Wenger be ready for school. The program of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the readiness of children to study at the school of A.L. Wenger, a work program for the development of speech (preparatory group) on the topic

With a book " is your child ready for school?" L. A. Wenger, A. L. Wenger is available on the next page.

Annotation to the book:

Your child reads, counts and writes. But psychologists for some reason say that it is too early to send him to school. What should a child be able to do to be considered ready for school? And can parents prepare it themselves? What methods do psychologists use to determine the level of intelligence of a child? And what are the ways to correct certain developmental delays?

Answers to these and many other questions related to the psychological preparation of the child for school, you will find in this book.

The difference between a preschooler and a schoolchild is not external, but internal, psychological. And it is determined by how the child relates to other people - adults, peers, to the tasks that he performs, and how developed his mental qualities necessary for the systematic assimilation of knowledge.

First of all, this concerns the relationship between preschool and school activities, that is, between the game (as well as productive activities) and teaching. The ratio is not very simple.

The main type of children's play - a joint plot-role-playing game - is based on the voluntary association of children, on the free flight of their imagination, it does not tolerate regulation by adults. teaching in his school uniform- obligatory activity, requiring consistent reasoning within the given rules and strict guidance of an adult.

Equally important for preparing children for systematic learning is the fact that the role-playing game develops the ability to communicate with peers, coordinate their ideas with them, and exchange opinions and intentions. Children gradually acquire the ability to reason, to justify their opinion, to reckon with the opinion of another. And this is not only the mastery of communication skills, which in themselves are very necessary for the child to enter the class team, but also the formation of an important side of thinking: the ability to reason, think over any issue, the task is born from discussing them with other people, which shows the child that there may be different opinions on each issue, encourages him to understand and take into account the possible point of view of another. Many psychologists argue that reasoning is arguing with oneself.

A role-playing game is necessary for a child throughout the seventh year of life, in whatever conditions he is brought up. It continues to exist and develop along with the teaching, gradually preparing a radical shift in the child's attitude towards others and towards himself, the desire to engage in serious activities.

Part I. Five to Seven

Martsinkovskaya T.D. Psychological readiness for school. What it is? 4 Does the child want to go to school? 5

Can the child listen? 9

Does the hand hear the eye? ten

Wenger L.A. How does a preschooler become a schoolchild? eleven

How to “measure” school readiness 27

After checking 43 DIY 55

More, less, equally 62

Martsinkovskaya T. D. Oh, this TV! 71

Your friend computer 74

Is the computer harmful to our children? 74

Computer, bring Sasha back! 75

"Leaving", but why? 76

This fabulous computer world 78

The computer as a teacher 78

Trainer Computer 80

Or maybe he still Magic wand? 81

Computer and school readiness 82

Kinds computer games 84

The computer is also your future 87

Latest Tips 88

Part II. Wenger A. L. "Difficult" children

Unfavorable Development Options 93

Parents ask for advice 105

The story of the boy who could not speak 106

Why Misha was not sent to school 115

Ilya and exact sciences 124

Lena and Lenin's parents 144

Marina 156

First meeting 157

Getting Started 165

Achievements and failures 173

Afterword 188

Annotation to the book "Is your child ready for school?. A book of tests for children 6-7 years old": The book is a collection of tests that are often used when testing children before entering school. With the help of these tests, parents will be able to check whether their child is ready to master the letter, whether he reads well, whether his mathematical representations, memory, attention, thinking, speech and imagination. The book will also help parents determine the amount of knowledge the child has about the world around him and the breadth of the general erudition of a preschooler.

Annotation to the book “How to prepare a child for school” Chivikova N. Yu .: The book is addressed to parents and teachers of preparatory groups and classes, preschool departments of UVK, as well as teachers elementary school. The book contains a variety of tasks and games aimed at the development of the child, at his psychological preparation for school. It tells how to form a child's interest in learning, adapt it to school conditions how to build a daily routine for a future first grader. Game tasks will help you to easily teach your child to be attentive, independent, to properly hold a brush or pencil in his hands; coordinate the actions of the eyes and hands, develop the speech and thinking of the child.

The book "Psychological readiness for school" Gutkin N.I. - the result of a long-term study of the problem of the psychological readiness of children for schooling. The author has developed a holistic concept of the phenomenon under study, on the basis of which an original diagnostic and development program has been created. The book details the methodology cognitive interest in children, and learning motivation and arbitrary behavior in teaching. It reveals in detail what a development group is and how to lead it correctly. The application contains games for the development of thinking, attention, memory, motor skills, etc., used in the development group.

Psychological readiness for school
Our children will be going to school soon. They are waiting for an acquaintance with a new teacher, new friends, and sometimes an interview. Parents often have a question about what a child should know and be able to do by the beginning of schooling and what is psychological readiness for school.

Psychological readiness for school is a necessary and sufficient level mental development child to learn school curriculum in the conditions of training in a group of peers.

Figuratively, psychological readiness for schooling can be compared with the foundation of a building: a good strong foundation is a guarantee of the reliability and quality of a future building. The readiness of a child for school is determined by the totality of his physiological, pedagogical and psychological preparation.

Portrait of a first grader not ready for school

Impulsivity, uncontrolled behavior (the predominance of "I want" over "I can")
Excessive playfulness, restlessness, loudness
Difficulties in communicating with unfamiliar adults (unwillingness to contact or vice versa, lack of understanding of one's status)
Inability to communicate with peers
Failure to follow instructions (the child quickly becomes distracted, does not understand where to start and what to do next)
Low level of knowledge about the surrounding world, inability to generalize, classify, highlight similarities, differences
Poor development of fine motor skills of hands (does not like to draw, does not know how to work with small details)
Violation of the pace of activity (moves very slowly, speaks, eats, etc.), passivity
Insufficient development of arbitrary memory
Delayed speech development
L.A. Wenger

Physiological readiness for school

This aspect means that the child must be physically ready for school. That is, the state of his health should allow him to successfully pass educational program. If a child has serious deviations in mental and physical health, then he should be trained in a special correctional school regarding the characteristics of his health. In addition, physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers), coordination of movement. The child must know in which hand and how to hold the pen. And also, when a child enters the first grade, he must know, observe and understand the importance of observing basic hygiene standards: the correct posture at the table, posture, etc.
Pedagogical readiness
When they talk about readiness for school, they usually mean that the child must be able to read, retell (he must have developed speech), write (he must have developed fine motor skills), count (have numeracy skills) - this is pedagogical readiness.
Psychological readiness
personal readiness
intellectual readiness
motivational readiness

Personal readiness

Remember: he really needs your faith in him, smart help and support.

Make sure that the load is not excessive for the child.

If you see that the child has problems, then do not be afraid to seek help from specialists: a speech therapist, a psychologist, etc.

Study should be harmoniously combined with rest, so arrange small holidays and surprises for your child, for example, go to the circus, museum, park, etc. on weekends.

If the child is tired of studying without completing the task, then do not insist, give him a few minutes to rest, and then return to the task. But still, gradually accustom the child so that for fifteen to twenty minutes he can do one thing without being distracted.

If the child refuses to complete the task, then try to find a way to interest him. To do this, use your imagination, do not be afraid to come up with something interesting, but in no case do not scare the child that you will deprive him of sweets, that you will not let him go for a walk, etc. Be patient.

Pay attention to whether your child knows and uses "magic" words: hello, goodbye, sorry, thank you, etc. If not, then perhaps these words are not in your vocabulary. It is best not to give the child commands: bring this, do that, put away, but turn them into polite requests. It is known that children copy the behavior, manner of speaking of their parents. If you use profanity with your child, if you are rude to each other, then do not be surprised if teachers complain that your child at school swears, fights, bullies other children.

The most important thing for a first-grader is not skills and abilities, but self-confidence and parental support, no matter what happens at school. If you yourself feel anxiety and excitement, they will surely be transmitted to your child.

Therefore, be calm and confident in yourself and in your child, and do not let fear overshadow it. significant event in a child's life.
Some advice from psychologist Jerome Brucher
* Wake up the child calmly, he should see your smile and hear your gentle voice.
* Do not rush. The ability to calculate time is the responsibility of parents, not a first grader.
* Do not send your child to school without breakfast, he will have to work a lot before school breakfast.
* Before you leave, wish your child good luck. Avoid warnings “Look, do not indulge”, “So that today there are no bad grades”
* Greet your child calmly from school, let him relax after a hard day. Do not immediately ask "What did you get today?"
* If you see that the child is upset, but is silent, do not inquire, he will calm down and tell himself.
* After listening to the teacher's remarks, do not rush to arrange a thrashing, try to ensure that your conversation with the teacher takes place without the child. Listen to both sides and don't jump to conclusions.
* After school, be sure to let your child rest for 2-3 hours, and it is better to sleep. The best time for preparing lessons is from 15:00 to 17:00.
* Do not force to do homework in one sitting, after 20 minutes of classes 10-15 minutes of "break", it is better if they are mobile.
* During the preparation of lessons, do not sit over your soul, let the child work independently, but if you need your help, be patient. (Calm tone, support, praise needed)
* Be attentive to the child's complaints about headache, fatigue, poor condition. Most often, these are objective indicators of learning difficulties.
* Very useful half-hour walk before bedtime. You need to go to bed no later than 21:00.
* Try not to remember any troubles before going to bed, do not sort things out, do not discuss tomorrow's test, etc. Better tell a story.
* Tomorrow is a new day, and you must do everything to make the child calm, kind, joyful!

Daily routine of a first grader

07.00 - 07.10 Wake up
07.10 - 07.30 Exercise, wash, make bed
07.30 - 07.50 Breakfast
07.50 - 08.10 Road to school
08.10 - 08.20 Preparation for lessons
08.20 - 08.30 Morning exercises before lessons
08.30 - 12.10 Lessons
12.10 - 13.10 Walk
13.10 - 13.20 Preparation for dinner
13.20 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 16.00 Rest, daytime sleep
16.00 - 17.00 Performing training exercises
17.00 - 19.00 Free time
19.00 - 19.30 Dinner
19.30 - 20.30 Free time
20.30 - 21.00 Getting ready for bed, sleep

Dear parents! Make sure that the first grader observes the daily routine. This will help the child to become organized. Make your own amendments to the daily routine, but it is better not to change the main regime moments. They have importance for the health of the child.

L.A. Wenger, A.L. Wenger Is Your Child Ready for School? M., 1994

Tests “Is your child ready for school. (Thinking. Motor skills. The world around) "

I'm starting to learn. Issue 1,2,3

O.I. Tushkanova "Preparation for school" Volgograd, 1993

A series of books "For talented children and caring parents"

MM. Bezrukikh and others "How to prepare a child for school and what program is better to study." M. 1994

Readiness for schooling is a holistic education that implies a fairly high level of development of the motivational, intellectual and productivity spheres. The lag in the development of one of the components of psychological readiness entails a lag in the development of others, which determines the peculiar options for the transition from preschool childhood to the younger school age. Domestic and foreign psychologists have developed many methods for diagnosing different aspects of this problem.

Offered in the program methodological techniques identify the level of development in children entering the first grade.



Readiness for schooling is a holistic education that implies a fairly high level of development of the motivational, intellectual and productivity spheres. The lag in the development of one of the components of psychological readiness entails a lag in the development of others, which determines the peculiar options for the transition from preschool childhood to primary school age. Domestic and foreign psychologists have developed many methods for diagnosing different aspects of this problem.





The methodological techniques proposed in the program reveal the level of development in children entering the first grade:

1) orientation in the environment, stock of knowledge, attitude to school;

2) mental and speech development;

3) the development of small and large movements.


1. What is your name?

2. How old are you? When was it fulfilled?

3. What are your parents' names?

4. What is the name of the city (village, village, settlement) in which you live?

5. What pets do you know? What wild animals?

6. At what time of the year do leaves appear on trees?

7. What remains on the ground after rain?

8. What is the difference between day and night?

9. Do you want to go to school?

10. What do you think will be good and interesting at school?

11. What do you think is the best way to study at home, with your mother or with a teacher?

Evaluation of results.

According to the results of the conversation in the protocol, after the number of each question, a “+” or “–” sign is put.

The "+" sign is used for the following answers:

No. 1-4: correct answer (including if abbreviations are called).

No. 5: at least two domestic animals named, not named wild instead of domestic and vice versa.

No. 6: “in the spring”, “when the winter is over”, etc.

No. 7: “puddles”, “dirt”, “wet”, “water”, “slush”, etc.

No. 8: “it is light during the day”, “the sun during the day, and the moon at night”, “they sleep at night”, etc.

The final level of orientation in the environment, the stock of knowledge is determined on the basis of counting the number of "pluses" for questions No. 1-8: "high" - 7-8 pluses; medium - 5–6; "low" - 4 or less.

2) THE LEVEL OF MENTAL AND SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF 6-7-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN in the program of A.L. Venger and others is determined using the following procedures:

a) Understanding grammatical construction

An adult pronounces a sentence: "Petya went to the cinema after he finished reading the book." The sentence is pronounced twice, slowly and clearly. Then the psychologist asks the question: “What did Petya do before – did he watch a movie or read a book?

The “+” sign marks the correct answer to the question, the “-” sign indicates the wrong one.

b) Performing verbal orders

Pencils are scattered on the table. The adult says to the child: "Gather the pencils, put them in the box and put the box on the shelf." After completing the task, the inspector asks: “Where are the pencils now? Where did you get them from? If the child cannot complete the task correctly, then it is simplified. The adult says: “Take the pencils and put them in the drawer.” Then the same questions are asked.

The plus sign indicates the correct execution complete instructions and the correct answer to both questions, with a minus sign - failure to follow either the full or the simplified instructions.

Intermediate results are marked with a plus or minus sign.

c) Changing nouns by number

An adult says to a child: “I will give you a word for one object, and you change this word so that you get many objects. For example, I will say pencil, and you must answer pencils". Next, the verifier names 11 singular nouns:book, pen, lamp, table, window, city, chair, ear, brother, flag, child. If, changing the word, “book” (the first of those called), the child reveals an insufficiently clear understanding of the instructions (answers: “books”, “many books”, etc.), you should again give an example of the correct answer: “book-books”.

The plus sign is placed when the child made no more than two mistakes. Errors can be different: reversal of stress (table-tables), distortion of the plural form (city - cities; child - children; ear - ears), etc. If the majority of the children examined, due to the peculiarities of local speech, are characterized by errors such as "brothers" " windows”, etc., they are not taken into account when evaluating the results. A minus sign is placed when the child made 7 or more mistakes Intermediate results (3–6 mistakes) are marked with a plus or minus sign.

d) Selection of antonyms

An adult invites the child to play the game “On the contrary”: “I will call the word, and you answer with the opposite word. For example, I will say"clean", and you have to answer"filthy"; "fastslowly"; "freezing- heat.

Antonyms are selected for the words:high, close, bright, day, dry, cold, late, get up, childish, beginning.

The plus sign marks the results corresponding to the average for the surveyed group or exceeding them. The plus or minus sign indicates the presence a large number(exceeding the average for the group) replacement of parts of speech while maintaining the correct meaning: "light - dark" (instead of "dark"), "cold - hot" (instead of "heat"), etc. The "minus" sign is put in the presence of gross errors in meaning like: "late - in the evening", "cold - in winter, etc.

e) Picture story

Four pictures are placed in disorder in front of the child, which depict a certain sequence of events well known to him (for example, in one picture the boy wakes up, in the other he is washing himself, in the third he has breakfast, in the fourth he goes to school). The adult asks the child to arrange the pictures in the right order and explain why he put them in this way and not otherwise.

The plus sign indicates the correct location of the pictures and the correct description of the depicted events. It is not considered a mistake to change the sequence of pictures if it is reasonably justified by the child (for example, instead of the sequence"wakes up - washes - goes to school" the sequence "comes from school - washes - has dinner - goes to bed"). The plus-minus sign is put in the case when the child logically builds a sequence of pictures, but cannot substantiate it; minus sign - when the sequence of pictures is random.

f) Collecting split pictures.

The child is offered to fold the picture from the parts lying as shown in Fig. one.

The adult says: “See, the picture is broken. Fix her." If the child does not cope with the task, then a simplified version is offered to him. In both cases, the depicted objects should not be named.

The collection of a split picture is evaluated with a plus sign in the case when the first (complex) picture is correctly folded by the child. If it is folded incorrectly, and the second, simpler one is correct, then a plus or minus sign is put. If both pictures are assembled incorrectly, a minus sign is put.

g) Drawing of a person.

The child is offered to draw a person (uncle), the best one he can get. If a child says that he cannot draw, he should be encouraged, explained that at this age all children do not draw very well, but still each drawing is interesting in its own way. With a stubborn refusal, you can ask: “What does a person have?” - and after the answer, for example, "head" - offer: "So draw the head." Then ask: “What else does a person have?” and offer to draw the next named part of the body, etc. At the end, be sure to ask: “Did you draw everything you need?”.

When evaluating a drawing of a person, the following is taken into account: the presence of the main parts (head, eyes, mouth, nose, torso, arms, legs, the presence of minor details (fingers, neck, hair or hats, shoes, clothes); the way the arms and legs are depicted: with one line ( low) or two lines, so that the thickness of the limbs is visible (high).

The drawing is evaluated with a plus sign if there are all seven main parts and at least three secondary parts; arms and legs are thick. The drawing is evaluated with a minus sign if five or less main parts are shown (regardless of the presence of additional details and the way the arms and legs are depicted). In intermediate cases, the drawing is evaluated with a plus or minus sign.

The results of the analysis of the drawing of a person are used as additional material.

h) Sample analysis.

On the table in front of the child, a figure of a person is laid out from matches so that the sample does not correspond to the children's standard version. (Fig. 3) First, the adult asks: “What is this?” If the child himself does not say that this is a person, then he is told this. Then the psychologist says: “I want you to do exactly the same for me. Look carefully. Remember? Now I will close it, and next to this leaflet, make exactly the same little man. The sample is covered with a sheet of paper, the child is given matches and the place on the table next to the sheet is indicated where he must complete the task. During this procedure, the child's attention should not be paid to any features of the original figure, it is only said - "look carefully."

When the child has finished the work, the adult says: “Well done, good, but let's see if yours is exactly the same as mine, or not,” and opens the sample. The child can say that everything is exactly the same, or partly correct the design, for example, turn the matches over, but not move the legs, or vice versa. In these cases, the experimenter asks the child leading questions, organizing his actions to analyze the sample: “What does a person have?” - "Head". “Look, do you have the same?” etc. That is, the inspector, without naming the parts of the sample, encourages the child to examine them sequentially. If the child does not notice any discrepancies in this case, then a direct hint is given: “What does my little man have on his legs?” - "Slippers". After that, the adult is silent, and the child, as a rule, corrects the figure.

Children who immediately built a figure that exactly matches the model can additionally be offered more complex figure- "crib". The child usually fails to reproduce such a pattern immediately without errors, since it is asymmetric, and this asymmetry has no functional explanation. However, the adult insists that everything be done exactly like his. The further procedure of the experiment is the same as in the main task.

At high level analysis of the sample, the child is able to independently detect deviations and make adjustments. It is not necessary that the figure immediately exactly correspond to the model: the above frequently occurring deviations are quite acceptable.

An indicator of the average level of readiness in this task is the ability to correct one’s figure with the help of an adult who fixes the child’s attention on certain parts or even features of the sample, for example, says: “Look what is on his legs.”

A child not ready for school, even with maximum help, will not correct errors in his design. For example, after answering the question “What does a person have on his legs?”, The child does not change anything in the arrangement of matches, and when he is asked if the figures are the same, “Your little man has his legs wide apart, and mine is moved apart,” he replies that equally. Sometimes such children correct what is not necessary to correct, for example, they correct a match that is not very neat.

i) One-time perception of quantity.

Matches lie scattered on the table in front of the child. The adult tells him: “Take as many matches from here as I will take,” then he takes one match, shows it to the child in the palm of his hand and immediately clamps it in his fist (the presentation time should be short, since it is not the ability to count, but the possibility of simultaneous perception quantities). Then the child is invited to take matches. The number of matches is recorded, after which both the adult and the child put their matches back into the pile. Next, the inspector takes and shows 3 matches, and the whole procedure is repeated. Then he shows 2, 4, and 5 matches.

A high level of simultaneous perception of quantity is fixed when a child is capable of simultaneous perception of 4–5 matches, an average level of 3 matches, and a low level of 1–2 matches.

Knowledge of letters and the ability to read is not a criterion for selecting children for school. However, a preliminary test of reading skills will help the psychologist orient the teacher for the correct distribution of attention between different children in the classroom, and will help in individualizing the approach to each child.

An adult asks the child if he can read, if he knows the letters. Children who can read are offered a simple text (from the primer). With the help of this text, the reading technique is determined (letter by letter, syllabic, whole words) and its awareness (does the child understand the meaning of what is read). To test awareness, the child is asked a simple question about the content of the text. For children who cannot read, an adult shows printed letters and asks to name them.


a) small movements

The child is offered the task "Riding along the path." The adult offers the child to “drive along the path”, connecting the images of the car and the house with a line (Fig. 4). (The child is explained that he needs to draw a line without lifting the pencil from the paper. The instruction to the child is: “You are the driver. You need to drive to this house. You will go like this (in the sample drawing, the adult shows how to “drive along the path "") The pencil must move all the time on the paper, otherwise it will turn out that the car took off like an airplane. Drive carefully so that the car does not move off the road. "

The result of the task “Riding along the track” is evaluated as “high” if there are no exits outside the track, the pencil comes off the paper no more than three times, there are no line violations described below. The result is rated "low" if there are three or more out-of-bounds lanes; even in the absence of exits, the result is assessed as low if pronounced line violations are observed: an uneven, “trembling” line, a very weak, almost invisible line; with very strong pressure, tearing the paper; multiple sightings in the same place.

b) Major movements.

With a low level of development of large movements (that is, movements of arms, legs, the whole body), schoolchildren often have difficulties in physical education classes, as well as in communicating with peers (due to the inability to fully participate in outdoor games). Therefore, the development of large movements is one of the important indicators of readiness for school. His assessment is based on observations of the child's gait (to observe it, you can ask him to bring some thing lying at the other end of the room), as well as how he throws the ball to an adult, how he catches the ball thrown to him by an adult.





Surname, name of the child ______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth _________________________________


1.___ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___ 5.___ 6.___ 7.___ 8. ___


9.___ 10.___ 11.___

Final level ______________________________


a B C D E) _____

f) _____ g) _____ h) _____ i) _____ j) _____

Final level ______________________________


small movements

Major movements

Level ______________________________________

Notes ________________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________


Date of examination _____________________________

Inspector _________________________________