Algorithm for writing an essay presentation for a lesson in social studies (Grade 11) on the topic. How to Write an Essay Correctly Unite and Direct a Wise Rule

Good begets good.

Power is strength, the manifestation of one's will in relation to other people. In order to keep power in his hands, no matter state or group, the leader chooses his own tactics: peacemaking or dictatorial. So, in the first case, power rests on the charisma of the leader, on the ability to convince and lead the group. This power is more stable than the second. It rests on fear and the unquestioning obedience of society to the leader, it happens when, due to the discontent of citizens, coups occur and the dictator is overthrown. Which tactic is more effective?

An example of a dictator is the personality of Joseph Stalin. The process of seizing power was lengthy, he tactfully used his allies to destroy opponents. Won the political race after Lenin's death by eliminating other contenders, slowly but productively Stalin removed all candidates for the post of party leader from his path. The cult of personality of Stalin is the desire to strengthen positions by maintaining the cult of the leader. Praising the leader of the side of the inner circle, holding holidays in his honor. During his lifetime, Stalin was a great man, whose services to his homeland were undeniable, but in 1953 Stalin dies. After Stalin's death, the process of "destanilization" began, the destruction of the "personality cult", Stalinism. So, because of narcissism and the cult of personality, Stalin made a number of mistakes that led to the death of people (the Great Patriotic War) If Stalin had listened to his assistants, Zhukov, then thousands of lives could have been saved.

Many examples from the history of our country confirm the author's idea that communication, that is, direct communication, listening to another opinion, is an important factor in government. One of the most peaceful and calm times was in Russia during the reign of A. A. Romanov (1881-1894).

Thus, humanism, mutual understanding are factors in the productive functioning of society, the presence of a common goal and interests unites people, leads to purposeful activity. No dictator can hold power in his hands forever, so "unite and direct" is the best way to communicate between power and subordinates.

Trud collected 30 high-profile statements about work and asked experts to comment on them

"Divide and conquer" is a wise rule, but "unite and guide" is even better."

Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German poet and thinker.

Anna Mukhina:

- If we talk about managing a team, then this rule will lead to success. It will allow the most efficient use of the potential of employees and achieve a synergistic effect of the team when the overall result is higher than the sum of its individual components.

"He who cannot speak will not make a career."

Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, outstanding military leader and statesman

Timur Sokolov:

— A very categorical statement. When it comes to science and technology, these specialists are often taciturn by nature. In their case, only merits and projects help to overcome the steps of the career ladder.

“It is not important to be able to work well – it is important to be able to report well.”

Bernard Tristan, French writer

Timur Sokolov:

— The question of a good presentation is eternal and very relevant. Since most people perceive information emotionally, sometimes it is a colorful presentation that is a key element of overall success. But this does not at all cancel the professional solution of the tasks.

“One and only one person should be responsible for every task assigned.”

Otto von Bismarck, politician, first Chancellor of the German Empire

Anna Mukhina:

Yes, there should always be someone to ask.

"To make a career, one must dress in all grey, keep a low profile and take no initiative."

Charles Talleyrand, French politician and diplomat

Anna Mukhina:

This advice is outdated. AT modern world it is difficult to find an organization where one could advance in this way. Now initiative is especially appreciated. Success largely depends on successful communication with colleagues. And a person who does not know how to build relationships with others has little chance of making a career.

"Quarries pierced by the head itself are always stronger and wider than quarries laid by low bows or the intercession of an important uncle."

Dmitry Pisarev, literary critic

Timur Sokolov:

— Having achieved success in our careers on our own, we become leaders in our own field. A leader by nature exerts an influence that is built on trust and respect from employees. Therefore, careers “broken through with their own heads” are much more valuable.

"A person's character can truly be known when he becomes your boss."

Erich Maria Remarque, German writer

Vera Ignatkina:

- More often than not. Employees at the same level often trust each other soul feelings and discuss leadership, often in unseemly terms. And bam - one of them becomes the boss of the other. One cannot understand why it was not him who was promoted, the other - why he does not obey and continues to call for evening gatherings. Conflict is inevitable.

"They climb up in the same position as they crawl."

Jonathan Swift, English satirist, politician, publicist

Anna Mukhina:

It is difficult for me to appreciate the wisdom of this statement. Everyone makes a choice for himself - whether he "climbs" to the top or develops professionally and builds a career. And it is, in my opinion, different things. In the second case, we are clearly not talking about a “pose”, but about some other ways to achieve our goals.

"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest."

Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States

Anna Mukhina:

- This is debatable. What is meant by honesty? If this is the desire to always tell the truth without compromising, then in this way it is unlikely that it will be possible to manage something. Or do we focus on the word “art” in this phrase, meaning the ability to say something out of place, but to keep silent about something without deceiving? This ability is indispensable.

“It’s better to do a small part of a task perfectly than to do ten times as much badly.”

Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher

Timur Sokolov:

- Indeed, it is better to do one job, but perfectly well, than to take on everything, but only touch the tops. By doing a small part of the job perfectly, you save yourself the trouble of redoing it. I have often noticed that a team works perfectly only when each of its members does 100% work on their site.

"It's very difficult to govern if you do it in good faith."

Napoleon Bonaparte

Vera Ignatkina:

Any task done conscientiously is difficult. But the result of conscientious work bears fruit. For example, the company's management does not pay salaries on time - there is a violation of the law, which can ultimately be called unscrupulous management and even demotivation of employees. Can managers count on staff loyalty and high labor productivity? No.

“Healthy distrust is a good basis for working together.”

Joseph Stalin, Generalissimo

Vera Ignatkina:

- If there are disagreements between colleagues, then the work will not be argued. In this case, they will either test each other for stress resistance, or pull the blanket over themselves. Plus, to shift the responsibility for the work performed to the neighbor and represent joint work its merit. As a result, none of the participants in the process will win.

“If everything seems easy, this unmistakably proves that the worker is very unskilled and that the work is beyond his understanding.”

Leonardo da Vinci, Titan of the Renaissance

Timur Sokolov:

- On the one hand, he can be a high professional and he can do everything, and on the other hand, this task may simply not be interesting for an employee. I would like to draw an analogy: every time the story from the Bible opens in a different way. If a person opens it for the first time, everything is clear, and then it gets more and more difficult.

"The art of management is not to let people grow old in their position."

Napoleon Bonaparte

Vera Ignatkina:

- For those who are aimed at career and professional development, this is an ideal judgment. The crisis that began in 2008 has changed the market a lot: now the labor market has become the employer's market. Today, the employer has someone to choose from, which means that in order not to grow old in his position, it is necessary to make every effort on his part.

"Any simple problem can be made unsolvable if enough meetings are held on it."

Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian poet

Vera Ignatkina:

“Unfortunately, this is the norm today. The main reasons are that the task does not really need to be solved, and meetings are held as a distraction. "Specialists" who are not in the subject, believe, either because of their high position or because of their high self-esteem, that they are obliged to speak out.

"Criticize - offer, offer - do, do - answer."

Sergei Korolev, Soviet scientist and designer in the field of astronautics

Timur Sokolov:

- Criticism is only evaluative Feedback, which does not show directions for the growth of an employee, but if, by criticizing, we offer a new solution, then we grow. Only action is needed to get the result. And the last element of any success is full responsibility for the result.

“There are many ways to make a career, but the surest of them is to be born into the right family.”

Donald Trump, American businessman

Anna Mukhina:

“A lot really depends on the family. And it's not just that patronage allows you to get a good position. A family that has provided a decent upbringing and education for its children, paying attention to the development of abilities, the formation of confidence, creates a reliable basis for success.

“You can’t become a narrow specialist without becoming, in the strict sense, a blockhead.”

Bernard Show

Timur Sokolov:

— Being a narrow and highly qualified specialist is the goal that most conscious people strive for. And further development depends only on the horizons of the specialist. For successful development, you need to become a master of your craft, and then create good marketing.

“A deed undone is better than a defaced deed, because the first can be done, but the second cannot be corrected.”

Vasily Klyuchevsky, Russian historian

Vera Ignatkina:

- It is debatable and in each situation individually. Example. The employee in charge of safety at work did not check the functionality of the milling machines, and the worker suffered a serious work injury. That is, the deed is not done, but it can be done later. Yes, but you can't restore a worker's health.

"Anyone can do any job, provided it doesn't have to be taken on now."

Robert Benchley writer-humorist

Timur Sokolov:

Anyone can do any job at any time. His readiness is due to two things - motivation and competence.

"There is nothing more demoralizing than a small but steady income."

Edmund Wilson, American writer

Vera Ignatkina:

- And here it is not. The notion that every employee seeks promotion is wrong. For many, having a small stable income is better than unstable, but high, for example, like sales managers, and increased responsibility, like bosses. And complaining about the demoralizing low income is nothing more than a trick.

"If an employee always agrees with the boss, he is useless for the business."

Elbert Hubbard, English writer

Anna Mukhina:

- This is the view of a modern Western leader, which, of course, will lead the organization to prosperity. Unfortunately, in our companies, not all bosses are far-sighted and confident enough in their professionalism to surround themselves with highly qualified employees and value their own opinion.

“It is not easy to meet a person who, having given his studies for three years, would not dream of occupying a high post.”

Confucius, ancient Chinese philosopher

Anna Mukhina:

— This statement is true in relation to the majority of modern university graduates, who think that the presence of a diploma means that they are provided with a high position. Exaggerated demands on the employer, combined with the absence of any requirements for oneself, are often encountered.

“Don't let those who work for you live too quietly. Don't let them settle down. Do the opposite of what they expect of you. Let them worry all the time and look over their shoulders.

Henry Ford, industrialist

Anna Mukhina:

- If you set yourself the goal of ruining the team, demoralizing employees and undermining their desire to achieve positive results, then you need to act that way.

"A compliment doubles a woman's performance."

Françoise Sagan, French writer and playwright

Timur Sokolov:

- A woman perceives events more emotionally. And since the way we feel affects our performance, we can talk about compliments as a great motivational tool. But I’ll tell you a secret: not only women are affected by the correct and beautiful compliment.

“The work you love wakes you up early, and we are happy to take it on.”

William Shakespeare, English poet and playwright

Timur Sokolov:

— Of course, our favorite work inspires us, it allows us to use resources that we did not even know about before. It is the harmony of internal expectations and external significance that makes us successful. No wonder the main and first principle successful person sounds like: do what you want.

"It's easier to get people to say, 'Why did he get this job?' than to get someone to ask, 'Why didn't he get that job?'

Jean de La Bruyère, French moralist

Vera Ignatkina:

- Refusal to increase does not always depend on the qualities of the employee. First, the post can be given to your person. Secondly, the candidate may have outgrown this position, and the employer understands that, having taken it, the employee will leave after some time.

"The art of government lies in the organization of idolatry."

Bernard Shaw, writer and playwright

Vera Ignatkina:

“Idolatry is overkill, but there is a grain of common sense in it. The portrait of a leader today is something like this: a professional, authority for subordinates, he must have leadership qualities, demonstrate confidence and take responsibility for those decisions. Only such a leader will be able to effectively solve the tasks.

"By studying people, they govern better than by studying books."

François Fénelon, French writer

Vera Ignatkina:

— The synthesis of theory and practice is the most effective. Books should act as a basis in the study of management issues. But do not forget that the books of the world's leading experts are, in most cases, translated editions of Western gurus, whose advice can only be applied by adapting it to the realities of Russian business. And this is where you need to develop your own experience.

"The best way to make a career is to work for someone who makes a career."

Marion Kellogg, one of the first women managers in America

Anna Mukhina:

— I am ready to agree with this statement. This leader has a lot to learn. Both professionally and in relationships. In addition, as a rule, such bosses strive to create a team that can be relied upon, and, moving up, they and employees follow them up the career ladder.

Statements commented:

Vera Ignatkina, coach, job search mentor at Job Search Coach

Anna Mukhina, psychologist, head of the career counseling department at the Center for Humanitarian Technologies

Timur Sokolov, Managing Partner of Club Consult Development

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Slides captions:

Choose one statement from the proposed A) the meaning of the topic should be clear to you B) the topic should be interesting to you C) you have something to say on this topic (you own concepts and theory, you can accompany them with examples, you have personal experience).

Reveal its meaning

Argument your own point of view on the author's position

Use the knowledge gained during the study of the course of social science - concepts - facts of social life

Involve your own life experience ALGORITHM: - reveal the meaning of the statement (identify the problem) - give theoretical arguments - confirm the position: An example from school subjects An example from the media An example from personal social experience

Expand the meaning of the statement Man and Society “In every person, nature sprouts either as cereals or as weeds; let him timely water the first and destroy the second” F. Bacon Politics “There are two truths in the world that should be remembered inseparably. First: the source of supreme power is the people; second: he must carry it out "A. de Rivarol Sociology "People who work sitting get more than people working standing" O. Nash

"Divide and Conquer" is a wise rule, but "Unite and Lead" is even better"

Power + functions of power + political regime as a method of exercising power + legitimacy and efficiency of power + morality + interest

Amazing information Why did Minin and Pozharsky manage to create a militia, expel the Poles from the Kremlin and stop the Time of Troubles? Because they managed to unite the people.

Unusual quote “Once upon a time a swan, a cancer and a pike To carry a cart with luggage came from ...” A well-known fable by A.I. Krylova characterizes the most common state of politics, when each leader pulls the wagon of state affairs in a direction that is beneficial to him.

Theses-statements 1 . If someone needs to rule according to the principle of "divide and rule", then not society, but only politicians who seek to retain power at any cost, prone to corruption and abuse of power. 2. The principle of "direct and unite" should be applied in politics, because by setting common goals it brings people together and thus better promotes national interests.

"Divide and conquer" is a wise rule,
but "unite and direct" is even better.

In business, there is such a practice when corporate ethics dictates the conditions for a tough confrontation between several groups within the enterprise team. Let's call them groups of influence, or clans. The essence of their interaction is expressed by the phrase? divide and rule!?.

As you know, Gaius Julius Caesar implemented this principle in order to preserve, as he thought, his position and personal security. Plutarch noticed that Caesar did not have his own bodyguards. On the other hand, his legionnaires, divided by him according to tribal and other interests, were at enmity as several opposing factions: “Caesar hoped that in case of indignation of the Germans, the Romans would protect him, and the barbarians would hide from their own tribesmen.?

Let's look at an example.

A small company of 15-20 people. Each position is universal and interchangeable in its own way, not a strict hierarchy: how to say? socialism? in a single company. Allegedly? democratic? management style. This is the first approximation.

Looking more closely at this situation, we will find in it a competition between several leading team members who, as always in such companies, have their own support groups consisting of two or three people. The head of the enterprise in such a company conducts? love games? with each faction or clan separately, rightly believing that such mini-competition within his enterprise will increase the effectiveness of the team as a whole. It is good when the head of the enterprise is wise enough not to bring such situations to the point of absurdity and skillfully maneuvers between the interests of groups, without directly pushing them nose to nose, each time dividing the spheres of influence in a new way. Thus, keeping the team in good shape and yet letting them feel that the competition is just a game.

But what do we mean by the word "absurd"?? This is when the owner (manager) of the company confronts his subordinates in serious battles, watching with pleasure how? tear each other forelocks, while remaining? loyal? and? clean? by an outside observer. Such an unfortunate leader receives a truly sadistic pleasure from this spectacle: after all, it is probably pleasant when subordinates sacrifice themselves daily in order to achieve the highest favor on his part. Thus, denunciations, trickery, intrigues, and sitting between imaginary competitors flourish in the company. As a result, it turns out that the guys-members of the team spend all their moral resources not on a common cause, but on fighting each other.

Employees carried away by this mouse fuss forget about the corporate goals of the company, because the team is divided into? and? strangers?.

Also in the company there are always a couple of outsiders-individualists who are poisoned by all clans at once, after squeezing the maximum benefit out of them for themselves, so that? could smoke bamboo and reap laurels. Individualists are primarily outsiders because they initially refuse to join any clans and play by the rules of the jungle. As a rule, the places of these outsiders are often vacant.

Consider an example of such an individualist.

He is hired without special recommendations, practically from the street. A contract is not concluded with him, since it is a priori assumed that the employee will not last even two or three? months. During this time, this person is offered as various? test? tasks to develop various strategies, generate all sorts of ideas (which are always welcome), in general, let in, so to speak, a fresh stream. Of course, the newcomer tears and flies to justify the high trust, because he was taken from the street, without recommendations. Such people can give (and do) the company a new powerful impulse of movement, since their main advantage is that their head is not occupied by? tribal? showdowns with which the head of the natives is stuffed. They direct all their energy to creation. Sacredly believing that they got into the best team in their lives, and that they will have to work here for a long time? they sacrifice their sleep, peace, personal time and real prospects. At this time, the clans stop fighting with each other, watch the newcomer and actively kick him with various encouraging equivocations. In general, the person is happy with his start and sees the company at its most rosy until his mission as a pulse generator is over. When all of his projects are neatly filed and ready to go, there's a reason to fire him. If there is no such reason, then the clans unanimously begin to spread rot on their comrade until he himself leaves. But there are exceptions when such a recruit suddenly finds the patronage of the leader of one of the groups, when the leader of the group considers that the new convert will be completely loyal not to the company, but to him personally. But if this does not happen, then of course, the comrade again becomes a commodity in the labor market, or goes to a competing company.

This scheme is universal, since it works not only in our young companies under the control of young top managers. We also observe it in our? phenomenal? state policy. Let me give you an example: As soon as something improves in the life of society, as soon as the “fresh wind of change” blows, we immediately observe various rotations in the power structure, and the withdrawal of young and energetic politicians into opponents of the current government. We will not bore the sophisticated reader by listing real names and specific dates.

But there are also unprecedented cases.
The owner is so fond of cockfights that he stops noticing how some clan leaders have grown to the point where they include the head of the company in the list of their competitors. In such cases, only a beginner can give an alarm, who sees all the details of what is happening from the side with an inexperienced look. But the owner-manager tends to be more accustomed to trusting the old schemes, and remains loyal to the old team, oblivious to what? the senators? preparing a putsch.

As a conclusion, we would like to quote the words of Plutarch:
“Caesar's friends requested that he surround himself with bodyguards, and many offered their services. Caesar disagreed, stating that, in his opinion, it is better to die once than to constantly expect death?.

Armed henchmen, even if they watched each other, overlooked how the plot was started by the senators themselves. In March 44 BC, the dictator was assassinated.

Having completed this article to the end, describing a particular situation in one small, separately taken? Democratic? companies, we came to the paradoxical conclusion that democracy is inherently bad for building private business. A strictly hierarchical system that allows the team to rally around one core, and allows the company to act as a single entity? the most natural business management system.

We can write about the theory of natural systems and its applied significance in building companies in the next article, if this article arouses the interest of the audience.

Once J. W. Goethe said: “Divide and conquer is a wise rule, but unite and direct is even better.” According to the author, the main principle of successful political leadership is the ability of a manager to unite various social groups and develop a political course that reflects the realities of society. The leader must consolidate society, coordinate the interests of various groups and organizations.

The thesis "Divide and Conquer" is well known to many people. The idea is that in order to effectively manage a society, it is necessary to divide it into groups and create an artificial conflict between them.

The leader in such a situation will have the function of an arbitrator, to whom they will turn to solve their problems. It is through this power that the ruler will rule over society. Goethe, on the other hand, deduced a new formula, which, when considered, hints that the previous one definitely has a place to be, while it is far from ideal and requires transformation and rethinking. For a political leader, the very approach to management is of great importance, so the idea put forward by Johann Goethe needs to be qualitatively comprehended. The principle of "divide and conquer" has some advantages, such as strict control over society and firm power of the manager. But at a certain moment, the system built on this idea will collapse, because one person will no longer be able to restrain the social mass, because one day the decisive and uncompromising decisions of such a leader may lead to indignation on the part of the controlled masses. In turn, the rule "unite and direct" says that the leader needs to connect society together by harmonizing the interests of various groups. After consolidation, people should be directed in the direction that suits their needs. This is how a leader provides stability. political life society and protects himself from the loss of power, because all his actions are based on the opinion of the group and are supported by the support of these same people.

So what is the downside of the divide and conquer idea? The fact is that with such an approach, the power of the leader becomes authoritarian and gradually moves to totalitarian. With unlimited power, the leader can gradually lose control over the artificially created conflict and thus lose his total power. A vivid illustration of the harmful effects of this principle can serve as the figure of Adolf Hitler. Having received the title of Reich Chancellor, he created a strict division of people based on racial inequality. Inferior races appeared, such as the Jewish and Slavic, which were to be exterminated. And vice versa, the highest Aryan race is a semblance of a superman, which had the right to oppress and enslave other peoples. Hitler's power soon turned into a totalitarian one and began to be based solely on the wishes and decisions of the Fuhrer. As a result, this led to the most disastrous consequences. Adolf Hitler unleashed the bloodiest war in the history of mankind, which was incomparable with others in terms of its cruelty. As a result of the war, millions of people were killed, hundreds of cities were destroyed, thousands of lives were ruined. The Divide and Conquer principle ultimately drove Hitler to suicide, and led Germany to sad consequences: it broke it into two parts that could not be united for many years.

And what does the principle of "unite and direct" carry? He calls to take into account the interests of society, prevent the emergence of internal conflicts and move people in the direction they need, and not for the clique. And only a gifted leader can create such conditions, because it is not so easy to take into account the interests of a large number of people. social groups. Moreover, it is necessary to direct them in the right political direction. An example is the reign of Ivan III the Great. The era of fragmentation caused considerable damage to the Russian state. The lands needed to be united, and the people needed a wise ruler. Against the background of these events, the figure of Ivan III arose, who, using his diplomatic skills, managed to gather most of the Russian lands together. Of course, there was some bloodshed, but the end justified the means and the consolidation served as a powerful impetus to the development of the Russian state. Ivan the Great directed his country to fight against foreign invaders and to unite native peoples under the name of a single sovereign. The reign of Ivan III can be called one of the most suitable periods Russian history to illustrate the "connect and guide" principle and demonstrate its positive impact in practice.

Thus, political leadership can be based on different ideas. At the same time, if we talk about the “divide and rule” rule, then it is worth remembering that such a model of organizing political life can collapse due to the fact that an artificial conflict develops into a threat to the power of the leader. This model can definitely be good at the start of the political unification of a certain group, but it will not be possible to be guided by this principle for many years without suffering serious losses. The idea of ​​"unite and guide" in turn gives stability to the political system and helps people move towards the goal that they see in front of them.