Why read books? What are the benefits of reading books. Why is it important and useful to read books? Why do I recommend reading

1. But how much time will you save

Why study and read books? And enough school, read enough. You already have too little free time: you need to do everything - clean the apartment, finish the report, screw in the light bulb, meet friends. No books here. This is not at all necessary. All later, on vacation. Although on vacation I want to have a rest ... Let the books wait until retirement, there is a lot of time there - you can read.

An illustration from Grigory Oster's wonderful book "Bad Advice", which inspired the idea of ​​this article.

2. Everything suits you in life

Change is for adventurers. To accomplish something outstanding, to fulfill a dream? Yes, no one does that! Everyone lives like people, and they don’t bother themselves. There Natasha, a neighbor from the fifth floor, thinks correctly: a hobby is a fad, work is not dusty, self-education - but how is that? And she's all right.

3. Brain like a shrimp, IQ like a bread

To impress with your erudition, to take care of the culture of speech, to keep up the conversation - all this is superfluous. “Who are you rustling at, bag?” - expressions in this spirit now and then sound from your lips? Excellent. Keep going, you are on the right track. Literally a couple of years, and it will be possible to switch to the lexicon of Ellochka-cannibals: “Ho-ho”, “darkness”, “wow!”, “boy”.

And such pearls as Leonardo Nedovinchenny and Robin Hood, kepchug and war, only add charm and color to the statements.

4. You want to quickly forget about everything

It has been proven that people who read a lot have a reduced risk of dementia. But wait a minute! This is a great opportunity. If you are already tired of relatives and friends who always demand attention, work and life in general, and you definitely won’t endure until old age, don’t sit idly by - build the future right now. If you don't read books, you don't exercise your brain. Let's just forget all this, right? Forget, forget, forget, like a bad dream.

5. Imagination can rest

What a sin to hide: the TV is much more colorful than the book. Most books are black and white, and if they are in color, the picture does not move - it's not very interesting to look at this mediocrity for hours. Yes, and there are too many letters - again one "black and white". Whether it's a TV show: picture, sound, events. And as the ads begin to spin, you can’t tear yourself away at all. You will not need imagination and fantasy: everything has already been invented for you.

6. Paradise for lovers of self-flagellation

Trust Uncle Freud: frankly, you don't like feeling like an erudite, intelligent, conversational person. On the contrary, do not feed bread - let me feel like an outsider, a person whose horizons are as narrow as a path along the rocks. This feeling will be sharper.

You will be able to revel in your worthlessness for hours, feel sorry for yourself and be sad about the futility of being.

7. "Unreading" develops elephant skin

The subtlety of human relations, shades of emotions and overflows of feelings, sharp social problems and empathy - all this is not to your liking. We must live in peace. It's better to be indifferent. My hut on the edge is a comfortable position, and reading books only loosens it. You will begin to sympathize. Brrr!

8. Books ruin your health

Have you ever thought that the book is not very comfortable to hold in your hands? And if it has 300 pages or, even worse, 500? You are not a heavyweight athlete to pump biceps with tomes. That way you can hurt yourself. And in general, if you think about it, books definitely spoil your health. Vision sinks, the neck becomes numb and then it hurts, you can’t read for a long time lying down either - blood circulation is disturbed (and sitting too). Health must be protected!

In general, guys, it is worth considering. Big brother is watching you: don't read books 😉

P.S. All coincidences with real faces are random, the advice is terribly harmful and in no case should you follow them 🙂

Post cover: Vitaly Velganyuk.

Why do you still need to read books? Different people read books for different purposes. Someone learns and improves in their field of activity with the help of a book, someone just relaxes after work by reading a novel; someone in this way self-develops and learns something new.

Why should you read books?

In the modern age of high technology, the book began to lose its popularity, because people are becoming lazier; they are too lazy to read, too lazy to think and too lazy to develop, so instead of an interesting book, they prefer. So books play a very important role in the development of a person, in his thinking, understanding of the world, and as a result, on the standard of human life. Let's look at why specifically you need to read books and what are the benefits of reading books.

Memory Development

What, if not reading, will help develop your memory, and intelligence in general. If you sit in front of a book for at least an hour every day, then you will certainly feel the results in a couple of months.

Development of logical thinking

Books also help develop logical thinking. By reading, we gain experience, thoughts and conclusions of the author, which subsequently affects our thinking.

Development of the imagination

When reading an interesting book, we always imagine what is written there and seem to experience it ourselves. Such a process trains and develops our imagination very well.

Vocabulary increase

Quality literature greatly increases vocabulary person. For such tasks, it is especially recommended to read classical works.

Gaining experience and knowledge of other people

The book helps to learn about all the bumps and mistakes without going through them. Let's say you want and . Who can help you with this? The best option will be someone who has already achieved this and has gone through everything, sometime perhaps starting the same way as you are now.

Developing your own worldview

Answers questions that are important to you and helps you solve problems

The book is written by a professional in his field, who has reached certain heights in his field. They will obviously be able to help you, because for sure they have already encountered the same thing as you.

Motivates and inspires

The book will help you look at the world from a different angle. Discover new joys of peace, success and happiness.

This is a far from complete list of the benefits of reading. And even more so, reading is very useful, in our time of great competition, in order to be on top, you must constantly feed yourself with new knowledge and ideas. And what if not a book will help you with this?

But books also need to be able to read correctly. You need to read what you are interested in, thoughtfully and with an arrangement. It makes no sense to force yourself to read what you are not interested in, and you will exhaust yourself, and you will not get any benefit. In the process of reading, do not forget to pause and mark the thoughts that are important to you, analyze and write them down.

Now there is a certain type of people - know-it-alls. These are people who read a lot of books, attend a lot of trainings, seminars, webinars; but nothing is put into practice. This type of people is quite smart and savvy in many areas. However, as a rule, poor and unhappy. So I read a book and get important knowledge and ideas do not forget to implement them in your life. After all, what is the point of learning something useful and not putting it into practice?

Summing up, we can definitely say that the book is definitely a useful and interesting lesson. Develop, read interesting literature and become better every day. On this site you can find many useful books and articles, so subscribe and bookmark.

Why do you need to read books and who needs it? I understand that now, on the eve of the coming summer, few will seek an answer to this question. Summer involves more active rest than reading books: walks in the fresh air, warm sea, work for pleasure and not very much in the country, tourist trips ... It is interesting that those people who love to read, in between these wonderful activities, still take the time to read a few pages from an interesting book. And those who do not know what it means to love to read books, it is quite possible that they will want to find out about this closer to the onset of cold weather.

Everyone understands perfectly well that reading develops horizons, makes you think and analyze, and even increases intellectual abilities. But understanding is not enough, you still need to want to read books. AT modern world it is believed that reading books successfully replaces the Internet - more and more we find the information we need there and often use it as Great Encyclopedia. To a lesser extent, we admire the features of reading books from a computer.

Remember, before it was a curiosity that any book could be found on the Internet and read it. Then, realizing that after all this is an inconvenient process, they undertook to print books and put the sheets in a folder ... It was a long time ago ... Then it came, which are very mobile, and actually help out in any situation, but for some reason something constantly doesn’t enough. Now we understand that the book is missing in its original form and purpose.

Today's young people prefer the Internet and television to a lot, and, unfortunately, we will not be able to change them. We can only influence ... By our example, our attitude, our views ...

The Story of the Reading Boy

Once I happened to read a short story about one parent meeting, in which the teacher "shouted" that children do not read at all. All but one student. After the meeting, the parents attacked the boy's mother with questions: "What are you doing to get your son to read?" The embarrassed mother explained that they did nothing of the kind, they just read with the whole family. “Well, how about it,” the parents began to resent, “what about the Internet, and the TV?”

- On the Internet, the child sits exactly as much as he needs. It doesn't really fit the TV. We do not prohibit or limit it in time. He manages his own time.

How is he drawn to books then? - the parents did not calm down, because they did not find the answer to their question.

- Well, what do you do in the evenings? the mother of the reading boy asked the other parents.

- We? We have dinner, we do our homework, everything is as usual.

We also have dinner. Only after dinner do we gather with the whole family and tell each other how the day went, what new things happened to each of us, what interesting things each of us learned over the past day.

- Can't be. We don’t have enough time for this, the parents retorted, realizing that after dinner everyone had the same picture: moms are busy preparing homework with their children, and dads relax from a hard day on the couch in front of the TV.

- It's different for us. We talk not only about what happened that day, but also share with each other stories about those books that each of us reads.

The moral of this story is this: the parents did not understand why there is only one student in the class who loves and reads books. Did you catch the idea, dear readers?

Only by our own example can we bring up both good and bad in our children. And there is no need to force anyone at the same time - the skills instilled in the family with mother's milk are transmitted further, from family to family of the next generations.

Why do not read children grow up?

Today I saw a curious opinion about why non-reading children grew up in the most reading nation. What do you think about this? The opinion was that in those days when we read books under the pillow, there was a terrible book shortage, and getting a good book was equivalent to the art of getting a can of condensed milk and a kilogram of buckwheat. Yes, we read avidly, but, according to the author of the article, this reading was superficial, and the range of books we read was scarce. It is because of this that we cannot instill a love of reading in our children and grandchildren today.

There are different opinions, I cannot agree with the author, because I understand that there are a number of reasons why some people do not like to read books. Agree that the actions that we periodically repeat are a habit. Reading is also a kind of useful habit, and the absence of a habit completely kills even the slightest interest that each of us manifests at different times.

1. We experience aesthetic pleasure. Yes, the feeling of turning pages never compares to anything. Reading books on the Internet, or with the help of an e-book, we often catch ourselves thinking that there is a catch somewhere, and we are definitely missing something. You know, if you look at a ripe pear, and inside it turns out to be not the taste that we expected, disappointment sets in ... So in the case of a book, you can’t deceive feelings.

2. Books should be read not only fiction. Scientific literature is very useful for the mind and the development of mental activity. What is scientific literature can be easily defined: if you want to develop yourself in any particular activity, then everything that relates to this area and deepens your knowledge about it can be considered scientific literature. A joke, of course, but in every joke there is some truth. In general, scientific literature perfectly develops intuition, improves our personality and stimulates development. With the help of scientific books, we get to know the world and understand it better.

3. Let's return to aesthetic pleasure. Do you have a bookcase? I dream of a beautiful and modern bookcase, and very soon this dream will come true)) I want the books to be in one place. It is possible that this dream for real book lovers will seem like child's play, but everyone starts somewhere. Think for a moment, if our families do not have bookcases with good and interesting books, will our children have bookcases? This is me to the question of how education by example works.

4. If you fill your personal bookcase with books, then this, I assure you, is a very exciting activity. Try it yourself, check it out! Think about what books should be, and I will give you a little hint why these books should be in the home library.

Fiction improves writing and correct speech.

Historical books help to understand life, to understand all events, and it is easier to accept reality.

Poetry develops eloquence and hones language skills.

Philosophy perfectly develops our thinking, helps to understand the desires and needs of a person, teaches us to find interest and purpose in life.

Professional literature serves as the basis for further professional growth and the acquisition of the status of an expert in their field of activity.

The list can still be continued, but it is already becoming interesting, what will my personal (family) library be like? Those books that will be in it are selected and selected with interest in reading them, and not for displaying beautiful spines of books on a bookshelf. When interesting books a lot, there is always a desire to read the next book, and this interest is constantly fueled by anticipation.

If in this article you did not receive an answer to a question, I recommend that you contact with it a few people whom you consider to be readers. Conduct a social survey, and find the same answers. This will be the general advantage and benefit of reading books.

By the way, you can follow the link about it and find out everything about the benefits that we get from books. I will not tire of saying that those people who read speak better and write better. This is the foundation on which you can build other skills that make us more civilized, more educated and literate people of the 21st century.

He who reads, he thinks, and he who thinks, he argues.

Victor Hugo

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people past times, when they communicate their best thoughts to us.


Indeed, many people read only in order to have the right not to think.

Lichtenberg G.

Reading is the most wonderful pastime in the world. We escape from the gray everyday life and travel through the world of exciting stories and delightful fantasies. But there are many more facts about the benefits of reading books. Here are ten reasons why you should read books.

1. Reading Helps Prevent Alzheimer's

Research shows that people who often face complex intellectual challenges in their lives and constantly challenge their brains maintain mental clarity even into old age. Regular reading and the constant flow of new information optimally loads the brain with work and trains the memory, so that they remain fully functional until old age.

Pierre Chartier (1894-1980). French artist, sang of reading women. "Reading Woman"

2. Reading books reduces stress levels

Life presents us with many problems, and after a busy day at work it is often difficult to force ourselves to calm down and relax. Reading can help. People leave their daily routine and plunge into the world of fantasy, where you can move away from problems own life and relax.

3. Vocabulary expands

It is said that reading promotes development. And this is true: thanks to regular reading, vocabulary automatically increases. The more often you come across different words, the easier they are to remember. By the way, if you read aloud, then new words move from passive to active vocabulary even more naturally.

4. Reading books helps with writing

Researchers at the University of California found that reading novels also affects your own writing style. The style of the author leaves its mark on the literary skill of the reader, which he subconsciously learns when reading. This skill is found in the narrative technique of the reader and can also be translated into a stream of inspiration written down on paper.

Pierre Chartier. "Reading Nude"

5. Reading helps you sleep.

Many people are faced with one problem: in the evenings for a long time it is not possible to fall asleep. The events of the past day occupy their thoughts so much that it is impossible to even think about switching off. Some rituals "for the coming dream" will help here. If every evening you pick up a book and read a few pages, then you can not only relax mentally, but your whole evening will acquire its own structure. This stress-relieving ritual will make you feel like your hard day is behind you.

6. Reading promotes social skills

The New School for Social Research in New York has released a report showing that reading improves empathy. In the process of reading, you learn to put yourself in the place of the characters in the book, thereby increasing your understanding of the lives of other people.

Pierre Chartier. "The Wife of Pierre Chartier", 1955

7. Reading promotes creativity

Through immersion in the world of fantasy, you train the power of your imagination. Unlike cinema, when reading, pictures themselves arise from the text in the reader's imagination. Already in children it can be seen that regular reading has a positive effect on creativity; ingenuity and imagination improve by themselves. And even in adulthood, creativity helps a lot, because it is one of the most important conditions in order to successfully deal with conflicts.

8. Reading expands your horizons

It doesn't matter if you want to take your mind off your own life or you're just curious and love to get to know other people and places: reading is the cheapest way to travel. Literary works give insight into the lives of other people, their thoughts, their work and habits. You can get to know distant places and live in a foreign culture. The reader can look beyond his little world and expand his horizons.

9. Reading improves concentration

New information is often presented quickly and in small chunks. We surf the web very quickly, reading the status message in one place, the headline in another, then refreshing the Twitter page and skimming through the top stories on Facebook. At the same time, we briefly linger on photos from the crash sites from the news and quickly check the weather report again. For someone accustomed to this pace, reading a novel on a weekend evening is a rare opportunity to stop. At the same time, you can finally relax, but not only: reading also contributes to concentration. You will be doing the same thing for quite a long time.

10. Reading makes us more sexually attractive.

According to polls, people who read in public places are considered smarter. Holding a book in your hands makes you more sexually attractive and desirable. It seems to others that you are interesting interlocutor and have a knack for impressing people.

How many more points can be added to this list? What arguments come to mind in favor of reading books?

Aphorisms about reading books

✔ You will never write a good book without first writing a few bad ones. George Bernard Shaw

✔ Reading is the best teaching! Pushkin A. S.

✔ Books serve to show us that our original thoughts are not new at all. Abraham Lincoln

✔ There is no better way to refresh the mind than reading the ancient classics; as soon as you take one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, uplifted and strengthened, as if refreshed by bathing in a clean spring. Arthur Schopenhauer

Alexandra LAPShINA

How often do you read books? Most people read about 1,000 books in their lifetime, but there are those who don't read them at all. Statistics say that only 55% of Russians and 51% of Ukrainians read at least 1 book in 2017. An interesting fact: according to the results of a survey in the Russian Federation, it turned out that people from the villages read the most (on average 6-7 books), and the least (on average 5 books) are residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Why read books

The person who reads can be seen from a mile away. He is comprehensively developed and smart, while being an excellent conversationalist. In life, such people are much easier to cope with difficulties and achieve their goals.

Finally, almost all successful individuals devote a significant portion of their time to reading. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Pavel Durov - they all read 50 books or more every year and encourage people to do so in their public speeches and interviews. But are books really as useful as people think they are?

How books make us smarter

“Knowledge is power,” they tell each of us from early childhood, but this statement is not entirely true. Knowledge is only potential power which is worthless until put into practice. This fact explains the fact that out of millions of book lovers, only a few manage to achieve any significant heights. Unused knowledge is useless, and only actions bring results.

Types of reading

However, the books provide more than just a collection of facts. There are several types of reading.

  • Studying. Slow reading in order to fully study and understand what is written. It implies the application of the acquired knowledge in the future. In this way, the most important literature or its individual fragments are read.
  • Introductory. This is how most people read fiction. The reader gets acquainted with the main content of the text, the argument of the author. The degree of understanding of information is about 70%.
  • Viewer. The reader quickly scans the text to determine if it contains the necessary information, and then decides on a deeper study of what is written.
  • Search. The reader is looking for specific information without reading the entire text. The fragment in which the necessary data were found is being studied in detail.

The usefulness of search and browsing reading is limited to getting the right data quickly. Studying and introductory reading in this regard is much more productive. A person not only receives dry facts, but also engages the analytical and creative parts of the brain.

Benefits of reading books

  • Books make people happier. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Liverpool. Based on a survey of 4,000 people, it turned out that people who read are less likely to suffer from depression, cope with problems more easily and have higher self-esteem.
  • Books protect memory. The fact was established by researchers from the American Academy of Neurology. The experiment involved 294 people about 6 years before their death. It turned out that reading can slow down the rate of memory decline with aging by more than 32%.
  • Reading increases intelligence. Scientists from King's College London and the University of Edinburgh followed 1,890 pairs of twins for about 9 years. During the experiment, it was found that there is a clear relationship between reading skills and the cognitive abilities of the subjects. In other words, than more people reads, the better he is developed as a person.

These changes are possible only with studying and introductory reading, when the reader plunges into a kind of trance, remaining alone with his mind. This mental state most often occurs when a person has been reading something very interesting for some time. The outside world disappears, and in its place come vivid images created by the imagination based on what has been read. This means that the brain is focused only on the book and is actively developing, involving both hemispheres.

Based on this, it is difficult to divide books into "useful" and "useless". After all, in themselves they are only a bunch of information, and personal growth occurs mainly through the process of reading itself. Thus, when studying fiction the right, creative hemisphere of the brain will work and learn more actively, and the non-artistic - the left, analytical.

How to read books correctly: effective reading

1. Set a goal. The benefit of reading will be maximum only if it has a clear purpose. For example, if you urgently need to find important information, it makes sense to use a viewing or introductory reading method, and study a useful fragment in more depth. If with the help of a book you hope to learn something in detail, the study method will do.

2. Choose a good book. Reading everything is a bad idea. Choose only high-quality literature. Read reviews and reviews, carefully review the content. Do not start reading until you are sure that the book contains exactly what you are looking for.

3. Read in short sessions. Read "in one gulp" is remembered poorly. If you are going to read a book in a study or introductory way (in its entirety), divide the process into several days or even weeks. Non-fiction is best read in the morning, when the brain is alert and open to new knowledge, while fiction is more suitable for evening sessions.

4. Write down what you read. When reading specialized literature, write down the most important theses. So you will remember them much better and will be able to quickly find them if necessary.

5. Give up perfectionism. Do not read simply because it is "a pity to quit." If the book was useless for you, there is no point in it. Leave her alone and do the really necessary literature. It doesn't matter how much you read if you don't remember and learn anything.

6. Read regularly. Accustom yourself to daily reading and soon you will notice how your life will begin to change in better side. You will become more confident, smarter, witty, more sociable, and difficulties will life path stop scaring you.

Just imagine that you can learn absolutely any skill, communicate with great people who died millennia ago, learn almost any fact known to mankind. Whatever your question, the answer is in the books, as many hundreds of people have asked it before you. In a word, in the battle on the fronts of life, books are the best weapon. Arm yourself!