What Blumkin was looking for in Tibet. Secret expedition of the OGPU to the mysterious land of Shambhala

At first glance, this seems like spy fiction. But this book is documentary. It was written by the president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, the former head of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Leonid IVASHOV.

The collection "The Overturned World" is based on documents from the KGB archives.

The AN columnist asked veterans of the Soviet and Russian special services, retired colonels Vladimir Evgenievich GOVOROV and Sergey Timofeevich SEMYONOV, to evaluate the new work of Leonid Ivashov. Two points of view.

The book "Upturned World" almost upset the long-term friendship of two old scouts. They argued so fiercely that they nearly fell out for good.

- Brilliant work! – admired Vladimir Evgenievich.

“Nonsense in vegetable oil,” Sergey Timofeevich waved his hand dismissively. - Where did the army general get secret documents from the archives of special services?

In response, Colonel Govorov read out the explanation of Leonid Ivashov himself: “After the collapse Soviet Union liberal democrats were seized by a violent passion to sell the entire Soviet heritage, including state secrets. At one of those moments, my friends from the KGB called me and asked for an urgent meeting. They said that a group of people came to them with Boris Yeltsin's order to put them in the archive and give out materials according to the list. Among the first on the list are the results of the 1926–1929 expedition to Tibet by Yakov Blumkin.

At the same time, another group appeared at the Research Institute of the KGB of the USSR "Romb" - the Soviet analogue of "Ahnenerbe", a society for the study of ancient German history and the heritage of ancestors.

In general, the guests wanted to scoop out all our research in the field of mysticism and esotericism. During the night, the Chekists and I took this collection out of the archive and hid it in an ordinary garage. Some of these documents I used in the book.

“I remember well the mess that reigned in the Lubyanka after August 1991 under Bakatin,” Colonel Govorov said.

According to him, later it turned out that this Yeltsin-mandated group represented the oldest Jewish organization called Bnei B'rith. Among these "Sons of the Covenant" were not only Freemasons, but also agents of the Mossad and the CIA. Permission to plunder the archives of the special services was lobbied for by Yeltsin's adviser, Colonel-General Dmitry Volkogonov. Many documents, despite the high secrecy stamps, were confiscated and taken to the US Embassy and the headquarters of the branch of the Bnei Brit Order, which had previously been opened by Gorbachev's personal decision in the south-west of Moscow.

“Then the documents stolen from the KGB archives were legalized for publication in the West with the help of the traitor Mitrokhin,” Colonel Semyonov agreed with his old friend.

- Allegedly, it was he who copied them for many years and carried them out in socks. In fact, state secrets were handed over to enemies wholesale and retail by people occupying much higher positions than a miserable archivist.

The "AN" columnist hardly managed to calm the agitated veterans, who recalled the treacherous times with pain. The journalist invited them to comment on the description in the book "The Overturned World" of the first KGB expeditions to Tibet.

Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov writes that Dzerzhinsky himself was their initiator. He allocated 100 thousand gold rubles for the first trip to Lhasa! In 1925, ten Chekists headed by Yakov Blumkin went to Tibet. They rode under the guise of pilgrims - Mongolian lamas. Allegedly, in January 1926, the Dalai Lama XIII received pilgrims in Lhasa. Blumkin promised him large deliveries of weapons and military equipment from the USSR on credit, at the same time immediate assistance in gold coins. For this bribe, the Dalai Lama allowed a lot of security officers-pilgrims.

Colonel-General Ivashov cites a secret document from part of the saved KGB archive. “... On the personal instructions of the Dalai Lama, thirteen monks accompanied him (Blumkin) to the dungeon, where there is a complex system of labyrinths and the opening of secret doors. In order to do this, each of the monks took the appropriate place and, in turn, as a result of the roll call, in a certain sequence, they began to pull rings with chains down from the ceiling vault, with the help of which large mechanisms hidden inside the mountain open this or that door. There are 13 doors in the secret underground hall. Blumkin was shown two halls… Under the ground, the monks keep the secrets of all past civilizations that have ever existed on earth.”

Later, in 1926 and 1928, at the expense of Lubyanka, two more expeditions of Kalmyk security officers disguised as pilgrims were sent to Tibet. They also offered the 13th Dalai Lama, in exchange for cooperation with the USSR, a guarantee of Tibet's independence and protection from China.

“Even in the 21st century, the Dalai Lama has difficult relations with the Chinese leadership,” Colonel Govorov commented on the situation in Tibet from a modern standpoint.

- And before the Second World War, many intelligence agencies hunted for the so-called "weapons of the gods."

Ivashov's book contains secret materials of that era. Here is a document dated January 11, 1939, about a Soviet expedition to Tibet to search for "weapons of the gods." It was prepared under the guidance of Academician Savelyev. As a gift to the regent of Tibet, the NKVD allocated from its warehouse a 5-kilogram statue of a praying Buddha made of pure gold, confiscated in Kalmykia. For other expenses - 1000 royal gold coins.

But this expedition did not take place for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the Germans were ahead of Savelyev's Chekists. They had previously sent two expeditions to Tibet. Theodore Illion in 1934–1935 and SS Sturmbannfuehrer, senior officer of the secret mystical department "Ahnenerbe" Ernst Schaeffer in 1938-1939. They say that it was they who, after Blumkin, removed unique materials and artifacts from the storage facilities.

Secondly, already in the spring of 1939, the war between China and Tibet began. Saveliev's expedition route to Lhasa was closed.

- In his book, Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov, respected by me, claims that even the first expedition of the Chekists under the leadership of Blumkin took out materials on the “weapons of the gods” from Tibet. But where are they? asked Colonel Semyonov incredulously.

- The answer to this must be sought in archival materials, - Colonel Govorov answered and again began to quote the book "The Overturned World".

Alas, Comrade Blumkin was not the most inveterate communist. It turned out that he handed over copies of almost all the materials obtained by his expedition in Tibet to the Germans for money. And he expected to rush to the West with them, taking his girlfriend of the heart. She made a mistake, deciding to buy something expensive in a store with Blumkin's money. He was arrested.

Investigator Chertok, who was in charge of Yakov Blyumkin's case, ordered that this protocol be reprinted in 15 copies and handed over to the members of the OGPU Collegium.

“Evidence on the merits of the case. Question: What characteristics of the weapons you discovered in Tibet did you give to the Germans? What is this weapon, where did you see it? What is its method of action?

Answer: As I already told my investigator, on a business trip to Tibet in 1925 on the orders of the head of the Tibetan state, the Dalai Lama XIII, I was taken to underground halls and shown some so-called artifacts - “weapons of the gods”, preserved on earth from 15-20 thousand years BC. These weapons are stored in separate rooms. Where they are now, I don't know. The characteristics of the weapon are approximately the following.

1. Giant tongs - "Vajaru". They are used to melt precious metals. If gold is melted at the temperature of the Sun's surface (6,000 degrees), then gold flashes for 70 seconds and turns into powder. This powder was used in the construction of mobile huge stone platforms. If this powder was poured onto the platform, then its weight was lost to a minimum. The powder was also used in medicine in the treatment of incurable diseases and for the elite - mainly the leaders ate it to prolong their lives.

2. Bell - the so-called "Shu-dzy", with which you can temporarily blind a large army or an entire army. The method of its action is to transform electromagnetic waves at a certain frequency, which is not perceived by the human ear, but shines directly on the brain. This is a very strange weapon. With his help, the Indian prophet Arjuna won great battles, causing the enemies to panic. How this weapon works, I have not seen. I saw the units themselves in the underground halls. And a member of the Council of Tibet gave me explanations about the technical characteristics that I handed over to the Germans. Or rather, to the representative of the German military intelligence, Mr. von Shtilhe.

I met Shtilhe in Europe on an extravagant business trip. In addition to the technical characteristics of these two units, I also gave Shtilhe information about another “weapon of the gods”. This weapon remained from about 8-10 thousand years BC. These devices can move both under water and through the air, and they do it at great speed. They travel on special round-shaped aircraft that do not look like airplanes and airplanes known to us. I also reported their technical characteristics to Shtilhe. He, Shtilhe, offered to lead a new expedition to Tibet and Antarctica for scientific purposes. I agreed, but had no intention of escaping, as I reported these contacts and intentions to my superiors. That was my work.

I also informed Shtilhe about objects that are located in all parts of the world in the mountains. With the help of these objects it is possible to destroy all cities and industrial centers of all countries in one moment on earth, regardless of the state and social system. In all parts of the world there are spheres dug into the mountains made of especially strong metal, which can neither be sawn nor blown up. Within these spheres are certain mechanisms that, when turned on, produce a cloud similar to the sun. This cloud escapes into the atmosphere, it is controllable, i.e. can move along a certain trajectory. In the right place it explodes. This happened in 1904 in Tunguska, where such a “cloud-sun” just exploded, which flew out a few hours earlier from an underground sphere in Yakutia. Who and how controls these weapons is unknown.”

“There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our wise men never dreamed of,” Vladimir Evgenievich finished reading excerpts from the protocol of interrogation with a quote from Shakespeare's tragedy “Hamlet”.

The twentieth century is the time of the struggle of the special services of the largest states of the world for the possession of knowledge of the most ancient civilizations of the planet. The fiercest struggle unfolded between the USSR and Germany. Both structures, one after another, equipped expeditions to Tibet. What they found there is still a mystery. Only recently a photocopy of a document shedding light on these events fell into the hands of researchers.

Expedition tasks

Despite the fact that the number and folder of the document are retouched, it is of great interest, telling about the Tibetan expedition of the OGPU emissary Yakov Blumkin. As follows from the text of the document in 1925, several people, led by Blumkin, went to Tibet on the instructions of the center. Their task was to discover the knowledge and technology of previous civilizations of the Earth, as well as, with luck, the city of the Gods. Today, this journey is widely covered in the press, but there are no authentic documents about what the Chekists discovered. Nevertheless, the expedition, organized by order of Dzerzhinsky, according to a scan of a memo, was well equipped and achieved the results that were set before it. The most interesting thing is that Blumkin was not supposed to confirm or deny the existence of the city of the gods. The Soviet leadership did not doubt its existence. He was only asked to clarify the coordinates of this place in order to interact with its inhabitants. The maximum task was to obtain weapons of incredible destructive power, which was necessary for the leadership of the USSR to build communism throughout the world. It is noteworthy that in parallel with Blumkin, SS officers acted with similar goals. Nevertheless, they were exposed, while the mission of Yakov Blumkin was crowned with success.

How to Persuade the Dalai Lama

In fairness, it should be noted that the guardians of the city of the Gods exposed Blumkin as well. But, when he was interrogated, the wise security officer took out of his pocket a greeting mandate intended for the 13th Dalai Lama, signed by F.E. Dzerzhinsky. The letter did its job. The head of the Buddhists, who was sympathetic to the Soviet authorities, not only warmly received the representatives of distant Russia, but also agreed to help him. In response to his courtesy, Yakov Blumkin promised the Dalai Lama deliveries of Soviet weapons and a large gold loan. Soon he was already descending the stairs leading to the city of the Gods, the entrance to which was located under the Potala Palace.

In the city of the gods

The event for which the whole expedition was started took place in January 1926. Under the ground, a dozen and a half monks led the envoy of the Soviet government along a long chain of corridors that intertwined into a large endless labyrinth. Passages included many traps and doors with secret locks. It was not possible for the uninitiated to reach the center of the underground labyrinth. To open the next door, each of the monks got up in a certain place. If there were fewer monks, the passage simply would not open. The number of secret doors, as well as those accompanying the monks, was the symbolic number thirteen. Nevertheless, even with the permission of the Dalai Lama, Blumkin was shown only two halls of the underground part of the palace. In the first of them, the security officer saw a car with a strange name "vajra". Outwardly, it turned out to be huge tongs, which, according to the monks, were created in the interval from 8 to 10 thousand years BC. Through this complex mechanism, representatives ancient civilization they turned gold into a kind of powder at a fantastic temperature of 6-7 thousand degrees. His ancestors added monks to food, thereby extending their lives for hundreds of years. But, by the time Blumkin visited the secret hall, this technology was lost in the darkness of years. Only the mechanism itself and the legends about how it worked remained.

When will the next Armageddon happen?

In the second hall, where Yakov Blumkin was admitted, he saw artifacts of previous civilizations of the Earth, of which, according to the monks, there were five. These data can be trusted, since they are consistent with the opinion of a number of mystics and mythological sources. All civilizations of the Earth perished during the global natural disasters. Their cause was the passage of a planet known today as Nibiru by the Earth. It is noteworthy that the monks of the underground city predicted her next coming for the second decade of the twenty-first century. In their opinion, at this time a new flood should occur, and the poles should change their location. The North Pole during the next planetary cataclysm will move to North America. This concludes the data contained in the photo scan of the mysterious memo. Yakov Blyumkin fulfilled his mission, he specified the coordinates of the city of the Gods, and then other intelligence officers were to take up the matter. Blumkin himself, as a man who knew too much, was arrested according to the tradition of those years and, after the investigation, was shot.

In 1903, Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy discovered the law of radioactive decay, which served as the beginning of the development of the modern theory of the atom and atomic energy. In 1904, Soddy gave a course of lectures in Glasgow, later published as a separate pamphlet.

In one of the lectures, he suggested the existence of an ancient highly developed race that owned the energy of atomic transformations. Subsequently, due to the abuse of atomic energy, this ancient race was almost completely destroyed. If so, is it possible that some part of the ancient technological heritage has survived to our time.

Dossier "Orion"

IN last years there was information about the existence of a secret Soviet research center "Romb", created in the 80s of the XX century at the direction of Yu.V. Andropov. In addition to studying the problem of predicting global catastrophes, Rhomb Research Center was engaged in research on the heritage of ancient civilizations. This project received the code designation "Orion". Today, some documents of this project are available to us.
In the autumn of 1929 he was arrested in Moscow Soviet spy Yakov Grigorievich Blyumkin. Photocopies of documents from the folders of Rhomb Research Center reveal unexpected aspects of its activities.

In the protocol of the interrogation of the OGPU dated October 30, 1929, Blumkin’s testimony was recorded that in 1925, during a “business trip” to Tibet, by order of the XIII Dalai Lama, he was shown the “weapon of the gods”, preserved from the XV-XX millennia BC. The first device looked like giant tongs (vajra), with the help of which metals were smelted.

Under the influence of this device, gold turned into powder, which was used to move huge platforms. Another device was called "shu-ji", or "bell", with it "you can blind a large army or an entire army for a while. Its mode of action is to transform electromagnetic waves into specific frequencies that act directly on the brain.”

According to the interrogation protocol, specifications Blyumkin subsequently sold these units to Werner von Shtilhe, a representative of German intelligence. Blumkin also sold Shtilha "information about the weapons of the gods (VIII-X millennium BC) in underground cities under the ice in the Queen Maud Land area."

Blumkin insisted that he regularly reported information about his operations to the leadership and had the center's sanction for cooperation with Shtilhe. The main goal is to organize a Soviet-German expedition to Tibet and Antarctica with German funding. Shtilhe agreed and, to confirm his intentions, handed over to Blumkin 2.5 million dollars, which were confiscated by the OGPU at Blumkin's apartment.

Perhaps, having received Blumkin's report on the knowledge stored in Tibet, the Germans decided to take potential competitors out of the game. The provocation was a success - at the end of 1929, the Collegium of the OGPU adopted a resolution on the execution of Blumkin, including for espionage in favor of German military intelligence.

Laboratory "Androgen"

The following document is dated January 10, 1939. This is a report on the results of a business trip to the Third Reich of the head of the special laboratory of the NKVD "Androgen" Savelyev, addressed to the first deputy people's commissar of internal affairs V.N. Merkulov. Savelyev reported: in personal conversations, the famous German anthropologist Hans Günther said that most of the most promising research areas in Germany are connected with Tibet. German scientists managed to "obtain information that will be immediately in demand in the industry of the Reich, in science and aircraft construction."

Savelyev emphasized that we are talking about previously unknown technologies of ancient civilizations. Gunther spoke about the German expedition to Antarctica in 1938 and outlined the theory of the hollow Earth, handing over to Savelyev a certain map with personal notes, and also announced plans to organize a special convoy, which should carry out regular communication with Antarctica (the area of ​​Queen Maud Land). Savelyev wrote: "I am convinced that Günther guided me in the need for similar studies by the Soviet side within the framework of the existing agreement."

Probably, we are talking about the “General Agreement on Cooperation, Mutual Assistance, joint activities between the Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR and the Main Directorate of Security of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (Gestapo), signed in November 1938. This document was first mentioned in V. Karpov's book "The Generalissimo". Many consider it a fake, but Karpov defended the authenticity of the document to the last. And in one of the inventories filed with the file from the folders of the Research Center "Rhombus", under paragraph 5 there are "Materials on the cooperation of the NKGB-NKVD-GESTAPO" in the amount of 27 pages.

Let's pay attention to paragraph 1 of paragraph 6 of the agreement: “The parties will contribute to the expansion and deepening of cooperation between our countries in the field of secret secrets, theozoology, theosophy, paranormal and anomalous phenomena influencing social processes and the internal life of states”. If the agreement actually existed, the reason for Gunther's surprising talkativeness becomes clear.

At the end of the conversation, Günther said that in the near future a weapon "capable of destroying cities in a matter of seconds" may appear in Germany, and that many of the inputs regarding these weapons came from Tibet. It also became known that aircraft engines of a fundamentally new type based on electromagnetism were being developed in Germany.

Failed expedition

The third document from the collection of the Research Center "Rhombus" - "Memorandum on the expedition to Lhasa (Tibet) in 1925 and on the organization of a new expedition to Tibet" dated January 16, 1939, signed by the head of the 5th department of the Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR Dekanozov, addressed to the same Merkulov.
The note describes the history of Blumkin's expedition known to us, who at that time worked in the laboratory of the special department of the OGPU under the leadership of G.I. Bokiya.

The main goal of the expedition: "to clarify the geographic routes, search for the "city of the gods" in order to obtain the technology of a previously unknown weapon." The note refers to Blumkin's report, which details the history of his communication with the 13th Dalai Lama and the demonstration of samples of ancient technology "stored in a deep dungeon under the Potala Palace."

Next comes information about the five previous civilizations that died as a result of planetary catastrophes. main reason their death is called a planet revolving around the Sun in an elliptical orbit with a cycle of 3600 years: “every fourth cycle of the entry of this planet into solar system threatens with an inevitable global flood on Earth and the death of civilization. Tibetan monks have a regulated procedure for the "sacred selection" of a selected part of humanity, which they will have to save "in the cities of Antarctica and in Tibet."

Dekanozov emphasizes that this information became known to German and Japanese military intelligence as a result of Blumkin's several foreign trips in the spring and summer of 1929. What follows is the conclusion that the information presented in Blyumkin's report fully coincides with the information that Savelyev reported after returning from Germany. The second part of the note is devoted to the organization of a new expedition to Tibet under the leadership of Savelyev.

Did Blumkin's revelations serve as the starting point for German searches, or by that time the Germans were already undertaking independent research in this direction is unknown.

In another document of the Research Center "Rhombus" we find that the information obtained in Tibet during the expedition of the scientific department of the SS in 1938-1939, allowed the Germans to make a breakthrough in the creation of atomic weapons, "V" rockets, as well as the construction of aircraft of an unusual design, equipped with "non-traditional engines". But the Tibetan expedition of Saveliev was late and was curtailed in April-May 1939 due to the war between Tibet and China.

To what extent can these documents be trusted? There are no obvious reasons to doubt their authenticity. The only question is how reliable the information presented in them is.

A well-known researcher A. Sklyarov in 2011 criticized a number of positions presented in the documents of the Rhomb Research Center. In his opinion, the constructions about the hollow Earth and the twelfth planet, periodically causing global catastrophes on Earth, are deliberately false theories, rooted in ancient times. If so, who planted such misinformation and for what purpose?

No less suspicious are the obsessive references to Tibet and Antarctica as exclusive sources of ancient high-tech knowledge. Are we not diverting our attention away from the true centers of such knowledge, understandable reasons wanting to leave them in the shade?

Alexey KOMOGORTSEV. interdisciplinary research group "Origins