Methods for remembering dates from history: how easy it is to remember historical dates. How to remember historical dates Learn dates from history online

We often face a lack of knowledge in a particular subject. And this may be due not so much to preparing for exams in educational institution, but with other life situations encountered both in the service and in informal communication with friends. This is especially true for knowledge in the field of such a vast science as history. There is a lot of information on this subject and the knowledge learned from school lessons, as a rule, turns out to be insufficient even to hold a conversation, not to mention professional matters.

Simple helpers

In order to learn history quickly, you need stock up on supplies which are more convenient to hold in your hands than to view on a computer. Scrolling through the pages several times and rereading incomprehensible lines, you will remember the information faster than clicking on endless hyperlinks and snatching disparate information from different sources.

How will he remember the dates in history? The easiest way is to use a date table, on which dates are structured in chronological order. Studying a particular topic, you can easily orient yourself in years and determine its place. The more often you refer to the table, the more firmly the dates will settle into your memory. But dates are one of the most important moments in remembering history.

If the battles that took place very often in our world and played a big role in historical development events that are of paramount importance to you and affect the achievement of the goal of the study, then you will also need historical maps, which clearly depicts all the movements in the military process. In addition, historical maps show the division of the land in different periods.

As a source of information for a superficial study of history, it is best to take a school textbook. Each paragraph in it is associated with a specific event in history and gives its characteristics and main dates. Having learned the paragraph and highlighting the main points from it, you can begin to remember more specific events of a certain period.

In order to easily and quickly remember historical dates and events, you can use some of our tips, which you will find below. Pay Special attention that memory different people has a different volume and "bandwidth", so do not be angry with yourself if at first it will be worse for you to memorize than you would like.

  1. Divide the paragraph into blocks. Any text has a logical structure, which includes several parts. They can be easily divided, named each in accordance with the main thesis - the idea, and learned separately.
  2. Don't cram. To memorize texts, you do not need to memorize them word for word. It is important to understand what you are reading down to every word. It often happens that one misunderstood term can break the whole system.
  3. Stimulate yourself. At heart, each of us is a child. And like any child, we need to be rewarded for a job well done. Come up with a system of rewards and punishments for yourself to learn history quickly and with interest.
  4. Learn the dates. It is very good if, in the process of studying history, the table of dates that you begin to use, the photographic memory is preserved in your head. This will help you access the hint without picking it up.

Historical Notes

Very useful for quickly remembering a large number of information, get a notebook and put in it brief notes of what you have already managed to learn. It is important that you will not check this notebook, as at school, so in order to remember some fact, you can even sketch it.

Very helpful in remembering historical dates. handwritten diagrams: from one event you remove the facts related to it with arrows, certain connections are also formed between the following, and so on. Any visual information is very well deposited in our memory. Such graphic notes allow you to reduce large texts to the maximum and remember them due to constant reference to the notebook.

Memorizing a huge amount of information read in one day is very difficult, so do not forget that brain overload can lead to frustration and even some nervous breakdown. Remember about correct mode for and healthy eating. This will help your body to more easily cope with the "memory" marathon.

Article author: Syumakova Svetlana

How to quickly learn dates? This question often arises on the eve of exams, tests, tests.

Let's try to deal with this issue. The answer to this depends on several factors.
1. We must explain to ourselves why we need to quickly learn the dates?
2. How much time do we have to learn the required amount of information?
3. How much information do you need to learn?
4. How developed are our memory, attention, ability to work with information?
5. How to act, what memorization techniques to apply?

Answering the first question - why do we need to quickly learn dates - we are likely to say:
- perform the control;
- pass the exam;
- Solve history tests for ZNO or pass.

At the same time, we must admit to ourselves that we did not prepare for the exams in a timely manner, did not systematically study history, and in general, the upcoming test fell like snow on our heads. Otherwise, our question would be different: "How to repeat dates quickly"?

Let's try to solve the problem of remembering dates

We proceed from the fact that the dates still have to be taught, since they won’t let us write off, you can hope for luck with a random choice of an answer on testing, but it’s better to do at least something to help yourself.

Our first step: we determine the list of dates of events that we have to learn. For example, when preparing for the External Independent Evaluation (EIA) on the history of Ukraine, the list of required dates is indicated in the Training Program.

Our second step: set how much time is left until the test day.

Third step: determine how much information you need to learn in one day.

Fourth step: draw up a work schedule. At the same time, we allocate three to four days for study (if we have them), the next day is a repetition of what has been learned. Then again study and a new repetition of everything studied. And so on, while there is a reserve of time.

We decided on what needs to be done to start working on the dates of the events, now let's try to figure out how to act.

Based on my experience, I believe that the most effective ways works on dates are:
- work with cards, (some techniques for working with cards are described);

- work with an interactive simulator(Ideally, it is better to combine both methods).

I suggest trying to work out the dates of events in Ukrainian history, as well as their repetition using an interactive simulator. The dates correspond to the ZNO Program 2018.

Training dates from the history of Ukraine.

How to work with training

Numbers of thirty-one topics are given on the first slide of the training. By clicking on the topic number, you go to the list of events on this topic. You need to say the date of the event, and then click on the arrow opposite the event - the date of this event will appear. Or write down the dates of all events of this topic, and then, by clicking on the button "Vіdpovid", get the right answers.

If you got the date right - check the next date, if a mistake is made — we are working on an event, the date of which we named incorrectly. Ways of work are determined depending on your abilities and skills. For some it is enough just to see the correct answer and fix it in their memory, for some it takes considerable effort.

If you have any difficulties, I recommend:
Firstly, clearly read the name of the event and its date aloud;
Secondly, write out the event on the card, again saying the name of the event, and write the date on the back of the card and say it. Next, we work with the card, as it is written
Thirdly, after working out other dates of the topic, you need to reset the answers. To do this, go to the previous slide, then return to the slide of the topic with which we have already worked, and again speak or write down the dates of the events, and then check your answer. If necessary, we repeat the cycle of work.
Fourth, after three or four days, it is imperative to allocate time for repetition, and if there is a reserve of time, conduct several checks, increasing the time interval between checks.
Fifth, we don’t get hung up on working with dates - after all, you need to have time to work out and repeat other blocks of topics provided for by the Program, for example, working out maps, personalities, documents, architectural monuments and visual arts and others.

Dates and events from history are a headache for a schoolboy and an applicant. How to remember them when they strive to get tangled up in a ball? We have collected 9 of the most popular methods that are convenient to use for remembering dates and events for an exam or history CT.


Stickers pasted throughout the apartment give the result. You will hardly forget that the Battle of Grunwald took place on July 15, 1410, if this fact has been hanging on the refrigerator for half a year. The more often historical dates and events catch your eye, the more likely they are to come up in memory on an exam or CT in history.


Write the date on one side of the card and the event on the other. Shuffle the cards and see how good your preparation is for an exam or history CT. Divide the cards into three groups: “I know by heart”, “I always forget”, “I haven’t learned yet”. Ideally, the first group of cards is the most numerous.


The brain remembers structured information more easily. Make a table with the dates that you need to learn for an exam or CT in history. This is more convenient than getting information from textbooks.

Audio recordings

If a , read the dates on the recorder and listen to free time. Pause while recording so that the audio can be conveniently paused and repeated to yourself.

Films, paintings, photos

Look on the Internet for archival photos, paintings and documentaries dedicated to historical events. So not only the lines and illustrations from the textbook will remain in your memory, but also vivid images. Visualize battles, uprisings, wars, revolutions.

The painting of the Bavarian battle painter Peter von Hess “Crossing the Berezina” will help to remember that the battles on the banks of the Berezina during Napoleon’s crossing took place in late autumn


You can create colorful pictures in memory yourself. Moreover, the method is suitable for memorizing dates and events, as well as other information needed for an exam or CT in history. For example, proper names. Is it difficult to remember Yefim Karsky, a Belarusian linguist of the 20th century, the author of the three-volume work “Belarusians”? Imagine a crow in an embroidered shirt (“kar!”), which sits on three books, each of which has the name of the work written on it. The comparison is strange, but it will help to remember the surname.

Search for patterns

Memorizing dates will help you look for patterns between them. For example, the Union of Lublin was concluded in 1569. Let's rearrange the last two figures - and before us is the date of the conclusion of the Brest Church Union (1596). The territory of the USSR was occupied by German invaders from 1941 to 1944, while the war between Byzantium and Russia took place from 941 to 944.

Your numbers

Try to associate historical dates with numbers you know: your grandmother's birthday, a friend's address, or a bus number.

reference points

If you need to remember several dates of one major event (for example, Second World War), use the reference point method. The first date is the starting point. Then consider: after N days such an event occurred, after N months and N days - such an event.

In preparation for the exam and the CT in history, all means are good. Use the methods you like best and memorize historical dates and events without any problems!

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It's important to set a goal. It is easier for the brain to work when it is motivated and there is an accurate idea of ​​the desired result. Strive to get five for independent work or pass the exam for 100 points for admission to a university and start learning the dates, because you can’t do without them.


It is difficult for the brain to remember a large number of numbers and unfamiliar names. He does not see a clear structure and is lazy. Classify dates. Write all the dates on one sheet of A4. It is important to write out by hand, because visual-motor memory is activated, which facilitates the memorization process. Written should be regularly repeated or rewritten on other sheets several times.

You can classify by rulers and historical periods. Try both options and choose yours.

1. By rulers

Write out all the dates associated with the reign, for example, Ivan the Terrible on one sheet and memorize. For convenience, it can be divided into blocks: what was done in the economic sphere, what was done in the social sphere.

2. By historical periods

Select a historical period (for example, the Romanov dynasty, the years of the USSR, the Great Patriotic War) and write down all the important dates.

Stick stickers everywhere

Buy yourself several sets of stationery stickers. Buy the ones that are nice to look at. Write the date on each and stick it all over the apartment: from the head of the bed to the inner walls of the refrigerator. Every time you see a sheet with a date, repeat the event associated with it out loud or to yourself.


Dates can be associated with your personal memories or images. Perhaps your friend's birthday coincides with the date of signing the agreement on the collapse of the USSR, or a memorable event took place in your favorite place for walking, like the "Salt Riot" in Kolomenskoye.

Use interactive maps

Wars or geographical discoveries associated with specific areas. Therefore, it is convenient to memorize them using interactive maps. Here is a good map with events that took place only in Russia, and here is a map with battles around the world. On the second map, I noticed confused dates.

Use the interval repetition method

The brain is designed in such a way that it remembers information better if it is repeated several times over a long period of time. Then the information is deposited in long-term memory and it is easy to remember. Learn dates with breaks. Learn the dates of one period and take a break for a day or two. After a pause, repeat again.

Sample Rep Schedule ↓

Use time tables

Dates are easy to remember in chronological order. Tables help to structure information and remember which events followed one after another. There will be a time line in your head. Chronological tables can be found in paper reference books or on the Internet.

Read dates into voice recorder

While listening to audio recordings, auditory perception information. Read the dates on a voice recorder and listen to your favorite music with headphones. If you listen regularly, you will remember the dates faster.

Find Parallels

Some events took place on the same days and months, but in different years like the Gangut and Grengam battles. Try to look for parallels and memorize them.

Use cards

You can repeat dates using cards: cut out rectangular cards from cardboard, write the date on one side, and the event on the other. For example, the First Russian Revolution - 1905-1907. Lay the cards in front of you with one side and repeat the date or event. Set aside the ones you know well. Repeat from time to time.

You can create electronic cards, I create them in the Anki service. It can be installed on Mac and Windows. For Android, there is an AnkiDroid app. Create a card in Anki, specify the date and event in it. After that, open all the cards, and the application displays one of the entered events. You need to remember the date on which it happened without looking back. Next, evaluate your results. Anki will ask you for the dates that you managed to remember quickly, in a few days, and for those with which you have difficulties, he first asks immediately and the next day.

To remember dates

    Write dates on A4 sheets

    Stick stickers everywhere

    find associations

    Use interactive maps

    Learn dates with intervals

    Use chronological tables

    Speak dates on voice recorder

    Look for parallels

    Use cards

While studying at school, we think that in adult life most of the knowledge will not be useful to us, so we often pay little attention to details. But then this lack of knowledge begins to be acutely felt. Therefore, questions arise about how to quickly fill in the gaps in your education, for example, how you can quickly learn dates from history. Of course, to solve this problem, you will have to force your brain to work, but do not be afraid, titanic efforts will not be required.

How easy is it to learn dates from history?

The first option that comes to mind is a banal cramming that has set the teeth on edge since school. This method cannot be called simple, besides, it will help to remember only for one-time use, after which it will successfully evaporate from memory. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to learn dates from history in order to remember them for a long time, you should heed the following recommendations.

For learning to be successful, allocate the time of the highest activity for it - for some it is the evening hours, someone starts working productively at lunchtime, and for someone it is easiest to study right after waking up. Once you figure out the most convenient time, use it regularly so that your body gets used to receiving information at a certain period.