the waves of time and a man sailing in a boat. “From this point of view, the past days, years and centuries of the existence of the Universe did not turn into non-existence,” he said in a report at the First Congress of the Russian Society for the Study of the World, “but only left our field of vision, just as pictures of nature leave the field of view of passengers, rushing in a train along the railroad tracks. In this case, indeed, time completely leans on space, and all the modifications of landscapes that we see remain for us not only behind, but also in the past. But they do not disappear there, and, returning back, we can again pass the same way by rail and see all the details of the surrounding areas in the same sequence.
His concept of the relationship between past, present and future is interesting. The scientist believed that only the past and the future really exist, but there is no present, it is pure fiction, a “gap in eternity” between the past and the future. This is how time is understood in mathematics today.
In conversations with the Russian cosmist A.L. Chizhevsky N.A. Morozov said: “Cosmic magnetic lines of force, like a giant web, randomly fill the entire world space. Nature is so much more significant than the human brain draws it, that it certainly has such amazing possibilities that a person cannot produce in his earthly laboratories.


We have briefly outlined the physical picture of space and time. As it was found out, the matter, time and space of the Universe as a whole have an informational nature. The ideas of space-time are replaced by the idea of ​​the absolute essence of information, which includes both space and time, previously considered (in Euclidean geometry and classical mechanics) as independent philosophical categories. Space and time are functional interdependent factors correlated by information essence.
Thus, our ordinary ideas about time and space do not correspond to reality. It is practically impossible to describe time and space in words in the language of concepts known to us. However, this also applies to our understanding of the micro- and macroworld. As noted by the famous English physicist, laureate Nobel Prize Paul Dirac, quantum theory is built from such concepts, "which cannot be explained with the help of previously known concepts and cannot even be adequately explained by a word at all."
And although it is difficult to describe the physical representation of space and time, we have tried to do it. But it's not even about how we imagine these categories. For us, something else is important. Modern scientific ideas about space and time prove the possibility of the existence of other worlds, other civilizations, the possibility of movement in time, the creation of a time machine. Perhaps, therefore, the interpenetration of the worlds. And this, in turn, explains the possibility of the existence of "twins" and "ghosts" on Earth. The spiral of time, repetitions in the history of world civilizations and the presence of "ghosts" in history are no longer so mysterious.
The presence of historical duplicates in this case consists not only in the distortions of traditional chronology and the mistakes of historians, but also in the phenomenon of the revival of the life of people (reincarnation) and entire civilizations in various historical eras. The laws of karma act both on individuals and on entire nations, historical civilizations.
There are a lot of supporters of the idea of ​​reincarnation, but there are also many opponents. As we know, one of the adherents of reincarnation was Giordano Bruno. Mysticism and philosophy led Bruno to the concept of innumerable worlds. Bruno agreed with Copernicus that the Earth cannot be the center of the Universe, but he believed that the Sun cannot be the center of the Universe either. He proceeded from the idea of ​​an infinite number of worlds.
Bruno is said to have been burned at the stake for his "theological errors". In fact, as it is clear from the remaining minutes of the investigation, the true cause was his belief in infinite worlds and reincarnation. He believed that after death the human soul could return to Earth in a new body and could even move on to live in an infinite variety of worlds beyond Earth.
The theory of reincarnation has become widespread, but to this day it does not trace the most important, in our opinion, idea of ​​reincarnation, the rebirth in a new life of families, clans, nations, civilizations. We often hear that history repeats itself. Isn't such repetitions the result of the reincarnation of civilizations? After all, not only a person sins and is responsible for the sins of his life, expiating them in a new incarnation. Vile phenomena can in certain periods of time commit entire civilizations. Take slavery in Rome. An entire civilization based on slavery must reincarnate and atone for its sins.
The hypothesis we have considered of the revival of the life of people (reincarnation) and entire civilizations in different historical epochs, and hence the appearance of twins in history, is in many ways beautiful, esoteric, but too hypothetical and complex.
Reincarnation is rejected by the Orthodox Church, but this is a special issue, and we will not discuss it now.
It seems to us appropriate to try to find a simpler, more rigorous explanation of the mysterious phenomena in the history of world civilizations. Let's try to rethink in the light of the above our ideas about the course of history.
Some ancient philosophers viewed development as progress in a straight line. Others saw development as moving in circles. Aristotle combined these two approaches and created the image of a spiral as a model for the development of nature and civilizations.
In one of his early works, F. Engels compared the development of social life with a free, hand-drawn spiral: “History slowly begins its run from an invisible point, languidly making its turns around it, but its circles grow faster and flight becomes more alive ...”
An obvious, at first glance, statement turns out to be erroneous. We know the early pracivilizations, which possessed superbly developed technology, amazing knowledge of astronomy, and then these civilizations disappeared, and primitive societies came in their place, which represented the Earth in the form of a disk standing on the backs of whales or elephants, etc.
The notion of an ascending nature of development, the idea of ​​a development model in the form of an "expanding upward" spiral, ultimately turns out to be erroneous.
A new interesting model of the development spiral was developed by R.F. Abdeev. He developed and substantiated the converging (non-linear) spiral of development.
Other ideas about the spiral of development are also possible. And this, it seems, was well understood by our ancestors. The spiral as a symbol was widely used in ancient times. Labyrinths and spirals or their images have been recorded on all continents: in Africa, Asia, America, Australia, Russia…
In the Andes, for example, a huge hewn 20,000-ton stone block (the size of a 4-story house) was found, completely covered with spirals. Until now, no one can explain its origin and purpose.
The spiral ornament was widespread in Russian traditional embroideries. Spiral signs and symbols are imprinted on objects of Slavic-Russian life. Spiral codes were passed down from generation to generation, from people to people, from worldview to worldview, from religion to religion. The spiral is one of the deepest symbols of the universe. Apparently, the ancients wanted to show that everything moves and develops in a spiral, but the forms of spirals can be very different, just as the forms of development of civilizations are different.

Today I propose to get acquainted with a very interesting theory of spiral dynamics, built on the research of the American psychologist Claire Graves.

Main ideas of the theory of spiral dynamics

  • The development of each individual person and of all mankind proceeds along a spiral trajectory, passing through a successive series of levels.
  • The six levels of the first order are Survival, Mysticism, Orderliness, Service to a Higher Purpose, Materialism, and Commitment to the Common Good.
  • At the levels of the second order, personal potential is revealed and people unite with each other.
  • Levels, each of which has its own socio-cultural “meme” and conditional color, characterize not types of people, but ways of thinking.
  • Harmonious development presupposes forward movement upward in a spiral; levels partially overlap.
  • Each level goes through the stages of “birth”, “climax” and “fading”.
  • People and collectives can be affected only by those forces that correspond to the current circumstances of their life and the level of their development.

Spiral model

The theory of spiral dynamics describes eight interconnected levels of maturity of the individual and society. Each level corresponds to a certain set of cultural values, its own color, its own priorities, beliefs and peculiarities of the worldview. Developing, people and nations move from level to level under the influence of living conditions and experience in solving problems. When the conditions for the existence of a person, organization or society change, this transformation forces us to reconsider the basic values ​​and beliefs. Problems that cannot be solved within the framework of the existing value system force us to rise to the next turn of the spiral. The levels partially overlap each other, passing through the phases of “birth”, “climax” and “fading”. This evolution takes place over a long period of time: a person or society leaves the previous level and slowly moves towards the next level that appears on the horizon. Problems arise when something interferes with such forward movement.

The spiral model is a tool that allows you to manage the transformation process. But in order to use it, first of all, it is necessary to understand at what level of development a person or team is, and then one can choose the methods of implementing changes accordingly. These levels characterize not the type of personality, but the way of thinking.

As a rule, we are under the influence of several layers of values ​​at once, or ideological complexes, called “memes”. Any major transformation must take into account the characteristics of the level at which

person or society. Thus, attempts to quickly create a free market economy in a country that has been dominated by an authoritarian regime for decades are doomed to failure in advance. Such a country must go through a stage of gradual liberalization and education of respect for individual freedom in order to develop a desire for independence and an entrepreneurial spirit in society.

Learning to determine where an individual or group is is not easy, just as difficult as it is to cope with the desire to accelerate change. The Spiral Dynamics model has great potential to drive change in

contexts, including organizations. The scope of its application is almost limitless. Colors: levels and value systems

Levels of development, each of which corresponds to a certain value "meme", reflect the psychocultural maturity of an individual or society. The first six levels (levels of the first order) correspond to the following colors:

  1. Beige. This is the “stone age”, in which people are ruled by instincts, and their main concern is survival. They gather in groups not to communicate, but to jointly obtain food and protect themselves from threats. Children quickly leave this turn of the spiral, as do most primitive cultures. Older people can go down to the "beige" level if they suffer from Alzheimer's disease. It is necessary to work with teams that are at the “beige” level, appealing to the senses (vision, taste, touch). At this level of development is less than 0.1% of the world's inhabitants, in the hands of which only 0.01% of political power.
  2. Violet. Driven by the desire to improve their living conditions, people enter into more complex social associations, moving from families and clans to tribes. Tribal life is governed by rituals, mysticism, belief in spirits and ancestor worship. Their members obediently obey common rituals, observe prohibitions and respect blood ties. To influence a person or a group with this level of consciousness, show its members that you respect their customs and customs. For example, a sports team might exhibit purple traits. Criticism of the superstitions common in such a group causes a negative reaction in it. About 10% of people still live in clans and tribes, concentrating about 1% of political power in their hands.
  3. Red. Purple changes to red when people realize the failure of superstition and the meaninglessness of rituals. When members of the group begin to challenge the power of the rulers who exploit them, the latter become even more despotic, which accelerates change. As soon as there is no agreement between the members of the group, anarchy arises, after which power is in the hands of dictators. In the cruel "red" world, the law of the jungle reigns, tyrants rule over empires, and power has the highest value. Everyone strives to snatch their share of the benefits and believe that the fittest will survive. A rigid hierarchy, authoritarianism, inertia of thinking, and cruelty reign in society. People don't have empathy for each other. To bring about change at the red level, teach people to respect others and protect their own reputations. Any attempts to bring the team together will be perceived by its members with hostility. Explain to the Reds what their “benefit” is: instead of anarchy, offer them order and service to a higher goal. At this level, there are about 20% of the people, who account for about 5% of political power.
  4. Blue. The desire for order heralds an approach to the "blue" level, which is characterized by predictability, patriotism and self-sacrifice for the sake of a higher goal. Tight control and authoritarianism still reign in the “blue” world, but the leaders are distinguished by a “paternal” attitude towards the people, and not by the desire for self-aggrandizement. To transform this society, teach people to value personal merit and to be rewarded for success. Respect their traditions. Do not encourage wasteful, conspicuous consumption and social dependency. The “blue” level is the largest segment of the world's population, these 40% of people concentrate 30% of political power in their hands.
  5. Orange. This level replaces “blue” when people question the authority of the authorities. If leaders abuse their position, it accelerates change. As soon as people realize that they know better than the authorities how to live, they cease to be loyal. They begin to think more freely, and the beginnings of entrepreneurship and careerism appear in society. Wanting more, people see the way to a better life in science and technology. Neglect of personal interests for the sake of a higher goal gives way to the pursuit of material wealth. The society is dominated by "meritocracy", the power of the worthy. To influence the orange team, focus its members on professionalism, the needs of the team, and the benefits of living in the community. Constituting 30% of the population, this group holds 50% of political power.
  6. Green. The “orange” level is replaced by “green” when people begin to strive for mutual understanding and the development of spirituality. Material wealth and personal achievements no longer bring them joy, and the lack of relationships makes them feel lonely. The spirit of competition is weakening, and collective well-being and concern for the world around us come to the fore. Decisions are made not by a minority, but by consensus. People begin to be guided by the principle of reasonable necessity, and not by greed, they strive for a simple life, not burdened by rampant consumption. To help them move to the next level, let them know that going “whole” is ineffective and limits the individual. Advise to take all the good things from other levels. This segment covers 10% of the population and holds 15% of political power.

Two levels of the second order correspond to the following two colors:

  • Yellow. The transition to the second order levels is a much more important step than the transition between the first order levels. Thoughts and actions acquire special flexibility and multidimensionality here. Individuals and communities reach this level when they become disillusioned with collectivism and begin to recognize its limitations, but still feel the need to dedicate themselves to activities for the common good. Repressed individualism is resurgent, devoid, however, of the desire for luxury and display of high status, characteristic of the “orange” level. Those at this level skillfully unite individuals and groups at different levels of development into a single organism to solve a specific problem. However, they do not feel the need to recognize their merits. These people have outgrown the desire to compete and assert themselves and in search of their "I" try not to harm others. The “yellow” level begins to recede as soon as people realize the limited capabilities of the individual and unite to solve the global problems of human existence. The 1% of the population that reaches this level controls about 5% of political power.
  • Turquoise. As people, having well studied the possibilities and limitations of individualism, return to a balanced collectivism, they again begin to show the self-sacrifice that was lost after leaving the "blue" level. If the “yellow” level is creation and problem solving, then the “turquoise” one is the unification of humanity into a single spiritual whole with a focus on such priorities as caring for the world around us, simplicity of life and respect for people at any level. Those who are at this level strive to become part of a single system of interconnections that all forms of life form. They are able to combine the strengths of all other levels without compromising their own “I”. In the hands of 0.1% of representatives of this level, 1% of political power is concentrated.

Six conditions for change

In order for people and collectives to be able to go through the development process described, certain conditions must be met. The scale of change and its sustainability depend on this.

  1. Potential assessment. Is the person, organization, or culture receptive to the changes you intend to make? Are they in an “open” (you can act), “chained” (remove all barriers first and do not expect quick success) or “closed” state (it is useless to even try to change anything)?
  2. Searching of decisions. Find solutions to the problems that exist at this level before you encourage upward spiraling. When starting a change, first make sure that a solid foundation has been prepared for it.
  3. Creating dissonance. Give evidence that the traditional way of thinking does not meet the new requirements and conditions of life. Describe the dangers that will inevitably arise from this. Bring people out of their complacency to awaken their desire to change.
  4. Destruction of barriers. Individuals and groups tend to erect barriers around themselves that protect against change. Reveal these barriers and destroy them.
  5. Awakening understanding. Explain why the person or organization needs to change. Point out what needs to be fixed and help people imagine how it will change their lives for the better.
  6. Consolidation. Making changes is a long process that alternates between breakthroughs and setbacks. It needs to be constantly supported. If changes occur in an organization, its leader must be at the center of the process of change, providing all kinds of support to subordinates.

If these conditions are met, the transformation process will take place in five stages:

  1. "Alpha stability". Everything is in order, people are happy, the system works.
  2. "Beta Conditioning". Small problems turn into big ones, traditional solutions do not work in the new conditions. Doubts about the viability of the system are growing. Attempts to rectify the situation through more effective use of old ways of working only exacerbate the problems.
  3. "Gamma Trap". The problems are becoming more and more obvious. Denying them is not the best way out of the situation. It seems to you that it is better to wait and see how things develop before acting. But you need to act right now. By procrastinating, you may find yourself in a "trap" that will lead to personal, organizational and social collapse. Recovery from such a crash will be long, if possible at all.
  4. "Delta Splash". By avoiding the "gamma trap", you will experience a feeling of euphoria. But other pitfalls await you. Changes can make things worse or be superficial and you start to slide back into the “trap”.
  5. "New alpha stability". If the transformations were successful and you avoided the "gamma trap", you are at a new stage of development. Ensure the system is stable before the cycle restarts.

Use the accurate assessment of the five conditions for successful change and the control of the five stages of the process as tools to help people and teams achieve sustainable change. Act on all levels at once, take into account the benefits that each level provides, and develop solutions that are appropriate for each level. Follow the principles of “politeness” (show respect for others), “openness” (listen to others), and “autocracy” (govern with a firm hand and boldly accept responsibility).

Before embarking on the path of transformation, figure out what level you are now and where you want to be. Review the resources and means available to implement the changes. Formulate your vision for the future and share it with your group members. Develop a workflow that covers all activities that affect the change process. Assemble a management team to support the program throughout its implementation. Control the process and coordinate the work of people making changes. Steadily move forward, looking for optimal solutions to problems as they arise.

In the photo: Fraternization on the Russian-German front. 1917

History develops in a spiral - this statement belongs to the ancient Greek writer and historian Xenophon. The saying is almost 2500 years old. Another big historical catastrophe is brewing, but the regularity of the development of events is striking. In the light of recent events, reading the article "Gazeta.Ru", I remembered another constant nuance of protracted conflicts - fraternization with the "enemy". During many years of wars, trench people have to get rid of ideological blinkers, if the "blitz krieg" did not come out, because only corpses multiply nearby, the end of the war is not visible, satisfying safe headquarters are far from the front line, but you want to live in the trenches.

06/18/2014, 13:01 | "Gazeta.Ru"

The Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, Vasily Nikitin, said that the Ukrainian military and Lugansk militias, by mutual agreement, are taking out the bodies of their dead from the battlefields in the vicinity of Luhansk.
“An agreement was reached that we would take our dead, and they would take theirs,” RIA Novosti quoted Nikitin as saying.
He stressed that the militia fighters had already provided the military with the opportunity to pick up the dead in the area of ​​Lugansk airport. In turn, the militias plan to evacuate the bodies of the dead in the area of ​​the city of Shchastia.

Historical analogies must be adapted to modern events, here you can even believe the notorious W. Churchill: "The main lesson of history is that humanity is unteachable."

Fraternization during World War I

During the First World War, fraternization was expressed in the meetings of soldiers of hostile armies in no man's land on the basis of mutual refusal to conduct hostilities. Fraternization became widespread in the second half of 1916 and in 1917. Fraternization took place on both the Western and Eastern fronts of the First World War.

Fraternization on the Eastern Front of the First World War

On the Russian-German front, fraternization was first registered in October 1915, but it was not widespread and was of a sporadic nature, without posing a threat to the combat effectiveness of the Russian army. Fraternization became widespread at the end of 1916 and, especially, in 1917. Fighting fraternization during the June offensive of 1917, the command of the Russian army turned to repression. In July 1917, the Provisional Government issued an order (source?) on the execution of representatives of the enemy armies who appeared for fraternization and the court-martial of the ranks of the Russian army participating in the fraternization. The growing influence of the Bolsheviks at the front in the second half of 1917 led to mass and organized fraternization. After the Bolsheviks came to power (in December 1917 - February 1918), fraternization took on the character public policy- the Bolshevik government hoped with their help to bring the German revolution closer, or at least delay or weaken the upcoming German offensive.

Fraternization during civil war in Russia

During the Civil War, there were fraternizations of the Red Army troops with units of the Entente. So, at the end of December 1918, on the Northern Front, the soldiers of the 6th Army began to fraternize with the Anglo-French.

Fraternization ban in 1945

There was even such a poster for American soldiers: “Remember this! Don't fraternize!"

In 1945, General Eisenhower declared that there should be "no fraternization" between American troops and the German population. However, thanks to pressure from the State Department and individual US congressmen, this policy was gradually relaxed. In June 1945 the prohibition of talking to German children was made less strict. In July it became possible to speak with German adults under certain circumstances. In September, the no-communication policy was lifted in both Austria and Germany. In the early stages of the occupation, American soldiers were not allowed to pay for the maintenance of a German child, which was seen as "helping the enemy." Marriages between white American soldiers and Austrian women were not permitted until January 1946, and with German women until December 1946.

Separate episodes of fraternization between Soviet and American soldiers took place during the so-called "meeting on the Elbe", despite the fact that there was an instruction for Soviet army: Show no familiarity with allied troops.
In culture

AT fine arts known lithograph A. Provo "fraternization of the insurgent people with the troops at the Tuileries Palace February 24, 1848".

The 2005 film Merry Christmas directed by Christian Karion is dedicated to the fraternities in the First World War. The film's original title was "Joyeux No;l" and is known as "Merry Christmas" in English language publications.

"Everything comes back to normal"

The spiral is a highly complex symbol that has been used since Paleolithic times. It has been found in pre-dynastic Egypt, Crete, Mycenae, Mesopotamia, India, China, Japan, pre-Columbian America, Europe, Scandinavia and Britain.

And everywhere the spiral is a symbol of great creative power.
- Cosmic energy grows around the Atoms, becoming spheroidal. "Wheels" - the prototype of atoms, each of which is the desire for rotational motion. The "God" becomes a "whirlwind", the "whirlwind" gives rise to a spiral movement. From time immemorial, the Universe has been symbolically expressed as a spiral, that is, a vortex motion.
The law of spiral movement is the most ancient idea of ​​the Universe.
- The spiral is a symbol of time, cyclic rhythms, the change of seasons, birth and death, the phases of "aging" and "growth" of the Moon.

It symbolizes air and water currents, thunder and lightning. The spiral and the tornado have the same symbolism, and act as symbols of energy in nature. - In metaphysical terms, it symbolizes the realities of existence, the various modalities of being, the wanderings of the soul and its final return to the center.

The spiral is a typical bidirectional symbol


- A compressed coil spring is a symbol of hidden power, as is a snake-like ball of kundalini energy. - Spiral snake shape on
caduceus , like other double helixes, symbolizes the balance of opposites.

The same meaning is contained in the Taoist sign "yin-yang", which is a kind of double helix.
The ascending spiral is a masculine, phallic sign, the descending is feminine, which makes the double helix also a symbol of fertility and childbearing.

The spiral shape is found everywhere in life - we live in a galaxy that has spiral arms. The organ of hearing - the ears, the drawing on human fingers, and the DNA molecule contained in every cell of living organisms, have the shape of a spiral ...

“The wind returns to its circles”, and not only the wind, but also the waves of space go in a circle, which become a spiral in time and bring back waves of similar phenomena. This causes the return of some impulses and influences that sometimes arise in the mind, live for a while and again go somewhere. The ability to beautifully meet these waves is developed by the skill and desire to refract them through the prism of Beauty. Beauty can redeem the influence of waves, from the depths of consciousness calling out that which has not yet been outlived, but is subject to the speedy elimination.

The presence of a person on the planet is devoid of ultimate meaning.
- It is not surprising, because there is no end. Isn't it strange to think that nothing that exists in nature has an end, just as it has no beginning? Any phenomenon is only a continuation of what preceded it earlier, which was the cause that caused it to manifest. . Behind each effect is the cause that gave rise to it, behind each completion is a chain of new consequences or phenomena arising from it. They say the death of a man is the end. But this is not the end, but only the beginning of a new life for him.

The death of the worlds occurs, but their matter goes to the formation of new ones, and the spirit-monads of the forms manifested on them return to new planets, continuing their endless evolution..

Just as space has no end, just as precisely time has no beginning or end, for everything is contained in the torus of infinity, and infinity is only a form of expression for everything that exists. Everything that exists in space evolves in a toroidal-spiral pulsation of life.

The atom pulsates, the heart pulsates, the sun pulsates in rhythms of increase and decrease, in the phenomena of evolution and involution. The great law of rhythm is subject to the entire Cosmos, the lives of individuals, entire nations. Everything is done within the framework of the law, which is a form of expression of life. To enter into the rhythm of the Cosmos means to comprehend the secret of life and affirm one's place in infinity on the ladder of Hierarchy. Awareness of Her will be the approved immortality of the spirit, achieved in life on Earth and in Other Worlds.

When the moments of "Pralaya" come in the consciousness, one should not think that this is the end that the Lord has left.
You just need to calmly wait out this period. It can be long or short, depending on the rise that preceded it. The alternation of waves is inevitable and requires understanding. The alternation of waves or rhythm is a total phenomenon. Consciousness would not withstand the stress if it were constantly on the rise.

The rhythm of consciousness is spiral, and the ascent marks that the spiral from being flat has become elongated upward. The last point of ascent of the turn of the spiral also determines a new point on its turn, but on a higher plane, even if it seemed at the moment of the decline of consciousness that everything had gone somewhere and the future was covered by a veil. This is also a type of Maya.

The path is endless, and many pictures, and conditions, and faces will flash across its various sections, painted in different tones. And night and day, in bad weather and a storm, you will have to go, but these are just milestones, only what flickers around to go irrevocably into the past. The walking traveler on the path of the infinite is himself infinite and eternal, and whatever the given segment, it is temporary and short in comparison with what has already been passed, and with what remains to be passed. It might be added that every step along the path teaches something, no matter how boring, difficult, or hectic it may seem.

The conscious desire to draw a useful lesson from any situation and conditions accelerates progress, because every delay and slowdown is caused by the fact that time is wasted without use and the lesson outlined by karma remains unlearned, this makes it necessary to repeat it. Therefore, the question will be superfluous: what life wants to teach me, putting me in these conditions, but not others. Cooperation with the flow of karma is very fruitful, while opposition to it can cause undesirable and even serious consequences. If you rebel against karma, it can topple over the rebel, that is, with all its weight fall on him. Calmness, acceptance of the inevitable and learning from it the necessary lesson will help to quickly go through a difficult period of life.
Turnovers of the spiral of consciousness are directed in time from the past to the future. Each subsequent turn is different from the previous one, although it is similar to it: similar, but not identical, and each segment of the turn is not similar to each other. All qualities of the spirit are also subject to spiral development. The spiral is not a plane, because it is elongated in time: the distance between the coils depends on the degree, strength and tension of the aspiration of the spirit.

Growing tension

The more purposeful, the more extended the spiral, and it depends on the strength of the rod, so that the movement of consciousness along it is rhythmic and intense. The doctrine of tension also provides for this condition, linking tension with fieriness: the more intense, the more fiery and luminous. Tension - fieriness - Light. This is how consciousness grows in a spiral, thinning and pumping the awakening centers of the fiery body - and thus shaping it.

All the great diversity of the world and its manifestations is limited by the relatively small number of Laws, or Foundations, within which these manifestations are possible. The atom pulsates, the heart pulsates, the Sun pulsates, for the heart is in everything. In the same way, the principle of unity, individualization of a phenomenon must be observed in order for it to take place, otherwise it will merge with the surrounding world and will not be revealed. Characteristic is also the phenomenon of rhythm, to which everything is subject. The number four is interesting precisely for its universality, since the principle of quadrupleness is followed by all forms and all things of the world in which a person lives.

Each problem can be solved precisely from the numerical side, taking the four as the basis. If we divide life into segments (death-birth, youth, maturity, old age), then we can see how the spiral of human existence consists of turns of a clearly expressed order. These periods must be taken into account when analyzing the paths of the ascent of the spirit. The steeper the spiral of ascent, the faster the ascent.

A flat spiral means stagnation and ceases to be ascending. From each point of the spiral, you can stretch a straight line up to a similar point on the next turn. This means that the phenomenon will be repeated by analogy with the previous one, but on a higher plane, that is, that the transmutation of this phenomenon in the direction of the striving inherent in it is possible. But it is necessary that there be aspiration, that is, that there be something that should be transmuted .If there is nothing, then there is nothing to regenerate. From hate it is possible to create love, that is, to transmute hatred into a higher feeling, but nothing is created from nothing. Therefore, it is said: “because you were neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth”, that is, lukewarm nonentities, neither cold nor hot, are thrown out of the stream of evolution like cosmic rubbish.

The teacher is not embarrassed by the fact that the most ardent negative qualities and properties. This is just good for transmutation, because everything is forgiven to the winner, and nonentities are not taken as students. Disadvantages, for acceptance as disciples - not an obstacle. Rather, their absence interferes, because when there is nothing to transmute, then there is nowhere to go either.
This should be taken into account when someone knocks. There is no access to the dark ones, but the robbers and the harlot were close. The brightest flaws can give radiant qualities. But what will virtuous moderation and mediocrity of insignificance give? About ruddy virtue It was said: “The well-intentioned “Nikodims” do not have the fiery qualities of the spirit in themselves.” And they do not drive evolution. Our measures are different. Sometimes we appreciate people for their shortcomings. We do not recognize standards.

“The wind returns to its circles” - only these circles are never the same, but in the spiral of time they are always located above the previous ones. So, the passage, as it were, of the previous cycle is not the same. And this cycle is no longer the same, but new. The turnover of the spiral of the annual cycle is similar to the previous one, but is constantly new with the opportunities for growth and development of those provisions that were revealed in the past year. The growth of cases continues - both bad and good. But how can the bad ones be stopped and the good ones allowed to develop? Will a good farmer sow rotten seeds or weeds? Certainly not. So it is on a planetary scale: bad seeds and phenomena of the past year can not be given a place on the arable land of the coming year, but good ones can be given.

Life planning is essentially a Cosmic principle. Animals lack this ability, with very few exceptions, but humans do. The peoples who plan their future will outstrip, immutably outstrip those who live by the gravity of the existing life. . Creative will is invested in the plan, the plan excludes the spontaneous course of life, the plan introduces the crystallized thought of the collective into the framework and is implemented immutably in one way or another. Much depends on the level of consciousness that implements the plan, but the plan itself is like channels through which the energy of water rushes in the desired direction.

The time will come, and the collective consciousness will consciously concentrate the power of the concentrated thought of the peoples on the necessary phenomena on a planetary scale for their implementation on Earth. In this way, the earthly elements will be consciously brought into balance, the climate will be consciously regulated, and much more. Mankind is aware of the power of the collective, united, friendly,
harmonized thinking as a powerful weapon for curbing natural phenomena.
But it is necessary that people understand what possibilities are at their disposal, what forces are given to them by nature, for it is possible to realize only what is possible.

The limit of human possibilities is limited by consciousness, that is, the height and breadth and capacity of understanding from a given moment. Deniers will not understand anything and will not master anything, but those who do not deny and embrace truly inherit the Earth and all its treasures and all the treasures of the Cosmos with all the endless possibilities for the development of the spirit and the assertion of its power over matter with all its open and hidden properties. The acceptance of a possibility brings one closer to mastering it. People would never fly if they did not admit that this is possible. Those who break through the channels of possibilities for future achievements in space can rightly be called pioneers of thought, leaders - navigators.

Spiral Repetition - The Mother of Learning

If you are accused of repetition or that the records speak of the same thing, do not be surprised and do not be upset. They who speak like this do not understand the spiral construction of records, they do not understand that the spiral, as it ascends, repeats coil after coil, but on a higher level; they have not realized any spiraling progress. After all, today is similar to yesterday, and many past days: the same morning, and evening, and noon. But no one will deny the spirals of time of days and nights, because no two days are the same, just as there are no two human faces that are completely identical. Each new turn of the spiral carries new elements that complement and compose the previous one. Consciousness grows slowly. By following the rhythm of the spiral, everyone can enrich their own consciousness with it. . Let us leave the criticism of the spiral construction of history to the ignoramuses, for they themselves are not in a position to construct their own spiral.

The reality of being, refracted through human consciousness, becomes Maya. And although Maya is not reality, however, it is the engine of the evolution of the spirit. That is why it has to be taken into account. It is also useful in that in the kaleidoscope of its transient phenomena one can see elements of an enduring, The foundations on which reality is based, and on them to build a new understanding of the world. Recorder, Silently Looking at the world of transient phenomena, not from them, but from Eternity. Eternal life and the immortality of the spirit are not an illusion, but a real reality. Thus, in the midst of the rushing stream of the great river of life, one can learn to distinguish the eternal from the temporal and find both its true place in the general scheme of things.

When the inner fires are burning, everything that hinders the affirmation of Light in oneself is easily overcome. . But what do you do when the lights go out? The rhythm of the manifestation of fires is a property of a developed consciousness. It does not remain without rhythm. Therefore, the alternation of waves, rises and falls are the result of movement, but not of stopping or fading. Calmly and in silence, one can meet these alternations of waves, knowing that they are inevitable.

The change of seasons is spiral in time, because nothing repeats in nature, but everything rushes into the future. And it is very important not to go down in this movement. On the examples of the degeneration of races, peoples, clans and families, one can judge the results of a downward or involutionary movement. The spirit can also involute. From the spiral of several lives, one can judge whether the spiral will be ascending or descending. With a very careful analysis of one's own life, one can see the nature of its movement and know unmistakably whether it is ascending or descending. "Corrupted souls" are among the descending ones. On whatever turn of the downward spiral the spirit is, it can always change the direction upward and make the spiral ascend. You don't have to look far for examples. Their history gives a lot. But shocks are needed in order for the spirit of strength to find to bring about this change.

Universe Spiral

The manifestations of the Higher World vibrate in the spirals of Light. The construction of the Universe is spiral. In a spiral, the Earth rushes through space towards a distant star. Do we think that if the movement of the entire solar system, and in particular the Earth, were not spiral, then the Earth's orbit would pass along the same track every time, causing the repetition of phenomena. The principle of evolution is also built spirally. As long as the consciousness moves in a circle and the movement is closed by it, progress is impossible. The result is stagnation. But as soon as the movement of consciousness becomes spiral, the circle is open, and each turn of the spiral gives new accumulations and marks the rise.

Thanks to the principle of the spiral, nothing in nature repeats, although there are many outwardly similar phenomena. It is also necessary to understand the spiral nature of the trials of the ascending consciousness. It may seem that they are all the same, but their character changes with each turn of the spiral. Pay attention to the words "ascending consciousness", for there is another spiral that can be descended.

The evolution of consciousness is opposed to involution. There are consciousnesses going down in a downward spiral. You know the degenerated tribes, the remnants of the once great peoples who were drawn into the spiral of involution. Note that even these records are subject to the law of the spiral, in this case ascending. If the movement of consciousness took place in a vicious circle. The phenomenon of records would be impossible, because there would simply be nothing to write about. But you already know from experience that in each record, despite their abundance, there is something new that is not contained in the previous ones. This is the principle of the spiral of expanding and ascending consciousness.

The Book of Life records many examples of the radiant path of ascending spirits. We also know examples of other spirits descending and descending through the ages. But let's talk about the spirals of Light. The qualities of the spirit also develop spirally, from time to time vehemently asserting themselves in manifestation. Knowing the spiral of construction, it is possible to plant the seeds of future discoveries in the mind, because with each new coil the seed will grow until it gives rise to shoots that also grow spirally. It is the spiral of consciousness that determines the growth of accumulations.

In the Great Spiral of the future, one can see the great purpose of mankind and the boundless possibilities of its achievements. The realization of the Law of the Spiral contains a force that gives a powerful impetus to the ascent of the spirit. Every achievement, even the smallest one, is a guarantee of great achievements. There are no limits to the growth of the power of the spirit. There is not a single grain of Light, which in the spiral of time could not grow into radiant masses.

In the spiral of time, at its opposite points of rotation, each phenomenon becomes its opposite, for example, spring and autumn, flowering and fading, colors of life and colors of death, beginning and end. This is the law of evolution. No matter how good and evolutionary the phenomenon, but, obeying the action of the law, it outlives its electrons in order to be replaced by its opposite. This is the dialectic of life. The wind returns to its full circle, but already on the next, higher, turn of the spiral. The phenomenon is not identical, but similar. Knowing the law, one can judge the future. According to this phenomenon, one can judge its opposite, according to the consequences of the Great Battle - about the field of the Light City, according to the disorder in the world - about the coming Epoch of the Mother of the World.

The Foundations rest on Infinity, for they relate to the Spheres of fiery reality. Touching the Foundations, we touch Infinity itself. Therefore, the area covered by the Fundamentals cannot be exhausted. The law of the spiral also applies to the Fundamentals.

The evolution of existence is also spiral. Coming New Age was already once in the distant past and, just as now, raised humanity to a new step on the Ladder of Evolution. But this step was different, and the people were different, and the conditions of life, and the planet itself was not the same. This has been repeated over time.

The cycles are repeated, ascending in a spiral. This law is universal and encompasses and subjugates all aspects of life. The polarity or duality of the manifested world is also universal. The spiral of evolution is also bipolar. As one can go up, so the other can go down. You know not only the rise and flourishing and advancement of entire peoples, but also the degeneration and decline of the unsuccessful. You know the ascent of the spirits of the Carriers of Light and you know those going down into the abyss, descending lower and lower with each new incarnation. The spiral of the descent or fall of the spirit is in action. In the spiral of time, each phenomenon follows the path of either integration or disintegration.

Consciousness Matrix

It is very important to have a goal towards which the consciousness is directed. Compare a person who wanders aimlessly with a person who walks steadily and knows where he is going and why. The difference is striking. He who goes to the goal will reach it. But where will the wanderer come? Therefore, all human actions are expedient, that is, they are in accordance with his strategic intention. The path is fast. There are no thoughtless actions. One of the aspects of commensurability will be the ability to apply the events of the current day to the Great Plan. This Plan has its place in Infinity and is commensurate with it. And if the phenomena of the day are applied to the Matrix of Infinity, and their meaning is measured by it, then everything will fall into place - and the midge will not obscure the sun before the eye.

The kingdom not of this world is Infinity, in which everything exists, and into which everything that was, and is, and what will be is carried away, and in the scrolls of which everything is imprinted. So, there you can read a scroll or a film of the life of each spirit, a pattern of the life of the spirit, recorded in space. There is a pattern of life for each planet, from the beginning of its existence to the end. These are spatial records, possible because all the planets are in constant motion. The earth rotates in orbit and around its axis, all the time changing the spatial point of its location. Next year, the orbit continues, but not in a vicious circle, but in a spiral, because the orbit is spiral, since the entire solar system rushing towards a distant star. Therefore, no location of the planet is repeated and does not occur in the same place. Spiral movement excludes this condition. Therefore, nothing exactly repeats in nature, but everything goes in a spiral. Both spring and summer, and all seasons are repeated annually, but in the spiral of time and space they are always new.

It is impossible to move in leaps and bounds: the expenditure of energy is monstrous and the results are negligible. . You can learn from nature: in the spiral movement of evolution, day and night rhythmically changes, spring - in summer, autumn - in winter, in order to start moving again, but already on a new turn of the spiral. The ascent of the spirit is also spiral, and the growing consciousness has its own rhythm.

The Earth, with all its imperfections, nevertheless rushes forward in space - this means that nothing can stop its flight into the future. And in time, the planet also moves into the future, never returning back. The movement is directed in a spiral. Therefore, nothing is repeated. A new turn of the spiral, lying above the previous one, is similar to it, but not identical. Each new spring is also similar to the previous one, but not identical with it. Attempts to return the past are contrary to evolution . And the Yugas, and the cycles, and the Manvantaras go spirally into the future, never repeating each other in their ascent, although they return, but always in a new expression.

In the spiral of time, everything repeats itself, obeying the laws of cosmobiorhythmics. Winter, spring, summer and autumn. The same cycle of the year, repeating for millions of years, but each turn of the spirals is similar, but not identical, to the previous and subsequent ones. In this constant, unchanging repetition of the same, but eternally new and different from what has already been, lies the secret of the similarity of related opposites of repeating phenomena. No two blades of grass are similar, and no two moments of time are the same, although it sometimes seems that they are completely similar. Yes! They are similar, as the fingers of the right and left hands are similar, so similar and not similar to each other, as morning and evening are similar in the rise and fall of light, as a man and a woman are similar in that both are human. They are born, live and die for millions of years, and not a single life repeats exactly. Each goes its own way, always differing from one another. Nature, repeating itself always, repeats nothing exactly. Unity in multiplicity, repetition in non-recurrence, life with constant death, that is, a change of forms - this is how the Law manifests itself, expressing the properties of the opposites of a single thing.

Moving in a spiral means the novelty of the influences received by a person. Nothing is repeated, because the passage along the turns of the spiral, located one above the other, means an analogy with the previous turn, but not identity. Each life, or incarnation, is new in this sense. And a person is new every moment, that is, no longer the same as he was before. Worse or better - depends on whether he is moving in an upward or downward spiral. There are spirits that rise, and there are spirits that sink lower and lower. Both the good and the dark beginnings in a person have a tendency to develop. Nothing stands still. Where are you going? ? ?