Developing literature for men. Most Useful Books

Introducing the most interesting books for women worth reading. Here is literature for self-development and self-improvement for girls.

Irina Udilova, Irina Semina, Anton Ustupalov, Olga Frolova. Fulfillment of desires in a feminine way. How to start a new life, easily and simply realize your goals

Our desires are not fulfilled not because we do not make enough efforts for this, but because of the psychological blocks developed in our subconscious. Barriers that hinder the ability to be happy due to insecurity, isolation, loneliness, etc. You need to make yourself happy competently and beautifully, having correctly built a strategy. Farther

Debra Olivier. Find the French in you. The art of being happy

Have you ever wondered why French women, more than other women at any age, are so concerned about their beauty? It was they who managed to uncover the secret that allowed them to develop self-confidence at a subconscious level. Interesting observations about the life and habits of French women, and popular ways in their society to enjoy life. Farther

Natalya Tsarenko. Antistress for women

The life of women, oddly enough, is accompanied constant stress- at work, in the family, in relationships with men. Every now and then, unfounded speculation and disturbing thoughts begin to appear in my head. With the help of this book, you can not only learn to understand your feelings, but also gain control over them from the inside. Farther

Pamela Blair. Myths about the age of a woman

Doctor of Philosophy, sought-after psychologist Pamela Blair, based on the results of her research, proves to the reader that the statement about the best years of a woman is nothing more than a stereotype that has become established in society. A myth long abandoned modern world, realizing that life does not end when a specific mark is reached, age is just a number that does not affect anything. Farther

Even if it seems to you that you are absolutely happy, it is important to understand that you should work on yourself throughout your life. Inside every woman there are hidden forces, awakening in yourself which, you can learn to easily get what you want, experience difficulties, cope with failures, only thanks to energy messages. Farther

Only a few among women know their worth and do not hesitate to demonstrate it in society. However, most of them throughout their lives are not capable of full self-realization due to accumulated complexes, childhood traumas, fear of criticism and condemnation. The authors tell how, with the help of creativity, to gain faith in yourself and start making dreams come true. Farther

It is much easier to start a family when you are young, in love and have a whole life ahead of you, where there is a lot of time for mistakes and stupidity. It is much more difficult to create a family for a woman who has already established herself as a person, having achieved success in her career, but at her mature age has not found her happiness. The famous psychologist will share the secrets that allow you to build happy strong families when you are well over thirty, forty and even fifty. There are no age limits for love, if you want happiness, be happy. Farther

A practical guide for every girl, allowing you to learn to understand yourself and your inner state. The author offers many effective exercises, performing which you can feel like a true woman - understand your desires, interpret fantasies, achieve success in all endeavors. Farther

The book will help every woman feel happy, needed, loved. He will teach you how, following certain tricks, to enjoy life without fear of difficulties. All women can realize themselves in a career, family, society, for this you just need to know how to do it in such a way that others appreciate you. Farther

From time to time, a woman is faced with a misunderstanding of how exactly she wants to live on, what plans and goals to set for life, if all dreams have not been achieved. The author tells how to live in order to get the maximum benefit from life, without bending and adapting to uncomfortable conditions for oneself to the detriment of personal interests. Farther

Often a situation arises when partners are not comfortable in a relationship, but they turn a blind eye to this in order to try to save a family built, if not on love, then on respect. This approach is erroneous: you should leave a dysfunctional relationship without wasting your time and emotional strength on someone who does not deserve it. Psychologist Robin Norwood will tell about all this and much more. Farther

There is no need to blindly follow the advice and guidance of others. The problem of most people is determined by the fear that a person can be judged, ridiculed, misunderstood, start treating him negatively. But everything is extremely simple: if you want to be happy, be, and it doesn’t matter at all who and what will think about this. Farther

An updated version of the book that has saved thousands of families around the world for 20 years and made millions of lonely people happy. Now here are even more tips on how to save a marriage, avoid misunderstandings with a partner, build strong relationships. In any situation, we should not forget that even though we all live in the same world, women and men will always think, perceive and feel differently. Farther

Everyone dreams of being ideal parents who raised the best children, but in practice, children who are deprived of independence are increasingly appearing. They do not know how to make decisions, be responsible for their actions, adequately assess all situations due to the fact that their parents surrounded them with excessive guardianship. The book will help you understand how to treat a child in order to cultivate independence in him. Farther

Professor Loretta Breuning personally managed to unravel the formula of happiness, translating this state into chemical reactions and the physical processes that take place in our body. She will easily explain which hormone is directly associated with stress, and what specifically influences the positive and negative manifestations of behavioral responses. Farther

Diseases do not appear and disappear just like that, - this is the point of view of psychotherapist Donna Jackson Nakazawa. She analyzed hundreds of works by eminent scientists and found that there is a direct link between the psychological stress experienced in childhood and the diseases that these people developed in adulthood. Farther

Every person has their own addiction. Someone cannot live a day without sweets, others can give up alcohol, and still others are afraid to quit smoking. All of them are united by the impossibility of changing the situation. Nevertheless, the author claims that thanks to this book, absolutely everyone will be able to make friends with their body, learn to hear it and get rid of the main problem - excess weight without diets and exhausting workouts. Farther

A successful presenter, by personal example, shows a million audience of readers that changing your life at any age is real and not at all scary. The most important thing is to sincerely want it. A few basic principles on how to build happy life by letting go of the past and stop blaming yourself for the mistakes you made. Farther

Most women themselves are not completely able to answer the question, what do they want from this life and what is happiness for them? Experienced female psychologist opens women's eyes to an alternative way to progress to happiness, emphasizing that you do not need to work hard to achieve everything, you can find another more effective approach. Farther

The unexpected scandalous truth about modern men. A practical instruction containing the rules for attracting and domesticating men, the basic principles of training. The author lucidly explains why all this was invented, and how it actually works in real life, with lots of examples and rules. Farther

These were the most interesting books for women to read for self-development and self-improvement. If you know something else for girls, share your ideas in the comments. 😉

In search of effective techniques for personal effectiveness, Chris Bailey undertook an ambitious project - during the year he researched and tested many methods on himself: for example, he worked 90 hours a week, meditated 30 minutes every day, used a smartphone only an hour a day and tried to live in complete isolation. For his book, the author selected 25 of the best ways to increase productivity that helped him. Using them, you will stop, rake up the rubble of affairs, learn to prioritize and achieve goals.

2. Mikhail Labkovsky “I want and I will: accept myself, love life and become happy”

Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky is absolutely sure that a person can and does only what he wants. This book is about how to understand yourself, find harmony and learn to enjoy life. After reading it, you will be able to realize why your life does not turn out the way you want it to; you will understand at what point something went wrong, and you will be able to solve your problems with the help of specific tips.

3. Barbara Sher “It's high time! How to turn a dream into a life and life into a dream

If you have long dreamed of a job that gives you something more than a salary, or wanted to do your favorite thing instead of a dull career that does not bring you any joy - it's time to start! In this book, Barbara Sher offers simple and specific instructions to help you become successful and happy in your business.

4. Douglas Moss, Narbut Alex “Dale Carnegie. A Complete Course in Communication Techniques

This book contains all of Dale Carnegie's most important advice, collected in 33 lessons. But the most valuable thing here is the excellent practical exercises for working out the Carnegie principles, chosen so that the algorithms for successful communication are “embedded” in your speech, thinking, and behavior. Also in the book you will find many exercises to awaken creative abilities, the ability to maintain peace of mind in any circumstances. A useful book for those who want to not only know Carnegie's success tricks, but really learn how to apply them!

5. Larisa Bolshakova “Communicate correctly! How to pick up a key to any person. 64 tips of the master"

A person who owns the secrets of effective communication will certainly succeed in any field. Moreover, this person will become happy! Because the path to happiness is also the art of communication, finding joy and appreciating what you can do! The book will tell about the main laws of communication, which allow not only easy and free contact with other people, but also learn how to manage your life. Effective exercises help you quickly learn how to apply the advice of a psychologist in real life!

6. Mason Curry “Genius Mode. Daily routine of great people

Beethoven and Kafka, George Sand and Picasso, Woody Allen and Agatha Christie, Leo Tolstoy, Henry James, Charles Dickens, John Updike. Writers, composers, artists, choreographers, playwrights, philosophers, cartoonists, comedians, poets, sculptors… After reading this book, you will understand how to turn on the “genius mode” and create masterpieces with willpower and everyday work, without waiting for the mythical muse. Also, do you know what tricks are used famous people to focus, gather your will into a fist, sit down to work, keep faith in yourself - and achieve those outstanding results that everyone will talk about.

7. El Luna “Between need and want. Find your path and follow it"

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling. His own path inspired the author to write a manifesto about the difference between “need” and “want”, which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and read by hundreds of thousands of people. “I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they need to quit - that's why I sent out this article."

8. Libby Weaver “Squirrel in the Wheel Syndrome. How to stay healthy and save your nerves in a world of endless cases

Poor health, fatigue, coupled with guilt for not having time, is an inglorious reward for a woman's participation in the daily race imposed by the modern pace of life. What happens to our health when we demand too much from ourselves, you will learn from the book of Dr. Libby Weaver. She not only talks about the impact of stress on the female body, but also offers effective strategies that will help you stop being a "squirrel in the wheel."

9. Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins "Turning on the charm according to the methods of the special services"

Former special agent tells how to please people, read their behavior and influence them. The book reveals all the necessary techniques to enable you to win friends and produce good impression- on clients, potential employers during an interview, members of the opposite sex on a date. These strategies have worked and are working for the special services, which means they will work in "peaceful" conditions.

10. Nigel Cumberland “Don't regret anything. And 99 more rules of happy people"

One hundred chapters in this book will help you achieve success in anything. Success can be associated with any area of ​​life or work: work and career, relationships and family formation, personality and character, well-being and finances, health and tranquility, training and education, and much more.
In each chapter, you will learn about one of the rules that are followed successful people. The first page of the chapter contains a description and explanations, and the second page contains exercises. Start working with them today to tune in to the mindset, habits, and behaviors that lead to success.
we consider them successful.

11. Jeff Sanders Good morning every day. How to get up early and get everything done

This book is for those who want to wake up in the morning and be energetic and productive every day. The author offers a lot useful tips, tricks and proven methods to help change your life for the better. Each chapter has a section where the author describes the problems you may encounter, as well as gives simple recommendations on how to stay on track and avoid obstacles.

12. Carol Dweck “Flexible Mind. A new look at the psychology of development of adults and children”

Carol Dweck decided to write the book after her students literally insisted that she share her findings from 20 years of research with the world. From this book you will learn why intelligence and talent do not guarantee success; how, on the contrary, they can stand in his way; why rewarding intelligence and talent often jeopardizes achievement; or managerial productivity.

13. John Gray “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. How to think more effectively. Practices for the development of your brain "

Have you noticed that you can’t focus on actions or thoughts in any way? Responsible work or a serious conversation was waiting for you, and you were full of enthusiasm to do everything “excellent”, but ... after a few minutes you were distracted by Facebook, email, snacks ... The brain is overloaded with information, you are tired, but the work is worth it, and becomes successful someone else. John Gray, by the way, author of the bestselling Mars-Venus Relationship, has done thousands of studies to find brain-enhancing, memory-enhancing, concentration-enhancing, and performance-enhancing agents, and now he's unveiling some truly revolutionary ideas!

14. Eliezer Sternberg “Neurology. What explains the strange things that we do unexpectedly for ourselves?

Can't recognize an optical illusion? Do you hear voices in your head? Don't remember what you did last summer? Our brains are not capable of such tricks. Eliezer Sternberg, an experienced scientist and neuroscientist, writes about the anatomy and physiology of the brain, about the psyche (healthy and not), human relationships and other complex topics in a very accessible, engaging and gentle humor. The book contains many amazing facts from the personal medical practice of the author.
After reading it, you will learn to understand your own behavior and actions, even the most inexplicable ones, learn a lot about the causes and consequences of other people's actions, and also replenish your knowledge of a powerful bizarre computer "embedded" in your head.

15. Miyamoto Tetsuya “KenKen. Japanese brain training system

KenKen is a Japanese brain training system that will help improve memory, attention, logical thinking. KenKen was invented by Yokohama teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto. At first, he just wanted to help the students, to make sure that they were not bored in the lessons. But as a result, he invented an intellectual simulator for the brain, which is already loved and known by 3,000,000 people in Japan and the USA, Australia and Germany, India and the United Arab Emirates. "KenKen" in Japanese means "wisdom squared". KenKen has been scientifically proven to improve cognitive abilities in young people and keep the brain active in people over 30 years of age.

16. Sveta Goncharova "Online Career for Moms"

Sveta Goncharova, founder of the popular online resource for moms, knows from her own experience how difficult it is to find your own business and become successful. In her book, she gives a guide to action. What do you need to be prepared for when starting work on the Internet? How to be successful in your business? What can be done right now? The author also analyzes in detail the options for earning money for moms on the Internet. He tells how a traffic specialist differs from an SMM specialist, what affiliate programs are and how you can earn money with them, how to open your own online store, whether blogging is profitable and much more.

17. Twyla Tharp “The habit of working together. How to move in one direction, understand people and create a real team”

An indispensable book for leaders, managers and anyone who wants to learn how to work in a team. The author tells how to build teamwork in a company, how to communicate and collaborate with different people(with friends, with institutions, work beyond your control, with virtual partners, with those who are higher in status than you, work with "poisonous" partners) and offers a lot practical advice.

18. Daniel Smith, Think Like Bill Gates

Already by the 1980s, Bill Gates had turned his company, Microsoft, into one of the most successful on the planet. All this was due to his talent not to follow demand, but to anticipate the development of the market and anticipate events. The products created in Gates' company have actually completely captured the market, and there is no room left for competitors. Time magazine named Gates one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century, and the extraordinary biography of Bill Gates will serve as a good example for anyone who wants to develop their business, achieve career success, and realize the most ambitious plans.

19. Clark Duncan, Alibaba. History of world ascent»

An insider's revelation of how one man built a global corporation that can stand up to giants like Walmart and Amazon. In just ten years, Jack Ma, a former English teacher, founded and built the Alibaba Group, whose shares broke records in 2014, reaching $25 billion. This book is not exactly a biography of Jack Ma. And certainly not a guide to conquering the planet. This is an inside view, a unique opportunity to get acquainted with an unusual entrepreneur, to recharge his ideas and energy. And see another world.

20. Fedor Konyukhov "My way to the truth"

The legendary Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov became the first person on the planet who managed to cross the Yuzhny Pacific Ocean"from continent to continent". 160 days and nights of struggle, trials, incredible perseverance and amazing endurance! What does a man think about when he crosses the Pacific Ocean alone in a rowboat? How do you overcome fear and doubt? What draws strength and determination to continue the journey, despite mortal fatigue and danger? What is happiness according to him? In the book, Fedor confesses to us about this journey, about his thoughts and feelings, about the truths that he found in his faith and in God. Freedom without borders, available only on such a journey, allowed Fedor Konyukhov to open a unique path of self-knowledge, so that each of us would open our soul to God and find him there.

Including new items and bests.

Many of us want to generate unusual ideas, work more productively and remember more - but often our own brain gets in the way of a bright life, which needs only pictures with cats in social networks. We offer you 7 books that will help cheer up your head and put your gray matter in order.

We can all be three times better than now, but how to achieve this? Professional coach Roger Sipe believes that we need to use our brains more effectively and suggests that we develop them. Of course, this is not without common truths - to become a model of productivity, you will have to get rid of useless activities (which include extra hours of sleep), stop worrying about trifles, and constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone. And then the author moves on to specific practices - shows how to better remember information, speed up reading by doing exercises for the eyes, and help the brain cope with tasks faster by setting priorities.

Biologist John Medina believes that you don't need special exercises to increase your productivity - you just need to understand how our brain works. And here the author deduced 12 rules. For example, the brain can hold attention for only ten minutes, after which it should rest by switching to another object. Women better remember the details of what happened, and men get to the heart of the problem faster. Just 26 minutes of sleep will increase your performance by a third. The book will help you understand your own head and find a common language with it.

The author of "Remember Everything" really remembers everything - for example, the number Pi up to 22528 decimal places. Such a person can clearly be trusted in the development of memory. First, the author understands how it works - for example, personal experience, enthusiasm and the desire to share information with other people help to remember even the smallest details, and excessive emotionality or lack of interest, on the contrary, reduces our effectiveness. Then you will learn specific practices - you will begin to remember words better by studying foreign languages, keep in mind to-do lists and lectures, do not forget the names of new acquaintances and important dates. So, in order to memorize the meaning of complex words, it is enough to select the correct associations for them: a collision is a collision, there were battles in the Colosseum, that is, a collision, a collision - the Colosseum, done! The main thing is to know the right technique.

Why do some people gush with unusual ideas, while others resigned themselves to dullness? Dmitry Chernyshev sees the root of the problem in the fact that we put life into automatic mode, without giving ourselves a reason to think. To get out of this trance, we need to consciously set ourselves tasks and turn on the brain - for example, solve riddles. Do not assume that the author exaggerates the problem - the modern world really leaves us no room for thought: films fascinate with vivid special effects, video games - with incredible graphics. "How People Think" is a visual journey through the mind of a modern person, where each chapter tries to unbalance the reader and teach him to think.

5. Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness

We load our brains with a bunch of information that causes stress and, in turn, loads us even more. According to psychologist Mark Williams and biochemist Danny Penman, meditation will help get out of the vicious circle - but not Buddhist, but modern, developed by a scientific team and approved by the British Ministry of Health. And if the other books in our selection teach you to think in a new way, then Mindfulness will first ask you to ... turn off your head, calm down and cope with the flow of random ideas. Mindfulness exercises help to structure the mind and keep the brain out of control. Starting with a simple meditation in which you will simply follow your breath, the authors will gradually move on to more complex exercises, bringing life out of an automatic state. This book is a great addition to "How People Think" by Dmitry Chernyshev.

Life is pain and there's nothing you can do about it. But if some are broken by the slightest problems, then others can withstand serious blows of fate and become only stronger. "Invincible Mind" shows how to get into their number. This book is not about achieving happiness, but about how not to go astray on the way to it. Practitioner Alex Lickerman suggests restructuring your mind - not running away from problems, but perceiving them as a source of strength, not waiting for the best, but knowing that there will be obstacles in your path. This is an extremely harsh, but at the same time extremely honest book.

Flexibility helps you get rid of one of the most dangerous thinking errors - the idea that your abilities are determined at birth. Wanting to praise their children, parents from a young age convince them that they are incredibly talented, and thus stop their personal growth. Subsequently, they intervene school teachers, highlighting the excellent students and favorites. Carol Dweck believes that people need to give up fixed mindsets from a very early age, because our mind works differently - being flexible, it allows us to grow and become better, constantly realizing that any weakness can be turned into your strength.

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You are provided with a list best books for self-development. By reading these books and doing everything that is given in practice, you will become very successful person. These books for self-development will advance you in all areas of life, from career to personal life.

List of the best books for self-development

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

Release date: 1989

The book of the famous business consultant is fraught with the secrets of personality formation, based mainly on humanistic psychology. It tells about the qualities that people should have who sets the goal of achieving success. It is worth noting that Covey in his book practically does not mention God, the Bible and religion, although he says essentially the same thing.

"The Art of the Deal" - Donald Trump

Release date: 2004

Donald Trump opens up the world of big business to his readers, and using examples from personal business practice, clearly demonstrates how to act in order to close grand deals. Trump is very outspoken. He tries to hide his flaws, while being proud of his virtues. This book introduces the basic rules that allow you to succeed in the conclusion of various transactions.

"How to Make Big Money in a Small Business" - Jeffrey Fox

Release date: 2012

Successful business can not be compared with any bank deposits and bonuses. The book of the all-famous consultant will help you succeed in shaping own business. Jeffrey Fox's recommendations are as concise as possible and quite simple to implement. They can be useful for both professionals and newcomers to the business industry.

"Buffetology" - Mary Buffett

Release date: 2006

This book is the most detailed and global study of the investment methods of Warren Buffett. It will introduce you to the general concepts and equations that told Warren whether or not to make investment decisions. In addition, you will be able to learn about the activities of some of the companies that have aroused Warren's interest. It also tells how he determined which firms to invest his money in.

"Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill

Release date: 2007

This book will tell you how to act in order to become a happy and rich person. It tells about what helps a person throughout his life to move only forward, achieve goals and increase wealth, while others do nothing to take at least one step towards their dreams.

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Sharma Robin

Release date: 1997

This edition is intended for those who are in search of the meaning of life and their true destiny. The main character has to go through a lot of difficult life events. However, he still manages to overcome his spiritual crisis. Reflecting on the meaning of his own existence, he discovers the laws of life, which he will tell readers about.

"Road to the Future" - Bill Gates

Release date: 1995

Bill Gates opens his vision of the future to readers, introduces the basic principles of computer science, as well as the formation of the global computer industry. He will also talk about the impact of computing technology on all areas of human activity, on education and business.

"10 commandments every business leader must break" - Donald Cue

Release date: 2009

This amazing publication can be called a desktop Bible for every businessman. It's no secret that Donald Q has seen quite a lot in business in his lifetime. Based on his experience, he created 10 commandments, the implementation of which is guaranteed to lead to failure.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John Maxwell

Release date: 2001

Each chapter adds to the meaning of the next law of leadership, illustrating it with examples of the successes and failures of others. For those who are currently new to the field of entrepreneurship and business, this book will help you become familiar with the basic principles of leadership, which will help you start your career.

"To hell with all of it! Get it done - 2 "- Richard Branson

Release date: 2010

This book is an addition to the first part. Five new exciting chapters inspire even more optimism. The author introduces the reader to a few more rules of life that allow you to develop creative qualities, as well as find your own way to express yourself and fulfill yourself.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" - Dale Carnegie

Release date: 1936

This edition was not written for sale, but, nevertheless, to date, it is dissolving much faster than any others. Dale Carnegie wrote it for people who were in the faculty of oratory and human relationships. The author reveals to readers a lot of tips that will be useful in any life situation.

“Say yes to life. Psychologist in a concentration camp - Viktor Frankl

Release date: 2010

This book made its author a great spiritual guide for humanity in the 20th century. Viktor Frankl, who is on his life path met with fascist concentration camps, Being in terrible murderous conditions, he managed to show great power the human spirit and tell people what the meaning of life is.

"Where's my cheese?" - Spencer Johnson

Release date: 2008

This book is about how in a certain labyrinth 4 actors are looking for a piece of cheese. The author under the cheese veiled everything that every person desires: a well-paid job, his own home, prosperity, freedom, health and family.

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

Release date: circa 500 BC

This book can be called a treatise that appeared 500 years before the Bible. In this edition, the reader is presented with a harsh paradox of human history, in which two lines are intertwined: love and war, which have literally equal success.

"Black Rhetoric" - Carsten Bredemeyer

Release date: 2006

The book is distinguished by a rather non-standard approach, which opens up a successful set of methods and techniques for training before readers. After reading it, you will learn what the magic of the word is, you will be able to improve your contemplation and form your own style of discussion.

"Know a liar by the look on his face" - Paul Ekman

Release date: 2010

Saturated with a large number of meticulously selected photographs and some exercises, this publication will teach you to flawlessly identify deception, instantly reading his opponent's emotions, both real and "sham", in the face of his opponent. After reading this book, you will be able to improve your skills in order to protect yourself from lies and falsehood.

"The Art of Manipulation" - Henrik Fexeus

Release date: 2008

Do you know that everyone around you is manipulating you? Colleagues, relatives, comrades, neighbors. You, in turn, also have an impact on your surroundings by any actions. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained. Do you feel like you made your own decision? Alas, there is a huge possibility that it was someone's manipulation ...

"How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You" - Lail Lowndes

Release date: 2001

The book will help you find your ideal, learn how to take the first steps and make a good impression on others. The author will talk about how to awaken exciting sexual feelings in a partner, and how to instantly find out what drives your partner crazy in bed.

"My Neighbor Is a Millionaire" - Thomas Stanley

Release date: 2005

This fascinating book will tell you a lot interesting facts about the rich and famous people. All this will never be highlighted in popular television programs and certainly will not be written in the media. You will learn about what allows rich people to become even richer.

"Samurai Without a Sword" - Kitami Masao

Release date: 2005

In this amazing book, the author sets out to the reader in as much detail as possible the secrets of the leadership wisdom of the legendary Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was a famous and well-known leader in Japan. It is worth noting that these methods can be successfully used in modern life.

"Geniuses and Outsiders" - Malcolm Gladwell

Release date: 2013

Life is not fair. Some get everything, while others get absolutely nothing. Is it right to look for the reasons for this only in one's own qualities? The author was able to discover hidden laws behind what has always been considered only an accident. "Geniuses and outsiders" is an acquaintance with the world of the laws of life, which can be skillfully applied to personal interests.

"Think Like a Millionaire" - T. Erich Ecker

Release date: 2009

Surely, you asked yourself the question: why do some bathe in luxury, while others save every loin. As a rule, when thinking about the reasons for this, we, first of all, remember education, intellectual abilities, business relationships, luck, and so on. What if the problem is completely different? This book will give you an original point of view.

"Peaking Out" - Brian Tracy

Release date: 2003

The book contains an effective, efficient technique, thanks to the application of which, everyone will be able to achieve grandiose results in their lives. A detailed guide to success, consists of principles drawn from economics, psychology, religion, politics, philosophy, and business. This series of steps will help you succeed.

The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham

Release date: 1949

This edition, by all means, should be read by those who seek to reasonably use the possibilities of the stock market in order to increase their own fortune. The Intelligent Investor is a unique bible of the stock market, which reveals to the reader an effectively working investment methodology.

"Learning to speak in public" Vladimir Shahidjanyan

Release date: 2009

Release date: 2008

There are books that should always be at hand to help boost your morale at the right time. It is to this number of books that "7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness" can be attributed. Each of the strategies is an incredible source of new knowledge that allows you to achieve success, if used.

"The subconscious can do anything" - John Kehoe

Release date: 2011

The author of this book for three years, in seclusion, carefully reflected on the mental activity and intellectual abilities of a person. The methods of activating the immense resources of the brain, which were discovered by John Kehoe, allow you to radically change your life for the better.

Jewish business. 67 golden rules” – M.L. Abramovich

Release date: 2007

This book contains original and unusual business rules that were discovered by the ancient sages hundreds of years ago. And despite this, these rules will become relevant and relevant in modern life. Perhaps it is they who make it possible to establish colossal financial fortunes?

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Release date: 1994

The author of the book is sure that there are certain rules of money that rich and successful people certainly adhere to. And 95% of the population play by completely different rules that they are taught at school. That is why it is dangerous in our time to inspire a child - study more, look for a job. It was appropriate in the last century, but certainly not now.

"How to attract a client" - M. Raffel

Release date: 2009

Such a useful book will tell you how to properly work with clients so that the business develops and profits grow. The publication will help to recognize regular, as well as attract new customers. The book is full practical examples and current guidelines.

"The Ultimate Secrets to Absolute Self-Confidence" - Robert Anthony

Release date: 2007

It has been proven that the right way of thinking is the key to a joyful and fruitful life of a person. As soon as each of us manages to correctly and objectively assess the true state of things, we will be able to change ourselves and our lives in general.

"See you at the top" - Zig Ziglar

Release date: 2011

The book will give you a couple of tips on how to build a strong life position. "See you at the top" is a worldview, but there is little to no dry theory. Here, many years of experience in sales and the wisdom of communicating with partners, which will put everything and everyone in their place.

"The richest man in Babylon" - George Clason

Release date: 2009

This unique bestseller contains the secrets to achieving the most ambitious goals, the keys to success and colossal wealth. The well-known Babylonian Parables have helped thousands of readers, inspiring them to seek prosperity and wealth. This book will teach you how to make money, save it and increase your own capital.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John Maxwell

Release date: 2008

The book contains laws that will certainly remain relevant in any situation. Each new section talks in detail about the next law of leadership, giving real examples, as well as methods for applying this law. Here you will find useful information for both beginners and pros.

The 48 Laws of Power and Seduction - Robert Greene

Release date: 2005

The great psychologist Robert Green will help everyone learn the art of seduction and charm. You will learn how you can easily and simply control the thoughts and disposition of the people around you. With the guidance in this book, you can turn your smile, gestures, and words into intense weaponry.

"Way of the Warrior" - Dan Millman

Release date: 2009

The book is based on true events from the life of an author who decided to go on a journey into the depths of his soul. Guided by the advice of the mighty, wise warrior Socrates, Dan goes into the final battle with himself, a battle in which it is destined to either stay alive or die.

"Body Language" - Allan Pease

Release date: 1992

You can easily understand what a person is thinking even if he is silent. His facial expressions and gestures will say much more, which will allow you to alleviate the problem of choosing the right line of behavior with this or that person. After reading the book, you can feel more authoritative and liberated, even in an unfamiliar environment.

"The Art of Success" - Alan Lacaine

Release date: 1996

The book is designed for those who want to live a happy and cheerful life. The author describes in detail actual problems modern life, as well as the resulting diseases. At the same time, he talks about the existing means of overcoming the problems under consideration.

"Ten Secrets of Wealth, Happiness, Love, Health" - Adam Jackson

Release date: 2007

This book is worth reading and applying 10 secrets of the mysterious "old Chinese" in life. Your life will certainly change magically. By following the recommendations and practices, you will not only get back what you have lost, but you will get much more by reconsidering your outlook on life.

"Do you have time for success" - Julio Melara

Release date: 2012

Despite the fact that the author wrote the book at a fairly young age, he managed not only to detail his own thoughts on business and communication with people, but also competently conveyed the wisdom of other people. This allowed him to create a unique creation

The book is the best and most reliable source of information. Despite the development information technologies, gadgets and the era of the Internet, books do not lose their relevance. Many of them are instructive with a deep meaning, after reading them you can completely reconsider your life. Therefore, the question often arises of what to read for self-development for a man.

Experts are constantly updating the top lists of the best books that every person needs to read throughout their lives. Among them are those that are more suitable for the male half of society as a motivator and impetus to improve the quality of life. It is important to attribute it extremely responsibly to reading, otherwise it will just be a waste of free time.

From childhood, every person is invested in the consciousness of the idea that only a person who is learning and striving for self-development can be considered a full-fledged and formed personality. There is truth in this, but you should not place high hopes solely on books. In fact, self-development for men after reading books should be work on themselves, setting goals and their implementation.

Self-development of each person should begin with 3 foundations, namely:

  1. Physical exercise. No wonder they say that a healthy mind in a healthy body, each person must be physically strong and fit.
  2. healthy eating. Health depends on a balanced diet, including mental abilities and the assimilation of new information by a person.
  3. Mental self-regulation. This can be reading useful books, self-development trainings, attending seminars, meditation, etc.

Do you read literature for self-development?


Today, the method of reading books with a deep meaning for reassessing life is especially popular. It is also not uncommon for regular books to be replaced with audiobooks, making the reading process easier. This method of developing personality and new skills is considered the most comfortable, convenient and not expensive. And if you combine it with the indicated first points, you can achieve the maximum result.

Expert opinion

Victor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

The main guarantee of successful development of a personality in oneself is the desire and aspirations of a man. If it does not exist, no book will be deposited in the memory and subconscious.

Top 10 Best Self Development Books for Men

For many men, self-development and self-improvement is hard physical work that takes strength and energy. In fact, psychologists believe that only an unloved occupation and work that does not suit a man can take away vital energy and free time. Reading smart books will help you set goals and set priorities in life correctly.

The top 10 includes the following books for the male half of society:

  1. Written by Shorter Lawrence, The Lazy Guru's Book. Flow. Results. Easily". In the book, even the yellow cover relaxes and calms the man, helping to assimilate new information. The book will teach you to identify laziness in yourself, as well as retrain it into the engine of the process. That is, after reading a man learn to be lazy, but at the same time improve the quality of his life.
  2. Author Alex Novak, book “Open book. Change the world, starting with yourself". This book is impossible to open at first, but after that it will become simply unrealistic to close. The whole secret is in its original design and lack of a cover. Thus, a man is motivated immediately to read it. The book is self-development for men according to the program, which lasts 60 days, inside there are tasks of increasing complexity. And the results are posted on the social network to control the participants over each other.
  3. Written by Ellenberg Jordan, How Not to Make Mistakes. The Power of Mathematical Thinking". Since men have well-developed mathematical abilities, he makes decisions faster and is thus prone to business. The author reveals mathematics in a new role. And the main plus of the book is the ease of writing and, accordingly, reading.
  4. Written by Michael Mikalko, Creative Hacking. How to see what others don't see. An expert on creative and creative thinking in his book offers several formulas that will push men to rethink the approach to creating ideas. Here you can learn 9 thinking strategies that were derived from the experience of the legendary men of the world.
  5. Written by Madhavan Guru, Think Like an Engineer. How to turn problems into opportunities. The author himself is a successful engineer, but the narrative will be much deeper in meaning than any bolts and nuts. The author proposes to consider all life problems with a systematic approach.
  6. By Chris Bailey, My Productive Year: How I Tested the Best-Known Personal Effectiveness Techniques on Myself. The author first tested on himself all sorts of methods for improving the quality of life, after which he identified effective and ineffective methods, describing everything in the book. In total, 25 techniques are presented that can be adopted into your life.
  7. Author Mikhail Labkovsky, book “I want and I will: accept yourself, love life and become happy”. If a man is concerned about self-development, where to start the path to self-improvement, it is better to start with this book by a famous psychologist. Thanks to the advice and information in the book, a man will learn to see the good in everything, accept himself and his life, and find harmony.
  8. Authors Douglas Moss, Alex Narbut, Dale Carnegie. A Complete Course in Communication Techniques. In one book fit 33 of the most valuable advice of the famous specialist Dale Carnegie, as well as practical exercises that allow you to discover new abilities and skills.
  9. Author Mason Curry, Genius Mode. Daily routine of great people. If you read this book, you can reveal the secrets of many geniuses, whether they are artists, writers, chemists, scientists, etc.
  10. Written by John Gray, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. How to think more effectively. Practices for developing your brain". For men whose brain is overloaded with information, which interferes with achieving goals at work and at home. The author will offer methods to improve the functioning of the brain, memory, concentration, and increase efficiency.


In fact, the list of useful books on which the self-development of a man is based can be continued endlessly. First of all, a man must draw up a plan for himself to improve his life and activities, and then just start any action. Reading books is the easiest and most inexpensive way for self-improvement, which today enjoys unprecedented popularity.